
gblocks <- function(x, b1 = .5, b2 = b1, b3 = ncol(x), b4 = 2, b5 = "a", exec){
  if ( inherits(x, "alignment") ) x <- as.DNAbin(x)
  if ( inherits(x, "list") ) stop("cannot handle unaligned sequences")
  ## check parameters:
  ## -----------------
  if ( b1 < .5 | b1 > 1 ) stop ("b1 not in [0.5, 1]")
  if ( b2 < b1 | b2 > 1 ) stop ("b2 not in [b1, 1]")
  if ( b3 < 0 | b4 > ncol(x) ) stop ("b3 not in [0, ", ncol(x), "]")
  if ( b4 < 2 | b4 > ncol(x) ) stop ("b4 not in [2, ", ncol(x), "]")
  b5 <- match.arg(b5, c("a", "h", "n"))
  rwd <- getwd()
  if (missing(exec)) exec <- "/Applications/Gblocks_0.91b"
  ntax <- nrow(x)
  b1 <- round(ntax * b1) + 1
  b2 <- round(ntax * b2) + 1
  cat("--- Executing Gblocks: ---")
  cat("\nMinimum number of sequences for a conserved position:", b1)
  cat("\nMinimum number of sequences for a flank position:", b2)
  cat("\nMaximum number of contiguous nonconserved positions:", b3)
  cat("\nMinimum length of a block:", b4)
  cat("\nAllowed gap positions:", b5)
  write.fas(x, "R2GBLOCK.fas")
  system(paste("./Gblocks R2GBLOCK.fas -t=d", 
               " -b1=", b1,
               " -b2=", b2,
               " -b3=", b3,
               " -b4=", b4,
               " -b5=", b5, 
               sep = ""),
         show.output.on.console = FALSE)
  out <- read.fas("R2GBLOCK.fas-gb")
  unlink(list.files(pattern = "R2GBLOCK"))
fmichonneau/phyloch documentation built on May 16, 2019, 1:45 p.m.