
.all.equal <- function(...) isTRUE(all.equal(..., check.environment = FALSE))



### predict did not return factor levels for blackboost models
dummy <- data.frame(y = gl(2, 100), x = runif(200))
pr <- predict(blackboost(y ~ x, data = dummy, family = Binomial()),
              newdata = dummy, type = "class")
stopifnot(is.factor(pr) && all(levels(pr) %in% levels(dummy$y)))

### predict for g{al}mboost.matrix did not work
ctrl <- boost_control(mstop = 10)
X <- cbind(int = 1, x = dummy$x)
gb <- glmboost(x = X, y = dummy$y, family = Binomial(), center = FALSE,
               control = ctrl)
stopifnot(.all.equal(predict(gb), predict(gb, newdata = X)))

if (FALSE) {
gb <- gamboost(x = X, y = dummy$y, family = Binomial(),
               control = ctrl)
stopifnot(.all.equal(predict(gb), predict(gb, newdata = X)))

### predict with center = TRUE in glmboost.matrix() did not work
gb <- glmboost(x = X, y = dummy$y, family = Binomial(),
               control = ctrl, center=TRUE)
p1 <- X %*% coef(gb)
stopifnot(max(abs(p1 - predict(gb, newdata = X))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### blackboost _did_ touch the response, arg!

data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data")
ctrl <- boost_control(mstop = 500, nu = 0.01)
bb <- blackboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, control = ctrl)
n <- nrow(bodyfat)
bs <- rmultinom(3, n, rep(1, n) / n)
x <- seq(from = 10, to = 500, by = 10)
cv <- cvrisk(bb, bs, grid = x, papply = lapply)
ctrl$risk <- "oobag"
tmp <- blackboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, control = ctrl,
                 weights = bs[,3])

stopifnot(identical(max(abs(tmp$risk()[x + 1] / sum(bs[,3] == 0)  - cv[3,])), 0))

### center = TRUE and cvrisk were broken; same issue with masking original data

gb <- glmboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, center = TRUE)
cv1 <- cvrisk(gb, folds = bs, papply = lapply)
tmp <- glmboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, center = TRUE,
                control = boost_control(risk = "oobag"),
                weights = bs[,3])
stopifnot(identical(max(tmp$risk()[attr(cv1, "mstop") + 1] / sum(bs[,3] == 0) - cv1[3,]), 0))

### same problem, just another check

indep <- names(bodyfat)[names(bodyfat) != "DEXfat"]
cbodyfat <- bodyfat
cbodyfat[indep] <- lapply(cbodyfat[indep], function(x) x - mean(x))
bffm <- DEXfat ~ age + waistcirc + hipcirc + elbowbreadth + kneebreadth +
      anthro3a + anthro3b + anthro3c + anthro4

bf_glm_1 <- glmboost(bffm, data = cbodyfat, center = FALSE)
cv1 <- cvrisk(bf_glm_1, folds = bs, papply = lapply)
bf_glm_2 <- glmboost(bffm, data = bodyfat, center = TRUE)
cv2 <- cvrisk(bf_glm_2, folds = bs, papply = lapply)

stopifnot(mstop(cv1) == mstop(cv2))

if (FALSE){
### dfbase=1 was not working correctly for ssp
### spotted by Matthias Schmid <Matthias.Schmid@imbe.imed.uni-erlangen.de>
data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data")
ctrl <- boost_control(mstop = 100)
### COMMENT: Not using ssp here but P-splines
### Remove check!
ga <- gamboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, dfbase = 1, control = ctrl)
gl <- glmboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, center = TRUE, control = ctrl)
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(ga) - predict(gl))) < 1e-8)

if (FALSE) {
### prediction with matrices was broken for gamboost,
### spotted by <Max.Kuhn@pfizer.com>
x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 10)
colnames(x) <- 1:ncol(x)
y <- rnorm(100)
fit <- gamboost(x = x, y = y, control = boost_control(mstop = 10))
a <- predict(fit, newdata = x[1:10,])

### AIC for centered covariates didn't work
y <- gl(2, 10)
xn <- rnorm(20)
xnm <- xn - mean(xn)
gc <- glmboost(y ~ xn, center = TRUE,
               family = Binomial())
g <- glmboost(y ~ xnm, center = FALSE, family = Binomial())
cgc <- coef(gc, off2int = TRUE)
cg <- coef(g, off2int = TRUE) - c(mean(xn) * coef(g)[2], 0)
names(cgc) <- NULL
names(cg) <- NULL
stopifnot(.all.equal(cgc, cg))
stopifnot(.all.equal(mstop(AIC(gc, "classical")),
                    mstop(AIC(g, "classical"))))

### fit ANCOVA models with centering
n <- 50
x <- gl(3, n)
x1 <- sample(ordered(gl(3, n)))
z <- rnorm(length(x))
X <- model.matrix(~ x + z + x1)
eff <- X %*% (1:ncol(X))
y <- rnorm(length(x), mean = eff)

ctr <- list(list(x = "contr.treatment"), list(x = "contr.sum"),
            list(x = "contr.helmert"), list(x = "contr.SAS"))
mstop <- 2000
fm <- y ~ z:x + x + z:x1

for (cc in ctr) {
    modlm <- lm(fm, contrasts = cc)
    modT <- glmboost(fm, contrasts.arg = cc,
                     center = TRUE)[mstop]
    stopifnot(max(abs(coef(modlm) - coef(modT, off2int = TRUE)))
                      < .Machine$double.eps^(1/3))
    stopifnot(max(abs(hatvalues(modlm) - hatvalues(modT))) < 0.01)
    stopifnot(max(abs(predict(modlm) - predict(modT)))
                      < .Machine$double.eps^(1/3))

y <- factor(rbinom(length(x), size = 1,
                    prob = plogis(eff / max(abs(eff)) * 3)))
for (cc in ctr) {
    modlm <- glm(fm, contrasts = cc,
                 family = binomial())
    modT <- glmboost(fm, contrasts.arg = cc,
        center = TRUE, family = Binomial())[mstop]
    stopifnot(max(abs(coef(modlm) - coef(modT, off2int = TRUE) * 2))
                      < .Machine$double.eps^(1/3))
    stopifnot(max(abs(predict(modlm) - predict(modT) * 2))
                      < .Machine$double.eps^(1/3))

### check gamboost with weights (use weighted some of residuals
### for variable selection)
data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data")

n <- nrow(bodyfat)
w <- numeric(n)
w <- rmultinom(1, n, rep(1, n) / n)[,1]
ctrl <- boost_control(mstop = 20)

mod1 <- glmboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, weights = w, center = FALSE)
aic1 <- AIC(mod1, "corrected")
attributes(aic1) <- NULL

mod2 <- glmboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat[rep(1:n, w),], center = FALSE)
aic2 <- AIC(mod2, "corrected")
attributes(aic2) <- NULL

stopifnot(.all.equal(round(aic1, 3), round(aic2, 3)))

mod1 <- gamboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, weights = w, con = ctrl)
aic1 <- AIC(mod1, "corrected")
attributes(aic1) <- NULL

mod2 <- gamboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat[rep(1:n, w),], con = ctrl)
aic2 <- AIC(mod2, "corrected")
attributes(aic2) <- NULL

stopifnot(.all.equal(round(aic1, 1), round(aic2, 1)))

mod1 <- blackboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, weights = w)
mod2 <- blackboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat[rep(1:n, w),])

ratio <- mod1$risk() / mod2$risk()
stopifnot(ratio[1] > 0.95 && ratio[2] < 1.05)

if (FALSE){
### df <= 2
ctrl$risk <- "oobag"
mod1 <- gamboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, weights = w, con = ctrl, base = "bss", dfbase = 2)
mod2 <- gamboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, weights = w, con = ctrl, base = "bbs", dfbase = 2)
mod3 <- gamboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, weights = w, con = ctrl, base = "bols")
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(mod1) - predict(mod2))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(mod1) - predict(mod3))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### check predictions of zero-weight observations (via out-of-bag risk)
mod1 <- gamboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, weights = w, con = ctrl, base = "bss")
mod2 <- gamboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, weights = w, con = ctrl, base = "bbs")
stopifnot(abs(coef(lm(mod1$risk() ~ mod2$risk() - 1)) - 1) < 0.01)

### not really a bug, a new feature; test fastp
df <- data.frame(y = rnorm(100), x = runif(100), z = runif(100))
eps <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
s <- seq(from = 1, to = 100, by = 3)

x <- glmboost(y ~ ., data = df, center = FALSE)
for (i in s)
    stopifnot(max(abs(predict(x[i]) - predict(x[max(s)], agg = "cumsum")[,i])) < eps)

x <- gamboost(y ~ ., data = df)
for (i in s)
    stopifnot(max(abs(predict(x[i]) - predict(x[max(s)], agg = "cumsum")[,i])) < eps)

x <- blackboost(y ~ ., data = df)
for (i in s)
    stopifnot(max(abs(predict(x[i]) - predict(x[max(s)], agg = "cumsum")[,i])) < eps)

### make sure environment(formula) is used for evaluation
if (require("partykit")) {
    ctl  <- boost_control(mstop = 100, trace = TRUE)
    tctl <- ctree_control(teststat = "max", testtype = "Teststat",
                          mincrit = 0, maxdepth = 5, saveinfo = FALSE)
    myfun <- function(cars, xx, zz){
        mboost(dist ~ btree(speed, tree_controls = zz),
               data = cars, control = xx)
    try(mod <- myfun(cars, xx = ctl, zz = tctl))

### bbs with weights and expanded data
x <- runif(100)
y <- rnorm(length(x))
knots <- seq(from = 0.1, to = 0.9, by = 0.1)
w <- rmultinom(1, length(x), rep(1, length(x)) / length(x))[,1]
iw <- rep(1:length(x), w)

m1 <- bbs(x, knots = knots)$dpp(w)$fit(y)$model
m2 <- bbs(x[iw], knots = knots)$dpp(rep(1, length(iw)))$fit(y[iw])$model

stopifnot(max(abs(m1 - m2)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### base learner handling
stopifnot(max(abs(fitted(gamboost(DEXfat ~ age, data = bodyfat)) -
                  fitted(gamboost(DEXfat ~ bbs(age), data = bodyfat)))) <

### predict for matrix interface to glmboost
x <- matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 10)
y <- rowMeans(x) + rnorm(nrow(x))
mod <- glmboost(x = x, y = y, center = FALSE)
stopifnot(length(predict(mod, newdata = x[1:2,])) == 2)
try(predict(mod, newdata = as.data.frame(x[1:2,])))

### predict for varying coefficient models with categorical z
x <- rnorm(100)
z <- gl(2,50)
y <- rnorm(100, sd = 0.1)
data <- data.frame(y=y, x=x, z=z)

model <- gamboost(y ~ bols(x, by=z), data = data)

model <- gamboost(y ~ bbs(x, by=z), data = data)

x <- as.factor(sample(1:10, 100, replace=TRUE))
data <- data.frame(y=y, x=x, z=z)
model <- gamboost(y ~ brandom(x, by=z), data = data)

x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- rnorm(100)
data <- data.frame(y=y, x1=x1, x2=x2, z=z)
model <- gamboost(y ~ bspatial(x1,x2, by=z), data = data)

### bols with intercept = FALSE for categorical covariates was broken
x <- gl(2, 50)
y <- c(rnorm(50, mean = -1), rnorm(50, mean = 1))
stopifnot(length(coef(gamboost(y ~ bols(x, intercept=FALSE)))) == 1)

# check also for conntinuous x
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- c(rnorm(100, mean = 1 * x))
stopifnot(length(coef(gamboost(y ~ bols(x, intercept=FALSE)))) == 1)

### check interface of coef
x1 <- rnorm(100)
int <- rep(1, 100)
y <- 3 * x1 + rnorm(100, sd=0.1)
dummy <- data.frame(y = y, int = int, x1 = x1)

gbm <- gamboost(y ~ bols(int, intercept=FALSE) +  bols(x1, intercept=FALSE) +
                bbs(x1, center=TRUE, df=1), data = dummy)

### check prediction if intercept=FALSE
gbm <- gamboost(y ~ bols(x1, intercept=FALSE), data = dummy)
stopifnot(!is.na(predict(gbm)) &
          max(abs(predict(gbm) - fitted(gbm))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### check coef.glmboost
x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100, mean= 3 * x1,sd=0.01)
linMod <- glmboost(y ~ x1 + x2, center = FALSE)
stopifnot(length(coef(linMod)) == 2)

### automated offset computation in Family
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
w <- drop(rmultinom(1, 100, rep(1 / 100, 100)))

G <- Gaussian()
fm <- Family(ngradient = G@ngradient, risk = G@risk)

m1 <- glmboost(y ~ x, family = G, center = FALSE)
m2 <- glmboost(y ~ x, family = fm, center = FALSE)
stopifnot(.all.equal(coef(m1), coef(m2)))

### formula evaluation
f <- function() {

    x <- rnorm(100)
    y <- rnorm(100)
    list(mboost(y ~ bbs(x)),
         gamboost(y ~ x),
         glmboost(y ~ x, center = FALSE),
         blackboost(y ~ x))
tmp <- f()

### both loss and risk given, spotted by
### Fabian Scheipl <fabian.scheipl@stat.uni-muenchen.de>
stopifnot(extends(class(Family(ngradient = function(y, f) y,
                               loss = function(y, w) sum(y),
                               risk = function(y, f, w) sum(y))),

### check coef with aggregate = "cumsum"
mod <- glmboost(DEXfat ~ ., data = bodyfat, center = FALSE)

stopifnot(max(abs(sapply(coef(mod, aggregate="cumsum"), function(x) x[,100])
                  - coef(mod))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### get_index() was broken for factors
### (spotted by Juliane Schaefer <JSchaefer _at_ uhbs.ch>)
y <- factor(c(2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2), levels = 1:2, labels = c("N", "S"))
x <- factor(c(2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2), levels = 1:2,
            labels = c("No", "Yes"))
data <- data.frame(y,x)
m1 <- glm(y ~ x, data = data, family = binomial())
m2 <- glmboost(y ~ x, data = data, family = Binomial(),
               control = boost_control(mstop = 2000), center = FALSE)
m3 <- gamboost(y ~ bols(x), data = data, family = Binomial(),
               control = boost_control(mstop = 1000))
cf1 <- coef(m1)
a <- coef(m2); a[1] <- a[1] + m2$offset;
cf2 <- as.vector(a) * 2
b <- coef(m3); b[[1]][1] <- b[[1]][1] + m3$offset;
cf3 <- b[[1]] * 2

stopifnot(max(abs(cf1 - cf2)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
stopifnot(max(abs(cf1 - cf3)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(m2) - predict(m3))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### bug in setting contrasts correctly
z <- as.ordered(gl(3, 10))
BL <- bols(z, contrasts.arg = "contr.treatment")$dpp
stopifnot(attr(get("X", envir = environment(BL)), "contrasts")$z == "contr.treatment")

### check dimensions
try(glmboost(x = matrix(1:10, nrow = 5), y = rnorm(4)))

### (slight) abuse of bolscw
X <- runif(1000)
X <- matrix(X, nrow = 100)
y <- rnorm(100)
glmboost(x = X, y = y)
b <- list(mboost:::bolscw(X))
mboost_fit(blg = b, response = y)
z <- rnorm(100)
b <- list(b1 = mboost:::bolscw(X), b2 = bbs(z))
mboost_fit(blg = b, response = y)
mod <- mboost_fit(blg = b, response = y)
cf <- coef(mod, which = 1)[[1]]
stopifnot(length(cf) == ncol(X))

### check interface of buser
### (K was fetched from global environment)
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100, mean = x^2, sd = 0.1)
mod1 <- gamboost(y ~ bbs(x))
X1 <- extract(bbs(x))
K1 <- extract(bbs(x), "penalty")
mod2 <- gamboost(y ~ buser(X1, K1))
stopifnot(max(abs(predict(mod1) - predict(mod2))) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### check if mysolve works correctly
X <- matrix(runif(1000), ncol = 10)
XM <- Matrix(X)
y <- rnorm(nrow(X))
# use interface for dense matrices from package Matrix
f1 <- fitted(gamboost(y ~ bols(XM)))
# use interface for matrices of class "matrix"
f2 <- fitted(gamboost(y ~ bols(X)))
stopifnot(max(abs(f1 - f2)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
## Now same with sparse matrix
X[X < .9] <- 0
XM <- Matrix(X)
# use interface for sparse matrices from package Matrix
f1 <- fitted(gamboost(y ~ bols(XM)))
# use interface for matrices of class "matrix"
f2 <- fitted(gamboost(y ~ bols(X)))
stopifnot(max(abs(f1 - f2)) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

### check if bmrf works correctly
## (if not all locations are observed)
if (require("BayesX")) {
    germany <- read.bnd(system.file("examples/germany.bnd", package="BayesX"))
    districts <- attr(germany, "regions")
    regions <- factor(sample(districts, 400, replace = TRUE))
    B <- bmrf(regions, bnd = germany)
    X <- extract(B)
    K <- extract(B, what = "pen")
    Xs <- colSums(as.matrix(X))
    names(Xs) <- rownames(K)
    stopifnot(all(Xs[Xs > 0] == table(regions)[names(Xs[Xs > 0])]))

    ## check against old, slower code:
    Xold <- matrix(0, nrow = length(regions), ncol = ncol(K))
    for (i in 1:length(regions))
        Xold[i, which(districts == regions[i])] <- 1
    stopifnot(all(X == Xold))

## check handling of missing values
y <- yNa <- rnorm(100)
x1 <- rnorm(100)
x2 <- rnorm(100)
z1 <- as.factor(sample(1:10, 100, replace = TRUE))

yNa[1] <- NA
coef(mboost(yNa ~ x1))

yNa <- y
yNa[2] <- NaN
coef(mboost(yNa ~ x1))

x1[1] <- NA
z1[1] <- NA
mod <- mboost(y ~ bols(x1) + bbs(x1) + brandom(z1) +
                  bspatial(x1, x2) + brad(x1, x2, knots = 20) +
                  bmono(x1) +  buser(x1, K = 1, lambda = 0) + x2)

## check handling of lists without names
n <- 100
x1 <- rnorm(n)
x2 <- rnorm(n) + 0.25 * x1
y <- 3 * sin(x1) + x2^2 + rnorm(n)
spline1 <- bbs(x1, knots = 20, df = 4)
spline2 <- bbs(x2, knots = 10, df = 5)
mod1 <- mboost_fit(list(spline1, spline2), y)
mod2 <- mboost_fit(list(spline1), y)
mod3 <- mboost_fit(list(s1 = spline1, s2 = spline2), y)
extract(mod1, "bnames")
extract(mod2, "bnames")
extract(mod3, "bnames")

## check handling of newdata = list(), at least for common scenarios with lists
## [https://github.com/boost-R/mboost/issues/15]
data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data")
bf <- as.list(bodyfat)
mod <- mboost(DEXfat ~ bols(waistcirc) + bmono(hipcirc) + btree(age),
              data = bf)
## predict with data frame
nd <- bodyfat[1:2,]
pr1 <- predict(mod, newdata = nd)
## predict with list
nd <- as.list(bodyfat[1:2,])
pr2 <- predict(mod, newdata = nd)
stopifnot(pr1 == pr2)
## check plotting
nd <- list(waistcirc = 1, age = 1,
           hipcirc = seq(min(bf$hipcirc), max(bf$hipcirc), length = 100))
plot(mod, which = 2, newdata = nd)
nd <- data.frame(waistcirc = 1, age = 1,
                 hipcirc = seq(min(bf$hipcirc), max(bf$hipcirc), length = 100))
plot(mod, which = 2, newdata = nd)
lines(mod, which = 2, rug = TRUE)
## check user-specified labels
plot(mod, which = 2, newdata = nd, xlab = "hip circumference", ylab = "partial effect")

## check categorical variables
bodyfat$hip_cat <- cut(bodyfat$hipcirc, breaks = 2)
bodyfat$waist_cat <- cut(bodyfat$waistcirc, breaks = 2)
mod <- mboost(DEXfat ~ bols(waist_cat) + bols(hip_cat), data = bodyfat)
plot(mod, which = "hip_cat", ylim = c(-4,9))
plot(mod, which = "hip_cat", ylim = c(-4,9), xaxt = "n", xlab = "")
lines(mod, which = "waist_cat", col = "red")

mod <- mboost(DEXfat ~ bols(waistcirc) + bols(hip_cat) + bols(hip_cat, waistcirc),
              data = bodyfat)
plot(mod, which = "hip_cat")

## check if model fitting with very few knots works
## [https://github.com/boost-R/mboost/issues/30]
# kronecker product for matrix-valued responses
data("volcano", package = "datasets")
# estimate mean of image treating image as matrix
x1 <- 1:nrow(volcano)
x2 <- 1:ncol(volcano)
vol <- as.vector(volcano)
# do the model fit with default number of knots
mod <- mboost(vol ~ bbs(x1, df = 3, knots = 10)%O%
                bbs(x2, df = 3, knots = 10),
              control = boost_control(nu = 0.25))
# do the model fit with very few knots
mod <- mboost(vol ~ bbs(x1, df = 3, knots = 3) %O%
                bbs(x2, df = 3, knots = 3),
              control = boost_control(nu = 0.25))

### IPCweights problem, see github issue #54

if (require("survival")){
  x1 <- rnorm(100)
  x2 <- x1 + rnorm(100)
  X <- cbind(x1, x2)
  beta <- c(1, 0.5)
  survtime <- exp(X%*%beta)
  event <- rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), 50)
  ipcw1 <- IPCweights(Surv(survtime, event))
  ipcw2 <- IPCweights(Surv(as.numeric(survtime), event))
  summary(cbind(ipcw1, ipcw2))
  stopifnot(identical(ipcw1, ipcw2))

## make sure newdata is not used in fitted() but other arguments are:
data("bodyfat", package = "TH.data")
mod <- mboost(DEXfat ~ btree(age) + bols(waistcirc) + bbs(hipcirc),
              control = boost_control(mstop = 10),
              data = bodyfat)
fitted(mod, newdata = bodyfat)
stopifnot(.all.equal(fitted(mod, aggregate = "cumsum")[,10], 
                    fitted(mod), check.attributes = FALSE))
stopifnot(.all.equal(fitted(mod, aggregate = "cumsum"), 
                    fitted(mod, newdata = bodyfat, aggregate = "cumsum")))

## make sure weights are subset if missing values are present
weights <- sample(1:100, 100, replace=FALSE)
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- runif(100)
# create missing value
x[25] <- NA
myData <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
## was broken:
gamboost(y ~ bols(x), data = myData, weights = weights, family = Gaussian())
mboost(y ~ bols(x), data = myData, weights = weights, family = Gaussian())
## was always working
glmboost(y ~ x, data = myData, weights = weights, family = Gaussian())
blackboost(y ~ x, data = myData, weights = weights, family = Gaussian())
hofnerb/mboost documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 7:26 a.m.