
Defines functions relMixGUI

Documented in relMixGUI

#' GUI for relMix
#' User-friendly graphical user interface for relMix.
#' @details Includes error checking for the input files.
#' @author Guro Dorum, Elias Hernandis
#' @seealso \code{\link{relMix}} for the main function implemented in \code{relMixGUI}.
#' @examples
#' #Examples can be found in the vignette and example data files can be found
#' #in the folder "inst\extdata" in the installation folder for relMix
#' @import gWidgets2tcltk
#' @import Familias
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table packageVersion
#' @importFrom officer fp_text read_docx body_add_par body_add_fpar fpar ftext body_add_plot
#' @importFrom flextable flextable set_flextable_defaults body_add_flextable set_table_properties
#' @importFrom pedtools plotPedList typedMembers
#' @importFrom pedFamilias Familias2ped
#' @export
relMixGUI <- function(){


  tableWriter <- function(filename,obj1,obj2,obj3,obj4,obj5,pedigrees,contributors,mixfile,reffile,freqfile){

    flextable::set_flextable_defaults(split = FALSE,font.size=9,big.mark="")
    text_style <- officer::fp_text(font.size = 8)

    doc <- officer::read_docx()

    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, paste("RelMix report",format(Sys.time())), style = "Normal")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")
    doc <- officer::body_add_fpar(doc, officer::fpar( officer::ftext(paste("Mixture file:",mixfile), prop = text_style) ) )
    doc <- officer::body_add_fpar(doc, officer::fpar( officer::ftext(paste("Reference file:",reffile), prop = text_style) ) )
    doc <- officer::body_add_fpar(doc, officer::fpar( officer::ftext(paste("Frequency file:",freqfile), prop = text_style) ) )

    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")

    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, "Settings", style = "heading 1")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")
    doc <- flextable::body_add_flextable(doc,flextable::set_table_properties(flextable::flextable(obj1),layout ="autofit"),align="left")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")

    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, "Mixture profile", style = "heading 1")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")
    doc <- flextable::body_add_flextable(doc,flextable::set_table_properties(flextable::flextable(obj2),layout ="autofit"),align="left")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")

    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, "Reference profiles", style = "heading 1")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")
    doc <- flextable::body_add_flextable(doc,flextable::set_table_properties(flextable::flextable(obj3),layout ="autofit"),align="left")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")

    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, "Likelihood ratios", style = "heading 1")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")
    doc <- flextable::body_add_flextable(doc,flextable::set_table_properties(flextable::flextable(obj4),layout ="autofit"),align="left")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")

    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, "Allele frequencies", style = "heading 1")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")
    doc <- flextable::body_add_flextable(doc,flextable::set_table_properties(flextable::flextable(obj5),layout ="autofit"),align="left")
    doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, value = "")

    p <- f_plotPeds(pedigrees,contributors)

    if (capabilities(what = "png")) {
      doc <- officer::body_add_par(doc, "Pedigrees: contributors marked with a dot", style = "heading 1")
      doc <- officer::body_add_plot(doc, value = f_plotPeds(pedigrees,contributors), style = "centered")


  # Receives a the output of an error checking function and displays
  # the appropriate error messages. Returns the data frame on
  # successfull load or NULL on error.
  process_errors <- function(result) {
      message = "";
      if (length(result$error) > 0) {
          message <- paste(message, "Error(s):\n", result$error, sep="\n");
          message <- paste(message, "\nThese errors are fatal. You will need to fix the file yourself.", sep="\n");
          return(NULL); # Terminate early if there are errors, returning a NULL dataframe

      if (length(result$warning) > 0) {
          message <- paste(message, "Warning(s):\n", result$warning, sep="\n");
          message <- paste(message, "\nThese warnings are not fatal. You may continue using the program but please be aware that results may be incorrect.", sep="\n");


  f_importprof <- function(h,...) {
    type=h$action #get type of profile

    # enforce loading files in order to facilitate error checking
    if (type=="reference") {
      if(!exists('mixture',envir=mmTK)) {f_errorWindow("Import mixture profile before reference profiles"); return();}
    if (type == "frequencies") {
      if(!exists('mixture',envir=mmTK)) {f_errorWindow("Import mixture profile before frequencies"); return();}
      if(!exists('reference',envir=mmTK)) {f_errorWindow("Import reference profiles before frequencies"); return();}

    proffile = gWidgets2::gfile(text=paste("Open ",type," file",sep=""),type="open",

    # check errors
    if (type == "mixture") {
      Data <- process_errors(checkMixtureFile(proffile));
    } else if (type == "reference") {
      # get mixture file from environment
      mix <- get("mixture",envir=mmTK);
      Data <- process_errors(checkReferenceFile(proffile, mix));
    } else if (type == "frequencies") {
      mix <- get("mixture",envir=mmTK);
      Data <- process_errors(checkFrequenciesFile(proffile, mix));
    }}, error = function(e) {
      # Handle fatal errors due to bad file formats
      # For example, if when loading a mixture file a frequency file is provided, the error will be caught here
      f_errorWindow(paste("There was an error loading the file. It does not look like a ", type, " file. Please make sure the file is correct and try again."))
    if(!is.null(Data)) print(paste(type,"file",proffile,"is imported"))
    assign(h$action,Data,envir=mmTK) #save object
    assign(paste0(type,"file"),proffile,envir=mmTK) #save filename

  f_export <- function(obj1,obj2,obj3,obj4,obj5,pedigrees,contributors,mixfile,reffile,freqfile) {
    savefile = gWidgets2::gfile(text=paste("Save file as",sep=""),type="save", initial.filename = "RelMix_report")

  # Make pedigree
  f_pedigree <- function(h,...){
      #Define the persons involved in the case
      persons <- c("Mother", "Father", "Child")
      sex <- c("female", "male", "male")
      ped1 <- Familias::FamiliasPedigree(id=persons, dadid=c(NA,NA,"Father"), momid=c(NA,NA,"Mother"), sex=c("female", "male", "male"))
    } else if(gWidgets2::svalue(h$obj)=="Unrelated"){
      #Define the persons involved in the case
      persons <- c("Mother", "Father", "Child")
      sex <- c("female", "male", "male")
      ped1 <- Familias::FamiliasPedigree(id=persons, dadid=c(NA,NA,NA), momid=c(NA,NA,"Mother"), sex=c("female", "male", "male"))
    } else {
      pedfile = gWidgets2::gfile(text=paste("Open pedigree file",sep=""),type="open",
      ped1 <- process_errors(checkPedigreeFile(pedfile,get("reference",mmTK)))
      persons <- ped1$id

  #Get values from object and assign to new object in mmTK environment
  f_values <- function(h,...) {
    r <- gWidgets2::svalue(h$obj)
  #Pop-up error window
  f_errorWindow <- function(message){
    gWidgets2::gmessage(message, title="Error", icon="error")

  f_warningWindow <- function(message) {
    gWidgets2::gmessage(message, title="Warning", icon="warning")

  #Makes pop-up window for database
  f_database <- function(h,...){
    freqWindow <- gWidgets2::gwindow("Frequency database", height = 50, width = 250, visible=FALSE)
    freqGroup2 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=freqWindow,spacing=7)
    gWidgets2::gbutton(text="Import allele frequencies",container=freqGroup2,handler=f_importprof,action="frequencies")
    optButton <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Options", handler=f_options, container=freqGroup2)
    saveButton <- gWidgets2::gbutton(text = 'ok',container=freqGroup2, handler = function(h,...){

      #Get frequencies
      if(!exists('frequencies',envir=mmTK)) {f_errorWindow("Allele frequencies not imported"); return(); }
      # TODO remove these
      if(!exists('mixture',envir=mmTK)) {f_errorWindow("Import mixture profile before frequencies"); return(); }
      if(!exists('reference',envir=mmTK)) {f_errorWindow("Import reference profiles before frequencies"); return(); }
      A <- get("frequencies",envir=mmTK)
      M <- get("mixture",envir=mmTK)
      G <- get("reference",envir=mmTK)

      freqs <- A[,-1,drop=FALSE]
      colnames(freqs) <- colnames(A)[2:ncol(A)]
      rownames(freqs) <- A[,1]
      optPar <- get('optPar',envir=mmTK)

      ix1 <- M[,2]%in%colnames(freqs)
      ix2 <- G[,2]%in%colnames(freqs)
      m <- unique(M[!ix1,2],G[!ix1,2])
      if(length(m)>0) {
        errorWindow <- gWidgets2::gwindow("Error")
        gWidgets2::glabel(paste("Markers not found in database:",paste(m,collapse=", ")),container=errorWindow)
        stop(paste("Markers not found in database:",paste(m,collapse=", ")))
        #f_errorWindow(paste("Markers not found in database:",paste(m,collapse=", ")))

      freqsS <- f_silent(freqs,optPar$silent) #Add silent allele
      freqsS <- get('freqsS',envir=mmTK)
      db2 <- f_unobserved(freqsS,M,G,optPar$MAF) #Add unobserved alleles

    }) #end handler savebutton

    gWidgets2::visible(freqWindow) <- TRUE

  #Makes pop-up window to fill in mutation details
  f_mutations <- function(h,...){
    mutWindow <- gWidgets2::gwindow("Mutations",visible=FALSE)
    mutGroup2 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=mutWindow,spacing=7)
    mutFrame2 <- gWidgets2::gframe("Mutation model",container=mutGroup2)
    mutFrame3 <- gWidgets2::gframe("Range",container=mutGroup2)
    mutPar <- get('mutPar',mmTK)
    #Range window
    objRange <- gWidgets2::gedit(mutPar$mutRange, width=4, container=mutFrame3)
    gWidgets2::enabled(objRange) <- FALSE
    #Common male and female mutation model
    Mut <- get('Mut',mmTK)
    mutModels <- c("Equal","Proportional","Stepwise")
    comboMut <- gcombobox(mutModels, selected=which(mutModels==Mut),
                          container=mutFrame2, handler=function(h,...) {
                            #Range will not be used unless model is Stepwise
    #List to store parameters in
    objMut <- vector('list',3)
    names(objMut) <- c("mutRange","fMutRate","mMutRate")
    objMut[[1]] <- objRange
    mutFrame4 <- gWidgets2::gframe("Mutation rates",container=mutGroup2,horizontal=TRUE)
    #Separate male and female mutation rates
    objMut[[2]] <- gWidgets2::gedit(mutPar$fMutRate, width=5, container=mutFrame4)
    objMut[[3]] <- gWidgets2::gedit(mutPar$mMutRate, width=5,container=mutFrame4)
    saveButton <- gWidgets2::gbutton(text = "Save",container=mutGroup2, handler = function(h,...) {
    gWidgets2::visible(mutWindow) <- TRUE

  #Set mutation model
  f_changeMutation <- function(mutMod,objRange){
    if(mutMod=="Stepwise"){ #If stepwise, also give option to give a mutation range
      #Common male and female mutation range
      gWidgets2::enabled(objRange) <- TRUE
      gWidgets2::enabled(objRange) <- FALSE
      gWidgets2::enabled(objRange) <- FALSE
    #if(mutMod=="Custom"){ #If custom, read in mutation model from file
    #  gWidgets2::enabled(objRange) <- FALSE
    #  enable(objRateF)<- FALSE
    #  enable(objRateM) <- FALSE
    #  mutfile = gWidgets2::gfile("Open mutation R file",type="open",
    #                  filter=list("text"=list(patterns=list("*.R",".txt")),"all"=list(patterns=list("*"))))
    #  MM <- read.table(mutfile)
    #  assign(paste(h$action,"Mat",sep=""),MM,envir=mmTK)

  #Makes option pop-up window to fill in theta and silent alleles
  f_options <- function(h,...){
    optPar <- get("optPar",mmTK)
    optWindow <- gWidgets2::gwindow("Options",visible=FALSE)
    optGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=optWindow,spacing=7)
    objOpt <- vector('list',3)
    names(objOpt) <- c("theta","silent","MAF")
    objOpt[[1]] <- gWidgets2::gedit(optPar$theta, width=5, container=optGroup)
    #Silent allele
    gWidgets2::glabel("Silent allele frequency",container=optGroup)
    objOpt[[2]] <- gWidgets2::gedit(optPar$silent, width=5, container=optGroup)
    #Minimum allele frequency
    gWidgets2::glabel("Min. allele frequency",container=optGroup)
    objOpt[[3]] <- gWidgets2::gedit(optPar$MAF, width=5, container=optGroup)
    saveButton <- gWidgets2::gbutton(text = "Save",container=optGroup, handler = function(h,...){
    gWidgets2::visible(optWindow) <- TRUE

  #Makes pop-up window to fill in dropout values per contributor and drop-in
  f_dropout <- function(h,...){
    dropWindow <- gWidgets2::gwindow("Dropout and drop-in",width=300,visible=FALSE)
    dropGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = dropWindow)
    #Get pedigree data
      f_errorWindow("Specify contributors first")
    dropFrame2 <- gWidgets2::gframe("Dropout for each contributor",container=dropGroup)
    #Get contributors
    dropliste <- get("dropliste",envir=mmTK)
    #Get default values/values that have already been specified
    idxC1 <- get("idxC1",envir=mmTK)
    idxC2 <- get("idxC2",envir=mmTK)
    idxC <- union(idxC1,idxC2)

    dropNames <- names(dropliste)
    objDrop <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(idxC)){
      g <- gWidgets2::glabel(idxC[i], container=dropFrame2,horizontal=FALSE)
      #Check if a dropout value is already specified, if not set to 0
      val <- ifelse(idxC[i]%in%dropNames,dropliste[[which(dropNames==idxC[i])]],0)
      objDrop[[i]] <- gWidgets2::gedit(format(val,digits=4),width=2,container=dropFrame2)
    dropinFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("Drop-in",container=dropGroup)
    objDrop[[length(idxC)+1]] <- gWidgets2::gedit(format(dropliste[[length(dropliste)]],digits=4),width=4,container=dropinFrame)
    names(objDrop) <- c(idxC,"dropin")
    saveButton <- gWidgets2::gbutton(text = "Save",container=dropGroup, handler = function(h,...) {
    gWidgets2::visible(dropWindow) <- TRUE
  #Save button
  saveParameters <- function(objList,window,varName){
    values <- list()
    for(i in 1:length(objList)){
      #If comma used as decimal, replace with dot
      v <- as.numeric(sub(",",".",gWidgets2::svalue(objList[[i]])))
      if(length(v)==0) {f_errorWindow("Specify all values"); stop()}
      else if(is.na(v) | (v<0 | v>1) ) {f_errorWindow("Need values in the range 0.0 and 1.0"); stop()}
      else values[[i]] <- v
    names(values) <- names(objList)

  f_contributors <- function(h,...){
    #Get pedigree data
      f_errorWindow("Specify pedigrees first")
    persons1 <- get("persons_ped1",envir=mmTK)
    persons2 <- get("persons_ped2",envir=mmTK)
    # if(!identical(persons1,persons2)) {
    #   f_errorWindow("Persons in pedigree 1 and 2 must match!")
    # } else{
      contWindow <- gWidgets2::gwindow("Contributors")
      contGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = contWindow)
      contFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("Specify contributors in mixture",container=contGroup)
      #Check if contributors have already been specified. If so, set these as checked boxes
      if(!exists("idxC1",envir=mmTK)) idxC1 <- NULL
      if(!exists("idxC2",envir=mmTK)) idxC2 <- NULL
      else {
        idxC1 <- get("idxC1",envir=mmTK)
        idxC2 <- get("idxC2",envir=mmTK)
      #persons <- union(persons1,persons2) #original

      #Different contributors under each hypothesis
      contFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("Contributors in pedigree 1",container=contGroup)
      gWidgets2::gcheckboxgroup(persons1, checked=persons1%in%idxC1,horizontal=FALSE,container=contFrame,
      contFrame2 <- gWidgets2::gframe("Contributors in pedigree 2",container=contGroup)
      gWidgets2::gcheckboxgroup(persons2, checked=persons2%in%idxC2,horizontal=FALSE,container=contFrame2,

      gWidgets2::gbutton("ok", container=contGroup,handler=function(h,...){
    #}# original

  #Get mixture in the right format
  f_mixture <- function(E){
    m <- length(unique(E$Marker)) #Number of markers
    n <- length(unique(E$SampleName)) #Number of samples (if replicates)
    #Split according to markers and then sample
    mix <- split(E,E$Marker)
    mix2 <- lapply(mix,function(x) split(x[,-c(1,2)],x$SampleName))
    #Remove NA's
    lapply(mix2,function(z) lapply(z, function(z2) z2[!is.na(z2)]))
  #Reads genotypes of known contributors and stores in list
  f_genotypes <- function(GT){
    m <- length(unique(GT$Marker)) #Number of markers
    n <- length(unique(GT$SampleName)) #Number of contributors
    gt <- split(GT,GT$Marker) #Split according to markers
    lapply(gt,function(x) split(x[,3:4],x$SampleName)) #Split according to individual

  #Add silent allele to database
  f_silent <- function(freqs,ps){

    if(ps>0) {
      freqsS <- rbind(freqs,rep(as.numeric(ps),ncol(freqs)))
      rownames(freqsS) <- c(rownames(freqs),'Silent')
    } else freqsS <- freqs

  #Add alleles not in database with frequency MAF
  #Checks if any alleles are below MAF (by running f_MAF)
  f_unobserved <- function(freqs,M,G,MAF){

    alleleNames <- rownames(freqs)
    markerNames <- colnames(freqs)

    n <- ncol(M)
    keepIx <- alNotDB <- numeric()
    #Go through each marker in mixture profile to look for alleles not in database
    #Simultaneously checking in reference profile (assumes that markers in reference and
    #mixture are the same)
    for(i in 1:nrow(M)){
      #Get all database frequencies for the marker
      mark <- M[i,2]
      ix <- which(mark==markerNames)
      #Check if marker name is the same in mixture file and database, otherwise give error
      #(This has already been checked once the data was imported in)
      if(length(ix)==0) f_errorWindow(paste("Marker",mark,"not found in database"))
      al <- alleleNames[!is.na(freqs[,ix])]
      #Alleles in mixture
      am <- M[i,3:n][!is.na(M[i,3:n])]
      #Alleles in genotypes
      ag <- unlist(G[G[,2]==mark,3:4])
      aa <- unique(c(am,ag))
      #Check if all alleles in mixture and reference exist in database
      idx <- c(aa%in%al)

      # if the allele is missing, schedule it to be added to the database,
      # unless it was scheduled already
      if(any(!idx) && !(aa[!idx] %in% alNotDB)){
        keepIx <- c(keepIx,rep(ix,sum(!idx))) #Index of marker
        alNotDB <- c(alNotDB,aa[!idx]) #Alleles not found in db

    #Change format of database before adding new alleles
    db <- numeric()
    for(i in 1:ncol(freqs)){
      ix <- which(!is.na(freqs[,i]))
      a <- alleleNames[ix]
      f <- freqs[ix,i]
      Marker <- rep(markerNames[i],length(ix))
      dbNew <- data.frame(Marker,a,f)
      colnames(dbNew) <- c("Marker","Allele","Frequency")
      db <- rbind(db,dbNew)

    if(length(alNotDB)>0) { #There are alleles not in database

      mess <- paste("Allele",alNotDB, "will be added to marker",markerNames[keepIx], "with frequency",MAF)
      gWidgets2::gmessage(mess, title="Note",icon = "info")
      #Add new allele at the end of database
      newData <- data.frame(markerNames[keepIx],alNotDB,MAF)
      colnames(newData) <- c('Marker','Allele','Frequency')
      db <- data.frame(Marker=c(as.character(db$Marker),as.character(newData$Marker)),
      #Check for MAF, scale and sort
      # }) #end handler add alleles

    }else{ #No alleles added to database
      #Check for MAF, scale and sort
  }# end f_unobserved

  #Check if any allele frequencies are below MAF and sets frequency to MAF
  #Scales frequencies if necessary (with f_MAF)
  #Function used by f_unobserved
  f_MAF <- function(db,MAF){
    db <- get('db',mmTK)
    if(any(db$Frequency<MAF)){ #Frequencies below MAF
      w <- gWidgets2::gconfirm("Some frequencies are below the min. allele frequency.
                Change the indicated frequencies?", title="Note",icon = "question")
      if(w) {
        db$Frequency[db$Frequency<MAF] <- MAF
    #Check if scaling is necessary
    db <- get('db',mmTK)

  #Check that all frequencies sum to 1, otherwise scale
  #Sort database and assign final database to environment
  #Function used by f_MAF
  f_scale <- function(db){
    db <- get('db',mmTK)
    markerNames <- unique(db[,1])

    #Sort database according to marker, then allele. Silent allele last
    #First reorder levels of Allele
    aL <- unique(db[,2])
    if(any(aL == 'Silent')) {
      db$Allele <-
        factor(db$Allele, c(sort(aL[which(!aL == 'Silent')]), 'Silent'))
    } else {
      db$Allele <- factor(db$Allele, sort(aL))

    db <- db[order(db$Marker,db$Allele),]
    #Assign database that will be used if scaling is not done
    assign('db',db,envir=mmTK) #Final database

    #Check that frequencies sum to 1, otherwise scale
    sums <- sapply(1:length(markerNames),function(i) sum(db[db[,1]==markerNames[i],3]))
    ix <- which(sums!=1)
    if(length(ix)>0) {

      w <- gWidgets2::gconfirm(format("Frequencies do not sum to 1. Do you want to scale? If not, a rest allele will be added.",jusity="centre"), title="Note",icon = "info")
      if(w){ #Scale
        for(m in markerNames[ix]){
            db[db[,1]==m,3] <- db[db[,1]==m,3]/sum(db[db[,1]==m,3])
      } else{ #Rest allele, or scale if frequencies sum > 1
            for(i in ix){
                if(sums[i]>1) { #Enforce scaling
                  db[db[,1]==markerNames[i],3] <- db[db[,1]==markerNames[i],3]/sum(db[db[,1]==markerNames[i],3])
                } else { #Rest allele
                    db <- rbind(db,data.frame(Marker=markerNames[i],Allele='r',Frequency=1-sums[i]))
        if(any(sums[ix]>1)) {
          mess <- paste("Enforced scaling for markers:",paste(markerNames[sums[ix]>1],collapse=", "))
          gWidgets2::gmessage(mess, title="Note",icon = "info")

    assign('db',db,envir=mmTK) #Final database

  # Code by Magnus Dehli Vigeland
  # Function for plotting a list of pedigrees with typed members specified for each
  f_plotPeds = function(peds, typed) {
    npeds <- length(peds)

    # Make sure each pedigree is a list of components
    pedlist <- lapply(peds, function(p) if(pedtools::is.ped(p)) list(p) else p)

    # Component-wise plot data
    plotdat <- lapply(1:npeds, function(i) {
      pedi <- pedlist[[i]]
      ty <- typed[[i]]
      lapply(pedi, function(cmp) list(cmp, carrier = ty))

    # Remove outer list layer
    plotdat <- unlist(plotdat, recursive = FALSE)

    # Group comps according to original pedigrees
    ncomps <- lengths(pedlist)
    groups <- split(seq_along(plotdat), rep(seq_along(ncomps), ncomps))

    # Titles
    titles <- paste0("H", 1:npeds)

    # Plot!
    pedtools::plotPedList(plotdat, frames = TRUE, groups = groups, titles = titles,
                ### Further args to consider/tweak:
                hatched = pedtools::typedMembers,
                cex = 1.2,
                cex.main = 1.2,
                fmar = 0.02

  f_LR <- function(){

    ####### Get input ########
    #Mutation parameters
    mutPar <- get("mutPar",envir=mmTK)
    r1 <- mutPar$fMutRate
    r2 <- mutPar$mMutRate
    range1 <- mutPar$mutRange
    mutModel <- get("Mut",envir=mmTK)
    optPar <- get('optPar',mmTK)
    theta <- optPar$theta

    if(!exists('mixture',envir=mmTK)){ f_errorWindow("Mixture not imported"); stop()}
    if(!exists('reference',envir=mmTK)){ f_errorWindow("Reference profiles not imported"); stop()}
    if(!exists('frequencies',envir=mmTK)){ f_errorWindow("Missing allele frequencies"); stop()}
    if(!exists("ped1",envir=mmTK)){ f_errorWindow("Missing pedigree information"); stop()}
    if(!exists("ped2",envir=mmTK)){ f_errorWindow("Missing pedigree information"); stop()}
    if(!exists("idxC1",envir=mmTK)){ f_errorWindow("Contributors not specified"); stop()}

    E <- get("mixture",envir=mmTK) #get object
    G <- get("reference",envir=mmTK) #get object
    G$SampleName <- sapply(G$SampleName,titleize)
    #Remove AMEL marker? Or not allow for it?
    R <- f_mixture(E)
    knownGenos <- f_genotypes(G)
    db2 <- get("db",envir=mmTK)
    alleleNames <- as.character(db2[,2])

    #File names
    mixfile <- get("mixturefile",envir=mmTK)
    reffile <- get("referencefile",envir=mmTK)
    freqfile <- get("frequenciesfile",envir=mmTK)

    #Check if there are non-numeric allele names and stepwise mutation model
    #If so, give a warning
    isNumeric <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(alleleNames[alleleNames!="Silent"]))
    if(any(is.na(isNumeric)) && mutModel=='Stepwise'){
      f_errorWindow(format("Stepwise mutation model requires numeric allele names.
                    Change allele names or choose a different mutation model.",justify="centre"))

    #Make lists of alleles and frequencies per marker
    allelesAll <- split(db2$Allele,db2$Marker)
    afreqAll <- split(db2$Frequency,db2$Marker)

    #Pedigree data
    ped1 <- get("ped1",envir=mmTK)
    ped2 <- get("ped2",envir=mmTK)
    persons1 <- get("persons_ped1",envir=mmTK)
    persons2 <- get("persons_ped2",envir=mmTK)
    pedigrees <- list(ped1,ped2)
    idxC1 <- get("idxC1",envir=mmTK) #Contributors under H1
    idxC2 <- get("idxC2",envir=mmTK) #Contributors under H2
    idxK <- unique(G[,1]) #Individuals with known genotypes
    idxC <- union(idxC1,idxC2)
    idxU <- idxC[!idxC%in%idxK] #Contributors with uknown genotypes. Assuming that all individuals are represented in both pedigrees!

    drop <- get('dropliste',mmTK)
    if(!all(idxC%in%names(drop))){ f_errorWindow("Specify dropout and drop-in"); stop()
    } else {
      D <- drop[idxC]
      di <- drop[["dropin"]]

    ############# Computations ###########

    markers <- names(R)
    LRmarker <- numeric(length(markers))
    lik1 <- lik2 <- numeric(length(markers))
    for(i in 1:length(R)){

      #Create locus object for each marker
      alleles <- as.character(allelesAll[[which(names(allelesAll)==markers[i])]])
      afreq <- afreqAll[[which(names(afreqAll)==markers[i])]]
      #Set MutationRate2 to a very small number to avoid probability 0 of mutation to and from microinvariants
      #This is same as is done in Familias (MutationRate2 will be ignored unless mutation model is stepwise)
      locus <- Familias::FamiliasLocus(frequencies=afreq,name=markers[i],
                             allelenames=alleles, MutationModel=mutModel, femaleMutationRate=r1,
                             maleMutationRate=r2, MutationRange=range1, MutationRate2 = 1e-06)

      #If there is a silent allele we need to modify the mutation matrix.
      #Silent allele must be given as 's' (not 'silent' as in Familias)
      #That way Familias will treat it like a regular allele,
      #while relMix will treat is specially
        newAlleles <- c(alleles[-length(alleles)],'s')
        mm <- locus$femaleMutationMatrix #Assuming same mutation matrix for male and female
        colnames(mm) <- rownames(mm) <- newAlleles
        locus <- Familias::FamiliasLocus(frequencies=afreq,name=markers[i],
                               allelenames= newAlleles, MutationModel='Custom', MutationMatrix=mm)

      names(pedigrees) <- c("H1","H2")

        #Find genotypes for known and unknown individuals involved in the hypothesis
        datamatrix <- createDatamatrix(locus,knownGenos[[which(names(knownGenos)==markers[i])]],idsU=idxU)
        res <- relMix(pedigrees, locus, R=R[[i]], datamatrix, ids=idxC, D=lapply(D[idxC],function(x) c(x,x^2)),di=di, kinship=theta)
        lik1[i] <- res$H1
        lik2[i] <- res$H2

      } else {
        #relMix must be run twice with different contributors specified
        #Find genotypes for known and unknown individuals involved in each hypothesis
        datamatrix1 <- createDatamatrix(locus,knownGenos[[which(names(knownGenos)==markers[i])]],idsU=intersect(idxU,idxC1))
        datamatrix2 <- createDatamatrix(locus,knownGenos[[which(names(knownGenos)==markers[i])]],idsU=intersect(idxU,idxC2))
        res1 <- relMix(pedigrees$H1, locus, R=R[[i]], datamatrix1, ids=idxC1, D=lapply(D[idxC1],function(x) c(x,x^2)),di=di, kinship=theta)
        res2 <- relMix(pedigrees$H2, locus, R=R[[i]], datamatrix2, ids=idxC2, D=lapply(D[idxC2],function(x) c(x,x^2)),di=di, kinship=theta)
        lik1[i] <- res1[[1]]
        lik2[i] <- res2[[1]]
    LRmarker <- lik1/lik2
    #Set NaN's to 0 (likelihood 0 also under H2)
    LRmarker[is.na(LRmarker)] <- 0

    Data <- data.frame(Marker=markers,LR=LRmarker,LikH1=lik1,LikH2=lik2,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    #Make result window
    LRwindow <- gWidgets2::gwindow("Results",height=800,width=800,visible=FALSE)
    LRwindowGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container = LRwindow)

    #### left col ####
    paramGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal=FALSE,container=LRwindowGroup)
    #Database options
    databaseData <- data.frame(Parameter=c("theta","Silent allele freq.","Min. allele freq."),Value=unlist(optPar))
    databaseData[,1] <- as.character(databaseData[,1])
    databaseData[,2] <- as.character(databaseData[,2])

    databaseGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal=FALSE,container=paramGroup)
    databaseFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("Database",container=databaseGroup,horizontal=FALSE)
    #dataTab <- gWidgets2::gtable(databaseData,container=databaseFrame)
    dataTab <- gWidgets2::gtable(format(databaseData, justify = "centre"),container=databaseFrame)
    gWidgets2::size(dataTab) <- list(height=110,width=240,column.widths=c(120,50))

      mutData <- data.frame(Parameter=c("Model","Range"),Value=c(mutModel,mutPar$mutRange))
    } else mutData <-  data.frame(Parameter="Model",Value=mutModel)
    mutData2 <- data.frame(Parameter=c("Female mut. rate","Male mut. rate"),Value=c(mutPar$fMutRate,mutPar$mMutRate))
    mutData[,1] <- as.character(mutData[,1])
    mutData2[,1] <- as.character(mutData2[,1])
    mutData[,2] <- as.character(mutData[,2])
    mutData2[,2] <- as.character(mutData2[,2])
    mutData <- rbind(mutData,mutData2)

    mutGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal=FALSE,container=paramGroup)
    mutFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("Mutations",container=mutGroup,horizontal=FALSE)
    #mutTab <- gWidgets2::gtable(mutData,container=mutFrame)
    mutTab <- gWidgets2::gtable(format(mutData, justify = "centre"),container=mutFrame)
    gWidgets2::size(mutTab) <- list(height=110,width=240,column.widths=c(120,50))

    contGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal=FALSE,container=paramGroup)
    contFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("Contributors",container=contGroup,horizontal=FALSE)
      contData <- cbind("Pedigree 1"=idxC1[seq(idxC2)],"Pedigree 2"=idxC2)
    } else{
      contData <- cbind("Pedigree 1"=idxC1,"Pedigree 2"=idxC2[seq(idxC1)])
    contData[is.na(contData)] <- ""
    contTab <- gWidgets2::gtable(format(as.data.frame(contData), justify = "centre"),container=contFrame)
    gWidgets2::size(contTab) <- list(height=90,width=240,column.widths=c(85,85))

    dropData <- data.frame(Parameter=c(paste("Dropout",names(D)),"Drop-in"),Value=c(unlist(D),di))
    dropData[,1] <- as.character(dropData[,1])
    dropData[,2] <- as.character(dropData[,2])
    colnames(dropData) <- c("Parameter","Value")
    dropGroup <-  gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal=FALSE,container=paramGroup,spacing=7)
    dropFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("Dropout and drop-in",container=dropGroup,horizontal=FALSE)
    dropTab <- gWidgets2::gtable(format(dropData,justify="centre"),container=dropFrame)
    gWidgets2::size(dropTab) <- list(height=110,width=240,column.widths=c(120,50))

    #### right col ####
    LRgroup2 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(container=LRwindowGroup,horizontal=FALSE,spacing=7)
    #Plot pedigrees. First convert FamiliasPedigree to ped
    peds <- pedFamilias::Familias2ped(pedigrees, datamatrix = NULL, loci = NULL)
    pedGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal=TRUE,container=LRgroup2,spacing=5)
    if (requireNamespace("tkrplot", quietly = TRUE)) {
      pedFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("Pedigrees: contributors marked with a dot",container=pedGroup,horizontal=TRUE,expand=TRUE)
      img1 <- tkrplot::tkrplot(gWidgets2::getToolkitWidget(pedFrame),
                               fun = function() {
    } else {
      gWidgets2::glabel('Plotting is not available because the "tkrplot" package is not installed.', container=pedGroup)

    #List of LRs
    gWidgets2::glabel(paste("Total LR:",format(prod(LRmarker),digits=4,scientific=TRUE)),container=LRgroup2)
    tab <- gWidgets2::gtable(format(Data[,1:2],digits=4,scientific=TRUE,justify="right"),container=LRgroup2, expand = FALSE)
    gWidgets2::size(tab) <- list(height = 300, width=200, column.widths = c(100, 100))

    #Prepare data to write to file
    allParam <- rbind(databaseData,mutData,dropData)
    colnames(contData) <- paste("Contributors",colnames(contData))
    allParam <- cbind(allParam," "=rep("",nrow(allParam)),rbind(contData,matrix("",nrow=nrow(allParam)-nrow(contData),ncol=ncol(contData))))
    rownames(allParam) <- NULL

    #Reference profiles
    GT <- G
    GT[,3:4] <- apply(G[,3:4],2,prettyNum)
    #Mixture profile
    mix <- E

    alleles_report <- data.frame()
    freqs_report <- data.frame()
    for(i in 1:nrow(mix)){
      m <- mix$Marker[i]
      #Unique alleles appearing in mixture and genotypes
      al <- unique(c(unlist(GT[GT$Marker==m,-c(1,2)]),unlist(mix[i,-c(1,2)])[unlist(mix[i,-c(1,2)])!=""]))
      al <- al[!is.na(al)]
      #Frequencies for the unique alleles
      f <- afreqAll[[m]][match(al,allelesAll[[m]])]
      freqs_report[i,1:length(f)] <- f
      alleles_report[i,1:length(al)] <- al
    colnames(freqs_report) <- paste0("Allele",1:ncol(freqs_report))
    colnames(alleles_report) <- paste0("Allele",1:ncol(alleles_report))
    nc <- ncol(alleles_report)
    out <- do.call("data.frame", lapply(1:nc, function(j) cbind(alleles_report[,j],signif(freqs_report[,j],3))))
    colnames(out) <- rep(c("Allele","Freq"),times=ncol(alleles_report))
    allele_info <- cbind(Marker=mix$Marker,out)
    allele_info[is.na(allele_info)] <- ""
    colnames(allele_info) <- c("Marker",paste0(colnames(out),rep(1:(ncol(out)/2),each=2)))
    mix[is.na(mix)] <- ""

    DataTot <- rbind(Data,c("Total",prod(LRmarker),prod(Data[,3]),prod(Data[,4])))

    LRbut <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Save results to file", container=LRgroup2,handler=function(h,...){

    gWidgets2::visible(LRwindow) <- TRUE


  mmTK = new.env() #create new environment object

  #Assign some default parameters
  defaultList <- list(Mut='Equal',

  for(i in 1:length(defaultList)){

  win <- gWidgets2::gwindow(paste0("RelMix v",packageVersion("relMix")),height=500,width=500,visible=FALSE)
  top <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container = win)
  group1 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=top)

  ###### Import data #####
  #Buttons for importing files
  dataGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=group1,spacing=7)
  impFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("1) Import data",container=dataGroup,horizontal = FALSE)
  objMix <- gWidgets2::gbutton(text="Import mixture profile",container=impFrame,handler=f_importprof,action="mixture")
  objRef <- gWidgets2::gbutton(text="Import reference profiles",container=impFrame,handler=f_importprof,action="reference")
  objDB <- gWidgets2::gbutton(text="Database",container=impFrame,handler=f_database)

  ###### Mutations #####
  #Mutation frame
  mutGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=group1,spacing=7)
  mutFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("2) Mutations",container=mutGroup,horizontal=FALSE)
  mutButton <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Mutations", handler=f_mutations,container=mutFrame)

  group2 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=top)

  ####### Pedigrees ######
  #Pedigree frame
  pedGroup <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = FALSE, container=group2,spacing=7)
  pedFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("3) Pedigrees",container=pedGroup)
  #Should we have the option to include different contributors under each hypothesis???
  #Pedigree 1 button
  gWidgets2::glabel("Pedigree 1",container=pedFrame)
  objPed <- gcombobox(c("Paternity","Unrelated","Custom"), selected=0,container=pedFrame,handler=f_pedigree,action="1")
  #Pedigree 2 button
  gWidgets2::glabel("Pedigree 2",container=pedFrame)
  objPed2 <- gcombobox(c("Paternity","Unrelated","Custom"), selected=0,container=pedFrame,handler=f_pedigree,action="2")

  ######## Contributors #######
  contFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("4) Contributors",container=group2,horizontal=TRUE)
  objCont <- gWidgets2::gbutton(text="Specify contributors",container=contFrame,handler=f_contributors)

  ####### Dropout/drop-in #########
  group3 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=top,spacing=10)
  #Dropout button
  dropFrame <- gWidgets2::gframe("5) Dropout and drop-in",container=group3,horizontal=TRUE)
  dropButton <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Specify dropout and drop-in", handler=f_dropout, container=dropFrame)

  ###### Compute LR ######
  group4 <- gWidgets2::ggroup(horizontal = TRUE, container=top,spacing=10)
  #Compute LR button
  LRbutton <- gWidgets2::gbutton("Compute LR", container=group4, handler=function(h,...){

  ####### Restart ######
  gWidgets2::addSpace(group4, 10)
  restartButton = gWidgets2::gbutton(text="RESTART",container=group4,handler=function(h,...) {
    gWidgets2::dispose(win) #remove main window
    relMixGUI() #reopen relMix

  gWidgets2::visible(win) <- TRUE
gdorum/relMix documentation built on April 17, 2024, 8:49 p.m.