Man pages for gustaveroussy/EaCoN
EaCoN : Easy Copy Number !

AnnotateAnnotation of segmented regions and generation of an HTML QC...
Annotate.ffAnnotation of segmented regions and generation of an HTML QC...
Annotate.ff.BatchRuns Annotate.ff in batch mode with multithreading
ASCN.ASCATAllele-Specific Copy Number estimation using ASCAT
ASCN.FACETSAllele-Specific Copy Number estimation using FACETS
ASCN.ffAllele-Specific Copy Number estimation, from a RDS file.
ASCN.ff.BatchAllele-Specific Copy Number estimation, from RDS files in...
ASCN.SEQUENZAAllele-Specific Copy Number estimation using SEQUENZA
BedCheckPerforms checks un cleanups on a WES capture bed file
BedGC.chrCompute GC-content of genomic regions defined by a BED file...
BedGC.fastaCompute GC-content of genomic regions defined by a BED file...
BINpack.MakerGenerates a "BINpack" containing binned data and GC tracks...
CS.ProcessNormalize CytoScanHD_Array arrays using Affymetrix Power...
CS.Process.BatchRun CS.Process() in batch mode with multithreading
EaCoN.set.bitmapTypeChanges the environment variable bitmapType
GC.dataDataset containing GC-content data
gen.dfHuman gene symbols and chromosomal positions (refGene)
OS.ProcessNormalize OncoScan / OncoScan_CNV arrays using Affymetrix...
OS.Process.BatchRuns OS.Process in batch mode with multithreading
Segment.ASCATL2R and BAF joint segmentation using ASCAT.
Segment.FACETSL2R and BAF joint segmentation using FACETS.
Segment.ffL2R and BAF joint segmentation, from a RDS file.
Segment.ff.BatchL2R and BAF joint segmentation, from a RDS file in batch...
Segment.SEQUENZAL2R and BAF joint segmentation using SEQUENZA.
SNP6.ProcessNormalize GenomeWideSNP_6 arrays using Affymetrix Power Tools...
SNP6.Process.BatchRun SNP6.Process() in batch mode with multithreading
targetlistA restricted list of human gene symbols
WES.BinComputes the read depth of a pair of BAM files and bins it.
WES.Bin.BatchRun WES.Bin() in batch mode with multithreading
WES.NormalizeNormalization of binned WES data.
WES.Normalize.ffNormalization of binned WES data from a RDS file.
WES.Normalize.ff.BatchNormalization of binned WES data from a RDS file in batch...
gustaveroussy/EaCoN documentation built on Oct. 20, 2021, 2:41 a.m.