
Defines functions maf2spec vcf2spec context2spec reverse_context

Documented in context2spec maf2spec reverse_context vcf2spec

#' Get the reverse complementary sequence
#' Given a mutational context, get the context on its complementary
#' strand
#' @param mut_context A string of ref nucleotide context
#' @param alt_nuc The alternative nucleotide
#' @return Returns a string of nucleotide context of the same length
reverse_context <- function(mut_context, alt_nuc) {
    flipnuc <- function(nuc) {
        if (nuc == "A"){ return("T") }
        if (nuc == "T"){ return("A") }
        if (nuc == "C"){ return("G") }
        if (nuc == "G"){ return("C") }
        stop("Unknown nucleotide!")
    if (nchar(mut_context) %% 2 != 1) {
        stop("The length of context need to be odd!")
    if (nchar(alt_nuc) != 1) {
        stop("The length of alternative nucleotide need to be one")

    return_context <- NULL
    for (i in seq(nchar(mut_context), by = -1)) {
        return_context <- paste(return_context, flipnuc(unlist(strsplit(
                                    mut_context, split=""))[i]), sep = "")
        if (i == nchar(mut_context) %/% 2 + 1) {
            return_context <- paste(return_context, flipnuc(alt_nuc), sep = ">")

#' Construct the spectrum from a mutation file with context
#' The function converts mutation with reference contexts 
#' into a spectrum, which has mutation counts catalogued by 
#' contexts. It uses the fact that DNA has two complementary strands
#' and folds the A/G mutations into to T/C. 
#' @param input_muts A matrix of three columns; the first one is the context, 
#' with the central nucleotide mutated. The second one has the alternative
#' nucleotide. The third column stores the names of the samples. If it only has
#' two columns, the function assumes all mutations are from one single sample
#' @param plot a binary indicator whethere a plot of the specturm will be made 
#' (default: TRUE)
#' @param normalize Normalization choice ("none", "genome", "exome"). In general,
#' when fitting COSMIC signatures, which are derived from a mixture of WGS and WES 
#' smaples, we do not think there is additional benefits with normalization (default: none)
#' Normalization uses the trinucleotides frequencies in the genome.
#' Please do not use normalized frequencies for futher fitting (siglasso()) as it 
#' the mutation counts are no longer discrete. siglass() has an option for such 
#' normalization, operating on the signatures.
#' @return Returns a matrix of mutation counts in different context, 
#' in each of the samples 
#' @export

context2spec <- function(input_muts, plot = TRUE, normalize = "none") {
    input_muts <- apply(data.frame(input_muts), c(1, 2), as.character)
    if (ncol(input_muts) == 2){
        print("No sample information! Assume all mutations from one sample")
    if (nrow(input_muts) == 0){
        stop("The input is empty")
    ref_length <- nchar(input_muts[1,1])
    if (ref_length %% 2 != 1) {
        stop("The length of ref context need to be odd!")
    nucleotides <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
    # initialize with six mutations
    all_context <-  c("C>A", "C>G", "C>T", "T>A", "T>C", "T>G") 

    for (i in seq(ref_length %/% 2)){
        all_context<-as.vector(sapply(sapply(all_context, function(x) sapply(
                        nucleotides, function(y) paste(y, x, sep=""))),
                        function(x) sapply(nucleotides, 
                        function(y) paste(x, y, sep=""))))
    return_mat <- matrix(0, length(all_context), length(unique(input_muts[,3])))
    colnames(return_mat) <- unique(input_muts[,3])
    rownames(return_mat) <- all_context
    for (k in seq(nrow(input_muts))){
        if (nchar(input_muts[k, 1]) != ref_length){
            print("Warning: the ref context length is inconsistent: %s! 
                    Skipped", input_muts[k, 1])
        ref_context <- unlist(strsplit(input_muts[k, 1], ""))
        if (ref_context[(ref_length %/% 2 + 1)] %in% c("A", "G")){
            row_idx <- which(all_context == reverse_context(input_muts[k, 1], 
                                input_muts[k, 2]))
            if (length(row_idx) == 0){
                print(reverse_context(input_muts[k, 1], input_muts[k, 2]))
                stop("Unexpected mutation context!")
        else {
            mut_context <- paste(c(ref_context[1:(ref_length %/% 2 + 1)], ">", 
                                input_muts[k, 2]), collapse="")
            mut_context <- paste(mut_context, ref_context[(ref_length %/% 2 + 
                                    2): ref_length], sep="")
            row_idx <- which(all_context == mut_context)
        col_idx <- which(unique(input_muts[,3]) == input_muts[k,3])
        return_mat[row_idx, col_idx] <- return_mat[row_idx, col_idx] + 1    
    if (plot) {
    if (normalize == "genome") {
        print("Will normalize using genome trinucleotide frequency")
    else if (normalize == "exome") {
        print("Will normalize using genome trinucleotide frequency")
    else if (normalize != "none") {
        stop("Unexpected normalization! Use 'genome', 'exome' or 'none'")

#' Construct the spectrum from a VCF file
#' The function converts a vcf file into a spectrum matrix which has
#' mutation counts catalogued by contexts. It uses the fact that DNA has 
#' two complementary strands and folds the A/G mutations into to T/C. 
#' It is a wrapper on bedtools(https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases). 
#' @param bedtools_path Path of bedtool executable, e.g. "~/bedtools/bin/bedtool"
#' @param vcf_meta A comma(CSV)/space/tab(TAB)-delimited meta vcf file in the format of "vcf_path[comma, space or tab]sample_name",
#' Alternatively, you can just supply a list of paths to vcfs without sample_name.
#' It will then use vcf file names as sample name.:
#' @param ref_genome An fa file path of reference genome sequence
#' @param context_length The length of extension of each side of the mutation. 
#' By default it is 3 (trinucleotide context).
#' @param output_file An output file that contains the context matrix
#' @param overwrite Should it overwrite the output_file if existed
#' @return Returns a matrix of mutation counts in different context, 
#' in each of the samples 
#' @export

vcf2spec <- function(bedtools_path = "bedtools", vcf_meta, ref_genome, output_file, context_length = 1, overwrite = F){
    if (!file.exists(vcf_meta)){
        stop("You need to supply a meta file specify the vcf file locations!")
    if (!file.exists(ref_genome)){
        stop("You need to supply a reference genome (FASTA)!")
    if (missing(output_file)){
        stop("You need to supply an output file where it write the context!")
    if (file.exists(output_file)){
        if (!overwrite){
            stop("Output file exist! If you want to overwrite it, set overwrite = T")
    system(paste(c("bash", system.file("/scripts/get_context.sh", package="siglasso"), vcf_meta, output_file, context_length, bedtools_path, ref_genome), collapse=" "))

#' Construct the spectrum from a MAF file
#' The function converts a MAF file into a spectrum matrix which has
#' mutation counts catalogued by contexts. It uses the fact that DNA has 
#' two complementary strands and folds the A/G mutations into to T/C. 
#' It is a wrapper on bedtools(https://github.com/arq5x/bedtools2/releases). 
#' @param bedtools_path Path of bedtool executable, e.g. "~/bedtools/bin/bedtool"
#' @param maf A maf file
#' @param ref_genome An fa file path of reference genome sequence
#' @param context_length The length of extension of each side of the mutation. 
#' By default it is 3 (trinucleotide context).
#' @param output_file An output file that contains the context matrix
#' @return Returns a matrix of mutation counts in different context, 
#' in each of the samples 
#' @export

maf2spec <- function(bedtools_path = "bedtools", maf, ref_genome, context_length = 1, output_file){
    #command = paste(bedtools_path," flank -i ~/Downloads/hg001_hg38_1k.vcf -b", sep = "")
    #system("~/Downloads/bedtools2.27/bin/bedtools flank -i ~/Downloads/hg001_hg38_1k.vcf -b")
    if (!file.exists(maf)){
        stop("You need to supply a meta file specify the vcf file locations!")
    if (!file.exists(ref_genome)){
        stop("You need to supply a reference genome (FASTA)!")
    if (!file.exists(output_file)){
        stop("You need to supply an output file where it write the context!")
    system(paste(c("bash", system.file("/scripts/get_context.sh", package="siglasso"), vcf_meta, output_file, context_length, bedtools_path, ref_genome), collapse=" "))
gersteinlab/siglasso documentation built on Sept. 5, 2022, 8:45 p.m.