
Defines functions fitted.iprobitMod predict.iprobitMod brier_score predict_iprobit calc_ystar probs_yhat_error predict_quant sample_prob_bin sample_prob_mult sample_alpha sample_lambda sample_w convert_prob quantile_prob print.iprobitPredict print.iprobitPredict_quant

#   iprobit: Binary and Multinomial Probit Regression with I-priors
#   Copyright (C) 2017  Haziq Jamil
#   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# For posterity: Both fitted and predict use the same function to output
# predicted values, probabilities, error rate and brier score. This function is
# predict_iprobit_x(). This function is also used in the variational algorithm
# to get $fitted.values.
# predict_iprobit_x() arguments are the ystar values, y/y.test and y.levels. In
# the variational algorithm the ystar are calculated sequentially as part of the
# algorithm. In fitted(), ystar are obtained from object$ystar. In predict(),
# ystar are calculated from values of Hl, lambda, alpha and w. There is a helper
# function calc_ystar_x() to calculate these.
# To calculate the quantiles of the predicted values, values of lambda, alpha
# and w are simulated from their posterior distribution, and for each sample a
# value of ystar is calculated and predicted values obtained through
# predict_iprobit_x(). Quantiles are calculated using the function
# predict_quant() for both iprobitMod_x type objects. It uses a helper function
# sample_prob_x() to do the sampling.
# predict() and fitted() return an iprobit_predict object, while quantiles
# return an iprobit_predict_quant object. This allows different print methods
# for each.

#' @export
fitted.iprobitMod <- function(object, quantiles = FALSE, n.samp = 100,
                              transform = identity, raw = FALSE, ...) {
  if (isTRUE(quantiles)) {
    y <- as.numeric(factor(object$ipriorKernel$y))

    return(predict_quant(object, n.samp, transform, raw = raw, type = "train",
                         y = y))
  } else {
    res <- object$fitted.values
    res$prob <- transform(res$prob)

#' @export
predict.iprobitMod <- function(object, newdata = list(), y.test = NULL,
                               quantiles = FALSE, n.samp = 100,
                               transform = identity, raw = FALSE, ...) {
  if (length(newdata) == 0) {
    if (!is.null(object$test)) {
    } else {
      return(cat("No new data supplied. Use fitted() instead."))
  if (!is.null(object$ipriorKernel$formula)) {
    if (is.iprobitData(newdata)) newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
    tmp <- iprior::.terms_to_xy(object$ipriorKernel, newdata)
    y.test <- tmp$y
    xstar <- tmp$Xl
    xrownames <- rownames(newdata)
  } else {
    if (any(sapply(newdata, is.vector))) {
      newdata <- lapply(newdata, as.matrix)
    xstar <- newdata
    xrownames <- rownames(do.call(cbind, newdata))

  res <- predict_iprobit(object, xstar, y.test, quantiles = quantiles,
                         n.samp = n.samp, transform = transform, raw = raw)
  # names(res$y) <- xrownames

brier_score <- function(y, y.hat, prob) {
  prob <- apply(prob, 1, max)
  outcome <- (y == y.hat)
  res <- mean((prob - outcome) ^ 2)

predict_iprobit <- function(object, xstar, y.test, quantiles = FALSE,
                            n.samp = 100, transform = identity, raw = FALSE) {
  # Args: object is ipriorMod_x.
  if (!isTRUE(quantiles)) {
    ystar.new <- calc_ystar(object$ipriorKernel, xstar, get_alpha(object),
                            get_theta(object), object$w, Varw = object$Varw)
    res <- probs_yhat_error(y.test, object$ipriorKernel$y.levels, ystar.new,
                            type = "test")
  } else {
    res <- predict_quant(object, n.samp, transform, raw, xstar, y.test,
                         type = "test")

calc_ystar <- function(object, xstar, alpha, theta, w, theta.is.lambda = FALSE,
                       Varw) {
  # Args: An ipriorKernel object.
  # Returns: For binary models, a vector of ystar. For multinomial models, this
  # is a matrix with columns representing the number of classes.
  if (is.null(xstar)) Hlam.new <- get_Hlam(object, theta, theta.is.lambda)
  else Hlam.new <- get_Htildelam(object, theta, xstar, theta.is.lambda)
  if (is.iprobit_bin(object)) {
    if (length(alpha) > 1) {
      alpha <- alpha[1]
    # Calculate E[ystar|y,theta] and diag(Var[ystar|y,theta])
    f.tmp <- as.numeric(alpha + Hlam.new %*% w)
    f.var.tmp <- diag(Hlam.new %*% tcrossprod(Varw, Hlam.new)) + 1
    return(f.tmp / sqrt(f.var.tmp))
  } else {
    m <- get_m(object)
    if (length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, m)
    f.tmp <- rep(alpha, each = nrow(Hlam.new)) + Hlam.new %*% w
    f.var.tmp <- sapply(Varw, function(x) diag(Hlam.new %*% tcrossprod(x, Hlam.new)) + 1)
    return(list(ystar = f.tmp, sigma = sqrt(f.var.tmp)))

probs_yhat_error <- function(y, y.levels, ystar, type = c("train", "test")) {
  # Args: y is for comparison (test or training responses).
  m <- length(y.levels)

  if (m == 2) {
    # Binary model -------------------------------------------------------------
    p.hat <- pnorm(ystar)
    p.hat <- data.frame(1 - p.hat, p.hat)

    y.hat <- rep(1, length(ystar))
    y.hat[ystar >= 0] <- 2
    y.hat <- factor(y.hat, levels = 1:2)
  } else {
    # Multinomial model --------------------------------------------------------
    sigma <- ystar$sigma
    ystar <- ystar$ystar

    p.hat <- ystar
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(ystar))) {
      for (j in seq_along(y.levels)) {
        p.hat[i, j] <- EprodPhiZ(ystar[i, ], sigma = sigma, j = j)
      # p.hat[i, m] <- 1 - sum(p.hat[i, 1:(m - 1)])
    p.hat <- p.hat / matrix(rep(apply(p.hat, 1, sum), m), ncol = m)  # normalise

    y.hat <- factor(
      apply(p.hat, 1, function(x) which(x == max(x))),
      levels = seq_len(m)
  colnames(p.hat) <- y.levels
  levels(y.hat) <- y.levels

  error.rate <- mean(as.numeric(y.hat) != as.numeric(y)) * 100
  brier.score <- brier_score(as.numeric(y), as.numeric(y.hat),

  structure(list(y = y.hat, prob = as.data.frame(p.hat),
                 type = match.arg(type, c("train", "test")),
                 error.rate = error.rate, brier.score = brier.score),
            class = "iprobitPredict")

predict_quant <- function(object, n.samp, transform = identity, raw = FALSE,
                          xstar = NULL, y = NULL, type = c("train", "test")) {
  # Helper function to get the quantiles of the probabilities, error rate and
  # brier score. This is done by sampling from the posterior of the parameters.
  # An option raw = TRUE returns the sampling values instead.
  # Args: An iprobitMod_x object.
  if (is.iprobitMod_bin(object)) {
    tmp <- sample_prob_bin(object, n.samp, xstar, y)
  if (is.iprobitMod_mult(object)) {
    tmp <- sample_prob_mult(object, n.samp, xstar, y)

  phats <- convert_prob(tmp$phat.samp, transform)
  names(phats) <- object$ipriorKernel$y.levels

  if (all(is.nan(tmp$error.samp))) {
    error.rate <- NaN
  } else {
    error.rate <- stats::quantile(tmp$error.samp,
                                  probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975))

  if (all(is.nan(tmp$brier.samp))) {
    brier.score <- NaN
  } else {
    brier.score <- stats::quantile(tmp$brier.samp,
                                   probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975))

  if (isTRUE(raw)) {
      prob = phats, error.rate = tmp$error.samp, brier.score = tmp$brier.samp
  } else {
      prob        = quantile_prob(phats),
      error.rate  = error.rate,
      brier.score = brier.score,
      type        = match.arg(type, c("train", "test"))
    ), class = "iprobitPredict_quant"))

sample_prob_bin <- function(object, n.samp, xstar = NULL, y = NULL) {
  # Helper function to sample probabilities, error rates and brier scores for
  # binary models. For the closed-form VB-EM, then the hyperparameters all have
  # normal distributions. For the VB-EM with Metropolis sampler, then the
  # samples for theta are Bootstrapped from object$theta.samp, a remnant of the
  # fitting procedure. Note that results will not be so good if n.samp >>
  # nrow(object$theta.samp).
  # Args: An iprobitMod_x object.
  # Returns: A list of 1) a list of class probability samples; 2) a vector of
  # samples of  misclassification rates; and 3) a vector of sample Brier scores.
  # This is needed in predict_quant().
  alpha.samp <- sample_alpha(n.samp, get_alpha(object), get_sd_alpha(object))
  til <- FALSE
  if (grepl("Closed-form", object$est.method)) {
    theta.samp <- sample_lambda(n.samp, get_lambda(object),
    til <- TRUE
  } else {
    theta.samp <- object$theta.samp
    theta.samp <- theta.samp[sample(seq_len(nrow(theta.samp)), size = n.samp), ]
  w.samp <- sample_w(n.samp, object$w, object$Varw)  # n.samp x n matrix

  phat.samp <- list()
  error.samp <- brier.samp <- rep(NA, n.samp)

  for (i in seq_len(n.samp)) {
    alpha <- alpha.samp[i]
    theta <- theta.samp[i, ]
    w <- w.samp[i, ]
    ystar.samp <- calc_ystar(object$ipriorKernel, xstar, alpha, theta, w, til,
    tmp <- probs_yhat_error(y, object$ipriorKernel$y.levels, ystar.samp)
    phat.samp[[i]] <- tmp$prob
    error.samp[i] <- tmp$error
    brier.samp[i] <- tmp$brier

  list(phat.samp = phat.samp, error.samp = error.samp, brier.samp = brier.samp)

sample_prob_mult <- function(object, n.samp, xstar = NULL, y = NULL) {
  # Helper function to sample probabilities, error rates and brier scores for
  # multinomial models.
  alpha.samp <- theta.samp <- w.samp <- phat.samp <- list()
  m <- get_m(object)
  til <- FALSE
  vb.closed <- grepl("Closed-form", object$est.method)

  alpha <- c(get_alpha(object, by.class = TRUE))
  sd.alpha <- get_sd_alpha(object)

  lambda <- get_lambda(object, by.class = FALSE)  # vector
  if (isTRUE(vb.closed)) {
    # sd.lambda <- matrix(get_sd_lambda(object), ncol = m, byrow = TRUE)
    sd.lambda <- get_sd_lambda(object)
    til <- TRUE

  lambda.samp <- sample_lambda(n.samp, lambda, sd.lambda)
  # First, sample per class ----------------------------------------------------
  for (j in seq_len(m)) {
    alpha.samp[[j]] <- sample_alpha(n.samp, alpha[j], sd.alpha[j])
    if (isTRUE(vb.closed)) {
      theta.samp[[j]] <- lambda.samp
    w.samp[[j]] <- sample_w(n.samp, object$w[, j], object$Varw[[j]])

  # Then combine each sample into a list of length n.samp (makes it easier in --
  # the calculation of the probabilities etc.) ---------------------------------
  alpha.samp <- mapply(function(x) unlist(lapply(alpha.samp, `[`, x)),
                       seq_len(n.samp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  if (isTRUE(vb.closed)) {
    theta.samp <- mapply(function(x) matrix(unlist(lapply(theta.samp, `[`, x, )),
                                            ncol = m),
                         seq_len(n.samp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  } else {
    theta.samp <- object$theta.samp
    theta.samp <- theta.samp[sample(seq_along(theta.samp), size = n.samp)]
  w.samp <- mapply(function(x) matrix(unlist(lapply(w.samp, `[`, x, )), ncol = m),
                   seq_len(n.samp), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  error.samp <- brier.samp <- rep(NA, n.samp)

  for (i in seq_len(n.samp)) {
    alpha <- alpha.samp[[i]]
    theta <- theta.samp[[i]]
    w <- w.samp[[i]]
    ystar.samp <- calc_ystar(object$ipriorKernel, xstar, alpha, theta, w, til, object$Varw)
    tmp <- probs_yhat_error(y, object$ipriorKernel$y.levels, ystar.samp)
    phat.samp[[i]] <- tmp$prob
    error.samp[i] <- tmp$error
    brier.samp[i] <- tmp$brier

  list(phat.samp = phat.samp, error.samp = error.samp, brier.samp = brier.samp)

sample_alpha <- function(n.samp, mean, sd) {
  # Helper function for sample_prob_bin(). Samples the intercept from the
  # (approximated) posterior N(mean, sd^2).
  # Args: The number of samples n.samp, the mean and sd of the normal
  # distribution.
  # Returns: A vector of length n.samp containing the intercept samples.
  rnorm(n.samp, mean, sd)

sample_lambda <- function(n.samp, mean, sd) {
  # Helper function for sample_prob_bin(). Samples the intercept from the
  # (approximated) posterior N(mean, sd^2).
  # Args: The number of samples n.samp, the mean and sd of the normal
  # distribution.
  # Returns: A matrix with n.samp rows containing the lambda samples.
  if (length(mean) > 1) {
    return(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.samp, mean, diag(sd ^ 2)))
  } else {
    return(matrix(rnorm(n.samp, mean, sd)))

sample_w <- function(n.samp, mean, variance) {
  # Helper function for sample_prob_bin(). Samples the intercept from the
  # (approximated) posterior N(mean, variance).
  # Args: The number of samples n.samp, the mean and variance of the
  # multivariate normal distribution.
  # Returns: A matrix with n.samp rows containing the w samples.
  mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n.samp, mean, variance)

convert_prob <- function(phat, transform = identity) {
  # Converts list of length n.samp containing random samples of the
  # probabilities. This function converts it into a list of length no.classes so
  # that each column is now the random sample of the probability of that data
  # point. The transform option transform the probabilities, say to log odds.
  no.classes <- ncol(phat[[1]])
  res <- list()
  for (i in seq_len(no.classes)) {
    res[[i]] <- do.call(cbind, lapply(lapply(phat, `[`, i), transform))

quantile_prob <- function(phats) {
  # Get quantiles for lists returned from convert_prob()
  for (i in seq_along(phats)) {
    phats[[i]] <- t(apply(phats[[i]], 1, stats::quantile,
                          probs = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975)))
  lapply(phats, as.data.frame)

#' @export
print.iprobitPredict <- function(x, rows = 10, digits = 3, ...) {
  if (x$type == "train") {
    cat("Training error:", paste0(decimal_place(x$error.rate, digits), "%\n"))
    cat("Brier score   :", decimal_place(x$brier.score, digits), "\n")
  } else if (!is.nan(x$error.rate)) {
    cat("Test error :", paste0(decimal_place(x$error.rate, digits), "%\n"))
    cat("Brier score:", decimal_place(x$brier.score, digits), "\n")
  } else {
    cat("Test data not provided.\n")
  rows <- min(nrow(x$prob), rows)

  cat("\nPredicted classes:\n")
  y.toprint <- x$y[seq_len(rows)]
  y.output <- capture.output(y.toprint)
  y.levels.output <- y.output[length(y.output)]
  y.levels.output <- gsub(" Levels:", "Levels:", y.levels.output)
  y.output <- y.output[-length(y.output)]
  if (nrow(x$p) > rows) cat(" ...")
  cat(y.levels.output, "\n")

  cat("\nPredicted probabilities:\n")
  tab <- decimal_place(x$p[seq_len(rows), ], digits)
  if (nrow(x$p) > rows) cat("# ... with", nrow(x$p) - rows, "more rows")

#' @export
print.iprobitPredict_quant <- function(x, rows = 5, digits = 3, ...) {
  rows.act <- nrow(x$prob[[1]])
  rows <- min(rows.act, rows)
  y.levels <- names(x$prob)

  brier <- decimal_place(x$brier.score, digits)
  if (x$type == "train") {
    error <- decimal_place(x$error, digits)
    tab <- rbind("Training error (%)" = error, "Brier score" = brier)
  } else if (all(!is.nan(x$error.rate))) {
    error <- decimal_place(x$error, digits)
    tab <- rbind("Test error (%)" = error, "Brier score" = brier)
  } else {
    cat("Test data not provided.\n")

  for (j in seq_along(x$prob)) {
    cat("\nPredicted probabilities for Class =", y.levels[j], "\n")
    tab <- decimal_place(x$prob[[j]][seq_len(rows), ], digits)
    if (rows.act > rows) cat("# ... with", rows.act - rows, "more rows\n")
haziqjamil/iprobit documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:07 p.m.