
## A class that contains bam file information
## Copyright 2014, Sahil Seth, all rights reserved
## sahil.seth@me.com
## A few functions to supplement those already in this package.
#### -----------------------

#' get extention of fastq files
get_fq_ext <- function(x){
  ext = gsub(".*(fastq.gz$|fastq$|fq$)", "\\1", x)

#' @title  chk fq:
#' @description 
#' Files should have same extension. If paired, both should be of the same length
#' @param fqs1 a vector of file paths
#' @param fqs2 a vector of file paths
chk_fq <- function(fqs1, fqs2){
  paired_end = FALSE
    paired_end = TRUE
    ext = unique(get_fq_ext(c(fqs1, fqs2)))
    ext = unique(get_fq_ext(fqs1))
  if(length(ext) > 1)
    stop("fastq with different extenstions found, this seems troublesome !", ext)
    if(length(fqs1) != length(fqs2))
      stop("Length of fqs1 and fqs2 dont match ! Exiting...\nfqs1\n:", 
           fqs1, "\n\nfqs2\n:", fqs2)
  cat_cmd = ifelse(ext == "gz", "zcat", "cat")
  return(list(ext = ext, paired_end = paired_end, cat_cmd = cat_cmd))

## --- define some default options, you may include them in ngsflows.conf
  bwa_aln_opts = "-l -k 2 -n 3",
  bwa_sampe_opts = "-o 1000",
  bwa_index = "bwa_index",
  bwa_samse_opts = "-o 1000"

#' @title Wrapper for BWA sequence alignment tool
#' @description 
#' Quoting from BWA's website:
#' BWA is a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome, 
#' such as the human genome. It consists of three algorithms: BWA-backtrack, BWA-SW and BWA-MEM.
#' The first algorithm is designed for Illumina sequence reads up to 100bp, while the rest two for 
#' longer sequences ranged from 70bp to 1Mbp. BWA-MEM and BWA-SW share similar features such as 
#' long-read support and split alignment, but BWA-MEM, which is the latest, is generally recommended
#' for high-quality queries as it is faster and more accurate. BWA-MEM also has better performance
#' than BWA-backtrack for 70-100bp Illumina reads.
#' For all the algorithms, BWA first needs to construct the FM-index for the reference genome 
#' (the index command). Alignment algorithms are invoked with different sub-commands: 
#' aln/samse/sampe for BWA-backtrack, bwasw for BWA-SW and mem for the BWA-MEM algorithm.
#' @param fastq1 character vector with full paths to fastq files for mate 1.
#' @param fastq2 character vector
#' @param bwa_mem_opts
#' @return 
#' A list, with cmds as one of the variables which
#' contains system commands to be run.
#' @source http://bio-bwa.sourceforge.net/bwa.shtml
#' @export
bwa <- function(method = c("backtrack", "mem", "aln_sam"), ...){
  method = match.arg(method)
  if(method %in% c("backtrack", "aln_sam"))
  if(method == "mem")
attr(bwa, "type", "module" ) 

#' @rdname bwa
#' @export
#' @importFrom flowr check_args opts_flow to_flowmat
bwa.backtrack <- function(
  paired_end, ## auto detect it fastq2, is available
  samplename = opts_flow$get("samplename"),
  bwa_exe = opts_flow$get("bwa_exe"), 
  ref_bwa = opts_flow$get("ref_bwa"),
  bwa_aln_opts = opts_flow$get("bwa_aln_opts"),
  cpu_bwa_aln = opts_flow$get("cpu_bwa_aln"),
  bwa_sampe_opts = opts_flow$get("bwa_sampe_opts"),
  bwa_samse_opts = opts_flow$get("bwa_samse_opts"),
  samtools_exe = opts_flow$get("samtools_exe")){
  ## --- some generic steps which may be done in case of 
  ## --- all FQ inputs !
  chkfq <- chk_fq(fqs1 = fqs1, fqs2 = fqs2)
    paired_end = chkfq$paired_end
  ## no arguments should be NULL
  ##  ------- Set up all the files which would be used.
  sai_files1 = file.path(gsub(chkfq$ext, "sai", basename(fqs1)))
    sai_files2 = file.path( gsub(chkfq$ext, "sai", basename(fqs2)))
  ## These would be out files !. ALWAYS USE basename
  bam_files = file.path(gsub(chkfq$ext, "bam", basename(fqs1)))
  bam_prefix = gsub(".bam", "", bam_files)
  ## --- BWA aln and sampe
  #bwa_method <- match.arg(bwa_method)
    cmd_aln1 = sprintf("%s aln -t %s %s %s > %s", 
                       bwa_exe, cpu_bwa_aln, bwa_aln_opts, ref_bwa, fqs1, sai_files1)
    cmd_samse = sprintf("%s sampe %s %s %s %s| %s view -Shu - > %s",
                        bwa_exe, bwa_samse_opts, ref_bwa, sai_files1, fqs1, samtools_exe, bam_prefix)
    cmds = list(aln1 = cmd_aln1, cmd_samse = cmd_samse)
    cmd_aln1 = sprintf("%s aln -t %s %s %s %s > %s", 
                       bwa_exe, cpu_bwa_aln, bwa_aln_opts, ref_bwa, fqs1, sai_files1)
    cmd_aln2 = sprintf("%s aln -t %s %s %s %s > %s",
                       bwa_exe, cpu_bwa_aln, bwa_aln_opts, ref_bwa, fqs2, sai_files2)
    cmd_sampe = sprintf("%s sampe %s %s %s %s %s %s | %s view -Shu - | %s sort - %s",
                        bwa_exe, bwa_sampe_opts, ref_bwa, sai_files1, sai_files2, fqs1, fqs2, samtools_exe, samtools_exe, bam_prefix)
    ## --- make a named list of commands
    cmds = list(aln1 = cmd_aln1, aln2 = cmd_aln2, sampe = cmd_sampe)
  ## --- convert to flow_mat compatible DF.
  ## --- INPUT is a NAMED list
  flowmat = to_flowmat(cmds, samplename)
  return(list(outfiles = bam_files, flowmat = flowmat))

get_rg <- function(samplename, 
                   seq_platform = "illumina", 
                   center = "MDA",
                   lane = 1){
  rgid = rglb = rgsm = samplename
  rgpu = lane;cn="MDA"
  #"@RG     ID:TCGA-A6-6141-01A     LB:TCGA-A6-6141-01A     PL:illumina     SM:TCGA-A6-6141-01A     PU:lane1        CN:MDA"
  rg = sprintf("'@RG\tID:%s\tLB:%s\tSM:%s\tPL:%s\tPU:%s\tCN:%s'", 
               rgid, rglb, rgsm, rgpu, cn)

#' @rdname bwa
#' @importFrom flowr to_flowmat
#' @export
bwa.mem <- function(fqs1, 
                    paired_end = opts_flow$get("paired_end"), ## auto detect it fastq2, is available
                    samplename = opts_flow$get("samplename"),
                    bwa_exe = opts_flow$get("bwa_exe"), 
                    ref_bwa = opts_flow$get("ref_bwa"),
                    bwa_mem_opts = opts_flow$get("bwa_mem_opts"),
                    cpu_bwa_mem = opts_flow$get("cpu_bwa_mem"),
                    samtools_exe = opts_flow$get("samtools_exe"),
                    execute = FALSE){
  ## ---- NOT implemented !
  ## check all arguments
  check_args(ignore = "fqs2")
  chkfq <- chk_fq(fqs1 = fqs1, fqs2 = fqs2)
  ## as.logical was neccesary
      bwa_mem_opts = paste0(" -p ", bwa_mem_opts)
  ## These would be out files !. ALWAYS USE basename
  bam_files = file.path(gsub(chkfq$ext, "bam", basename(fqs1)))
  bam_prefix = gsub(".bam", "", bam_files)
  rgtag = get_rg(samplename)
  bwa_mem_opts = paste0(bwa_mem_opts, "-r ", rgtag)
    cmd_mem <- sprintf("%s mem %s -t %s %s %s %s | %s sort - %s",
                    bwa_exe, bwa_mem_opts, cpu_bwa_mem, ref_bwa, fqs1, fqs2, samtools_exe, bam_prefix)
    cmd_mem <- sprintf("%s mem %s -t %s %s %s | %s sort - %s",
                    bwa_exe, bwa_mem_opts, cpu_bwa_mem, ref_bwa, fqs1, samtools_exe, bam_prefix)
  cmds = list(mem = cmd_mem)
  ## --- convert to flow_mat compatible DF.
  ## --- INPUT is a NAMED list
  flowmat = to_flowmat(cmds, samplename)
  ret = list(outfiles = bam_files, flowmat = flowmat)

# #require(flow)
# setClass("bwa", contains = "job",
#   representation(fastq1 = "character", ## submit job
#     fastq2 = "character", ## type of queue
#     paired_end = "logical", 
#     bwa_exe = "character",
#     bwa_command = "character",
#     bwa_ref = "character",
#     bwa_opt = "character"
#   )) ## address of head node

  ## PE
  out = bwa(fqs1 = rep("read1.fq", 20),
            fqs2 = rep("read2.fq", 20))
  ## SE
  out = bwa(fqs1 = rep("read1.fq", 20))
  #cmd_aln1 <- paste(bwapath, "/bwa aln ",bwa_aln_opts," ",reflib," ",fqs1,sep = "")
flow-r/ngsflows documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:25 p.m.