
Defines functions getAllCisPairs filterForCisPairs addPairDist addSameStrand uniquePair uniquePairPerGene getPairID getPairIDsorted uniquePairPerGeneBySim percentIncluded containsGenePairs nonOverlappingGenePairs addGeneAnnotation getPairAsGR getPairAsGRL addSubTADmode interChromPairMatrix addPairExp getCor addCor pairNotNA

Documented in addCor addGeneAnnotation addPairDist addPairExp addSameStrand addSubTADmode containsGenePairs filterForCisPairs getAllCisPairs getCor getPairAsGR getPairAsGRL getPairID getPairIDsorted interChromPairMatrix nonOverlappingGenePairs pairNotNA percentIncluded uniquePair uniquePairPerGene uniquePairPerGeneBySim

#' Get all possible gene pairs within a given distance range as data.frame
#' @param genesGR A \code{\link{GRanges}} object.
#' @param maxDist single numeric value for maximal allowed distance between
#'   start position.
#' @param minDist single numeric value for minimal allowed distance between
#'   start postions.
#' @return A data.frame with
#' @export
#' @author Jonas Ibn-Salem and Dimitris Polychronopoulos
getAllCisPairs <- function(genesGR, maxDist=10^6, minDist=0){

  # calculate overlap all possible gene pairs within maxDist bp
  # posGR <- resize(genesGR, width=1, fix="start")
  # windowGR <- resize(posGR, 2*maxDist+1, fix="center")
  # hits = findOverlaps(posGR, windowGR, ignore.strand=TRUE)
  posGR <- resize(genesGR, width=1, fix="start")
  hits = findOverlaps(posGR,

  # convert hits objec to data.frame
  gp = as.data.frame(hits)
  names(gp) <- c("g1", "g2")

  # if no gene pairs left, return empty data.frame
  if (nrow(gp) == 0) return(gp)

  # sort columns according to index in genesGR
  firstSmaller <- gp[,1] <= gp[,2]

  first <- gp[cbind(1:nrow(gp), ifelse(firstSmaller, 1, 2))]
  second <- gp[cbind(1:nrow(gp), ifelse(firstSmaller, 2, 1))]

  gp[,1] <- first
  gp[,2] <- second

  # sort rows according to index in genesGR
  gp <- gp[order(gp[,1], gp[,2]), ]

  # add distance
  gp <- addPairDist(gp, genesGR)

  # remove pars with distance smaller than minDist or larger than maxDist
  gp <- gp[abs(gp$dist) >= minDist,]



#' Get subset of gene pairs that are located on the same chromosome.
#' @param gp A data.frame like object holding gene pairs.
#' @param genesGR A \code{\link{GRanges}} object.
#' @return A data.frame objec with subset of rows in \code{gp} with pair on the
#'  same chromosome.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
filterForCisPairs <- function(gp, genesGR){

  # get chromosomes of gene pairs
  c1 = as.character(seqnames(genesGR[gp[,1]]))
  c2 = as.character(seqnames(genesGR[gp[,2]]))

  # subset of gene pairs that are located on the same chromosome
  return(gp[c1 == c2,])

#' Add linear distance between gene paires or NA if on differnet chromosomes.
#' Distance is caluclated based on start positon of genes in basepair and can be
#' negative, if second gene has a lower start postion than the first gene in
#' pairs.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
#' @param gp data.frame like object with gene pairs. Assumes indexes or names of
#'   ranges in 'genesGR' in the first two columns.
#' @param genesGR A \code{\link{GRanges}} object.
addPairDist <- function(gp, genesGR, colname="dist", ignore.strand=FALSE){

  # get chromosomes of gene pairs
  c1 <- as.character(seqnames(genesGR[gp[,1]]))
  c2 <- as.character(seqnames(genesGR[gp[,2]]))
  sameChrom <- c1 == c2

  # get coordinate of start positon of genes
  s1 = start(resize(genesGR[gp[,1]], 1, ignore.strand = ignore.strand))
  s2 = start(resize(genesGR[gp[,2]], 1, ignore.strand = ignore.strand))

  # add a new column "dist" to the data.frame
  gp[, colname] = ifelse(sameChrom, s2 - s1, NA)

#' Add same starnd information.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
addSameStrand <- function(gp, genesGR, colname="sameStrand"){

  # check if both genes have strand information
  s1 = as.character(strand(genesGR[gp[,1]]))
  s2 = as.character(strand(genesGR[gp[,2]]))
  hasStrandInfo = s1 != "*" & s2 != "*"

  #check if they are equal
  sameStrand = s1==s2

  gp[, colname] = as.vector(ifelse(hasStrandInfo, sameStrand, NA))


#' Remove duplicated entries of gene pairs of the form A-B and B-A.
#' @export
uniquePair <- function(gp){

  if(nrow(gp) == 0) return(gp)

  # get string of sorted IDs as unique pair ID
  pairID = getPairIDsorted(gp)


#' Get only one pair per unique gene.
#' @export
uniquePairPerGene <- function(gp){

  seen = c()  # set off seen IDs
  uniqPairs = rbind() # initialize output pairs

  for (i in seq(nrow(gp))){
    g1 = as.character(gp[i,1])
    g2 = as.character(gp[i,2])

    # check if one of the pairs was seen before
    if (! ( (g1 %in% seen) | (g2 %in% seen) )){
      uniqPairs = rbind(uniqPairs, gp[i,])
    # update seen ID set
    seen = c(seen, g1, g2)


#' Creates an ID for each gene pair by concatenating both gene names.
#' @export
getPairID <- function(gp) paste( gp[,1], gp[,2], sep="_" )

#' Returns a unique gene ID for each pair that is independent of pair
#' order (e.g. sorted)
#' @export
getPairIDsorted <- function(gp){

  firstSmaler <- gp[,1] <= gp[,2]

  first <- gp[cbind(1:nrow(gp), ifelse(firstSmaler, 1, 2))]
  second <- gp[cbind(1:nrow(gp), ifelse(firstSmaler, 2, 1))]

  id <- paste(


#' Get only one pair per unique gene by choosing the gene pair with highest
#' sequence similarity first.
#' @param gp data.frame like object with gene pairs
#' @param similarty numeric vector of the same lenght as rows in \code{gp}
#' @return a data frame that is filtered in a way that each gene occures only in
#' on pair. The pairs with samller similarity values are keeped preferentially.
#' @export
uniquePairPerGeneBySim <- function(gp, similarity){

  # (1) sort by similarity while keeping track of the original order

  orgOrder <- 1:nrow(gp)
  sortedOrder <- order(similarity)
  sortedGP <- gp[sortedOrder,]

  # (2) filter with "seen" set of geens
  dupMat <- t(duplicated(t(as.matrix(sortedGP[,1:2])), MARGIN=0))

  uniq <- apply(dupMat, 1, function(x) !any(x))

  # debug print
  # cbind(sortedGP, dupMat, uniq)

  # (3) reorder to original order
  uniqPairs <- gp[uniq[sortedOrder],]


#' Returns the percentage of gene pairs that are contained in another set of
#' gene pairs.
#' @export
percentIncluded <- function(gPa, gPb){
  a <- getPairIDsorted(gPa)
  b <- getPairIDsorted(gPb)
  return( 100 * sum(a %in% b) / length(a))

#' Test if gene pairs are contained in another set of gene pairs.
#' Compaires gene pair by combintion of IDs by using the
#' \code{\link{getPairIDsorted}} function.
#' @param gp a data.frame with gene pairs.
#' @param other another data.frame with gene pairs.
#' @return a logical vector for each pair in \code{gp} indicating whether it is
#'   contained in \code{other} or not.
#' @export
containsGenePairs <- function(gp, other){

  # get unique ID for pairs in gp and other

  gpID <- getPairIDsorted(gp)
  otherID <- getPairIDsorted(other)

  inOther <- gpID %in% otherID

#' Test if gene pairs are non-overlapping. That is that two paird genes do not
#' overlap each other. in the genome (on the same strand).
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
nonOverlappingGenePairs <- function(gp, genesGR, useIDs=FALSE){

  genesHitDF <- as.data.frame(findOverlaps(genesGR, genesGR))
  ovl <- containsGenePairs(gp, negPairs=genesHitDF, gPidx=useIDs, nPidx=TRUE, gr=genesGR)
  return( ! ovl )


#' Add annotatino column of each gene to gene pairs
addGeneAnnotation <- function(gp, genesGR, colname){

  gp[, paste0(colname, "_g1")] <- mcols(genesGR[gp[,1]])[, colname]
  gp[, paste0(colname, "_g2")] <- mcols(genesGR[gp[,2]])[, colname]



#' Make GRange object of range between start position of paired genes.
#' It assumes that genes in pair are on the same chromosome.

#' @param gp A data.frame like object holding gene pairs.
#' @param genesGR A \code{\link{GRanges}} object.
#' @return A \code{\link{GRanges}} object with the range of start positions of
#'   paired ranges.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPairsAsGRL}}
#' @export
getPairAsGR <- function(gp, genesGR){

  # get chromosomes of gene pairs
  c1 <- seqnames(genesGR[gp[,1]])
  c2 <- seqnames(genesGR[gp[,2]])
  if(!all(c1 == c2)) stop("Gene pairs are not on the same chromosome.")

  chrom = c1
  s1 = start(genesGR[gp[,1]])
  s2 = start(genesGR[gp[,2]])

  up = apply(cbind(s1, s2), 1, min)
  down = apply(cbind(s1, s2), 1, max)

  outGR = GRanges(chrom, IRanges::IRanges(up, down), seqinfo=seqinfo(genesGR))

  # add all columns of gp as annotation columns
  mcols(outGR) = gp


#' Make GRangesList object of range between start position of paired genes.
#' Does NOT assume that genes in pair are on the same chromosome.

#' @param gp A data.frame like object holding gene pairs.
#' @param genesGR A \code{\link{GRanges}} object.
#' @return A \code{\link{GRangesList}} object with the range of start positions of
#'   paired ranges. GRanges between different chromosomes are empty.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPairsAsGRL}}
#' @export
getPairAsGRL <- function(gp, genesGR){

  # get chromosomes and starts of gene pairs
  c1 <- seqnames(genesGR[gp[,1]])
  c2 <- seqnames(genesGR[gp[,2]])

  s1 = start(genesGR[gp[,1]])
  s2 = start(genesGR[gp[,2]])

  # assign start / end coordinates depending on gene order
  up = apply(cbind(s1, s2), 1, min)
  down = apply(cbind(s1, s2), 1, max)

  pairGRL <- GRangesList(
    mapply(function(g1_chr, g1_start, g2_chr, g2_start)
      # when on same chr combine
      if(g1_chr == g2_chr){
        return(GRanges(g1_chr, IRanges::IRanges(g1_start, g2_start), seqinfo = seqinfo(genesGR)))
      } else {
    as.vector(c1), up, as.vector(c2), down)

#' Add column to indicate that two query region overlap the same subset of
#' subject regions. If both query regions do not overlap any subject, FALSE is
#' returned.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
addSubTADmode <- function(gp, tadGR, genesGR, colName="subTAD"){

  # compute overlap of all genes with TADs
  hitsDF <- as.data.frame(findOverlaps(genesGR, tadGR, type="within"))

  # get indices of genes in tssGR
  if ( !is.numeric(gp[,1]) ){
    idx1 <- match(gp[,1], names(genesGR))
    idx2 <- match(gp[,2], names(genesGR))
    idx1 <- gp[,1]
    idx2 <- gp[,2]

  # get for each gene the set of TADs that overlap
  set1 <- lapply(idx1, function(i) hitsDF[hitsDF[,1]==i, 2])
  set2 <- lapply(idx2, function(i) hitsDF[hitsDF[,1]==i, 2])

  # test if sets are equal for each gene in pair
  commonSubset <- mapply(setequal, set1, set2)

  # compute overlap with any common TAD
  genePairGR <- getPairAsGR(gp, genesGR)
  commonTAD <- countOverlaps(genePairGR, tadGR, type="within") >= 1

  # get combinations
  subTADmode <- NA
  subTADmode[!commonTAD & commonSubset] <- "no TAD"
  subTADmode[!commonTAD & !commonSubset] <- "diff TAD"
  subTADmode[commonTAD & !commonSubset] <- "diff sub TAD"
  subTADmode[commonTAD & commonSubset] <- "same sub TAD"
  subTADmode <- factor(subTADmode, levels=c("no TAD", "diff TAD", "diff sub TAD", "same sub TAD"))

  # add column to gene pairs and return
  gp[, colName] <- subTADmode

#' Inter-chromosomal gene pairs counts matrix
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
interChromPairMatrix <- function(gp, genesGR, symmetric=FALSE){

  # get vector of all unique chromosome names
  chroms = seqnames(seqinfo(genesGR))

  # initialize matrix with zero counts
  n = length(chroms)
  mat = matrix(rep(0, n*n), n, dimnames=list(chroms, chroms))

  # get chromsome names of gene pairs
  c1 = seqnames(genesGR[gp[,1]])
  c2 = seqnames(genesGR[gp[,2]])

  # count pairwise occurrences
  counts = count(data.frame(c1, c2, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

  # iterate over all found pairs and increase counter
  for (i in 1:nrow(counts)){
    mat[counts[i,1], counts[i,2]] = mat[counts[i,1], counts[i,2]] + counts[i,3]

    # if option symmetric is FALSE, count pair as cA-cB and cB-cA
    if (!symmetric){
      mat[counts[i,2], counts[i,1]] =  mat[counts[i,2], counts[i,1]] + counts[i,3]

  # make single letter chromosome names
  rownames(mat) = gsub("chr", "", rownames(mat))
  colnames(mat) = gsub("chr", "", colnames(mat))


#' Adds the expression values for both genes
#' @param expDF data.frame that can be accesd by rows using the indecies or
#'   names in the first two columns of \code{gp}.
#' @export
addPairExp <- function(gp, expDF, expCol, colname="exp"){

  g1exp <- expDF[gp[,1], expCol]
  g2exp <- expDF[gp[,2], expCol]

  gp[,paste0("g1_", colname)] <- g1exp
  gp[,paste0("g2_", colname)] <- g2exp


#' Returns the Pearson correlation coefficient for expression of two input
#' genes.
#' If more than one gene pair is provied in \code{gp} a pairwise matirx of
#' correlation coeficients is returned.
getCor <- function(gp, expDF){

  # correct intput to matrix (in case of only two element vector)
  gp = matrix(gp, ncol=2)

  # get correlation values of all cells/conditions
  # this will make a vector of NA's if the gene is not contained in the expression data set
  # furthermore, cbind(c(.)) guarantees that cor() will deal with column-vectors
  x = t(as.vector(expDF[gp[,1],]))
  y = t(as.vector(expDF[gp[,2],]))

  # return pearson correlation coefficient
  cor(x, y, method="pearson")


#' Adds Pearson correlation coefficient for all gene pairs
#' @seealso \code{\link{applyToCisPair}}s, \code{\link{applyToCisPairs}}
#' @export
addCor <- function(gp, expDF, colName="expCor"){

  pairsAsChars = sapply(gp[,1:2], as.character)

  gp[,colName] = apply(pairsAsChars, 1, getCor, expDF=expDF)


#' Checks that none of the genes in pairs is NA.
#' @return a logical vector that has TRUE for each gene pair that has no NA and
#'   FALSE otherwise.
#' @export
pairNotNA <- function(gp){
  return( !is.na(gp[,1]) & !is.na(gp[,2]) )
ibn-salem/genepair documentation built on May 18, 2019, 1:30 a.m.