
Defines functions print.wfe summary.wfe print.summary.wfe print.wfedid summary.wfedid print.summary.wfedid

wfe <- function (formula, data, treat = "treat.name",
                 unit.index, time.index = NULL, method = "unit",
                 dyad1.index = NULL, dyad2.index = NULL,
                 qoi = "ate", estimator = NULL, C.it = NULL,
                 hetero.se = TRUE, auto.se = TRUE,
                 dyad.se = FALSE,
                 White = TRUE, White.alpha = 0.05,
                 verbose = TRUE, unbiased.se = FALSE, unweighted = FALSE,
                 store.wdm = FALSE, maxdev.did= NULL,
                 tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){

    wfe.call <- match.call()
    ## set up data frame, with support for standard and modified responses
    mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
    x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=mf)
    y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
    tn.row <- nrow(mf) # total number of rows in data

    class(data) <- "data.frame"

    ## ## remove missing variables: removing rows with missing values in either y or treat
    remove.indices <- which(!rownames(data) %in% rownames(mf))
    if (length(remove.indices) > 0){
        data <- data[-remove.indices,]
        if (verbose)
            cat(" \nMissing values are removed\n")

    data$y <- y
    ## Creating dummies variables for White test in the end
    X <- as.data.frame(x[,-1])
    p <- ncol(X)

    ## e <- environment()
    ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)
### --------------------------------------------------------
### Warnings
### --------------------------------------------------------

    ## Warning for missing unit & time index
    if (missing(unit.index))
        stop("'unit.index' or index for strata should be provided")

    if (is.null(time.index) & method == "time")
        stop("'time.index' should be provided")

    ## Warning for methods
    if(method=="time" && !is.null(estimator) && estimator == "fd")
        stop("First Difference is not compatible with 'time' method: set method == 'unit'")

    if(method=="time" && !is.null(estimator) && estimator == "did")
        stop("Difference-in-Differences is not compatible with 'time' method: set method == 'unit'")

    if(method=="time" && !is.null(estimator) && estimator == "Mdid")
        stop("Match-Difference-in-Differences is not compatible with 'time' method: set method == 'unit'")

    if(is.null(time.index) && !is.null(estimator) && estimator == "fd")
        stop("First Difference cannot calculate when 'time.index' is missing")

    ## Warning for C.it
    if (!is.null(C.it)){
        Cit <- data[,C.it]
        if (!is.numeric(Cit) && length(Cit)!= tn.row)
            stop("'C.it' must be a numeric vector with length equal to number of observations")
        if ( sum(Cit < 0) > 0 )
            stop("'C.it' must be a non-negative numeric vector")

    ## cat("warnings done:\n")
    ## C.it
    ## Default for ATE
    if (is.null(C.it)){
        data$C.it <- as.integer(rep(1, nrow(data)))

    ## White.alpha
    if (is.null(White.alpha)){
        White.alpha <- 0.05
    } else {
        White.alpha <- White.alpha

    ## Warning for binary treatment
    ## treat should be 0,1 where 1 indicates treatment

    ## Warning for maxdev.did
    if(!is.null(maxdev.did) && maxdev.did < 0){
        stop("Warning: maxdev.did should be a positive numeric value")

    ## --------------------------------------------------------
    ## Unit and Time index
    ## -------------------------------------------------------- 
    ## Creating time index for strata fixed effect analysis

    ## storing original unit and time index
    orig.unit.idx <- as.character(data[,unit.index])

    ## unit index
    numeric.u.index <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,unit.index]))
    numeric.u.index[is.na(numeric.u.index)] <- 0
    ## handling missing unit index
    uniq.u <- unique(na.omit(numeric.u.index))
    uniq.u <- sort(uniq.u[!(uniq.u %in% 0)])
    J.u <- length(uniq.u)
    data$u.index <- Index(numeric.u.index, uniq.u, J.u, tn.row)

    ## for dyadic data: unit 1 and unit 2 that compose each dyad
    if(dyad.se == TRUE){
        ## Warning 
        if(is.null(dyad1.index) | is.null(dyad2.index)){
            stop("Warning: For dyadic data, two separate unit indices for the members of each dyad -- dyad1.index, dyad2.indx -- should be provided")

        data$dyad <- data[, unit.index]
        data$c1 <- data[, dyad1.index]
        data$c2 <- data[, dyad2.index]


    ## time index
    if (is.null(time.index)) {
        data$t.index  <- GenTime(data$u.index, tn.row, length(uniq.u))
        numeric.t.index <- as.numeric(as.factor(data$t.index))

        ## storing original unit and time index
        orig.time.idx <- as.character(data$t.index)
    } else {
        ## storing original unit and time index
        orig.time.idx <- as.character(data[,time.index])
        numeric.t.index <- as.numeric(as.factor(data[,time.index]))
        numeric.t.index[is.na(numeric.t.index)] <- 0
        ## handling missing time index
        uniq.t <- unique(na.omit(numeric.t.index))
        uniq.t <- sort(uniq.t[!(uniq.t %in% 0)])
        ## needs to sort for unbalnced panel, See Index()
        J.t <- length(uniq.t)
        data$t.index <- Index(numeric.t.index, uniq.t, J.t, tn.row)
    uniq.t <- unique(data$t.index)

    ## unique unit number and sorting data
    if (method == "unit"){
        unit.number <- length(uniq.u)
    } else if (method == "time"){
        unit.number <- length(uniq.t)
    } else {
        stop("method should be either unit or time")

    if (verbose)
        cat(" \nNumber of unique", method, "is", unit.number, "\n")

    ## e <- environment()
    ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)
### -------------------------------------------------------- 

    ## order data by unit index

    tmp <- cbind(X, data$u.index, data$t.index) 
    tmp <- tmp[order(tmp[,(p+1)], tmp[,(p+2)]),]
    X <- as.data.frame(tmp[,-((p+1):(p+2))])
    colnames(X) <- colnames(x)[-1]

    data <- data[order(data$u.index, data$t.index),]
    y <- data$y[order(data$u.index, data$t.index)]

    ## e <- environment()
    ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)

    ## saving unit index for each unit
    name.unit <- unique(data[,unit.index])
    number.unit <- unique(numeric.u.index)
    units <- as.data.frame(cbind(number.unit,as.character(name.unit)))
    colnames(units) <- c("unit.index", "unit")
    rownames(units) <- seq(1:nrow(units))
    ## saving time index for each time

    if (is.null(time.index)) {
        name.time  <- unique(data$t.index)
    } else {
        name.time <- unique(data[,time.index])
    number.time <- unique(numeric.t.index)
    times <- cbind(number.time, name.time)
    times <- as.data.frame(times[order(times[,1]),])
    colnames(times) <- c("time.index", "time")

    ## new model frame order by u.index
    mf.col <- colnames(mf)
    mf.sorted <- cbind(y,X)
    colnames(mf.sorted) <- mf.col
    ## treatment variable
    data$TR <- as.numeric(data[,treat])

    if (length(unique(data$TR)) !=2)
        stop("'treat' must be a binary vector: there are more than two values of treatment")

    if (sum(unique(data$TR)) !=1)
        stop("'treat' must be a either zero or one where one indicates treatment")

### --------------------------------------------------------
### Quantity of interest: qoi
### -------------------------------------------------------- 

    if (missing(qoi)){
        qoi <- "ate"
        causal <- "ate"
        ate.n <- 1

    ate.n <-  att.n <- 0
    if (qoi == "ate"){
        causal <- "ATE (Average Treatment Effect)"
        ate.n <- 1
    if (qoi == "att"){
        causal <- "ATT (Average Treatment Effect for the Treated)"
        att.n <- 1

    if (is.null(estimator)) {
        est <- "NULL"
    if (!is.null(estimator) && estimator == "fd"){
        est <- "FD (First-Difference)"
    if (!is.null(estimator) && estimator == "did"){
        est <- "DID (Difference-in-Differences)"
    if (!is.null(estimator) && estimator == "Mdid"){
        est <- "DID (Difference-in-Differences) with Matching on Pre-treatment Outcome"

    if (unweighted == TRUE){
        causal <- "Unweighted (Standard) Fixed Effect"

### Weights calculation

    ## One-way Weighted FE
    if (is.null(estimator) || estimator=="fd") {

        if (verbose) {
            cat("\nWeight calculation started ")
        ## Standard Fixed effect
        if (unweighted == TRUE) {
            data$W.it <- rep(1, nrow(data))
            W <- matrix(1,nrow=length(uniq.t), ncol=length(uniq.u))
        } else {
            ## Unit fixed effects models
            if ( (method=="unit" & qoi=="ate" & is.null(estimator) ) | (method=="unit" & qoi=="att" & is.null(estimator)) ) {
                W <- GenWeightsUnit(data$u.index, data$t.index, data$TR, data$C.it, tn.row, length(uniq.u), length(uniq.t), ate.n, att.n, length(uniq.u)*length(uniq.t), verbose)
                W <- matrix(W, nrow=length(uniq.t), ncol=length(uniq.u), byrow=T)
                data$W.it <- VectorizeC(as.matrix(W), data$t.index, data$u.index, tn.row)
            ## Time fixed effects models
            if ( (method=="time" & qoi=="ate" & is.null(estimator) ) | (method=="time" & qoi=="att" & is.null(estimator)) ) {
                W <- GenWeightsTime(data$t.index, data$u.index, data$TR, data$C.it, tn.row, length(uniq.t), length(uniq.u), ate.n, att.n, length(uniq.t)*length(uniq.u), verbose)
                W <- matrix(W, nrow=length(uniq.t), ncol=length(uniq.u), byrow=T)
                data$W.it <- VectorizeC(as.matrix(W), data$t.index, data$u.index, tn.row)
            ## Within Unit First Difference
            if(( (method=="unit") && (qoi == "ate") && (!is.null(estimator) && estimator == "fd")) | ((method == "unit") && (qoi =="att") && (!is.null(estimator) && estimator == "fd"))) {
                W <- GenWeightsFD(data$u.index, data$t.index, data$TR, data$C.it, tn.row, length(uniq.u), length(uniq.t), ate.n, att.n, verbose)
                W <- matrix(W, nrow=length(uniq.t), ncol=length(uniq.u), byrow=T)
                data$W.it <- VectorizeC(as.matrix(W), data$t.index, data$u.index, tn.row)
        if (verbose) {
            cat("Weight calculation done \n")
        if(( (method=="unit") && (qoi == "ate") && (!is.null(estimator) && estimator == "fd")) | ((method == "unit") && (qoi =="att") && (!is.null(estimator) && estimator == "fd"))) {
            nz.obs <- sum(as.numeric(data$W.it !=0))
            if (verbose)
                cat("\nTotal number of observations with non-zero weight:", nz.obs,"\n")

### Demean based on the weights
        wdm.Data <- mf.sorted
        ## Add Weight and unit index
        wdm.Data$W <- data$W.it
        wdm.Data$unit <- data$u.index
        wdm.Data$time <- data$t.index
        wdm.Data <- as.data.frame(wdm.Data)

        ## data for traditional fixed effect
        dm.Data <- wdm.Data

        ## excluding zero weights data for weighted fixed effect
        nc <- ncol(wdm.Data)

        ## unique number of units and time with positive weights
        if (method == "unit"){
            unit.number.pw <- length(unique(wdm.Data$unit))
        } else if (method == "time"){
            unit.number.pw <- length(unique(wdm.Data$time))
        } else {
            stop("method should be either unit or time")

        ## ## Creating the matrix for final analysis
        ## Data.dm <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = nc-3, nrow = nrow(wdm.Data)))
        ## Data.wdm <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol = nc-3, nrow = nrow(wdm.Data)))

        ## Creating the matrix for final analysis
        Data.dm <- dm.Data
        Data.wdm <- wdm.Data

        ## colume names
        colnames(Data.dm) <- colnames(wdm.Data)[1:nc]
        colnames(Data.wdm) <- colnames(wdm.Data)[1:nc]

        for (k in 1:(nc-3)) {
            ## in C
            if (method == "unit"){
                w.wdemean <- WWDemean(wdm.Data[,k], wdm.Data$W, wdm.Data$unit, unit.number.pw, nrow(wdm.Data))
                demean <- Demean(dm.Data[,k], dm.Data$unit, unit.number, nrow(dm.Data))
                Data.wdm[,k] <- as.vector(w.wdemean)
                Data.dm[,k] <- as.vector(demean)
            if (method == "time"){
                w.wdemean <- WWDemean(wdm.Data[,k], wdm.Data$W, wdm.Data$time, unit.number.pw, nrow(wdm.Data))
                demean <- Demean(dm.Data[,k], dm.Data$time, unit.number, nrow(dm.Data))
                Data.wdm[,k] <- as.vector(w.wdemean)
                Data.dm[,k] <- as.vector(demean)


        ## save weighted demeaned dataframe
        if (store.wdm == TRUE){
            Y.wdm <- Data.wdm[,1]
            X.wdm <- Data.wdm[,(2:(nc-3))]
        } else {
            Y.wdm <- NULL
            X.wdm <- NULL

        ## change formula without intercept
        a <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(formula), "~"))
        formula.ni <- as.formula(paste(a[2], "~ -1 + ",  a[3]))
        ## print(formula.ni)
        ## final regression on weighted demeaned data
        fit.final <- lm(formula.ni, data = Data.wdm)
        fit.ols <- lm(formula.ni, data = Data.dm)

        ## brute force matrix calculation
        ## V <- as.matrix(Data.wdm[,2:(nc-3)])
        ## coef2 <- ginv(crossprod(V, V))%*% crossprod(V, Data.wdm[,1])
        ## residuals
        ## u.tilde <- sqrt(wdm.Data$W)*resid(fit.final) # NT x 1
        u.tilde <- resid(fit.final) # NT x 1
        ## alternatively
        ## u.tilde <- sqrt(wdm.Data$W) * (Data.wdm[,1] - as.matrix(Data.wdm[,2:(nc-3)])%*%c(fit.final$coef))
        u.hat <- as.matrix(resid(fit.ols))  # NT x 1

        ## saving results
        coef.wls <- fit.final$coef
        coef.ols <- fit.ols$coef
        d.f <- fit.final$df - J.u
        ## sigma2 <- (sum((sqrt(wdm.Data$W)*resid(fit.final))^2))/d.f
        sigma2 <- (sum((resid(fit.final))^2))/d.f

        ## alternatively
        ## sigma2.a <- sum(u.tilde^2)/d.f
        ## cat("compare:", sigma2, sigma2.a, "\n") # same...
### Robust Standard Errors

        ## contructing de(weighted)-meaned X matrix

        ## in case only one covariate
        if (p == 1){ # one covariate case
            X.tilde <- as.matrix(Data.wdm[,2])
            X.hat <- as.matrix(Data.dm[,2])
        } else {
            X.tilde <- as.matrix(Data.wdm[,2:(1+p)])
            X.hat <- as.matrix(Data.dm[,2:(1+p)])

        ## unit vector (the length should be same as nrow(X.tilde) and length(u.tilde)
        wdm.unit <- as.vector(Data.wdm$unit)
### (Robust) standard errors

        ## cat("3: Robust error calculation started\n")

        ginv.XX.tilde <- ginv(crossprod(X.tilde, X.tilde))
        ginv.XX.hat <- ginv(crossprod(X.hat, X.hat))

        diag.ee.tilde <- c(u.tilde^2)
        diag.ee.hat <- c(u.hat^2)

        ## e <- environment()
        ## save(file = "dyadSE.RData", list = ls(), env = e)

        if(dyad.se == TRUE){

            std.error <- "Robust Standard Error for Dyadic Data"
            OmegaDyad <- function(X.tilde, e.tilde, dyadID, c1, c2) {

                uniq.dyadID <- unique(dyadID)
                for(d in 1:length(uniq.dyadID)){
                    ## print(d)
                    dyad.d <- uniq.dyadID[d]
                    cty1 <- c1[which(dyadID == dyad.d)][1]
                    cty2 <- c2[which(dyadID == dyad.d)][1]
                    idx.d <- which(dyadID == dyad.d)
                    x.d <- as.matrix(X.tilde[idx.d,])
                    e.d <- matrix(e.tilde[idx.d], ncol=1)
                    ## consider all the other dyads in which country 1 or country
                    ## 2 is the member
                    idx.dprime <- which( (c1==cty1 | c2 == cty2) & dyadID!=dyad.d)
                    uniq.dprime <- unique(dyadID[idx.dprime])

                    ## in case only one year is observed
                        x.d <- t(matrix(x.d, ncol=1))
                        e.d <- as.matrix(as.numeric(e.d))
                        Omega.hat <- t(x.d) %*% e.d %*% t(e.d) %*% x.d
                    } else {
                        Omega.hat <- t(x.d) %*% e.d %*% t(e.d) %*% x.d

                    ## loop over all dyads that have one of the two members
                    for(p in 1:length(uniq.dprime)){
                        ## print(p)
                        dprime <- uniq.dprime[p]
                        idx.dprime <- which(dyadID == dprime)
                        x.dprime <- as.matrix(X.tilde[idx.dprime,])
                        e.dprime <- matrix(e.tilde[idx.dprime], ncol=1)

                            x.dprime <- t(matrix(x.dprime, ncol=1))
                            e.dprime <- as.matrix(as.numeric(e.dprime))
                            Odprime <- t(x.d) %*% e.d %*% t(e.dprime) %*% x.dprime
                        } else {
                            Odprime <- t(x.d) %*% e.d %*% t(e.dprime) %*% x.dprime
                            Oprime <- Odprime
                        } else {
                            Oprime <- Oprime + Odprime 

                    ## storing results
                        Omega.hat.dyad <- Omega.hat + Oprime
                    } else {
                        Omega.hat.dyad <- Omega.hat.dyad + Omega.hat + Oprime

            Omega.hat.DYAD <- OmegaDyad(X.tilde, u.tilde, data$dyad, data$c1, data$c2)
            Omega.hat.fe.DYAD <- OmegaDyad(X.hat, u.hat, data$dyad, data$c1, data$c2)

            Psi.hat.wfe <- (ginv.XX.tilde) %*% Omega.hat.DYAD %*% (ginv.XX.tilde)
            Psi.hat.fe <- (ginv.XX.hat) %*% Omega.hat.fe.DYAD %*% (ginv.XX.hat)

        } else if ((hetero.se == TRUE) & (auto.se == TRUE)) {# Default is Arellano
            std.error <- "Heteroscedastic / Autocorrelation Robust Standard Error"

            ## 1. arbitrary autocorrelation as well as heteroskedasticity (Eq 12)
            Omega.hat.HAC <- OmegaHatHAC(nrow(X.tilde), p, wdm.unit, J.u, X.tilde, u.tilde)
            Omega.hat.HAC <- matrix(Omega.hat.HAC, nrow = p, ncol = p)
            ## Omega.hat.HAC <- (1/(nrow(X.tilde)))* Omega.hat.HAC # without degree of freedom adjustment 
            Omega.hat.HAC <- 1/J.u * Omega.hat.HAC
            Omega.hat.fe.HAC <- OmegaHatHAC(nrow(X.hat), p, wdm.unit, J.u, X.hat, u.hat)
            Omega.hat.fe.HAC <- matrix(Omega.hat.fe.HAC, nrow = p, ncol = p)
            ## Omega.hat.fe.HAC <- (1/(nrow(X.hat))) * Omega.hat.fe.HAC # without degree of freedom adjustment
            Omega.hat.fe.HAC <- 1/J.u * Omega.hat.fe.HAC

            ## Psi.hat.wfe <- (nrow(X.tilde) * ginv.XX.tilde) %*% Omega.hat.HAC %*% (nrow(X.tilde) * ginv.XX.tilde)
            ## Psi.hat.fe <- (nrow(X.hat) * ginv.XX.hat) %*% Omega.hat.fe.HAC %*% (nrow(X.hat) * ginv.XX.hat)

            Psi.hat.wfe <- (J.u*ginv.XX.tilde) %*% Omega.hat.HAC %*% (J.u*ginv.XX.tilde)
            Psi.hat.fe <- (J.u*ginv.XX.hat) %*% Omega.hat.fe.HAC %*% (J.u*ginv.XX.hat)

            ## degrees of freedom adjustment
            Nnonzero <- length(which(data$W.it !=0))
            K <- nc-3
            dfHAC <- (J.u/(J.u-1)) * (Nnonzero/(Nnonzero-K+1))
            Psi.hat.wfe <- dfHAC * Psi.hat.wfe
            Psi.hat.fe <- dfHAC * Psi.hat.fe

        } else if ( (hetero.se == TRUE) & (auto.se == FALSE) ) {# independence across observations but heteroskedasticity
            std.error <- "Heteroscedastic Robust Standard Error"

            ## 2. independence across observations but heteroskedasticity (Eq 11)
            Omega.hat.HC <- (1/J.u)*(crossprod((X.tilde*diag.ee.tilde), X.tilde)) 
            Omega.hat.fe.HC <- (1/J.u)*(crossprod((X.hat*diag.ee.hat), X.hat))  
### Stock-Watson (Econometrica 2008: Eq(6)): Bias-asjusted for balance panel
            if (unbiased.se == TRUE) {
                ## check if panel is balanced
                if (sum(as.numeric(apply(matrix(table(wdm.unit)), 1, mean) != mean(matrix(table(wdm.unit)))))  == 0 ){
                    std.error <- "Heteroskedastic Standard Error (Stock-Watson Biased Corrected)"
                    B.hat <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(X.tilde)[2], ncol=dim(X.tilde)[2])
                    B2.hat <- matrix(0, nrow=dim(X.hat)[2], ncol=dim(X.hat)[2])
                    for (i in 1:J.u) {
                        ## cat("unit", i, "\n")
                        X.i <- X.tilde[Data.wdm$unit == i,]
                        X2.i <- X.hat[Data.wdm$unit == i,]
                        ## print(sum(as.numeric(Data.wdm$unit == i)))
                        ## print(X.i)
                        if (sum(as.numeric(Data.wdm$unit == i)) > 1) { 
                            u.i <- u.tilde[Data.wdm$unit == i]
                            u2.i <- u.hat[Data.wdm$unit == i]
                            ## print(length(u.i))
                            XX.i <- crossprod(X.i, X.i)
                            XX2.i <- crossprod(X2.i, X2.i)
                            B.hat <- B.hat + ((1/J.t)* XX.i*(1/(J.t-1))*sum(u.i^2))
                            B2.hat <- B2.hat + ((1/J.t)* XX2.i*(1/(J.t-1))*sum(u2.i^2))

                    B.hat <- B.hat * (1/J.u)
                    B2.hat <- B2.hat * (1/J.u)

                    cat("time", J.t, "\n")
                    Sigma_HRFE <- ((J.t-1)/(J.t-2))*(Omega.hat.HC - (1/(J.t-1))*B.hat)
                    ## Psi.hat.wfe <- (nrow(X.tilde) * ginv.XX.tilde) %*% Sigma_HRFE %*% (nrow(X.tilde) * ginv.XX.tilde)
                    Psi.hat.wfe <- (J.u*ginv.XX.tilde) %*% Sigma_HRFE %*% (J.u*ginv.XX.tilde)

                    Sigma2_HRFE <- ((J.t-1)/(J.t-2))*(Omega.hat.fe.HC - (1/(J.t-1))*B2.hat)
                    ## Psi.hat.fe <- (nrow(X.hat) * ginv.XX.hat) %*% Sigma2_HRFE %*% (nrow(X.hat) * ginv.XX.hat)
                    Psi.hat.fe <- (J.u*ginv.XX.hat) %*% Sigma2_HRFE %*% (J.u*ginv.XX.hat)
                } else { 
                    stop ("unbiased.se == TRUE is allowed only when panel is balanced")
            Psi.hat.wfe <- (J.u*ginv.XX.tilde) %*% Omega.hat.HC %*% (J.u*ginv.XX.tilde)
            Psi.hat.fe <- (J.u*ginv.XX.hat) %*% Omega.hat.fe.HC %*% (J.u*ginv.XX.hat)

            ## degrees of freedom adjustment: G / (G -1) * N / (N - K + 1)
            ## where G is the number of groups (number of fixed effects),
            ## N is the number of non-zero weights
	    Nnonzero <- length(which(data$W.it !=0))
            K <- nc-3
            dfHC <- (J.u/(J.u-1)) * (Nnonzero/(Nnonzero-K+1))
            Psi.hat.wfe <- dfHC * Psi.hat.wfe
            Psi.hat.fe <- dfHC * Psi.hat.fe

        } else if ( (hetero.se == FALSE) & (auto.se == FALSE) ) {# indepdence and homoskedasticity

            stop("standard errors with independence and homoskedasticity is not supported")

            ## std.error <- "Homoskedastic Standard Error"
            ## ## Psi.hat.wfe <- nrow(X.tilde) * (sigma2 * ginv.XX.tilde)
            ## Psi.hat.wfe <- J.u * (sigma2 * ginv.XX.tilde)            
            ## ## Psi.hat.fe <- nrow(X.hat) * vcov(fit.ols)
            ## Psi.hat.fe <- J.u * vcov(fit.ols)            

        } else if ( (hetero.se == FALSE) & (auto.se == TRUE) ) {# Kiefer

            stop ("robust standard errors with autocorrelation and homoskedasiticy is not supported")


        if(dyad.se == TRUE){
            var.cov <- Psi.hat.wfe 
            var.cov.fe <- Psi.hat.fe 
        } else {
            var.cov <- Psi.hat.wfe * (1/J.u)
            var.cov.fe <- Psi.hat.fe *(1/J.u)

### White (1980) Test: Theorem 4

        Nnonzero <- length(which(data$W.it !=0))

        diag.ee <- c(u.hat) * c(u.tilde)
        Lambda.hat1 <-  1/((nrow(X.hat) - J.u - p))* (crossprod((X.hat*diag.ee), X.tilde))  
        Lambda.hat2 <-  1/((nrow(X.tilde) - J.u - p))* (crossprod((X.tilde*diag.ee), X.hat))  

        Phi.hat <- Psi.hat.wfe + Psi.hat.fe - (Nnonzero*ginv.XX.hat) %*% Lambda.hat1 %*% (Nnonzero*ginv.XX.tilde) - (Nnonzero*ginv.XX.tilde) %*% Lambda.hat2 %*% (Nnonzero*ginv.XX.hat)

        rm(Lambda.hat1, Lambda.hat2)

        ## White test: null hypothesis is ``no misspecification''
        ## white.stat <- nrow(X.hat) * t(coef.ols - coef.wls) %*% ginv(Phi.hat) %*% (coef.ols - coef.wls)
        white.stat <- Nnonzero * t(coef.ols - coef.wls) %*% ginv(Phi.hat) %*% (coef.ols - coef.wls)
        test.null <- pchisq(as.numeric(white.stat), df=p, lower.tail=F) < White.alpha
        white.p <- pchisq(as.numeric(white.stat), df=p, lower.tail=F)

        ## ## compare with sandwich standard error (essentially same)

        ## ## cat("sandwich package regression se HC:", print(sqrt(diag((vcovHC(fit.traditional, type="HC")[1:p,1:p])))), "\n")
        ## ## cat("sandwich package regression se HC0:", print(sqrt(diag((vcovHC(fit.traditional, type="HC0")[1:p,1:p])))), "\n")
        ## ## cat("sandwich package regression se HC1:", print(sqrt(diag((vcovHC(fit.traditional, type="HC1")[1:p,1:p])))), "\n")
        ## ## cat("sandwich package regression se HC2:", print(sqrt(diag((vcovHC(fit.traditional, type="HC2")[1:p,1:p])))), "\n")
        ## ## cat("sandwich package regression se HC3:", print(sqrt(diag((vcovHC(fit.traditional, type="HC3")[1:p,1:p])))), "\n")
        ## ## cat("sandwich package regression se HC4:", print(sqrt(diag((vcovHC(fit.traditional, type="HC4")[1:p,1:p])))), "\n")
        ## ## cat("sandwich package regression se HC4m:", print(sqrt(diag((vcovHC(fit.traditional, type="HC4m")[1:p,1:p])))), "\n")
        ## ## cat("sandwich package regression se HC5:", print(sqrt(diag((vcovHC(fit.traditional, type="HC5")[1:p,1:p])))), "\n")

        ## Creating a weight verctor
        ## original index
        idx <- paste(orig.unit.idx, orig.time.idx, sep="_")
        a <- units
        b <- times
        Wv <- as.vector(W) # as vector
        a1 <- rep(as.character(a$unit), each=nrow(W))
        b1 <- rep(as.character(b$time), ncol(W))
        idxall <- paste(a1, b1, sep="_")
        idxall.sub <- idxall[which(idxall %in% idx)]
        W.it <- Wv[which(idxall %in% idx)]
        u.sub <- unlist(lapply(idxall.sub,
                               function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1]))
        t.sub <- unlist(lapply(idxall.sub,
                               function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][2]))
        cmd <- paste("W1 <- data.frame(", unit.index, "= u.sub)", sep="")
            W1$obs.idx <- t.sub
        } else {
            cmd2 <- paste("W1$", time.index, " <- t.sub", sep="")
        W1$W.it <- W.it

        ## ensuring the order reflects the original idx
        mf$W.it <- W.it[match(idxall.sub, idx)]
        u.orig <- unlist(lapply(idx,
                                function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1]))
        t.orig <- unlist(lapply(idx,
                                function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][2]))
        cmd <- paste("D <- data.frame(", unit.index, "= u.orig)", sep="")
            D$obs.idx <- t.orig
        } else {
            cmd2 <- paste("D$", time.index, " <- t.orig", sep="")
        mf <- cbind(D, mf)
        Num.nonzero <- length(which(!W1$weights==0))
###Saving results

        z <- list(coefficients = coef.wls,
                  x = x[,-1,drop=FALSE],
                  y = y,
                  mf = mf,
                  call = wfe.call,
                  vcov = var.cov,
                  se = sqrt(diag(var.cov)),
                  sigma = sqrt(sigma2),
                  df = d.f,
                  residuals = y - (x[,-1,drop=FALSE] %*% coef.wls),
                  W = W1,
                  Num.nonzero = Num.nonzero,
                  uniq.n.units = J.u,
                  units = units,
                  times = times,
                  method = method,
                  causal = causal,
                  est = est,
                  std.error = std.error,
                  White.pvalue = white.p,
                  White.alpha = White.alpha,
                  White.stat = white.stat,
                  White.test = test.null,
                  Y.wdm = Y.wdm,
                  X.wdm = X.wdm)
        class(z) <- "wfe"

### ********************************************************
### Two-way Weighted Fixed Effects
### ********************************************************
    } else {
        ## if (verbose) {
        ##     did <- CalDID(data$u.index, data$t.index, data$TR, data$C.it,
        ##                   y, tn.row, length(uniq.u), length(uniq.t), ate.n, att.n, verbose)
        ##     cat("\nMulti-period DID estimate with no covariate adjustments is", did ,"\n")
        ##     flush.console()
        ## }
        ## Differences-in-difference
        if(( (method=="unit") & (qoi == "ate") & (!is.null(estimator) & estimator == "did")) |
           ( (method == "unit") & (qoi =="att") & (!is.null(estimator) & estimator == "did")) |
           ( (method=="unit") & (qoi == "ate") & (!is.null(estimator) & estimator == "Mdid")) |
           ( (method == "unit") & (qoi =="att") & (!is.null(estimator) & estimator == "Mdid"))       
           ) {

            method <- "Weighted Two-way"
            ## Standard Fixed effect
            if (unweighted == TRUE) {
                data$W.it <- rep(1, nrow(data))
                W <- matrix(1,nrow=length(uniq.t), ncol=length(uniq.u))
            } else {
                if (verbose) {
                    cat("\nWeight calculation started ")

                if(estimator == "Mdid"){
                        maxdev.did <- -1
                        if (verbose) {
                            cat(": Nearest Neighbor Matching\n")
                    } else {
                        if (verbose) {
                            cat(": Matching on Pre-Treatment Outcome Within Maximum Deviation", maxdev.did,"\n")
                        maxdev.did <- as.numeric(maxdev.did)
                    WDiD <- GenWeightsMDID(data$u.index, data$t.index, data$TR, data$C.it, y, maxdev.did,
                                           tn.row, length(uniq.u), length(uniq.t), ate.n, att.n, verbose)

                } else {
                    WDiD <- GenWeightsDID(data$u.index, data$t.index, data$TR, data$C.it,
                                          tn.row, length(uniq.u), length(uniq.t), ate.n, att.n, verbose)
                W <- matrix(WDiD, nrow=length(uniq.t), ncol=length(uniq.u), byrow=T)            
                data$W.it <- VectorizeC(as.matrix(W), data$t.index, data$u.index, tn.row)
                if (verbose) { 
                    cat("\nWeight calculation done \n")
            ## e <- environment()
            ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)
            ## creating index for sparse dummy matrix

            u <- as.matrix(table(data$u.index))
            Udummy.i <- seq(1:sum(u))
            Udummy.j <- c()

            for (j in 1:length(uniq.u)) {
                Udummy.j <- c(Udummy.j, rep(j, u[j,1]))
            Udummy  <- sparseMatrix(x=1, i=Udummy.i, j=Udummy.j)

            t <- as.matrix(table(data$u.index, data$t.index))

            ## checking panel structure
            if (verbose)
                if (length(which(t==0)) > 0){
                    cat("\nUnbalanced Panel Data\n")
            if ( length(which(t>1)) > 0 ){
                stop ("\nunit-time pair is not unique\n")
            ## this takes time: should be made more efficient
            Tdummy <- array(0,dim=c(0,length(uniq.t)))
            for (j in 1:nrow(t)) {
                Tdummy <- rbind(Tdummy,  Diagonal(x = t[j,], n=length(uniq.t)))

            ## when panel is unbalanced there will be rows of zeros
            zero <- which(apply(Tdummy, 1, mean) == 0)
            if(length(zero) > 0) {
                Tdummy <- Tdummy[-zero,]

            ## if (verbose)
            ##   cat("\n Dummy creation done \n")
            ## flush.console()

### Projection for standard twoway FE

            ## if (verbose)
            ##   cat("\n Standard FE Projection Started \n")
            ## flush.console()

            ## this step takes time
            P1 <- Udummy %*% tcrossprod(Diagonal(x=1/as.vector(table(data$u.index))), Udummy)
            ## e <- environment()
            ## save(file = "test.RData", list = ls(), env = e)
            Q1 <- Diagonal(x=1, n=nrow(Udummy)) - P1

            ## Q: not too sparse
            Q <- Q1 %*% Tdummy
            Q.QQginv <- Q %*% ginv(as.matrix(crossprod(Q)))

            X <- as.matrix(X)
            Y <- as.matrix(data$y)
            YX <- cbind(Y,X)
            Data.2wdm <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(YX - P1%*%YX - Q.QQginv %*% crossprod(Q,YX)))
            colnames(Data.2wdm) <- colnames(mf.sorted)

            rm(YX, P1, Q.QQginv, Q)

            ## if (verbose)
            ##   cat("\n Standard FE Projection done \n")
            ## flush.console()
            a <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(formula), "~"))
            formula.ni <- as.formula(paste(a[2], "~ -1 + ",  a[3]))

            ## final regression on 2way demeaned data
            fit.ols <- lm(formula.ni, data = Data.2wdm)
            coef.ols <- fit.ols$coef
            resid.ols <- resid(fit.ols)

            u.hat <- as.matrix(resid.ols)
            X.hat <- as.matrix(Data.2wdm[,-1])

            ## subset observations with non-zero weights
            if (White == TRUE){
                nz.index <- seq(1,tn.row)
            } else { # cannot calculate White statistics 
                ## exclude zero-weights observations for efficient calculation
                nz.index <- data$W.it !=0
                tn.row <- length(which(data$W.it !=0))

            nz.obs <- sum(as.numeric(data$W.it !=0))
            X <- as.matrix(X)[nz.index,]
            Y <- as.matrix(data$y)[nz.index]

            ## removing zero weights rows
            Udummy <- Udummy[nz.index,]
            Tdummy <- Tdummy[nz.index,]

### removing zero columns for full-rank (after deleting zero weights observations)
            ## 1. Unit dummies
            u.zero <- try(which(as(apply(Udummy, 2, sum), "sparseVector") == 0), silent=TRUE)

            if (class(u.zero) == "try-error") {
                u.zero <- c()
                for (i in 1:ncol(Udummy)) {
                    if (sum(Udummy[,i]) == 0){
                        temp <- i
                        u.zero <- c(u.zero, temp)
                if (verbose)
                    cat("\nReached Memory Limit: White == FALSE option is recommended\n")

                if (length(u.zero) > 0) {
                    Udummy <- Udummy[,-u.zero]
            } else {
                if (length(u.zero) > 0) {
                    Udummy <- Udummy[,-u.zero]
            ## if (verbose)
            ##   cat("\n Udummy done\n")
            ## flush.console()

            ## 2. Time dummies

            if (length(which(as(apply(Tdummy, 2, sum), "sparseVector")==0)) > 0) {
                zero <- which(as(apply(Tdummy, 2, sum), "sparseVector") == 0)
                n.zero <- length(zero)
                Tdummy <- Tdummy[,-zero]
                ## delete last column
                ## last <- ncol(Tdummy) 
                ## Tdummy <- Tdummy[,-last]
                ## adding a column of 1000's for numerical stability of ginv
                Tdummy <- cbind(Tdummy, rep(1000, nrow(Tdummy)))
            } else {
                last <- ncol(Tdummy)
                Tdummy <- Tdummy[,-last] # for identification exclude the last year dummy
                ## adding a column of 1's for numerical stability of ginv
                Tdummy <- cbind(Tdummy, rep(1000, nrow(Tdummy)))

            ## if (verbose)
            ##   cat("\n Tdummy done\n")
            ## flush.console()

            ## number of columns for Unit/Time dummy matrix
            n.Udummy <- ncol(Udummy)
            n.Tdummy <- ncol(Tdummy)

            ## combining unit dummy matrix and X matrix
            D <- Matrix(cbind(Udummy, Tdummy))
            ## Note: Tdummy part does not have zero columns, but Udummy part has it
            ## will be addressed thie issue below by n.zero
            ## final number of dummies
            fn.dummies <- ncol(D) # final number of dummies

### Projection onto Complex-plane

            ## if (verbose)
            ##   cat("\n Calculation for Projection Matrix Started \n")
            ## flush.console()

            ## sqrt of weights (imaginary numbers)
            Im.sqrt <- function(weights) {
                if (weights >= 0) # real number
                    im.w <- complex(real=sqrt(weights), imaginary =0)
                if (weights < 0) # imaginary number
                    im.w <- complex(real=0, imaginary = sqrt(-weights))

            ## vector of sqrt(W.it)
            w.sqrt <- sapply(data$W.it[nz.index], Im.sqrt)


### Matrix multiplication: two sparse matrix : A=R1+I1i, B=R2+I2i

            ## A%*%B: result is a list where [[1]] is real part [[2]] is imaginary part of complex matrix multiplication
            Sparse_compMatrixMultiply <- function(R1,I1,R2,I2) {
                result <- list()
                result[[1]] <- drop0(R1%*%R2) - drop0(I1%*%I2)
                result[[2]] <- drop0(R1%*%I2) + drop0(I1%*%R2)

            ## A %*% t(B): result is a list where [[1]] is real part [[2]] is imaginary part of complex matrix multiplication
            Sparse_compMatrix_tcrossprod <- function(R1,I1,R2,I2) {
                ## real part
                result <- list()
                result[[1]] <- drop0(tcrossprod(R1, R2)) - drop0(tcrossprod(I1, I2))
                result[[2]] <- drop0(tcrossprod(R1, I2)) + drop0(tcrossprod(I1, R2))

            ## t(A) %*% B: result is a list where [[1]] is real part [[2]] is imaginary part of complex matrix multiplication
            Sparse_compMatrix_crossprod <- function(R1,I1,R2,I2) {
                ## real part
                result <- list()
                result[[1]] <- drop0(crossprod(R1, R2)) - drop0(crossprod(I1, I2))
                result[[2]] <- drop0(crossprod(R1, I2)) + drop0(crossprod(I1, R2))

            R1 <- Diagonal(x = Re(w.sqrt), n=tn.row)
            I1 <- Diagonal(x = Im(w.sqrt), n=tn.row)

            yL <- list()
            yL[[1]] <- Matrix(Y)
            yL[[2]] <- Matrix(0, nrow=nrow(yL[[1]]),  ncol=ncol(yL[[1]]))
            y.starL <- Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(R1,I1, yL[[1]], yL[[2]])
            xL <- list()
            xL[[1]] <- Matrix(X)
            xL[[2]] <- Matrix(0, nrow=nrow(xL[[1]]),  ncol=ncol(xL[[1]]))
            x.starL <- Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(R1,I1, xL[[1]], xL[[2]])

            ## create D1, and D2 
            R2 <- Matrix(D)
            I2 <- Matrix(0, nrow=nrow(D), ncol=ncol(D))

            D.starL <- Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(R1,I1,R2,I2)

            ## e <- environment()
            ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)
            rm(R2, I2)

            D1.starL <- D2.starL <- list()
            ## e <- environment()
            ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e, compress = TRUE)

            D1.starL[[1]] <- drop0(D.starL[[1]][,1:n.Udummy])
            D1.starL[[2]] <- drop0(D.starL[[2]][,1:n.Udummy])
            D2.starL[[1]] <- drop0(D.starL[[1]][,((n.Udummy+1):(n.Udummy+n.Tdummy))])
            D2.starL[[2]] <- drop0(D.starL[[2]][,((n.Udummy+1):(n.Udummy+n.Tdummy))])
            ## cat("Number of columns for D1", n.Udummy, "\n")
            ## cat("Number of columns for D2", n.Tdummy, "\n")
            ## sum of sqrt(W.it) across years for each dyad
            general.inv <- function(weight, tol = tol){
                if(abs(weight) < tol) {
                    out <- 0
                } else {
                    out <- 1/weight
            sum.sqrtW <- complex(real=apply(Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(R1,I1,D1.starL[[1]],D1.starL[[2]])[[1]], 2, sum), imaginary=rep(0, length(J.u)))
            rm(R1, I1)

            inv.weight <- sapply(sum.sqrtW, general.inv, tol)

            ## e <- environment()
            ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)
            ginvW <- list()
            ginvW[[1]] <- Diagonal(x = Re(inv.weight))
            ginvW[[2]] <- Diagonal(x = Im(inv.weight))


            Dginv <- Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(D1.starL[[1]], D1.starL[[2]], ginvW[[1]], ginvW[[2]])

            P1L <-  Sparse_compMatrix_tcrossprod(Dginv[[1]], Dginv[[2]], D1.starL[[1]], D1.starL[[2]])

            rm(Dginv, D1.starL)

            ## if (verbose) {
            ##   cat("\n P1 created\n")
            ##   flush.console()      
            ## }
            Q1L <- list()
            Q1L[[1]] <- drop0(Diagonal(x=1, n=nrow(P1L[[1]])) - P1L[[1]])
            Q1L[[2]] <- drop0(Diagonal(x=0, n=nrow(P1L[[1]])) - P1L[[2]])

            ## if (verbose) {
            ##   cat("\n Q1 created\n")
            ##   flush.console()
            ## }
            Q <- try(Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(Q1L[[1]], Q1L[[2]], D2.starL[[1]], D2.starL[[2]]), silent = TRUE)
            if ((class(Q) == "try-error") & (White == TRUE)) {
                stop ("Insufficient memory. White = FALSE option is needed")
            rm(Q1L, D2.starL)

            Q.matrix <- matrix(complex(real=as.matrix(Q[[1]]), imaginary=as.matrix(Q[[2]])), nrow=nrow(Q[[1]]))

            QQ.inv <- list()
            QQ.inv[[1]] <- drop0(Matrix(Re(ginv(crossprod(Q.matrix)))))
            QQ.inv[[2]] <- drop0(Matrix(Im(ginv(crossprod(Q.matrix)))))

            PL <- list()

            Q.QQinv <- Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(Q[[1]], Q[[2]], QQ.inv[[1]], QQ.inv[[2]]) 
            ## if (verbose) {
            ##   cat("\n Q.QQinv created\n")
            ##   flush.console()
            ## }

### Fast Projection in R

            YX.starL <- list()
            YX.starL[[1]] <- cbind(y.starL[[1]], x.starL[[1]])
            YX.starL[[2]] <- cbind(y.starL[[2]], x.starL[[2]])
            rm(y.starL, x.starL)
            P1.YX <- Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(P1L[[1]], P1L[[2]], YX.starL[[1]], YX.starL[[2]])

            Q.YX <- Sparse_compMatrix_crossprod(Q[[1]], Q[[2]], YX.starL[[1]], YX.starL[[2]])
            QQQQ.YX <- Sparse_compMatrixMultiply(Q.QQinv[[1]], Q.QQinv[[2]], Q.YX[[1]], Q.YX[[2]])
            ## cat("dimension of P1.YX:", dim(P1.YX[[1]]), "\n")
            ## cat("dimension of QQQQ.YX:", dim(QQQQ.YX[[1]]), "\n")

            ## TransformedL <- list()
            ## TransformedL[[1]] <- YX.starL[[1]] - P1.YX[[1]] - P2.YX[[1]]
            ## TransformedL[[2]] <- YX.starL[[2]] - P1.YX[[2]] - P2.YX[[2]]

            Transformed <- matrix(complex(real=as.vector(YX.starL[[1]] - P1.YX[[1]] - QQQQ.YX[[1]]), imaginary=as.vector(YX.starL[[2]] - P1.YX[[2]] - QQQQ.YX[[2]])), nrow=tn.row)
            rm(YX.starL, P1.YX, QQQQ.YX)
            y.tilde <- Transformed[,1]
            X.tilde <- as.matrix(Transformed[,-1])

            ## save weighted demeaned dataframe
            if (store.wdm == TRUE){
                Y.wdm <- y.tilde
                X.wdm <- X.tilde
            } else {
                Y.wdm <- NULL
                X.wdm <- NULL

            if (ncol(X.tilde) == 1) {
                colnames(X.tilde) <- a[3]
            } else {
                colnames(X.tilde) <- colnames(X)

            ginv.XX.tilde <- ginv(crossprod(X.tilde))
            betaT <- ginv.XX.tilde%*% crossprod(X.tilde, y.tilde)
            if (length(betaT) == 1) {
                colnames(betaT) <- a[3]
            ## print(betaT)
            coef.wls <- matrix(as.double(Re(betaT)))
            rownames(coef.wls) <- colnames(X.tilde)
            ## e <- environment()
            ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)
            ## weighted residuals
            e.tilde <- (y.tilde - X.tilde %*% betaT)
            colnames(e.tilde) <- "e.tilde"
            ## true residuals
            resid <- try(1/w.sqrt * (y.tilde - X.tilde %*% betaT))

            ## in case zero weights observations are not excluded
            if (White == TRUE){
                if (sum(as.numeric(w.sqrt==0)) > 0) { 
                    zero.index <- data$W.it ==0
                    resid[zero.index] <- 0
            ## check residuals      
            ## print(cbind(as.matrix(true.resid), e.tilde, data$W.it))
            ## print(cbind(sum(true.resid^2), sum(e.tilde^2)))

            ## diag.ee.tilde <- diag(tcrossprod(e.tilde,e.tilde))
            ## diag.resid <- as.vector(resid * resid)
            diag.ee.tilde <- as.vector(e.tilde * e.tilde)

            ## cat("dimension of X.tilde:", dim(X.tilde), "\n")
            ## XX.hat <- crossprod(X.hat, X.hat)
            ginv.XX.hat <- ginv(crossprod(X.hat, X.hat))
            ## d.f <- length(y.tilde) - n.Udummy - n.Tdummy - dim(X.tilde)[2]
            d.f <- length(y.tilde)

            ## cat("Sum of squared residuals:", sum(resid^2), "\n")
            sigma2 <- as.double(Re(sum(resid^2)/d.f))
            ## Remove observations with zero weights
            ## data backup
            data.zero <- data
            zero.ind <- which(data$W.it==0)
            if(length(zero.ind) > 0){
                data.nonzero <- data[-zero.ind, ]
            } else {
                data.nonzero <- data
            n.units <- length(unique(data$u.index))
            n.times <- length(unique(data$t.index))

            Mstar <- nrow(data.nonzero)            
            if (verbose)
                cat("\nTotal number of observations with non-zero weight:", Mstar,"\n")
            if(unweighted == FALSE){
                n.nonzero.units <- length(unique(data.nonzero$u.index))
                n.nonzero.times <- length(unique(data.nonzero$t.index))
            } else {
                n.nonzero.units <- n.units
                n.nonzero.times <- n.times

            x.vars <- colnames(x)
            x.vars <- x.vars[-grep("Intercept", x.vars)]
            nK <- length(x.vars) 
            variables <- c("y", x.vars)

            ## e <- environment()
            ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)

            ## #######################################################################            
            ## (Robust) standard errors (GMM asymptotic variance for wfe)
            ## calculating GMM standard errors
            ## #######################################################################

            if ((hetero.se == TRUE) & (auto.se == TRUE)){

                ## 1. arbitrary autocorrelation as well as heteroskedasticity (Eq 12)
                std.error <- "Heteroscedastic / Autocorrelation Robust Standard Error"
                ## stop ("Robust standard errors with autocorrelation is currently not supported")

                ## ## MeatHAC takes unit level data with T_i rows and
                ## ## compute t(X_i) %*% e_i %*% t(e_i) %*% X_i
                ## MeatHAC <- function(x){
                ##     Xtilde <- as.matrix(x[, -c(1,2)]) # removing u.index, e.tilde
                ##     etilde <- x[,2]
                ##     Meat <- t(Xtilde) %*% etilde %*% t(etilde) %*% Xtilde
                ##     Meat <- matrix(Meat, ncol=ncol(Xtilde), nrow=ncol(Xtilde))
                ##     return(Meat)
                ## }

                ## ## prepare data for vcov calculation & remove units with zero weights
                ## D.tilde <- data.frame(u.index = data[,c("u.index")], e.tilde, X.tilde)
                ## colnames(D.tilde)[1] <- c("u.index")
                ## if(length(zero.ind)>0){
                ##     D.tilde <- D.tilde[-zero.ind,]
                ##     e.tilde <- e.tilde[-zero.ind]
                ## } else {
                ##     D.tilde <- D.tilde
                ##     e.tilde <- e.tilde
                ## }

                ## -----------------------------------------------------
                ## vcov matrix for WFE 
                ## -----------------------------------------------------

                ## degrees of freedom adjustment
                df_wfe2 <- (Mstar/(Mstar-1))*((Mstar-nK)/(Mstar- n.nonzero.units - n.nonzero.times - nK))
                ## ## meat part
                ## XeeX <- lapply(split(D.tilde,D.tilde$u.index), MeatHAC)
                ## XeeX.wfe <- matrix(0, nrow=nK, ncol=nK)
                ## ## add unit level vcov
                ## for(g in 1:n.nonzero.units){
                ##     XeeX.wfe <- XeeX.wfe + XeeX[[g]]
                ## }

                ## ## sandwich estimator
                ## Psi.hat.wfe2 <- df_wfe2 * (ginv.XX.tilde %*% XeeX.wfe %*% ginv.XX.tilde)
                ## print(Psi.hat.wfe2)

                XeeX <- as.double(comp_OmegaHAC(c(X.tilde), e.tilde, c(X.tilde), e.tilde,
                                                dim(X.tilde)[1], dim(X.tilde)[2], data$u.index, J.u))
                XeeX.wfe <- matrix(XeeX, nrow=ncol(X.tilde), ncol=ncol(X.tilde), byrow=T)
                Psi.hat.wfe <- df_wfe2*((ginv.XX.tilde %*% XeeX.wfe %*% ginv.XX.tilde))

                ## print(Psi.hat.wfe)
                ## -----------------------------------------------------
                ## vcov matrix for FE for White statistics calculation
                ## -----------------------------------------------------

                if (White == TRUE){

                    ## degrees of freedom adjustment                    
                    df_fe2 <- (nrow(X.hat)/(nrow(X.hat)-1))*((nrow(X.hat)-nK)/(nrow(X.hat)-n.units-n.times-nK))
                    ## ## prepare data for vcov calculation
                    ## D.hat <- data.frame(u.index = data[,c("u.index")], u.hat, X.hat)
                    ## colnames(D.hat)[1] <- c("u.index")
                    ## ## SE calcluation
                    ## XeeX <- lapply(split(D.hat,D.hat$u.index), MeatHAC)
                    ## XeeX.fe <- matrix(0, nrow=nK, ncol=nK)
                    ## ## add unit level vcov
                    ## for(g in 1:n.units){
                    ##     XeeX.fe <- XeeX.fe + XeeX[[g]]
                    ## }

                    ## Psi.hat.fe <- df_fe2 * (ginv.XX.hat %*% XeeX.fe %*% ginv.XX.hat)
                    ## print(Psi.hat.fe)
                    XeeX <- OmegaHatHAC(nrow(X.hat), ncol(X.hat), data$u.index, J.u, X.hat, u.hat)
                    XeeX.fe <- matrix(XeeX, nrow = ncol(X.hat), ncol = ncol(X.hat))

                    Psi.hat.fe <- df_fe2 * (ginv.XX.hat %*% XeeX.fe %*% ginv.XX.hat)
                    ## print(Psi.hat.fe)

                    ## storing standard errors                    
                    var.cov.fe <- Psi.hat.fe
                    se.ols <- sqrt(diag(var.cov.fe))
                    ## print(Psi.hat.fe)

            } else if ( (hetero.se == TRUE) & (auto.se == FALSE)) {
                stop("Please set hetero.se == TRUE & auto.se == TRUE when you run two-way FE")
            } else if ( (hetero.se == FALSE) & (auto.se == FALSE) ) {# indepdence and homoskedasticity
                stop("Please set hetero.se == TRUE & auto.se == TRUE when you run two-way FE")
            } else if ( (hetero.se == FALSE) & (auto.se == TRUE) ) {# Kiefer
                stop ("Robust standard errors with autocorrelation and homoskedasiticy is not supported")
            ## storing standard errors
            vcov.wfe <- Psi.hat.wfe 
            se.did <- as.double(Re(sqrt(diag(vcov.wfe))))
            if (verbose) {
              cat("\nStd.error calculation done\n")

### White (1980) Test: Theorem 4

            if (White == TRUE){

                df.white <- (nrow(X.hat)-nK)/(Mstar- n.nonzero.units - n.nonzero.times - nK)
                ## ## MeatHAC_White takes unit level data with T_i rows and
                ## ## compute t(X_i) %*% e1_i %*% t(e2_i) %*% X_i
                ## MeatHAC_White <- function(x,y){
                ##     X1 <- as.matrix(x[, -c(1,2)]) # removing u.index, e.tilde
                ##     X2 <- as.matrix(y[, -c(1,2)]) # removing u.index, e.tilde, e.hat
                ##     e1 <- x[,2]
                ##     e2 <- y[,2]
                ##     Meat <- t(X1) %*% e1 %*% t(e2) %*% X2
                ##     Meat <- matrix(Meat, ncol=ncol(X1), nrow=ncol(X1))
                ##     ## print(Meat)
                ##     return(Meat)
                ## }
                ## ## -----------------------------------------------------
                ## ## cov term esitmate for beta_fe2 - beta_wfe2
                ## ## -----------------------------------------------------
                ## ## meat part
                ## XeeX1 <- mapply(MeatHAC_White, split(D.tilde,D.tilde$u.index), split(D.hat,D.hat$u.index))
                ## XeeX2 <- mapply(MeatHAC_White, split(D.hat,D.hat$u.index), split(D.tilde,D.tilde$u.index))
                ## Meat1 <- matrix(0, nrow=nK, ncol=nK)
                ## Meat2 <- matrix(0, nrow=nK, ncol=nK)
                ## ## add unit level vcov
                ## for(g in 1:n.nonzero.units){
                ##     if(nK==1){
                ##         Meat1 <- Meat1 + matrix(XeeX1[g], ncol=nK, nrow=nK)
                ##         Meat2 <- Meat2 + matrix(XeeX2[g], ncol=nK, nrow=nK)
                ##     } else {
                ##         Meat1 <- Meat1 + matrix(XeeX1[,g], ncol=nK, nrow=nK)
                ##         Meat2 <- Meat2 + matrix(XeeX2[,g], ncol=nK, nrow=nK)
                ##     }
                ## }
                ## cov.term <- df.white*( (ginv.XX.tilde %*% Meat1 %*% ginv.XX.hat) + (ginv.XX.hat %*% Meat2 %*% ginv.XX.tilde))
                ## print(cov.term)
                meat1 <- as.double(comp_OmegaHAC(c(X.tilde), e.tilde, c(X.hat), u.hat,
                                                 dim(X.tilde)[1], dim(X.hat)[2], data$u.index, J.u))
                Meat1 <- matrix(meat1, nrow=ncol(X.tilde), ncol=ncol(X.tilde), byrow=T)
                meat2 <- as.double(comp_OmegaHAC(c(X.hat), u.hat, c(X.tilde), e.tilde,
                                                 dim(X.hat)[1], dim(X.tilde)[2], data$u.index, J.u))
                Meat2 <- matrix(meat2, nrow=ncol(X.tilde), ncol=ncol(X.tilde), byrow=T)

                cov.term <- df.white*( (ginv.XX.tilde %*% Meat1 %*% ginv.XX.hat) + (ginv.XX.hat %*% Meat2 %*% ginv.XX.tilde))
                ## print(cov.term)
                Phi.hat <- Psi.hat.wfe + Psi.hat.fe - cov.term

                ## -----------------------------------------------------
                ## White test: null hypothesis is ``no misspecification''
                ## -----------------------------------------------------

                white.stat <- as.double(Re(t(coef.ols - coef.wls) %*% ginv(Phi.hat) %*% (coef.ols - coef.wls)))
                test.null <- pchisq(as.numeric(white.stat), df=nK, lower.tail=F) < White.alpha
                white.p <- pchisq(as.numeric(white.stat), df=nK, lower.tail=F)

                ## e <- environment()
                ## save(file = "temp.RData", list = ls(), env = e)

                if (verbose) {
                  cat("\nWhite calculation done\n")

            } else {
                white.stat <- "NULL"
                test.null <- "NULL"
                white.p <- "NULL"

            ## Creating a weight verctor
            ## original index
            idx <- paste(orig.unit.idx, orig.time.idx, sep="_")
            a <- units
            b <- times
            Wv <- as.vector(W) # as vector
            a1 <- rep(as.character(a$unit), each=nrow(W))
            b1 <- rep(as.character(b$time), ncol(W))
            idxall <- paste(a1, b1, sep="_")
            idxall.sub <- idxall[which(idxall %in% idx)]
            W.it <- Wv[which(idxall %in% idx)]
            u.sub <- unlist(lapply(idxall.sub,
                                   function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1]))
            t.sub <- unlist(lapply(idxall.sub,
                                   function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][2]))

            cmd <- paste("W1 <- data.frame(", unit.index, "= u.sub)", sep="")
                W1$obs.idx <- t.sub
            } else {
                cmd2 <- paste("W1$", time.index, " <- t.sub", sep="")
            W1$W.it <- W.it

            ## ensuring the order reflects the original idx
            mf$W.it <- W.it[match(idxall.sub, idx)]
            u.orig <- unlist(lapply(idx,
                                    function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][1]))
            t.orig <- unlist(lapply(idx,
                                    function(x) strsplit(x, "_")[[1]][2]))

            cmd <- paste("D <- data.frame(", unit.index, "= u.orig)", sep="")
                D$obs.idx <- t.orig
            } else {
                cmd2 <- paste("D$", time.index, " <- t.orig", sep="")

            mf <- cbind(D, mf)
            Num.nonzero <- length(which(!W1$weights==0))

### Saving results

            z <- list(coefficients = coef.wls,
                      x = x[,-1,drop=FALSE],
                      y = y,
                      mf = mf,
                      call = wfe.call,
                      vcov = as.numeric(vcov.wfe),
                      se = se.did,
                      sigma = try(sqrt(sigma2)),
                      df = d.f,
                      residuals = y - (x[,-1,drop=FALSE] %*% coef.wls),
                      W = W1,
                      Num.nonzero = Num.nonzero,
                      units = units,
                      times = times,
                      method = method,
                      causal = causal,
                      est = est,
                      std.error = std.error,
                      White.pvalue = white.p,
                      White.alpha = White.alpha,
                      White.stat = white.stat,
                      White.test = test.null,
                      Y.wdm = Y.wdm,
                      X.wdm = X.wdm)

            class(z) <- "wfedid"


### print wfe class

print.wfe <- function(x,...){

summary.wfe <- function(object, signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),...){
    se <- object$se
    sigma <- object$sigma
    df <- object$df
    tval <- try(coef(object) / se)
    TAB <- cbind(Estimate = coef(object),
                 Std.Error = se,
                 t.value = tval,
                 p.value = 2*pt(-abs(tval), df = object$df))
    res <- list(call = object$call,
                coefficients = TAB,
                sigma = object$sigma,
                df = object$df,
                W = object$W,
                Num.nonzero = object$Num.nonzero,
                units = object$units,
                times = object$times,
                residuals = object$residuals,
                method = object$method,
                causal = object$causal,
                estimator = object$est,
                std.error = object$std.error,
                White.pvalue = object$White.pvalue,
                White.alpha = object$White.alpha,
                White.stat = object$White.stat,
                White.test = object$White.test,
                Y = object$y,
                X = object$x,
                Y.wdm = object$Y.wdm,
                X.wdm = object$X.wdm              
    class(res) <- "summary.wfe"

print.summary.wfe <- function(x, ...){
    cat("\nMethod:", x$method, "Fixed Effects\n")
    cat("\nQuantity of Interest:", x$causal)
    cat("\nEstimator:", x$estimator)
    cat("\nStandard Error:", x$std.error)
    printCoefmat(x$coefficients, P.values=TRUE, has.Pvalue=TRUE)
    cat("\nResidual standard error:", format(signif(x$sigma,
                                                    4)), "on", x$df, "degrees of freedom")
    cat("\nWhite statistics for functional misspecification:", x$White.stat, "with Pvalue=", x$White.pvalue)
    cat("\nReject the null of NO misspecification:", x$White.test)

### print wfedid class

print.wfedid <- function(x,...){

summary.wfedid <- function(object, signif.stars = getOption("show.signif.stars"),...){
    coef <- object$coefficients
    se <- object$se
    sigma <- object$sigma
    df <- object$df
    tval <- coef(object) / se
    TAB <- cbind(Estimate = coef,
                 Std.Error = se,
                 t.value = tval,
                 p.value = 2*pt(-abs(tval), df = object$df))
    res <- list(call = object$call,
                coefficients = TAB,
                sigma = object$sigma,
                df = object$df,
                W = object$W,
                Num.nonzero = object$Num.nonzero,
                residuals = object$residuals,
                method = object$method,
                causal = object$causal,
                estimator = object$est,
                std.error = object$std.error,
                White.pvalue = object$White.pvalue,
                White.alpha = object$White.alpha,
                White.stat = object$White.stat,
                White.test = object$White.test,
                Y = object$y,
                X = object$x,
                Y.wdm = object$Y.wdm,
                X.wdm = object$X.wdm
    class(res) <- "summary.wfedid"

print.summary.wfedid <- function(x, ...){
    cat("\nMethod:", x$method, "Fixed Effects\n")
    cat("\nQuantity of Interest:", x$causal)
    cat("\nEstimator:", x$estimator)
    cat("\nStandard Error:", x$std.error)
    colnames(x$coefficients) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Err", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
    printCoefmat(x$coefficients, P.values=TRUE, has.Pvalue=TRUE)
    cat("\nResidual standard error:", format(signif(x$sigma,
                                                    4)), "on", x$df, "degrees of freedom")
    if (!is.null(x$White.stat)){
        cat("\nWhite statistics for functional misspecification:", x$White.stat, "with Pvalue=", x$White.pvalue)
        cat("\nReject the null of NO misspecification:", x$White.test)
insongkim/wfe documentation built on March 24, 2020, 8:55 p.m.