
#this is to simulate the effect of rotations on teh spread of resistnce
#Written by Ian Hastings, but hopefully Andy South will read it, give it a D-, and make the code efficient

#This can run any number of insecticides/loci but at present, input will only allow a maximumum of 5

# <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<first up are user-defined parameters>>>>>>>>>>>
#I will eventually block this out and use a function to generate values from distributions for sensitivity analysis

max_no_generations=500 #the maximum number of mosquito generations to run the simulation
no_insecticides=4 #MAX is 5<<<<the number of insecticides (and hence loci) in the simuation MAX IS 5<<<

rotation_interval=0 #frequency of rotation (in generations) NB if set to zero mean RwR i.e. rotate when resistant
rotation_criterion=0.5 #resistant allele frequency that triggers a RwR change or precludes a insecticide from being rotated in.

migration_rate_intervention=0.01 # migration rate into and out-of the treated area. It is the proportion of the treated population that migrates. We assume that immigration=emigration.
coverage=0.8; # "coverage" of the intervention is defined as the proportion of mosquitoes that are covered by the intervention (and 1-C is the proportion of the population in the untreated refugia).


#now set up some arrays to hold data. 

array_named <- function(...)  {  
array(0, dim = lengths(list(...)), dimnames = list(...))  

RAF <- array_named(insecticide=1:no_insecticides, sex=c('male','female'), site=c('intervention','refugia'), gen=1:max_no_generations)
exposure <- array_named(insecticide=1:no_insecticides, sex=c('male','female'), amount=c('none','low', 'high'))
fitness <- array_named(insecticide=1:no_insecticides, genotype=c('SS','SR', 'RR'), amount=c('none','low', 'high'))
results<-array(0, dim=c(max_no_generations, 12))

#inital resistance allele frequency (i.e. generation 1) in the intervention and refugia
#locus 1>>
RAF[1, 'male', 'intervention',1]=0.002;  RAF[1, 'female', 'intervention',1]=0.002;
RAF[1, 'male', 'refugia',1]=0.001;       RAF[1, 'female', 'refugia',1]=0.001
#locus 2>>
if(no_insecticides>=2){ #need to avoid exceeding size of the array
RAF[2, 'male', 'intervention',1]=0.001;   RAF[2, 'female', 'intervention',1]=0.001;
RAF[2, 'male', 'refugia',1]=0.001;        RAF[2, 'female', 'refugia',1]=0.001
#locus 3>>
RAF[3, 'male', 'intervention',1]=0.09;  RAF[3, 'female', 'intervention',1]=0.09;
RAF[3, 'male', 'refugia',1]=0.001;       RAF[3, 'female', 'refugia',1]=0.001
#locus 4>>
RAF[4, 'male', 'intervention',1]=0.09;  RAF[4, 'female', 'intervention',1]=0.09;
RAF[4, 'male', 'refugia',1]=0.001;       RAF[4, 'female', 'refugia',1]=0.001
}#locus 5>>
RAF[5, 'male', 'intervention',1]=0.09; RAF[5, 'female', 'intervention',1]=0.09;
RAF[5, 'male', 'refugia',1]=0.001;      RAF[5, 'female', 'refugia',1]=0.001

#exposure patterns for insecticide 1
exposure[1, 'male', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[1, 'male', 'high'] =0.5;
exposure[1, 'male', 'none'] =1-exposure[1, 'male', 'low']-exposure[1, 'male', 'high']; 
exposure[1, 'female', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[1, 'female', 'high'] =0.6;
exposure[1, 'female', 'none'] =1-exposure[1, 'female', 'low']-exposure[1, 'female', 'high']; 
#exposure patterns for insecticide 2
if(no_insecticides>=2){ #need to avoid exceeding size of the array
exposure[2, 'male', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[2, 'male', 'high'] =0.1;
exposure[2, 'male', 'none'] =1-exposure[2, 'male', 'low']-exposure[2, 'male', 'high']; 
exposure[2, 'female', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[2, 'female', 'high'] =0.1;
exposure[2, 'female', 'none'] =1-exposure[2, 'female', 'low']-exposure[2, 'female', 'high']; 
#exposure patterns for insecticide 3
exposure[3, 'male', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[3, 'male', 'high'] =0.1;
exposure[3, 'male', 'none'] =1-exposure[3, 'male', 'low']-exposure[3, 'male', 'high']; 
exposure[3, 'female', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[3, 'female', 'high'] =0.1;
exposure[3, 'female', 'none'] =1-exposure[3, 'female', 'low']-exposure[3, 'female', 'high'];
#exposure patterns for insecticide 4
exposure[4, 'male', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[4, 'male', 'high'] =0.1;
exposure[4, 'male', 'none'] =1-exposure[4, 'male', 'low']-exposure[4, 'male', 'high']; 
exposure[4, 'female', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[4, 'female', 'high'] =0.1;
exposure[4, 'female', 'none'] =1-exposure[4, 'female', 'low']-exposure[4, 'female', 'high'];
#exposure patterns for insecticide 5
exposure[5, 'male', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[5, 'male', 'high'] =0.1;
exposure[5, 'male', 'none'] =1-exposure[5, 'male', 'low']-exposure[5, 'male', 'high']; 
exposure[5, 'female', 'low'] =0.1; exposure[5, 'female', 'high'] =0.1;
exposure[5, 'female', 'none'] =1-exposure[5, 'female', 'low']-exposure[5, 'female', 'high'];

#genetic data for locus 1
fitness[1, 'SS', 'none']=0.1; fitness[1, 'SS', 'low']=0.3; fitness[1, 'SS', 'high']=0.3;
fitness[1, 'SR', 'none']=0.1; fitness[1, 'SR', 'low']=0.7; fitness[1, 'SR', 'high']=0.7;
fitness[1, 'RR', 'none']=0.1; fitness[1, 'RR', 'low']=0.9; fitness[1, 'RR', 'high']=0.9;
#genetic data for locus 2
fitness[2, 'SS', 'none']=0.3; fitness[2, 'SS', 'low']=0.3; fitness[2, 'SS', 'high']=0.3;
fitness[2, 'SR', 'none']=0.3; fitness[2, 'SR', 'low']=0.8; fitness[2, 'SR', 'high']=0.8;
fitness[2, 'RR', 'none']=0.3; fitness[2, 'RR', 'low']=0.9; fitness[2, 'RR', 'high']=0.9;
#genetic data for locus 3
fitness[3, 'SS', 'none']=0.3; fitness[3, 'SS', 'low']=0.3; fitness[3, 'SS', 'high']=0.3;
fitness[3, 'SR', 'none']=0.3; fitness[3, 'SR', 'low']=0.3; fitness[3, 'SR', 'high']=0.3;
fitness[3, 'RR', 'none']=0.3; fitness[3, 'RR', 'low']=0.3; fitness[3, 'RR', 'high']=0.3;
#genetic data for locus 4
fitness[4, 'SS', 'none']=0.3; fitness[4, 'SS', 'low']=0.3; fitness[4, 'SS', 'high']=0.3;
fitness[4, 'SR', 'none']=0.3; fitness[4, 'SR', 'low']=0.4; fitness[4, 'SR', 'high']=0.4;
fitness[4, 'RR', 'none']=0.3; fitness[4, 'RR', 'low']=0.5; fitness[4, 'RR', 'high']=0.5;
}#genetic data for locus 5
fitness[5, 'SS', 'none']=0.3; fitness[5, 'SS', 'low']=0.3; fitness[5, 'SS', 'high']=0.3;
fitness[5, 'SR', 'none']=0.3; fitness[5, 'SR', 'low']=0.3; fitness[5, 'SR', 'high']=0.3;
fitness[5, 'RR', 'none']=0.3; fitness[5, 'RR', 'low']=0.3; fitness[5, 'RR', 'high']=0.3;

# <<<<<<<<<<<<< end of user-defined variable >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

################### now to check input value are sensible, lie within their limits, etc #######################################

#>>>Now check that exposure(none) is not less than zero
for(temp_int in 1:no_insecticides){
  if (exposure[temp_int, 'male', 'none']<0) message(sprintf("warning from calibration: male exposure to no insecticide %d is <0\n", temp_int)) 
  if (exposure[temp_int, 'female', 'none']<0) message(sprintf("warning from calibration: female exposure to no insecticide %d is <0\n", temp_int)) 

message(sprintf("warning from calibration: migration rate in/out of intervenation exceed 1 minus coverage\n"))   

#>>>>>>>> now to run the simulations <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

current_insecticide=1 #usually start the rotation sequence at #1 but can specify any one start

results[1,1]=1; results[1,2]=current_insecticide;

for(gen in 2:max_no_generations)
{ #start at generation 2 because generation 1 holds the user-defined initial allele frequenciess

for(insecticide in 1:no_insecticides){

#first the intervention site  
 if(insecticide==current_insecticide){ #i.e. insecticide selection taking place
     (RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention',gen-1]*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention',gen-1])+
     (1-RAF[insecticide, 'male','intervention',gen-1])*RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention',gen-1])*0.5

     exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'none']*fitness[insecticide, 'SR', 'none']+
     exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'low']*fitness[insecticide, 'SR', 'low']+
     exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'high']*fitness[insecticide, 'SR', 'high']
     exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'none']*fitness[insecticide, 'SR', 'none']+
     exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'low']*fitness[insecticide, 'SR', 'low']+
     exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'high']*fitness[insecticide, 'SR', 'high']
#Eqn 4: first the male resistant alleles>>
    exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'none']*fitness[insecticide, 'RR', 'none']+
    exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'low']*fitness[insecticide, 'RR', 'low']+
    exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'high']*fitness[insecticide, 'RR', 'high']
    RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention', gen-1]*RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention', gen-1]*temp_coeff+
  #Eqn 5: now the male sensitive alleles>> 
    exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'none']*fitness[insecticide, 'SS', 'none']+
    exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'low']*fitness[insecticide, 'SS', 'low']+
    exposure[insecticide, 'male', 'high']*fitness[insecticide, 'SS', 'high']
(1-RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention',gen-1])*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention', gen-1])*temp_coeff+

#now normalise the male gamete frequencies and store the results
RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention', gen]=F_male_r_intervention/norm_coeff

  #now the female resistant alleles>>
    exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'none']*fitness[insecticide, 'RR', 'none']+
    exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'low']*fitness[insecticide, 'RR', 'low']+
    exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'high']*fitness[insecticide, 'RR', 'high']
  RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention', gen-1]*RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention',gen-1]*temp_coeff+
  #now the female sensitive alleles>> 
    exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'none']*fitness[insecticide, 'SS', 'none']+
    exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'low']*fitness[insecticide, 'SS', 'low']+
    exposure[insecticide, 'female', 'high']*fitness[insecticide, 'SS', 'high']
(1-RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention', gen-1])*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention',gen-1])*temp_coeff+

  #now normalise the female gamete frequencies and store the results
  RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention', gen]=F_female_r_intervention/norm_coeff
  if(diagnostics==1) message(sprintf("generation %d: just completed insecticide selection for locus/insecticide %d\n", gen, insecticide))
} #end of loop that deals with this insecticide if it is being deployed
 else{ #i.e no selection for this insecticide in the intervention site
   #first the coefficient for heterozygotes common to equations 2 and 3
     (RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention',gen-1]*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention',gen-1])+
     RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention',gen-1]*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention',gen-1]))*
     0.5*fitness[insecticide, 'SR', 'none']
#now the resistant and sensitive frequencies in untreated areas  
   F_male_r_intervention=RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention',gen-1]*RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention', gen-1]*fitness[insecticide, 'RR', 'none']+temp_coeff
   F_male_s_intervention=(1-RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention',gen-1])*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention',gen-1])*fitness[insecticide, 'SS', 'none']+temp_coeff
   #now to normalise them
   norm_coeff= F_male_r_intervention+F_male_s_intervention
   RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention', gen]=F_male_r_intervention/norm_coeff

#same allele frequencies in both sexes if no differential exposure so 
   RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'intervention', gen]=RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'intervention', gen]
  if(diagnostics==1) message(sprintf("generation %d: just completed natural selection against locus %d in intervention site\n", gen, insecticide))   
   } #end of code for insecticides that are not being deployed  in the intervention site
#now for the refugia
  #first the coefficient for heterozygotes common to equations 2 and 3
  temp_coeff=(RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'refugia',gen-1]*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'refugia',gen-1])+
                RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'refugia',gen-1]*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'male','refugia',gen-1]))*
    0.5*fitness[insecticide, 'SR', 'none']
   #now the resistant and sensitive frequencies   
  F_male_r_refugia=RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'refugia',gen-1]*RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'refugia',gen-1]*
    fitness[insecticide, 'RR', 'none']+temp_coeff
  F_male_s_refugia=(1-RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'refugia',gen-1])*(1-RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'refugia', gen-1])*
    fitness[insecticide, 'SS', 'none']+temp_coeff 
  #now to normalise them and store the results
  norm_coeff= F_male_r_refugia+F_male_s_refugia
  RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'refugia', gen]=F_male_r_refugia/norm_coeff
  #same allele frequencies in both sexes if no differential selection so
  RAF[insecticide, 'female', 'refugia', gen]=RAF[insecticide, 'male', 'refugia', gen]
  if(diagnostics==1) message(sprintf("generation %d: just completed natural selection against locus %d in refugia\n", gen, insecticide))
}   #end of cycling insecticides

#now for migration between refugia and intervention site

for(temp_int in 1:no_insecticides){ 
   (1-migration_rate_intervention)*RAF[temp_int, 'female', 'intervention', gen]+
   migration_rate_intervention*RAF[temp_int, 'female', 'refugia', gen]
   (1-migration_rate_intervention)*RAF[temp_int, 'male', 'intervention', gen]+
   migration_rate_intervention*RAF[temp_int, 'male', 'refugia', gen]
   (1-migration_rate_refugia)*RAF[temp_int, 'female', 'refugia', gen]+
   migration_rate_refugia*RAF[temp_int, 'female', 'intervention', gen]
   (1-migration_rate_refugia)*RAF[temp_int, 'male', 'refugia', gen]+
   migration_rate_refugia*RAF[temp_int, 'male', 'intervention', gen]
RAF[temp_int, 'female', 'intervention', gen]=fem_intervention
RAF[temp_int, 'male', 'intervention', gen]=male_intervention 
RAF[temp_int, 'female', 'refugia', gen]=fem_refugia
RAF[temp_int, 'male', 'refugia', gen]=male_refugia

 } #end of cycling migration for each insecticide
#now to find if we need to switch current insecticide
  if(rotation_interval==0){  #i.e.  its a RwR policy:
        if(RAF[current_insecticide, 'female','intervention', gen] > rotation_criterion) change_insecticide=1
        #message(sprintf("confirm. RAF=%f, change_insecticide=%d \n", RAF[current_insecticide, 'female','intervention', gen], change_insecticide))
if(rotation_interval!=0){ #i.e. if freq_rotation>0 then its a policy of routine, periodic rotation
#NOTE. At the moment if all but one of the insecticides are over the thereshold frequency, the one under the threshold
#will be repeatedly deployed. For example, if there are 3 insecticides and rotation is every 10 generations. 
#if #3 is being deployed and due to rotate out at generetion 100: if only #3 is under the threshold
#it will not rotate out, but will continue to be used util the next scheduled rotation at which point
  #(a) it will continue to be use if it is the only one below the threshold 
  #(b) it will be replaced if one of the other insecticides is now below the threshold due to fitness effects or migration
  #(c) the simulation will terminate if all insecticides exceed the threshold
if (rotation_count!=rotation_interval) rotation_count=rotation_count+1
else change_insecticide=1 #i.e. its time to rotate so need to identify the next insecticide in the rotation
rotation_count=1; next_insecticide_found=0; candidate=current_insecticide 
for(temp_int in 1:no_insecticides){
  if(candidate==no_insecticides) candidate=1 else candidate=candidate+1 
  if(RAF[candidate, 'female','intervention', gen]<rotation_criterion){
    message(sprintf("generation %d, switching from insecticide %d to insecticide %d; RAF are %f and %f respectively\n",
                    gen, current_insecticide, candidate,
                    RAF[current_insecticide, 'female','intervention', gen], RAF[candidate, 'female','intervention', gen]))
    next_insecticide_found=1; current_insecticide=candidate; change_insecticide=0
if(next_insecticide_found==1) break
} #end of temp_int loop
} #end of loop to try and change insecticide i.e. the "if(change_insecticide==1)" lopp

#now to store some results for ease of plotting (see later) before potentially terminating the simulation
results[gen,1]=gen; results[gen,2]=current_insecticide

message(sprintf("simulation terminating at generation %d because all RAFs above threshold of %f\n", gen,  rotation_criterion))
  for(temp_int in 1:no_insecticides){
    message(sprintf("frequency of resistance in females to insecticide %d is %f\n", temp_int, RAF[temp_int, 'female','intervention', gen]))  
break #breaks out of looping generations and terminates the simulation
 } #end of cycle running the gens up to max_no_generations
 # NOW collate the data and draw plots

for(temp_int in 1:max_no_generations){
#results[temp_int,3]=RAF[1, 'female','intervention', temp_int]
results[temp_int,3]=0.5*(RAF[1, 'male','intervention', temp_int]+RAF[1, 'female','intervention', temp_int]) #locus 1
results[temp_int,4]=0.5*(RAF[1, 'male','refugia', temp_int]+RAF[1, 'female','refugia', temp_int]) #locus 1
results[temp_int,5]=0.5*(RAF[2, 'male','intervention', temp_int]+RAF[2, 'female','intervention', temp_int]) #locus 2
results[temp_int,6]=0.5*(RAF[2, 'male','refugia', temp_int]+RAF[2,'female','refugia', temp_int]) #locus 2
results[temp_int,7]=0.5*(RAF[3, 'male','intervention', temp_int]+RAF[3, 'female','intervention', temp_int]) #locus 3
results[temp_int,8]=0.5*(RAF[3, 'male','refugia', temp_int]+RAF[3, 'female','refugia', temp_int]) #locus 3
results[temp_int,9]=0.5*(RAF[4, 'male','intervention', temp_int]+RAF[4, 'female','intervention', temp_int]) #locus 4
results[temp_int,10]=0.5*(RAF[4, 'male','refugia', temp_int]+RAF[4,'female','refugia', temp_int]) #locus 4
results[temp_int,11]=0.5*(RAF[5, 'male','intervention', temp_int]+RAF[5, 'female','intervention', temp_int]) #locus 5
results[temp_int,12]=0.5*(RAF[5, 'male','refugia', temp_int]+RAF[5, 'female','refugia', temp_int]) #locus 5
} #end of temp_int loop

plot(xdata, ydata) 
#plot(results[1], results[2])
ian-hastings/rotations documentation built on Dec. 14, 2020, 11:42 p.m.