#' Gene enrichment analysis using the DAVID Database 
#' Wrapper for gene enrichment analysis using the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) 
#' accessed by the \code{RDAVIDWebService}
#' Function uses genelist and optionally background gene list as input to perform enrichment analysis 
#' using the RDAVIDWebService. Registration for RDAVIDWebService is required at 
#' \code{https://david.ncifcrf.gov/webservice/register.htm}.
#' Gene list can be supplied as character vector with ids given in \code{id.type}, as dataframe
#' or as character string with path of data file. If a vector is given, sorting parameter will be ignored.
#' Enrichment categories for a defined organism are defined in \code{davidCat}.
#' If no connection to \code{RDAVIDWebService} can be established, NULL is returned.
#' @param genes vector with gene names to analyse or dataframe or character with path to dataframe. Supplied
#'        dataframe needs to include a column with identifiers specified in \code{id.column}.
#' @param newheader optional character vector with new header information for \code{genes} dataframe. Only relevant 
#'            if \code{genes} is a dataframe or character string with filepath to a table with wrong or missing header. 
#'            NULL otherwise.
#' @param backgroundlist optional dataframe containing background list for enrichment analysis. 
#'                 If NULL, species specific background from DAVID is used instead.
#' @param newheaderBackground optional character vector with new header information for \code{backgroundlist} dataframe.
#' @param davidAccount email account for DAVID's Web Service connectivity or DAVIDWebService object.
#' @param projectfolder character with directory for output files (will be generated if not exisiting).
#' @param projectname optional character prefix for output file names.
#' @param maxDavid (numeric) max number of top diff regulated elements used for enrichment analysis.
#' @param davidCat character vector with DAVID categories to enrich for. 
#' @param id.type character with identifier DAVID uses to enrich for (e.g. "ENTREZ_GENE_ID" or "OFFICIAL_GENE_SYMBOL")
#' @param id.column character with respective column name for \code{id.type} in \code{genes}.
#' @param sortcolumn character with column name to be sorted for selecting top entries.
#' @param sortdecreasing (boolean) drecreasing parameter for order of \code{sortcolumn}.
#' @param sortcolumn.threshold numeric threshold for \code{sortcolumn} to be included in overepresentation analysis.
#'                       \code{If sortdecreasing=F, value < sortcolumn.threshold 
#'                       else value > sortcolumn.threshold}
#' @param org character with species name DAVID uses for enrichment (e.g."Homo sapiens" or "Mus musculus").
#' @param threshold4enrich numeric p-value threshold for enrichment terms.
#' @param mincount numeric minimum gene count in enrichment terms.  
#' @return  Functional annotation chart as R object. 
#' Additionally, a functional annotation chart is stored in the project folder as side effect.

#' @references https://david.ncifcrf.gov/   
#' @author Frank Ruehle
#' @export 

wrapRDAVID <- function (genes, 
                         newheader = NULL, 
                         newheaderBackground = NULL,
                         davidAccount = NULL, 
                         projectfolder= "GEX/DAVID_Enrichment",
                         maxDavid = 100,  
                         davidCat = c("GOTERM_BP_ALL", "GOTERM_MF_ALL", "GOTERM_CC_ALL", "KEGG_PATHWAY", "BIOCARTA", "UCSC_TFBS"), 
                         id.type = "ENTREZ_GENE_ID",
                         id.column = "ENTREZID",   
                         sortcolumn ="adj.P.Val",  
                         sortdecreasing = FALSE, 
                         sortcolumn.threshold = 0.05,
                         org = "Homo sapiens",
                         threshold4enrich = 0.05, 
                          ) {
  # create output directory
  if (!file.exists(file.path(projectfolder))) {dir.create(file.path(projectfolder), recursive=T)} 

  # load required libraries
  pkg.cran <- NULL
  pkg.bioc <- c("RDAVIDWebService", "GSEABase", "KEGG.db", "KEGGgraph") 
  pks2detach <- attach_package(pkg.cran=pkg.cran, pkg.bioc=pkg.bioc)
  # read file if 'genes' is character string with file path
  if(is.character(genes) & length(genes)==1) {
    cat("\n\nReading gene list:", genes, "\n")
    genes <- read.table(genes, header=is.null(newheader), sep="\t", na.strings = c("", " ", "NA")) # if no newheader, header must be in file
  if(is.data.frame(genes) & !is.null(newheader)) {# if 'newheader' is defined, it is used as names(DEgenes.unfilt)
    cat("\nNew header added to input file:", newheader, "\n")
    colnames(genes) <- newheader
  if(is.vector(genes)) {genes <- unique(genes)[1:min(maxDavid, length(unique(genes)))]
    } else { # if genes is a data.frame
      genes <- genes[!is.na(genes[,id.column]),]
      genes <- genes[order(genes[,sortcolumn], decreasing=sortdecreasing),]
      if(!is.null(sortcolumn.threshold)) {
        if(sortdecreasing==F) { # for increasing sortcolumn (e.g. p-values) value < threshold
          genes <- genes[genes[,sortcolumn] < sortcolumn.threshold, ]
          cat(paste("\nGenelist filtererd for", sortcolumn, "<", sortcolumn.threshold, "(", nrow(filtgenes), "genes remaining)\n"))
        } else { # for decreasing sortcolumn (e.g. fold changes) value > threshold
          genes <- genes[genes[,sortcolumn] > sortcolumn.threshold, ]
          cat(paste("\nGenelist filtererd for", sortcolumn, ">", sortcolumn.threshold, "(", nrow(filtgenes), "genes remaining)\n"))
      genes <- unique(genes[,id.column])[1:min(maxDavid, length(unique(genes[,id.column])))]
  # read background list if available. Otherwise species-specific background from DAVID
  if(!is.null(backgroundlist)) {
    # read file if 'Dgenes' is character string with file path
    if(is.character(backgroundlist) & length(backgroundlist)==1) {
      cat("\n\nReading background list:", backgroundlist, "\n")
      backgroundlist <- read.table(backgroundlist, header=is.null(newheaderBackground), sep="\t", na.strings = c("", " ", "NA")) # if no newheaderBackground, header must be in file
    if(is.data.frame(backgroundlist) & !is.null(newheaderBackground)) {# if 'newheaderBackground' is defined, it is used as names(DEgenes.unfilt)
      cat("\nNew header added to input file:", newheaderBackground, "\n")
      colnames(backgroundlist) <- newheaderBackground
    if(is.vector(backgroundlist)) {backgroundlist <- unique(backgroundlist)
    } else { # if genes is a data.frame
      backgroundlist <- unique(backgroundlist[!is.na(backgroundlist[,id.type]),id.type])
  ### remove categories not supported by DAVID
  davidCat.found <- davidCat %in% c("GOTERM_BP_ALL", "GOTERM_MF_ALL", "GOTERM_CC_ALL", "KEGG_PATHWAY", "BIOCARTA", "UCSC_TFBS")
  davidCat <- davidCat[davidCat.found]
  cat(paste("\nCategories used for enrichment analysis with DAVID:", paste(davidCat, collapse=" "), "\n"))
  david <- NULL # initialise david object. Necessary if connection to DAVIDWebService failes.
  if(class(davidAccount)=="DAVIDWebService") {
    david <- davidAccount} else {
    # Contact DAVIDWebService via try()-Function to avoid interruption if service is temporarily unavailable
    cat("\nTry to connect to DAVIDWebService\n")
    try2connect <- try(david <- DAVIDWebService$new(email=davidAccount), silent=F)
  if (class(david)=="DAVIDWebService") {
        cat("\n\nDAVID enrichment for categories:", davidCat, "\n")    
        setAnnotationCategories(david, davidCat)
        setCurrentSpecies(david, species=org)  # or species=1 (if human is at first position)?
        ForegroundGenes <- addList(david, genes, idType=id.type,  listName="genelist", listType="Gene")
        if(!is.null(backgroundlist)) {
          BackgroundGenes <- addList(david, backgroundlist, idType=id.type, listName="background", listType="Background")
        getFunctionalAnnotationChartFile(david, fileName=file.path(projectfolder, paste0("Enrich_", projectname, ".txt")), threshold=threshold4enrich, count=mincount)
        davidResult <- getFunctionalAnnotationChart(david, threshold=threshold4enrich, count=mincount)
    } else { # if no connection to DAVIDWebService
    cat("\nConnection to DAVID's Web Service failed or no IDs found. DAVID enrichment analysis is omitted.\n")

  # Detaching libraries not needed any more
  return(davidResult) # Get functional annotation chart as R object.
} # end of function definition 
frankRuehle/systemsbio documentation built on Sept. 14, 2020, 1:18 a.m.