Template script for MSdata and MApckg

Below you see the R code script which you can easily copy-paste and vary according to your own needs (read comments, manual and functions documentation for details).


# If you have QI output which is needed to be converted
# use MQI_to_MA for metabolites or lipids.
# Set path to a directory or a single .csv file
MQI_to_MA(directory = "/path_to_your_directory_with_QI_output_csv_files/",
          abundance = "Raw", 
          compoundID = "Accepted Compound ID", 
          facNames = NULL, 
          unite_neg_pos = TRUE)

# OR you can change arguments
# 1) if you want normalised data:
# # abundance = "Normalised"

# 2) if you want to get compoundID from "Compound" or "Formula" column 
# # compoundID = "Compound"
# # OR
# # compoundID = "Formula" 

# 3) if you would like to specify names of grouping factors (choose your own!):
# # facNames = c("Species", "Phenotype", "Treatment") 

# 4) if you don't want to merge pos and neg files:
# # unite_neg_pos = FALSE 

MQI_to_MA(directory = "/path_to_your_directory_with_QI_output_csv_files/",
          abundance = "Raw",
          compoundID = "Compound",
          facNames = c("Species", "Phenotype", "Treatment"), 
          unite_neg_pos = FALSE)


# If you have QI output which is needed to be converted
# use PQI_to_MA for proteins
# Set path to a directory or a single .csv file
PQI_to_MA(directory = getwd(),
          abundance = "Raw",
          facNames  = NULL,
          compoundID = "shortDescription")

# OR you can change arguments
# 1) if you want raw data:
# # abundance = "Raw"

# 2) if you want to get compoundID from "Accession" column 
# #  or from "Description" column without cutting the end of ID 
# # compoundID = "Accession"
# # OR
# # compoundID = "Description" 

# 3) if you would like to specify names of grouping factors (choose your own!):
# # facNames = c("Species", "Phenotype", "Treatment") 

PQI_to_MA(directory = "/path_to_your_directory_with_QI_output_csv_files/",
          abundance = "Normalised", 
          facNames = c("Species", "Phenotype", "Treatment"),
          compoundID = "Accession")


# ALWAYS revise the resulting table!!!

# Read function's documentation for details

# Filtering
msdata <- PeakFilter(msdata, min.nonNApercent = 0.4)
msdata <- BasicFilter(msdata, method = "iqr")

# Missing values imputation
msdata <- EvalMissVal(msdata, method = "ppca")

# Normalisation
msdata <- StandNorm(msdata, "standards_list.txt")
msdata <- BiomassNorm(msdata, "biomass_list.txt")
msdata <- DataNorm(msdata, method = "median")
msdata <- DataTransform(msdata, method = "log2")
msdata <- DataScaling(msdata, method = "pareto")


# Choose one of
# # 1) if you have a single table like the one generated at the previous step
# # change the path to your own
# # don't forget to change the number of lines with sample data if necessary
msdata <- MSupload("/the_path_to_your_table/qi_to_ma_table.csv",
                   sampleDataLines = 3,
                   orientation = "SamplesInCol"))

# # 2) if your data are separated into three files
# # change the path to your own
# # dont's forget to switch the orientation if you have samples
# # in rows in the intensity matrix (orientation = "SamplesInRow")
msdata <- MSupload(list(intFile     = "/the_path/intensity_matrix.csv",
                        sampleFile  = "/the_path/sample_list.csv",
                        peakFile    = "/the_path/peak_list.csv"),
                   orientation = "SamplesInCol")


# Choose one of (don't forget to change factor names to your own):
# # 1) for one-factored data
dataSet <- MSdata_to_MA(msdata, designType = "regular", 
                        facA = "Phenotype")
# # 2) for two-factored data
dataSet <- MSdata_to_MA(msdata, designType = "regular", 
                        facA = "Phenotype", facB = "Treatment")
# # 3) for time-series data
dataSet <- MSdata_to_MA(msdata, designType = "time",
                        facA = "Phenotype", facB = "Time")


# Use always
analSet  <- list()

# One-factored data, any number of groups

# # Statistics
analSet <- PCA.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- PCA.Loadings(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- PLS.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- PLS.Loadings(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- PLSDA.CV(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- PLSDA.Permut(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- Kmeans.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- SOM.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- RF.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- SAM.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- SetSAMSigMat(dataSet, analSet)
# # # Here you have to specify the name of the feature 
analSet <- FeatureCorrelation(dataSet, analSet, varName = "feature_1")
# # # Here you have to specify the pattern
analSet <- Match.Pattern(dataSet, analSet, pattern = "1-2-3-4")

# # Plotting the results
PlotPCA2DScore(dataSet, analSet)
PlotPCABiplot(dataSet, analSet)
PlotPCALoadings(dataSet, analSet)
PlotPLS2DScore(dataSet, analSet)
PlotPLS.Classification(dataSet, analSet)
PlotPLS.Permutation(dataSet, analSet)
PlotPLSLoading(dataSet, analSet)
PlotPLS.Imp(dataSet, analSet)
PlotCorr(dataSet, analSet)
PlotKmeans(dataSet, analSet)
PlotSOM(dataSet, analSet)
PlotRF.Classification(dataSet, analSet)
PlotRF.VIP(dataSet, analSet)
PlotRF.Outlier(dataSet, analSet)
PlotSAM.FDR(dataSet, analSet)
PlotSAM.Cmpd(dataSet, analSet)

# # Plots for which preliminarly analysis is not necessary
PlotCorrHeatMap(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- PlotHCTree(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- PlotSubHeatMap(dataSet, analSet)

# One-factored data, two groups only

# # Statistics
# # # NB: don't perform FC or Volcano on transformed or rescaled data sets, it's senseless!
analSet <- FC.Anal(dataSet, analSet) 
analSet <- Volcano.Anal(dataSet, analSet)     
analSet <- Ttests.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- RSVM.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- EBAM.A0.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- EBAM.Cmpd.Anal(dataSet, analSet)
analSet <- SetEBAMSigMat(dataSet, analSet)

# # Plotting the results
PlotTT(dataSet, analSet)
PlotFC(dataSet, analSet)
PlotVolcano(dataSet, analSet)
PlotRSVM.Classification(dataSet, analSet)
PlotRSVM.Cmpd(dataSet, analSet)
PlotEBAM.A0(dataSet, analSet)
PlotEDAM.Cmpd(dataSet, analSet)

# One-factored data, multiple groups only

# # Statistics
analSet <- ANOVA.Anal(dataSet, analSet)

# # Plotting the results
PlotANOVA(dataSet, analSet)

# Two-factored and time-series data

# # Statistics
analSet <- ANOVA2.Anal(dataSet, analSet)

# # Plotting the results
PlotANOVA2(dataSet, analSet)

# # Plots for which preliminarly analysis is not necessary
analSet <- PlotHeatMap2(dataSet, analSet)

flajole/MApckg documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:16 p.m.