#' Predict next nucleotides in sequence
#' The output is a S4 class.
#' @param sequence input sequence, length should be in sync with the model.
#' If length exceeds input.shape of model then only the right side of the
#' sequence will be used.
#' @param model trained model from the function \code{trainNetwork()}
#' @param vocabulary vocabulary of input sequence
#' @param verbose TRUE/FALSE
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' example.model <- keras::load_model_hdf5("example_model.hdf5")
#' sequence <- strrep("A", 100)
#' predictNextNucleotide(sequence, example.model)}
#' @export
predictNextNucleotide <- function(sequence,
vocabulary = c("l", "a", "c", "g", "t"),
verbose = F){
stopifnot(nchar(sequence) >= model$input_shape[2])
substringright <- function(x, n){
substr(x, nchar(x)- n + 1, nchar(x))
# sequence can be longer then model input shape
# if so just use the last input_shape chars
sentence <- tokenizers::tokenize_characters(
stringr::str_to_lower(substringright(sequence, as.numeric(model$input_shape[2]))),
strip_non_alphanum = FALSE, simplify = TRUE)
x <- sapply(vocabulary, function(x){
as.numeric(x == sentence)
x <- keras::array_reshape(x, c(1, dim(x)))
if(verbose) {
message("Prediction ...")}
preds <- keras::predict_proba(model, x)
next_index <- which.max(preds)
next_char <- vocabulary[next_index]
# return a S4 class
next_char = next_char,
probability = preds[next_index],
index = next_index,
alternative_probability = preds,
solution = paste0(sequence, next_char)))
#' Replaces specific nucleotides in a sequence
#' @param sequence input sequence, length should be in sync with the model.
#' If length exceeds input.shape of model then only the right side of the
#' sequence will be used.
#' @param model trained model from the function \code{trainNetwork()}
#' @param char character in the sequence that will be replaced
#' @param vocabulary ordered vocabulary of input sequence
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' example.model <- keras::load_model_hdf5("example_model.hdf5")
#' replaceChar(sequence = sequence, model = example.model)}
#' @export
replaceChar <- function(sequence,
char = "X",
vocabulary = c("l", "a", "c", "g", "t")){
stopifnot(nchar(sequence) >= model$input_shape[2])
while (stringr::str_detect(sequence, char)) {
# get the position
next_position <- stringr::str_locate_all(pattern = 'X', sequence)[[1]][[1]]
# seed text for model is the most-right chunk of text
# with size of model$input_shape[[2]]
seed <- substr(sequence,
next_position - model$input_shape[[2]] - 1,
next_position - 1)
prediction <- predictNextNucleotide(seed, model, vocabulary)
sequence <- paste0(prediction@solution,
substr(sequence, next_position + 1,
#' Evaluates a trained model on .fasta/fastq files
#' Returns accuracies per batch and overall confusion matrix. Evaluates \code{batch.size} * \code{numberOfBatches} samples.
#' @param fasta.path Input directory where fasta/fastq files are located.
#' @param model.path Path to pretrained model.
#' @param batch.size Number of samples per batch.
#' @param step How often to take a sample.
#' @param seqStart Inserts character at beginning of sequence from one file.
#' @param seqEnd Insert character at end of sequence from one file.
#' @param withinFile Insert characters between fasta entries.
#' @param vocabulary Vector of allowed characters, character outside vocabulary get encoded as 0-vector.
#' @param label_vocabulary Labels for targets. Equal to vocabulary if not given.
#' @param numberOfBatches How many batches to evaluate.
#' @param filePath Where to store output, if missing output won't be written.
#' @param format File format, "fasta" or "fastq".
#' @param filename Name of output file.
#' @param plot Returns density plot of accuracies if TRUE.
#' @param mode Either "lm" for language model and "label_header" or "label_folder" for label classification.
#' @export
evaluateFasta <- function(fasta.path,
batch.size = 100,
step = 1,
vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"),
label_vocabulary = c("a", "c", "g", "t"),
numberOfBatches = 10,
filePath = NULL,
format = "fasta",
filename = "",
plot = TRUE,
mode = "lm"){
stopifnot(mode %in% c("lm", "label_header", "label_folder"))
if (is.null(label_vocabulary)) label_vocabulary <- vocabulary
model <- keras::load_model_hdf5(model.path)
maxlen <- model$input$shape[1]
if (mode == "lm"){
gen <- fastaFileGenerator(corpus.dir = fasta.path,
format = format,
batch.size = batch.size,
maxlen = maxlen,
max_iter = 100,
vocabulary = vocabulary,
verbose = FALSE,
randomFiles = FALSE,
step = step,
showWarnings = FALSE,
shuffleFastaEntries = FALSE,
reverseComplements = FALSE)
if (mode == "label_header"){
gen <- fastaLabelGenerator(corpus.dir = fasta.path,
format = format,
batch.size = batch.size,
maxlen = maxlen,
max_iter = 100,
vocabulary = vocabulary,
verbose = FALSE,
randomFiles = FALSE,
step = step,
showWarnings = FALSE,
shuffleFastaEntries = FALSE,
labelVocabulary = label_vocabulary,
reverseComplements = FALSE)
if (mode == "label_folder"){
# Bug, order of classes = order fasta.path ?
initializeGenerators(directories = fasta.path,
format = format,
batch.size = batch.size,
maxlen = maxlen,
vocabulary = vocabulary,
verbose = FALSE,
randomFiles = FALSE,
step = step,
showWarnings = FALSE,
shuffleFastaEntries = FALSE,
numberOfFiles = NULL,
fileLog = NULL,
reverseComplements = FALSE,
val = FALSE)
gen <- labelByFolderGeneratorWrapper(val = FALSE, path = fasta.path)
acc <- vector("numeric")
confMat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(label_vocabulary), ncol = length(label_vocabulary))
for (i in 1:numberOfBatches){
z <- gen()
x <- z[[1]]
y <- z[[2]]
y_pred <- keras::predict_classes(model, x, verbose = 0) + 1
y_true <- apply(y, 1, FUN = which.max)
df_true_pred <- data.frame(
true = factor(y_true, levels = 1:(length(label_vocabulary)), labels = label_vocabulary),
pred = factor(y_pred, levels = 1:(length(label_vocabulary)), labels = label_vocabulary)
acc[i] <- sum(y_pred == y_true)/batch.size
cm <- yardstick::conf_mat(df_true_pred, true, pred)
confMat <- confMat + cm[[1]]
if (plot){
df <- data.frame(accuracies = acc)
acc_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(df) + ggplot2::geom_density(ggplot2::aes(x = accuracies), color = "blue", alpha = 0.1, fill = "blue")
if (!is.null(filePath)){
save(acc, file = paste0(filePath, "/", filename, "Acc.Rdata"))
save(confMat, file = paste0(filePath, "/", filename, "ConfMat.Rdata"))
if (plot){
ggplot2::ggsave(acc_plot, filename = paste0(filePath, "/", filename, "AccPlot.pdf" ))
list(acc, confMat)
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