#' Train Cox Proportional Hazards model for supervised PCA
#' @description Main and utility functions for training the Cox PH model.
#' @param x A "tall" pathway data frame (\eqn{p \times n}).
#' @param y A response vector of follow-up / event times.
#' @param censoring.status A censoring vector.
#' @param s0.perc A stabilization parameter. This is an optional argument to
#' each of the functions called internally. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{tt} : }{The scaled p-dimensional score vector: each value has
#' been divided by the respective standard deviation plus the \code{fudge}
#' value.}
#' \item{\code{numer} : }{The original p-dimensional score vector. From the
#' internal \code{.coxscor} function.}
#' \item{\code{sd} : }{The standard deviations of the scores. From the
#' internal \code{.coxvar} function.}
#' \item{\code{fudge} : }{A regularization scalar added to the standard
#' deviation. If \code{s0.perc} is supplied,
#' \code{fudge = quantile(sd, s0.perc)}.}
#' }
#' @details See \url{https://web.stanford.edu/~hastie/Papers/spca_JASA.pdf},
#' Section 5, for a description of Supervised PCA applied to survival data.
#' The internal utility functions defined in this file (\code{.coxscor},
#' \code{.coxvar}, and \code{.coxstuff}) are not called anywhere else, other
#' than in the \code{coxTrain_fun} function itself. Therefore, we do not
#' document these functions.
#' NOTE: No missing values allowed.
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @examples
#' # Use SuperPCA_pVals() instead
#' \dontrun{
#' p <- 500
#' n <- 50
#' x_mat <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = p, ncol = n)
#' x_df <- data.frame(x_mat)
#' time_int <- rpois(n, lambda = 365 * 2)
#' obs_logi <- sample(
#' c(FALSE, TRUE),
#' size = n,
#' replace = TRUE,
#' prob = c(0.2, 0.8)
#' )
#' coxTrain_fun(
#' x = x_df,
#' y = time_int,
#' censoring.status = !obs_logi
#' )
#' }
coxTrain_fun <- function(x, y, censoring.status, s0.perc = NULL){
# browser()
junk <- .coxscor(x, y, censoring.status)
scor <- junk$scor
coxVar_num <- .coxvar(
x, y, censoring.status,
coxstuff.obj = junk$coxstuff.obj
# The .coxvar() function can return practical 0s that are numerically negative
coxVar_num[coxVar_num < 0] <- 0
sd <- sqrt(coxVar_num)
if(is.null(s0.perc)) fudge <- median(sd)
if(0 <= s0.perc && s0.perc <= 1){
fudge <- quantile(sd,s0.perc)
} else {
fudge <- 0
warning("s0.perc parameter must in [0,1].")
tt <- scor / (sd + fudge)
return(list(tt = tt, numer = scor, sd = sd, fudge = fudge))
.coxscor <- function(X1, Y1, IC1, Offset1 = rep(0, length(Y1))){
# browser()
# computes cox scor function for rows of nx by n matrix X1
# first put everything in time order
n <- length(Y1)
nx <- nrow(X1)
yy <- Y1 + (IC1 == 0) * (1e-05)
otag <- order(yy)
Y1 <- Y1[otag]
IC1 <- IC1[otag]
X1 <- X1[, otag, drop = FALSE]
#compute unique failure times, d=# of deaths at each failure time,
#dd= expanded version of d to length n, s=sum of covariates at each
# failure time, nn=#obs in each risk set, nno=sum(exp(Offset1)) at each failure time
Offset1 <- Offset1[otag]
a <- .coxstuff(X1, Y1, IC1, Offset1)
nf <- a$nf
fail.times <- a$fail.times
s <- a$s
d <- a$d
dd <- a$dd
nn <- a$nn
nno <- a$nno
w <- rep(0, nx)
for(i in seq_len(nf)){
w <- w + s[, i]
oo <- seq_len(n)[Y1 >= fail.times[i]]
r <- rowSums(X1[, oo, drop = FALSE] * exp(Offset1[oo]))
w <- w - (d[i] / nno[i]) * r
return(list(scor = w, coxstuff.obj = a))
.coxvar <- function(X2, Y2, IC2,
Offset2 = rep(0, length(Y2)),
coxstuff.obj = NULL){
# computes information elements (var) for cox
# X2 is nx by n matrix of expression values
nx <- nrow(X2)
n <- length(Y2)
yy <- Y2 + (IC2 == 0) * (1e-06)
otag <- order(yy)
Y2 <- Y2[otag]
IC2 <- IC2[otag]
X2 <- X2[, otag, drop = FALSE]
Offset2 <- Offset2[otag]
if(is.null(coxstuff.obj)) {
coxstuff.obj <- .coxstuff(X2, Y2, IC2, Offset2)
nf <- coxstuff.obj$nf
fail.times <- coxstuff.obj$fail.times
s <- coxstuff.obj$s
d <- coxstuff.obj$d
dd <- coxstuff.obj$dd
nn <- coxstuff.obj$nn
nno <- coxstuff.obj$nno
X2sq <- X2 ^ 2
oo <- seq_len(n)[Y2 >= fail.times[1] ]
sx <- (1 / nno[1]) * rowSums(X2[, oo] * exp(Offset2[oo]))
s <- (1 / nno[1]) * rowSums(X2sq[, oo] * exp(Offset2[oo]))
w <- d[1] * (s - sx * sx)
for(i in 2:nf){
oo <- seq_len(n)[Y2 >= fail.times[i - 1] & Y2 < fail.times[i]]
sx <- (1 / nno[i]) *
(nno[i - 1] * sx - rowSums(X2[, oo, drop = FALSE] * exp(Offset2[oo])))
s <- (1 / nno[i]) *
(nno[i - 1] * s - rowSums(X2sq[, oo, drop = FALSE] * exp(Offset2[oo])))
w <- w + d[i] * (s - sx * sx)
.coxstuff <- function(X3, Y3, IC3, Offset3 = rep(0, length(Y3))){
fail.times <- unique(Y3[IC3 == 1])
nf <- length(fail.times)
n <- length(Y3)
nn <- rep(0, nf)
nno <- rep(0, nf)
for(i in seq_len(nf)){
nn[i] <- sum(Y3 >= fail.times[i])
nno[i] <- sum(exp(Offset3)[Y3 >= fail.times[i]])
s <- matrix(0, ncol = nf, nrow = nrow(X3))
d <- rep(0, nf)
#expand d out to a vector of length n
for(i in seq_len(nf)){
# Try this:
# d[i] <- sum((Y3 == fail.times[i]) & (IC3 == 1))
# At each even time, we want to count the number of events
o <- seq_len(n)[(Y3 == fail.times[i]) & (IC3 == 1)]
d[i] <- length(o)
oo <- match(Y3, fail.times)
oo[IC3 == 0] <- NA
oo[is.na(oo)] <- max(oo[!is.na(oo)]) + 1
s <- t(rowsum(t(X3), oo))
if(ncol(s) > nf) s <- s[, -ncol(s)]
dd <- rep(0, n)
for(j in seq_len(nf)){
dd[(Y3 == fail.times[j]) & (IC3 == 1)] <- d[j]
return(list(fail.times = fail.times,
s = s, d = d, dd = dd,
nf = nf, nn = nn, nno = nno))
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