
Defines functions plot_pmx.pmx_qq pmx_qq pmx_qq_stats

Documented in plot_pmx.pmx_qq pmx_qq

pmx_qq_stats <- function(points) {
  sample <- sort(points)
  distribution <- stats::qnorm
  n <- length(sample)
  line.p <- c(.25, .75)
  quantiles <- stats::ppoints(n)

  theoretical <- do.call(
    c(p = quote(quantiles))

  x_coords <- do.call(distribution, c(list(p = line.p)))
  y_coords <- quantile(sample, line.p)
  slope <- diff(y_coords) / diff(x_coords)
  intercept <- y_coords[1L] - slope * x_coords[1L]
  data.table(intercept = intercept, slope = slope)

#' This function creates a qq plot object
#' @param x \code{character} variable name to sample
#' @param labels list of texts/titles used within the plot
#' @param dname name of dataset to be used
#' @param point \code{list} geom_point attributes color, shape,...
#' @param reference_line \code{list} geom_line attributes. Used only for pmx_plot_eta_qq
#' @param is.reference_line \code{logical} if TRUE add reference line to the plot
#' @param facets \code{list}
#' @param xmax \code{logical} if FALSE do not use max(aes(x)) as limits default to TRUE
#' @param ... others graphics arguments passed to \code{\link{pmx_gpar}} internal object.

#' @return \code{pmx_qq} object
#' @family qq_plot
#' @details
#' \strong{labels} is a list that contains:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{title:} plot title default  "EBE vs. covariates"
#' \item \strong{x:} x axis label default to "Etas"
#' \item \strong{y:} y axis label default to empty
#' }
#' \strong{point} is a list that contains:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{shape:} default to 1
#' \item \strong{color:} default to black
#' \item \strong{size:} default to 1
#' }
#' @param is.hline logical if TRUE add horizontal line y=0 ( TRUE by default)
#' @param hline geom hline graphical parameters
#' @param is.vline logical if TRUE add vertical line x=0 ( TRUE by default)
#' @param vline geom vline graphical parameters
#' @param is.shrink \code{logical} if TRUE add shrinkage to the plot
#' @param shrink \code{pmxShrinkClass} shrinkage graphical parameter or
#'   \code{list} coercible into one

pmx_qq <- function(
                   dname = NULL,
                   point = NULL,
                   xmax = TRUE,
                   facets = NULL,
                   is.reference_line = NULL,
                   reference_line = NULL,
                   is.shrink = NULL,
                   shrink = NULL,
                   is.hline = NULL,
                   hline = NULL,
                   is.vline = NULL,
                   vline = NULL,
                   ...) {
  if (is.null(dname)) dname <- "predictions"

  if (missing(labels)) {
    labels <- list(
      title = sprintf("QQ plot: %s", x),
      y = "",
      x = "",
      subtitle = ""
  default_point <- list(shape = 1, colour = "black", size = 1)
  point <- l_left_join(default_point, point)

  labels$subtitle <- ""
    ptype = "PMX_QQ",
    strat = TRUE,
    x = x,
    dname = dname,
    point = point,
    is.reference_line = is.reference_line,
    reference_line = reference_line,
    xmax = xmax,
    facets = facets,
    is.shrink = is.shrink,
    shrink = shrink,
    is.hline = is.hline,
    hline = hline,
    is.vline = is.vline,
    vline = vline,
    gp = pmx_gpar(
      labels = labels,
      discrete = TRUE,
      is.smooth = FALSE,
  ), class = c("pmx_qq", "pmx_gpar"))

#' This function plot EBE versus covariates using qq plots
#' @param x pmx_qq object
#' @param dx data set
#' @param ... not used for the moment
#' @return ggplot2 plot
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{eta_cov}}
#' @family plot_pmx
#' @import ggplot2
plot_pmx.pmx_qq <- function(x, dx, ...) {
  SHRINK <- annotation <- NULL
  if (!(x$x %in% names(dx))) {
  dx <- dx[!is.infinite(get(x$x))]

  strat.facet <- x[["strat.facet"]]
  strat.color <- x[["strat.color"]]
  vec.color <- c(grep("~", strat.color, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE))
  vec.facet <- c(grep("~", strat.facet, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE))

  grp <- c(vec.color, vec.facet)
  if (sum(nchar(grp)) == 0) grp <- NULL
  dx.ref <- if ("EFFECT" %in% names(dx)) {
    dx[, pmx_qq_stats(get(x$x)), c("EFFECT", grp)]
  } else {
    dx[, pmx_qq_stats(get(x$x)), grp]

  p <- ggplot(dx, aes(sample = .data[[x$x]])) +
        stat = "qq", shape = shape, colour = colour,
        size = size

  hline_layer <- if (!is.null(x$is.hline) && x$is.hline) {
    hline <- l_left_join(list(yintercept = 0), x$hline)
    do.call(geom_hline, hline)

  vline_layer <- if (!is.null(x$is.vline) && x$is.vline) {
    vline <- l_left_join(list(xintercept = 0), x$vline)
    do.call(geom_vline, vline)

  reference_layer <- if (!is.null(x$is.reference_line) && x$is.reference_line) {
    x$reference_line$mapping <- aes(slope = .data$slope, intercept = .data$intercept)
    if (!is.null(strat.color)) {
      if (is.formula(strat.color)) {
        strat.color <- setdiff(as.character(strat.color), "~")
      x$reference_line$colour <- NULL
      x$reference_line$mapping <- aes(
        slope = .data$slope, intercept = .data$intercept,
        colour = .data[[strat.color]]
    x$reference_line$data <- dx.ref
    do.call("geom_abline", x$reference_line)

  layer_shrink <- if (!is.null(x$is.shrink) && x$is.shrink && !is.null(x[["shrink.dx"]])) {
    x$shrink$data <- x[["shrink.dx"]]
    x$shrink$data$annotation <- x$shrink$annotation
    x$shrink$annotation <- NULL
    x$shrink$mapping <-
        label = sprintf("%s=%s%%", annotation, round(SHRINK * 100))
    x$shrink$inherit.aes <- FALSE
    x$shrink$x <- -Inf
    x$shrink$y <- Inf

    x$shrink$fun <- NULL
    do.call(geom_text, x$shrink)

  layer_facet <- if ("EFFECT" %in% names(dx)) {
    if (!is.null(strat.facet)) {
      wf <- wrap_formula(strat.facet, "EFFECT")
      x$facets$nrow <- NULL
      x$facets$ncol <- NULL
      do.call("facet_grid", c(wf, x$facets))
    else {
      wf <- formula("~EFFECT")
      do.call("facet_wrap", c(wf, x$facets))
  } else {
    if (!is.null(strat.facet)) {
      if (is.character(strat.facet)) {
        wf <- formula(paste0("~", strat.facet))
        do.call("facet_wrap", c(wf, x$facets))

  layer_color <- if (!is.null(strat.color)) {
    if (is.formula(strat.color)) {
      strat.color <- setdiff(as.character(strat.color), "~")
    geom_point(stat = "qq", aes(colour = .data[[strat.color]]))
  p <- p + layer_facet + layer_shrink +
    layer_color + reference_layer + hline_layer + vline_layer

  if (!is.null(p)) p <- plot_pmx(x$gp, p)

  if (x$xmax) {
    xmin <- min(dx[, x$x, with = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
    xmax <- max(dx[, x$x, with = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE)
    xrange <- c(xmin - .001 * (xmax - xmin), xmax + .001 * (xmax - xmin))
    p <- p +
      coord_cartesian(xlim = xrange, ylim = xrange) +
      theme(aspect.ratio = 1)
ggPMXdevelopment/ggPMX documentation built on Dec. 11, 2023, 5:24 a.m.