
Defines functions get_required_sampling_size mcEM_step emphasis

Documented in emphasis

#' Emphasis main function
#' @description Main function of emphasis, that uses an E-M approach to fit a
#' diversification model to a phylogenetic tree.
#' @param brts vector of branching times of the tree for which the model has to
#' be fitted
#' @param soc number of species at the root (1) or crown (2). Default is 2.
#' @param model model to be used
#' @param lower_bound vector of the lower limit of parameter values used by the
#' model. Set to -Infinity if left empty.
#' @param upper_bound vector of the upper limit of parameter values used by the
#' model. Set to +Infinity if left empty
#' @param max_lambda maximum speciation rate, default is 500. Should not be set 
#' too high to avoid extremely long run times
#' @param xtol tolerance of step size in the M step
#' @param em_tol tolerance of step size in cycling through EM
#' @param sample_size_tol tolerance in determining the sample size
#' @param verbose if TRUE, provides textual output of intermediate steps 
#' @param return_trees boolean, if TRUE the simulated trees are returned as well
#' @param max_missing maximum number of tips a tree can be augmented with.
#' @param burnin_sample_size sample size during burn-in
#' @param pilot_sample_size vector of sample sizes used to determine the true 
#' sampling size
#' @param burnin_iterations number of iterations of the EM algorithm to discard
#' as burn-in
#' @param num_threads number of threads to be used. If set to 0, the maximum 
#' number of threads available is chosen. 
#' @param conditional a function that takes a parameter set as argument and returns
#' conditional probability. 
#' @export
#' @return a list with two components: 1) \code{pars} contains the average parameter
#' estimate and 2) \code{MCEM} matrix of parameter estimates and likelihoods.
#' @rawNamespace useDynLib(emphasis)
#' @rawNamespace import(nloptr)
#' @rawNamespace import(Rcpp)
#' @rawNamespace importFrom(RcppParallel, RcppParallelLibs)
emphasis <- function(phylo, brts = NULL,
                     lower_bound = numeric(0),
                     upper_bound = numeric(0),
                     max_lambda = 500,
                     xtol = 0.001,
                     em_tol = 0.25,
                     sample_size_tol = 0.005,
                     verbose = TRUE,
                     return_trees = FALSE,
                     max_missing = 10000,  # maximum tree size
                     burnin_sample_size = 200,
                     pilot_sample_size = seq(100, 1000, by = 100),
                     burnin_iterations = 20,
                     num_threads = 0,
                     conditional = NULL) {
  if (!is.numeric(brts)) {
    stop("brts must be a numeric vector.")
  if (length(lower_bound) == 0) lower_bound <- rep(-Inf, length(model$pars))
  if (length(upper_bound) == 0) upper_bound <- rep(Inf, length(model$pars))
 # if (NULL != conditional) stopifnot(is.function(conditional))
  if (class(phylo) == "phylo") {
    cat("You have provided the full phylogeny instead of the branching times\n")
    cat("Emphasis will extract the branching times for your convenience\n")
    brts <- ape::branching.times(phylo)
  msg1 <- paste("Initializing emphasis...")
  msg2 <- paste("Age of the tree: ", max(brts))
  msg3 <- paste("Number of speciations: ", length(brts))
  msg5 <- "######################################"
  cat(msg1, msg2, msg3, msg5, sep = "\n")
  # Initial Parameter Search Phase
  if (verbose) cat("Starting initial parameter search phase using DE...\n")
  est_de <- emphasis_de(brts = brts, num_iterations = 10, num_points = 100,
                        max_missing = max_missing, sd_vec =  rep(0.5,times=length(lower_bound)), lower_bound = lower_bound,
                        upper_bound = upper_bound, maxN = max_lambda*100, max_lambda = max_lambda,
                        disc_prop = 0.75, verbose = verbose)
  pars <- colMeans(est_de$min_pars)
  if (verbose) cat("Initial parameter search completed. Starting main EM algorithm...\n")
  cat("\n", msg5, sep = "\n")
  cat("Phase 2: Assesing required MC sampling size \n")
  for (s in pilot_sample_size) {
    cat(paste("\n Sampling size: ", as.character(s), "\n"))
    mc <- mcEM_step(brts = brts,
                    pars = pars,
                    sample_size = s,
                    model = model,
                    soc = soc,
                    max_missing = max_missing,
                    max_lambda = max_lambda,
                    lower_bound = lower_bound,
                    upper_bound = upper_bound,
                    xtol = xtol,
                    num_threads = num_threads,
                    return_trees = FALSE,
                    verbose = FALSE,
                    tol = em_tol,
                    burnin = 10,
    ta <- utils::tail(mc$mcem, n = nrow(M) / 2)
    pars <- c(mean(ta$par1),
    M <- rbind(M, mc$mcem)
  n.r <- get_required_sampling_size(M[ -(1:burnin_iterations), ],
                                    tol = sample_size_tol)
  sample_size <- max(pilot_sample_size + 2, n.r)
  n.r_old <- -1
  j <- 1
  while (n.r_old < n.r) {
    if (verbose) {
      msg6 <- paste0("Required sampling size: ", n.r)
      msg7 <- paste0("Phase 3: Performing metaiteration: ", j)
      cat("\n", msg5, msg7, msg6, sep = "\n")
      cat(sprintf("Iteration %d: log-likelihood SE = %f\n", i, sde))
    mc <- mcEM_step(brts = brts,
                    pars = pars,
                    sample_size = sample_size,
                    model = model,
                    soc = soc,
                    max_missing = max_missing,
                    max_lambda = max_lambda,
                    lower_bound = lower_bound,
                    upper_bound = upper_bound,
                    xtol = xtol,
                    num_threads = num_threads,
                    return_trees = FALSE,
                    verbose = FALSE,
                    tol = em_tol,
                    burnin = 2,
    M <- rbind(M, mc$mcem)
    n.r_old <- n.r
    j <- j + 1
    n.r <- get_required_sampling_size(M[ -(1:burnin_iterations), ],
                                      tol = sample_size_tol)
    pars <- as.numeric(colMeans(mc$mcem)[1:4])
    sample_size <- n.r
  return(list(pars = pars, MCEM = M))

#' @keywords internal
#' this is an internal function
mcEM_step <- function(brts,
                      xtol, # tolerance in M step
                      tol,   #tolerance of mcEM step
                      conditional) {
  mcem <- NULL
  sde <- 10
  i <- 0
  times <- NULL
  while (sde > tol) {
    i <- i + 1
    results <- em_cpp(brts,
                      maxN = 10 * sample_size,                   
                      xtol_rel = xtol,                   
    pars <- results$estimates
    mcem <- rbind(mcem, data.frame(par1 = pars[1],
                                   par2 = pars[2],
                                   par3 = pars[3],
                                   par4 = pars[4],
                                   fhat = results$fhat,
                                   sample_size = sample_size))
    if (verbose) {
      print(paste("(mean of) loglikelihood estimation: ", mean(mcem$fhat)))
    times <- c(times, mcem$time)
    time_p_it <- mean(times)
    if (i > burnin) {
      mcem_est <- mcem[floor(nrow(mcem) / 2):nrow(mcem), ]
      mcem_est <- mcem_est[is.finite(mcem_est$fhat), ]
      #  sde0 = sde
      sde <- stats::sd(mcem_est$fhat) / sqrt(nrow(mcem_est))
      #  mde = mean(mcem_est$fhat)
      msg <- paste("Iteration:", i, " SE of the loglikelihood: ", sde)
      cat("\r", msg)
    } else {
      msg <- paste("Remaining time (burn-in): ",
                   round(time_p_it * (burnin - i), digits = 0), "sec")
      cat("\r", msg)
  return(list(mcem = mcem))

#' @keywords internal
#' this is an internal function
get_required_sampling_size <- function(M, tol = .05) {
  hlp <- MASS::rlm(M$fhat ~ I(1 / M$sample_size), weights = M$sample_size)
  ab <- stats::coef(hlp)
  f_r <- ab[1] - tol
  n_r <- ceiling(ab[2] / (f_r - ab[1]))
franciscorichter/emphasis documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 7:36 p.m.