#' @useDynLib ArchR
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
setClassUnion("characterOrNull", c("character", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("GRangesOrNull", c("GRanges", "NULL"))
projectMetadata = "SimpleList",
projectSummary = "SimpleList",
sampleColData = "DataFrame",
sampleMetadata = "SimpleList",
cellColData = "DataFrame",
cellMetadata = "SimpleList",
reducedDims = "SimpleList",
embeddings = "SimpleList",
peakSet = "GRangesOrNull",
peakAnnotation = "SimpleList",
geneAnnotation = "SimpleList",
genomeAnnotation = "SimpleList",
imputeWeights = "SimpleList"
.validArrowFiles <- function(object){
errors <- c()
fe <- file.exists(object@sampleColData$ArrowFiles)
msg <- paste0("\nArrowFiles :\n ", paste0(object@sampleColData$ArrowFiles[!fe], collapse=",\n "), "\nDo not exist!")
errors <- c(errors, msg)
if (length(errors) == 0) TRUE else errors
setValidity("ArchRProject", .validArrowFiles)
setMethod("show", "ArchRProject",
function(object) {
scat <- function(fmt, vals=character(), exdent=2, n = 5, ...){
vals <- ifelse(nzchar(vals), vals, "''")
lbls <- paste(S4Vectors:::selectSome(vals, maxToShow = n), collapse=" ")
txt <- sprintf(fmt, length(vals), lbls)
cat(strwrap(txt, exdent=exdent, ...), sep="\n")
.ArchRLogo(ascii = "Package")
cat("class:", class(object), "\n")
cat("outputDirectory:", object@projectMetadata$outputDirectory, "\n")
o <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(x){
stop(paste0("\nError accessing sample info from ArchRProject.",
"\nThis is most likely the issue with saving the ArchRProject as an RDS",
"\nand not with save/loadArchRProject. This bug has mostly been attributed",
"\nto bioconductors DataFrame saving cross-compatability. We added a fix to this.",
"\nPlease Try:",
"\n\nIf that does not work please report to Github: https://github.com/GreenleafLab/ArchR/issues"
scat("samples(%d): %s\n", rownames(object@sampleColData))
scat("sampleColData names(%d): %s\n", names(object@sampleColData))
scat("cellColData names(%d): %s\n", names(object@cellColData))
scat("numberOfCells(%d): %s\n", nrow(object@cellColData))
scat("medianTSS(%d): %s\n", median(object@cellColData$TSSEnrichment))
scat("medianFrags(%d): %s\n", median(object@cellColData$nFrags))
#' Create ArchRProject from ArrowFiles
#' This function will create an ArchRProject from the provided ArrowFiles.
#' @param ArrowFiles A character vector containing the relative paths to the ArrowFiles to be used.
#' @param outputDirectory A name for the relative path of the outputDirectory for ArchR results. Relative to the current working directory.
#' @param copyArrows A boolean value indicating whether ArrowFiles should be copied into `outputDirectory`.
#' @param geneAnnotation The `geneAnnotation` object (see `createGeneAnnotation()`) to be used for downstream analyses such as calculating
#' TSS Enrichment Scores, Gene Scores, etc.
#' @param genomeAnnotation The `genomeAnnotation` object (see `createGenomeAnnotation()`) to be used for downstream analyses requiring
#' genome information such as nucleotide information or chromosome sizes.
#' @param showLogo A boolean value indicating whether to show the ascii ArchR logo after successful creation of an `ArchRProject`.
#' @param threads The number of threads to use for parallel execution.
#' @export
ArchRProject <- function(
ArrowFiles = NULL,
outputDirectory = "ArchROutput",
copyArrows = TRUE,
geneAnnotation = getGeneAnnotation(),
genomeAnnotation = getGenomeAnnotation(),
showLogo = TRUE,
threads = getArchRThreads()
.validInput(input = ArrowFiles, name = "ArrowFiles", valid = "character")
.validInput(input = outputDirectory, name = "outputDirectory", valid = "character")
.validInput(input = copyArrows, name = "copyArrows", valid = "boolean")
geneAnnotation <- .validGeneAnnotation(geneAnnotation)
genomeAnnotation <- .validGenomeAnnotation(genomeAnnotation)
geneAnnotation <- .validGeneAnnoByGenomeAnno(geneAnnotation = geneAnnotation, genomeAnnotation = genomeAnnotation)
.validInput(input = showLogo, name = "showLogo", valid = "boolean")
.validInput(input = threads, name = "threads", valid = c("integer"))
if(grepl(" ", outputDirectory)){
stop("outputDirectory cannot have a space in the path! Path : ", outputDirectory)
if(grepl(" ", normalizePath(outputDirectory))){
stop("outputDirectory cannot have a space in the full path! Full path : ", normalizePath(outputDirectory))
sampleDirectory <- file.path(normalizePath(outputDirectory), "ArrowFiles")
stop("Need to Provide Arrow Files!")
threads <- min(threads, length(ArrowFiles))
message("Validating Arrows...")
stop(paste0("Could not find ArrowFiles :\n", paste0(ArrowFiles[!file.exists(ArrowFiles)], collapse="\n")))
ArrowFiles <- unlist(lapply(ArrowFiles, .validArrow))
message("Getting SampleNames...")
sampleNames <- unlist(.safelapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(x){
if(getArchRVerbose()) message(x, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
}, threads = threads))
stop("Error cannot have duplicate sampleNames, please add sampleNames that will overwrite the current sample name in Arrow file!")
if(length(sampleNames) != length(ArrowFiles)) stop("Samples is not equal to input ArrowFiles!")
message("Copying ArrowFiles to Ouptut Directory! If you want to save disk space set copyArrows = FALSE")
for(i in seq_along(ArrowFiles)){
message(i, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
cf <- file.copy(ArrowFiles[i], file.path(sampleDirectory, paste0(sampleNames[i], ".arrow")), overwrite = TRUE)
ArrowFiles <- file.path(sampleDirectory, paste0(sampleNames, ".arrow"))
#Sample Information
sampleColData <- DataFrame(row.names = sampleNames, ArrowFiles = ArrowFiles)
sampleMetadata <- SimpleList(lapply(sampleNames, function(x) SimpleList()))
names(sampleMetadata) <- sampleNames
#Cell Information
message("Getting Cell Metadata...")
metadataList <- .safelapply(seq_along(ArrowFiles), function(x){
if(getArchRVerbose()) message(x, " ", appendLF = FALSE)
}, threads = threads)
message("Merging Cell Metadata...")
allCols <- unique(c("Sample",rev(sort(unique(unlist(lapply(metadataList,colnames)))))))
cellColData <- lapply(seq_along(metadataList), function(x){
mdx <- metadataList[[x]]
idx <- which(allCols %ni% colnames(mdx))
if(length(idx) > 0){
for(i in seq_along(idx)){
mdx[,allCols[idx]] <- NA
mdx[, allCols, drop = FALSE]
}) %>% Reduce("rbind", .) %>% DataFrame
message("Initializing ArchRProject...")
AProj <- new("ArchRProject",
projectMetadata = SimpleList(outputDirectory = normalizePath(outputDirectory)),
projectSummary = SimpleList(),
sampleColData = sampleColData,
sampleMetadata = sampleMetadata,
cellColData = cellColData,
cellMetadata = SimpleList(),
reducedDims = SimpleList(),
embeddings = SimpleList(),
peakSet = NULL,
peakAnnotation = SimpleList(),
geneAnnotation = .validGeneAnnotation(geneAnnotation),
genomeAnnotation = .validGenomeAnnotation(genomeAnnotation)
.ArchRLogo(ascii = "Logo")
AProj <- addProjectSummary(AProj, name = "DateOfCreation", summary = c("Date" = Sys.time()))
#' Recover ArchRProject if broken sampleColData/cellColData
#' This function will recover an ArchRProject if it has broken sampleColData or cellColData due to different versions of bioconductor s4vectors.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object.
#' @export
recoverArchRProject <- function(ArchRProj){
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = "ArchRProj")
if(!inherits(ArchRProj@cellColData, "DataFrame")){
if(inherits(ArchRProj@cellColData, "DFrame")){
ArchRProj@cellColData <- .recoverDataFrame(ArchRProj@cellColData)
stop("Unrecognized object for DataFrame in cellColData")
if(!inherits(ArchRProj@sampleColData, "DataFrame")){
if(inherits(ArchRProj@sampleColData, "DFrame")){
ArchRProj@sampleColData <- .recoverDataFrame(ArchRProj@sampleColData)
stop("Unrecognized object for DataFrame in sampleColData")
if(inherits(ArchRProj@peakSet, "GRanges")){
peakSet <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(x){
pSet <- ArchRProj@peakSet
pSet@elementMetadata <- .recoverDataFrame(pSet@elementMetadata)
mdata <- pSet@metadata
mdata <- lapply(seq_along(mdata), function(x){
if(inherits(mdata[[x]], "DFrame")){
names(mdata) <- names(pSet@metadata)
pSet@metadata <- mdata
ArchRProj@peakSet <- peakSet
.recoverDataFrame <- function(DF){
rnNull <- (attr(DF, "rownames") == "\001NULL\001")[1]
rn <- attr(DF, "rownames")
DF <- DataFrame(row.names = attr(DF, "rownames"), attr(DF,"listData"))
DF <- DataFrame(attr(DF,"listData"))
if(length(attr(DFO, "metadata")) != 0){
mdata <- attr(DFO, "metadata")
mdata <- lapply(seq_along(mdata), function(x){
mx <- mdata[[x]]
if(inherits(mx, "DFrame")){
rnNullx <- (attr(mx, "rownames") == "\001NULL\001")[1]
rnx <- attr(mx, "rownames")
mx <- DataFrame(row.names = attr(mx, "rownames"), attr(mx,"listData"))
mx <- DataFrame(attr(mx,"listData"))
if(inherits(mx, "GRanges")){
mx <- .recoverGRanges(mx)
names(mdata) <- names(attr(DFO, "metadata"))
metadata(DF) <- mdata
.recoverGRanges <- function(GR){
GRO <- tryCatch({
}, error = function(x){
GR@elementMetadata <- .recoverDataFrame(GR@elementMetadata)
mdata <- GR@metadata
mdata <- lapply(seq_along(mdata), function(x){
if(inherits(mdata[[x]], "DFrame")){
names(mdata) <- names(GR@metadata)
GR@metadata <- mdata
GR <- GRanges(seqnames = GRO@seqnames, ranges = GRO@ranges, strand = GRO@strand)
metadata(GR) <- GRO@metadata
if(nrow(GRO@elementMetadata) > 0){
mcols(GR) <- GRO@elementMetadata
#' Load Previous ArchRProject into R
#' This function will load a previously saved ArchRProject and re-normalize paths for usage.
#' @param path A character path to an `ArchRProject` directory that was previously saved using `saveArchRProject()`.
#' @param force A boolean value indicating whether missing optional `ArchRProject` components (i.e. peak annotations /
#' background peaks) should be ignored when re-normalizing file paths. If set to `FALSE` loading of the `ArchRProject`
#' will fail unless all components can be found.
#' @param showLogo A boolean value indicating whether to show the ascii ArchR logo after successful creation of an `ArchRProject`.
#' @export
loadArchRProject <- function(
path = "./",
force = FALSE,
showLogo = TRUE
.validInput(input = path, name = "path", valid = "character")
.validInput(input = force, name = "force", valid = "boolean")
.validInput(input = showLogo, name = "showLogo", valid = "boolean")
path2Proj <- file.path(path, "Save-ArchR-Project.rds")
stop("Could not find previously saved ArchRProject in the path specified!")
ArchRProj <- recoverArchRProject(readRDS(path2Proj))
outputDir <- getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj)
outputDirNew <- normalizePath(path)
#1. Arrows Paths
ArrowFilesNew <- file.path(outputDirNew, "ArrowFiles", basename(ArchRProj@sampleColData$ArrowFiles))
stop("ArrowFiles do not exist in saved ArchRProject!")
ArchRProj@sampleColData$ArrowFiles <- ArrowFilesNew
#2. Annotations Paths
if(length(ArchRProj@peakAnnotation) > 0){
keepAnno <- rep(TRUE, length(ArchRProj@peakAnnotation))
for(i in seq_along(ArchRProj@peakAnnotation)){
if(tolower(ArchRProj@peakAnnotation[[i]]$Positions) != "none"){
PositionsNew <- gsub(outputDir, outputDirNew, ArchRProj@peakAnnotation[[i]]$Positions)
keepAnno[i] <- FALSE
message("Positions for peakAnnotation do not exist in saved ArchRProject!")
stop("Positions for peakAnnotation do not exist in saved ArchRProject!")
ArchRProj@peakAnnotation[[i]]$Positions <- PositionsNew
MatchesNew <- gsub(outputDir, outputDirNew, ArchRProj@peakAnnotation[[i]]$Matches)
message("Matches for peakAnnotation do not exist in saved ArchRProject!")
keepAnno[i] <- FALSE
stop("Matches for peakAnnotation do not exist in saved ArchRProject!")
ArchRProj@peakAnnotation[[i]]$Matches <- MatchesNew
ArchRProj@peakAnnotation <- ArchRProj@peakAnnotation[keepAnno]
#3. Background Peaks Paths
bgdPeaksNew <- gsub(outputDir, outputDirNew, metadata(getPeakSet(ArchRProj))$bgdPeaks)
message("BackgroundPeaks do not exist in saved ArchRProject!")
metadata(ArchRProj@peakSet)$bgdPeaks <- NULL
stop("BackgroundPeaks do not exist in saved ArchRProject!")
metadata(ArchRProj@peakSet)$bgdPeaks <- bgdPeaksNew
#4. Set Output Directory
ArchRProj@projectMetadata$outputDirectory <- outputDirNew
message("Successfully loaded ArchRProject!")
.ArchRLogo(ascii = "Logo")
#' Save ArchRProject for Later Usage
#' This function will organize arrows and project output into a directory and save the ArchRProject for later usage.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object.
#' @param outputDirectory A directory path to save all ArchR output and `ArchRProject` to. Default is outputDirectory of the `ArchRProject`.
#' @param overwrite When writing to outputDirectory, overwrite existing files with new files.
#' @param dropCells A boolean indicating whether to drop cells that are not in `ArchRProject` from corresponding Arrow Files.
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @param threads The number of threads to use for parallel execution.
#' @export
saveArchRProject <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
outputDirectory = getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj),
overwrite = TRUE,
load = TRUE,
dropCells = FALSE,
logFile = createLogFile("saveArchRProject"),
threads = getArchRThreads()
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = "ArchRProj")
.validInput(input = outputDirectory, name = "outputDirectory", valid = "character")
.validInput(input = overwrite, name = "overwrite", valid = "boolean")
.validInput(input = load, name = "load", valid = "boolean")
if(grepl(" ", outputDirectory)){
stop("outputDirectory cannot have a space in the path! Path : ", outputDirectory)
dir.create(outputDirectory, showWarnings=FALSE)
outputDirectory <- normalizePath(outputDirectory)
outDirOld <- normalizePath(getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj))
newProj <- ArchRProj
ArrowFiles <- getArrowFiles(ArchRProj)
ArrowFiles <- ArrowFiles[names(ArrowFiles) %in% unique(newProj$Sample)]
oldFiles <- list.files(outDirOld)
oldFiles <- oldFiles[oldFiles %ni% c("ArrowFiles", "ImputeWeights", "Save-ArchR-Project.rds")]
dir.create(file.path(outputDirectory, "ArrowFiles"), showWarnings=FALSE)
ArrowFilesNew <- file.path(outputDirectory, "ArrowFiles", basename(ArrowFiles))
names(ArrowFilesNew) <- names(ArrowFiles)
if(outputDirectory != outDirOld){
message("Copying ArchRProject to new outputDirectory : ", normalizePath(outputDirectory))
if(!identical(paste0(ArrowFiles), paste0(ArrowFilesNew))){
#Copy Arrow Files
message("Copying Arrow Files...")
cf <- .copyArrows(
inArrows = ArrowFiles,
outArrows = ArrowFilesNew,
cellsKeep = ArchRProj$cellNames,
logFile = logFile,
threads = threads
for(i in seq_along(ArrowFiles)){
message(sprintf("Copying Arrow Files (%s of %s)", i, length(ArrowFiles)))
cf <- file.copy(ArrowFiles[i], ArrowFilesNew[i], overwrite = overwrite)
for(i in seq_along(ArrowFiles)){
message(sprintf("Moving Arrow Files (%s of %s)", i, length(ArrowFiles)))
cf <- .fileRename(ArrowFiles[i], paste0(ArrowFiles[i], "-old"))
cf <- .copyArrows(
inArrows = paste0(ArrowFiles, "-old"),
outArrows = ArrowFilesNew,
cellsKeep = ArchRProj$cellNames,
logFile = logFile,
threads = threads
fe <- all(file.exists(ArrowFilesNew))
fe2 <- all(file.exists(ArrowFiles))
if(fe & fe2){
rmf <- file.remove(paste0(ArrowFiles, "-old"))
if(outputDirectory != outDirOld){
#Empty Impute Weights If Changing Directory Because This Could Be A Different Set of Cells
message("Dropping ImputeWeights...")
newProj@imputeWeights <- SimpleList()
#Copy Other Folders 2 layers nested
message("Copying Other Files...")
for(i in seq_along(oldFiles)){
fin <- file.path(outDirOld, oldFiles[i])
fout <- file.path(outputDirectory, oldFiles[i])
message(sprintf("Copying Other Files (%s of %s): %s", i, length(oldFiles), basename(fin)))
dir.create(file.path(outputDirectory, basename(fin)), showWarnings=FALSE)
fin2 <- list.files(fin, full.names = TRUE)
for(j in seq_along(fin2)){
dir.create(file.path(outputDirectory, basename(fin), basename(fin2)[j]), showWarnings=FALSE)
fin3 <- list.files(fin2[j], full.names = TRUE)
for(k in seq_along(fin3)){
cf <- file.copy(fin3[k], file.path(fout, basename(fin3[k])), overwrite = overwrite)
cf <- file.copy(fin2[j], file.path(fout, basename(fin2[j])), overwrite = overwrite)
cf <- file.copy(fin, fout, overwrite = overwrite)
newProj@sampleColData <- newProj@sampleColData[names(ArrowFilesNew), , drop = FALSE]
newProj@sampleColData$ArrowFiles <- ArrowFilesNew[rownames(newProj@sampleColData)]
message("Saving ArchRProject...")
.safeSaveRDS(newProj, file.path(outputDirectory, "Save-ArchR-Project.rds"))
message("Loading ArchRProject...")
loadArchRProject(path = outputDirectory)
#' Subset an ArchRProject for downstream analysis
#' This function will subset and ArchRProject by cells and save the output to a new directory and re-load the subsetted ArchRProject.
#' @param ArchRProj An `ArchRProject` object.
#' @param cells A vector of cells to subset `ArchRProject` by. Alternatively can provide a subset `ArchRProject`.
#' @param outputDirectory A directory path to save all ArchR output and the subsetted `ArchRProject` to.
#' @param dropCells A boolean indicating whether to drop cells that are not in `ArchRProject` from corresponding Arrow Files.
#' @param logFile The path to a file to be used for logging ArchR output.
#' @param threads The number of threads to use for parallel execution.
#' @param force If output directory exists overwrite.
#' @export
subsetArchRProject <- function(
ArchRProj = NULL,
cells = getCellNames(ArchRProj),
outputDirectory = "ArchRSubset",
dropCells = TRUE,
logFile = NULL,
threads = getArchRThreads(),
force = FALSE
.validInput(input = ArchRProj, name = "ArchRProj", valid = "ArchRProj")
.validInput(input = cells, name = "cells", valid = "character")
.validInput(input = outputDirectory, name = "outputDirectory", valid = "character")
outDirOld <- getOutputDirectory(ArchRProj)
stop("outputDirectory exists! Please set force = TRUE to overwrite existing directory!")
if(outputDirectory == outDirOld){
stop("outputDirectory must be different than ArchRProj outputDirectory to properly subset!")
ArchRProj = ArchRProj[cells, ],
outputDirectory = outputDirectory,
load = TRUE,
dropCells = dropCells,
logFile = logFile,
threads = threads
#Accessor methods adapted from Seurat
#'Accessing cellColData directly from dollar.sign accessor
#' This function will allow direct access to cellColData with a `$` accessor.
#' @export
".DollarNames.ArchRProject" <- function(x, pattern = ''){
cn <- as.list(c("cellNames",colnames(x@cellColData)))
names(cn) <- c("cellNames",colnames(x@cellColData))
return(.DollarNames(x = cn, pattern = pattern))
#'Accessing cellColData directly from dollar.sign accessor
#' This function will allow direct access to cellColData with a `$` accessor.
#' @export
"$.ArchRProject" <- function(x, i){
val <- x@cellColData[[i, drop = TRUE]]
#' Add directly to cellColData directly from dollar.sign accessor
#' This function will allow adding directly to cellColData with a `$` accessor.
#' @export
"$<-.ArchRProject" <- function(x, i, value){
if(i == "Sample"){
stop("Sample is a protected column in cellColData. Please do not try to overwrite this column!")
if(i == "cellNames"){
stop("cellNames is a protected column in cellColData. Please do not try to overwrite this column!")
if(i == "nFrags"){
stop("nFrags is a protected column in cellColData. Please do not try to overwrite this column!")
if(object.size(Rle(value)) < 2 * object.size(value)){ #Check if Rle is more efficient for storage purposes...
value <- Rle(value)
value <- Rle(value, lengths = nrow(x@cellColData))
x@cellColData[[i]] <- value
#' Subset cells directly from ArchRProject
#' This function will allow adding directly to cellColData with a `$` accessor.
#' @export
"[.ArchRProject" <- function(x, i, j){
cD <- x@cellColData
message("Subsetting columns not supported this way to remove columns set them to NULL.\nEx. ArchRProj$Clusters <- NULL\nContinuing just with cell subsetting.")
if (is.logical(i)) {
if (length(i) != nrow(cD)) {
stop("Incorrect number of logical values provided to subset cells")
i <- rownames(cD)[i]
if (is.numeric(i)) {
i <- rownames(cD)[i]
if(length(i) == 1){
stop("Length of subsetting cells must be greater than 1!")
i <- unique(i)
#First Subset CellColData
x@cellColData <- cD[i, , drop=FALSE]
cellsKeep <- rownames(x@cellColData)
#Second Remove Impute Weights
if(length(i) != nrow(cD)){
if(length(x@imputeWeights) != 0){
message("Dropping ImputeWeights Since You Are Subsetting Cells! ImputeWeights is a cell-x-cell Matrix!")
x@imputeWeights <- SimpleList()
#Third Subset ReducedDims
rD <- x@reducedDims
rD2 <- lapply(seq_along(rD), function(x){
rD[[x]][[1]] <- rD[[x]][[1]][cellsKeep, , drop = FALSE]
}) %>% SimpleList()
names(rD2) <- names(rD)
rD <- x@reducedDims
rm(rD, rD2)
#Fourth Subset Embeddings
eD <- x@embeddings
eD2 <- lapply(seq_along(eD), function(x){
eD[[x]][[1]] <- eD[[x]][[1]][cellsKeep, , drop = FALSE]
}) %>% SimpleList()
names(eD2) <- names(eD)
x@embeddings <- eD2
rm(eD, eD2)
f = "colnames",
signature = c("x" = "ArchRProject"),
definition = function(x) {
f = "rownames",
signature = c("x" = "ArchRProject"),
definition = function(x) {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.