
###  td

#' @name td

#' Set lattice parameters for multiple groups
#' Easier alternative to using trellis.par.set and trellis.par.get to change lattice colors, line types, etc.
#' Designed to easily set lattice parameters for multiple groups. Setting
#' parameters before calling the lattice function allows parameters to be used
#' consistently in the group key.
#' 'td' calls 'trellis.device' and sets graphical parameters for
#' 'superpose.line' and 'superpose.symbol'. 'td' also initializes a new trellis
#' device with a white background if new = TRUE.
#' 'gd' is similar to 'td' except that it uses a theme that resembles that of 'ggplot'
#' @param n in 'gd' specifies the number of distinct colours to generate to
#' distinguish groups. 'gd' uses 'latticeExtra' to set defaults for a
#' ggplot2-like appearance. Default is n = 4
#' @param new If new = TRUE, open a new window, otherwise modify the existing
#' active window, if there is one.
#' @param col
#' @param lty
#' @param lwd
#' @param pch
#' @param cex
#' for each level of the groups variable
#' @param font
#' @param fill
#' @param col.line
#' not given
#' @param col.symbol
#' 'groups' not given
#' @param alpha
#' @param alpha.line
#' @param alpha.symbol graphical parameters for superpose.line and
#' superpose.symbol
#' @param len extend the length of parameters by recycling to length 'len'
#' @param long if TRUE generate a default combination of col, lty and pch with
#' length 42.
#' @param record If TRUE, set history to 'recording'. Caution: this can use a
#' lot of memory in .GlobalEnv.  Consider adding selected graphs to memory with
#' the 'Insert' key instead.
#' @param basecol
#' @param colsets
#' @param \dots
#' parameter: e.g. \code{plot.symbol=list(cex=2,col='red')}. Particular useful
#' for the cex, col, lty, lwd, alpha, pch parameters in plot.line and
#' plot.symbol.
#' @author Georges Monette
#' @examples
#' td( lty = 1:7)   # sets line types for 7 groups
#' gd(7)            # sets line types for 7 groups using colors from RColorBrewer
#' td( plot.symbol = list(col = 'red', pch = 17))
#' gd_(col='blue')  # set main color to 'blue'
#' @describeIn td
#' @export
td <- function(
    new = FALSE,
    col=c("#0080ff",   "#ff00ff",   "darkgreen", "#ff0000" ,  "orange" ,   "#00ff00",   "brown" ),
    lty=1:7, lwd=1,
	pch = 1:7, cex = 0.8, font = 1,
	long = FALSE,
#    record = FALSE, # not supported in RStudio
    basecol = NULL,
	  colsets = c('plot.symbol','plot.line','dot.symbol',
    ...) {

        # Modified for R: Oct. 10, 2004
	# reset superpose.symbol and superpose.line so they have consistent length
	# equal to the max of input parameters:
	#			sps: cex, col, font, pch
	#			spl: lty, col, lwd
	# or to len
	#  This allows distinctive line styles, for example for 12 objects by using
	#  good lty's:     1,4,8,6,3,5,7
	#  and good col's: 1,8,6,3,4,5,2
  aargs <- list(...)
  if ( long ) {
    col <- c(3,5,4,6,8,2)   # drop yellow
    len <- 42 # generates 42 unique combinations of pch/lty and col
  if(new) trellis.device(theme = col.whitebg, record = record, new = new)
                                        # NOTE: fixed panel.superpose so lty argument
                                        # is passed to points for type = 'b'
  len <- max(len,length(col),length(lty),length(lwd),length(pch),length(cex),length(font))
  spl <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
  spl$alpha <- rep(alpha.line, length = len)
  spl$lty <- rep(lty,length=len)
  spl$col <- rep(col.line,length=len)
  spl$lwd <- rep(lwd,length=len)
  sps <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
  sps$alpha <- rep( alpha.symbol, length = len)
  sps$pch <- rep(pch, length=len)
  sps$col <- rep(col.symbol, length=len)
  sps$cex <- rep(cex, length=len)
  sps$font <- rep(font, length=len)
  sps$fill <- rep(fill, length=len)

  list(superpose.symbol = sps, superpose.line = spl)
  if ( !is.null(basecol)) {
    for ( ii in colsets ) {
      tt <- trellis.par.get(ii)
      tt$col <- basecol
  if ( length(aargs)){
    tpg <- trellis.par.get()
    for ( nn in names(aargs)){
      for(mm in names(aargs[[nn]])){
        tpg[[nn]][[mm]] <- aargs[[nn]][[mm]]
    trellis.par.set(theme = tpg)
  ret <- trellis.par.get()
#' @describeIn td uses a ggplot-like theme
#' @param n number of groups for which to set colors, line types, etc. using RColorBrewer.
#' @examples
#' #   - setting colors for groups, i.e. 'superpose.symbol' in trellis.par.get():
#' gd(5)  # where 5 is the number of groups
#' gd(5, lwd = 2, lty = 1)
#' gd(5, col = brewer.pal(5,"Dark2"),cex = 1.5)
#' # To set colors with no groups
#' gd_(col='tomato4')
#' # changing the default color for lines and symbols
#' gd(plot.line=list(col='red',lwd=2),
#'            plot.symbol=list(col='blue', cex = 1.3))
#' # OR using superpose = FALSE
#' gd(superpose = FALSE, col = 'red', lwd = 2)
#' # OR using the utility function:
#' gd_(col = 'red', lwd = 2)
#' #
#' #  For a complete list of elements that can be changed:
#' names(trellis.par.get())
#' # For a list of colors
#' colors()
#' grepv('pink',colors()) # types of pink
#' # Using magrittr
#' library(magrittr)
#' colors()  %>%  grepv('blue', .)  %>%
#'   pal  %>%
#'   as.data.frame %>%
#'   sortdf( ~ red)  %>%
#'   as.matrix  %>%
#'   divide_by(255)  %>%
#'   rgb  %>%
#'   pal
#' @export
gd <-
  function (n=9,
            col = brewer.pal(n,"Set1"), lty = 1:n, lwd = 1,
            pch = 19, cex = 1.4, font = 1, fill = "transparent",
            col.line = col, col.symbol = col,
            alpha = 1, alpha.line = alpha, alpha.symbol = alpha,
            len = n,
            # arguments to ggplot2like:
            h = c(0,360) + 15, l =65, c = 100, h.start = 0, direction = 1,
            low = "#3B4FB8", high = "#B71B1A", space = "rgb",
            # trellis par set parameters for basecol:
            basecol = NULL,
            colsets = c("plot.symbol","plot.line", "dot.symbol",
                        "dot.line", "cloud.3d", "box.dot"),
            # set ggplot2 like environment even if not first call
            superpose = TRUE,
            gginit = FALSE,
            # other arguments of form:
            #      plot.symbol = list( col = 'red', pch = 4)
    # gd makes it easy to set graphical parameters,
    # i.e. col, lwd, lty, fill, font, cex, pch, alpha
    # for 'superpose.symbol' and 'superpose.line' used
    # for different groups in lattice
    # Note: fill works with pch 21:25
    # gd can also be used to set other graphical parameters
    # by specifying the list in which they are set
    # (see trellis.par.get()). For example to reset
    # symbol colors and line colors:
    #    gd(
    # Usage:

    aargs <- list(...)

    # ggplot2
    if(is.null(lattice.options('gginit')[[1]]) | gginit == TRUE){
      trellis.par.set(ggplot2like(n = n,h = h,l = l,c = c,
                                  h.start = h.start, direction = direction,
                                  low = low , high = high , space = space))
    len <- max(len, length(col), length(lty), length(lwd), length(pch),
               length(cex), length(font))
    if (superpose ) {
      spl <- trellis.par.get("superpose.line")
      spl$alpha <- rep(alpha.line, length = len)
      spl$lty <- rep(lty, length = len)
      spl$col <- rep(col.line, length = len)
      spl$lwd <- rep(lwd, length = len)
      trellis.par.set("superpose.line", spl)
      sps <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")
      sps$alpha <- rep(alpha.symbol, length = len)
      sps$pch <- rep(pch, length = len)
      sps$col <- rep(col.symbol, length = len)
      sps$cex <- rep(cex, length = len)
      sps$font <- rep(font, length = len)
      sps$fill <- rep(fill, length = len)
      trellis.par.set("superpose.symbol", sps)
    } else { # use to set non-panel setting
      tt <- trellis.par.get()
      if ( !missing(col) ) {
        tt$plot.symbol$col <- col.symbol
        tt$plot.line$col <- col.line
      if ( !missing(col.line)) {
        tt$plot.line$col <- col.line
      if ( !missing(col.symbol)) {
        tt$plot.symbol$col <- col.symbol
      if ( !missing(alpha) ) {
        tt$plot.symbol$alpha <- alpha.symbol
        tt$plot.line$alpha <- alpha.line
      if ( !missing(alpha.line)) {
        tt$plot.line$alpha <- alpha.line
      if ( !missing(alpha.symbol)) {
        tt$plot.symbol$alpha <- alpha.symbol
      if ( !missing(lty)) {
        tt$plot.line$lty <- lty
      if ( !missing(lwd)) {
        tt$plot.line$lwd <- lwd
      if ( !missing(pch)) {
        tt$plot.symbol$pch <- pch
      if ( !missing(cex)) {
        tt$plot.symbol$cex <- cex
      if ( !missing(fill)) {
        tt$plot.symbol$fill <- fill
      trellis.par.set(theme = tt)
    if (!is.null(basecol)) {
      for (ii in colsets) {
        tt <- trellis.par.get(ii)
        tt$col <- basecol
        trellis.par.set(ii, tt)
    if (length(aargs)) {
      tpg <- trellis.par.get()
      for (nn in names(aargs)) {
        for (mm in names(aargs[[nn]])) {
          tpg[[nn]][[mm]] <- aargs[[nn]][[mm]]
      trellis.par.set(theme = tpg)
    ret <- trellis.par.get()
    invisible(ret[grep("superpose", names(ret))])
#' @describeIn td gd to set non-group parameters
#' @export
gd_ <- function(...) gd(superpose = FALSE, ...)

###  xqplot
#' Extended Quantile Plots
#' An easy way to see a dataset's variables at a glance. Shows uniform quantile
#' plot for numerical varibles and barcharts for factors. Quantile plots also
#' show a horizontal line at the position of the mean and at mean plus or minus
#' one standard deviation.
#' @param x a data frame or list of variables to plot
#' @param ptype "quantile" (default) or "normal": kind of quantile to plot on x
#' axis.
#' @param labels names for each plot
#' @param \dots additional arguments passed to 'plot' command
#' @param mfrow number of rows and columns per page. If missing, an attempt is
#' made to choose a reasonable number.
#' @param ask
#' @param mcex character expansion factor for marginal text
#' \code{mcex}
#' @param maxlab maximum number of categories to label in barcharts
#' @param debug if TRUE, print additional information
#' @param mar size of margins
#' @param text.cex.factor character expansion factor for barchart labels
#' @param left.labs determines placement of barchart labels
#' @param maxvarnamelength maximum length of variable name without splitting on
#' two lines.
#' @note Bugs:
#' 'mfrow' should take the total number of variables into account if they will
#' fill more than one page so the last page is close to being full.
#' The current version of the function could be made much simpler and more
#' transparent. Some code is redundant.
#' @examples
#' require(car)
#' xqplot(Prestige)
#' xqplot(Prestige,"n") # normal quantiles
#' @export
xqplot <- function(x,
                    ptype = "quantile",
                    labels = dimnames(x)[[2]], ...,
                    mfrow = findmfrow ( ncol(x)),
                    ask = prod(mfrow) <
                            ncol(x) && dev.interactive(),

                    mcex = 0.8, maxlab = 12 , debug = F,
                    mar = c(5,2,3,1),
                    text.cex.factor = 1 ,
                    left.labs = F,
                    maxvarnamelength = 20)
  ## Adapted from myplot.data.frame for R by G. Monette, Oct. 25, 2004
  ##    maxlab is maximum number of labels
  # Turn matrices into variables:
  if (! is.list(x)) x <- as.data.frame(x)
  if ( any ( sapply( x, class) == 'matrix') ) {
       zz <- list()
       for ( ii in seq_along( x )) {
           if ( is.matrix( x[[ii]])) {
                  if ( is.null (colnames( x[[ii]]))) {
                        cnames <- paste( names(x)[ii], 1:ncol(x[[ii]]), sep ='.')
                  } else {
                         cnames <- paste( names(x)[ii], colnames(x[[ii]]), sep = '.')
                  for ( jj in seq_len( ncol ( x[[ii]]))) {
                       zz[[cnames[jj] ]] <- x[[ii]][,jj]

           } else {
               zz[[ names(x)[[ii]] ]] <- x[[ii]]
          x <- as.data.frame(zz)
          #disp( x )

  left.labs <- rep( left.labs, length = length(x))
  findmfrow <- function( x ) {
	   if ( x > 9) c(3,4)
	   else cbind( '1'=c(1,1),'2'=c(1,2),'3'=c(2,2),
                   '7'=c(3,3), '8'=c(3,3), '9'=c(3,3)) [, x]

  opt <- par( mfrow = mfrow, ask = ask , mar = mar + 0.1 )
  if(debug) { cat("opt:\n");print(opt)}

  iscat <- function( x ) is.factor(x) || is.character(x)

  Levels <- function(x) {
      if ( is.factor(x)) levels(x) else unique(x)

  compute.cex <- function( x ) {
    ll <- length(x)
    cex <- 2 * ifelse( ll < 5, 2,
                      ifelse( ll < 10, 1,
                             ifelse( ll < 20, .7, .5)))/mfrow[1]
  for ( ii in 1: dim(x)[2]) {
    vv <- x[[ii]]
    nam <- labels[[ii]]
    Nmiss <- sum(is.na(vv))
    N <- length(vv)
    if ( iscat(vv) ){
      tt <- table(vv)

      xlab <- paste("N =", N )
      if ( Nmiss > 0 ) {
        tt <- c( "<NA>" = sum(is.na(vv)), tt)
        xlab <- paste(xlab, "  Nmiss =", Nmiss)
      ll <- names(tt)
      nn <- length(ll)
      if ( left.labs[ii] ) barplot( tt, horiz = TRUE,
                                   xlab = xlab,
                                   cex.names = text.cex.factor * compute.cex(nn) )
      else {
        zm <- barplot( tt, names = rep("",nn), horiz = TRUE, xlab = xlab)
        ## If nn > maxlab drop labels for smaller frequencies
        sel <- rep( T, length(tt))
        tt.sorted <- rev(sort(tt))
        if ( nn > maxlab ) sel <- tt > tt.sorted[maxlab]
        if (debug) {
          disp( ll[sel])
        if ( any(sel) ) text( rep( max( tt ), nn)[sel]  ,
                             zm[sel], ll[sel], adj = 1, cex = text.cex.factor * compute.cex( nn ))
    } # end of iscat(vv)
    else {
      sublab <- ""
      N <- length( vv )
      Ninfinite <- 0
      if ( any( is.infinite ( vv ) ) ){
            n.pi <- sum( vv == Inf , na.rm = TRUE)
            n.ni <- sum( vv == -Inf, na.rm = TRUE )
            Ninfinite <- n.pi + n.ni
            vv <- vv[!is.infinite(vv)]
            sublab <- paste( sublab,"-Inf:",n.ni,"+Inf:",n.pi)
      Nmiss <- 0
      if ( any ( is.na( vv )  )) {
            Nmiss <- sum( is.na(vv) )
            vv  <- vv[!is.na(vv)]
            sublab <- paste( sublab, "NA:", Nmiss)
      Nok <- N - Nmiss - Ninfinite
      if ( pmatch( ptype, 'normal', nomatch = 0) == 1 ) {
            xxvar <- qnorm( ppoints(length(vv)) )
            xlab <- paste("Normal quantile for", Nok, "obs.")
      else {
          xxvar <- ppoints( length(vv) )
          xlab <- paste("Fraction of", Nok, "obs.")

      ## Plot continuous
      if ( Nok == 0 ) {
        xxvar <- 1
        vv <- 1
        if ( sublab == "") {
            plot( xxvar, vv, xlab = xlab, ylab="", type = 'n')
        } else {
            plot( xxvar, vv, xlab = xlab, ylab="", type = 'n', sub = sublab)
        text( 1, 1, "NA")
      else {
        if ( sublab == "") {
            plot(xxvar, sort(vv), xlab = xlab, ylab = "Data", ...)
        } else {
            plot(xxvar, sort(vv), xlab = xlab, ylab = "Data", ..., sub = sublab)
        xm <- mean(vv)
        xs <- sqrt(var(vv))
        abline( h= xm,lty=1)
        abline( h= c(xm-xs,xm+xs),lty=2)
    ## Titles for all plots
    vlab <- labels[ii]
    line.offset <- 1.0
    if ( nchar( vlab ) > maxvarnamelength) {
        vlab <- paste( substring(vlab,1,maxvarnamelength), "\n",substring(vlab, maxvarnamelength + 1))
        line.offset <- 0.2
    mtext(vlab, 3, line.offset , cex = mcex)
  # par(opt)
  if(debug) { disp(par()) }

#' Show available characters, colours, etc.
#' @param n
#' @export
sampler <-
    function( n=24 ) {
    # sample of lines and symbols
     old.par <- par(ask=T)
     on.exit( par(old.par))

     y <- 0:n
     x <- 0:n

     print(xyplot( y ~ x, type = 'n', xlab = 'lty', ylab = 'col',
      panel = function(x,y,...) {
      for ( i in x) {
       panel.xyplot(c(i,i),range(y),type='l',lty=i,col=1,lwd = 3)
      for ( i in y) {
       for ( j in seq(0,.9, by = .1)) {
        panel.xyplot(c(min(x)+ j*(max(x)-min(x)),min(x)+ (j+.1)*(max(x)-min(x))),c(i,i),type='l',lty=1,col=i, lwd = 3)

     # print(z$x, z$y, ylim=c(0,7))
     spl <-trellis.par.get('superpose.line')
     z <- expand.grid( y = 1:length(spl$lty), x = 0:2)
     print(xyplot( y ~ x , z, ylim =c(0,length(spl$lty)),groups = y, type='b',
            main="superpose.line and .symbol"))

     y <- 10*(0:25)
     x <- 0:9
     print(xyplot( y ~ x, type = 'n', main = 'pch',
        xlab = expression( ~ alpha + beta + gamma + delta[epsilon] + zeta^eta + theta + iota+kappa),
        ylab = expression( ~ lambda + mu + nu + xi + omicron + pi + rho + sigma + tau + upsilon + phi + chi +psi + omega),
      panel = function(x,y,...) {
      for ( i in x) {
       for ( j in y ) {
        panel.xyplot(i,j,pch=i+j,cex = 2)


#' Generate a palette of colours -- possibly superseded
#' @param col colors to show
#' @param border (default 'light gray')
#' @param \dots
#' @export
pal <- function(col=c('blue','pink'), border = "light gray", ...) {
     n <- length(col)
     plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), axes = FALSE,
             xlab = "", ylab = "", ...)
     rect(0, 0:(n - 1)/n, .6, 1:n/n,  col = col, border = border)
     ret <- col2rgb(col)
     dimnames(ret)[[2]] <- col
     ret <- t(ret)
     txt <- paste( as.character(col), "(",
        apply( ret, 1, paste, collapse=" "), ")")
     text( rep(.6, n), (0:(n-1)+.5)/n, txt, adj = 0)
     ret <- col2rgb(col)
     dimnames(ret)[[2]] <- col
#' Display colors n at a time
#' @param pp
#' @export
pals <- function(pp=30){
    n <- length(cc <- colors())
    ii <- 1
    while( ii < n ){

        pal(cc[ii:min(ii+pp,n)], ask = TRUE)
        ii <- ii + pp + 1

## brace() now moved to brace.R

#' Replace elements of x with correspondingly named elements of ll
#' @param x
#' @param ll
#' @export
change <- function(x,ll) {
    # Modifies elements in a list
    # Ideal for changing ... arguments in calls to panel.groups etc.
    nams <- names(ll)
    for ( ii in  seq_along(ll) ) {
        x[[nams[ii]]] <- ll[[ii]]

#' Panel function to display subgroups within groups within panels
#' This function is designed to be used as the argument to \code{panel.groups}
#' in \code{xyplot}. It effectively adds another level of subgrouping to that
#' implemented by the \code{groups} argument in \code{xyplot}.  Useful mainly
#' to display data and fitted lines in groups within panels.
#' This function is designed to be used as the argument to 'panel.groups' in
#' 'xyplot'. It allows the plotting of points versus lines within subgroups of
#' the data identified by the 'groups' argument in xyplot.  It requires a
#' variable to identify the subgroups. Points or lines are used within
#' subgroups depending on 'subgroups.type' where the order is that of the
#' levels of the 'subgroups' argument coerced as a factor, if necessary.  See
#' the examples below.
#' @param x,y coordinates of the points to be displayed
#' @param subscripts subscripts giving indices in original data frame
#' @param subgroups a subgrouping variable. Use a full reference, e.g.
#' data$subvar
#' @param subgroups.type plotting type, typically 'p' or 'l', for each level of
#' the variable passed through the \code{subgroups} argument
#' @param type
#' @param panel.subgroups function use to plot data within in each group
#' referring to the levels of the variable passed by \code{subgroups}.  Define
#' a \code{panel.subgroups} argument in the call to \code{xyplot} and it will
#' be used to plot the groups. See the examples below.
#' @param \dots any other arguments to be passed to the panel plotting function
#' @seealso \code{link[lattice]{panel.superpose}},
#' \code{link[lattice]{panel.superpose.2}}, \code{link[lattice]{panel.xyplot}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(car)
#' data(Prestige)
#' fit <- lm( prestige ~ (education +I(education^2)) * type, Prestige, na.action = na.omit)
#' pred <- expand.grid( education = seq( 6, 18, .5), type = levels( Prestige$type))
#' pred$prestige <- predict( fit, newdata = pred )
#' Prestige$what <- 'data'
#' pred$what <- 'fit'         # this works because 'fit' follows 'data' lexicographically
#' combined <- merge( Prestige, pred, all = T)
#' xyplot( prestige ~ education, combined,
#'           groups = type,
#'           subgroups = combined$what,  # note that a full reference to the variable is needed
#'           panel = panel.superpose,    # might not be necessary in future version of lattice
#'           panel.groups = panel.subgroups)  # uses the default of points for the first level of 'what'
#'                                            # and lines for the second level
#' ## Using the argument 'panel.subgroups' instead of the default 'panel.xyplot'
#' ## Note that panel.subgroups is a function (this one) and also an argument that
#' ## is a function passed to the function. The argument defines the action to
#' ## be taken within each level of 'what'
#' xyplot( prestige ~ education, combined,
#'         groups = type,
#'         subgroups = combined$what,  # note that a full reference to the variable is needed
#'         panel = panel.superpose,    # might not be necessary in future version of lattice
#'         panel.groups = panel.subgroups,
#'         panel.subgroups = function( x, y, subgroup, type, ...) {
#'              # note that you need to include 'type' among the arguments
#'              # if you need to prevent it from being passed through '...'
#'              # When called, this function will be passed arguments
#'              # subgroup, subgroup.number, subscripts, and type from
#'              # subgroups.type.
#'        if ( subgroup == 'data' ) {
#'               panel.xyplot( x, y, ...)
#'               panel.lines( dell(x,y), ...)
#'        } else {
#'               panel.lines( x,y, ...)
#'        }
#'    })
#' }
#' @export
panel.subgroups <- function( x, y, subscripts,
     subgroups, subgroups.type = c('p','l'),type,
     panel.subgroups = panel.xyplot, ...) {
help = "Use help: ?panel.subgroups"
         subgroups <- as.factor(subgroups)
         levs <- levels(subgroups)
         subgroups.type <- rep( subgroups.type, length.out = length(levs))

         subgroups = subgroups[subscripts]
         for ( i in seq_along( levs) ) {
             sel <- subgroups == levs[i]
             if ( any( sel )) {
                panel.subgroups( x[sel], y[sel], type = subgroups.type[i],
                     subscripts = subscripts[sel], subgroup.number = i,
                     subgroup = levs[i], ...)
gmonette/yscs documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:28 a.m.