
Defines functions spanningTree

Documented in spanningTree

## This code is part of the rpg package
## © C. Heibl 2017 (last update 2017-11-08)

#' @title Spanning Tree for PASTA
#' @description Creates miminum spanning tree connecting subsets obtained by
#'   centroid decomposition.
#' @param phy An object of class \code{\link{phylo}} containing a complete
#'   phylogenetic tree.
#' @param subtrees A list containing object of class \code{\link{phylo}} as
#'   obtained with \code{\link{centroidDecomposition}}.
#' @importFrom ape drop.tip makeNodeLabel
#' @importFrom ips terminalSisters
#' @importFrom igraph add_edges degree delete.vertices graph_from_edgelist
#'   neighbors vertex_attr vertex_attr<-
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @export

spanningTree <- function(phy, subtrees){

  # subtrees <- lapply(subtrees, function(z) z$tip.label)
  # names(subtrees) <- paste0("S", seq_along(subtrees))

  ## replace tiplabels by their subtree name
  ## ---------------------------------------
  for (i in names(subtrees)){
    phy$tip.label[phy$tip.label %in% subtrees[[i]]] <- i

  ## shrink monophyletic subtrees
  ## ----------------------------
  repeat {
    ts <- terminalSisters(phy, labels = FALSE)
    id <- sapply(ts, function(z, phy) phy$tip.label[z[1]] == phy$tip.label[z[2]], phy = phy)
    if (!any(id)) break
    id <- sapply(ts[id], head, n = 1)
    phy <- drop.tip(phy, id)
  id <- lapply(names(subtrees), function(z, phy) which(phy$tip.label == z),
               phy = phy)
  id <- lapply(id, tail, n = -1)
  phy <- drop.tip(phy, unlist(id))

  ## convert to igraph and do propagating of tip labels
  ## to internal nodes
  ## -----------------
  # phy <- as.igraph.phylo(phy, directed = FALSE)
  phy <- makeNodeLabel(phy)
  phy$edge <- matrix(c(phy$tip.label, phy$node.label)[phy$edge], ncol = 2)
  phy <- graph_from_edgelist(phy$edge, directed = FALSE)
  repeat {

    ## Choose one node (int) and identify one of its neighbors (n).
    ## n will be deleted and
    ## ----------------------------------------------------------
    vertex_names <- vertex_attr(phy)$name
    int <- sample(grep("Node", vertex_names), 1) ## choose a random internal node
    n <- vertex_names[neighbors(phy, int)] ## get neighbors of this node
    id <- grep("Node", n) ## IDs of internal neighbors
    if (length(id)) n <- n[-id] ## consider only terminal neighbors
    if (!length(n)) next ## if no terminalnal neighbors, jump to next
    if (length(n)) n <- n[1] ## if there more terminal nodes, use the first

    ## Handle nodes of degree 1
    if (degree(phy, n) == 1){
      phy <- delete.vertices(phy, n)
      vertex_attr(phy)$name[match(vertex_names[int], vertex_attr(phy)$name)] <- n

    ## handle nodes of higher degree
    } else {
        nn <- vertex_attr(phy)$name[neighbors(phy, n)]
        phy <- delete.vertices(phy, n)
        ## if more than two neighbors exist, we have to
        ## construct corrrect node vector
        if (length(nn) > 2){
            ns <- rep(vertex_names[int], (length(nn) - 1) * 2)
            ns[c(FALSE, TRUE)] <- nn[nn != vertex_names[int]]
            nn <- ns
        phy <- add_edges(phy, nn)
        vertex_attr(phy)$name[match(vertex_names[int], vertex_attr(phy)$name)] <- n
    ## stopping conditition
    if (!length(grep("Node", vertex_attr(phy)$name))) break
heibl/polenta documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:22 p.m.