
# functions to make R versions of various gadget files
# to be used when exporting R objects to gadget-readable files

#' Create a list of class "gadget_main"
#' @param ... Either a list with named objects pertaining to the main file for
#' Gadget or any number of objects named similarly
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_main}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' main <- list(timefile = "time", areafile = "area", stockfiles = "cod")
#' make_gadget_mainfile(main)
make_gadget_mainfile <- function(...) {
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    out <- structure(modifyList(gadget_main_default, dots))
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(names(out), names(gadget_main_default)))) {
        stop("You have either removed an argument from mainfile or added one ",
             "not recognized")
    } else if (is.null(out$stockfiles) | out$stockfiles == "") {
        warning("You have no stock in this mainfile")

#' Make Gadget timefile
#' @param st_year Integer. The starting year of the Gadget model
#' @param end_year Integer. The final year of the Gadget model
#' @param timesteps Either a numeric vector giving the number of timesteps and
#' the breakdown of months, or, more commonly and conventiently one of
#' "annually", "biannually", "quarterly", "monthly'
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_time}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_gadget_timefile(1985, 2015, "quarterly")
#' make_gadget_timefile(1985, 2015, c(6, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 2))
make_gadget_timefile <- function(st_year, end_year, timesteps) {
    if (is.character(timesteps)) {
        timesteps <-
                   annually = c(1,12),
                   biannual = c(2, 6, 6),
                   quarterly = c(4, rep(3, 4)),
                   monthly = c(12, rep(1, 12)))
    tf <- list(firstyear = st_year,
               firststep = 1,
               lastyear = end_year,
               laststep = timesteps[1],
               notimesteps = timesteps)
    out <- modifyList(gadget_timefile_default, tf)

#' Make Gadget areafile
#' Creates a list of class \code{gadget_area} that can be used to write out a
#' Gadget areafile
#' @param areas Numeric vector describing the different areas
#' @param size Size of each area
#' @param temp_data Data.frame with 4 columns containing year, step, area, and
#' mean temperature
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_area}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_gadget_areafile(areas = 1, size = 1e6,
#'                      temp_data = expand.grid(year = 1:5, step = 1:4,
#'                                              area = 1, temp = 3))
#' make_gadget_areafile(areas = 1:2, size = c(1e6, 1.5e6),
#'                      temp_data = expand.grid(year = 1:2, step = 1:4,
#'                                              area = 1:2, temp = 3))
make_gadget_areafile <- function(areas, size, temp_data) {
    out <- modifyList(gadget_areafile_default,
                      list(areas = areas,
                           size = size,
                           temperature = temp_data))

#' Make Gadget stockfile
#' Make a list of class \code{gadget_stock} that can be used to write out a
#' Gadget stockfile
#' @param ... A list of named elements. The names of these elements must
#' correspond to arguments found in Gadget stockfiles (i.e. for growth, use
#' growth = list(), for spawning, use spawning = list(), etc), see Gadget User
#' Guide. Chapter 4. Stock Files.
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_stock} containing information about that
#' stock to be used
#' by Gadget
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # setup basic stock information
#' minage <- 1
#' maxage <- 10
#' minlength <- 1
#' maxlength <- 100
#' dl <- 1
#' alpha <- 1e-04
#' beta <- 3
#' reflength <- seq(minlength, maxlength, dl)
#' stock_info <-
#'     list(stockname = "cod", livesonareas = 1,
#'          minage = minage, maxage = maxage,
#'          minlength = minlength, maxlength = maxlength, dl = dl)
#' # setup refweightfile
#' stock_refwgt <-
#'     data.frame(len = reflength,
#'                weight = alpha * reflength ^ beta)
#' # setup growth
#' stock_growth <-
#'     list(growthfunction = "lengthvbsimple",
#'          growthparameters =
#'              c(to_gadget_formula(quote(cod.linf)),
#'                to_gadget_formula(quote(cod.k)),
#'                0.001, 3))
#' # setup naturalmortality
#' stock_m <- rep(0.2, 10)
#' # setup initial conditions
#' init_data <-
#'     normalparamfile(age = seq(minage, maxage, 1),
#'                     area = 1,
#'                     age.factor = "#cod.init.age",
#'                     area.factor = "#cod.init.area",
#'                     mean = vb_formula("cod", minage:maxage),
#'                     sd = 1:10,
#'                     alpha = alpha,
#'                     beta = beta)
#' stock_initcond <- list(normalparamfile = init_data)
#' # setup spawning
#' stock_spawnfile <-
#'     make_gadget_spawnfile(
#'       stockname = "cod",
#'       start_year = 1,
#'       end_year = 10,
#'       recruitment = ricker_formula("cod")
#'     )
#' # create gadget stockfile
#' cod <-
#'    make_gadget_stockfile(stock = stock_info,
#'                          refweightfile = stock_refwgt,
#'                          growth = stock_growth,
#'                          naturalmortality = stock_m,
#'                          iseaten = 1,
#'                          initialconditions = stock_initcond,
#'                          spawning = stock_spawnfile)
make_gadget_stockfile <- function(...) {
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    if (!check_names("^stock", dots)) {
        stop("Named argument 'stock' must be provided with basic information ",
             "about stock")
    # checking and plugging in various components
    stock <- check_stock_info(dots)
    lenaggfile <- make_stock_lenaggfile(dots)
    refweightfile <- check_stock_refweightfile(dots)
    growthandeatlengths <- check_stock_grw_eat_len(dots)
    growth <- check_stock_growth(dots)
    naturalmortality <- check_stock_m(dots)
    prey <- check_stock_prey(dots)
    predator <- check_stock_predator(dots)
    initialconditions <- check_stock_initcond(dots)
    migration <- check_stock_migration(dots)
    maturation <- check_stock_maturity(dots)
    movement <- check_stock_movement(dots)
    renewal <- check_stock_renewal(dots)
    spawning <- check_stock_spawning(dots)
    straying <- check_stock_straying(dots)
    out <- c(stock, refweightfile, growthandeatlengths, growth,
             list(naturalmortality = naturalmortality),
             prey, predator,
             initialconditions, migration, maturation, movement, renewal,
             spawning, straying)
    class(out) <- c("gadget_stock", "list")

#' Create a list of class "gadget_spawnfile" that can be used to write to file
#' This function creates a list of class "gadget_spawnfile". This list can then
#' be used to write a spawnfile for a stock to be used by Gadget
#' @param stockname Character. The stockname desired (used to define switches)
#' @param start_year Numeric. The first year spawning will take place
#' @param end_year Numeric. The last year spawning will take place
#' @param ... Other vectors to be added. Should be named elements corresponding
#' to those needed for a Gadget spawnfile, see Gadget User Guide.
#' @return A list of class "gadget_spawnfile"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_gadget_spawnfile("cod", 1, 10)
make_gadget_spawnfile <- function(stockname, start_year, end_year, ...) {
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    spawn_params <- list(
        spawnsteps = 1,
        spawnareas = 1,
        firstspawnyear = start_year,
        lastspawnyear = end_year,
        spawnstocksandratios = c(stockname, 1),
        proportionfunction = c("constant", 1),
        mortalityfunction = c("constant", 0),
        weightlossfunction = c("constant", 0),
        recruitment = bev_holt_formula(stockname),
        stockparameters = paste(sprintf("#%s.recl", stockname),
                                sprintf("#%s.rec.sd", stockname),
                                sprintf("#%s.alpha", stockname),
                                sprintf("#%s.beta", stockname))
    spawn_params <- modifyList(spawn_params, dots)
    class(spawn_params) <- c("gadget_spawnfile", "list")

#' Create a list of class \code{gadget_strayfile} to add to a Gadget stockfile
#' This function creates a list of class \code{gadget_strayfile} that can be
#' added into a \code{gadget_stock}. The strayfile will then be written as an
#' attribute at the time of writing
#' @param steps Numeric. The steps in which the stock will stray
#' @param areas Numeric. The areas in which the stock will stray
#' @param stock_ratios Data.frame or list of the stocks and straying ratios
#' @param prop_fun Character. The proportionfunction to use
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_strayfile}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_gadget_strayfile(steps = 1, areas = 1,
#'                       stock_ratios = data.frame("cod", 1),
#'                       prop_fun = c("constant", 1))
make_gadget_strayfile <- function(steps, areas, stock_ratios, prop_fun) {
    if (is.list(stock_ratios)) {
        stock_ratios <- as.data.frame(stock_ratios)
    } else if (!is.data.frame(stock_ratios)) {
        stop("Please provide stock_ratios as a list or data.frame")
    strayfile <-
            straysteps = steps,
            strayareas = areas,
            straystocksandratios = stock_ratios,
            proportionfunction = prop_fun
        ), class = c("gadget_strayfile", "list"))

#' Create a list of class "gadget_fleet" that can be used to write out a Gadget
#' fleet file
#' This function takes named lists as arguments with elements that correspond
#' to the different parameters of a Gadget fleet component
#' (see Gadget User Guide). Names of objects passed to \code{...} will be used
#' as the fleet names. The first element of the named list should by type,
#' which specifies the type that fleet will be (i.e.
#' \code{type = totalfleet, type = numberfleet}, etc.)
#' WARNING: The implementation of this function for fleets of type quotafleet
#' has not been adequately tested. It should be expected that this portion of
#' the function behaves unexpectedly. If you encounter this and wish it to get
#' fixed sooner rather than later, post an issue to
#' \url{https://github.com/inspktrgadget/gadgetSim}
#' @param ... Named objects corresponding to the appropriate arguments to
#' various Gadget fleet types
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_fleet} (or a list of class
#' \code{gadget_fleets} if composed of multiple fleets)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' base_data <-
#'   expand.grid(year = 1:10, steps = 1:4, area = 1, fleetname = "btm")
#' base_data$amount <- sample(1e5:1e6, nrow(base_data), replace = TRUE)
#' btm_fleet <-
#'   list(type = "totalfleet",
#'        suitability = make_exponential_suit("btm", "cod"),
#'        amount = base_data)
#' make_gadget_fleet(btm = btm_fleet)
#' # different fleet type
#' lin_flt_data <-
#'   expand.grid(year = 1:10, steps = 1:4, area = 1, fleetname = "lin")
#' lin_flt_data$scaling <- c(seq(0.01,0.8, length.out = 20),
#'                           seq(0.8,0.2,length.out = 20))
#' lin_flt <-
#'   list(type = "linearfleet",
#'        suitability = make_exponential_suit("lin", "cod"),
#'        amount = lin_flt_data)
#' make_gadget_fleet(lin = lin_flt)
#' # can handle multiple fleet types
#' make_gadget_fleet(btm = btm_fleet, lin = lin_flt)
make_gadget_fleet <- function(...) {
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    fleets <-
        lapply(seq_along(dots), function(x, nms) {
            fleet <- dots[[x]]
            if (!check_names("^type", fleet)) {
                stop("Type of fleet must be one of the following", "\n",
                     paste(paste(" * ", fleet_types), collapse = "\n"))
            sub_list <- function(l) {
                return(l[names(l) != "type"])
            modify_fleet <- function(fleet_template, fleet) {
                out <- modifyList(fleet_template, sub_list(fleet))
                out[[fleet$type]] <- nms[x]
            if (fleet$type == "totalfleet") {
                out <- modify_fleet(totalfleet, fleet)
            } else if (fleet$type == "numberfleet") {
                out <- modify_fleet(numberfleet, fleet)
            } else if (fleet$type == "linearfleet") {
                out <- modify_fleet(linearfleet, fleet)
            } else if (fleet$type == "effortfleet") {
                out <- modify_fleet(effortfleet)
            } else if (fleet$type == "quotafleet") {
                out <- modifyList(quotafleet, sub_list(fleet))
                out$quotafleet <- nms[x]
                out$amount <- fleet$amount
            } else {
                stop("Type of fleet file must be one of the following", "\n",
                     paste(paste(" * ", fleet_types), collapse = "\n"))
            if (!identical(names(out),
                                                  ns = "gadgetSim")))) {
                stop("You added a name that is not known to a fleet type or ",
                     "forgot a required one")
        }, nms = names(dots))
    return(structure(fleets, class = c("gadget_fleets", "list")))

#' Simple function to add survey fleets to existing fleet
#' Adds any survey fleets to the existing fleet in a Gadget model
#' @param model_fleet An object of class \code{gadget_fleets} or
#' \code{gadget_fleet}, or, alternatively, of class \code{gadget_model}
#' @param survey_fleet A list of class \code{gadget_fleets}
#' @return The same object as \code{model_fleet}, but updated to include
#' \code{survey_fleet}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim")
#' mod <- read_gadget_model(path = path)
#' survey_fleet <-
#'   make_gadget_fleet(spr = list(type = "totalfleet",
#'                                suitability = constant_suit_formula("spr",
#'                                                                    "cod",
#'                                                                    list(1)),
#'                                amount = data.frame(year = 1,
#'                                                    step = 1,
#'                                                    area = 1,
#'                                                    fleetname = "spr",
#'                                                    amount = 1)))
#' mod <- add_survey_fleet(mod, survey_fleet)
add_survey_fleet <- function(model_fleet, survey_fleet) {
    if (!("gadget_fleets" %in% class(survey_fleet))) {
        stop("survey_fleet must be of type gadget_fleets")
    if ("gadget_model" %in% class(model_fleet)) {
        model_fleet$fleets <-
            structure(c(model_fleet$fleet, survey_fleet),
                      class = c("gadget_fleets", "list"))
    } else if ("gadget_fleets" %in% class(model_fleet)) {
        return(structure(c(model_fleet, survey_fleet),
                         class = c("gadget_fleets", "list")))
    } else if ("gadget_fleet" %in% class(model_fleet)) {
        return(structure(c(list(model_fleet), survey_fleet),
                         class = c("gadget_fleets", "list")))
    } else {
        stop("\n", "model_fleet must be one of the following types", "\n",
             paste(paste0(" * ", c("gadget_model",
                                   "gadget_fleet")), collapse = "\n"))

#' Make Gadget printfile and write out to file
#' @param ... Any number of lists containing details of Gadget printfile
#' components. Arguments to \code{...} must be the same name as one of the
#' default printfile lists, see \code{\link{printfileDefaults}}
#' @param main List of class \code{gadget_main} or character vector of the
#' Gadget mainfile to be read
#' @param path Optional. Path to Gadget model
#' @param fit_dir Optional. Path to sub-directory of Gadget model where
#' optimized files are housed (i.e. WGTS from
#' \code{\link[Rgadget]{Rgadget::gadget.fit}})
#' @param output_dir Character. Path to the directory where printfiles will
#' be written
#' @param aggfile_dir Character. Path to the directory where aggfiles will
#' be written
#' @param printatstart A numeric value of 0 or 1. 0 indicates printing at end
#' of timesteps.
#' 1 indicates printing at the start
#' @param steps The steps in which to print the various printfile components.
#' Can be numeric or \code{"all"}
#' @return NULL. Writes the printfiles provided in \code{...} to the directory
#' provided by \code{output_dir}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' printfile <-  make_gadget_printfile(stock_std = list(stockname = "cod"),
#'                       path = gad_mod_dir)
make_gadget_printfile <- function(..., main = "main", path = NULL,
                                  fit_dir = NULL, output_dir = "out",
                                  aggfile_dir = "print.aggfiles",
                                  printatstart = 1, steps = "all") {
    if ("gadget_main" %in% class(main)) {
        main <- main
    } else {
        main <- read_gadget_main(file = main, path = path)
    dir_name <- ifelse(is.null(path), getwd(), basename(path))
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    if (!any(names(dots) %in% pf_types)) {
        stop("... must have names", "\n",
             paste(paste0(" * ", pf_types), collapse = "\n"), "\n",
             "or be a list of objects with names as such")
    # plug the information given in ... into the appropriate printfile
    # component template
    updated_printfiles <-
        lapply(seq_along(dots), function(x) {
                pf_template <-
                    getFromNamespace(names(dots)[x], ns = "gadgetSim")
                new_pf <- update_printfile(pf_template, dots[[x]])
                if (is.null(new_pf$printfile)) {
                    type_label <- gsub("_", "\\.", class(new_pf)[1])
                    stocks2get <- unlist(new_pf[grep("name", names(new_pf))])
                    if (!is.null(output_dir)) {
                        new_pf$printfile <-
                                    paste(stocks2get, collapse = "."),
                    } else {
                        new_pf$printfile <-
                            sprintf("%s.%s", paste(stocks2get, collapse = "."),
                } else if (!is.null(output_dir)) {
                    new_pf$printfile <-
                        sprintf("%s/%s", output_dir, new_pf$printfile)
    # make and add aggregate files for those components that need them
    added_aggfiles <- lapply(updated_printfiles, make_aggfiles,
                             aggfile_dir = aggfile_dir, path = path)
    names(added_aggfiles) <- names(dots)
    return(structure(added_aggfiles, class = c("gadget_printfile", "list")))

#' Create a data.frame of class "gadget_params"
#' These functions create and update a data.frame of class \code{gadget_params}.
#' This is the parameter file for switches used in a Gadget model
#' @return A data.frame of class \code{gadget_params}. \code{make_gadget_params}
#' returns an empty data.frame, and \code{init_params} updates the parameter
#' found by \code{switch}.
#' @export
#' @name params
#' @examples
#' params <- make_gadget_params()
#' params <- init_params(params, "linf", 125, 115, 135)
#' params <- init_params(params, "k", 0.25, 0.1, 0.3, optimize = FALSE)
#' # setup for efficient use with dplyr
#' params <-
#'   make_gadget_params() %>%
#'   init_params("linf", 125, 115, 135) %>%
#'   init_params("k", 0.25, 0.1, 0.3, optimize = FALSE)
make_gadget_params <- function() {
    return(structure(data.frame(switch = NULL, value = NULL, lower = NULL,
                                upper = NULL, optimize = NULL),
                     class = c("gadget_params", "data.frame")))

#' @rdname params
#' @export
init_params <- function(df, switch, value, lower, upper, optimize = TRUE) {
    # check to make sure that lower < upper
    if (upper < lower) {
        tmp <- lower
        lower <- upper
        upper <- tmp
    # check to ensure that value is between bounds
    if (value < lower | value > upper) {
        stop("The value for ", switch, " is outside of lower and upper bounds")
    row_num <- grep(switch, df$switch)
    optimize <- ifelse(optimize, 1, 0)
    if (length(row_num) == 0) {
        df <- rbind(df, data.frame(switch, value, lower, upper, optimize))
    } else if (length(row_num) == 1) {
        df[row_num, ] <- data.frame(switch, value, lower, upper, optimize)
    } else {
        stop(sprintf("There is more than one switch by the name of %s", switch))
    class(df) <- c("gadget_params", "data.frame")

#' Create a Gadget optimization info file
#' This function creates a list of class \code{gadget_optinfofile} that can be
#' used to write to file the components desired for optimization in Gadget.
#' Arguments to the function can either be left blank for the default; otherwise
#' they must be named arguments with names corresponding to the optimization
#' routine desired (see Gadget User Guide. Chapter 11.).
#' If the default values provided by gadgetSim are desired, then use a named
#' argument with "default" (i.e. simann = "default"). Otherwise, you can specify
#' as many or as few parameters to alter in a list
#' @param ... Named list(s) with names corresponding to the optimization type
#' desired.
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_optinfofile}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' opt <- make_gadget_optinfofile()
#' opt <- make_gadget_optinfofile(simann = "default")
#' opt <- make_gadget_optinfofile(simann = list(simanniter = 10000,
#'                                              t = 3000),
#'                                bfgs = list(bfgsiter = 20000))
make_gadget_optinfofile <- function(...) {
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    if (length(dots) == 0) {
        out <-
                simann = simann_optinfo,
                bfgs = bfgs_optinfo,
                hooke = hooke_optinfo
            ), class = c("gadget_optinfofile", "list"))
    } else {
        out <-
            lapply(seq_along(dots), function(x, nms) {
                opt_type <- paste(nms[x], "optinfo", sep = "_")
                default <- getFromNamespace(opt_type, ns = "gadgetSim")
                if (all(dots[[x]] == "default")) {
                } else {
                    return(modifyList(default, dots[[x]]))
            }, nms = names(dots))
        return(structure(setNames(out, names(dots)),
                         class = c("gadget_optinfofile", "list")))

#' Assemble an entire Gadget model with a single function
#' This function is the almagamation of all the make_gadget_* functions.
#' It allows a user to put together all aspects of a Gadget model for simulation
#' tesing purposes. Note that this function does not currently implement the
#' inclusion of a likelihood file. If a Gadget model optimized to data is more
#' desirable, then you should look to the Rgadget package (specifically
#' \code{\link[Rgadget]{gadget.iterative}}).
#' This function utilizes the framework of gadgetSim functions to easily
#' assemble the files necessary to simulate a Gadget model. It does not call the
#' model directly, rather it sets up all files desired for inclusion into the
#' Gadget model. You will still; however, have to set up the params files
#' separately.
#' \code{...} should be a number of named elements corresponding to the
#' following names: time, area, stock (or stocks), and fleet (or fleets).
#' Each of these named elements should also correspond to their respective
#' gadget_* classes as produced by the family of make_gadget_* functions
#' (see example below).
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_model}. This can then be fed into
#' \code{\link{write_gadget_model}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #------------------------------
#' # setup time and area
#' st_year <- 1985
#' end_year <- 2015
#' time <- make_gadget_timefile(st_year, end_year, "quarterly")
#' area <-
#'   make_gadget_areafile(areas = 1, size = 1e6,
#'                        temp_data = expand.grid(year = st_year:end_year,
#'                                                step = 1:4, area = 1,
#'                                                temp = 3))
#' #------------------------------
#' # setup the stock
#' # setup basic stock information
#' minage <- 1
#' maxage <- 10
#' minlength <- 1
#' maxlength <- 100
#' dl <- 1
#' alpha <- 1e-04
#' beta <- 3
#' reflength <- seq(minlength, maxlength, dl)
#' stock_info <-
#'     list(stockname = "cod", livesonareas = 1,
#'          minage = minage, maxage = maxage,
#'          minlength = minlength, maxlength = maxlength, dl = dl)
#' # setup refweightfile
#' stock_refwgt <-
#'     data.frame(len = reflength,
#'                weight = alpha * reflength ^ beta)
#' # setup growth
#' linf <- 125
#' k <- 0.15
#' t0 <- -0.5
#' stock_growth <-
#'     list(growthfunction = "lengthvbsimple",
#'          growthparameters = c(linf, k, alpha, beta))
#' # setup naturalmortality
#' stock_m <- rep(0.2, 10)
#' # setup initial conditions
#' init_data <-
#'     normalparamfile(age = seq(minage, maxage, 1),
#'                     area = 1,
#'                     age.factor = 1e6 *
#'                                  exp(-cumsum(rep(0.2,
#'                                                  (maxage - minage + 1)))),
#'                     area.factor = 1,
#'                     mean = vb_formula("cod", minage:maxage,
#'                                       params = list(linf = linf,
#'                                                     k = k,
#'                                                     t0 = t0)),
#'                     sd = c(1:10, rep(10, 10)),
#'                     alpha = alpha,
#'                     beta = beta)
#' stock_initcond <- list(normalparamfile = init_data)
#' # setup spawning
#' stock_spawnfile <-
#'     make_gadget_spawnfile(
#'       stockname = "cod",
#'       start_year = st_year,
#'       end_year = end_year,
#'       proportionfunction = c("exponential", -0.25, 35),
#'       recruitment = bev_holt_formula("cod", params = c(4e08, 1.067e08)),
#'       stockparameters = c(20, 2, alpha, beta)
#'     )
#' # create gadget stockfile
#' cod <-
#'    make_gadget_stockfile(stock = stock_info,
#'                          refweightfile = stock_refwgt,
#'                          growth = stock_growth,
#'                          naturalmortality = stock_m,
#'                          iseaten = 1,
#'                          initialconditions = stock_initcond,
#'                          spawning = stock_spawnfile)
#' #------------------------------
#' # setup the fleet
#' lin_flt_data <- expand.grid(year = st_year:end_year,
#'                             steps = 1:4,
#'                             area = 1,
#'                             fleetname = "lin")
#' lin_flt_data <- lin_flt_data[order(lin_flt_data$year), ]
#' lin_flt_data$scaling <- c(seq(0.01,0.8, length.out = 62),
#'                           seq(0.8,0.2,length.out = 62))
#' lin_fleet <-
#'     list(type = "linearfleet",
#'          suitability = make_exponentiall50_suit("lin", "cod"),
#'          amount = lin_flt_data)
#' lin <- make_gadget_fleet(lin = lin_fleet)
#' #------------------------------
#' # simulate the Gadget model
#' gad_mod <-
#'   make_gadget_model(time = time,
#'                     area = area,
#'                     stock = cod,
#'                     fleet = lin)
#' write_gadget_model(gad_mod, path = "test_model")
#' # must set up params first, then can run
#' stock_std <- get_stock_std(path = "test_model")
#' #------------------------------
#' # see the results
#' plot(number ~ year, subset(stock_std$cod, age == 2, step == 1), type = "l")
#' # if using tidyverse
#' g <-
#'   ggplot(data=filter(stock_std$cod, step == 1), aes(x=year, y=number)) +
#'   geom_line() + facet_wrap(~age, scales = "free_y")
make_gadget_model <- function(...) {
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    # check and write time file
    if (check_names("^time", dots)) {
        if (!("gadget_time" %in% class(dots$time))) {
            stop("Gadget timefile must be of class gadget_time")
        } else {
            time <- dots$time
            timefile <- "time"
    } else {
        time <- NULL
        timefile <- NULL
    # check and write areafile
    if (check_names("^area", dots)) {
        if (!("gadget_area" %in% class(dots$area))) {
            stop("Gadget areafile must be of class gadget_time")
        } else {
            area <- dots$area
            areafile <- "Modelfiles/area"
    } else {
        area <- NULL
        areafile <- NULL
    # check and write stock files
    if (check_names("^stock|^stocks", dots)) {
        stock_list <- dots[grep("^stock|^stocks", names(dots))]
        stocknames <-
            lapply(stock_list, function(x) {
                if (!("gadget_stock" %in% class(x))) {
                    stop("Gadget stockfile must be of class gadget_stock",
                         "or gadget_stocks")
                } else {
        stocks <- dots[[grep("^stock|^stocks", names(dots))]]
    } else {
        stocks <- NULL
        stocknames <- NULL
    # check and write fleet files
    if (check_names("^fleet|^fleets", dots)) {
        fleets <- dots[[grep("^fleet|^fleets", names(dots))]]
        if (!("gadget_fleets" %in% class(fleets))) {
            stop("Fleets must be of class gadget_fleets")
        fleetfile <- "Modelfiles/fleet"
    } else {
        fleets <- NULL
        fleetfile <- NULL
    # write out mainfile
    mainfile <-
        make_gadget_mainfile(list(timefile = timefile,
                                  areafile = areafile,
                                  stockfiles = unlist(stocknames),
                                  fleetfiles = fleetfile))
        main = mainfile,
        time = time,
        area = area,
        stocks = stocks,
        fleets = fleets),
        class = c("gadget_model", "list")))

#' Update components of an object of class "gadget_model"
#' @param mod_obj A list of class \code{gadget_model}, see
#' \code{\link{make_gadget_model}} or \code{\link{read_gadget_model}}
#' @param comp Character vector of the component to update (i.e. stocks, fleets,
#' etc.)
#' @param ... Named arguments corresponding to the appropriate name in the
#' respective gadget model component (i.e. for "stocks" the named argument could
#' be growthparameters = c(150, 10, 1e-06, 3))
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_model} the same as that of
#' \code{mod_obj}, but updated with the arguments given in \code{...}
#' @export
#' @name update_model
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim")
#' mod <- read_gadget_model(path = path)
#' new_mod <- update_model(mod, "stocks",
#'                         growthparameters = c(150, 10, 1e-06, 3))
update_model <- function(mod_obj, comp, item = NULL, ..., rm_item = FALSE) {
    if (rm_item) {
        if (is.null(item)) {
            stop("You must specify an item in order to remove it.")
        mod_obj[[comp]][[item]] <- NULL
    } else {
        dots <- dots2list(...)
        if (!is.null(item)) {
            mod_obj[[comp]][[item]][names(dots)] <- dots
        } else {
            mod_obj[[comp]][names(dots)] <- dots

#' @rdname update_model
#' @export
update_stock <- function(mod_obj, stockname, comp, item = NULL, ...,
                         rm_item = FALSE) {
    if (rm_item) {
        if (is.null(item)) {
            stop("You must specify an item in order to remove it.")
        mod_obj$stocks[[stockname]][[comp]][[item]] <- NULL
    } else {
        dots <- dots2list(...)
        if (!is.null(item)) {
            mod_obj$stocks[[stockname]][[comp]][[item]][names(dots)] <- dots
        } else {
            mod_obj$stocks[[stockname]] <-
                modifyList(mod_obj$stocks[[stockname]], dots)

#' @rdname update_model
#' @param fleetname Character. The name of the fleet already present in a Gadget
#' model to either update or remove
#' @export
update_fleet <- function(mod_obj, fleetname, ...) {
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    fleetnames <-
        vapply(mod_obj$fleets, function(x) {
        }, character(1))
    mod_obj$fleets[[grep(fleetname, fleetnames)]][names(dots)] <- dots

#' @rdname update_model
#' @param fleet List of type \code{gadget_fleet} or \code{gadget_fleets} to
#' be added to Gadget model
#' @export
add_fleet <- function(mod_obj, fleet) {
    if (!any(c("gadget_fleet", "gadget_fleets") %in% class(fleet))) {
        stop("Fleet must be of type gadget_fleet or gadget_fleets")
    fleet_n <- length(mod_obj$fleets)
    fleets <- c(mod_obj$fleets, fleet)
    mod_obj$fleets <- structure(fleets, class = c("gadget_fleets", "list"))

#' @rdname update_model
#' @export
rm_fleet <- function(mod_obj, fleetname) {
    fleets <- mod_obj$fleets
    fleet2rm_ind <-
        vapply(seq_along(fleets), function(x) {
            if (fleets[[x]][[1]] == fleetname) {
            } else {
        }, numeric(1))
    mod_obj$fleets <- structure(mod_obj$fleets[-fleet2rm_ind],
                                class = c("gadget_fleets", "list"))

#' Turn any character vector into a Gadget switch
#' Character vectors are strictly returned when using
#' \code{\link{to_gadget_formula}}. This function allows one to explicitly
#' turn a character vector into a switch
#' @param ... Any number of character objects
#' @return A list with length the same number of items entered in \code{...}.
#' All items will have a "#" placed in front of them
#' @export
#' @examples
#' make_switches("linf", "k")
#' stockname <- "cod"
#' make_switches(paste(stockname, "linf", sep = "."),
#'               paste(stockname, "k", sep = "."))
make_switches <- function(...) {
    dots <- dots2list(...)
    out <-
        vapply(dots, function(x) {
        }, character(1))
inspktrgadget/gadgetSim documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:51 a.m.