Man pages for gschofl/blastr
A wrapper for NCBI Blast

blast_db.sqlLoad SQL schema for blast_db
BlastHeader-classClass '"BlastHeader"'
blastnWrapper for the NCBI Nucleotide-Nucleotide BLAST
blastpWrapper for the NCBI Protein-Protein BLAST
BlastParameters-classClass '"BlastParameters"'
blastrA wrapper around NCBI Blast.
blastReportParse NCBI BLAST XML files.
BlastReport-classClass '"BlastReport"'
blastReportDBParse NCBI BLAST XML files into BlastReportDB objects.
BlastReportDB-classClass '"blastReportDB"'
blastTableParse NCBI BLAST table files into BlastTable objects.
BlastTable-classClass '"BlastTable"'
blastxWrapper for the NCBI Translated Query-Protein Subject BLAST
coordinatesAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
db_bulk_insertInsert a 'data.frame' into a corresponding SQLite table
db_connectConnect to an existing SQLite database.
db_countCount rows in a db table
db_createCreate an SQLite database.
db_disconnectDisconnect from an SQLite database.
db_infoMetadata for an SQLite database.
db_is_currentIs a connection to an SQLite database still current.
db_list_fieldsList available tables in an SQLite database
db_list_tablesList available tables in an SQLite database
db_queryQuery an SQLite database.
Defline-classClass '"Defline"'
DeflinesParse fasta definition lines
DeflineSet-classClass '"DeflineSet"' of '"Defline"' objects
do_logLog a message to stderr.
dot_blastWrapper for the new NCBI BLAST+ tools
getAccessionAccess components of BLAST Hits
getAlignLenAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
getDeflineAccess components of BLAST Hits
getGapsAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
getGeneIDAccess components of BLAST Hits
getHeaderExtract the header of a BLAST report
getHitAccess components of BLAST Queries
getHitCoverageExtract the total Hit Coverage.
getHitDefAccess components of BLAST Hits
getHitIDAccess components of BLAST Hits
getHitLenAccess components of BLAST Hits
getHitNumAccess components of BLAST Hits
getHspAccess components of BLAST Hits
getHspHitIDAccess components of BLAST Hits
getHspIDAccess components of BLAST Hits
getHspNumAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
getIdentityAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
getParamsExtract parameters and statistics from a BLAST report
getPercGapsAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
getPercIdentityAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
getPercPositiveAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
getPositiveAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
getQueryExtract queries from a BLAST report
getQueryCoverageExtract the total Query Coverage.
getQueryDefAccess components of BLAST Queries
getQueryIDAccess components of BLAST Queries
getQueryLenAccess components of BLAST Queries
getQueryNumAccess components of BLAST Queries
has_commandTest if an external executable is available
has_tablesCheck if a SQLite database has specified tables
Hit-classClass '"Hit"'
HitList-classClass '"HitList"' of '"Hit"' objects
Hsp-classClass '"Hsp"'
HspList-classClass '"HspList"' of '"Hsp"' objects
linebreakFormat paragraphs
makeblasttdbWrapper for NCBI makeblastdb
make_deflinesConstruct deflines
nhitsAccess components of BLAST Queries
nhspsAccess components of BLAST Hits
qblastDo a BLAST search using the QBLAST URL API
Query-classClass '"Query"'
QueryList-classClass '"QueryList"' of '"Query"' objects
rpsblastWrapper for the NCBI Reversed Position Specific Blast
scoresAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
sequenceAccess components of High-Scoring Pairs (HSPs)
SQLiteDB-classClass '"SQLiteDB"'
SysCallWrapper for system commands
tblastnWrapper for the NCBI Protein Query-Translated Subject BLAST
tblastxWrapper for the NCBI Translated Query-Protein Subject BLAST
timestampGenerate a timestamp string.
update_blastdbWrapper for 'update_blastdb'
gschofl/blastr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:52 a.m.