
Defines functions .tkigraph.showData .tkigraph.about .tkigraph.help.external .tkigraph.help .tkigraph.cohesion .tkigraph.spinglass.mycommunity.dialog .tkigraph.my.spinglass .tkigraph.spinglass.community.dialog .tkigraph.spinglass .tkigraph.motifs.find .tkigraph.motifs.draw .tkigraph.create.comp .tkigraph.create.mycomp .tkigraph.create.giantcomp .tkigraph.plot.comp .tkigraph.calculate.clusters .tkigraph.clusters.membership .tkigraph.clusters .tkigraph.plot.diameter .tkigraph.diameter .tkigraph.distance.tofrom .tkigraph.dist.matrix .tkigraph.edge.betweenness .tkigraph.page.rank .tkigraph.power.centrality .tkigraph.constraints .tkigraph.betweenness .tkigraph.closeness .tkigraph.degree.dist .tkigraph.degree .tkigraph.simplify .tkigraph.watts.strogatz .tkigraph.degree.sequence.game .tkigraph.barabasi.game .tkigraph.erdos.renyi.gnm.game .tkigraph.erdos.renyi.game .tkigraph.atlas .tkigraph.full .tkigraph.star .tkigraph.lattice .tkigraph.ring .tkigraph.tree .tkigraph.by.hand .tkigraph.plot .tkigraph.stat .tkigraph.show .tkigraph.export.pajek .tkigraph.export.edgelist .tkigraph.export.adjacency .tkigraph.import.pajek .tkigraph.import.edgelist .tkigraph.graph.adjacency .tkigraph.import.adjacency .tkigraph.save .tkigraph.load.online .tkigraph.load .tkigraph.delete .tkigraph.add.graph .tkigraph.dialogbox .tkigraph.warning .tkigraph.error .tkigraph.get.selected .tkigraph.close tkigraph

Documented in tkigraph

#   IGraph R package
#   Copyright (C) 2009-2012  Gabor Csardi <csardi.gabor@gmail.com>
#   334 Harvard street, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#   (at your option) any later version.
#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#   GNU General Public License for more details.
#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#   Foundation, Inc.,  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
#   02110-1301 USA

#   * adding edges to a graph
#   * exporting graphics
#   * scroll bar for the graph list area   == IMPOSSIBLE right now, should be a list
#   * window title in the error dialog
#   * keyboard shortcuts
#   * implement min & max in .tkigraph.dialog

.tkigraph.env <- new.env()

#' Experimental basic igraph GUI
#' This functions starts an experimental GUI to some igraph functions. The GUI
#' was written in Tcl/Tk, so it is cross platform.
#' `tkigraph()` has its own online help system, please see that for the
#' details about how to use it.
#' @return Returns `NULL`, invisibly.
#' @author Gabor Csardi \email{csardi.gabor@@gmail.com}
#' @seealso [tkplot()] for interactive plotting of graphs.
#' @keywords graphs
#' @family socnet
#' @export
tkigraph <- function() {
  requireNamespace("tcltk", quietly = TRUE) ||
    stop("tcl/tk library not available")

  options(scipen = 10000)

  if (!exists("window", envir = .tkigraph.env, inherits = FALSE)) {
    assign("window", TRUE, envir = .tkigraph.env)
    assign("graphs", list(), envir = .tkigraph.env)
    assign("selected", list(), envir = .tkigraph.env)
    assign("tklines", list(), envir = .tkigraph.env)
  } else {
    stop("tkigraph window is already open!")

  # Create top window
  top <- tcltk::tktoplevel(background = "lightgrey", width = 700, height = 400)
  tcltk::tktitle(top) <- "iGraph GUI (Social Network Basics)"
  topframe <- tcltk::tkframe(top, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = 1)
  scr <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(top,
    repeatinterval = 5,
    command = function(...) tcltk::tkyview(topframe)
  tcltk::tkplace(topframe, x = 0, y = 0, relwidth = 1.0)

  # Store myself in the environment if needed
  if (!exists("top", envir = .tkigraph.env, inherits = FALSE)) {
    assign("top", top, envir = .tkigraph.env)
    assign("topframe", topframe, envir = .tkigraph.env)

  # kill myself if window was closed
  tcltk::tkbind(top, "<Destroy>", function() .tkigraph.close())

  # pull-down menu
  main.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(top)

  graph.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)

  create.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "By hand", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "Ring", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "Tree", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "Lattice", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "Star", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "Full", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "Graph atlas...", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "Moody-White network", command = function() {
    g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(.tkigraph.net.moody.white, mode = "undirected")
    g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Moody-White network")

  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command",
    label = "Random (Erdos-Renyi G(n,p))",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command",
    label = "Random (Erdos-Renyi G(n,m))",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command",
    label = "Random (Barabasi-Albert)",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command",
    label = "Random (Configuration model)",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command",
    label = "Watts-Strogatz random graph",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(create.menu, "command", label = "Simplify", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "cascade", label = "Create", menu = create.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command", label = "Delete", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command",
    label = "Show graph",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command",
    label = "Basic statistics",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command", label = "Import session", command = function() {
  #  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command", label="Load from the Web", command=function() {
  #    .tkigraph.load.online()
  #  })
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command", label = "Export session", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command",
    label = "Import adjacency matrix",
    command = function() .tkigraph.import.adjacency()
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command",
    label = "Import edge list",
    command = function() .tkigraph.import.edgelist()
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command",
    label = "Import Pajek file",
    command = function() .tkigraph.import.pajek()
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command",
    label = "Export adjacency matrix",
    command = function() .tkigraph.export.adjacency()
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command",
    label = "Export edge list",
    command = function() .tkigraph.export.edgelist()
  tcltk::tkadd(graph.menu, "command",
    label = "Export Pajek file",
    command = function() .tkigraph.export.pajek()
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Graph", menu = graph.menu)

  plot.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(plot.menu, "command", label = "Simple", command = function() {
    .tkigraph.plot(simple = TRUE)
  tcltk::tkadd(plot.menu, "command", label = "Advanced", command = function() {
    .tkigraph.plot(simple = FALSE)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Draw", menu = plot.menu)

  centrality.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command", label = "Degree (out)", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command", label = "Degree (in)", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command",
    label = "Degree (total)",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command",
    label = "Plot log-log degree distribution",
    command = function() {
      .tkigraph.degree.dist(power = FALSE)
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command",
    label = "Fit a power-law to degree distribution",
    command = function() {
      .tkigraph.degree.dist(power = TRUE)
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command", label = "Closeness", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command", label = "Betweenness", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command", label = "Burt's constraint", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command", label = "Page rank", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(centrality.menu, "command",
    label = "Edge betweenness",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Centrality", menu = centrality.menu)

  distances.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(distances.menu, "command",
    label = "Distance matrix",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(distances.menu, "command",
    label = "Distances from/to vertex",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(distances.menu, "command",
    label = "Diameter (undirected)",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(distances.menu, "command",
    label = "Draw diameter",
    command = function() {
      .tkigraph.plot.diameter(simple = FALSE)
  tcltk::tkadd(distances.menu, "command",
    label = "Average path length (undirected)",
    command = function() {
      .tkigraph.diameter(mode = "path")
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Distances", menu = distances.menu)

  component.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(component.menu, "command",
    label = "Show components",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(component.menu, "command",
    label = "Show membership",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(component.menu, "command",
    label = "Calculate component sizes",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(component.menu, "command",
    label = "Draw components",
    command = function() {
      .tkigraph.plot.comp(simple = FALSE)
  tcltk::tkadd(component.menu, "command",
    label = "Create graph from giant component",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(component.menu, "command",
    label = "Create graph from component of a vertex",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(component.menu, "command",
    label = "Create graph from a component",
    command = function() {

  community.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(community.menu, "command",
    label = "Spinglass algorithm",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(community.menu, "command",
    label = "Spinglass algorithm, single vertex",
    command = function() {

  cohesion.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(cohesion.menu, "command",
    label = "Cohesion of all components",
    command = function() {

  subgraph.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(subgraph.menu, "cascade", label = "Components", menu = component.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(subgraph.menu, "cascade", label = "Communities", menu = community.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(subgraph.menu, "cascade", label = "Cohesion", menu = cohesion.menu)

  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Subgraphs", menu = subgraph.menu)

  motif.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(motif.menu, "command", label = "Draw motifs", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(motif.menu, "command", label = "Find motifs", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Motifs", menu = motif.menu)

  help.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(main.menu)
  tcltk::tkadd(help.menu, "command", label = "Contents", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(help.menu, "command",
    label = "In external browser",
    command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(help.menu, "separator")
  tcltk::tkadd(help.menu, "command", label = "About", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "cascade", label = "Help", menu = help.menu)

  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "command", label = "Quit", command = .tkigraph.close)

  tcltk::tkconfigure(top, "-menu", main.menu)

  # Set up the main area
  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(top, text = ""),
    tcltk::tklabel(top, text = "#", justify = "center", relief = "raised"),
      text = "Name", width = 50, relief = "raised",
      justify = "left"
      text = "|V|", width = 6, relief = "raised",
      justify = "left"
      text = "|E|", width = 6, relief = "raised",
      justify = "left"
      text = "Dir.", width = 6, relief = "raised",
      justify = "left"
    sticky = "nsew", "in" = topframe
  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(topframe, 2, weight = 1)


.tkigraph.close <- function() {
  message <- "Are you sure?"
  yesno <- tcltk::tkmessageBox(
    message = message, icon = "question", type = "yesno",
    default = "yes"
  if (as.character(yesno) == "no") {
  top <- get("top", .tkigraph.env)
  tcltk::tkbind(top, "<Destroy>", "")
  rm(list = ls(envir = .tkigraph.env), envir = .tkigraph.env)

.tkigraph.get.selected <- function() {
  gnos <- get("selected", .tkigraph.env)
  which(as.logical(sapply(gnos, tcltk::tclvalue)))

.tkigraph.error <- function(message) {
  tcltk::tkmessageBox(message = message, icon = "error", type = "ok")

.tkigraph.warning <- function(message) {
  tcltk::tkmessageBox(message = message, icon = "warning", type = "ok")

.tkigraph.dialogbox <- function(TITLE = "Setup parameters", ...) {
  params <- list(...)
  answers <- lapply(params, "[[", "default")
  dialog <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
  frame <- tcltk::tkframe(dialog)
  tcltk::tktitle(dialog) <- TITLE
  vars <- lapply(answers, tcltk::tclVar)
  retval <- list()
  widgets <- list()

  OnOK <- function() {
    retval <<- lapply(vars, tcltk::tclvalue)
    for (i in seq(along.with = params)) {
      if (params[[i]]$type == "listbox") {
        retval[[i]] <<- as.numeric(tcltk::tclvalue(tcltk::tkcurselection(widgets[[i]])))

      text = TITLE,
      font = tcltk::tkfont.create(family = "times", size = "16", weight = "bold")
    columnspan = 2, sticky = "nsew", "in" = frame, padx = 10, pady = 10

  OK.but <- tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "   OK    ", command = OnOK)
  for (i in seq(along.with = params)) {
    tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(dialog, text = params[[i]]$name),
      column = 0, row = i, sticky = "nw", padx = 10, "in" = frame
    if (params[[i]]$type == "numeric" || params[[i]]$type == "text") {
      tmp <- tcltk::tkentry(dialog, width = "10", textvariable = vars[[i]])
      tcltk::tkgrid(tmp, column = 1, row = i, sticky = "nsew", padx = 10, "in" = frame)
      tcltk::tkbind(tmp, "<Return>", OnOK)
    } else if (params[[i]]$type == "boolean") {
      b <- tcltk::tkcheckbutton(dialog,
        onvalue = "TRUE", offvalue = "FALSE",
        variable = vars[[i]]
      if (params[[i]]$default == "TRUE") {
      tcltk::tkgrid(b, column = 1, row = i, sticky = "w", padx = 10, "in" = frame)
    } else if (params[[i]]$type == "listbox") {
      f <- tcltk::tkframe(dialog)
      tcltk::tkgrid(f, "in" = frame, padx = 10, sticky = "nsew", column = 1, row = i)
      scr <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(f, repeatinterval = 5)
      fun <- eval(eval(substitute(
        expression(function(...) tcltk::tkset(scr, ...)),
        list(scr = scr)
      lb <- tcltk::tklistbox(f,
        selectmode = "single", exportselection = FALSE,
        height = 3, yscrollcommand = fun
      fun <- eval(eval(substitute(
        expression(function(...) tcltk::tkyview(lb, ...)),
        list(lb = lb)
      tcltk::tkconfigure(scr, "-command", fun)
      tcltk::tkselection.set(lb, as.numeric(params[[i]]$default) + 1)
      lapply(params[[i]]$values, function(l) tcltk::tkinsert(lb, "end", l))
      tcltk::tkselection.set(lb, as.numeric(params[[i]]$default))
      tcltk::tkgrid(lb, scr, sticky = "nsew", "in" = f)
      tcltk::tkgrid.configure(scr, sticky = "nsw")
      tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(f, 0, weight = 1)
      widgets[[i]] <- lb
    column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "nsew", "in" = frame, pady = 10,
    padx = 10
  tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(frame, 1, weight = 1)

  for (i in seq(retval)) {
    if (params[[i]]$type == "numeric") {
      retval[[i]] <- eval(parse(text = retval[[i]]))
    } else if (params[[i]]$type == "text") {
      retval[[i]] <- eval(retval[[i]])
    } else if (params[[i]]$type == "boolean") {
      if (retval[[i]] == "FALSE") {
        retval[[i]] <- FALSE
      } else {
        retval[[i]] <- TRUE
    } else if (params[[i]]$type == "listbox") {
      ## nothing to do
  names(retval) <- names(params)

.tkigraph.add.graph <- function(g) {
  top <- get("top", .tkigraph.env)
  topframe <- get("topframe", .tkigraph.env)

  ## add 'name' attribute if not present
  if (!"name" %in% vertex_attr_names(g)) {
    V(g)$name <- as.integer(seq(vcount(g)))
  if (!"name" %in% edge_attr_names(g)) {
    E(g)$name <- as.integer(seq(ecount(g)))

  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  selected <- get("selected", .tkigraph.env)
  assign("graphs", append(graphs, list(g)), .tkigraph.env)
  no <- length(graphs) + 1

  selected[[no]] <- tcltk::tclVar("FALSE")
  assign("selected", selected, .tkigraph.env)

  name <- graph_attr(g, "name")
  tmpvar <- tcltk::tclVar(as.character(name))
  but <- tcltk::tkcheckbutton(top,
    onvalue = "TRUE", offvalue = "FALSE",
    variable = selected[[no]]
  lab <- tcltk::tklabel(top, text = as.character(no), width = 2)
  ent <- tcltk::tkentry(top, width = 30, textvariable = tmpvar)
  lab2 <- tcltk::tklabel(top,
    text = as.character(vcount(g)),
    justify = "right", padx = 2
  lab3 <- tcltk::tklabel(top,
    text = as.character(ecount(g)), justify = "right",
    padx = 2
  lab4 <- tcltk::tklabel(top, text = if (is_directed(g)) "YES" else "NO")
  tcltk::tkgrid(but, lab, ent, lab2, lab3, lab4, "in" = topframe, sticky = "nsew")

  tklines <- get("tklines", .tkigraph.env)
  tklines[[no]] <- list(but, lab, ent, lab2, lab3, lab4)
  assign("tklines", tklines, .tkigraph.env)

.tkigraph.delete <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()

  if (length(gnos) == 0) {
  if (length(gnos) > 1) {
    message <- paste("Are you sure to delete", length(gnos), "graphs?")
  } else {
    message <- paste("Are you sure to delete graph #", gnos, "?")
  yesno <- tcltk::tkmessageBox(
    message = message, icon = "question", type = "yesno",
    default = "yes"
  if (as.character(yesno) == "no") {

  ## remove from the screen
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  topframe <- get("topframe", .tkigraph.env)
  todel <- get("tklines", .tkigraph.env)[gnos]
  todel <- unlist(recursive = FALSE, todel)
  for (i in todel) {
    tcltk::tkgrid.remove(topframe, i)
  ## delete the graphs
  graphs[gnos] <- NA
  assign("graphs", graphs, .tkigraph.env)
  selected <- get("selected", .tkigraph.env)
  for (i in gnos) {
    selected[[i]] <- tcltk::tclVar("FALSE")
  assign("selected", selected, .tkigraph.env)

.tkigraph.load <- function() {
  filename <- tcltk::tkgetOpenFile(
    defaultextension = "Rdata",
    title = "Load graphs"
  env <- new.env()
  load(paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " "), envir = env)
  .tkigraph.graphs <- get("graphs", envir = env)
  for (i in seq(.tkigraph.graphs)) {
  if (".tkigraph.graphs" %in% ls(all.names = TRUE)) {

.tkigraph.load.online <- function() {
  ## TODO

.tkigraph.save <- function() {
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  topframe <- get("topframe", .tkigraph.env)
  for (i in seq(graphs)) {
    if (is.na(graphs)[i]) {
    entry <- tcltk::tkgrid.slaves(topframe, row = i, col = 2)
    graphs[[i]] <- set_graph_attr(
      graphs[[i]], "name",
      as.character(tcltk::tcl(entry, "get"))
  graphs <- graphs[!is.na(graphs)]
  filename <- tcltk::tkgetSaveFile(
    initialfile = "graphs.Rdata",
    defaultextension = "Rdata",
    title = "Save graphs"
  save(graphs, file = paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " "))

#' @importFrom utils read.table
.tkigraph.import.adjacency <- function() {
  filename <- tcltk::tkgetOpenFile(
    defaultextension = "adj",
    title = "Import adjacency matrix"
  filename <- paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " ")
  if (filename == "") {
  tab <- read.table(filename)
  tab <- as.matrix(tab)
  if (ncol(tab) != nrow(tab)) {
    .tkigraph.error("Cannot interpret as adjacency matrix")
  dir <- if (all(t(tab) == tab)) "undirected" else "directed"
  if (all(unique(tab) %in% c(0, 1))) {
    weighted <- NULL
  } else {
    weighted <- "weight"
  g <- .tkigraph.graph.adjacency(tab, mode = dir, weighted = weighted)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Imported adjacency matrix")

.tkigraph.graph.adjacency <- function(adjmatrix, mode, weighted) {
  if (is.null(weighted)) {
    g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix, mode = mode)
  } else {
    ## there is bug in the currect igraph version, this is a workaround
    if (mode == "undirected") {
      adjmatrix[lower.tri(adjmatrix)] <- 0
    g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adjmatrix, mode = mode, weighted = weighted)

#' @importFrom utils read.table
.tkigraph.import.edgelist <- function() {
  filename <- tcltk::tkgetOpenFile(
    defaultextension = "el",
    title = "Import edge list"
  filename <- paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " ")
  if (filename == "") {
  tab <- read.table(filename,
    colClasses = "character"
  cn <- rep("", ncol(tab))
  if (ncol(tab) >= 3) {
    cn[3] <- "weight"
  colnames(tab) <- cn
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Importing an edge list",
    directed = list(
      name = "Directed", type = "boolean",
      default = "FALSE"
  g <- graph_from_data_frame(tab, directed = read$directed)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Imported edge list")

.tkigraph.import.pajek <- function() {
  filename <- tcltk::tkgetOpenFile(
    defaultextension = "net",
    title = "Import Pajek file"
  filename <- paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " ")
  if (filename == "") {
  g <- read_graph(file = filename, format = "pajek")
  color <- NULL # To eliminate a check NOTE
  if ("color" %in% vertex_attr_names(g)) {
    V(g)[color == ""]$color <- "black"
  if ("color" %in% edge_attr_names(g)) {
    E(g)[color == ""]$color <- "black"
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Imported Pajek fie")

#' @importFrom utils write.table
.tkigraph.export.adjacency <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  if ("weight" %in% graph_attr_names(graph)) {
    tab <- as_adj(graph, attr = "weight", names = FALSE, sparse = FALSE)
  } else {
    tab <- as_adj(graph, names = FALSE, sparse = FALSE)
  filename <- tcltk::tkgetSaveFile(
    initialfile = "graph.adj",
    defaultextension = "adj",
    title = "Export adjacency matrix"
  filename <- paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " ")
  if (filename == "") {
  write.table(tab, file = filename, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

#' @importFrom utils write.table
.tkigraph.export.edgelist <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  el <- as_edgelist(graph)
  if ("weight" %in% edge_attr_names(graph)) {
    el <- cbind(el, E(graph)$weight)
  filename <- tcltk::tkgetSaveFile(
    initialfile = "graph.el",
    defaultextension = "el",
    title = "Export edge list"
  filename <- paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " ")
  if (filename == "") {
    file = filename,
    row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE

.tkigraph.export.pajek <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  filename <- tcltk::tkgetSaveFile(
    initialfile = "pajek.net",
    defaultextension = "net",
    title = "Export Pajek file"
  filename <- paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " ")
  if (filename == "") {
  write_graph(graph, file = filename, format = "pajek")

.tkigraph.show <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  el <- as_edgelist(graphs[[gnos]])
  el <- data.frame(from = el[, 1], to = el[, 2])
  #  if (any(V(graphs[[gnos]])$name != seq(length.out=vcount(graphs[[gnos]])))) {
  #    el2 <- as_edgelist(graphs[[gnos]], names=FALSE)
  #    el <- cbind(el, el2)
  #  }
  if ("weight" %in% edge_attr_names(graphs[[gnos]])) {
    el <- cbind(el, value = E(graphs[[gnos]])$weight)

  .tkigraph.showData(el, title = paste(sep = "", "Graph #", gnos), right = FALSE)

.tkigraph.stat <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()

  if (length(gnos) == 0) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select some graphs")

  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Choose statistics",
    vertices = list(
      name = "Vertices", type = "boolean",
      default = "FALSE"
    edges = list(
      name = "Edges", type = "boolean",
      default = "FALSE"
    recip = list(
      name = "Reciprocity", type = "boolean",
      default = "FALSE"
    dens = list(
      name = "Density", type = "boolean",
      default = "FALSE"
    trans = list(
      name = "Transitivity (global)",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    ltrans = list(
      name = "Mean local transitivity",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    deg = list(
      name = "Average degree",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    maxdeg = list(
      name = "Maximum degree (total)",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    maxindeg = list(
      name = "Maximum degree (in)",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    maxoutdeg = list(
      name = "Maximum degree (out)",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    mindeg = list(
      name = "Minimum degree (total)",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    minindeg = list(
      name = "Minimum degree (in)",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    minoutdeg = list(
      name = "Minimum degree (out)",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"

  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[gnos]

  v <- e <- recip <- dens <- trans <- ltrans <-
    deg <- maxdeg <- maxindeg <- maxoutdeg <-
    mindeg <- minindeg <- minoutdeg <- numeric()
  for (i in seq(along.with = gnos)) {
    if (read$vertices) {
      v[i] <- vcount(graphs[[i]])
    if (read$edges) {
      e[i] <- ecount(graphs[[i]])
    if (read$recip) {
      recip[i] <- reciprocity(graphs[[i]])
    if (read$dens) {
      dens[i] <- edge_density(graphs[[i]])
    if (read$trans) {
      trans[i] <- transitivity(graphs[[i]], type = "global")
    if (read$ltrans) {
      ltrans[i] <- transitivity(graphs[[i]], type = "localaverage")
    if (read$deg) {
      deg[i] <- mean(degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "total"))
    if (read$maxdeg) {
      maxdeg[i] <- max(degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "total"))
    if (read$maxindeg) {
      maxindeg[i] <- max(degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "in"))
    if (read$maxoutdeg) {
      maxoutdeg[i] <- max(degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "out"))
    if (read$mindeg) {
      mindeg[i] <- min(degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "total"))
    if (read$minindeg) {
      minindeg[i] <- min(degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "in"))
    if (read$minoutdeg) {
      minoutdeg[i] <- min(degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "out"))

  value <- numeric()
  cn <- character()
  if (read$vertices) {
    value <- cbind(value, v)
    cn <- c(cn, "Vertices")
  if (read$edges) {
    value <- cbind(value, e)
    cn <- c(cn, "Edges")
  if (read$recip) {
    value <- cbind(value, recip)
    cn <- c(cn, "Reciprocity")
  if (read$dens) {
    value <- cbind(value, dens)
    cn <- c(cn, "Density")
  if (read$trans) {
    value <- cbind(value, trans)
    cn <- c(cn, "Transitivity")
  if (read$ltrans) {
    value <- cbind(value, ltrans)
    cn <- c(cn, "Local trans.")
  if (read$deg) {
    value <- cbind(value, deg)
    cn <- c(cn, "Mean degree")
  if (read$maxdeg) {
    value <- cbind(value, maxdeg)
    cn <- c(cn, "Max. degree")
  if (read$maxindeg) {
    value <- cbind(value, maxindeg)
    cn <- c(cn, "Max. in-deg.")
  if (read$maxoutdeg) {
    value <- cbind(value, maxoutdeg)
    cn <- c(cn, "Max. out-deg.")
  if (read$mindeg) {
    value <- cbind(value, mindeg)
    cn <- c(cn, "Min. deg.")
  if (read$minindeg) {
    value <- cbind(value, minindeg)
    cn <- c(cn, "Min. in-deg.")
  if (read$minoutdeg) {
    value <- cbind(value, minoutdeg)
    cn <- c(cn, "Min. out-deg.")

  value <- t(value)
  rownames(value) <- cn
  colnames(value) <- gnos
  .tkigraph.showData(value, title = "Graphs properties", sort.button = FALSE)

#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
.tkigraph.plot <- function(simple = TRUE, gnos = NULL, ...) {
  if (is.null(gnos)) {
    gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)

  if (length(gnos) == 0) {
    return(.tkigraph.error("Please select one or more graphs to draw."))

  max.vcount <- max(sapply(graphs[gnos], vcount))
  if (max.vcount > 5000) {
    vertex.size <- 1
  } else if (max.vcount > 30) {
    vertex.size <- 3
  } else {
    vertex.size <- 15

  if (!simple) {
    read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
      TITLE = "Drawing graphs",
      interactive = list(
        name = "Interactive",
        type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
      vertex.size = list(
        name = "Vertex size",
        type = "numeric", default = vertex.size
      labels = list(
        name = "Vertex labels", type = "listbox",
        default = "3", values = c(
          "None", "IDs", "Names",
      elabels = list(
        name = "Edge labels", type = "listbox",
        default = "0", values = c(
          "None", "IDs", "Names",
      layout = list(
        name = "Layout",
        type = "listbox", default = "0",
        values = c(
          "Default", "Force-based (KK)",
          "Force-based (FR)", "Tree (RT)",
          "Circle", "Random"
  } else {
    read <- list(
      interactive = FALSE,
      vertex.size = vertex.size,
      labels = 3, # labels
      elabels = 0, # none
      layout = 0

  if (!read$interactive) {
    fun <- function(...) {
  } else {
    fun <- tkplot

  layout.default <- function(graph, layout.par) {
    if ("x" %in% vertex_attr_names(graph) &&
      "y" %in% vertex_attr_names(graph)) {
      cbind(V(graph)$x, V(graph)$y)
    } else if ("layout" %in% graph_attr_names(graph)) {
      l <- graph_attr(graph, "layout")
      if (is.function(l)) {
      } else {
    } else if (vcount(graph) < 300 && is_connected(graph)) {
    } else if (vcount(graph) < 1000) {
    } else {

  layouts <- list(
    layout.default, layout_with_kk,
    layout_as_tree, layout_in_circle, layout_randomly

  if (read$vertex.size < 10) {
    label.dist <- 0.4
  } else {
    label.dist <- 0

  for (i in gnos) {
    if (read$labels == "0") {
      labels <- NA
    } else if (read$labels == "1") {
      labels <- seq(vcount(graphs[[i]]))
    } else if (read$labels == "2") {
      labels <- V(graphs[[i]])$name
    } else if (read$labels == "3") {
      if ("label" %in% vertex_attr_names(graphs[[i]])) {
        labels <- V(graphs[[i]])$label
      } else {
        labels <- V(graphs[[i]])$name

    if (read$elabels == "0") {
      elabels <- NA
    } else if (read$labels == "1") {
      elabels <- seq(ecount(graphs[[i]]))
    } else if (read$labels == "2") {
      elabels <- E(graphs[[i]])$name
    } else if (read$labels == "3") {
      if ("weight" %in% edge_attr_names(graphs[[i]])) {
        elabels <- E(graphs[[i]])$weight
      } else {
        .tkigraph.warning("No edge weights, not a valued graph")
        elabels <- NA

    if (vcount(graphs[[i]]) > 10) {
      eas <- 0.5
    } else {
      eas <- 1

    g <- graphs[[i]]
    g <- delete_vertex_attr(g, "name")
      layout = layouts[[read$layout + 1]],
      vertex.size = read$vertex.size, ## vertex.color=read$vertex.color,
      vertex.label = labels, vertex.label.dist = label.dist,
      edge.label = elabels, edge.arrow.size = eas,

#' @importFrom utils edit
.tkigraph.by.hand <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) > 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select zero or one graph")

  if (length(gnos) == 0) {
    newdf <- edit(data.frame(list(from = character(), to = character())))
    if (ncol(newdf) > 2) {
      colnames(newdf) <- c("from", "to", "weight")
    read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
      TITLE = "Creating a graph by hand",
      directed = list(
        name = "Directed", type = "boolean",
        default = "FALSE"
    g <- graph_from_data_frame(newdf, directed = read$directed)
    g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "New graph")
  } else {
    graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
    df <- as_edgelist(graphs[[gnos]])
    colnames <- c("from", "to")
    if ("weight" %in% edge_attr_names(graphs[[gnos]])) {
      df <- cbind(df, E(g)$weight)
      colnames <- c("from", "to", "weight")
    df <- as.data.frame(df)

    colnames(df) <- colnames
    df <- edit(df)
    if (ncol(df) > 2) {
      colnames(df) <- c("from", "to", "weight")
    graphs[[gnos]] <- graph_from_data_frame(df, directed = is_directed(graphs[[gnos]]))
    assign("graphs", graphs, .tkigraph.env)

.tkigraph.tree <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Regular tree",
    n = list(
      name = "Vertices", type = "numeric",
      default = 63, min = 0
    b = list(
      name = "Branches", type = "numeric",
      default = 2, min = 1
    mode = list(
      name = "Mode", type = "listbox",
      values = c(
        "Directed (out)", "Directed (in)",
      default = "2"
  read$mode <- c("out", "in", "undirected")[read$mode + 1]
  g <- make_tree(n = read$n, children = read$b, mode = read$mode)
  lay <- layout_as_tree(g, root = 1, mode = "all")
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "layout", lay)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Regular tree")

.tkigraph.ring <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Regular ring",
    n = list(
      name = "Vertices", type = "numeric",
      default = 100, min = 0
  g <- make_ring(n = read$n)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "layout", layout_in_circle)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Regular ring")

.tkigraph.lattice <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Regular lattice",
    dim = list(
      name = "Dimensions", type = "numeric",
      default = 2, min = 1, max = 5
    s1 = list(
      name = "Size 1", type = "numeric",
      default = 10, min = 1
    s2 = list(
      name = "Size 2", type = "numeric",
      default = 10, min = 1
    s3 = list(
      name = "Size 3", type = "numeric",
      default = 10, min = 1
    s4 = list(
      name = "Size 4", type = "numeric",
      default = 10, min = 1
    s5 = list(
      name = "Size 5", type = "numeric",
      default = 10, min = 1
  if (read$dim > 5) {
    read$dim <- 5
  dimv <- c(read$s1, read$s2, read$s3, read$s4, read$s5)[1:read$dim]
  g <- make_lattice(dimvector = dimv)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Regular Lattice")

.tkigraph.star <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Star graph",
    n = list(
      name = "Vertices", type = "numeric",
      default = 100, min = 0
    mode = list(
      name = "Mode", type = "listbox",
      values = c(
        "Directed (out)", "Directed (in)",
      default = "2"
  read$mode <- c("out", "in", "undirected")[read$mode + 1]
  g <- make_star(read$n, mode = read$mode)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Star graph")

.tkigraph.full <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Full graph",
    n = list(
      name = "Vertices", type = "numeric",
      default = 30, min = 0
    directed = list(
      name = "Directed", type = "boolean",
      default = "FALSE"
    loops = list(
      name = "Loops", type = "boolean",
      default = "FALSE"
  g <- make_full_graph(read$n, read$directed, read$loops)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Full graph")

.tkigraph.atlas <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Graph Atlas",
    n = list(
      name = "Number", type = "numeric",
      default = sample(0:1252, 1), min = 0, max = 1252
  g <- graph.atlas(read$n)
  g <- set_graph_attr(
    g, "name",
    paste("Graph Atlas #", read$n)

.tkigraph.erdos.renyi.game <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Erdos-Renyi random graph, G(n,p)",
    n = list(
      name = "Vertices", type = "numeric",
      default = 100, min = 0
    p = list(
      name = "Connection probability",
      type = "numeric", default = 0.02, min = 0, max = 1
    directed = list(
      name = "Directed",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"

  g <- sample_gnp(read$n, read$p, directed = read$directed)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Random graph (Erdos-Renyi G(n,p))")

.tkigraph.erdos.renyi.gnm.game <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Erdos-Renyi random graph, G(n,m)",
    n = list(
      name = "Vertices", type = "numeric",
      default = 100, min = 0
    m = list(
      name = "Edges", type = "numeric",
      default = 200, min = 0
    directed = list(
      name = "Directed",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"

  g <- sample_gnm(read$n, read$m, directed = read$directed)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Random graph (Erdos-Renyi G(n,m))")

.tkigraph.barabasi.game <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Scale Free graph",
    n = list(
      name = "Vertices", type = "numeric",
      default = 100, min = 0
    m = list(
      name = "Edges per time step",
      type = "numeric", default = 1, min = 0
    directed = list(
      name = "Directed",
      type = "boolean", default = "TRUE"
  g <- sample_pa(n = read$n, m = read$m, directed = read$directed)
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Scale-free random graph")

#' @importFrom graphics hist plot
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
.tkigraph.degree.sequence.game <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) == 0) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select at least one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)

  for (i in gnos) {
    if (is_directed(graphs[[i]])) {
      indeg <- degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "in")
      outdeg <- degree(graphs[[i]], mode = "out")
      g <- sample_degseq(out.deg = outdeg, in.deg = indeg)
    } else {
      deg <- degree(graphs[[i]])
      g <- sample_degseq(deg)
    g <- set_graph_attr(
      g, "name",
      paste(sep = "", "Configuration model (#", i, ")")

.tkigraph.watts.strogatz <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Watts-Strogatz graph",
    dim = list(
      name = "Dimensions", type = "numeric",
      default = 1, min = 1
    size = list(
      name = "Lattice size", type = "numeric",
      default = 1000, min = 1
    nei = list(
      name = "Neighborhood", type = "numeric",
      default = 5, min = 1
    p = list(
      name = "Rewiring probability",
      type = "numeric", default = 0.01, min = 0, max = 1
  g <- sample_smallworld(
    dim = read$dim, size = read$size, nei = read$nei,
    p = read$p
  g <- set_graph_attr(g, "name", "Watts-Strogatz small-world graph")
  if (read$dim == 1) {
    g <- set_graph_attr(g, "layout", layout_in_circle)

.tkigraph.simplify <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)

  for (i in gnos) {
    g <- simplify(graphs[[i]])
    g <- set_graph_attr(
      g, "name",
      paste(sep = "", "Simplification of #", i)


.tkigraph.degree <- function(mode) {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  deg <- degree(graphs[[gnos]], mode = mode)
  value <- data.frame(Vertex = V(graphs[[gnos]])$name, deg)
  colnames(value) <- c("Vertex", paste(sep = "", "Degree (", mode, ")"))
  plot.command <- function() {
    read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
      TITLE = "Plot degree distribution",
      logx = list(
        name = "Logarithmic `X' axis",
        type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
      logy = list(
        name = "Logarithmic `Y' axis",
        type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
      hist = list(
        name = "Histogram",
        type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"

    if (!read$hist) {
      h <- hist(value[, 2], -1:max(value[, 2]), plot = FALSE)$density
      log <- ""
      if (read$logx) {
        log <- paste(sep = "", log, "x")
      if (read$logy) {
        log <- paste(sep = "", log, "y")
      plot(0:max(value[, 2]), h,
        xlab = "Degree", ylab = "Relative frequency",
        type = "b", main = "Degree distribution", log = log
    } else {
      hist(value[, 2], main = "Degree distribution", xlab = "Degree")
  value <- value[order(value[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  mv <- paste("Mean degree:", round(mean(deg), 2))
    title = paste(sep = "", "Degree for graph #", gnos),
    plot.text = "Plot distribution",
    plot.command = plot.command,
    showmean = mv

#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
#' @importFrom graphics plot hist lines legend
#' @importFrom stats coef vcov
.tkigraph.degree.dist <- function(power = FALSE) {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Choose degree type",
    type = list(
      name = "Degree type",
      type = "listbox", default = "0",
      values = c("Out", "In", "Total")
  mode <- c("out", "in", "all")[read$type + 1]
  deg <- degree(graphs[[gnos]], mode = mode)
  h <- hist(deg, -1:max(deg), plot = FALSE)$density
  plot(0:max(deg), h,
    xlab = "Degree", ylab = "Relative frequency",
    type = "b", main = "Degree distribution", log = "xy"

  if (power) {
    if (max(deg) < 10) {
      .tkigraph.error("Degrees are too small for a power-law fit")
    fit <- fit_power_law(deg, xmin = 10)
    lines(0:max(deg), (0:max(deg))^(-coef(fit)), col = "red")
    legend("topright", c(
      paste("exponent:", round(coef(fit), 2)),
      paste("standard error:", round(sqrt(vcov(fit)), 2))
    bty = "n", cex = 1.5

.tkigraph.closeness <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  cl <- closeness(graphs[[gnos]], mode = "out")
  value <- data.frame(Vertex = V(graphs[[gnos]])$name, Closeness = cl)
  value <- value[order(value[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  mv <- paste("Mean value:", round(mean(cl), 2))
    title = paste(sep = "", "Closeness for graph #", gnos),
    showmean = mv

.tkigraph.betweenness <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  btw <- betweenness(graphs[[gnos]])
  vc <- vcount(graphs[[gnos]])
  m <- (vc - 1) * (vc - 2)
  nbtw <- btw / m
  value <- data.frame(V(graphs[[gnos]])$name, btw, nbtw)
  colnames(value) <- c("Vertex", "Betweenness", "Normalized Betweenness")
  value <- value[order(value[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  mv <- paste("Mean value:", round(mean(btw), 2), "&", round(mean(nbtw), 5))
    title = paste(sep = "", "Betweenness for graph #", gnos),
    showmean = mv

.tkigraph.constraints <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  const <- constraint(graphs[[gnos]])
  value <- data.frame(V(graphs[[gnos]])$name, const)
  colnames(value) <- c("Vertex", "Constraint")
  value <- value[order(value[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  mv <- paste("Mean value:", round(mean(const), 2))
    title = paste(sep = "", "Constraint for graph #", gnos),
    showmean = mv

.tkigraph.power.centrality <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  bp <- power_centrality(graphs[[gnos]])
  value <- data.frame(V(graphs[[gnos]])$name, bp)
  colnames(value) <- c("Vertex", "Power centrality")
  value <- value[order(value[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  mv <- paste("Mean value:", round(mean(bp), 2))
    title = paste(sep = "", "Power centrality for graph #", gnos),
    showmean = mv

.tkigraph.page.rank <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  bp <- page_rank(graphs[[gnos]])$vector
  value <- data.frame(V(graphs[[gnos]])$name, bp)
  colnames(value) <- c("Vertex", "Page rank")
  value <- value[order(value[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  mv <- paste("Mean value:", round(mean(bp), 2))
    title = paste(sep = "", "Page rank centrality for graph #", gnos),
    showmean = mv

.tkigraph.edge.betweenness <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  ebtw <- edge_betweenness(graphs[[gnos]])
  el <- as_edgelist(graphs[[gnos]])
  value <- data.frame(E(graphs[[gnos]])$name, el[, 1], el[, 2], ebtw)
  colnames(value) <- c("Edge", "From", "To", "Betweenness")
  value <- value[order(value[, 4], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  mv <- paste("Mean value:", round(mean(ebtw), 2))
    title = paste(sep = "", "Edge betweenness for graph #", gnos),
    showmean = mv


.tkigraph.dist.matrix <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")

  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  if (vcount(graph) > 100) {
    .tkigraph.error("Graphs is too large to do this")

  value <- distances(graph, mode = "out")
  rownames(value) <- colnames(value) <- V(graph)$name
    sort.button = FALSE,
    title = paste(sep = "", "Distance matrix for graph #", gnos)

.tkigraph.distance.tofrom <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")

  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Distance from a vertex",
    v = list(
      name = "Vertex ID", type = "numeric",
      default = 1, min = 1, max = vcount(graph)
  if (read$v < 1 || read$v > vcount(graph)) {
    .tkigraph.error("Invalid vertex ID")

  value <- distances(graph, read$v, mode = "out")
  dim(value) <- NULL
  value <- data.frame(V(graph)$name, value)
  colnames(value) <- c("Vertex", "Distance")
  mv <- paste("Mean distance:", round(mean(value[, 2]), 2))
    title = paste(
      "Distance from vertex", read$v, "in graph #",
    showmean = mv

.tkigraph.diameter <- function(mode = "dia") {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) == 0) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select one or more graphs")

  isconn <- logical()
  dia <- numeric()
  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  for (i in seq(along.with = gnos)) {
    if (mode == "dia") {
      dia[i] <- diameter(graphs[[gnos[i]]], directed = FALSE)
    } else if (mode == "path") {
      dia[i] <- mean_distance(graphs[[gnos[i]]], directed = FALSE)
    isconn[i] <- is_connected(graphs[[gnos[i]]])

  value <- data.frame(gnos, isconn, dia)
  if (mode == "dia") {
    title <- "Diameter"
    colnames(value) <- c("Graph #", "Connected", "Diameter")
  } else if (mode == "path") {
    title <- "Average path length"
    colnames(value) <- c("Graph #", "Connected", "Mean path length")
  title <- paste(title, "of graph")
  if (length(gnos) > 1) {
    title <- paste(sep = "", title, "s")
  .tkigraph.showData(value, title = title)

.tkigraph.plot.diameter <- function(simple = FALSE) {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")

  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  edges <- E(graph, path = get_diameter(graph, directed = FALSE), directed = FALSE)
  color <- rep("black", ecount(graph))
  color[edges] <- "red"
  width <- rep(1, ecount(graph))
  width[edges] <- 2
  .tkigraph.plot(gnos = gnos, simple = simple, edge.color = color, edge.width = width)

.tkigraph.clusters <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  comm <- components(graph)
  members <- sapply(
      seq(along.with = comm$csize),
      function(i) which(comm$membership == i)
    collapse = ", "
  value <- data.frame("Component" = seq(along.with = comm$csize), "Members" = members)
  .tkigraph.showData(value, title = paste(
    "Components of graph #",
  ), right = FALSE)

.tkigraph.clusters.membership <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  comm <- components(graph)
  value <- data.frame(
    "Vertex" = seq(along.with = comm$membership),
    "Component" = comm$membership
  .tkigraph.showData(value, title = paste("Components of graph #", gnos))

#' @importFrom graphics hist plot
#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
.tkigraph.calculate.clusters <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  cs <- components(graph)$csize
  value <- data.frame(seq(along.with = cs), cs)
  colnames(value) <- c("Cluster #", "Size")

  plot.command <- function() {
    read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
      TITLE = "Plot degree distribution",
      logx = list(
        name = "Logarithmic `X' axis",
        type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
      logy = list(
        name = "Logarithmic `Y' axis",
        type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
      hist = list(
        name = "Histogram",
        type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"

    if (!read$hist) {
      h <- hist(value[, 2], 0:max(value[, 2]), plot = FALSE)$density
      log <- ""
      if (read$logx) {
        log <- paste(sep = "", log, "x")
      if (read$logy) {
        log <- paste(sep = "", log, "y")
      plot(1:max(value[, 2]), h,
        xlab = "Component size",
        ylab = "Relative frequency",
        type = "b", main = "Component size distribution", log = log
    } else {
      hist(value[, 2], main = "Component size distribution", xlab = "Degree")
  value <- value[order(value[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
  mv <- paste("Mean component size:", round(mean(cs), 2))
    title = paste(sep = "", "Component sizes, graph #", gnos),
    plot.text = "Plot distribution",
    plot.command = plot.command, showmean = mv

#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
.tkigraph.plot.comp <- function(simple = FALSE) {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  clu <- components(graph)
  colbar <- rainbow(length(clu$csize) * 2)
  vertex.color <- colbar[clu$membership]
  .tkigraph.plot(gnos = gnos, simple = simple, vertex.color = vertex.color)

.tkigraph.create.giantcomp <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  clu <- components(graph)
  v <- which(clu$membership == which.max(clu$csize))
  g <- induced_subgraph(graph, v)

.tkigraph.create.mycomp <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Component of a vertex",
    vertex = list(
      name = "Vertex", type = "numeric",
      default = 1, min = 1, max = vcount(graph)
  if (read$vertex < 1 || read$vertex > vcount(graph)) {
    .tkigraph.error("Invalid vertex id")

  g <- induced_subgraph(graph, subcomponent(graph, read$vertex))

.tkigraph.create.comp <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Graph from component",
    comp = list(
      name = "Component id", type = "numeric",
      default = 1, min = 1
  clu <- components(graph)
  if (read$comp < 1 || read$comp > length(clu$csize)) {
    .tkigraph.error("Invalid component id")

  v <- which(clu$membership == read$comp)
  g <- induced_subgraph(graph, v)

#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
#' @importFrom graphics layout layout.show par plot text
.tkigraph.motifs.draw <- function() {
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Draw all motifs",
    size = list(
      name = "Size", type = "numeric",
      default = 3, min = 3, max = 4
    directed = list(
      name = "Directed", type = "boolean",
      default = "FALSE"

  if (read$size < 3 || read$size > 4) {
    .tkigraph.error("Invalid motif size, should be 3 or 4")

  if (read$size == 3) {
    co <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  } else {
    co <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  if (read$size == 3 && read$dir) {
    no <- 16
    rows <- cols <- 4
  } else if (read$size == 3 && !read$dir) {
    no <- 4
    rows <- cols <- 2
  } else if (read$size == 4 && read$dir) {
    no <- 216
    rows <- cols <- 15
  } else if (read$size == 4 && !read$dir) {
    no <- 11
    rows <- 4
    cols <- 3
  names <- as.character(seq(no))
  layout(matrix(1:(rows * cols), nrow = rows, byrow = TRUE))
  layout.show(rows * cols)
  for (i in seq(no)) {
    g <- graph_from_isomorphism_class(read$size, i - 1, directed = read$dir)
    par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    par(cex = 2)
      layout = co, vertex.color = "red", vertex.label = NA, frame = TRUE,
      edge.color = "black", margin = 0.1, edge.arrow.size = .5
    text(0, 0, names[i], col = "blue", cex = .5)

#' @importFrom grDevices dev.new
#' @importFrom graphics barplot layout layout.show par plot text
.tkigraph.motifs.find <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")

  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Find motifs",
    size = list(
      name = "Size", type = "numeric",
      default = 3, min = 3, max = 4
  if (read$size < 3 || read$size > 4) {
    .tkigraph.error("Invalid motif size, should be 3 or 4")

  graphs <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)
  motifs <- motifs(graphs[[gnos]], size = read$size)

  if (read$size == 3) {
    co <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  } else {
    co <- matrix(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)

  if (read$size == 3 && is_directed(graphs[[gnos]])) {
    no <- 16
    rows <- cols <- 4
  } else if (read$size == 3 && !is_directed(graphs[[gnos]])) {
    no <- 4
    rows <- cols <- 2
  } else if (read$size == 4 && is_directed(graphs[[gnos]])) {
    no <- 216
    rows <- cols <- 15
  } else if (read$size == 4 && !is_directed(graphs[[gnos]])) {
    no <- 11
    rows <- 4
    cols <- 3

  barplot(motifs, names.arg = seq(no))

  names <- as.character(seq(no))
  layout(matrix(1:(rows * cols), nrow = rows, byrow = TRUE))
  layout.show(rows * cols)
  for (i in seq(no)) {
    g <- graph_from_isomorphism_class(read$size, i - 1,
      directed = is_directed(graphs[[gnos]])
    par(mai = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
    par(cex = 2)
      layout = co, vertex.color = "red", vertex.label = NA, frame = TRUE,
      edge.color = "black", margin = 0.1
    text(0, 0, motifs[i], col = "green")

.tkigraph.spinglass <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]

  if (!is_connected(graph)) {
    .tkigraph.error("Graph is not connected")

  weights <- if ("weight" %in% edge_attr_names(graph)) "TRUE" else "FALSE"
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Spinglass community structure",
    gamma = list(
      name = "Gamma parameter",
      type = "numeric", default = 1
    weights = list(
      name = "Use edge weights",
      type = "boolean", default = weights
    spins = list(
      name = "Number of spins",
      type = "numeric", default = 25
    parupdate = list(
      name = "Parallel update",
      type = "boolean", default = "FALSE"
    update.rule = list(
      name = "Update rule",
      type = "listbox", default = "1",
      values = c("Simple", "Configuration model")
    start.temp = list(
      name = "Start temperature",
      type = "numeric", default = 1
    stop.temp = list(
      name = "Stop temperature",
      type = "numeric", default = 0.1
    cool.fact = list(
      name = "Cooling factor",
      type = "numeric", default = 0.99

  read$update.rule <- c("simple", "config")[read$update.rule + 1]
  if (read$weights) {
    if (!"weight" %in% edge_attr_names(graph)) {
      .tkigraph.warning("This graphs is not weighted")
      read$weights <- NULL
    } else {
      read$weights <- E(graph)$weight
  } else {
    read$weights <- NULL
  comm <- cluster_spinglass(graph,
    weights = read$weights, spins = read$spins,
    parupdate = read$parupdate, start.temp = read$start.temp,
    stop.temp = read$stop.temp, cool.fact = read$cool.fact,
    update.rule = read$update.rule, gamma = read$gamma

  .tkigraph.spinglass.community.dialog(comm, read, gnos)

#' @importFrom grDevices rainbow
.tkigraph.spinglass.community.dialog <- function(comm, read, gnos) {
  dialog <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
  frame <- tcltk::tkframe(dialog)
  tcltk::tktitle(dialog) <- "Spinglass community structure algorithm results"

  read$update.rule <- if (read$update.rule == "simple") "Simple" else "Configuration model"
      text = "Spinglass community structure algorithm results",
      font = tcltk::tkfont.create(family = "times", size = 16, weight = "bold")
    columnspan = 3, sticky = "nsew", "in" = frame, padx = 10, pady = 10
  tcltk::tkgrid(txt <- tcltk::tktext(dialog),
    columnspan = 1, rowspan = 5, sticky = "nsew",
    "in" = frame, padx = 10, pady = 10
  tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, height = 15)
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", "Parameters were:\n")
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Gamma=", read$gamma, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", if (is.null(read$weights)) {
    "  Weights were not used.\n"
  } else {
    "  Weights were used.\n"
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Number of spins=", read$spins, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", if (read$parupdate) {
    "  Parallel updating.\n"
  } else {
    "  Sequential updating.\n"
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Update rule:", read$update.rule, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Start temperature was", read$start.temp, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Stop temperaure was", read$stop.temp, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Cooling factor was", read$cool.fact, "\n"))

  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", "\nResults:\n")
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste(
    "  Number of communities found:", length(comm$csize),
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Modularity of the result:", comm$modularity, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Stopped at temperature:", comm$temperature, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, state = "disabled")

  show.communities <- function() {
    members <- sapply(
        seq(along.with = comm$csize),
        function(i) which(comm$membership == i)
      collapse = ", "
    value <- data.frame("Community" = seq(along.with = comm$csize), "Members" = members)
      title = paste(
        "Communities, spinglass algorithm on graph #",
      right = FALSE
  show.membership <- function() {
    value <- data.frame(
      "Vertex" = seq(along.with = comm$membership),
      "Community" = comm$membership
      title = paste(
        "Communities, spinglass algorithm on graph #",
  show.csize <- function() {
    value <- data.frame("Comm. #" = seq(along.with = comm$csize), "Size" = comm$csize)
    value <- value[order(value[, 2], decreasing = TRUE), ]
      title = paste(
        "Communities, spinglass algorithm on graph #",
  plot.communities <- function(simple = FALSE) {
    colbar <- rainbow(length(comm$csize) * 2)
    vertex.color <- colbar[comm$membership]
    .tkigraph.plot(gnos = gnos, simple = simple, vertex.color = vertex.color)
  create.subgraph <- function() {
    ## TODO

  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "Show communities", command = show.communities),
    "in" = frame, sticky = "ew", column = 1, row = 1, padx = 10, pady = 10
  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "Show membership", command = show.membership),
    "in" = frame, sticky = "ew", column = 1, row = 2, padx = 10, pady = 10
  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "Show community sizes", command = show.csize),
    "in" = frame, sticky = "ew", column = 1, row = 3, padx = 10, pady = 10
      text = "Draw communities",
      command = function() plot.communities(simple = FALSE)
    "in" = frame, sticky = "ew", column = 1, row = 4, padx = 10, pady = 10
  ##   tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text="Create subgraph", command=create.subgraph),
  ##          "in"=frame, sticky="nsew", column=1, row=6, padx=10, pady=10)

  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "Close", command = function() tcltk::tkdestroy(dialog)),
    "in" = frame, sticky = "nsew", columnspan = 2, padx = 10, pady = 10

.tkigraph.my.spinglass <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]

  if (!is_connected(graph)) {
    .tkigraph.error("Graph is not connected")

  weights <- if ("weight" %in% edge_attr_names(graph)) "TRUE" else "FALSE"
  read <- .tkigraph.dialogbox(
    TITLE = "Spinglass community of a vertex",
    vertex = list(
      name = "Vertex", type = "numeric",
      default = 1, min = 1, max = vcount(graph)
    gamma = list(
      name = "Gamma parameter",
      type = "numeric", default = 1
    weights = list(
      name = "Use edge weights",
      type = "boolean", default = weights
    spins = list(
      name = "Number of spins",
      type = "numeric", default = 25
    update.rule = list(
      name = "Update rule",
      type = "listbox", default = "1",
      values = c("Simple", "Configuration model")

  if (read$vertex < 1 || read$vertex > vcount(graph)) {
    .tkigraph.error("Invalid vertex id")

  read$update.rule <- c("simple", "config")[read$update.rule + 1]
  if (read$weights) {
    if (!"weight" %in% edge_attr_names(graph)) {
      .tkigraph.warning("This graphs is not weighted")
      read$weights <- NULL
    } else {
      read$weights <- E(graph)$weight
  } else {
    read$weights <- NULL
  comm <- cluster_spinglass(graph,
    vertex = read$vertex,
    weights = read$weights, spins = read$spins,
    update.rule = read$update.rule, gamma = read$gamma
  .tkigraph.spinglass.mycommunity.dialog(comm, read, gnos)

.tkigraph.spinglass.mycommunity.dialog <- function(comm, read, gnos) {
  dialog <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
  frame <- tcltk::tkframe(dialog)
  tcltk::tktitle(dialog) <- "Spinglass community of a single vertex"

  scr <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(dialog,
    repeatinterval = 5,
    command = function(...) tcltk::tkyview(txt, ...)

  read$update.rule <- if (read$update.rule == "simple") "Simple" else "Configuration model"
      text = "Spinglass community of a single vertex",
      font = tcltk::tkfont.create(family = "times", size = 16, weight = "bold")
    columnspan = 3, sticky = "nsew", "in" = frame, padx = 10, pady = 10
  tcltk::tkgrid(txt <- tcltk::tktext(dialog, yscrollcommand = function(...) tcltk::tkset(scr, ...)),
    columnspan = 1, rowspan = 3, sticky = "nsew", "in" = frame, padx = 10, pady = 10
  tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, height = 17)
  tcltk::tkgrid(scr, row = 1, column = 1, rowspan = 3, sticky = "ns", "in" = frame, pady = 10)
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", "Parameters were:\n")
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Vertex:", read$vertex, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Gamma=", read$gamma, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", if (is.null(read$weights)) {
    "  Weights were not used.\n"
  } else {
    "  Weights were used.\n"
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Number of spins=", read$spins, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Update rule:", read$update.rule, "\n"))

  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", "\nResults:\n")
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste(
    "  Size of the community:", length(comm$community),
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Cohesion:", comm$cohesion, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Adhesion:", comm$adhesion, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Inner links:", comm$inner.links, "\n"))
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", paste("  Outer links:", comm$outer.links, "\n"))

  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", "\nThe community:\n")
  con <- textConnection(NULL, open = "w", local = TRUE)
  cat(sort(comm$community), file = con, fill = TRUE, sep = ", ")
  tcltk::tkinsert(txt, "end", textConnectionValue(con))
  tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, state = "disabled")

  plot.communities <- function(simple = FALSE) {
    graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
    color <- rep("skyblue2", vcount(graph))
    color[comm$community] <- "red"
    .tkigraph.plot(gnos = gnos, simple = simple, vertex.color = color)

  create.graph <- function() {
    graph <- get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]]
    g <- induced_subgraph(graph, comm$community)

      text = "Draw community",
      command = function() plot.communities(simple = FALSE)
    "in" = frame, sticky = "ew", column = 2, row = 1, padx = 10, pady = 10
      text = "Create graph from community",
      command = create.graph
    "in" = frame, sticky = "ew", column = 2, row = 2, padx = 10, pady = 10

  tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "Close", command = function() tcltk::tkdestroy(dialog)),
    "in" = frame, sticky = "nsew", columnspan = 3, padx = 10, pady = 10

.tkigraph.cohesion <- function() {
  gnos <- .tkigraph.get.selected()
  if (length(gnos) != 1) {
    .tkigraph.error("Please select exactly one graph")
  graphs <- decompose(get("graphs", .tkigraph.env)[[gnos]])
  coh <- sapply(graphs, cohesion)
  value <- data.frame("Component" = seq(length.out = length(graphs)), "Cohesion" = coh)
  .tkigraph.showData(value, title = paste(
    "Cohesion of components in graph #",
  ), right = FALSE)

#' @importFrom utils browseURL
.tkigraph.help <- function(page = "index.html") {
  dialog <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
  tcltk::tktitle(dialog) <- "Help (main page)"

  close <- function() {

  scr <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(dialog,
    repeatinterval = 5,
    command = function(...) tcltk::tkyview(txt, ...)
  txt <- tcltk::tktext(dialog,
    yscrollcommand = function(...) tcltk::tkset(scr, ...),
    width = 80, height = 40

  main.menu <- tcltk::tkmenu(dialog)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "command", label = "Back", command = function() {
    tcltk::tcl("render_back", txt)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "command", label = "Forw", command = function() {
    tcltk::tcl("render_forw", txt)
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "command", label = "Home", command = function() {
    tcltk::tcl("render", txt, "index.html")
  tcltk::tkadd(main.menu, "command", label = "Close", command = function() {
  tcltk::tkconfigure(dialog, "-menu", main.menu)

  tcltk::tkpack(scr, side = "right", fill = "y", expand = 0)
  tcltk::tkpack(txt, side = "left", fill = "both", expand = 1)

  browser.button <- tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, command = function() {

    "global", "tkigraph_help_root", "tkigraph_help_history",
    "tkigraph_help_history_pos", "browser_button", "browser_url"
    "set", "tkigraph_help_root",
    system.file("tkigraph_help", package = "igraph")
  tcltk::tcl("set", "browser_button", browser.button)

  tcltk::tcl("source", system.file("html_library.tcl", package = "igraph"))
  tcltk::tcl("source", system.file("my_html_library.tcl", package = "igraph"))
  tcltk::tcl("HMinit_win", txt)
  tcltk::tcl("start_history", txt)
  tcltk::tcl("render", txt, "index.html")

  tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, state = "disabled")

#' @importFrom utils browseURL
.tkigraph.help.external <- function(page = "index.html") {
  f <- system.file("tkigraph_help/index.html", package = "igraph")

#' @importFrom utils packageDescription
.tkigraph.about <- function() {
  dialog <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
  tcltk::tktitle(dialog) <- "About tkigraph"
  image <- tcltk::tkimage.create("photo", "img",
    format = "gif",
    file = system.file("igraph.gif", package = "igraph")
  logo <- tcltk::tklabel(dialog, relief = "flat", padx = 10, pady = 10, image = image)
  label <- tcltk::tklabel(dialog,
    padx = 30, pady = 10,
    text = paste(
      sep = "", "tkigraph (c) 2009 Gabor Csardi\n",
      "igraph (c) 2003-2009 Gabor Csardi and Tamas Nepusz\n\n",
      "This is igraph version ",
      packageDescription("igraph")$Version, " and\n",
  close <- tcltk::tkbutton(dialog, text = "Close", command = function() {

  tcltk::tkpack(logo, side = "top", anchor = "c", expand = 0)
  tcltk::tkpack(label, side = "top", anchor = "c", expand = 0)
  tcltk::tkpack(close, side = "bottom", anchor = "c", expand = 0)

# This is from the 'relimp' package by David Firth, thanks

#' @importFrom utils write.table
.tkigraph.showData <-
           colname.bgcolor = "grey50",
           rowname.bgcolor = "grey50",
           body.bgcolor = "white",
           colname.textcolor = "white",
           rowname.textcolor = "white",
           body.textcolor = "black",
           font = "Courier 12",
           maxheight = 30,
           maxwidth = 80,
           title = NULL,
           rowname.bar = "left",
           colname.bar = "top",
           rownumbers = FALSE,
           placement = "-20-40",
           plot.text = "Plot",
           plot.command = NULL,
           suppress.X11.warnings = FALSE,
           right = TRUE,
           showmean = NULL,
           sort.button = TRUE,
           inthis = NULL) {
    if (suppress.X11.warnings) { ## as in John Fox's Rcmdr package
      messages.connection <- textConnection(".messages",
        open = "w",
        local = TRUE
      sink(messages.connection, type = "message")
        sink(type = "message")
    object.name <- deparse(substitute(dataframe))
    if (!is.data.frame(dataframe)) {
      temp <- try(dataframe <- as.data.frame(dataframe), silent = FALSE)
      if (inherits(temp, "try-error")) {
        stop(paste(object.name, "cannot be coerced to a data frame"))
      object.name <- paste("as.data.frame(", object.name, ")", sep = "")

    if (is.numeric(rownumbers) &&
      length(rownumbers) != nrow(dataframe)) {
      stop("rownumbers argument must be TRUE, FALSE or have length nrow(dataframe)")
    oldwidth <- unlist(options("width"))
    options(width = 10000)
    conn <- textConnection(NULL, open = "w", local = TRUE)
    options(max.print = 10000000)
    print(dataframe, right = right)
    zz <- strsplit(textConnectionValue(conn), "\n", fixed = TRUE)
    if (length(zz) > 1 + nrow(dataframe)) {
        "data frame too wide"
    options(width = oldwidth)
    if (is.null(inthis)) {
      base <- tcltk::tktoplevel()
      tcltk::tkwm.geometry(base, placement)
      tcltk::tkwm.title(base, {
        if (is.null(title)) {
        } else {
    } else {
      base <- inthis
    nrows <- length(zz) - 1
    if (is.numeric(rownumbers)) {
      rowname.text <- paste(rownumbers, row.names(dataframe))
    } else if (rownumbers) {
      rowname.text <- paste(1:nrows, row.names(dataframe))
    } else {
      rowname.text <- row.names(dataframe)
    namewidth <- max(nchar(rowname.text))
    yy <- substring(zz, 2 + max(nchar(row.names(dataframe))))
    datawidth <- max(nchar(yy))
    winwidth <- min(1 + datawidth, maxwidth)
    hdr <- tcltk::tktext(base,
      bg = colname.bgcolor,
      fg = colname.textcolor,
      font = font,
      height = 1,
      width = winwidth,
      takefocus = TRUE
    ftr <- tcltk::tktext(base,
      bg = colname.bgcolor,
      fg = colname.textcolor,
      font = font,
      height = 1,
      width = winwidth,
      takefocus = TRUE
    textheight <- min(maxheight, nrows)
    txt <- tcltk::tktext(base,
      bg = body.bgcolor,
      fg = body.textcolor,
      font = font,
      height = textheight,
      width = winwidth,
      setgrid = 1,
      takefocus = TRUE
    lnames <- tcltk::tktext(base,
      bg = rowname.bgcolor,
      fg = rowname.textcolor,
      font = font,
      height = textheight,
      width = namewidth,
      takefocus = TRUE
    rnames <- tcltk::tktext(base,
      bg = rowname.bgcolor,
      fg = rowname.textcolor,
      font = font,
      height = textheight,
      width = namewidth,
      takefocus = TRUE
    xscroll <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(base,
      orient = "horizontal",
      repeatinterval = 1,
      command = function(...) {
        tcltk::tkxview(txt, ...)
        tcltk::tkxview(hdr, ...)
        tcltk::tkxview(ftr, ...)
    string.to.vector <- function(string.of.indices) {
      string.of.indices <- tcltk::tclvalue(string.of.indices)
      as.numeric(strsplit(string.of.indices, split = " ")[[1]])
    tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, xscrollcommand = function(...) {
      tcltk::tkset(xscroll, ...)
      xy <- string.to.vector(tcltk::tkget(xscroll))
      tcltk::tkxview.moveto(hdr, xy[1])
      tcltk::tkxview.moveto(ftr, xy[1])
    tcltk::tkconfigure(hdr, xscrollcommand = function(...) {
      tcltk::tkset(xscroll, ...)
      xy <- string.to.vector(tcltk::tkget(xscroll))
      tcltk::tkxview.moveto(txt, xy[1])
      tcltk::tkxview.moveto(ftr, xy[1])
    tcltk::tkconfigure(ftr, xscrollcommand = function(...) {
      tcltk::tkset(xscroll, ...)
      xy <- string.to.vector(tcltk::tkget(xscroll))
      tcltk::tkxview.moveto(hdr, xy[1])
      tcltk::tkxview.moveto(txt, xy[1])
    yscroll <- tcltk::tkscrollbar(base,
      orient = "vertical",
      repeatinterval = 1,
      command = function(...) {
        tcltk::tkyview(txt, ...)
        tcltk::tkyview(lnames, ...)
        tcltk::tkyview(rnames, ...)
    tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, yscrollcommand = function(...) {
      tcltk::tkset(yscroll, ...)
      xy <- string.to.vector(tcltk::tkget(yscroll))
      tcltk::tkyview.moveto(lnames, xy[1])
      tcltk::tkyview.moveto(rnames, xy[1])
    tcltk::tkconfigure(lnames, yscrollcommand = function(...) {
      tcltk::tkset(yscroll, ...)
      xy <- string.to.vector(tcltk::tkget(yscroll))
      tcltk::tkyview.moveto(txt, xy[1])
      tcltk::tkyview.moveto(rnames, xy[1])
    tcltk::tkconfigure(rnames, yscrollcommand = function(...) {
      tcltk::tkset(yscroll, ...)
      xy <- string.to.vector(tcltk::tkget(yscroll))
      tcltk::tkyview.moveto(txt, xy[1])
      tcltk::tkyview.moveto(lnames, xy[1])
    tcltk::tkbind(txt, "<B2-Motion>", function(x, y) {
      tcltk::tkscan.dragto(txt, x, y)
    ## The next block just enables copying from the text boxes
      copyText.hdr <- function() {
          "event", "generate",
      tcltk::tkbind(hdr, "<Button-1>", function() tcltk::tkfocus(hdr))
      editPopupMenu.hdr <- tcltk::tkmenu(hdr, tearoff = FALSE)
      tcltk::tkadd(editPopupMenu.hdr, "command",
        label = "Copy <Ctrl-C>",
        command = copyText.hdr
      RightClick.hdr <- function(x, y) # x and y are the mouse coordinates
        rootx <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rootx", hdr))
        rooty <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rooty", hdr))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
        tcltk::tcl("tk_popup", editPopupMenu.hdr, xTxt, yTxt)
      tcltk::tkbind(hdr, "<Button-3>", RightClick.hdr)
      tcltk::tkbind(hdr, "<Control-KeyPress-c>", copyText.hdr)
      copyText.ftr <- function() {
          "event", "generate",
      tcltk::tkbind(ftr, "<Button-1>", function() tcltk::tkfocus(ftr))
      editPopupMenu.ftr <- tcltk::tkmenu(ftr, tearoff = FALSE)
      tcltk::tkadd(editPopupMenu.ftr, "command",
        label = "Copy <Ctrl-C>",
        command = copyText.ftr
      RightClick.ftr <- function(x, y) # x and y are the mouse coordinates
        rootx <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rootx", ftr))
        rooty <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rooty", ftr))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
        tcltk::tcl("tk_popup", editPopupMenu.ftr, xTxt, yTxt)
      tcltk::tkbind(ftr, "<Button-3>", RightClick.ftr)
      tcltk::tkbind(ftr, "<Control-KeyPress-c>", copyText.ftr)
      copyText.txt <- function() {
          "event", "generate",
      tcltk::tkbind(txt, "<Button-1>", function() tcltk::tkfocus(txt))
      editPopupMenu.txt <- tcltk::tkmenu(txt, tearoff = FALSE)
      tcltk::tkadd(editPopupMenu.txt, "command",
        label = "Copy <Ctrl-C>",
        command = copyText.txt
      RightClick.txt <- function(x, y) # x and y are the mouse coordinates
        rootx <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rootx", txt))
        rooty <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rooty", txt))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
        tcltk::tcl("tk_popup", editPopupMenu.txt, xTxt, yTxt)
      tcltk::tkbind(txt, "<Button-3>", RightClick.txt)
      tcltk::tkbind(txt, "<Control-KeyPress-c>", copyText.txt)
      copyText.lnames <- function() {
          "event", "generate",
      tcltk::tkbind(lnames, "<Button-1>", function() tcltk::tkfocus(lnames))
      editPopupMenu.lnames <- tcltk::tkmenu(lnames, tearoff = FALSE)
      tcltk::tkadd(editPopupMenu.lnames, "command",
        label = "Copy <Ctrl-C>",
        command = copyText.lnames
      RightClick.lnames <- function(x, y) # x and y are the mouse coordinates
        rootx <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rootx", lnames))
        rooty <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rooty", lnames))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
        tcltk::tcl("tk_popup", editPopupMenu.lnames, xTxt, yTxt)
      tcltk::tkbind(lnames, "<Button-3>", RightClick.lnames)
      tcltk::tkbind(lnames, "<Control-KeyPress-c>", copyText.lnames)
      copyText.rnames <- function() {
          "event", "generate",
      tcltk::tkbind(rnames, "<Button-1>", function() tcltk::tkfocus(rnames))
      editPopupMenu.rnames <- tcltk::tkmenu(rnames, tearoff = FALSE)
      tcltk::tkadd(editPopupMenu.rnames, "command",
        label = "Copy <Ctrl-C>",
        command = copyText.rnames
      RightClick.rnames <- function(x, y) # x and y are the mouse coordinates
        rootx <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rootx", rnames))
        rooty <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rooty", rnames))
        xTxt <- as.integer(x) + rootx
        yTxt <- as.integer(y) + rooty
        tcltk::tcl("tk_popup", editPopupMenu.rnames, xTxt, yTxt)
      tcltk::tkbind(rnames, "<Button-3>", RightClick.rnames)
      tcltk::tkbind(rnames, "<Control-KeyPress-c>", copyText.rnames)

    tcltk::tktag.configure(hdr, "notwrapped", wrap = "none")
    tcltk::tktag.configure(ftr, "notwrapped", wrap = "none")
    tcltk::tktag.configure(txt, "notwrapped", wrap = "none")
    tcltk::tktag.configure(lnames, "notwrapped", wrap = "none")
    tcltk::tktag.configure(rnames, "notwrapped", wrap = "none")
      paste(paste(yy[-1], collapse = "\n"),
        sep = ""

    tcltk::tkgrid(txt, row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "nsew")
    if ("top" %in% colname.bar) {
      tcltk::tkinsert(hdr, "end", paste(yy[1], sep = ""), "notwrapped")
      tcltk::tkgrid(hdr, row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "ew")
    if ("bottom" %in% colname.bar) {
      tcltk::tkinsert(ftr, "end", paste(yy[1], sep = ""), "notwrapped")
      tcltk::tkgrid(ftr, row = 2, column = 1, sticky = "ew")
    if ("left" %in% rowname.bar) {
        lnames, "end",
        paste(rowname.text, collapse = "\n"),
      tcltk::tkgrid(lnames, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "ns")
    if ("right" %in% rowname.bar) {
        rnames, "end",
        paste(rowname.text, collapse = "\n"),
      tcltk::tkgrid(rnames, row = 1, column = 2, sticky = "ns")
    tcltk::tkconfigure(hdr, state = "disabled")
    tcltk::tkconfigure(ftr, state = "disabled")
    tcltk::tkconfigure(txt, state = "disabled")
    tcltk::tkconfigure(lnames, state = "disabled")
    tcltk::tkconfigure(rnames, state = "disabled")
    if (maxheight < nrows) {
      tcltk::tkgrid(yscroll, row = 1, column = 3, sticky = "ns")
    if (maxwidth < datawidth) {
      tcltk::tkgrid(xscroll, row = 3, column = 1, sticky = "ew")

    sortColumn <- function(n, decreasing = FALSE) {
      dataframe <<- dataframe[order(dataframe[[n]], decreasing = decreasing), ]
      rownames(dataframe) <- seq(length.out = nrow(dataframe))
        colname.bgcolor = colname.bgcolor,
        rowname.bgcolor = rowname.bgcolor,
        body.bgcolor = body.bgcolor,
        colname.textcolor = colname.textcolor,
        rowname.textcolor = rowname.textcolor,
        body.textcolor = body.textcolor,
        font = font,
        maxheight = maxheight,
        maxwidth = maxwidth,
        title = title,
        rowname.bar = rowname.bar,
        colname.bar = colname.bar,
        rownumbers = rownumbers,
        placement = placement,
        plot.text = plot.text,
        plot.command = plot.command,
        suppress.X11.warnings = suppress.X11.warnings,
        right = right,
        showmean = showmean,
        sort.button = sort.button,
        inthis = base

    pf <- tcltk::tkframe(base)
    if (is.null(inthis)) {
      tcltk::tkgrid(pf, column = 5, row = 0, rowspan = 10, sticky = "new")

    if (!is.null(showmean) && is.null(inthis)) {
      for (i in seq(along.with = showmean)) {
        tcltk::tkgrid(tcltk::tklabel(base, text = showmean[1]),
          sticky = "nsew",
          column = 0, padx = 1, pady = 1, columnspan = 4

    sortBut <- tcltk::tkbutton(base, text = "Sort otherwise", command = function() {})

    sortPopup <- function() {
      sortMenu <- tcltk::tkmenu(base, tearoff = FALSE)
        seq(along.with = colnames(dataframe)),
        function(n) {
          tcltk::tkadd(sortMenu, "command",
            label = colnames(dataframe)[n],
            command = function() sortColumn(colnames(dataframe)[n])
          label <- paste(colnames(dataframe)[n], "decreasing", sep = ", ")
          tcltk::tkadd(sortMenu, "command",
            label = label,
            command = function() {
                decreasing = TRUE
      rootx <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rootx", sortBut))
      rooty <- as.integer(tcltk::tkwinfo("rooty", sortBut))
      tcltk::tkpopup(sortMenu, rootx, rooty)

    if (!is.null(plot.command)) {
      but <- tcltk::tkbutton(base, text = plot.text, command = plot.command)
      tcltk::tkgrid(but, "in" = pf, sticky = "ew", column = 10, row = 1, padx = 1, pady = 1)

    if (sort.button) {
        "in" = pf, sticky = "ew", column = 10, row = 2,
        padx = 1, pady = 1
    tcltk::tkconfigure(sortBut, command = sortPopup)

    savebut <- tcltk::tkbutton(base, text = "Export table to file", command = function() {
      filename <- tcltk::tkgetSaveFile(
        initialfile = "data.txt",
        defaultextension = "txt",
        title = "Export as table"
      filename <- paste(as.character(filename), collapse = " ")
      write.table(dataframe, file = filename, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    tcltk::tkgrid(savebut, "in" = pf, sticky = "ew", column = 10, row = 3, padx = 1, pady = 1)

    but <- tcltk::tkbutton(base, text = "Close", command = function() tcltk::tkdestroy(base))
    tcltk::tkgrid(but, "in" = pf, sticky = "ew", column = 10, row = 4, padx = 1, pady = 1)
    tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(pf, 0, weight = 1)

    tcltk::tkgrid.rowconfigure(base, 1, weight = 1)
    tcltk::tkgrid.columnconfigure(base, 1, weight = 1)
    tcltk::tkwm.maxsize(base, 2 + datawidth, nrows)
    tcltk::tkwm.minsize(base, 2 + nchar(names(dataframe)[1]), 1)

.tkigraph.net.moody.white <-
    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
    1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0
  ), nrow = 23, ncol = 23)
igraph/rigraph documentation built on July 9, 2024, 6:43 p.m.