Man pages for genomaths/MethylIT
Methylation Analysis Based on Signal Detection

AICmodelAkaike's Information Criterion (AIC)
AICquasiPoissonAIC for Quasi-Poisson glm model
beta_bin_methBeta-binomial Posterior Methylation Levels
betaBinPosteriorsBeta binomial posteriors
BICmodelBayesian Information Criterion (BIC)
boltzman_factorBoltzmann's Factors
coefExtract Model Coefficients
countTest2Regression Test for Count
cutpointCutpoint of the 'PS' simulated dataset used in the examples
dmpClustersDMP clustering
dmpsSimulated dataset of DMPs used in examples
dmrfinderFind Differentially Methylated Regions (DMRs)
dsSimulated dataset of RangedGlmDataSet class object (DMPs...
estimateBayesianDivergenceInformation divergence estimator
estimateBetaDistSelect the beta distribution that fit specified quantiles
estimateCutPointEstimate cutpoints to distinguish the treatment methylation...
estimateDivergenceInformation Divergences of Methylation Levels
estimateECDFA variant of Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function...
estimateGLMPoisson and Negative Binomial regression analysis.
estimateHellingerDivHellinger divergence of methylation levels
estimateJDivJ Information Divergence of Methylation Levels
evaluateDIMPclassEvaluate DMPs Classification
evaluateModelEvaluate a model using the Akaike information criterion (AIC)
ExtractSubscript operator for objects from several Methyl-IT classes
filterByCoverageFilter methylation counts by coverage
filterGRangeFilter methylation counts by coverage in a GRanges object
FisherTestFisher's exact test for read counts on GRanges objects
fitGammaDistNonlinear fit of Gamma CDF (Gamma)
fitGGammaDistNonlinear fit of Generalized Gamma CDF (GGamma)
fitLogNormDistNonlinear fit of Log-Normal CDF (LogNorm)
GeneUpDownStreamGet Genes plus Up and Down Stream Regions
getBaseMeansAndVariancesCalculate the means and variances by row
getDIMPatGenesCount DMPs at gene-body
getDMGsDMGs Estimation on Specified Genomic Region
getDMPatRegionsCount DMPs at Genomic Regions
getGEOSuppFilesGet Supplemental Files from GEO
getGRangesStatStatistic of Genomic Regions
getPotentialDIMPPotential methylation signal
ggammaGeneralized Gamma distribution
gibb_entropyGibbs entropy of Generalized Gamma Distribution
glmDataSetData set constructor for class glmDataSet
gmMeanCalculate the geometric mean
gofSimulated dataset of nonlinear fits used in the examples
gofReportReport the Best Fitted Probability Distribution Model
gunzipDecompress 'gzip' files
HDSimulated dataset of Hellinger divergences used in the...
hdivSimulated dataset of Information divergences used in the...
helmholtz_free_energyHelmholtz Free Energy of Generalized Gamma Distribution
lapplyApply a function over a list-like object preserving its...
lda_perfClassification LDA model for simulated dataset of DMPs used...
logit_perfClassification logistic model for simulated dataset of DMPs...
machine_entMolecular Machine Entropy
meth_levelsCompute methylation levels
MethylITMethylIT: Methylation Analysis Based on Signal Detection and...
mlCutpointMachine-learning Approach for Cutpoint Estimation
nonlinearFitDistNonlinear fit of Information divergences distribution
pcaLDALinear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) using Principal Component...
pcaLda_perfClassification PCA+LDA model for simulated dataset of DMPs...
pcaLogisticRLogistic Classification Model using Principal Component...
pcalogit_perfClassification logistic model for simulated dataset of DMPs...
pcaQDAQuadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) using Principal...
pcaQda_perfClassification PCA+QDA model for simulated dataset of DMPs...
pjob_splitParallel Job Split
poolFromGRlistMethylation pool from a list of GRanges objects with...
predictPrediction Method of Random Forest for 'pDMP' Objects
predict.cdfMODELPredict function for probability distributions in Methyl-IT
predictDIMPclassPredict DIMP class
predict.ldaDMPPredict function for 'ldaDMP' method
predict.LogisticRPredict function for logistic regression model from...
predict.qdaDMPPredict function for 'qdaDMP' method
print.glmDataSetPrinting object from *_glmDataSet_* and...
print.mlDMPPrinting object from _ldaDMP_ and _qdaDMP_ classes by simple...
PSSimulated dataset of potential DMPs used in examples
pweibull3PWeibull distribution with three parameters
qda_perfClassification LDA model for simulated dataset of DMPs used...
rcountsSimulated dataset of read counts used in the examples
readCounts2GRangesListRead files of methylation count tables
selectDIMPSelection of DMPs
simpleCutPointSimple Cutpoint estimation
slidingGRegionsGenerates intervals for a GRanges objects
sortBySeqnameAndStartSorting 'GRanges' objects
uniqueGRangesUnique genomic ranges from a list of GRanges objects
uniqueGRfilterByCovUnique 'GRanges-class' of methylation read counts filtered by...
unlistFlatten lists extended to any class
validateClassFunction to validate S3 classes in MethylIT
weibull3PNonlinear fit of Weibull CDF
genomaths/MethylIT documentation built on Feb. 3, 2024, 1:24 a.m.