
# functions to read gadget files

#' Read Gadget mainfile
#' @param file Character. Name of the main file to be read
#' @inheritParams call_gadget
#' @return List of class \code{gadget_main} with each name corresponding to a
#' type of file
#' and each object corresponding to a filename as used by Gadget
#' @export
#' @examples
#' read_gadget_main(path = system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim"))
#' read_gadget_main("WGTS/main.final")
read_gadget_main <- function(file = "main", path = NULL) {
    file <- check_path(file)
    if (!file.exists(file)) {
        stop("Main file not found")
    main <- readLines(file)
    if (length(main) == 0) {
        stop(sprintf("File %s is empty", file))
    main <- strip_comments(main)
    keywords <- grep("^\\[", main)
    main <- main[-c(keywords)]
    typeoffile <- sapply(strsplit(main, "\\s+"), function(x) x[1])
    filenames <- sapply(strsplit(main, "\\s+"), function(x) x[-1])
    main <- lapply(filenames, function(x) {
        if (any(grepl("^;", x))) {
            return(x[!grepl("^;", x)])
        } else {return(x)}
    main <- setNames(main, typeoffile)
    class(main) <- c("gadget_main", class(main))

#' Read Gadget timefile
#' This function reads in a Gadget timefile using either the specified timefile
#' name or from the main file
#' @param timefile Character. The name of the file to read in
#' @inheritParams read_gadget_stockfiles
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_time}
#' @export
#' @name read_time_area
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim")
#' main <- read_gadget_main(path = path)
#' timefile <- read_gadget_timefile(main = main, path = path)
read_gadget_timefile <- function(timefile, main = NULL, path = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        if (!("gadget_main" %in% class(main))) {
            stop("If main is specified you must supply a list of class ",
        } else {
            timefile <- main$timefile
    timefile <- readLines(check_path(timefile))
    timefile <- strip_comments(timefile)
    time_args <-
        lapply(timefile, function(x) {
            vals <- split_tab(x, ind = -1)
            vals <- tryCatch(as.numeric(vals),
                             warning = function(w) return(vals),
                             error = function(e) return(vals))
    time_names <-
        lapply(timefile, function(x) {
            return(split_tab(x, ind = 1))
    time <- setNames(time_args, time_names)
    return(structure(time, class = c("gadget_time", "list")))

#' @rdname read_time_area
#' @examples
#' area <- read_gadget_areafile(main = main, path = path)
read_gadget_areafile <- function(areafile, main = NULL, path = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        if (!("gadget_main" %in% class(main))) {
            stop("If main is specified you must supply a list of class ",
        } else {
            areafile <- main$areafile
    areafile <- readLines(check_path(areafile))
    areafile <- strip_comments(areafile)
    areas <- as.numeric(split_ws(areafile[1], ind = -1))
    size <- as.numeric(split_ws(areafile[2], ind = -1))
    temp_data <- areafile[4:length(areafile)]
    temp_data <-
        lapply(temp_data, function(x) {
            return(matrix(split_ws(x), ncol = 4))
    temp_df <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", temp_data))
    names(temp_df) <- c("year", "step", "area", "temperature")
    area_file <- list(areas = areas, size = size, temperature = temp_df)
    return(structure(area_file, class = c("gadget_area", "list")))

#' Read Gadget stockfiles
#' Get stockfiles used in a Gadget model
#' @param stockfiles Character vector of stocknames present in Gadget model
#' @param main Optional. A list of class \code{gadget_main}
#' @inheritParams read_gadget_main
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_stocks} consisting of
#' \code{gadget_stock}
#' one or more gadget_stock objects
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim")
#' main <- read_gadget_main(path = gad_mod_dir)
#' stocks <- read_gadget_stockfiles(main = main, path = path)
#' head(stocks[[1]])
read_gadget_stockfiles <- function(stockfiles, main = NULL, path = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        if (!("gadget_main" %in% class(main))) {
            stop("If main is specified you must supply a list of class ",
        stockfiles <- main$stockfiles
    stocks2get <- check_path(stockfiles)
    stocks <-
        lapply(stocks2get, function(x) {
            tmp <- readLines(x)
            tmp <- strip_comments(tmp)
            tmp <- split_ws_list(tmp)
            tmp_names <- vapply(tmp, function(x) return(x[1]), character(1))
            tmp_cont <- lapply(tmp, function(x) return(x[-1]))
            out <- setNames(tmp_cont, tmp_names)
            out <- check_stockfile(out, path = path)
            return(structure(out, class = c("gadget_stock", "list")))
    stocks <- setNames(stocks, stockfiles)
    if (length(stocks) > 1) {
        return(structure(stocks, class = c("gadget_stocks", "list")))
    } else {

get_gadget_fleet_info <- function(fleetfiles, main = NULL, path = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        if (!("gadget_main" %in% class(main))) {
            stop("If main is specified you must supply a list of class ",
        fleetfiles <- main$fleetfiles
    fleets2get <- check_path(fleetfiles)
    tmp <- readLines(fleets2get)
    tmp <- tmp[-(grep("^;", tmp))]
    comp_loc <- grep("^\\[component\\]$|^\\[fleetcomponent\\]$", tmp)
    if (any(grepl("^quotafleet$", split_tab(tmp[comp_loc+1], ind = 1)))) {
        stop("Apologies...read_gadget_fleet is not yet setup to handle ",
    suit_loc <- grep("suitability", tmp)
    fleet_info <-
        data.frame(fleet = split_tab(tmp[comp_loc + 1], ind = 2),
                   type = split_tab(tmp[comp_loc + 1], ind = 1),
                   livesonareas = split_tab(tmp[comp_loc + 2], ind = 2),
                   multiplicative = split_tab(tmp[comp_loc + 3], ind = 2),
                   amount = split_tab(tmp[grep("amount", tmp)], ind = 2),
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    prey_ind <-
        lapply(seq_along(suit_loc), function(y) {
            return((suit_loc[y] + 1):(grep("amount", tmp)[y] - 1))
    prey_ind <- setNames(prey_ind, fleet_info$fleet)
    suit_info <-
        do.call("rbind", lapply(seq_along(prey_ind), function(y, n) {
            dat <-
                            lapply(prey_ind[[y]], function(z) {
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            dat <- setNames(dat,
                            c("stock", "func", "suitability", "params"))
            dat <- cbind(data.frame(fleet = n[y]),
                         subset(dat, select = -func))
        }, n = names(prey_ind)))
    return(structure(list(fleet = fleet_info, prey = suit_info),
                     class = c("gadget_fleet_info", "list")))

#' Read Gadget fleet file
#' @param fleetfiles Character name of fleet file in Gadget model as specified
#' in main file
#' @inheritParams read_gadget_stockfiles
#' @return A list detailing the fleets included in Gadget model,
#' stocks included, and suitability
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim")
#' main <- read_gadget_main(path = path)
#' fleet <- read_gadget_fleet(main = main, path = path)
read_gadget_fleet <- function(fleetfiles, main = NULL, path = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        if (!("gadget_main" %in% class(main))) {
            stop("If main is specified you must supply a list of class ",
        fleetfiles <- main$fleetfiles
    fleets2get <- check_path(fleetfiles)
    tmp <- readLines(fleets2get)
    tmp <- strip_comments(tmp)
    tmp <- split_ws(tmp)
    comp_ind <- get_index(comp_regex, tmp)
    comp_list <- make_list_at_index(tmp, comp_ind, keep_indices = FALSE)
    fleet_list <-
        lapply(comp_list, function(x) {
            fleet_type <- x[1]
            fleet_template <- getFromNamespace(fleet_type, ns = "gadgetSim")
            arg_name_ind <- get_index(names(fleet_template), x)
            arg_list <-
                make_list_at_index(x, arg_name_ind, keep_indices = FALSE)
            names(arg_list) <- names(fleet_template)
            if (length(grep("^function$", arg_list$suitability)) >= 1) {
                suit_fun_ind <- get_index("^function$", arg_list$suitability)
                suit_list <-
                    make_list_at_index(arg_list$suitability, suit_fun_ind - 1)
                suit_df <- data.frame(do.call("rbind", suit_list),
                                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                names(suit_df) <-
                    c("stock", "fun", "fun_type",
                      paste0("param", 1:(ncol(suit_df) - 3)))
                arg_list$suitability <- suit_df
            if (!(is.null(arg_list$amount) | arg_list$amount == "") |
                  length(arg_list$amount) == 0) {
                filename <- arg_list$amount
                variable_colname <-
                    ifelse(fleet_type %in% c("totalfleet", "numberfleet"),
                           "amount", "scaling")
                dat_names <-
                    c("year", "step", "area", "fleet", variable_colname)
                arg_list$amount <-
                                         colnames = dat_names,
                                         path = path)
            return(structure(arg_list, class = c("gadget_fleet", "list")))
                     class = c("gadget_fleets", "list")))

#' Read Gadget likelihood file
#' @param likelihoodfiles Character. The name of the likelihood file
#' @inheritParams read_gadget_stockfiles
#' @details There are a number of different likelihood types in a Gadget model.
#' This function will retrieve the likelihood file, sort and organize each
#' component into its respective likelihood type, and return a list with each
#' item of the list containing a \code{data.frame} of all the components within
#' a respective likelihood type.
#' @return A list of \code{data.frame}s; one for each likelihood type.
#' The returned list also has class \code{gadget_likelihood}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lik <- read_gadget_likelihood(system.file("gadget_model/likelihood",
#'                               package = "gadgetSim"))
#' ## Using the main and path arguments instead
#' path <- system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim")
#' main <- read_gadget_main(path = path)
#' lik <- read_gadget_likelihood(main = main, path = path)
read_gadget_likelihood <- function(likelihoodfiles, main = NULL, path = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(main)) {
        if (!("gadget_main" %in% class(main))) {
            stop("If main is specified you must supply a list of class ",
        likelihoodfiles <- main$likelihood
    likelihoodfiles <- check_path(likelihoodfiles)
    lik <- readLines(likelihoodfiles)
    lik <- gf2list(strip_comments(lik), list_names = TRUE)
    get_lik_ <- function(lik_comp, object) {
            return(split_tab(lik_comp[grep(object, lik_comp)], ind = 2))
    get_lik_name <- function(lik_comp, object = "^name") {
        return(get_lik_(lik_comp, object))
    get_lik_type <- function(lik_comp, object = "^type") {
        return(get_lik_(lik_comp, object))
    get_lik_weight <- function(lik_comp, object = "^weight") {
        return(as.numeric(get_lik_(lik_comp, object)))
    organize_comp <- function(comp) {
        comp_names <- split_tab(comp, ind = 1)
        dat <- data.frame(split_tab_list(comp, ind = -1),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        dat <- setNames(dat, comp_names)
        attr(dat, "class") <- c(get_lik_type(comp), "data.frame")
    temp <-lapply(lik, organize_comp)
    lik_types <- unique(vapply(temp, function(x) class(x)[1], character(1)))
    out <-
        lapply(lik_types, function(x) {
            do.call("rbind", c(lapply(temp, function(y) {
                if (x %in% class(y)) {
                    class(y) <- "data.frame"
                } else {return(NULL)}
            }), make.row.names = FALSE))
    out <- setNames(out, lik_types)
    class(out) <- c("gadget_likelihood", class(out))

#' Read the output from a StockStdPrinter printfile component
#' This function reads specifically the output from a StockStdPrinter printfile
#' component from Gadget and formats the output into a useable
#' \code{data.frame} in R
#' @param output_dir Character. Path to the directory where output is housed
#' @inheritParams read_gadget_stockfiles
#' @return \code{data.frame} of the output from a StockStdPrinter printfile
#' component
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' path <- system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim")
#' make_gadget_printfile(stock_std = list(stockname = "cod",
#'                       printfile = "printfile"), main = "WGTS/main.final",
#'                       file = "WGTS/printfile", path = path,
#'                       aggfile_dir = "WGTS/aggfiles")
#' call_gadget(switches = list(s = TRUE, i = "WGTS/params.final",
#'                             main = "WGTS/main.final"),
#'             path = path)
#' read_gadget_stock_std("out", path = paste("WGTS", path, sep = "/"))
#' }
read_gadget_stock_std <- function(output_dir, files = NULL, path = NULL) {
    output_dir <- check_path(output_dir)
    if (!is.null(files)) {
        files2read <- files
    } else {
        files2read <- grep("stock.std", dir(output_dir), value = TRUE)
    stock_std_names <- c("year", "step", "area", "age", "number",
                         "length", "weight", "length.sd",
                         "number.consumed", "biomass.consumed")
    stock_std <-
        lapply(files2read, function(x) {
            tmp <- read.table(paste(c(output_dir, x), collapse = "/"),
                              sep = "", comment.char = ";",
                              colClasses = "numeric",
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            tmp <- setNames(tmp, stock_std_names)
    return(setNames(stock_std, gsub(".stock.std", "", files2read)))

#' Read a Gadget model
#' This is a wrapper function for most of the \code{\link{read_gadget_*}}
#' functions. It reads in all of the main components for a Gadget model and
#' wraps them in a list of class \code{\link{gadget_model}}
#' @inheritParams read_gadget_main
#' @return A list of class \code{gadget_model}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file(gad_mod_dir, package = "gadgetSim")
#' gad_mod <- read_gadget_model(path = path)
read_gadget_model <- function(main = "main", path = NULL) {
    main <- read_gadget_main(file = main, path = path)
    time <- read_gadget_timefile(main = main, path = path)
    areas <- read_gadget_areafile(main = main, path = path)
    stocks <- read_gadget_stockfiles(main = main, path = path)
    fleets <- read_gadget_fleet(main = main, path = path)
    return(structure(list(main = main, time = time, areas = areas,
                          stocks = stocks, fleets = fleets),
                     class = c("gadget_model", "list")))
inspktrgadget/gadgetSim documentation built on May 10, 2019, 9:51 a.m.