
Defines functions stress bm_fox bm bm25 bm25f

Documented in bm bm25 bm25f bm_fox stress

#' Simon Urbanek's Benchmark 2.5
#' Use the total time for all 15 tests to decide whether you would benefit
#' from running time-consuming tasks on a faster server.
#' Exports information to a file
#' @seealso [bm25()] for a benchmark without saving results in a file
#' @export
bm25f <- function(note='none specified') {
  # R Benchmark 2.5 (06/2008) [Simon Urbanek]
  # version 2.5: scaled to get roughly 1s per test, R 2.7.0 @ 2.6GHz Mac Pro
  # R Benchmark 2.4 (06/2008) [Simon Urbanek]
  # version 2.4 adapted to more recent Matrix package
  # R Benchmark 2.3 (21 April 2004)
  # Warning: changes are not carefully checked yet!
  # version 2.3 adapted to R 1.9.0
  # Many thanks to Douglas Bates (bates@stat.wisc.edu) for improvements!
  # version 2.2 adapted to R 1.8.0
  # version 2.1 adapted to R 1.7.0
  # version 2, scaled to get 1 +/- 0.1 sec with R 1.6.2
  # using the standard ATLAS library (Rblas.dll)
  # on a Pentium IV 1.6 Ghz with 1 Gb Ram on Win XP pro
  # revised and optimized for R v. 1.5.x, 8 June 2002
  # Requires additionnal libraries: Matrix, SuppDists
  # Author : Philippe Grosjean
  # eMail  : phgrosjean@sciviews.org
  # Web    : http://www.sciviews.org
  # License: GPL 2 or above at your convenience (see: http://www.gnu.org)
  # Several tests are adapted from the Splus Benchmark Test V. 2
  # by Stephan Steinhaus (stst@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de) 
  # Reference for Escoufier's equivalents vectors (test III.5):
  # Escoufier Y., 1970. Echantillonnage dans une population de variables
  # aleatoires relles. Publ. Inst. Statis. Univ. Paris 19 Fasc 4, 1-47.
  date <- date()
  fileinfo <- paste0(date,".sysinfo")
  fileinfoq <- paste0("'",fileinfo,"'")
  syscall <- paste0('echo ',date, '  ', note, '>', fileinfoq)
  syscall <- paste0('lscpu | egrep "CPU|Model|MIPS" >>', fileinfoq)
  syscall <- paste0('lshw -C memory  >>', fileinfoq)
  sink(fileinfo, append=TRUE)
  outfile <- paste0(date,"-bm.tsv")
  catfile <- function(...) {
    out <- paste(...)
    out <- sub(': ', '\t', out)
    cat(date,'\t', note, '\t', out, file = outfile, append = TRUE)
  runs <- 3			# Number of times the tests are executed
  times <- rep(0, 15); dim(times) <- c(5,3)
  require(Matrix)		# Optimized matrix operations
  ########require(SuppDists)	# Optimized random number generators
  #Runif <- rMWC1019	# The fast uniform number generator
  Runif <- runif
  # If you don't have SuppDists, you can use: Runif <- runif
  #a <- rMWC1019(10, new.start=TRUE, seed=492166)	# Init. the generator
  #Rnorm <- rziggurat	# The fast normal number generator
  # If you don't have SuppDists, you can use: Rnorm <- rnorm
  #b <- rziggurat(10, new.start=TRUE)	# Init. the generator
  Rnorm <- rnorm
  ########remove("a", "b")
  cat("\n\n   R Benchmark 2.5\n")
  cat("   ===============\n")
  cat(c("Number of times each test is run__________________________: ", runs))
  cat("   I. Matrix calculation\n")
  cat("   ---------------------\n")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (1)
  cumulate <- 0; a <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    timing <- system.time({
      a <- matrix(Rnorm(2500*2500)/10, ncol=2500, nrow=2500);
      b <- t(a);
      dim(b) <- c(1250, 5000);
      a <- t(b)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[1, 1] <- timing
  catfile(c("Creation, transp., deformation of a 2500x2500 matrix (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (2)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- abs(matrix(Rnorm(2500*2500)/2, ncol=2500, nrow=2500));
    timing <- system.time({ 
      b <- a^1000 
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[2, 1] <- timing
  catfile(c("2400x2400 normal distributed random matrix ^1000____ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (3)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- Rnorm(7000000)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- sort(a, method="quick")	# Sort is modified in v. 1.5.x
      # And there is now a quick method that better competes with other packages!!!
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[3, 1] <- timing
  catfile(c("Sorting of 7,000,000 random values__________________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (4)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- Rnorm(2800*2800); dim(a) <- c(2800, 2800)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- crossprod(a)		# equivalent to: b <- t(a) %*% a
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[4, 1] <- timing
  catfile(c("2800x2800 cross-product matrix (b = a' * a)_________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (5)
  cumulate <- 0; c <- 0; qra <-0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- new("dgeMatrix", x = Rnorm(2000*2000), Dim = as.integer(c(2000,2000)))
    b <- cbind(as.double(1:2000))
    # disp(str(a))
    # disp(str(b))
    # disp(methods(crossprod))
    timing <- system.time({
      c <- solve(crossprod(as.matrix(a)), crossprod(as.matrix(a),b))
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
    # This is the old method
    #a <- Rnorm(600*600); dim(a) <- c(600,600)
    #b <- 1:600
    #timing <- system.time({
    #  qra <- qr(a, tol = 1e-7);
    #  c <- qr.coef(qra, b)
    #  #Rem: a little faster than c <- lsfit(a, b, inter=F)$coefficients
    #cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[5, 1] <- timing
  catfile(c("Linear regr. over a 3000x3000 matrix (c = a \\ b')___ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("a", "b", "c", "qra")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  times[ , 1] <- sort(times[ , 1])
  cat("                      --------------------------------------------\n")
  cat(c("                 Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): ", exp(mean(log(times[2:4, 1]))), "\n\n"))
  cat("   II. Matrix functions\n")
  cat("   --------------------\n")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32") flush.console()
  # (1)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- Rnorm(2400000)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- fft(a)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[1, 2] <- timing
  catfile(c("FFT over 2,400,000 random values____________________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (2)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- array(Rnorm(600*600), dim = c(600, 600))
    # Only needed if using eigen.Matrix(): Matrix.class(a)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- eigen(a, symmetric=FALSE, only.values=TRUE)$Value
      # Rem: on my machine, it is faster than:
      #	 b <- La.eigen(a, symmetric=F, only.values=T, method="dsyevr")$Value
      #	 b <- La.eigen(a, symmetric=F, only.values=T, method="dsyev")$Value
      #  b <- eigen.Matrix(a, vectors = F)$Value
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[2, 2] <- timing
  catfile(c("Eigenvalues of a 640x640 random matrix______________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (3)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- Rnorm(2500*2500); dim(a) <- c(2500, 2500)
    timing <- system.time({
      #b <- determinant(a, logarithm=F)
      # Rem: the following is slower on my computer!
      # b <- det.default(a)
      b <- det(a)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[3, 2] <- timing
  catfile(c("Determinant of a 2500x2500 random matrix____________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (4)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- crossprod(as.matrix(new("dgeMatrix", x = Rnorm(3000*3000),
                                 Dim = as.integer(c(3000, 3000)))))
    #a <- Rnorm(900*900); dim(a) <- c(900, 900)
    #a <- crossprod(a, a)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- chol(a)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[4, 2] <- timing
  catfile(c("Cholesky decomposition of a 3000x3000 matrix________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (5)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- new("dgeMatrix", x = Rnorm(1600*1600), Dim = as.integer(c(1600, 1600)))
    #a <- Rnorm(400*400); dim(a) <- c(400, 400)
    timing <- system.time({
      #  b <- qr.solve(a)
      # Rem: a little faster than
      b <- solve(a)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[5, 2] <- timing
  catfile(c("Inverse of a 1600x1600 random matrix________________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  times[ , 2] <- sort(times[ , 2])
  cat("                      --------------------------------------------\n")
  cat(c("                Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): ", exp(mean(log(times[2:4, 2]))), "\n\n"))
  cat("   III. Programmation\n")
  cat("   ------------------\n")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (1)
  cumulate <- 0; a <- 0; b <- 0; phi <- 1.6180339887498949
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- floor(Runif(3500000)*1000)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- (phi^a - (-phi)^(-a))/sqrt(5)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[1, 3] <- timing
  catfile(c("3,500,000 Fibonacci numbers calculation (vector calc)(sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("a", "b", "phi")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (2)
  cumulate <- 0; a <- 3000; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- rep(1:a, a); dim(b) <- c(a, a);
      b <- 1 / (t(b) + 0:(a-1))
      # Rem: this is twice as fast as the following code proposed by R programmers
      # a <- 1:a; b <- 1 / outer(a - 1, a, "+")
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[2, 3] <- timing
  catfile(c("Creation of a 3000x3000 Hilbert matrix (matrix calc) (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (3)
  cumulate <- 0; c <- 0
  gcd2 <- function(x, y) {if (sum(y > 1.0E-4) == 0) x else {y[y == 0] <- x[y == 0]; Recall(y, x %% y)}}
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- ceiling(Runif(400000)*1000)
    b <- ceiling(Runif(400000)*1000)
    timing <- system.time({	  
      c <- gcd2(a, b)                            # gcd2 is a recursive function
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[3, 3] <- timing
  catfile(c("Grand common divisors of 400,000 pairs (recursion)__ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("a", "b", "c", "gcd2")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (4)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    b <- rep(0, 500*500); dim(b) <- c(500, 500)
    timing <- system.time({
      # Rem: there are faster ways to do this
      # but here we want to time loops (220*220 'for' loops)! 
      for (j in 1:500) {
        for (k in 1:500) {
          b[k,j] <- abs(j - k) + 1
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[4, 3] <- timing
  catfile(c("Creation of a 500x500 Toeplitz matrix (loops)_______ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("b", "j", "k")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (5)
  cumulate <- 0; p <- 0; vt <- 0; vr <- 0; vrt <- 0; rvt <- 0; RV <- 0; j <- 0; k <- 0;
  x2 <- 0; R <- 0; Rxx <- 0; Ryy <- 0; Rxy <- 0; Ryx <- 0; Rvmax <- 0
  # Calculate the trace of a matrix (sum of its diagonal elements)
  Trace <- function(y) {sum(c(y)[1 + 0:(min(dim(y)) - 1) * (dim(y)[1] + 1)], na.rm=FALSE)}
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    x <- abs(Rnorm(45*45)); dim(x) <- c(45, 45)
    timing <- system.time({
      # Calculation of Escoufier's equivalent vectors
      p <- ncol(x)
      vt <- 1:p                                  # Variables to test
      vr <- NULL                                 # Result: ordered variables
      RV <- 1:p                                  # Result: correlations
      vrt <- NULL
      for (j in 1:p) {                           # loop on the variable number
        Rvmax <- 0
        for (k in 1:(p-j+1)) {                   # loop on the variables
          x2 <- cbind(x, x[,vr], x[,vt[k]])
          R <- cor(x2)                           # Correlations table
          Ryy <- R[1:p, 1:p]
          Rxx <- R[(p+1):(p+j), (p+1):(p+j)]
          Rxy <- R[(p+1):(p+j), 1:p]
          Ryx <- t(Rxy)
          rvt <- Trace(Ryx %*% Rxy) / sqrt(Trace(Ryy %*% Ryy) * Trace(Rxx %*% Rxx)) # RV calculation
          if (rvt > Rvmax) {
            Rvmax <- rvt                         # test of RV
            vrt <- vt[k]                         # temporary held variable
        vr[j] <- vrt                             # Result: variable
        RV[j] <- Rvmax                           # Result: correlation
        vt <- vt[vt!=vr[j]]                      # reidentify variables to test
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  times[5, 3] <- timing
  catfile(c("Escoufier's method on a 45x45 matrix (mixed)________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("x", "p", "vt", "vr", "vrt", "rvt", "RV", "j", "k")
  remove("x2", "R", "Rxx", "Ryy", "Rxy", "Ryx", "Rvmax", "Trace") 
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  times[ , 3] <- sort(times[ , 3])
  cat("                      --------------------------------------------\n")
  cat(c("                Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): ", exp(mean(log(times[2:4, 3]))), "\n\n\n"))
  cat(c("Total time for all 15 tests_________________________ (sec): ", sum(times), "\n"))
  catfile(c("Overall mean (sum of I, II and III trimmed means/3)_ (sec): ", exp(mean(log(times[2:4, ]))), "\n"))
  remove("cumulate", "timing", "times", "runs", "i")
  cat("                      --- End of test ---\n\n")   
#' Simon Urbanek's Benchmark 2.5
#' Use the total time for all 15 tests to decide whether you would benefit
#' from running time-consuming tasks on a faster server.
#' @seealso [bm25f()] for a benchmark saving results in a file
#' @export
bm25 <- function() {
  # R Benchmark 2.5 (06/2008) [Simon Urbanek]
  # version 2.5: scaled to get roughly 1s per test, R 2.7.0 @ 2.6GHz Mac Pro
  # R Benchmark 2.4 (06/2008) [Simon Urbanek]
  # version 2.4 adapted to more recent Matrix package
  # R Benchmark 2.3 (21 April 2004)
  # Warning: changes are not carefully checked yet!
  # version 2.3 adapted to R 1.9.0
  # Many thanks to Douglas Bates (bates@stat.wisc.edu) for improvements!
  # version 2.2 adapted to R 1.8.0
  # version 2.1 adapted to R 1.7.0
  # version 2, scaled to get 1 +/- 0.1 sec with R 1.6.2
  # using the standard ATLAS library (Rblas.dll)
  # on a Pentium IV 1.6 Ghz with 1 Gb Ram on Win XP pro
  # revised and optimized for R v. 1.5.x, 8 June 2002
  # Requires additionnal libraries: Matrix, SuppDists
  # Author : Philippe Grosjean
  # eMail  : phgrosjean@sciviews.org
  # Web    : http://www.sciviews.org
  # License: GPL 2 or above at your convenience (see: http://www.gnu.org)
  # Several tests are adapted from the Splus Benchmark Test V. 2
  # by Stephan Steinhaus (stst@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de) 
  # Reference for Escoufier's equivalents vectors (test III.5):
  # Escoufier Y., 1970. Echantillonnage dans une population de variables
  # aleatoires relles. Publ. Inst. Statis. Univ. Paris 19 Fasc 4, 1-47.
  # type source("c:/<dir>/R2.R") to start the test
  runs <- 3			# Number of times the tests are executed
  times <- rep(0, 15); dim(times) <- c(5,3)
  require(Matrix)		# Optimized matrix operations
  ########require(SuppDists)	# Optimized random number generators
  #Runif <- rMWC1019	# The fast uniform number generator
  Runif <- runif
  # If you don't have SuppDists, you can use: Runif <- runif
  #a <- rMWC1019(10, new.start=TRUE, seed=492166)	# Init. the generator
  #Rnorm <- rziggurat	# The fast normal number generator
  # If you don't have SuppDists, you can use: Rnorm <- rnorm
  #b <- rziggurat(10, new.start=TRUE)	# Init. the generator
  Rnorm <- rnorm
  ########remove("a", "b")
  cat("\n\n   R Benchmark 2.5\n")
  cat("   ===============\n")
  cat(c("Number of times each test is run__________________________: ", runs))
  cat("   I. Matrix calculation\n")
  cat("   ---------------------\n")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (1)
  cumulate <- 0; a <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    timing <- system.time({
      a <- matrix(Rnorm(2500*2500)/10, ncol=2500, nrow=2500);
      b <- t(a);
      dim(b) <- c(1250, 5000);
      a <- t(b)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[1, 1] <- timing
  cat(c("Creation, transp., deformation of a 2500x2500 matrix (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (2)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- abs(matrix(Rnorm(2500*2500)/2, ncol=2500, nrow=2500));
    timing <- system.time({ 
      b <- a^1000 
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[2, 1] <- timing
  cat(c("2400x2400 normal distributed random matrix ^1000____ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (3)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- Rnorm(7000000)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- sort(a, method="quick")	# Sort is modified in v. 1.5.x
      # And there is now a quick method that better competes with other packages!!!
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[3, 1] <- timing
  cat(c("Sorting of 7,000,000 random values__________________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (4)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- Rnorm(2800*2800); dim(a) <- c(2800, 2800)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- crossprod(a)		# equivalent to: b <- t(a) %*% a
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[4, 1] <- timing
  cat(c("2800x2800 cross-product matrix (b = a' * a)_________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (5)
  cumulate <- 0; c <- 0; qra <-0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- new("dgeMatrix", x = Rnorm(2000*2000), Dim = as.integer(c(2000,2000)))
    b <- cbind(as.double(1:2000))
    # disp(str(a))
    # disp(str(b))
    # disp(methods(crossprod))
    timing <- system.time({
      c <- solve(crossprod(as.matrix(a)), crossprod(as.matrix(a),b))
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
    # This is the old method
    #a <- Rnorm(600*600); dim(a) <- c(600,600)
    #b <- 1:600
    #timing <- system.time({
    #  qra <- qr(a, tol = 1e-7);
    #  c <- qr.coef(qra, b)
    #  #Rem: a little faster than c <- lsfit(a, b, inter=F)$coefficients
    #cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[5, 1] <- timing
  cat(c("Linear regr. over a 3000x3000 matrix (c = a \\ b')___ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("a", "b", "c", "qra")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  times[ , 1] <- sort(times[ , 1])
  cat("                      --------------------------------------------\n")
  cat(c("                 Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): ", exp(mean(log(times[2:4, 1]))), "\n\n"))
  cat("   II. Matrix functions\n")
  cat("   --------------------\n")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32") flush.console()
  # (1)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- Rnorm(2400000)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- fft(a)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[1, 2] <- timing
  cat(c("FFT over 2,400,000 random values____________________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (2)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- array(Rnorm(600*600), dim = c(600, 600))
    # Only needed if using eigen.Matrix(): Matrix.class(a)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- eigen(a, symmetric=FALSE, only.values=TRUE)$Value
      # Rem: on my machine, it is faster than:
      #	 b <- La.eigen(a, symmetric=F, only.values=T, method="dsyevr")$Value
      #	 b <- La.eigen(a, symmetric=F, only.values=T, method="dsyev")$Value
      #  b <- eigen.Matrix(a, vectors = F)$Value
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[2, 2] <- timing
  cat(c("Eigenvalues of a 640x640 random matrix______________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (3)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- Rnorm(2500*2500); dim(a) <- c(2500, 2500)
    timing <- system.time({
      #b <- determinant(a, logarithm=F)
      # Rem: the following is slower on my computer!
      # b <- det.default(a)
      b <- det(a)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[3, 2] <- timing
  cat(c("Determinant of a 2500x2500 random matrix____________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (4)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- crossprod(as.matrix(new("dgeMatrix", x = Rnorm(3000*3000),
                       Dim = as.integer(c(3000, 3000)))))
    #a <- Rnorm(900*900); dim(a) <- c(900, 900)
    #a <- crossprod(a, a)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- chol(a)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[4, 2] <- timing
  cat(c("Cholesky decomposition of a 3000x3000 matrix________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (5)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- new("dgeMatrix", x = Rnorm(1600*1600), Dim = as.integer(c(1600, 1600)))
    #a <- Rnorm(400*400); dim(a) <- c(400, 400)
    timing <- system.time({
      #  b <- qr.solve(a)
      # Rem: a little faster than
      b <- solve(a)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[5, 2] <- timing
  cat(c("Inverse of a 1600x1600 random matrix________________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  times[ , 2] <- sort(times[ , 2])
  cat("                      --------------------------------------------\n")
  cat(c("                Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): ", exp(mean(log(times[2:4, 2]))), "\n\n"))
  cat("   III. Programmation\n")
  cat("   ------------------\n")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (1)
  cumulate <- 0; a <- 0; b <- 0; phi <- 1.6180339887498949
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- floor(Runif(3500000)*1000)
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- (phi^a - (-phi)^(-a))/sqrt(5)
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[1, 3] <- timing
  cat(c("3,500,000 Fibonacci numbers calculation (vector calc)(sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("a", "b", "phi")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (2)
  cumulate <- 0; a <- 3000; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    timing <- system.time({
      b <- rep(1:a, a); dim(b) <- c(a, a);
      b <- 1 / (t(b) + 0:(a-1))
      # Rem: this is twice as fast as the following code proposed by R programmers
      # a <- 1:a; b <- 1 / outer(a - 1, a, "+")
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[2, 3] <- timing
  cat(c("Creation of a 3000x3000 Hilbert matrix (matrix calc) (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  ########remove("a", "b")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (3)
  cumulate <- 0; c <- 0
  gcd2 <- function(x, y) {if (sum(y > 1.0E-4) == 0) x else {y[y == 0] <- x[y == 0]; Recall(y, x %% y)}}
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    a <- ceiling(Runif(400000)*1000)
    b <- ceiling(Runif(400000)*1000)
    timing <- system.time({	  
      c <- gcd2(a, b)                            # gcd2 is a recursive function
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[3, 3] <- timing
  cat(c("Grand common divisors of 400,000 pairs (recursion)__ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("a", "b", "c", "gcd2")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (4)
  cumulate <- 0; b <- 0
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    b <- rep(0, 500*500); dim(b) <- c(500, 500)
    timing <- system.time({
      # Rem: there are faster ways to do this
      # but here we want to time loops (220*220 'for' loops)! 
      for (j in 1:500) {
        for (k in 1:500) {
          b[k,j] <- abs(j - k) + 1
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  timing <- cumulate/runs
  times[4, 3] <- timing
  cat(c("Creation of a 500x500 Toeplitz matrix (loops)_______ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("b", "j", "k")
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  # (5)
  cumulate <- 0; p <- 0; vt <- 0; vr <- 0; vrt <- 0; rvt <- 0; RV <- 0; j <- 0; k <- 0;
  x2 <- 0; R <- 0; Rxx <- 0; Ryy <- 0; Rxy <- 0; Ryx <- 0; Rvmax <- 0
  # Calculate the trace of a matrix (sum of its diagonal elements)
  Trace <- function(y) {sum(c(y)[1 + 0:(min(dim(y)) - 1) * (dim(y)[1] + 1)], na.rm=FALSE)}
  for (i in 1:runs) {
    x <- abs(Rnorm(45*45)); dim(x) <- c(45, 45)
    timing <- system.time({
      # Calculation of Escoufier's equivalent vectors
      p <- ncol(x)
      vt <- 1:p                                  # Variables to test
      vr <- NULL                                 # Result: ordered variables
      RV <- 1:p                                  # Result: correlations
      vrt <- NULL
      for (j in 1:p) {                           # loop on the variable number
        Rvmax <- 0
        for (k in 1:(p-j+1)) {                   # loop on the variables
          x2 <- cbind(x, x[,vr], x[,vt[k]])
          R <- cor(x2)                           # Correlations table
          Ryy <- R[1:p, 1:p]
          Rxx <- R[(p+1):(p+j), (p+1):(p+j)]
          Rxy <- R[(p+1):(p+j), 1:p]
          Ryx <- t(Rxy)
          rvt <- Trace(Ryx %*% Rxy) / sqrt(Trace(Ryy %*% Ryy) * Trace(Rxx %*% Rxx)) # RV calculation
          if (rvt > Rvmax) {
            Rvmax <- rvt                         # test of RV
            vrt <- vt[k]                         # temporary held variable
        vr[j] <- vrt                             # Result: variable
        RV[j] <- Rvmax                           # Result: correlation
        vt <- vt[vt!=vr[j]]                      # reidentify variables to test
    cumulate <- cumulate + timing
  times[5, 3] <- timing
  cat(c("Escoufier's method on a 45x45 matrix (mixed)________ (sec): ", timing, "\n"))
  remove("x", "p", "vt", "vr", "vrt", "rvt", "RV", "j", "k")
  remove("x2", "R", "Rxx", "Ryy", "Rxy", "Ryx", "Rvmax", "Trace") 
  if (R.Version()$os == "Win32" || R.Version()$os == "mingw32") flush.console()
  times[ , 3] <- sort(times[ , 3])
  cat("                      --------------------------------------------\n")
  cat(c("                Trimmed geom. mean (2 extremes eliminated): ", exp(mean(log(times[2:4, 3]))), "\n\n\n"))
  cat(c("Total time for all 15 tests_________________________ (sec): ", sum(times), "\n"))
  cat(c("Overall mean (sum of I, II and III trimmed means/3)_ (sec): ", exp(mean(log(times[2:4, ]))), "\n"))
  remove("cumulate", "timing", "times", "runs", "i")
  cat("                      --- End of test ---\n\n")   
#' Another benchmark
#' This benchmark is designed to show results for specific funtions.
#' For example. qr is not parallelized with openblas-open mp
#' Timings are compared with those on an  AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor
#' with 16 cores and not hyperthreading.
#' @param n number of replications, default 1
#' @export
bm <- function(n=1) {
  m <- matrix(rnorm(1e6), 1000,1000)
  ret <- rbind(
    qr = system.time(replicate(n, qr(m))),
    svd = system.time(replicate(n, svd(m))),
    solve = system.time(replicate(n, solve(m))),
    crossprod = system.time(replicate(n, crossprod(m))),
    lsfit = system.time(replicate(n, lsfit(m[,-1],m[,1])))
  nix.times <-structure(
    c(0.114149999999972, 3.21702000000023, 0.323029999999853, 
      0.0830400000000373, 0.121879999999765, 0.000940000000009604, 
      0.103089999999977, 0.000810000000014952, 0.00886999999998352, 
      0.000970000000004347, 0.11394000000003, 0.233139999999948, 0.0230400000000282, 
      0.00834999999999127, 0.121690000000008, 1.00191, 13.79699, 14.0796, 
      10.03548, 1.0016), dim = 5:4, 
    dimnames = list(
      c("qr", "svd", 
        "solve", "crossprod", "lsfit"), c("self", "sys", "elapsed", "factor"
        )), cpu = structure(
          list(vendor_id = "AuthenticAMD", model_name = "AMD Ryzen 9 3950X 16-Core Processor", 
               no_of_cores = 16L), class = "data.frame", 
          row.names = c(NA,-1L)), 
    blas = structure(
        blas = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-openmp/libblas.so.3",
        lapack = "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-openmp/liblapack.so.3"), class = "data.frame", 
      row.names = c(NA, 
  ret <- ret[,1:3]
  colnames(ret) <- c('self','sys','elapsed')
  ret <- as.data.frame(ret)
  ret$factor <- round(ret$self / ret$elapsed,3)
  ret <- as.matrix(ret)
  if(require(benchmarkme)) {
    attr(ret,'cpu') <- as.data.frame(get_cpu())
    attr(ret,'blas') <- as.data.frame(get_linear_algebra())
  list(timings = ret, rel2nix = round(ret/nix.times,2))
#' Benchmark used by John Fox
#' @param file append results to this file
#' @export
bm_fox <- function(file = NULL) {
  if(!is.null(file)) {
    sink(file, append = TRUE, split = TRUE)
  N <- 20000
  M <- 2000
  X <- matrix(rnorm(N*M),N)
  system.time(Z <- crossprod(X)) %>% print
  cat('\nsolve:\n')%>% print
  system.time(Zinv <- solve(Z)) %>% print
  max(abs(diag(M) - Z %*% Zinv))%>% print
  benchmarkme::get_cpu() %>% print
  sessionInfo() %>% print
#' Stress test
#' @export
stress <- function(mc.cores = 8,N=1000000) {
  mclapply(1:N, function(i) {
  }, mc.cores = mc.cores)
gmonette/spida2 documentation built on July 14, 2024, 12:45 p.m.