
Defines functions is.mChoice inmChoicelike inmChoice match.mChoice print.summary.mChoice summary.mChoice nmChoice as.double.mChoice as.character.mChoice print.mChoice format.mChoice Ops.mChoice Summary.mChoice Math.mChoice mChoice

Documented in as.character.mChoice as.double.mChoice format.mChoice inmChoice inmChoicelike is.mChoice match.mChoice Math.mChoice mChoice nmChoice Ops.mChoice print.mChoice print.summary.mChoice summary.mChoice Summary.mChoice

mChoice <- function(..., label='', 
                    add.none=FALSE, drop=TRUE, ignoreNA=TRUE)
  sort.levels <- match.arg(sort.levels)
  dotlist <- list(...)
  if(label == '') label <- label(dotlist[[1]])
  if(label == '') label <- as.character(sys.call())[2]

  if (drop)
    lev <- unique(as.character(unlist(dotlist)))
    lev <- unique(unlist(lapply(dotlist, function(x) levels(as.factor(x)))))
  if(ignoreNA) lev <- setdiff(lev, NA)
  if(sort.levels=='alphabetic') lev <- sort(lev)

  lev <- lev[trimws(lev) != '']
  dotlist <- lapply(dotlist, FUN=match, table=lev) #, nomatch=0)

  g <- function(...) {
    set <- c(...)
    set <- set[!is.na(set)]
    if(! length(set)) return(NA)   # was return('')
    paste(sort(unique(set)), collapse=';')
  Y <- do.call(mapply,
               c(list(FUN=g, SIMPLIFY=TRUE, USE.NAMES=FALSE, MoreArgs=NULL),

  if(add.none && any(Y=='') && 'none' %nin% lev) {
    lev <- c(lev, 'none')
    Y[Y==''] <- as.character(length(lev))
  if(add.none && any(is.na(Y)) && 'none' %nin% lev) {
    lev <- c(lev, 'none')
    Y[is.na(Y)] <- as.character(length(lev))

  structure(Y, label=label, levels=lev, class=c('mChoice','labelled'))

Math.mChoice <- function(x, ...) {
    stop(.Generic, " not meaningful for mChoice")

Summary.mChoice <- function(..., na.rm) {

Ops.mChoice <- function(e1, e2)
    ok <- switch(.Generic, "=="=, "!="=TRUE, FALSE)
    if(!ok) {
        warning(.Generic, " not meaningful for mChoice")
        return(rep.int(NA, max(length(e1), if(!missing(e2))length(e2))))
    nas <- is.na(e1) | is.na(e2)
    if (nchar(.Method[1])) {
        l1 <- levels(e1)
        e1 <- l1[e1]
    if (nchar(.Method[2])) {
        l2 <- levels(e2)
        e2 <- l2[e2]
    if (all(nchar(.Method)) && (length(l1) != length(l2) ||
                                !all(sort.int(l2) == sort.int(l1))))
        stop("level sets of factors are different")
    value <- NextMethod(.Generic)
    value[nas] <- NA

format.mChoice <- function(x, minlength=NULL, sep=";", ...)
  lev <- attr(x, 'levels')
  if(length(minlength)) lev <- abbreviate(lev, minlength)
  w <- strsplit(x, ';')
  sapply(w, function(x, lev, sep)
         paste(lev[as.numeric(x)], collapse=sep), lev=lev, sep=sep)

'[.mChoice' <- function(x, ..., drop=FALSE) {
  if(drop) stop('drop=TRUE not implemented')
  atr <- attributes(x)
  atr$names <- NULL
  x <- NextMethod('[')
  consolidate(attributes(x)) <- atr

print.mChoice <- function(x, quote=FALSE, max.levels=NULL, width = getOption("width"),
                          ...) {
  if (length(x) <= 0)
    cat("mChoice", "(0)\n", sep = "")
  else {
    xx <- x
    class(xx) <- NULL
    levels(xx) <- NULL
    xx[] <- as.character(x)
    print(xx, quote=quote, ...)
  maxl <- if (is.null(max.levels)){
  }else max.levels

  if (maxl) {
    n <- length(lev <- encodeString(levels(x),
                                    quote = ifelse(quote, "\"", "")))
    colsep <- " "
    T0 <- "Levels: "
      maxl <- {
        width <- width - (nchar(T0, "w") + 3 + 1 + 3)
        lenl <- cumsum(nchar(lev, "w") + nchar(colsep, "w"))
        if(n <= 1 || lenl[n] <= width)
        else max(1, which(lenl > width)[1] - 1)
    drop <- n > maxl
    cat(if(drop) paste(format(n), ""), T0,
        paste(if(drop) {c(lev[1:max(1, maxl - 1)], "...", if (maxl > 1) lev[n])
              }else lev, collapse = colsep), "\n", sep = "")

as.character.mChoice <- function(x, ...) {
  lev <- levels(x)
  sapply(strsplit(x=x, split=';'),
         function(z) paste(lev[as.integer(z)], collapse=';'))

as.double.mChoice <- function(x, drop=FALSE, ...) {
  lev <- attr(x,'levels')
  X <- matrix(0, nrow=length(x), ncol=length(lev),
              dimnames=list(names(x), lev))
  unused <- numeric(0)
  for(i in 1:length(lev)) {
    xi <- 1*inmChoice(x, i)
    if(sum(xi)==0) unused <- c(unused, i)
    X[,i] <- xi
  if(drop && length(unused)) X <- X[, -unused, drop=FALSE]

nmChoice <- function(object) {
  y <- gsub('[^;]', '', object)
  nchoices <- nchar(y) + 1
  nchoices[object == ''] <- 0

summary.mChoice <- function(object, ncombos=5, minlength=NULL,
                            drop=TRUE, short=FALSE, ...) {

  levels <- NULL
  if(short) {
    levels <- attr(object, 'levels')
    attr(object, 'levels') <- paste0('(', 1 : length(levels), ')')

  nunique <- length(unique(object))
  y <- gsub('[^;]', '', object)
  nchoices <- nchar(y) + 1
  nchoices[object == ''] <- 0
  nchoices <- table(nchoices, dnn=NULL)
  X <- as.numeric(object, drop=drop)
    dimnames(X)[[2]] <- abbreviate(dimnames(X)[[2]],minlength)
  crosstab <- crossprod(X)

  combos <- table(format(object, minlength))
  i <- order(-combos)
  combos <- combos[i[1:min(ncombos,length(combos))]]
  structure(list(nunique=nunique, nchoices=nchoices,
                 crosstab=crosstab, combos=combos,
                 label=label(object), levels=levels),

print.summary.mChoice <- function(x, prlabel=TRUE, render=TRUE, ...) {
  levels <- x$levels
  crosstab <-format(x$crosstab)
  crosstab[lower.tri(crosstab)] <- ''
  s <- if(length(x$combos)==x$nunique) 'Frequencies of All Combinations' else
   paste('Frequencies of Top', length(x$combos), 'Combinations')

  R <- character(0)

  if(prType() == 'html') {
    lev <- x$levels
    if(length(lev)) {   # short was in effect
      lev <- paste0('(', 1 : length(lev), ') ', lev)
      ml <- max(nchar(lev))
      sz <- if(ml > 45) round(0.825 * 85) else 85
      half <- ceiling(length(lev) / 2)
      left <- lev[1 : half]
      rt   <- lev[(half + 1) : length(lev)]
      if(length(rt) < length(left)) rt <- c(rt, '')
      tab <- paste0('<tr><td>', left,
                    '</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>', rt,
      R <- paste0('<table style="font-size: ', sz, '%";>',
                  paste(tab, collapse=' '), '</table>')
    y <- list('', x$nchoices, crosstab, x$combos)
    names(y) <- c(paste(x$nunique, 'unique combinatons'),
                  'Frequencies of Numbers of Choices Per Observation',
                  'Pairwise Frequencies (Diagonal Contains Marginal Frequencies)',
    R <- c(R, do.call(htmltabv, y))
    return(if(render) rendHTML(R) else htmltools::HTML(R))

  if(length(levels)) {
    lev <- paste(paste0('(', 1 : length(levels), ') ', levels), collapse='; ')
    cat('', strwrap(lev), '', sep='\n')

  cat('\n', x$nunique, ' unique combinations\n\n', sep='')
  if(prlabel) cat(x$label, '\n\n', sep='')
  cat('Frequencies of Numbers of Choices Per Observation\n\n')
  cat('\nPairwise Frequencies (Diagonal Contains Marginal Frequencies)\n\n')
  print(crosstab, quote=FALSE)
  cat('\n', s, '\n')

match.mChoice <- function(x, table, nomatch = NA,
                          incomparables = FALSE) {
  if (!is.logical(incomparables) || incomparables) {
    .NotYetUsed("incomparables != FALSE")

  lev <- attr(table, 'levels')
  if(is.factor(x) || is.character(x)) {
    x <- match(as.character(x), lev, nomatch=0)
  return(.Call("do_mchoice_match", as.integer(x), table, as.integer(nomatch)))

# inmChoice <- function(x, values) {
#  match.mChoice(values, x, nomatch=0) > 0
# }
inmChoice <- function(x, values, condition=c('any', 'all')) {
  condition <- match.arg(condition)
  lev <- attr(x, 'levels')
  if(is.character(values)) {
    v <- match(values, lev)
    if(any(is.na(v))) stop(paste('values not in levels:',
    values <- v
  x <- paste(';', unclass(x), ';', sep='')
  values <- paste(';', values, ';', sep='')
  res <- rep(condition != 'any', length(x))
  for(j in 1:length(values)) {
    i <- grep(values[j], x)
    if(length(i)) {
      if(condition == 'any') res[i] <- TRUE
        res[-i] <- FALSE
      } else if(condition == 'all') res[] <- FALSE

inmChoicelike <- function(x, values, condition=c('any', 'all'),
                          ignore.case=FALSE, fixed=FALSE) {
  condition <- match.arg(condition)
  if(! is.character(values)) stop('values must be a character vector')
  x <- as.character(x)
  res <- rep(condition != 'any', length(x))
  for(j in 1 : length(values)) {
    i <- grep(values[j], x, ignore.case=ignore.case, fixed=fixed)
    if(length(i)) {
      if(condition == 'any') res[i] <- TRUE
        res[-i] <- FALSE
      } else if(condition == 'all') res[] <- FALSE

is.mChoice <- function(x) inherits(x, 'mChoice')
harrelfe/Hmisc documentation built on Oct. 22, 2024, 2:26 p.m.