
Defines functions fill.multinom find.samples get.samples

Documented in fill.multinom find.samples get.samples

##' For each catch stratum, attach corresponding length-frequency and/or age-length keys
##' @param catch Data.frame with numeric columns year, period, region, gear, catch.
##' @param lf Data.frame with numeric columns year, period, region, gear, length, weight.unit, n, sample.id.
##' @param al Data.frame with numeric columns year, period, region, gear, length, age, sample.id.
##' @param min.al.samples Minimum number of samples required for age-length keys. By default = 2.
##' @param min.lf.samples Minimum number of samples required for length frequencies. By default = 2.
##' @param min.al.fish Minimum number of fish required for age-length keys. By default = 5
##' @param period.unit Whether catch and lf are grouped by "month" (default) or "quarter".
##' @param prob.al Maximum probability (0-1, default =0.95) allowed for any length of a stratum-specific LF distribution to be of an age not included in the ALK. If it is prob.al likely that an age is missing, the algorithm will continue adding samples.
##' @param subsample Logical. TRUE if al is composed of length-stratified subsamples of lf, from which fish were aged.
##' @details 
#' Aimed at splitting catch by length and/or age. If age information is available, this function can be used to subsequently determine 
#' catch-at-age as well as the corresponding catch weight-at-age and length-frequency distributions.
#' Three possibilities of data-availability are supported:
#' I. only length-frequency samples (lf, al=NULL and no age composition can be computed).
#' II. Length-frequency samples (lf) with length-stratified subsamples that were aged (al). subsample=TRUE
#' III. Length-frequency samples (lf) for which ALL fish were ALWAYS aged (i.e., cbind(lf,al) would give the original database) subsample=FALSE
#' Details on the algorithm with which samples are attributed to catch strata:
#' Attribution of length-frequencies and age-length keys to a catch stratum are based on a 12 step approach (see steps below). 
#' For the length-frequencies, the following criteria can be used to determine a representative amount of samples has been found:
#' I. minimum number of samples (min.lf.samples).
#' For the age-length-keys, the following criteria can be used to determine a representative amount of samples has been found:
#' I. minimum number of samples (min.al.samples).
#' II. minimum number of fish (min.al.fish), so that small or incomplete age key samples can still be used if present.
#' III. Maximum probability (0-1, default =0.95) allowed for any length of a stratum-specific LF distribution to be of an age not included in the ALK (prob.al). This can be used to ensure that the ALK matches sufficiently with the LF results.
#' Regions of the catch (e.g., 3P) can be broader then the sample regions (e.g., 3Pn). Sample regions containing the catch region (such as the 3Pn example) will all be used.
#' When catch in a certain year is not attributed to a certain region, gear or period, that factor is ignored (e.g., catch with no gear will have samples that could be from any gear)
#' Age-length keys can have missing values. Predictions are made based on a multivariate normal distribution, and are presumed to have a precision of 0,001. 
#' Steps:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item year, period, region, gear
#'  \item year, neighbouring period, region, gear
#'  \item year, period, gear                 
#'  \item year, neighbouring period, gear
#'  \item year, neighbouring period
#'  \item year
#'  \item neighbouring year, period, gear, region
#'  \item neighbouring year, neigbouring period, gear, region
#'  \item neighbouring year, period, gear
#'  \item neighbouring year, neigbouring period, gear
#'  \item neighbouring year, gear
#'  \item neighbouring year
#' }
##' @import dplyr lubridate tidyr
##' @importFrom data.table rbindlist
##' @rdname get.samples
##' @export
get.samples <- function(catch, lf, al = NULL, min.al.samples = 2, min.lf.samples = 2, min.al.fish = 5, 
                        period.unit = c('month', 'quarter'), prob.al = 0.95, subsample = TRUE){
    # 1) Validation of the arguments
    cacol <- c('year', 'period', 'region', 'gear', 'catch') # required columns in catch
    lfcol <- c('year', 'period', 'region', 'gear', 'sample.id', 'length', 'weight.unit', 'n') # required columns in lf
    alcol <- c('year', 'period', 'region', 'gear', 'sample.id', 'length', 'age') # required columns in al
    mal  <- is.null(al) # missing age data
    if(!setequal(names(catch), cacol)) stop(paste0('Colnames of catch need to be: ', paste(cacol, collapse = ', ')))
    if(!setequal(names(lf), lfcol)) stop(paste0('Colnames of lf need to be: ',    paste(lfcol, collapse = ', ')))
    if(!mal) if(!setequal(names(al), alcol)) stop(paste0('Colnames of al need to be: ',    paste(lfcol, collapse = ', ')))
    if(any(duplicated(catch[, cacol[1:4]]))) stop('Only one catch value per stratum allowed.') # one line per stratum allowed
    period.unit <- match.arg(period.unit)
    if(prob.al < 0 | prob.al > 1) warning("prob.al should be restricted to 0-1")
    if(!subsample & min.al.samples > min.lf.samples) warning('min.al.samples>min.lf.samples?')
    # 2) Minor calculations and variable creation
    id <- as.factor(apply(lf[,lfcol[1:5]],1,paste,collapse=""))
    lf$prop <- ave(lf$n, id, FUN = function(z) z/sum(z))

    my.levels <- sapply(c('period', 'region', 'gear'), function(x) sort(unique(c(lf[, x], al[, x])))) # unique levels of each group
    # 3) Global alk (alg): from all years and all ages available.
        alg <- table(al$length,al$age)
        alg <- prop.table(alg,1)
        alg <- cbind(length=as.numeric(rownames(alg)),data.frame(rbind(alg)))
        le <- expand.grid(length=seq(min(c(alg$length, lf$length)), max(c(alg$length, lf$length)), min(diff(alg$length))))
        alg <- merge(le,alg) # matplot(alg[,-1])
        alg <- fill.multinom(df = alg, acol = 2:ncol(alg), lcol = 1, id='global', smooth = TRUE) # matplot(alg[,-1])
        alg <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=1,nrow=0,dimnames = list(NULL,'length')))

    # 4) For each line of catch, i.e. for each combination of year-period-region-gear, get lf and al data to use in caa calculations
    pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(catch), style = 3) # set the progress bar
    ret <- lapply(1:nrow(catch), function(x){
        # get id and total catch
        C <- catch[x, 'catch']
        y <- catch[x, 'year']
        p <- catch[x, 'period']
        r <- catch[x, 'region']
        g <- catch[x, 'gear']
        # If p/r/g is NA, the function should not automatically skip options 
        # (e.g. if only missing gear in catch data, option 1 should still be used and not 5)
        if(is.na(p)) p <- my.levels$period
        if(is.na(g)) g <- my.levels$gear
        if(is.na(r)) r <- my.levels$region else r <- my.levels$region[grepl(r, as.character(my.levels$region), fixed = T)]  # samples from region and subregions
        # 4.2) LF samples ####
        # 4.2.1) Get samples to be used
        o.lf <- 1 # first option
        n.lf <- 0 # number of samples found
        while(n.lf < min.lf.samples && o.lf <= 12){
            id <- find.samples(lf,o.lf,y,p,r,g,period.unit) # find samples according to step o
            this.lf <- lf[id, ] # select them
            n.lf <- nrow(unique(this.lf[,lfcol[1:5]])) # count unique samples 
            o.lf <- o.lf + 1 # go to next step
        # 4.2.2) Get length frequency distribution
            warning(paste0('** for catch stratum ', x, ' no length-frequency exists**'))
            lf.key <- data.frame(length = -1, n.lf = 0, lf.prop = 0, weight.sample = 0, weight.unit = 0)
            if(n.lf < min.lf.samples){
                warning(paste0('** for catch stratum ', x, ' the minimum number of samples for the length-frequency distribution was not reached**'))
            lf.key <- this.lf %>%
                      group_by(length) %>% 
                      summarise(n.lf = sum(n), # (gavaris:njk)
                                lf.prop = sum(prop) / sum(this.lf$prop), # (gavaris:pjk ) ALL SAMPLES HAVE EQUAL WEIGHT (n.lf/sum(n/lf) would give more weight to samples with more fish)
                                weight.sample = sum(weight.unit*n), # (gavaris:wjk )
                                weight.unit = mean(weight.unit)) %>%  # (gavaris:wbarjk: he doesn't calculate this becauase he always goes for 'aggregated average fish weight ')
                      filter(n.lf > 0) %>%  # lines where n.lf = 0 are impossible. If present, remove
        # 4.3) ALK samples ####
        # 4.3.1) Get samples to be used
        o.al <- 1 # first option
        n.al <- 0 # number of samples found
        f.al <- 0 # number of fish found
        a.al <- FALSE # does the ALK match the LF distribution
        mismatch <- FALSE # by default
            while(o.al <= 12 && any(min.al.samples >= n.al, !a.al, min.al.fish >= f.al)){ # only continue if steps available AND both quality criteria (number of samples, coverage with LF dist) are met
                if(subsample | o.al>1) id <- find.samples(al,o.al,y,p,r,g,period.unit) # find samples according to step o, unless no subsample was taken and the ids are the same as for the lf samples
                this.al <- al[id,] # select them
                n.al <- nrow(unique(this.al[,alcol[1:5]])) # count unique samples
                f.al <- nrow(this.al) # count fish
                if(n.al > 0){
                    le.miss <- lf.key[!lf.key$length %in% this.al$length,1]  # lengths not covered by ALK (missing)
                    le.prob <- alg[alg$length %in% le.miss, !names(alg) %in% paste0('X',unique(this.al$age)), drop = F] # for any missing length, probabilities that they are of an age currently not yet included in the ALK
                    if (length(le.miss) == 0 | ncol(le.prob) == 1){
                        a.al <- TRUE
                    } else {
                        age.avail <- unique(al[al$year %in% c(y-1, y, y + 1),'age'])
                        age.avail <- intersect(paste0('X',age.avail), names(le.prob)[-1])
                        le.prob.match <- rowSums(le.prob[,-1, drop = FALSE]) # total probability
                        le.prob.avail <- rowSums(le.prob[,age.avail, drop = FALSE]) # probability for available ages
                        a.al <- !any(le.prob.avail >= prob.al) # if for any length it is at least prob.al likely that an age is missing and this age can be found in a sample from this or a neighbouring year, criteria is not met
                        mismatch <- any(le.prob.match >= prob.al) # for all ages. It might be that a.al is TRUE and the search stops, but this will indicate whether there was a potential mismatch because a certain age was never observed. added to output for quality control                    }
                o.al <- o.al + 1 # go to next step
            if(mismatch) warning('** for catch stratum ', x, ' some lengths in the length distribution might be of an age not present in the age-length key**')

        # 4.3.2) Get age-length key
        if(n.al == 0){
            if(!mal) warning(paste0('** for catch stratum ', x, ' no age-length key exists**'))
            age.key <- data.frame(length = -1, n.agekey = 0)                # use -1 to indicate problems 
            if((n.al < min.al.samples)){
                warning(paste0('** for catch stratum ', x, ' the minimum number of samples for the age-length key was not reached**'))
            age.key <- this.al %>% # age key for this group
                       group_by(length, age) %>% 
                       count() %>% # (gavaris:n'ijk )
                       group_by(length) %>% 
                       mutate(prop = n / sum(n), # (gavaris:p'ijk )
                              n.al = sum(n)) %>% # (gavaris:n'jk )
                       ungroup() %>% 
                       pivot_wider(id_cols = c("length", "n.al"), names_from = "age", names_prefix = "age.", # put it in a wide format
                                   values_from = "prop", values_fill = 0) %>% 
        # 3.4) Bind and fill up the gaps ####
        # 3.4.1) Bind length frequency and age-length keys
        ret <- merge(lf.key, age.key, all.x = TRUE) 
        cola <- grep('age\\.', names(ret)) # columns with ages
        # 3.4.2) Filling the gaps
        if (length(cola) > 0) ret <- fill.multinom(df = ret, acol = cola, lcol = 1, id = x)
        ret <- ret[!is.na(ret$n.lf),] # in alk but not lf
        ret[is.na(ret$n.al), 'n.al'] <- 0 # 0 age key samples, meaning it was imputed

        # 3.5) Return it all ####
        ret <- cbind(id = x, 
                     catch[x, cacol[1:5]][rep(1, nrow(ret)), ],
                     n.lftot = sum(lf.key$n.lf), # (gavaris:nk) total number of fish measured for length in that combination of year-period-region-gear
                     n.altot = sum(ret$n.al), # total number of fish used in the ALK after the merge with lf.key (some fish from the age.key could be useless depending of lengths in lf.key)
                     weight.sample.tot = sum(lf.key$weight.sample), # (gavaris:wk) total weight of fish measured for length in that combination year-period-...
                     #weight.unit.mean = sum(lf.key$weight.sample) / sum(lf.key$n.lf),  # (gavaris:wbark)
                     nsample.lengthfreq = n.lf, # Count of samples used to create the LF key
                     nsample.agelength = n.al, # Count of samples used to create the AL key
                     option.lengthfreq = o.lf - 1, # Level of data aggregation used to create the LF key (1-12)
                     option.agelength = o.al - 1) # Level of data aggregation used to create the AL key (1-12)
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, x)
    ret <- rbindlist(ret, fill = TRUE) # automatically fills missing ages for certain grouping      
    ret <- as.data.frame(ret)
    cola <- grep('age\\.', names(ret))
    ret[cola][is.na(ret[cola])] <- 0 # some ages can be missing for a certain catch. They are set to 0
    ages <- sort(as.numeric(gsub("age\\.", "", names(ret)[cola]))) # sorted age columns
    ages <- if(length(ages)==0) NULL else paste0("age.", ages)
    # reordering of ret
    ret <- ret[, c("id", cacol[1:5], "length", "n.lf", "lf.prop", "n.lftot", "weight.sample", "weight.sample.tot", "weight.unit",
                   "n.al", "n.altot", ages, "nsample.lengthfreq", "nsample.agelength", "option.lengthfreq", "option.agelength")]

##' Find samples
##' @param df Data.frame in which to find sample
##' @param o Option for searching
##' @param y Year
##' @param p Period
##' @param r Region
##' @param g Gear
##' @param period.unit Whether catch and lf are grouped by "month" (default) or "quarter"
##' @details 12 steps to find samples.
##' @rdname find.samples
find.samples <- function(df,o,y,p,r,g,period.unit){
    df$date <- with(df, ymd(paste(year, period, '01')))

    d  <- ymd(paste(y, p, '01')) # date (for semesters this will be month 1 to 4, but that doesn't matter)
    dn <- d                      # neigbouring dates. If no period data, all periods of the same year are allowed  (so option 1 and 2 are the same)
    if(length(p)==1){            # If period data; normal way
        dn <- d %m+% months(c(-1, 0, 1)) # neigbouring dates
        if(period.unit == 'quarter'){    # cheat and replace december with last quarter
            month(dn[which(month(dn) == 12)]) <- 4
    pn <- month(dn)       # neigbouring periods
    yn <- y + c(-1, 0, 1) # neigbouring years
           '1'  = {id <- with(df, date %in% d  & gear %in% g & region %in% r)},               # year, period, region, gear
           '2'  = {id <- with(df, date %in% dn & gear %in% g & region %in% r)},               # year, neighbouring period, region, gear
           '3'  = {id <- with(df, date %in% d  & gear %in% g)},                               # year, period, gear                 
           '4'  = {id <- with(df, date %in% dn & gear %in% g)},                               # year, neighbouring period, gear
           '5'  = {id <- with(df, year %in% y & gear %in% g)},                                # year, gear
           '6'  = {id <- with(df, year %in% y)},                                              # year
           '7'  = {id <- with(df, year %in% yn & period %in% p  & gear %in% g & region %in% r)},  # neighbouring year, period, gear, region
           '8'  = {id <- with(df, year %in% yn & period %in% pn & gear %in% g & region %in% r)},  # neighbouring year, neigbouring period, gear, region
           '9'  = {id <- with(df, year %in% yn & period %in% p  & gear %in% g)},              # neighbouring year, period, gear
           '10' = {id <- with(df, year %in% yn & period %in% pn & gear %in% g)},              # neighbouring year, neigbouring period, gear
           '11' = {id <- with(df, year %in% yn & gear %in% g)},                               # neighbouring year, gear
           '12' = {id <- with(df, year %in% yn)})                                             # neighbouring year

##' Fill gaps in age-length keys
##' @param df Data.frame with columns length and ages, where NA values need to be replaced
##' @param acol Vector of ids of age columns 
##' @param lcol Id of length column (integer)
##' @param id Identifier for warning messages
##' @param zero Logical. Allow replacement of zero values.
##' @details Functions that uses the nnet::multinom function to impute age probabilities for lengths that were found in LF samples, but absent of AL samples.
##' @importFrom nnet multinom
##' @rdname multinom_fill
fill.multinom <- function(df, acol, lcol, id=NULL, smooth=FALSE){
    alen <- as.matrix(df[,acol,drop=FALSE])
    len  <- df[,lcol]
    if(ncol(alen) == 1){ # if there is only one age class than the likelihood is always 1??
        new <- rep(1, nrow(alen))
        warning(paste0('** for catch stratum ', id, ' only one age class was found **'))
    }else{ # model if there are multiple age classes
        m <- multinom(alen~len, trace = F, maxit = 1500)
        if (m$convergence != 0) warning(paste('** Non-convergence when filling gaps for id', id))
        new <- predict(m, newdata = data.frame(len = df$length), type = "probs") # predictions for all lengths found in df
        new <- round(new, 3) # acceptable precision level (to avoid 0.0000001 % chances of absurd age-length combos)
    # replace onle NAs or everything by predictions
        df[, acol] <- new
    } else {
        df[, acol][is.na(df[, acol])] <- new[is.na(df[, acol])]
iml-assess/catchR documentation built on Nov. 27, 2022, 7:35 p.m.