
Defines functions render_this reorder_first reorder_last g addn tr_gs main td_ ak combine_small_levels relevel_size relevel_first relevel_last na2na.factor na2na.default na2na nuniq rnd add_rownames kb ga

Documented in addn add_rownames ak g ga kb main render_this reorder_first rnd td_ tr_gs

## small utilities for bad typists ------
#' getAnywhere
#' @param ... parameters for getAnywhere
#' @export
ga <- function(...) {
## Kable utilities ------
#' Collect options for kbl
#' @export
kb <- function(
  caption = NULL,
  format.args = list(big.mark = ','), 
  ...) {
      booktabs = T, 
      linesep = '', 
      format.args = format.args,
      caption= caption, ...
  ) %>% 
    kable_styling(latex_options = "HOLD_position")
#' Turn rownames into labelled column for kable
#' @export
add_rownames <- function(x, label = names(dimnames(x))[1], ...) {
  x <- cbind(x) # to make it a matrix if it isn't
  vals <- cbind(rownames(x))
  x <- cbind(vals, x)
  dimnames(x)[[2]][1] <- label
  rownames(x) <- NULL
#' Generic round
#' @export
rnd <- function(x,...) {
  if(is.numeric(x))  round(x, ...)
  else if(is.list(x)) {
    x[] <- lapply(x, rnd, ...)
  } else x
## Factor utilities ------

nuniq <- function(x) {

na2na <- function(x, replace , ...) UseMethod('na2na')
na2na.default <- function(x, replace= "No Answer", ... ) {
  x[is.na(x)] <- replace
na2na.factor <- function(x, replace= "No Answer", ...) {
  levs <- levels(x)
  x <- as.character(x)
  x <- na2na(x, replace = replace)
  factor(x, levels = unique(c(levs, replace)))
# zf <- factor(c(NA,LETTERS[1:5],NA))
# zf
# zf %>% na2na
# zf %>% na2na('not surveyed')
#' @export
relevel_last <- function(x, ref, ...) {
  x <- as.factor(x)
  rotate <- function(x) c(x[-1],x[1])
  if(!(ref %in% levels(x))) return( x )
  ret <- relevel(x, ref, ...) 
  factor(ret, levels = rotate(levels(ret)))

#' @export
relevel_first <- function(x, ref, ...) {
  x <- as.factor(x)
  if(!(ref %in% levels(x))) return( x )
  relevel(x, ref, ...) 

#' @export
relevel_size <- function(x, ord = -capply(x, x, length), ...) {
  reorder(as.factor(x), ord)

#' @export
combine_small_levels <- function(x, size = 6, name = 'Smaller groups') {
  tofac <- is.factor(x)
  if(tofac) lev <- levels(x)
  x <- as.character(x)
  nx <- capply(x, x, length)
  x[nx <= size] <- name
  if(tofac) {
    new_levs <- intersect(lev, unique(x))
    new_levs <- c(new_levs, name)
    x <- factor(x, levels = new_levs)

# in spida2: years <- function(x,...) as.numeric(format(x,"%Y"))

## Lattice utilities ------
#' Auto.key arguments
#' @export
ak <- function(reverse.rows = T, lines = T, points = T, ...) {
  list(space = 'right', reverse.rows = reverse.rows, lines = lines,
       points = points)
#' Set latice parameters for base (not superpose) elements
#' @export
td_ <- function(...) td(..., superpose = FALSE)
#' Presumably to create a heading
#' @export
main <- function(x, line2 = NULL, font = 1, cex = 1, ...) {
  if(!is.null(line2)) x <- paste0(x,'\n',line2)
  list(x, font = font, cex = cex, ...)
#' tr_gs: special case
#' @export
tr_gs <- function(x) {
  x <- tr(x, c("M:F1", "M:FA", "F:F1", "F:FA"), c('Male F1', 'Male FA', 'Female F1', 'Female FA') )
  factor(x, levels =  c('Male F1', 'Female F1','Male FA',  'Female FA'))
#' add number of occurences in parentheses
#' @export
addn <- function(x, big.mark = ',') {
  # add frequency in parentheses
  xx <- as.character(x)
  n <- format(capply(xx, xx, length), big.mark= ',', justify = 'none')
  n <- paste0('(',gsub(' ','',n),')')
  ret <- apply(data.frame(xx, n),1, paste, collapse = ' ')
  ret <- reorder(factor(ret), as.numeric(as.factor(x)))
  levels(ret) <- text_spec(levels(ret), format='latex', monospace = F)
# addn(c('a','a','a','b'))
## Miscellaneous ------
#' Quick grepv
#' @export
g <- function(string, data = dd) {
  grepv(string, names(data))
#' @export
reorder_last <- function(x, last) {
  wh <- which(x %in% last)
  if(length(wh) == 0) x
  else c(x[-wh], x[wh])
#' relevel for character vectors
#' @export
reorder_first <- function(x, first) {
  wh <- which(x %in% first)
  if(length(wh) == 0) x
  else c(x[wh], x[-wh])
#' Render with YAML is separate file
#' Should be used from a commented line in a file in RStudio. e.g.
#' \code{# gnew::render_this()}
#' Pre catenates the contents of YAML.R to the file as
#' filename_out.R and render using R markdown.
#' Uses spida2::here to identify the names of the file from
#' which it was called
#' @param clean passed to \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}}
#' @export
render_this <- function(clean = TRUE){
  infile <- spida2::here()
  outfile <- sub('.R$','_out.R',infile)
  indir <- spida2::here(TRUE)
  cmd <- paste("cat YAML.R",infile,' > ', outfile)
  rmarkdown::render(outfile, clean = clean)
gmonette/gnew documentation built on July 9, 2022, 12:57 p.m.