
Defines functions unfished SpB robustASPM prodASPM plotceASPM plotASPM MaA logist getProduction getB0 fitASPM ExB dynamics doDepletion bootASPM bh aspmSSQ aspmphaseplot aspmPENLL aspmLL

Documented in aspmLL aspmPENLL aspmphaseplot aspmSSQ bh bootASPM doDepletion dynamics ExB fitASPM getB0 getProduction logist MaA plotASPM plotceASPM prodASPM robustASPM SpB unfished

#' @title aspmLL negative log-likelihood for the ASPM
#' @description aspmLL is the negative log-likelihood for normally distributed
#'     data, set-up for use with the ASPM model fitting. It would be necessary
#'     to log-transform the original data to convert log-normal data to normal.
#'     This includes a penalty function that is the SSQ of the catch vs 
#'     predicted catch, which should invariably be ~0 when the fully selected
#'     harvest rates are plausible; meaning are below 75% of exploitable biomass.
#' @param par the dynamics relies on many parameters sitting in the global
#'     environment in particular ages, nages, maxage, M, maa, waa, sela, fish,
#'     and nyrs. 'pars' can contain either two or three parameters. 1) is
#'     the log-transformed average unfished recruitment, inR0. 2) is the 
#'     variability around the index of relative abundance (cpue) during the 
#'     fitting process, and if is present 3) is the initial depletion level 
#'     initdepl, which if present will be fitted as well.
#' @param infish the fish data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inglb the glb data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inprops the props data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @return a scalar that is the negative log-likelihood using normal
#'     random errors
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' pars <- c(14,0.3)
#' dynamics(pars,fish,glb,props)
#' aspmLL(pars,fish,glb,props)      # should be 5.171
#' pars <- c(14.0,0.3,0.95) # logR0, sigCE, depletion
#' dynamics(pars,fish,glb,props)    # note the harvest rates of 85% exploitable biomass
#' aspmLL(pars,fish,glb,props)      # should be 114.9547
#' pars <- c(14,0.3)
#' bestL <- optim(pars,aspmLL,method="Nelder-Mead",infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props,
#'                control=list(maxit = 1000, parscale = c(10,0.1)))
#' outoptim(bestL)
#' fishery <- dynamics(bestL$par,fish,glb,props)
#' print(round(fishery,4)) 
#' }
aspmLL <- function(par,infish,inglb,inprops) {  # par=pars;infish=fish; inprops=props; inglb=glb;
   fishery <- dynamics(par,infish,inglb,inprops)
   penalty <- sum((fishery[,"Catch"] - fishery[,"PredC"])^2,na.rm=TRUE)/1000.0
   pick <- which(fishery$CPUE > 0)
   LL <- -sum(dnorm(log(fishery[pick,"CPUE"]),log(fishery[pick,"PredCE"]),par[2],log=TRUE))
   return((LL + penalty))
} # end of aspmLL

#' @title aspmPENLL penalized negative log-likelihood for the ASPM
#' @description aspmPENLL is a penalized negative log-likelihood for normally
#'     distributed data, set-up for use with the ASPM model fitting. It would
#'     be necessary to log-transform the original data to convert log-normal
#'     data to normal. The assumption is made that there will be three
#'     parameters, the unfished R0, the initial depletion in the first year. 
#'     For use with initially depleted stocks
#' @param par a vector of two numbers the hypothesized inR0 and the initial 
#'     depletion in the first year.  (in that order).
#' @param infish the fish data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inglb the glb data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inprops the props data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @return a scalar that is the negative log-likelihood using normal
#'     random errors
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' glb <- dataspm$glb
#' props <- dataspm$props
#' pars <- c(13.53,0.190667,0.95) # assume the stock is known to have been 
#' aspmLL(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props)   # initially depleted
#' aspmPENLL(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props) # penalty approaching 1 
#' pars <- c(13.53,0.190667,0.85) # depletion away from 1.0 has almost no effect 
#' aspmLL(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props) 
#' aspmPENLL(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props)
#' }
aspmPENLL <- function(par,infish,inglb,inprops) {
   fishery <- dynamics(par,infish,inglb,inprops)
   penalty <- sum((fishery[,"Catch"] - fishery[,"PredC"])^2,na.rm=TRUE)/1000.0
   pick <- which(fishery$CPUE > 0)
   LL <- -sum(dnorm(log(fishery[pick,"CPUE"]),log(fishery[pick,"PredCE"]),par[2],log=TRUE))
   LL <- LL + penalty + penalty1(par[3])
} # end of aspmpenLL

#' @title aspmphaseplot - plots the phase plot of harvest rate vs biomass
#' @description aspmphaseplot uses the output from displayModel to plot up 
#'     the phase plot of harvest rate vs Biomass, marked with the limit and
#'     default targets. It identifies the start and end years (green and red
#'     dots) and permits the stock status to be determined visually. It also 
#'     plots out the catch time-series and harvest rate time-series to aid in
#'     interpretation of the phase plot.
#' @param fishery the object output by the function dynamics, containing the 
#'     fishery dynamics (Year, Catch, PredC, SpawnB, ExploitB, FullH, CPUE,
#'     PredCE, and Deplete).
#' @param prod the matrix containing the production data from the function
#'     getProductionC
#' @param ans the vector of results from the function prodASPM
#' @param Blim the limit reference point, defaults to 0.2 so that 0.2B0 is used.
#' @param filename default is empty. If a filename is put here a .png file
#'     with that name will be put into the working directory. 
#' @param resol the resolution of the png file, defaults to 200 dpi
#' @param fnt the font used in the plot and axes. Default=7, bold Times. Using
#'     6 gives Times, 1 will give SansSerif, 2 = bold Sans
#' @return an invisible list of B0, Bmsy, Hmsy, and Hlim.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  # library(datalowSA)
#'   data(dataspm)
#'   fish <- dataspm$fish
#'   glb <- dataspm$glb
#'   props <- dataspm$props
#'   # Fit 3 par ASPM with penalty
#'   pars <- c(13.75,0.189667,0.6)
#'   bestL <- optim(pars,aspmPENLL,method="Nelder-Mead",
#'                  infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props,
#'                  control=list(maxit = 1000, parscale = c(10,1,0.1)))
#'   outoptim(bestL)
#'   fisheryPen <- dynamics(bestL$par,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props)
#'   par <- bestL$par
#'   prod <- getProductionC(exp(par[1]),fish,glb,props,
#'                          Hrg=c(0.01,0.45,0.005),nyr=50)
#'   anspen <- prodASPM(prod,console=TRUE,plot=TRUE)
#'   plotprep(width=7,height=5.5)
#'   outs <- aspmphaseplot(fisheryPen,prod,anspen,Blim=0.2,fnt=7)
#'   str(outs)
#' }       
aspmphaseplot <- function(fishery,prod,ans,Blim=0.2,filename="",resol=200,
                          fnt=7) {
#   fishery=fishery; prod=prod;ans=ans;Blim=0.2;filename="";resol=200;fnt=7
   lenfile <- nchar(filename)
   if (lenfile > 3) {
      end <- substr(filename,(lenfile-3),lenfile)
      if (end != ".png") filename <- paste0(filename,".png")
   B0 <- ans["B0"] 
   Bmsy <- ans["Bmsy"]
   Hmsy <- ans["Hmsy"]
   Btarg <- ans["Btarg"]
   pickL <- which.closest(Blim,prod[,"Depletion"])
   Hlim <- prod[pickL,"Harvest"]
   Hmax <- getmaxy(c(fishery[,"FullH"],Hlim))
   pickyr <- which(fishery[,"FullH"] > 0)
   numval <- dim(fishery)[1]
   par(cex=0.85, mgp=c(1.35,0.35,0), font.axis=fnt,font=fnt,font.lab=fnt)  
        ylab="Annual Harvest Rate",ylim=c(0,Hmax),yaxs="i",xlim=c(0,B0))
   yrs <- fishery[pickyr,"Year"]
   catch <- fishery[pickyr,"Catch"]
   harvest <- fishery[pickyr,"FullH"]
   cmax <- getmaxy(catch)
   ym2 <- round(Hmax,2)
   axis(side=4,at=seq(0,ym2,length=3),labels = seq(0,ym2,length=3))
   mtext("Catch (t)",side=2,outer=F,line=1.2,font=fnt,cex=1.0,col=2) 
   mtext("Harvest Rate",side=4,outer=F,line=1.1,font=fnt,cex=1.0,col=4) 
   if (lenfile > 0) {
      outfile <- paste0(getwd(),"/",filename)
   result <- list(B0=B0,Btarg=Btarg,Bmsy=Bmsy,Hmsy=Hmsy,Htarg=Htarg,Hlim=Hlim)
} # end of aspmphaseplot

#' @title aspmSSQ sum-of-squared residuals for the ASPM.
#' @description aspmLL calculates the sum-of-squared residuals, set-up for use
#'     with the ASPM model fitting. It requires the use of functions from
#'     datalowSA for fitting of ASPM (see example below). It first identifies
#'     which of the CPUE column in 'fishery' are numeric (not NA) and then
#'     calculates the sum-of-squared residuals after log-transforming both
#'     the CPUE and PredCE columns.
#' @param par a single number that is the hypothesized inR0, which is the only
#'     parameter.
#' @param infish the fish data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inglb the glb data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inprops the props data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @return a single value that is the sum-of-squared residuals.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' pars <- c(14)
#' aspmSSQ(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props)
#' pars <- c(13.75)  # note the presence of the maximum harvest rate of 0.85
#' dynamics(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props) # leads to a large increase 
#' aspmSSQ(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props) #because of penalty incurred 
#' }
aspmSSQ <- function(par,infish,inglb,inprops) {
   fishery <- dynamics(par,infish,inglb,inprops)
   penalty <- sum((fishery[,"Catch"] - fishery[,"PredC"])^2,na.rm=TRUE)/1000.0
   pick <- which(fishery$CPUE > 0)
   ssq <- sum((log(fishery[pick,"CPUE"]) - log(fishery[pick,"PredCE"]))^2)
   return((ssq + penalty))
} # end of aspmSSQ

#' @title bh calculates the expected Beverton-Holt recruitment
#' @description bh calculate the expected Beverton-Holt stock recruitment level
#'     from the available spawning biomass, the steepness, R0 and B0. This would
#'     be used when fitting a model to data. 
#' @param spb the current spawning or mature biomass
#' @param h the steepness of the Beverton-Holt stock recruitment curve
#' @param R0 the unfished average recruitment level
#' @param B0 the unfished spawning biomass.
#' @return the expected Beverton-Holt recruitment level, a real number in the 
#'     linear scale
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rec <- bh(10000,0.75,1500000,30000)
#' print(rec)   # should be 1285714
#' bh(spb=30000,h=0.75,R0=1500000,B0=30000)  # should be 1500000
bh <- function(spb,h,R0,B0) {
   a <- (4 * h * R0)/(5 * h - 1)
   b <- (B0 * (1 - h))/(5 * h -1)
   return((a * spb)/(b + spb))
} # end of bh

#' @title bootASPM boostraps on the results of fitting an ASPM
#' @description bootASPM uses the optimum parameters from fitting an ASPM to 
#'     a set of data in a bootstrap process so as to provide 'iter' bootstrap
#'     replicate predicted CPUE trajectories. These can be used to generate 
#'     estimates of the uncertainty around the predicted outcomes from the ASPM.
#'     The very first row of the results is the original predicted CPUE. The 
#'     bootstraps are of the residuds between the observed and the predicted.
#'     The new bootstrap indices in each case are the combination of the 
#'     original cpue series times the boostrapped residuals. 1000 bootstraps
#'     can take about 2 minutes.
#' @param infish the fish object from the fisheries data set
#' @param inglb the globals 'glb' object from the fisheries data set
#' @param inprops the properties 'props' object from the fisheries data set. 
#' @param optpar the optimum parameters obtained from fitting the ASPM 
#' @param iter how many bootstrap replicates are required? Defaults to 10 so
#'     that the bootstraps can be tested before running for, say, 1000 runs.
#' @param callfun the function that is called to fit the model. Could be aspmLL,
#'     which is the default, or aspmPENLL, for three parameter models, or even
#'     aspmSSQ.
#' @return a matrix of bootstrap replicate predicted CPUE vectors 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' pars <- c(14,0.3)
#' bestL <- optim(pars,aspmLL,method="Nelder-Mead",infish=fish,inglb=glb,
#'                inprops=props,control=list(maxit = 1000, parscale = c(10,0.1)))
#' answer <- bootASPM(fish,glb,props,bestL$par,iter=10)
#' str(answer,max.level=1)
#' round(answer$result[,,"PredCE"],4) 
#' }  # infish=fish; inglb=glb; inprops=props; optpar=bestL$par;iter=10; callfun=aspmLL
bootASPM <- function(infish,inglb,inprops,optpar,iter=10,callfun=aspmLL) { 
   fish <- infish
   fisheryO <- dynamics(optpar,fish,inglb,inprops)
   pick <- which(fisheryO[,"CPUE"] > 0)
   predCE <- fisheryO[pick,"PredCE"]
   resids <- fisheryO[pick,"CPUE"]/predCE
   yrs <- fisheryO[,"Year"]
   varib <- c("SpawnB","FullH","CPUE","PredCE","Deplete")
   result <- array(0,dim=c(iter,length(fisheryO[,"Year"]),length(varib)),
   Bzero <- numeric(iter)
   pickcol <- c(4,6,7,8,9)
   for (vout in 1:5) result[1,,vout] <- fisheryO[,pickcol[vout]]
   if (length(optpar) < 3) {
      Bzero[1] <- fisheryO[1,"SpawnB"]
      parname <- c("R0","sigCE")
   } else {
      Bzero[1] <- getB0(exp(optpar[1]),inglb,inprops)
      parname <- c("R0","sigCE","Depl")
   param <- matrix(0,nrow=iter,ncol=length(optpar),dimnames=list(1:iter,parname))
   param[1,] <- optpar
   pickF <- which(fish[,"cpue"] > 0)
   for (i in 2:iter) { # i = 2
      boot <- sample(resids,replace=TRUE)
      fish[pickF,"cpue"] <- predCE * boot  # replace the original observed cpue
      bestB <- fitASPM(optpar,fish,inglb,inprops,callfun=callfun)
      fisheryB <- dynamics(bestB$par,fish,inglb,inprops)
      for (vout in 1:5) result[i,,vout] <- fisheryB[,pickcol[vout]]
      if (length(optpar) < 3) {
         Bzero[i] <- fisheryB[1,"SpawnB"]
      } else {
         Bzero[i] <- getB0(exp(bestB$par[1]),inglb,inprops)
      param[i,] <- bestB$par
      if ((i/20) - (i %/% 20) == 0) cat(i," ")
   answer <- list(result=result,B0=Bzero,param=param)

#' @title doDepletion - depletes the stock to the declared initdep level
#' @description doDepletion - depletes the stock to the declared initdep level
#'     There is a printout to the screen of the final outcome. The procedure
#'     assumes you have the unfished NaA in column 1 of the stock$NaA object.
#'     The depletion is arrived at by literally searching for the first
#'     constant harvest rate that leads to the required depletion.
#' @param inR0 the estimated log transformed unfished recruitment
#' @param indepl the initial depletion level to be searched for
#' @param inprops the props object from the data object
#' @param inglb the globals object from the data object
#' @param inc the starting value and step in harvest rate used when finding the 
#'     selected depletion level; defaults to 0.02
#' @param Numyrs the number of years of fishing while searching for the
#'     desired depletion. Some number between 40 - 50 seems to work well.
#' @return A list containing the vector of numbers-at-age at the required 
#'     depletion level, the Fvalue required to achieve that depletion, and
#'     the actual depletion level achieved
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' glb <- dataspm$glb
#' props <- dataspm$props
#' dep <- doDepletion(glb$R0,indepl=0.4,props,glb,inc=0.02)
#' print(dep)
#' }  
doDepletion <- function(inR0,indepl,inprops,inglb,inc=0.02,Numyrs=50) {
   maxage <- inglb$maxage
   Nages <- inglb$nages
   M <- inglb$M
   steep <- inglb$steep
   maa <- inprops$maa
   waa <- inprops$waa
   sela <- inprops$sela
   Nt <- matrix(0,nrow=(maxage+1),ncol=Numyrs,
   Frange <- seq(0.02,2*M,inc)
   NF <- length(Frange)
   unfish <- unfished(inglb,inprops,inR0)
   B0 <- unfish$B0
   naa <- unfish$N0
   for (hr in 1:NF) {  # hr=1
      dHarv <- Frange[hr]  # apply continually increasing H
      # Fy <- -log(1-dHarv)
      SpawnB <- B0
      Nt[,1] <- naa
      R0 <- exp(inR0)
      year <- 2     # instead of zero to allow for indexing matrices
      repeat {
         Nt[1,year] <- bh(SpawnB,steep,R0,B0)  #  Age 0
         Nt[2:(Nages-1),year] <- Nt[1:(Nages-2),(year-1)] * exp(-M/2)
         Nt[Nages,year] <- (Nt[(Nages-1),(year-1)]*exp(-M/2)) + (Nt[(Nages),(year-1)]*exp(-M/2))
         # Now do the fishing
         Nt[,year] <- (Nt[,year] * (1-(sela * dHarv))) * exp(-M/2)
         SpawnB <- SpB(Nt[,year],maa,waa)
         depletion <- SpawnB/B0
         year <- year + 1
         if ((depletion <= indepl) | (year > Numyrs)) break
      if (depletion <= indepl) break
   ans <- list(Ndepl=Nt[,(year-1)],Fval=Frange[hr],depl=depletion,SpawnB=SpawnB)
} # End of DoDepletion

#' @title dynamics describe the ASPM dynamics
#' @description dynamics summarizes the dynamics of the Age-Structured
#'     Production Model (ASPM). Fitting the ASPM entails estimating the unfished
#'     recruitment level (R0), which is input as a parameter. 
#' @param pars the dynamics relies on many parameters sitting in the global
#'     environment in particular ages, nages, maxage, M, maa, waa, sela, fish,
#'     and nyrs. 'pars' can contain either two or three parameters. 1) is
#'     the log-transformed average unfished recruitment, inR0. 2) is the 
#'     variability around the index of relative abundance (cpue) during the 
#'     fitting process, and if is present 3) is the initial depletion level 
#'     initdepl, which if present will be fitted as well.
#' @param infish the fish data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inglb the glb data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inprops the props data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @return a data.frame containing the fishery dynamics according to the input
#'     parameter inR0. In particular it includes teh Catch and PredC, and the
#'     CPUE and PredCE, which can be used in a maximum likelihood context.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' glb <- dataspm$glb
#' props <- dataspm$props
#' par <- c(glb$R0,0.20)  # not fitted to the data, this is just an initial guess
#' fishery <- dynamics(par,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props)
#' print(fishery)
#' }
dynamics <- function(pars,infish,inglb,inprops) {  
  # pars=pars;infish=fish;inglb=glb;inprops=props
   waa <- inprops$waa
   maa <- inprops$maa
   sela <- inprops$sela
   R0 <- exp(pars[1])
   B0 <- getB0(R0,inglb,inprops)   
   if (length(pars) == 3) {
      dep <- doDepletion(pars[1],indepl=pars[3],inprops,inglb,inc=0.02)
      spb <- SpB(dep$Ndepl,maa,waa)
      Rinit <- bh(spb,inglb$steep,R0,B0)
   } else {
      Rinit <- R0
   nyrs <- length(infish[,"year"])
   nages <- inglb$nages
   maxage <- inglb$maxage
   Nt <- matrix(0,nrow=nages,ncol=(nyrs+1),dimnames=list(inglb$ages,0:nyrs))
   columns <- c("Year","Catch","PredC","SpawnB","ExploitB","FullH","CPUE",
   fishery <- matrix(NA,nrow=(nyrs+1),ncol=length(columns),
   fishery[,"Year"] <- c((infish$year[1]-1),infish$year)
   fishery[,"Catch"] <- c(NA,infish$catch)
   fishery[,"CPUE"] <- c(NA,infish$cpue)
   hS <- exp(-inglb$M/2)
   surv <- exp(-inglb$M)
   # now calculate unfished numbers-at-age given inR0
   if (length(pars) == 3) {
      Nt[,1] <- dep$Ndepl
   } else {
      Nt[,1] <- Rinit
      for (age in 1:(maxage-1)) Nt[age+1,1] <- Nt[age,1] * surv
      Nt[maxage+1,1] <- (Nt[maxage,1] * surv)/(1-surv)
   for (yr in 2:(nyrs+1)) {  # yr=2
      spb <- SpB(Nt[,(yr-1)],maa,waa)
      exb <- ExB(Nt[,(yr-1)]*hS,sela,waa)
      Nt[1,yr] <- bh(spb,inglb$steep,R0,B0)
      harvest <- min((fishery[yr,"Catch"]/exb),0.85)
      hrate <- sela * harvest
      Ct <- (Nt[,(yr-1)] * hS) * hrate
      Nt[2:nages,yr] <- ((Nt[1:(nages-1),(yr-1)] * hS) - Ct[1:(nages-1)]) * hS
      Nt[nages,yr] <- Nt[nages,yr] + ((Nt[nages,yr-1] * hS) - Ct[nages]) * hS
      fishery[(yr-1),4:5] <- c(spb,exb)
      fishery[yr,c(3,6)] <- c(sum(Ct * waa)/1000,hrate[nages])
   spb <- SpB(Nt[,yr],maa,waa)   # to complete final year
   exb <- ExB(Nt[,yr]*hS,sela,waa)
   fishery[yr,4:5] <- c(spb,exb)
   fishery[,"Deplete"] <- fishery[,"SpawnB"]/B0
   ExpB <- fishery[1:nyrs,"ExploitB"]
   pick <- which(infish$cpue > 0)
   avq <- exp(mean(log(infish$cpue[pick]/fishery[pick,"ExploitB"]),na.rm=TRUE))
   fishery[2:(nyrs+1),"PredCE"] <- ExpB * avq
} # end of dynamics

#' @title ExB calculate exploitable biomass from numbers-at-age
#' @description ExB calculates the spawning biomass from a vector of
#'     numbers-at-age, selectivity-at-age, and Weight-at-age.
#' @param invect the numbers-at-age as a vector
#' @param SelA selectivity-at-age vector
#' @param WeightA weight-at-age vector as kilograms
#' @return ExB a scalar as tonnes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' str(fishdat)
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' unfish <- unfished(glb,props,glb$R0)
#' N1 <- unfish$N0 * exp(-glb$M/2)  # no growth
#' ExB(N1,props$sela,props$waa)  # should be 17999.6
#' }
ExB <- function(invect, SelA, WeightA) {
  ans <- sum(SelA * WeightA * invect)/1000.0

#' @title fitASPM fits an age-structured production model
#' @description fitASPM fits an age-structured produciton model that only has
#'     a single parameter - the unfished recruitment level R0.
#' @param initpar a vector of 2 or 3 numbers that are the initial parameter
#'     values given to the estimate of logR0, and the estimate of the variation
#'     around the CPUE data that the model is to be fitted to, and finally, the
#'     initial depletion.
#' @param infish the fish data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inglb the glb data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inprops the props data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param callfun the negative log-likelihoood used; either aspmLL or aspmPENLL
#' @return a list containing the optim output
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' glb <- dataspm$glb
#' props <- dataspm$props
#' pars <- c(14,0.3)
#' aspmLL(pars,fish,glb,props)      # should be -2.277029
#' bestspm <- fitASPM(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props)
#' bestspm
#' fishery <- dynamics(bestspm$par,fish,glb,props)
#' round(fishery,4)
#' }
fitASPM <- function(initpar,infish,inglb,inprops,callfun=aspmLL) { 
   paramscale = magnitude(initpar)
   bestL <- optim(initpar,callfun,method="Nelder-Mead",infish=infish,inglb=inglb,
                  inprops=inprops,control=list(maxit = 1000, parscale = paramscale))
   paramscale = magnitude(bestL$par) 
   bestL <- optim(bestL$par,callfun,method="Nelder-Mead",infish=infish,inglb=inglb,
                  inprops=inprops,control=list(maxit = 1000, parscale = paramscale))   

#' @title getB0 calculates the B0 from biological properties and R0
#' @description getB0 calculates the B0 from biological properties of M,
#'     maxage, maa, and waa, plus the input of R0 on the nominal scale (the 
#'     hypothetical unfished recruitment level). This is used in the 'dynamics'
#'     function.
#' @param inR0 the estimate of unfished recruitment
#' @param inglb the glb data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inprops the props data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @return a single number that is the estimate of B0
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' getB0(1275000,glb,props) # shoud give 19429.76
#' getB0(1000000,glb,props) # should give 15239.03
#' }
getB0 <- function(inR0,inglb,inprops) { # inR0 = exp(par["R0"]); inglb=glb; inprops=props
   maxage <- inglb$maxage
   surv <- exp(-inglb$M)
   Nt <- numeric(inglb$nages)
   Nt[1] <- 1  # calculate numbers-at-age per recruit
   for (age in 1:(maxage-1)) Nt[age+1] <- Nt[age] * surv
   Nt[maxage+1] <- (Nt[maxage] * surv)/(1-surv)
   A0 <-  sum(inprops$maa * inprops$waa * Nt)/1000.0
   B0 <- inR0 * A0
}  # end of getB0

#' @title getProduction estimates MSY from output of ASPM
#' @description getProduction takes the optimum estimate of R0 from ASPM and
#'     estimates the production curve, from which it gains the MSY, Bmsy, Hmsy,
#'     and Dmsy (depletion at MSY). It generate the production curve by stepping
#'     through the dynamics of the fishery over a series of constant harvest
#'     rates for however many iterations of nyr required.
#' @param inR0 the optimum estimate of R0 from ASPM on nominal scale
#' @param infish the fish data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inglb the glb data.frame from readdata or built in dataset
#' @param inprops the props data.frame from readdata or built in dataset#'
#' @param Hrg the desired sequence of harvest rates to be used to define the
#'     production curve. The default is c(0.025,0.4,0.025), but it is a good
#'     idea to plot teh harvest rate against yield and manually adjust the
#'     sequence values to focus attention and detail on where the MSY falls.
#' @param nyr The number of years making up a single iteration while searching
#'     for the equilibrium yield. default = 50.
#' @param maxiter defaults to 3. Determines how many runs through the nyr
#'     steps are conducted to reach equilibrium. One can trial different values
#'     but 3 is a reasonable compromise. It is best to test different maxiter
#'     values to ensure equilibria are reached in each yield estimate.
#' @return a data.frame containing the sequence of harvest rates, the related
#'     spawning biomass, the exploitable biomass, the yield, and depletion.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' pars <- c(14,0.3)
#' bestL <- optim(pars,aspmLL,method="Nelder-Mead",infish=fish,inglb=glb,
#'                inprops=props,control=list(maxit=1000,parscale=c(10,0.1)))
#' prod <- getProduction(exp(bestL$par[1]),infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props,
#'                       Hrg=c(0.0005,0.07,0.0005),nyr=50)
#' head(prod,20)
#' tail(prod,20)
#' }
getProduction <- function(inR0,infish,inglb,inprops,
                          Hrg=c(0.025,0.4,0.025),nyr=50,maxiter=3) {
   maxage <- inglb$maxage; M <- inglb$M;  steep <- inglb$steep
   nages <- inglb$nages; maa <- inprops$maa; waa <- inprops$waa
   sela <- inprops$sela
   surv <- exp(-M)
   hS <- exp(-M/2)
   B0 <- getB0(inR0,inglb,inprops)   
   getyield <- function(NAA,hrate) {
      for (iter in 1:maxiter) {  # iterate until equilibrium yield reached
         for (yr in 2:nyr) {  # yr=nyrs+1
            spb <- SpB(NAA[,(yr-1)],maa,waa)
            NAA[1,yr] <- bh(spb,steep,inR0,B0)
            Ct <- (NAA[,(yr-1)] * hS) * (hrate * sela)
            NAA[2:nages,yr] <- ((NAA[1:(nages-1),(yr-1)] * hS) - Ct[1:(nages-1)]) * hS
            NAA[nages,yr] <- NAA[nages,yr] + ((NAA[nages,yr-1] * hS) - Ct[nages]) * hS
         newcatch <- sum(Ct * waa)/1000
         NAA[,1] <- NAA[,nyr]
      spb <- SpB(NAA[,nyr],maa,waa)
      exb <- ExB(NAA[,nyr]*hS,sela,waa)
   } # end of getyield
   Nt <- matrix(0,nrow=(maxage+1),ncol=nyr,dimnames=list(0:maxage,1:nyr))
   hrange <- seq(Hrg[1],Hrg[2],Hrg[3])
   nH <- length(hrange)
   columns <- c("Harvest","SpawnB","ExploitB","Yield","Depletion")
   production <- matrix(NA,nrow=(nH+1),ncol=length(columns),
   production[,"Harvest"] <- c(0,hrange)
   Nt[1,1] <- inR0
   for (age in 1:(maxage-1)) Nt[age+1,1] <- Nt[age,1] * surv
   Nt[maxage+1,1] <- (Nt[maxage,1] * surv)/(1-surv)
   production[1,"SpawnB"] <- SpB(Nt,maa,waa)
   production[1,"ExploitB"] <- ExB(Nt*hS,sela,waa)
   for (hnum in 1:nH)
      production[(hnum+1),2:4] <- getyield(Nt,hrange[hnum])
   production[,"Depletion"] <- production[,"SpawnB"]/production[1,"SpawnB"]
} # end of getProduction

#' @title logist Logistic selectivity function
#' @description logist calcualtes a Logistic curve that can be used as a
#'     selectivity function, or maturity curve, of wherever a logistic is
#'     required. This version uses the logistic function
#'     1/(1+exp(-log(19.0)*(lens-inL50)/(inL95-inL50))),
#'     which explicitly defines the SM50 and uses SM95 as the second parameter.
#' @param inL50 is the length at 50 percent selection/maturity/whatever
#' @param delta is the difference in selection/maturity/whatever between
#'     inL50 and inL95
#' @param depend a vector of lengths/ages for which the logistic value will be
#'     calculated.
#' @param knifeedge defaults to 0. If knifeedge is set to a particular length or
#'     age then the logistic value <= the value of knifeedge is set to
#'     zero, which is essentially knife-edge. Allows for knife-edge selectivity
#' @return A vector of length(depend) containing the predicted logistic values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' in50 <- 100.0
#' deltaS <- 8.0
#' lens <- seq(2,210,2)
#' select <- logist(inL50=in50,delta=deltaS,depend=lens)
#' selectk <- logist(in50,deltaS,lens,knifeedge=105)
#' round(cbind(lens[35:70],select[35:70],selectk[35:70]),5)
#' } 
logist <- function(inL50,delta,depend,knifeedge=0) {
   ans <- 1/(1+exp(-log(19.0)*(depend-inL50)/(delta)))
   if (knifeedge > 0) {
      pick <- which(depend <= knifeedge)
      if (length(pick) > 0) ans[pick] <- 0.0

#' @title MaA an alternative logistic function commonly used for maturity
#' @description MaA - the logistic function exp(a+bxdepend)/(1+exp(a+bxdepend)),
#'     which can also be expressed as 1/(1+(1/exp(a + b x depend))). This has
#'     the property that the SM50 = -a/b and the interquartile distance is
#'     2.Ln(3)/b.
#' @param ina is the intercept of the exponential function
#' @param inb is the gradient of the exponential function
#' @param depend is a vector of lengths/ages for which the logistic maturity
#'     value will be calculated
#' @return A vector of length(depend) containing the predicted maturity values
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a <- -14.383
#' b <- 0.146017
#' lens <- seq(2,210,2)
#' round(MaA(a,b,depend=lens),5) # length based
#' round(MaA(-2.5,0.95,0:25),5)   # age based
MaA <- function(ina,inb,depend) {
   ans <- exp(ina+inb*depend)/(1+exp(ina+inb*depend))

#' @title plotASPM plots catch, CPUE, Spawning Biomass and Harvest Rate
#' @description plotASPM after running fitASPM the optimum parameters can be 
#'     put through the dynamics function to generate a dataframe containing
#'     the optimum dynamics. These can be plotted using plotASPM, which plots
#'     out the catches, the Spawning Biomass, the relative CPUE and its fit to
#'     the observed CPUE, and the harvest rate. This routine is still under 
#'     development to include more options.
#' @param infish an object generated by the dynamics function
#' @param CI defaults to NA, if confidence intervals around the cpue have been
#'     obtained using getLNCI, then the resulting matrix will generate 95pc CIs 
#' @param defineplot define the plot size and character outside the plot or
#'     automatically inside. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param target target depletion level. Defaults to 0.48
#' @param usef defines the font to use usef(ont),default = 7 bold times
#' @param png save a png file with the name in 'png', default = "", which
#'     means no file produced
#' @return Nothing, but it does plot six graphs in a single plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' glb <- dataspm$glb
#' props <- dataspm$props
#' pars <- c(14,0.3)
#' aspmLL(pars,fish,glb,props)      # should be -2.277029
#' bestspm <- fitASPM(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props)
#' fishery <- dynamics(bestspm$par,fish,glb,props)
#' plotASPM(fishery,defineplot=TRUE)
#' ceCI <- getLNCI(fishery[,"PredCE"],bestspm$par[2])
#' plotASPM(fishery,CI=ceCI)
#' }  # infish=fishery; CI=NA; defineplot=TRUE; target=0.48; usef=7;png="test.png"
plotASPM <- function(infish,CI=NA,defineplot=TRUE, target=0.48,usef=7,png="") { 
   if (nchar(png) > 0) defineplot=FALSE
   if (defineplot) { 
      if (names(dev.cur()) %in% c("null device", "RStudioGD"))
         dev.new(width = 7, height = 5.5, noRStudioGD = TRUE)
   if (nchar(png) > 0) {
      graphfile <- png
      if (file.exists(graphfile)) file.remove(graphfile)
   yrs <- infish$Year
   # plot catches
   ymax <- getmaxy(infish$Catch)
        panel.first=grid(),ylab="Catch (t)")
   # plot Spawning Biomass
   ymax <- getmaxy(infish$SpawnB)
        panel.first=grid(),ylab="Spawning Biomass (t)")
   # plot CPUE
   ymax <- getmaxy(c(infish$CPUE,infish$PredCE))
        xlab="",panel.first=grid(),ylab="Relative CPUE")
   if ("matrix" %in% class(CI)) {
   # plot harvest rate
   ymax <- getmaxy(infish$FullH)
        panel.first=grid(),ylab="Annual Harvest Rate")
   # plot the residuals
   pickCE <- which(infish[,"CPUE"] > 0)
   resid <- infish[pickCE,"CPUE"]/infish[pickCE,"PredCE"]
   nresid <- length(resid)
   ymax <- getmaxy(resid);    ymin <- getminy(resid,mult=1.1)
   plot(yrs[pickCE],resid,"n",ylim=c(ymin,ymax),ylab="LogN Residuals",xlab="")
   rmseresid <- sqrt(sum(resid^2)/nresid)
   text(min(yrs[pickCE]),ymin*1.05,paste("rmse = ",round(rmseresid,3),sep=""),
   # plot the depletion level
   ymax <- getmaxy(infish$Deplete)
   if (nchar(png) > 0) dev.off()
} # end of plotASPM

#' @title plotceASPM plots just the fit of the ASPM model to the CPUE data
#' @description plotceASPM plots just the fit of the ASPM model to the CPUE data
#'     and provides a more detailed visual than plotASPM. It has the option of 
#'     including lognormal confidence intervals around the predcted CPUE.
#' @param infish output from the dynamics function using the optimum parameters
#' @param CI the output matrix from getLNCI function. Needs to have the lower CI
#'    in column 1 and the upper CI in the third column.
#' @param defineplot defaults to TRUE, determines whether to set up an new 
#'     graphics window.
#' @return returns nothing but does plot a graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dataspm)
#' fish <- dataspm$fish
#' glb <- dataspm$glb
#' props <- dataspm$props
#' pars <- c(14,0.3)
#' aspmLL(pars,fish,glb,props)      # should be -2.277029
#' bestspm <- fitASPM(pars,infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props)
#' fishery <- dynamics(bestspm$par,fish,glb,props)
#' ceCI <- getLNCI(fishery[,"PredCE"],bestspm$par[2])
#' plotceASPM(fishery,CI=ceCI)
#' }
plotceASPM <- function(infish,CI=NA,defineplot=TRUE) { # infish=fisheryPen; CI=ceCI; defineplot=TRUE
   if (defineplot) { 
      if (names(dev.cur()) %in% c("null device", "RStudioGD"))
         dev.new(width = 7, height = 4.5, noRStudioGD = TRUE)
   par(cex=1.0, mgp=c(1.35,0.35,0), font.axis=7,font=7,font.lab=7,tck=-0.02)  
   yrs <- infish$Year
   if (class(CI) == "matrix") { 
      confint <- CI[,3]
    } else {   
      confint <- NA  
   ymax <- getmaxy(c(infish$CPUE,infish$PredCE,confint))
        xlab="",panel.first=grid(),ylab="Relative CPUE")
   if (class(CI) == "matrix") {
} # end of plotceASPM

#' @title prodASPM summarizes ASPM statistics and plots the productivity
#' @description prodASPM summarizes ASPM statistics and plots the productivity.
#'     The statistics it returns are the MSY, Bmsy, Hmsy (harvest rate that
#'     leads at equilibrium to MSY), Dmsy (the depletion level at which MSY
#'     occurs, and the predicted B0). These are printed to the console if the
#'     parameter 'console' is set to TRUE. In addition, a plot of the production
#'     curve, (yield vs Spawning Biomass), yield vs Harvest Rate, and yield vs
#'     Depletion level is produced if the parameter plot is set to TRUE
#' @param inprod The production matrix generated by getProductionC
#' @param target in addition to the MSY what biomass target, in terms of
#'     target x B0 is wanted. Default = 0.48
#' @param console print the results directly to the console; default = TRUE
#' @param plot plot the yield vs Spawning biomass, harvest rate, and depletion.
#'     defaults to TRUE.
#' @return a vector containing seven output statistics. It also prints to the
#'     console and plots the results if those parameters are set TRUE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' pars <- c(14,0.3)
#' bestL <- optim(pars,aspmLL,method="Nelder-Mead",infish=fish,inglb=glb,
#'                inprops=props,control=list(maxit=1000,parscale=c(10,0.1)))
#' prod <- getProduction(exp(bestL$par[1]),infish=fish,inglb=glb,inprops=props,
#'                       Hrg=c(0.0005,0.07,0.0005),nyr=50)
#'  plotprep(width=7,height=6)
#' spsprod <- prodASPM(prod, console=TRUE, plot=TRUE)
#' }
prodASPM <- function(inprod, target=0.48, console=TRUE, plot=TRUE) {
   pickMSY <- which.max(inprod[,"Yield"])
   MSY <- inprod[pickMSY,"Yield"]
   Hmsy <- inprod[pickMSY,"Harvest"]
   Bmsy <-  inprod[pickMSY,"SpawnB"]
   B0 <- inprod[1,"SpawnB"]
   Dmsy <- inprod[pickMSY,"SpawnB"]/B0
   pickTarg <- which.closest(target,inprod[,"Depletion"])
   targC <- inprod[pickTarg,"Yield"]
   Htarg <- inprod[pickTarg,"Harvest"]
   Btarg <- inprod[pickTarg,"SpawnB"]
   if (console) {
      cat("MSY   = ", MSY,"\n")
      cat("Bmsy  = ", Bmsy,"\n")
      cat("Hmsy  = ", Hmsy,"\n")
      cat("Dmsy  = ", Dmsy,"\n")
      cat("B0    = ", B0, "\n")
      cat("targC = ", targC,"\n")
      cat("Htarg = ", Htarg,"\n")
      cat("Btarg = ", Btarg,"\n")
   if (plot) {
      par(cex=1.0, mgp=c(1.35,0.35,0), font.axis=7,font=7,font.lab=7)
      ymax <- getmaxy(inprod[,"Yield"],mult=1.1)
           xlab="Spawning Biomass (t)",ylab="Surplus Production (t)")
      text(0.8*B0,0.9*MSY,paste0("MSY = ",round(MSY,3)),cex=1,pos=4)
      text(0.8*B0,0.75*MSY,paste0("targC = ",round(targC,3)),cex=1,pos=4)
      text(0.75*Bmsy,0.075*ymax,paste0("Bmsy = ",round(Bmsy,3)),cex=1,pos=4)
           xlim=c(max(inprod[,"Harvest"]),0),xlab="Annual Harvest Rate",ylab="Surplus Production (t)")
      text(0.95*Hmsy,0.075*ymax,paste0("Hmsy = ",round(Hmsy,4)),cex=1,pos=4)
           xlab="Stock Depletion Level",ylab="Surplus Production (t)")
      text(0.75*Dmsy,0.075*ymax,paste0("Dmsy = ",round(Dmsy,4)),cex=1,pos=4)
   ans <- c(MSY=MSY,Bmsy=Bmsy,Hmsy=Hmsy,Dmsy=Dmsy,B0=B0,
} # end of prodASPM

#' @title robustASPM conducts a robustness test on the quality of fit of an ASPM
#' @description robustASPM conducts a robustness test on the quality of fit of 
#'     an ASPM. This is done by using the original optimal model parameters or 
#'     the original guessed parameter values, add random variation to each of 
#'     them, and re-fit the model. This process needs to be repeated multiple 
#'     times. This should enable an analysis of the stability of the modelling 
#'     outcomes. If the optimum parameters are used then add more variation, if
#'     initial guesses are used you may need to select different starting points
#'     so that the random variation covers the parameter space reasonably well.
#' @param inpar the parameter set to begin the trials with
#' @param fish the fisheries data: at least year, catch, and cpue
#' @param glb the global variables containing the biological information
#' @param props the properties calculated from the globals
#' @param N the number of random trials to run; defaults to 10, which is too few
#' @param scaler the divisor that sets the degree of normal random variation to 
#'     add to the parameter values; default = 15 the smaller the value the more
#'     variable the outcome
#' @param Hrange a vector of three numbers denoting the range of harvest rates
#'     to use when characterizing the productivity implied by each fitted 
#'     parameter set. defaults to c(0.01, 0.45, 0.005)
#' @param numyrs the number of years used to drive each harvest rate to an
#'     equilibrium population structure
#' @param console print summary statistics to the screen? default = TRUE
#' @return a list of results from each run, the range of values across runs, and
#'     the median values.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   data(dataspm)
#'   fish <- dataspm$fish
#'   glb <- dataspm$glb
#'   props <- dataspm$props
#'   pars <- c(14,0.19,0.6)
#'   out <- robustASPM(pars,fish,glb,props)
#'   str(out)
#'   print(out$results)
#' }
robustASPM <- function(inpar,fish,glb,props,N=10,scaler=15,
                       Hrange=c(0.01,0.45,0.005),numyrs=50,console=TRUE) {
   origpar <- inpar
   origpar[1] <- exp(origpar[1]) # return Ln(R0) to nominal sale
   if (length(origpar) == 2) {
      pars <- cbind(rnorm(N,mean=origpar[1],sd=origpar[1]/scaler),
      columns <- c("iLnR0","isigmaCE","iLike","LnR0","sigmaCE",
                   "-veLL","MSY","B0","Iters")  # prefix i implies input
   } else {
      pars <- cbind(rnorm(N,mean=origpar[1],sd=origpar[1]/scaler),
      columns <- c("iLnR0","isigmaCE","iDepl","iLike","LnR0","sigmaCE","Depl",
                   "-veLL","MSY","B0","Iters")  # prefix i implies input
   pars[,1] <- log(pars[,1])  # return R0 to log(R0)
   results <- matrix(0,nrow=N,ncol=length(columns),dimnames=list(1:N,columns))
   for (i in 1:N) {    # use aspmPENLL just in case   i=1
      origLL <-  usefun(pars[i,],fish,glb,props)        
      bestSP <- fitASPM(pars[i,],fish,glb,props,callfun=usefun)
      opar <- bestSP$par
      prod <- getProductionC(exp(opar[1]),fish,glb,props,
      anspen <- prodASPM(prod,console=FALSE,plot=FALSE)
      results[i,] <- c(pars[i,],origLL,bestSP$par,bestSP$value,anspen["MSY"],
      if (console) cat(i,"   ")
   if (console) cat("\n")
   ordres <- results[order(results[,"-veLL"]),] # see best and worst fit
   bounds <- apply(results,2,range)
   medvalues <- apply(results,2,median)
   if (console) {
      print(bounds)   # see the minimum and maximum)
} # end of robustASMP

#' @title SpB - calculate spawning biomass from a vector of numbers-at-age
#' @description SpB - calculates the spawning biomass from a vector of
#'     numbers-at-age, Maturity-at-age, and Weight-at-age.
#' @param invect - the numbers-at-age as a vector
#' @param MatureA maturity at age vector
#' @param WeightA weight at age vector as kilograms
#' @return SpB - a scalar as tonnes.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' str(fishdat)
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' unfish <- unfished(glb,props,glb$R0)
#' N0 <- unfish$N0
#' SpB(N0,props$maa,props$waa)  # should be 18326.52
#' unfish$B0
#' }
SpB <- function(invect, MatureA, WeightA) {
   ans <- sum(MatureA * WeightA * invect)/1000.0

#' @title unfished generates the numbers at age for an unfished population
#' @description unfished generates the numbers at age for an unfished
#'     population, and determines the recruitment dynamics. It requires the
#'     input of R0. The output includes the unfished numbers-at-age N0, and the 
#'     unfished exploitable biomass, which is from the numbers-at-age after 
#'     half of natural mortality, ExN0.
#' @param glob the global constants object containing biology and structure
#' @param propert the data.frame containing laa, maa, waa, maa, and sela
#' @param inR0 the unfished recruitment from B0
#' @return a list containing N0, ExNO, R0, A0, B0, and ExB0
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fishdat)
#' glb <- fishdat$glb
#' fish <- fishdat$fish
#' props <- fishdat$props
#' unfish <- unfished(glb,props,glb$R0)
#' print(unfish)
#' }
unfished <- function(glob,propert,inR0) {
   # setup for calculations
   R0 <- exp(inR0)
   maxage <- glob$maxage
   hsurv <- exp(-glob$M/2)
   surv <- exp(-glob$M)
   Nt <- numeric(maxage+1)
   Nt2 <- numeric(maxage+1)  # Needed for calculation of Exploitable biomass
   # now calculate numbers-at-age per recruit
   Nt[1] <- 1    # sets R0 = 1 for initiation NaA[0,0]
   for (age in 1:(maxage-1)) Nt[age+1] <- Nt[age] * surv
   Nt[maxage+1] <- (Nt[maxage] * surv)/(1-surv)
   # Estimate the biomass A0 generated by a recruitment of 1.0
   A0 <- SpB(Nt,propert$maa,propert$waa) # to get tonnes
   B0 <- R0 * A0
   # Now Generate the initial age distribution using R0
   Nages <- length(glob$ages)
   N0 <- R0*Nt
   # Now calculate the unfished exploitable biomass half way through year
   Nt2[1] <- R0
   Nt2[2:(Nages-1)] <- N0[1:(Nages-2)] * hsurv
   Nt2[Nages] <- (N0[(Nages-1)]*hsurv) + (N0[(Nages)]*hsurv)
   Nt2[1] <- Nt2[1] * hsurv
   expB0 <- ExB(Nt2,propert$sela,propert$waa)
   res <- list(N0=N0, B0=B0, ExN0=Nt2, ExB0=expB0, R0=R0, A0=A0)
}  # end of unfished
haddonm/datalowSA documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 6:40 p.m.