
#' Create report of QC
#' @param path  absolute path to bcbio results (in yaml file after -upload)
#' @param samples  vector indicating the name as samples are in the previous folder
#' @param out path  where you want to create the index.html
#' @param title  this value would be the title of the document
#' @param condition  a vector indicating the groups of the samples
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' p<-"absolute paht to bcbio results in yaml file: -upload
#' s<-c("name1","name2","name3","name4")
#' o<-"/path/where/html/will/be/created"
#' t<-"some title for the report"
#' con<-c("TREAT","TREAT","CON","CON")
#' r<-create_report(p,s,o,t,con)
#' }
  report <- newCustomReport( title );
  #report <- addTo( report, addTo( newSection( "My Introduction" ),
  #   newParagraph( "Hello World! This is a paragraph of text!" ) ) );
  #report <- addTo( report, addTo( newSection( "My Methods" ),
  #    method ) );
  FRfqc<- i_create_fastqc_figure(path,samples,out)
  Trqc<- i_create_mapping_stats(path,samples,out)
  FRfrccov<- i_create_gene_coverage(path,samples,out)
  Tcounts<- i_create_count_top(path,samples,out)
  FRcounts <- i_create_distribution_counts(path,samples,out,condition)
  report <- addTo( 
    report, addTo( newSection( "Quality of samples", class="results" ),
                   addTo( newSubSection( "Quality of base calling" ), FRfqc),
                   addTo( newSubSection( "Mapping stats" ), Trqc),
                   addTo( newSubSection("Gene coverage"), FRfrccov),    
                   addTo( newSubSection( "Top expressed genes" ), Tcounts),
                   addTo( newSubSection( "Counts distribution" ), FRcounts[[1]]),
                   addTo( newSubSection( "Normalized counts distribution" ), FRcounts[[2]]),
                   addTo( newSubSection("Cumulative expression"), FRcounts[[3]]),
                   addTo( newSubSection( "Samples similarity" ), FRcounts[[4]])

#' Write report of QC
#' @param report  an object comming from create_report()
#' @param out  path where you want to create the index.html (same as used in create_report)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' p<-"absolute path to bcbio results in yaml file: -upload
#' s<-c("name1","name2","name3","name4")
#' o<-"/path/where/html/will/be/created"
#' t<-"some title for the report"
#' con<-c("TREAT","TREAT","CON","CON")
#' r<-write_report(p,s,o,t,con)
#' }
  writeReport( report, filename=paste(outfile,"/QC.html",sep=""));

  report <- addTo( 
          addTo(newSubSection("DE genes"),Tedger),
          addTo(newSubSection("Quality of DE analysis"),FRpval)
hbc/CHBUtils documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:07 p.m.