
Defines functions htmlTranslate htmlSpecial htmlGreek htmlVerbatim html.default html.data.frame html.latex html

Documented in html html.data.frame html.default htmlGreek html.latex htmlSpecial htmlTranslate htmlVerbatim

html <- function(object, ...) UseMethod('html')

html.latex <- function(object, file, where=c('cwd', 'tmp'),
                       method=c('hevea', 'htlatex'), rmarkdown=FALSE,
                       cleanup=TRUE, ...)
  where  <- match.arg(where)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  if(where == 'tmp') cleanup <- FALSE
  if(rmarkdown && ! missing(file))
    warning('do not specify file when rmarkdown=TRUE')
  fi  <- object$file
  fibase <- gsub('\\.tex', '', fi)
  if(missing(file)) file <- paste(fibase, 'html', sep='.')
  if(rmarkdown) file <- character(0)
  toConsole <- ! length(file) || file == ''

  ehtml = function(content) {   # Thanks to Yihui
    if(! requireNamespace('htmltools', quietly=TRUE))
      stop('htmltools package not installed')
    content = htmltools::HTML(gsub('^.*?<body\\s*>|</body>.*$', '', content))
    ss  <- paste(fibase, '-enclosed.css', sep='')
    src <- switch(where, cwd=getwd(), tmp=tempdir())
    d = htmltools::htmlDependency(
      'TeX4ht', '1.0.0', src = src, stylesheet = ss)
    htmltools::attachDependencies(content, d)
  sty <- object$style
    sty <- paste('\\usepackage{', unique(sty), '}', sep='')

  tmp    <- switch(where,
                   cwd = paste(fibase, 'enclosed', sep='-'),
                   tmp = tempfile())
  tmptex <- paste(tmp, 'tex', sep='.')
  infi   <- readLines(fi)

  cat('\\documentclass{report}', sty,
      if(method == 'hevea') '\\def\\tabularnewline{\\\\}',
      '\\begin{document}', infi,
      '\\end{document}\n', file=tmptex, sep='\n')
  sc <- if(.Platform$OS.type == 'unix') ';' else '&'

  ## Create system call to convert enclosed latex file to html.
  cmd <-
    if(missing(file) || ! length(file) || file == '') 
      paste(optionsCmds(method), shQuote(tmptex))
      paste(optionsCmds(method), '-o', file, shQuote(tmptex))
  ## perform system call

  if(method == 'hevea' && ! toConsole) {
    ## Remove 2 bottom lines added by HeVeA
    infi <- readLines(file)
    i <- grep('<hr style="height:2"><blockquote class="quote"><em>This document was translated from L<sup>A</sup>T<sub>E</sub>X by', infi)
    i <- c(i, grep('</em><a href="http://hevea.inria.fr/index.html"><em>H</em><em><span style="font-size:small"><sup>E</sup></span></em><em>V</em><em><span style="font-size:small"><sup>E</sup></span></em><em>A</em></a><em>.</em></blockquote></body>', infi))
    if(length(i)) {
      infi <- infi[- i]
      writeLines(infi, file)
    if(cleanup) {
      bf <- gsub('\\.html', '', file)
      unlink(c(paste(bf, 'haux', sep='.'),
               paste(bf, 'enclosed.tex', sep='-')))
    return(structure(list(file=file), class='html'))

  if(cleanup && method == 'htlatex')
    unlink(paste(tmp, c('tex', 'tmp','idv','lg','4tc','aux','dvi','log',
                        'xref','4ct'), sep='.'))
  if(rmarkdown || toConsole) {
    w <- readLines(paste(tmp, 'html', sep='.'))
    if(rmarkdown) return(ehtml(w))
    if(! length(file)) return(paste(w, collapse='\n'))
    cat(w, sep='\n')

  structure(list(file=file), class='html')

html.data.frame <-
           header, caption=NULL, rownames=FALSE,
           align='r', align.header='c', bold.header=TRUE,
           col.header='Black', border=2,
           width=NULL, size=100, translate=FALSE,
           append=FALSE, link=NULL, linkCol=1,
           linkType=c('href','name'), disableq=FALSE, ...)
  linkType <- match.arg(linkType)
  mu <- markupSpecs$html

  tr <- c(c='center', l='left', r='right')
  align        <- tr[align]
  align.header <- tr[align.header]

  trans <- if(translate) htmlTranslate else function(x) x

  disableq <- if(disableq) ' data-quarto-disable-processing="true"' else ''
  x   <- as.matrix(object)
#  for(i in 1:ncol(x)) {
#    xi <- x[,i]
#    if(is.numeric(object[,i]))
#      x[,i] <- paste0('<div align=right>', xi, '</div>')
#  }
  if(rownames && length(r <- rownames(x)))
    x <- cbind(Name=as.character(r), x)

  b <- c('border: 1px solid gray;', 'border-collapse: collapse;')
  ## Give style a name hmisctablexxx where xxx is a random 6-digit integer
  ## because if you reuse the same style in the same document, style
  ## elements will affect tables that preceeded this one
  sn  <- paste0('hmisctable', floor(runif(1, 100000, 999999)))
  psn <- paste0('.', sn)
  ## Duplicate specifications because can't get any single one to work
  lua <- length(unique(align))
  sty <- c('<style>',
           paste0(psn, ' {'),
           if(border == 0) 'border: none;' else b,
           paste0('font-size: ', size, '%;'),
           paste0(psn, ' td {'),
           if(lua == 1) paste0('text-align: ', align, ';'),
           'padding: 0 1ex 0 1ex;',   ## top left bottom right
           paste0(psn, ' th {'),
           paste0('color: ', col.header, ';'),
           paste0('text-align: ', align.header, ';'),
           'padding: 0 1ex 0 1ex;',
           if(bold.header) 'font-weight: bold;' else 'font-weight: normal;',
  R <- c(sty, paste0('<table', disableq, ' class="', sn, '"',
                     if(length(width) == 1)
                       paste0(' width="', width, '"'),
                     if(border == 1) ' border="0"',
                     if(border == 2) ' border="1"', '>'))

    R <- c(R, paste0('<caption>', mu$lcap(caption), '</caption>'))
  if(missing(header)) header <- colnames(x)
  if(length(header)) {
    head <- trans(header)
    head <- paste0('<th>', head, '</th>')
    head <- paste0('<tr>', paste(head, collapse=''), '</tr>')
    R <- c(R, head)

  if(length(link)) {
      for(j in 1 : ncol(x))
        x[, j] <- ifelse(link[, j] == '', x[, j],
                         paste0('<a ', linkType, '="', link[, j], '">',
                              trans(x[, j]), '</a>'))
#      x[link != ''] <- paste('<a ',linkType,'="', link[link!=''],'">',
#                              trans(x[link != '']), '</a>', sep='')
      x[,linkCol] <- ifelse(link == '', trans(x[, linkCol]),
                            paste0('<a ',linkType, '="', link, '">',
                                   trans(x[, linkCol]), '</a>'))

  for(i in 1 : nrow(x)) {
    rowt <- if(lua == 1) paste0('<td>', x[i, ], '</td>')
              paste0('<td style="text-align:', align, ';">',
                    x[i, ], '</td>')
    R <- c(R, paste0('<tr>', paste(rowt, collapse=''), '</tr>'))

  R <- c(R, '</table>')
  if(is.logical(file) && ! file)
    return(htmltools::HTML(paste0(R, '\n')))

  cat(R, file=file, append=append && file != '', sep='\n')
  structure(list(file=file), class='html')

html.default <- function(object,
                                    'html', sep='.'),
                         link=NULL, linkCol=1, linkType=c('href','name'),
  html.data.frame(object, file=file, append=append, link=link,
                  linkCol=linkCol, linkType=linkType, ...)

if(FALSE) {
  show.html <- function(object)
    browser <- .Options$help.browser
      browser <- .Options$browser
      browser <- 'netscape'
    sys(paste(browser, object, if(.Platform$OS.type == 'unix') '&'))
  print.html <- function(x, ...) show.html(x)

htmlVerbatim <- function(..., size = 75, width = 85,
                         scroll=FALSE, rows=10, cols=100,
                         propts=NULL, omit1b=FALSE) {
  if(scroll) {
    nam <- as.character(sys.call()[2])
    w <- paste0('<textarea class="scrollabletextbox" rows=', rows,
                ' cols=', cols, ' style="font-size:', size,
                '%; font-family:Courier New;" name="', nam, '">')
  else w <- paste0('<pre style="font-size:', size, '%;">')
  op <- options(width=width)
  propts <- c(propts, list(quote=FALSE))
  for(x in list(...)) {
    z <- capture.output(do.call('print', c(list(x), propts)))
    if(omit1b && trimws(z[1]) == '')         z <- z[-1]
    if(omit1b) z[length(z)] <- sub('\n$', '', z[length(z)])
    w <- c(w, z)

  ## Remove trailing \n which is not needed since </pre> will follow
  lw <- length(w)
  if(lw > 1) w[-lw] <- paste0(w[-lw], '\n')
  w <- c(w, if(scroll) '</textarea>\n' else '</pre>\n')

htmlGreek <- function(x, mult=FALSE, code=htmlSpecialType()) {
  orig <- c('alpha','beta','gamma','delta','epsilon','varepsilon',
            'zeta', 'eta',
  l <- length(orig)
  new <- if(code == 'unicode')
                     1 : l, 1 : l)
  names(new) <- orig

  if(mult) {
    for(j in 1 : l) x <- gsub(paste0('\\<', orig[j], '\\>'), new[j], x)
  if(! all(x %in% orig)) stop(paste0('illegal Greek letter name:', x))

htmlSpecial <- function(x, code=htmlSpecialType()) {

  z <- c(nbsp   = '160\u00A0',
         thinsp = '8201\u2009',
         emsp   = '8195\u2003',
         ensp   = '8194\u2002',
         plusmn = '177\u00B1',
         times  = '215\u00D7',
         caret  = '94\u005E',
         frasl  = '8260\u2044',
         half   = '189\u00BD',
         angrt  = '8735\u221F',
         squarecrosshatch        = '9638\u2586',
         whitesquareverticalline = '9707\u25EB',
         blackdowntriangle       = '9660\u25BC',
         mediumsmallwhitecircle  = '9900\u26AC',
         combiningcircumflexaccent = '770\u005E',
         part   = '8706\u2202')

  u <- substring(z, nchar(z), nchar(z))
  n <- substring(z, 1, nchar(z) - 1)
  new <- if(code == 'unicode') u else paste0('&#', n, ';')
  names(new) <- names(z)

  if(! all(x %in% names(z))) stop(paste0('illegal character name:',
                                     x[x %nin% names(z)]))

markupSpecs <- list(html=list(
  ## <span> needed for text in plotly graphics
  bold     = function(..., span=TRUE)
    if(span) paste0('<span style="font-weight:bold">', ..., '</span>')
      else   paste0('<strong>', ..., '</strong>'),
  italics  = function(...) paste0('<i>', ..., '</i>'),
  math     = function(...) paste0('<i>', ..., '</i>'),
  ord      = function(n) paste0(n, '<sup>', markupSpecs$all$ordsuffix(n),
  code     = function(...) paste0('<code style="font-size:0.8em">', ..., '</code>'),
  sup      = function(x, ...) paste0('<sup>', x, '</sup>'),
  sub      = function(x, ...) paste0('<sub>', x, '</sub>'),
  size     = function(..., pct) paste0('<span style="font-size: ', pct,
                                     '%;">', paste(..., collapse=' '),
  smaller  = function(...) paste0('<span style="font-size: 80%;">', ...,
  larger   = function(...) paste0('<span style="font-size: 125%;">', ...,
  smaller2 = function(...) paste0('<span style="font-size: 64%;">', ...,
  larger2  = function(...) paste0('<span style="font-size: 156%;">', ...,
  center   = function(...) paste0('<div align=center>', ..., '</div>'),
  color    = function(..., col) paste0('<font color="', col, '">', ...,

  ## Break a long string into two lines with <br> inserted at a space
  ## between words that is close to the middle of the string
  ## Cole Beck 2018-10-18
  addBreak = function(x, minbreak=30) {
    sl <- nchar(x)
    if(sl < minbreak) return(x)
    si <- c(gregexpr(' ', x)[[1]])
    ix <- si[which.min(abs(si - sl/2))]
    p1 <- substr(x, 1, ix - 1)
    p2 <- substr(x, ix + 1, sl)
    paste0(p1, "<br>", p2)

  subtext  = function(..., color='blue')
    paste0('<br><font size=1 color="', color, '">',
           paste(unlist(list(...)), collapse=' '),

  cap      = function(..., symbol=htmlSpecial('angrt')) { # figure caption formatting
  ## alternative: symbol='Figure:'; default is right angle
  ## use symbol=htmlSpecial('squarecrosshatch') for grid graph paper symbol
    lcap <- htmlTranslate(paste(unlist(list(...)), collapse=' '), greek=TRUE)
    paste0('<span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;">', symbol,
           ' </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;color:MidnightBlue;">',
             lcap, '</span>')
  lcap     = function(...) # for continuation of figure caption
    paste0('<span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;color:MidnightBlue;">',
           htmlTranslate(paste(unlist(list(...)), collapse=' '), greek=TRUE),

  tcap      = function(..., symbol=htmlSpecial('whitesquareverticalline')) { # table caption formatting
    # alt: symbol='Table:'; default is white square w/vertical bisecting line
    lcap <- htmlTranslate(paste(unlist(list(...)), collapse=' '), greek=TRUE)
    paste0('<span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:10px;">', symbol,
           ' </span><span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;color:MidnightBlue;">',
             lcap, '</span>')
  ltcap     = function(...) # for continuation of table caption
    paste0('<span style="font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;color:MidnightBlue;">',
           htmlTranslate(paste(unlist(list(...)), collapse=' '), greek=TRUE),

  expcoll = function(vis, invis) {
      id <- floor(runif(1, 100000, 999999))  # unique html id
      paste0('<br><a href="#', id, '" id="', id,
             '_earrows" class="earrows" onclick="expand_collapse(\'',
             id, '\');">', htmlSpecial('blackdowntriangle'), '</a>',
             vis, '<span id="', id,
             '" style="display:none;">',
             invis, '</span>')

  expcolld = function(vis, invis)
    paste0('<details><summary>', vis, ## htmlSpecial('blackdowntriangle'),
           '</summary>', invis, '</details>'),

  uncover = function(before, options, envir) {
    ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44866287
    ## usage: knitrSet(lang='markdown')  # issues knit_hooks$set(uncover=uncover)
    ##        <script>
    ##        function uncover(id) {
    ##            var x = document.getElementById(id);
    ##            x.style.display = 'block';
    ##        }
    ##        </script>
    ##        ```{r, uncover=TRUE, label='text for button', id='script'}
    ##        1 + 1
    ##        ```

        if (before) {
          id <- options$id
          label <- options$label
          if(! length(label)) label <- 'Uncover'
          button_string <- paste0("<button onclick=\"uncover('", 
                                  id, "')\">", label, "</button>")
          div_string <- paste0("<div id = '", id, 
                               "', style = 'display:none'>")
          paste0(button_string, "\n", div_string)
        else {
  session  = function(cite=TRUE, loadedOnly=FALSE, style=NULL) {
    si <- sessionInfo()
    if(! loadedOnly) si$loadedOnly <- NULL
    # Need to default to html because non-RStudio knitting to .md
    # will not know ultimate output format
    if(! length(style))
      style <- if(knitr::is_html_output() ) 'html'  else
               if(knitr::is_latex_output()) 'latex' else 'html'
    tt <- function(x) switch(style,
                             text = x,
                             html = paste0('<tt>', x, '</tt>'),
                             latex = paste0('\\texttt{', x, '}'))
    w <- c(if(style == 'html') '<pre>',
           if(style == 'latex') toLatex(si, locale=FALSE) else
           capture.output(print(si, locale=FALSE)),
           if(style == 'html') '</pre>',
           if(cite) 'To cite R in publications use:',
           if(cite) capture.output(print(citation(), style=style)))
    if(cite) {
      s <- search()
      for(pac in c('Hmisc', 'rms', 'rmsb', 'hreport', 'VGAM',
                   'data.table', 'ggplot2', 'rstan', 'survival')) {
        if(paste0('package:', pac) %in% s) {
          w <- c(w, paste0('\nTo cite the ', tt(pac),
                           ' package in publications use:\n'))
          w <- c(w, capture.output(print(citation(pac)[1], style=style)))
    w <- paste0(w, '\n')
    if(style == 'html') htmltools::HTML(w) else knitr::asis_output(w)
  installcsl = function(cslname, rec=FALSE) {
    if(rec) {
      cat('Shows URLs:', 'american-medical-association',
                'Does not show URLs:', 'council-of-science-editors',
          'american-medical-association-no-url', sep='\n')
                           cslname, '.csl'), paste0(cslname, '.csl'))
  citeulikeShow = function(user, bibkeys=NULL, tags=NULL, file=NULL) {
    if(length(file)) {
      x <- readLines(file)
      ## See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8613237
      bibkeys <- unlist(regmatches(x, gregexpr("(?<=\\[@).*?(?=\\])",
                                               x, perl=TRUE)))
    if(length(bibkeys)) {
      keys <- paste(paste0('bibkey%3A+', bibkeys), collapse='+OR+')
                       keys, '&search=Search+library&username=', user))
    } else browseURL(paste0('http://www.citeulike.org/user/',
                            user, '/tag/', tags))
  widescreen = function(width='4000px')
    htmltools::HTML(paste0('<style>div.main-container {max-width:',
                           width, ';}</style>')),
  tocsize = function(width = '20%', maxwidth = '260px', maxheight='85%')
    htmltools::HTML(paste0('<style>div.tocify {width: ', width,
                           '; max-width: ', maxwidth, '; max-height: ',
                           maxheight, ';}</style>')),
  sectionNumberDepth = function() {
    ## Set depth for numbering sections the same as TOC depth
    ## See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47124299/
    toc_depth <- rmarkdown::metadata$output$html_document$toc_depth
    sel <- paste0("h", (toc_depth + 1) : 10, collapse = " > span, ")
    paste0("<style>", sel, " > .header-section-number { display: none; } </style>")    
  scroll   = function(x, size=75, rows=10, cols=100,
                      font='', name='') {
    w <- paste0('<div style="width: ', cols, 'ex; overflow: auto; height: ',
                rows, 'ex;">')
    c(w, x, '</div>')
  chisq    = function(x, ...)
#    paste0('\u03C7&<span class="xscript" style="font-size: 75%;"><sup>2</sup><sub>', x,
#           '</sub></span>')
    if(missing(x)) paste0(htmlGreek('chi'),
                          markupSpecs$html$subsup(x, '2')),
  fstat    = function(x, ...)
    paste0('<i>F</i><sub><span style="font-size: 80%;">',
                                     x[1], htmlSpecial('thinsp'),
                                     x[2], '</span></sub>'),
  frac     = function(a, b, size=82, ...)
    paste0('<span style="font-size: ', size, '%;"><sup>',
           a, '</sup>', htmlSpecial('frasl'),
           '<sub>', b, '</sub></span>'),
  half     = function(...) htmlSpecial('half'),
  subsup   = function(a, b) paste0("<sup><span style='font-size: 70%;'>", b,
                                   "</span></sup><sub style='position: relative; left: -.47em; bottom: -.4em;'><span style='font-size: 70%;'>",
                                   a, "</span></sub>"),
  varlabel = function(label, units='', size=75, hfill=FALSE) {
    if(units=='') htmlTranslate(label, greek=TRUE)
      if(hfill) paste0("<div style='float: left; text-align: left;'>",
                       htmlTranslate(label, greek=TRUE),
                       "</div><div style='float: right; text-align: right; font-family: Verdana; font-size:", size, "%;'>", htmlTranslate(units, greek=TRUE),
      paste0(htmlTranslate(label, greek=TRUE), htmlSpecial('emsp'),
             "<span style='font-family:Verdana;font-size:", size, "%;'>",
             htmlTranslate(units, greek=TRUE), "</span>") },
  rightAlign  = function(x)
    paste0("<div style='float: right; text-align: right;'>",
           x, "</div>"),
  space    = htmlSpecial('nbsp'), 
  lspace   = htmlSpecial('emsp'),
  sspace   = htmlSpecial('thinsp'),
  smallskip= '<br><br>',
  medskip  = '<br><br><br>',
  bigskip  = '<br><br><br><br>',
  lineskip = function(n) paste0('\n<p style="padding-top:', n, 'em;">'),
  br       = '<br>',
  hrule    = '<hr>',
  hrulethin= '<hr class="thinhr">',
  plminus  = htmlSpecial('plusmn'),
  times    = htmlSpecial('times'),
  xbar     = '<span style="text-decoration: overline">X</span>',
  overbar  = function(x) paste0('<span style="text-decoration: overline">',
                                x, '</span>'),
  unicode  = '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />',
  styles   = function(...) htmltools::HTML('
.earrows {color:silver;font-size:11px;}

fcap {
 font-family: Verdana;
 font-size: 12px;
 color: MidnightBlue

smg {
 font-family: Verdana;
 font-size: 10px;
 color: &#808080;

hr.thinhr { margin-top: 0.15em; margin-bottom: 0.15em; }

span.xscript {
position: relative;
span.xscript sub {
position: absolute;
left: 0.1em;
bottom: -1ex;

## The following is to create html file so that can copy and paste unicode chars
## To do actual conversions best to use http://www.endmemo.com/unicode/unicodeconverter.php
unicodeshow = function(x, surr=TRUE, append=FALSE) {
  if(surr) x <- paste0('&', x, ';')
  cat('<meta charset="utf-8">', paste(x, collapse=''), '<br>', file='/tmp/z.html', append=append)

## Function to intersperse markdown with knitr chunk output, especially
## for chunks producing plotly graphics.  The typical use is to intersperse
## figure captions and table of contents entries produced by putHcap()
## with plotly graphics.  md is a list of character vectors, one element
## per chunk, and robj is a list of R objects to print
## Accounts for markdown being in caption text; knitr processes this
## See stackoverflow.com/questions/51803162
mdchunk = function(md=rep('', length(robj)), robj,
                   cnames=FALSE, w=NULL, h=NULL, caption=NULL,
                   results=NULL, method=c('knit_expand','knit_child')) {

  method <- match.arg(method)
  bn <- paste0('c', round(runif(1, 0, 1e6)))
  n <- length(md)
  if(length(robj) != n) stop('robj and md must have same length')
  opts <- rep('echo=FALSE', n)
  if(length(results)) opts <- paste0(opts, ',results="', results, '"')
  if(length(w)) opts <- paste0(opts, ',fig.width=' , w)
  if(length(h)) opts <- paste0(opts, ',fig.height=', h)
  if(length(caption)) opts <- paste0(opts, ',fig.cap="', caption, '"')

  if(length(cnames) == 1 && is.logical(cnames))
    cnames <- if(cnames) paste0(bn, 1 : n) else rep('', n)
  if(! all(cnames == '')) cnames <- paste0(cnames, ',')
  for(i in 1 : n) {
    pos <- 1
    env <- as.environment(pos)
    if(method == 'knit_expand') .obj. <- robj[[i]]
    else assign('.obj.', robj[[i]], envir=env)
    k <- c(md[[i]], paste0('```{r ', cnames[i], opts[i], '}'), '.obj.', '```')
      ## Original solution had cat(trimws(...)) but this caused
      ## section headings to be run into R output and markdown not recog.
             knit_expand = cat(knitr::knit(text=knitr::knit_expand(text=k),
             knit_child = knitr::knit_child(text=k, quiet=TRUE)
## Function to define css for putting a background around a character string
## to make it look more like a button
## Usage: <p class="cssbutton">Text inside button</p>
cssbutton = function(color='DarkBlue', background='LightBlue', size='115%')
.rbutton {
 font-family: Times;
 font-size:', size, ';
 color:', color, ';
 background-color:', background, ';
## Function to high details using <details>...</details>
## Usage: `r cssbutton()` ... `r hideDetails('button text', ...)` ... </details>
hideDetails = function(txt)
<details><summary><p class="rbutton">', txt, '</p></summary>'),

totxt = function(txt, full=FALSE) {
  if(full) {
    if(! requireNamespace('htm2txt', quietly=FALSE))
      stop('markupSpecs$html$totxt with full=TRUE requires htm2txt package')
  rem <- c('<p>', '</p>', '</div>', '</span>', '<p .*?>', '<div .*?>',
           '<span .*?>', '<br>', '<br />', '\\n', 'strong>', '</strong>',
           '<tbody>', '</tbody>', '<tr>', '</tr>', '<td.*?>', '<font.*?>',
           '<u>', '</u>', '<ul>', '</ul>', '<li>', '</li>', '</td>',
           '<h[1-9] .*?>', '</h[1-9]>', '<b>', '</b>', '<table>', '</table>',
           '<em>', '</em>')
  for(a in rem) txt <- gsub(a, '', txt)

latex = list(
  bold     = function(...) paste0('\\textbf{', ..., '}'),
  italics  = function(...) paste0('\\emph{', ..., '}'),
  math     = function(...) paste0('$', ..., '$'),
  ord      = function(n) paste0('$', n, '^\\textrm{',
  code     = function(...) paste0('\\texttt{\\smaller ', ..., '}'),
  sup      = function(x, add='$') paste0(add, '^{',x, '}', add),
  sub      = function(x, add='$') paste0(add, '_{',x, '}', add),
  smaller  = function(...) paste0('{\\smaller ',     ..., '}' ),
  larger   = function(...) paste0('{\\smaller[-1]{', ..., '}' ),
  smaller2 = function(...) paste0('{\\smaller[2]{',  ..., '}' ),
  larger2  = function(...) paste0('{\\smaller[-2]{', ..., '}' ),
  center   = function(...) paste0('\\centerline{', ...,   '}' ),
  color    = function(x, col) {
    colcmd <- if(col == 'MidnightBlue') '\\textcolor[rgb]{0.1,0.1,0.44}'
                paste0('\\textcolor{', col, '}')
    paste0(colcmd, '{', x, '}')
  chisq    = function(x, add='$') if(missing(x)) paste0(add, '\\chi^{2}', add)
                                  else paste0(add, '\\chi^{2}_{', x,    '}', add),
  fstat    = function(x, add='$')
    paste0(add, 'F_{', x[1], ',', x[2], '}', add),
  frac     = function(a, b, add='$', ...)
    paste0(add, '\\frac{', a, '}{', b, '}', add),
  half     = function(add='$') paste0(add, '\\frac(1}{2}', add),
  subsup   = function(a, b) paste0('$_{', a, '}^{', b, '}$'),
  varlabel = function(label, units='', hfill=FALSE, ...) {
    if(units=='') return(label) else units <- latexTranslate(units)
    fill <- if(hfill) '~\\hfill' else '~~~'
    paste0(label, fill, '\\texttt{\\smaller[2] ',
           gsub('\\*', ' ', units), '}')
  space    = '~',
  lspace   = '~~',
  sspace   = '\\,',
  smallskip= '\\smallskip',
  medskip  = '\\medskip',
  bigskip  = '\\bigskip',
  lineskip = function(n) paste0('\n\\vspace{', n, 'ex}\n\n'),
  br       = '\\\\',
  hrule    = '\\hrule',
  plminus  = '$\\pm$',
  times    = '$\\times$',
  xbar     = '$\\bar{X}$',
  overbar  = function(x) paste0('$\\overline{', x, '}$')

plain = list(
  space = ' ',
  lspace = '   ',
  sspace = ' ',
  br     = '\n',
  lineskip = function(n) paste(rep('\n', n), collapse=''),
  hrule  = '',
  code   = function(x) x,
  ord      = function(n) paste0(n, markupSpecs$all$ordsuffix(n)),
  chisq  = function(x, ...) if(missing(x)) 'chi-square'
                              paste0('chi-square(', x, ')'),
  frac   = function(a, b, ...) paste0(a, '/', b),
  half   = function(...) '1/2',
  varlabel = function(label, units='', ...)
    if(units == '') label else  paste0(label, '  [', units, ']'),
  times  = 'x',
  plminus = '+/-',
  color = function(x, ...) x

markdown = list(
  tof = function(file=.Options$FigCapFile, level=2, number=FALSE) {
    if(! length(file) || file == '') stop('figure captions file not defined')
    r <- readLines(file)
    if(! length(r)) return()
    r <- read.csv(file, header=FALSE)
    names(r) <- c('label', 'figref', 'scap')
    n <- nrow(r)
    ## Sort in descending order so last takes precendence if dups
    r   <- r[nrow(r) : 1, ]
    isdup <- duplicated(r$label)
    r      <- r[! isdup, ]
    r      <- r[nrow(r) : 1, ]
    figref <- r[[2]]
    scap   <- r[[3]]
    head <- c('',
              '<a name="LOF"></a>',
              paste(substring('####', 1, level), 'List of Figures',
                    if(! number) '{-}'),
              '| **Figure** | **Description** |',
    w <- c(head, paste0('| ', figref, ' | ', scap, ' |'))
    paste0(w, '\n')
  # Function to start a verbatim quote if results='asis' in effect
  # Works for all output formats in R markdown
  squote <- function() {    # start quote
    r <- knitr::opts_current$get('results')
    if(length(r) && r %in% c('asis', 'markup')) cat('\n```')
  # Function to close the quote if needed
  equote <- function() {    # end quote
    r <- knitr::opts_current$get('results')
    if(length(r) && r %in% c('asis', 'markup')) cat('```\n\n')
  # Function to print an object or inline text or both,
  # verbatim quoting if needed (results='asis') in effect in chunk
  # Inline text is printed with cat()
  # Fractional numbers are rounded to the nearest dec digits for data frames

  pr = function(x='', obj=NULL, inline=NULL, dec=3) {
    r <- knitr::opts_current$get('results')
    asis <- length(r) && r %in% c('asis', 'markup')
    if(asis) cat('\n```\n')
    if(any(x != '') || length(inline))
      cat('\n', x, if(any(x != '')) ' ', inline, '\n\n', sep='')

    if(length(obj)) {
        for(i in 1 : length(obj)) {
          x <- obj[[i]]
          if(is.numeric(x)) obj[[i]] <- round(x, dec)
      print(obj, quote=FALSE)
    if(asis) cat('```\n\n')

  ),   # end markdown
plotmath = list(
  varlabel = function(label, units='', ...)
    labelPlotmath(label, units)

  ordsuffix = function(n) {
    l <- n - floor(n / 10) * 10
    ifelse(n %in% 11:13, 'th',
     ifelse(l == 1, 'st',
      ifelse(l == 2, 'nd',
       ifelse(l == 3, 'rd', 'th'))))

## For expand_collapse see http://dickervasti.com/wiki-style-text-expand-collapse-no-jquery.htm#01000

## Function to translate several expressions to html form.
## Arguments inn and out specify additional input and translated
## strings over the usual defaults.

htmlTranslate <- function(object, inn=NULL, out=NULL,
                           greek=FALSE, na='', code=htmlSpecialType(), ...)
  if(! length(object) || all(trimws(object) == ''))
  text <- ifelse(is.na(object), na, as.character(object))

  ## Must translate & first so won't be converted to &amp; when other
  ## symbols are translated
  inn <- c("&", "|",  "%",  "#",   "<=",     "<",  ">=",     ">",  "_", "\\243",
           "\\$", inn, c("[", "(", "]", ")"))

  w <- if(code == 'unicode')
                   1:11, 1:11)
         c("&#38;", "&#124;", "&#37",   "&#35;", "&#8804;", "&#60;", "&#8805;",
           "&#62;", "&#95;",  "&#163;", "&#36;")  # 163 was 164

  ## htmlarrows.com
  ##  markupSpecs$html$unicodeshow(out, surr=FALSE)

  out <- c(w, out, c('[', '(', ']', ')'))

  ##See if string contains an ^ - superscript followed by a number

  dig <- c('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9')

  for(i in 1 : length(text)) {
    lt <- nchar(text[i])
    x <- substring(text[i], 1 : lt, 1 : lt)
    j <- x == '^'
    if(any(j)) {
      is <- ((1 : lt)[j])[1]  #get first ^
      remain <- x[-(1 : is)]
      k <- remain %in% c(' ',',',')',']','\\','$')
      if(remain[1] %in% dig ||
         (length(remain) > 1 && remain[1] == '-' && remain[2] %in% dig))
        k[-1] <- k[-1] | remain[-1] %nin% dig
      ie <- if(any(k)) is + ((1 : length(remain))[k])[1]
          length(x) + 1
      substring2(text[i], is, ie - 1) <-
        paste0('BEGINSUP', substring(text[i], is + 1, ie - 1), 'ENDSUP')
    text[i] <- sedit(text[i], c(inn, '^', 'BEGINSUP', 'ENDSUP'),
                       htmlSpecial('caret', code=code),
                       '<sup>', '</sup>'), wild.literal=TRUE)

    if(greek) text[i] <- htmlGreek(text[i], code=code, mult=TRUE)

## markupSpecs$html$unicodeshow(c('#9660', 'chi', 'thinsp', 'frasl', 'emsp', 'plusmn', 'times'), append=TRUE)
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.