
Defines functions app_server

#' The application server-side
#' @param input,output,session Internal parameters for {shiny}.
#' @import shiny
#' @noRd
app_server <- function(input, output, session) {
    appCSS <- "
    .btn-loading-container {
    margin-left: 10px;
    font-size: 1.2em;
    .btn-done-indicator {
    color: green;
    .btn-err {
    margin-top: 10px;
    color: red;

    shiny::includeHTML(system.file("extdata", "on_reload.html",
        package = "tripr",
        mustWork = TRUE

    options(shiny.maxRequestSize = 3000 * 1024^2)

    on_click_js <- "
    Shiny.onInputChange('mydata', '%s');
    on_click_js_convergent_evolution <- "
    Shiny.onInputChange('conv_evo', '%s');

    ## JS Code for enabling and diabling tabs
    jscode <- "shinyjs.disabletab =function(name){
    $('ul li:has(a[data-value= ' + name + '])').addClass('disabled');
    $('.nav li.disabled a').prop('disabled',true)

    shinyjs.enabletab =function(name){
    $('.nav li.disabled a').prop('disabled',false)
    $('ul li:has(a[data-value= ' + name + '])').removeClass('disabled');
    } "

    # Your application server logic

    ############################### initialize global variables  ###############################

    used_columns <- NULL
    msg <- NULL
    loaded_datasets <- c()
    newDatasetNames <- NULL
    file_size <- 0
    cleaning_criteria <- c("Functional V-Gene", "CDR3 with no Special Characters", "Productive Sequence", "Productive Sequences")
    filtering_criteria <- c("V-REGION identity %", "Specific V Gene", "Specific J Gene", "Specific D Gene", "CDR3 length range", "CDR3 length range")

    filtering_workflow <- c()
    cleaning_workflow <- c()

    identity_groups <- c()
    specificClonotypes <- c()
    filterStartEnd <- NULL
    start_char <- NULL
    end_char <- NULL
    newDataset <- FALSE
    cleaning_confirm <- ""
    correctColumns <- "no"
    rawDataSet <- list()
    worng_columns_id <- list()
    new_columns <- list()
    gene_clonotypes <- ""
    junction_clonotypes <- ""
    allele_clonotypes <- ""

    cleaning_parameters <- c()
    filtering_parameters <- c()
    pipeline_parameters <- c()

    filteredData_id <- c()

    Multiple_value_comparison_input_values <- c()

    mutational_status_table_allData <- c() # delete from global
    mutational_status_table_datasets <- list() # delete from global

    cl_ids_mutations <- c()
    FclonoSeperately <- FALSE

    cl_ids_logos <- c()
    FclonoLogoSeperately <- FALSE

    countTables_per_region_datasets <- list()

    highly_sim_datasets <- list()
    highly_sim <- c()

    # function results
    imgtfilter_results <- c()
    imgtcleaning_results <- c() # save only the workflow table into a different variable and delete it from global
    insertedMultiple_value_comparison <- c()
    insertedRepertoires <- c()
    clono <- c()
    public_clonotypes_results <- list() # delete from global
    highly_sim_public_clonotypes_results <- list() # delete from global
    repertories_results <- c()
    repertoires_comparison_results <- list() # delete from global
    HighlySim_repertories_results <- list()
    highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results <- list() # delete from global
    columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison <- c()
    Multiple_value_comparison_result <- list() # delete from global
    alignmentRegion_results <- list() # delete from global
    alignmentRegion_results_nt <- list() # delete from global
    grouped_alignment_results <- list()
    grouped_alignment_results_nt <- list()
    mutation_results <- list() # delete from global
    mutation_results_nt <- list() # delete from global
    mutation_results_cl <- list() # delete from global
    mutation_results_nt_cl <- list() # delete from global
    frequenciesTables_results <- list() # delete from global
    frequenciesTables_results_cl <- list() # delete from global
    logo_result <- list() # delete from global
    logo_per_region <- list() # delete from global
    logo_result_cl <- list() # delete from global
    logo_per_region_cl <- list() # delete from global
    CDR3Diff1_results <- list()
    highly_similar_clonotypes_results <- list()

    just_restored_session <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_cleaning <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_clonotypes <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_Repertoires <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_HighlySim_Repertoires <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_repertoires_comparison <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_Multiple_value_comparison <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_alignment <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_freqTables <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_logo <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_CDR3Diff1 <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_highly_similar_clonotypes <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_public_clonotypes <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_highly_sim_public_clonotypes <- FALSE
    just_restored_session_mutations <- FALSE

    msgLoadData <- ""
    msgCleaning <- ""
    msgFiltering <- ""
    msgClonotypes <- ""
    msgHighlySim <- ""
    msgPublicClono <- ""
    msgPublicClono <- ""
    msgRepertoires <- c()
    msgHighlySim_Repertoires <- c()
    # msgRepertoires[1] <- ""
    msgRepertoiresComp <- ""
    msgMultiple_value_comparison <- c()
    msgAlignment <- ""
    msgGroupedAlignment <- ""
    msgFreqTables <- ""
    msgLogo <- ""
    msgCDR3Diff1 <- ""
    msgMutation <- ""

    logo_plot <- NULL
    freq_mat <- c()
    pie_repertory <- list()
    cd <- NULL

    region_names <- c("FR1-IMGT", "CDR1-IMGT", "FR2-IMGT", "CDR2-IMGT", "FR3-IMGT", "CDR3-IMGT")
    index_1 <- c(1, 27, 39, 56, 66, 105)
    index_2 <- c(26, 38, 55, 65, 104, 114)

    cdr3_lengths <- c()

    # Distributions
    box_input <- c() # delete from global
    cdr3_length_distribution_dataset <- list() # delete from global
    cdr3_length_distribution <- c() # delete from global
    pi_distribution <- c() # delete from global
    pi_distribution_dataset <- list() # delete from global

    ############################### Select Datasets ###############################

    volumes <- c(Home = fs::path_home(), "R Installation" = R.home(), shinyFiles::getVolumes()())
    shinyDirChoose(input, "dir", roots = volumes, filetypes = c("", "txt"))

    dir <- reactive(input$dir)
    output$dir <- renderText({  # use renderText instead of renderPrint
        shinyFiles::parseDirPath(volumes, input$dir)

    # path
    path <- reactive({
        ## home is the selected volume (~, R.installation, D://, etc.)
        home <- normalizePath(volumes[input$dir$root])
        file.path(home, paste(unlist(input$dir$path[-1]), collapse = .Platform$file.sep))

    # Load Data
    output$uiLoadData <- renderUI({
        if (is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(input$Dataset)) {
        # Wrap the button in the function `withBusyIndicatorUI()`
            actionButton("LoadData", "Load Data",
                style = "color: #fff; background-color: #5F021F; border-color: #fff"

    dataInputColumns <- reactive({
        if (is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(input$Dataset) | is.null(input$LoadData)) {
        if (input$LoadData == FALSE) {
        withBusyIndicatorServer("LoadData", {
            testColumnNames(input$Dataset, input$inputFiles, path()) # load only selected datasets

    output$num_of_datasets <- reactive({
        if ((is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(input$Dataset) | is.null(input$LoadData)) & (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes != "compute_clonotypes")) {
        if (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes == "compute_clonotypes") {
            if (is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(input$Dataset) | is.null(input$LoadData)) {
            if (input$LoadData == FALSE) {

        if (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes == "compute_clonotypes") {
            length(unique(t(data.frame(strsplit(input$Dataset, "_")))[, 1]))
        } else {

    outputOptions(output, "num_of_datasets", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)

    output$confirmLoadData <- renderUI({
        if (is.null(dataInputColumns())) {
        msgLoadData <<- dataInputColumns()$confirm
        h5(msgLoadData, style = "color: #CD0000;")

    output$uiInputFiles <- renderUI({
        if (is.null(input$dir)) {
        a <- list.files(paste0(path(), "/", list.files(path())[1]))
                class = "multicol",
                    inputId = "inputFiles", label = "Select Files", inline = FALSE, choices = a,
                    selected = c("1_Summary.txt", "2_IMGT-gapped-nt-sequences.txt", "4_IMGT-gapped-AA-sequences.txt", "6_Junction.txt")

    output$uiDatasets <- renderUI({
        if (is.null(input$dir)) {
        checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "Dataset", label = "Select Datasets", inline = TRUE, choices = list.files(path()))

    observeEvent(input$LoadData, {
        if (is.null(input$LoadData)) {
        if (input$LoadData == FALSE) {
        loaded_datasets <<- unique(t(data.frame(strsplit(input$Dataset, "_")))[, 1])

    observeEvent(input$Dataset, {
        if (is.null(input$Dataset)) {
        file_size <<- 0
        for (i in seq_len(length(input$Dataset))) {
            for (j in seq_len(length(input$inputFiles))) {
                file_size <<- file_size + file.size(paste0(path(), "/", input$Dataset[i], "/", input$inputFiles[j]))
        message(file_size / 1000000, "MB to be loaded")

    observeEvent(input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes, {
        if (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes == "load_clonotypes") {
            # used columns
            message("Currently Unavailable")
            message("Please use only 'Compute Clonotypes'")
            # load("rData files/used_columns.rData")
            # used_columns <- e$used_columns
            # load("rData files/cdr3_lengths.rData")
            # cdr3_lengths <<- cdr3_lengths

    ############################### Wrong column names ###############################
    # Return the UI for a modal dialog with data selection input. If 'failed' is
    # TRUE, then display a message that the previous value was invalid.

    dataModal <- function(failed = FALSE) {
        data <- dataInputColumns()
            lapply(seq_len(length(data$worng_columns_id)), function(i) {
                    # width = 9,
                    h4(paste0(" Wrong column names for Dataset ", data$wrong_dataset[i], " : ", toString(data$worng_columns_names[[i]]), ". Complete the new column names.")),
                    # sidebarPanel(
                    # width = 19,
                    textInput(paste0("column_name", i), "Column names:"),
                    helpText("Separate the different column names with comma e.g. V-GENE and allele,AA JUNCTION")
                    # actionButton("Execute2", "Execute")
                    # )
            if (failed) {
                div(tags$b("Invalid name of data object", style = "color: red;"))
            footer = tagList(
                actionButton("ok", "OK")

    output$uiColumns <- renderUI({
        if (is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(input$dir) | is.null(input$Dataset) | is.null(input$LoadData)) {
        if (input$LoadData == FALSE) {
        data <- dataInputColumns()
        if (data$message != "wrong column names") {
        if (length(new_columns) > 0) {
            if (correctColumns == "yes") {

    # When OK button is pressed, attempt to load the data set. If successful,
    # remove the modal. If not show another modal, but this time with a failure
    # message.

    observeEvent(input$ok, {
        data <- dataInputColumns()
        # Take the input values for the new column names.
        for (i in seq_len(length(data$worng_columns_id))) {
            col <- input[[paste0("column_name", i)]]
            if (length(col) == 0) {
            if (col == "") {
            new_columns_names <- strsplit(as.character(col), ",")[[1]]
            new_columns_files <- strsplit(toString(data$worng_columns_names[[i]]), ":")[[1]]

            new_columns_temp <- c()
            for (j in seq_len(length(new_columns_names))) {
                b <- strsplit(new_columns_files[j], "_")
                b2 <- gsub(".txt", "", b[[1]][2])
                b2 <- gsub("-", ".", b2)
                tmp <- paste(b2, new_columns_names[j])
                tmp2 <- gsub(" ", ".", tmp)
                tmp2 <- gsub("-", ".", tmp2)
                new_columns_temp <- c(new_columns_temp, tmp2)
            new_columns[[i]] <<- new_columns_temp

        correctInputColumns <- reactive({
            correctColumnNames(input$inputFiles, data$rawDataSet, list.files(path()), data$wrong_dataset, new_columns, data$worng_columns_id, loaded_datasets)

        if (correctInputColumns()$correct == "yes") {
            correctColumns <<- "yes"
            rawDataSet <<- correctInputColumns()$rawDataSet

        } else {
            correctColumns <<- "no"
            showModal(dataModal(failed = TRUE))

    ############################### Load a Previous Session ###############################

    vals <- reactiveValues(sum = 0)
    vals <- reactiveValues(excludedPoints = c(1, 2, 3))

    # Save extra values in state$values when we bookmark
    onBookmark(function(state) {
        # load saved objects

        state$values$dir <- dir
        state$values$path <- path()
        state$values$newDatasetNames <- newDatasetNames
        state$values$imgtfilter_results <- imgtfilter_results
        state$values$imgtcleaning_results <- imgtcleaning_results
        state$values$repertories_results <- repertories_results
        state$values$insertedRepertoires <- insertedRepertoires
        state$values$HighlySim_repertories_results <- HighlySim_repertories_results
        state$values$repertoires_comparison_results <- repertoires_comparison_results
        state$values$highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results <- highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results
        state$values$clono <- clono
        state$values$highly_similar_clonotypes_results <- highly_similar_clonotypes_results
        state$values$public_clonotypes_results <- public_clonotypes_results
        state$values$cdr3_lengths <- cdr3_lengths
        state$values$insertedMultiple_value_comparison <- insertedMultiple_value_comparison
        state$values$Multiple_value_comparison_input_values <- Multiple_value_comparison_input_values
        state$values$columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison <- columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison
        state$values$frequenciesTables_results <- frequenciesTables_results
        state$values$logo_result <- logo_result
        state$values$alignmentRegion_results <- alignmentRegion_results
        state$values$alignmentRegion_results_nt <- alignmentRegion_results_nt
        state$values$mutation_results <- mutation_results
        state$values$mutation_results_nt <- mutation_results_nt
        state$values$mutation_results_cl <- mutation_results_cl
        state$values$mutation_results_nt_cl <- mutation_results_nt_cl
        state$values$grouped_alignment_results <- grouped_alignment_results
        state$values$grouped_alignment_results_nt <- grouped_alignment_results_nt
        state$values$dataInputColumns <- dataInputColumns()

        if (input$Continue != FALSE) {
            state$values$newDataset <- FALSE
        } else {
            state$values$newDataset <- newDataset

    # Read values from state$values when we restore
    onRestore(function(state) {
        updateTabsetPanel(session, "navbar", "home")

        dir <<- state$values$dir

        newDatasetNames <<- state$values$newDatasetNames
        dataInputColumnsTemp <<- state$values$dataInputColumns
        imgtfilter_results <<- state$values$imgtfilter_results
        imgtcleaning_results <<- state$values$imgtcleaning_results
        newDataset <<- state$values$newDataset
        repertories_results <<- state$values$repertories_results
        insertedRepertoires <<- state$values$insertedRepertoires
        HighlySim_repertories_results <<- state$values$HighlySim_repertories_results
        repertoires_comparison_results <<- state$values$repertoires_comparison_results
        highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results <<- state$values$highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results

        clono <<- state$values$clono
        highly_similar_clonotypes_results <<- state$values$highly_similar_clonotypes_results
        public_clonotypes_results <<- state$values$public_clonotypes_results
        cdr3_lengths <<- state$values$cdr3_lengths
        insertedMultiple_value_comparison <<- state$values$insertedMultiple_value_comparison

        Multiple_value_comparison_input_values <<- state$values$Multiple_value_comparison_input_values
        columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison <<- state$values$columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison
        frequenciesTables_results <<- state$values$frequenciesTables_results
        logo_result <<- state$values$logo_result
        alignmentRegion_results <<- state$values$alignmentRegion_results
        alignmentRegion_results_nt <<- state$values$alignmentRegion_results_nt
        grouped_alignment_results <<- state$values$grouped_alignment_results
        grouped_alignment_results_nt <<- state$values$grouped_alignment_results_nt

        mutation_results <<- state$values$mutation_results
        mutation_results_nt <<- state$values$mutation_results_nt
        mutation_results_cl <<- state$values$mutation_results_cl
        mutation_results_nt_cl <<- state$values$mutation_results_nt_cl

        just_restored_session <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_cleaning <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_clonotypes <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_public_clonotypes <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_Repertoires <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_HighlySim_Repertoires <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_repertoires_comparison <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_Multiple_value_comparison <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_alignment <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_mutations <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_freqTables <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_logo <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_alignment <<- TRUE
        just_restored_session_highly_similar_clonotypes <<- TRUE

        if (input$Continue != FALSE) {
            newDataset <- FALSE
        } else {
            newDataset <- newDataset

        dataInputColumns <- reactive({

        # Execute Filtering if cleaning has alreary been applied
        output$uiExecute <- renderUI({
            actionButton("Execute", "Execute",
                style = "color: #fff; background-color: #5F021F; border-color: #fff"
                actionButton("Execute", "Execute",
                    style = "color: #fff; background-color: #5F021F; border-color: #fff"

        # Execute Button for pipeline if filtering has alreary been applied
        output$uiExecute_pipeline <- renderUI({
            withBusyIndicatorUI(actionButton("Execute_pipeline", "Execute Pipeline", style = "color: #fff; background-color: #5F021F; border-color: #fff"))

        newDataset <- FALSE

        # insert repertoires on pipeline tab
        if (length(insertedRepertoires) > 0) {
            for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                btn <- paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])
                id <- insertedRepertoires[i]
                addRepertoryFct(id, btn)

        # insert Multiple_value_comparison on pipeline tab
        if (length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison) > 0) {
            for (i in seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison))) {
                btn <- strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2]
                id <- paste0("MultipleValues_", btn)
                addMultipleValues(id, btn, columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison, Multiple_value_comparison_input_values[i, 1], Multiple_value_comparison_input_values[i, 2])

    observeEvent(input$restorePreviousSession, {
        # show the previoys sessions by their dates to the UI
        output$uiPreviousSessions <- renderUI({
            if (is.null(list.files("shiny_bookmarks"))) {
            # save the date that each bookmarked folder was created
            dates_of_files <- lapply(list.files("shiny_bookmarks"), function(x) file.mtime(paste0("shiny_bookmarks/", x)))
            dates_as_char <- c()
            for (j in seq_len(length(dates_of_files))) {
                dates_as_char <- c(dates_as_char, as.character(dates_of_files[[j]]))
            dates_as_char_ordered <- dates_as_char[order(dates_as_char)]

                tags$div(class = "multicol", radioButtons(inputId = "prevSession", label = "Select Session", inline = TRUE, choices = dates_as_char_ordered))

        output$uiLoadPreviousSessions <- renderUI({
            if (is.null(input$prevSession)) {
            all_session_ids <- list.files("shiny_bookmarks")
            dates_of_files <- lapply(list.files("shiny_bookmarks"), function(x) file.mtime(paste0("shiny_bookmarks/", x)))

            # find the session id selected by the user
            for (j in seq_len(length(dates_of_files))) {
                if (strsplit(as.character(dates_of_files[[j]]), " [+]")[[1]][1] == input$prevSession) {
                    session_id <- all_session_ids[j]

            # Update the link according to the new link of the session
            link <- paste0("", session_id)

            helpText(a("Click Here to load session", href = link, target = "_blank"))
            a(h4("Load Session",
                class = "btn btn-default action-button",
                style = "fontweight:600"
            target = "_blank",
            href = link

    ############################### Enable/Disable Tabs ###############################
    observeEvent(input$pipeline_alignment, {
        if (input$pipeline_alignment) { # If true enable, else disable
        } else {

    observeEvent(input$pipeline_mutations, {
        if (input$pipeline_mutations) { # If true enable, else disable
        } else {

    observeEvent(input$pipeline_clonotypes, {
        if (input$pipeline_clonotypes) { # If true enable, else disable
        } else {

    observeEvent(input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes, {
        if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes) { # If true enable, else disable
        } else {

    observeEvent(input$pipeline_Repertoires, {
        if (input$pipeline_Repertoires) { # If true enable, else disable
        } else {

    observeEvent(input$pipeline_Multiple_value_comparison, {
        if (input$pipeline_Multiple_value_comparison) { # If true enable, else disable
        } else {

    observeEvent(input$pipeline_CDR3Diff1, {
        if (input$pipeline_CDR3Diff1) { # If true enable, else disable
        } else {

    observeEvent(input$pipeline_logo, {
        if (input$pipeline_logo) { # If true enable, else disable
        } else {

    ############################### In each tab select the dataset you want to see ###############################
    output$uiSelectDatasetCleaning <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("cleaningDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetFiltering <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("filteringDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetClonotypes <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("clonotypesDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasethighly_similar_clonotypes <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("highlySimClonotypesDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetRepertoires <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("RepertoiresDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetMultiple_value_comparison <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("Multiple_value_comparisonDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetAlignment <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("alignmentDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetMutation <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("mutationDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetFreqTable <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("freqTableDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetLogo <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("LogoDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetCDR3Diff1 <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("CDR3Diff1Dataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    output$uiSelectDatasetVisualisation <- renderUI({
        if ((is.null(input$Dataset)) & (length(loaded_datasets) == 0)) {
        selectInput("VisualisationDataset", "Select Dataset:", c("All Data", loaded_datasets), width = "170px")

    ############################### Cleaning and Filtering inputs

    output$uiStart <- renderUI({
        if (input$start_end == FALSE) {
        textInput("start_char", "Start with:", value = "C", width = "110px")

    output$uiStart_comment <- renderUI({
        if (input$start_end == FALSE) {
        helpText("Separate the different letters with | e.g. C|D")

    output$uiEnd <- renderUI({
        if (input$start_end == FALSE) {
        textInput("end_char", "End with:", value = "W", width = "110px")

    output$uiEnd_comment <- renderUI({
        if (input$start_end == FALSE) {
        helpText("Separate the different letters with | e.g. F|D")

    output$uiIdentityLow <- renderUI({
        if (input$identity == FALSE) {
        numericInput("identityLow", "Identity Low %:", 85, min = 0, max = 100, width = "110px")

    output$uiIdentityHigh <- renderUI({
        if (input$identity == FALSE) {
        numericInput("identityHigh", "Identity High %:", 100, min = 0, max = 100, width = "110px")

    output$uiVGene <- renderUI({
        if (input$VGene == FALSE) {
        textInput("VGene_name", "V-Gene names")

    output$uiVGene_comment <- renderUI({
        if (input$VGene == FALSE) {
        helpText("Separate the different V-Gene names with | e.g. TRBV11-2|TRBV29-1*03 (F)")

    output$uiJGene <- renderUI({
        if (input$JGene == FALSE) {
        textInput("JGene_name", "J-Gene names")

    output$uiJGene_comment <- renderUI({
        if (input$JGene == FALSE) {
        helpText("Separate the different J-Gene names with | e.g. TRBJ2-6|TRBJ2-2")

    output$uiDGene <- renderUI({
        if (input$DGene == FALSE) {
        textInput("DGene_name", "D-Gene names")

    output$uiDGene_comment <- renderUI({
        if (input$DGene == FALSE) {
        helpText("Separate the different D-Gene names with | e.g. TRBD2|TRBD1")

    output$uilengthLow <- renderUI({
        if (input$length == FALSE) {
        numericInput("lengthLow", "Length Low Limit:", 7, min = 0, max = 20, width = "140px")

    output$uilengthHigh <- renderUI({
        if (input$length == FALSE) {
        numericInput("lengthHigh", "Length Upper Limit:", 13, min = 0, max = 20, width = "140px")

    output$uiAminoacid <- renderUI({
        if (input$aminoacid == FALSE) {
        textInput("aminoacid_name", "Amino-acid:")

    # Execute Filtering if cleaning has alreary been applied
    output$uiExecute <- renderUI({
        if (input$Continue == FALSE | is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(input$dir) | is.null(input$Dataset)) {

            actionButton("Execute", "Execute",
                style = "color: #fff; background-color: #5F021F; border-color: #fff"

    ############################### Execute Button for pipeline if filtering has alreary been applied ###############################
    output$uiExecute_pipeline <- renderUI({
        if ((input$Continue == FALSE | is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(input$dir) | is.null(input$Dataset) | newDataset == TRUE) & (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes == "compute_clonotypes")) {
        if (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes == "compute_clonotypes") {
            if ((input$Execute == FALSE)) {
                "Execute_pipeline", "Execute Pipeline",
                style = "color: #fff; background-color: #5F021F; border-color: #fff"

    ############################### Cleaning ###############################
    # newDataset=TRUE when the dataset state is changed. When this happens the execute button has to disapear and cleaning must be applyed
    observeEvent(input$Dataset, {
        newDataset <<- TRUE

    observeEvent(input$Continue, {

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Continue", {
            newDataset <<- FALSE
            loaded_datasets <<- unique(t(data.frame(strsplit(input$Dataset, "_")))[, 1])
            if ((is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(input$dir) | is.null(input$Dataset)) && just_restored_session_cleaning == FALSE) {
                    # "Please select a data set!"
                    title = "Error Message",
                    "Please select a data set",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

            if (just_restored_session_cleaning == FALSE) {
                # check the selected input
                if (input$cell == "T cell") {
                    cell_id <- 1
                } else {
                    cell_id <- 2

                filter_id <- c()
                cleaning_parameters <<- c()
                if (input$Functional) {
                    filter_id <- c(filter_id, 1)
                    cleaning_parameters <<- c(cleaning_parameters, "Functional V-Gene")

                if (input$Characters) {
                    filter_id <- c(filter_id, 2)
                    cleaning_parameters <<- c(cleaning_parameters, "CDR3 with no Special Characters")

                if (input$Productive) {
                    filter_id <- c(filter_id, 3)
                    cleaning_parameters <<- c(cleaning_parameters, "Productive Sequences")

                if (input$start_end) {
                    filter_id <- c(filter_id, 4)
                    cleaning_parameters <<- c(cleaning_parameters, paste0("CDR3 start with ", input$start_char, " and end with ", input$end_char))
                    if ((input$start_char == "")) {
                        start_char <- ""
                    } else {
                        k <- strsplit(as.character(input$start_char), "|")[[1]]
                        start_char <- ""
                        for (j in seq_len(length(k))) {
                            if (j %% 2 == 1) {
                                start_char <- paste0(start_char, paste0("^", k[j]))
                            } else {
                                start_char <- paste0(start_char, k[j])

                if (input$start_end) {
                    if ((input$end_char == "")) {
                        end_char <- ""
                    } else {
                        k <- strsplit(as.character(input$end_char), "|")[[1]]
                        end_char <- ""
                        for (j in seq_len(length(k))) {
                            if (j %% 2 == 1) {
                                end_char <- paste0(end_char, paste0(k[j], "$"))
                            } else {
                                end_char <- paste0(end_char, k[j])

                if (length(new_columns) == 0) {
                    rawDataSet <<- dataInputColumns()$rawDataSet

                if (input$cell == "T cell") {
                    Tcell <- TRUE
                } else {
                    Tcell <- FALSE

                if (input$throughput == "High Throughput") {
                    imgtcleaning_results <<- imgtcleaning(rawDataSet, loaded_datasets, list.files(path()), input$inputFiles, cell_id, filter_id, " P| ORF", "[*]|X|#|[.]", "productive", start_char, end_char, as.numeric(input$identityLow), as.numeric(input$identityHigh), input$VGene_name, input$JGene_name, input$DGene_name, as.numeric(input$lengthLow), as.numeric(input$lengthHigh), input$aminoacid_name, seq1, seq2, Tcell)
                } else {
                    imgtcleaning_results <<- imgtcleaningLow(rawDataSet, loaded_datasets, list.files(path()), input$inputFiles, cell_id, filter_id, " P| ORF", "[*]|X|#|[.]", "productive", start_char, end_char, as.numeric(input$identityLow), as.numeric(input$identityHigh), input$VGene_name, input$JGene_name, input$DGene_name, as.numeric(input$lengthLow), as.numeric(input$lengthHigh), input$aminoacid_name, seq1, seq2, Tcell)

            just_restored_session_cleaning <<- FALSE

            cleaning_workflow <<- imgtcleaning_results$workflow

            cleaning_confirm <<- imgtcleaning_results$confirm

            msg <<- imgtcleaning_results$message

            ################# Cleaning Results to tables #################

            output$tableCleaning <- renderTable(
                    if (is.null(input$cleaningDataset)) {
                    if (input$cleaningDataset == "All Data") {
                        tab <- imgtcleaning_results$workflow
                    } else {
                        tab <- imgtcleaning_results$workflow_datasets[[input$cleaningDataset]]
                    colnames(tab) <- c("Filter id", "Filter out", "Filter in")
                digits = 0

            output$tableTitleCleaning <- renderUI({
                h3("Cleaning results")

            output$allDataInitialTableCleaning <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$cleaningDataset)) {
                    if (input$cleaningDataset == "All Data") {
                        tab <- imgtcleaning_results$allDataInitial
                    } else {
                        tab <- imgtcleaning_results$initial_datasets[[input$cleaningDataset]]
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadallDataInitialTableCleaning <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("InitialTableCleaning_", input$cleaningDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$cleaningDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(imgtcleaning_results$allDataInitial, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(imgtcleaning_results$initial_datasets[[input$cleaningDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$allDataInitialTableTitleCleaning <- renderUI({
                h3("All Data table")

            output$filterInTableCleaning <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$cleaningDataset)) {
                    if (input$cleaningDataset == "All Data") {
                        tab <- imgtcleaning_results$allData
                    } else {
                        tab <- imgtcleaning_results$cleaned_datasets[[input$cleaningDataset]]
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadfilterInTableCleaning <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("filterInTableCleaning_", input$cleaningDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$cleaningDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(imgtcleaning_results$allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(imgtcleaning_results$cleaned_datasets[[input$cleaningDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$filterInTableTitleCleaning <- renderUI({
                h3("Clean table")

            output$filterOutTableCleaning <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$cleaningDataset)) {
                    if (input$cleaningDataset == "All Data") {
                        tab <- imgtcleaning_results$filterOutSum
                    } else {
                        tab <- imgtcleaning_results$cleaned_out_datasets[[input$cleaningDataset]]
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$filterOutTableTitleCleaning <- renderUI({
                h3("Clean out table")

            output$downloadfilterOutTableCleaning <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("filterOutTableCleaning_", input$cleaningDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$cleaningDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(imgtcleaning_results$filterOutSum, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(imgtcleaning_results$cleaned_out_datasets[[input$cleaningDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmCleaning <- renderUI({
                h5(imgtcleaning_results$confirm, style = "color: #CD0000;")

    ############################### Filtering ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute, {
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute", {
            # check the selected input
            if (input$cell == "T cell") {
                cell_id <- 1
            } else {
                cell_id <- 2

            # release memory
            rawDataSet <<- list()
            worng_columns_id <- list()
            new_columns <- list()

            filter_id <- c()
            filtering_parameters <<- c()

            if (input$identity) {
                filter_id <- c(filter_id, 5)
                filtering_parameters <<- c(filtering_parameters, paste0("V-REGION identity from ", input$identityLow, "% to ", input$identityHigh, "%"))

            if (input$VGene) {
                filter_id <- c(filter_id, 6)
                filtering_parameters <<- c(filtering_parameters, paste0("V Gene: ", input$VGene_name))

            if (input$JGene) {
                filter_id <- c(filter_id, 7)
                filtering_parameters <<- c(filtering_parameters, paste0("J Gene: ", input$JGene_name))

            if (input$DGene) {
                filter_id <- c(filter_id, 8)
                filtering_parameters <<- c(filtering_parameters, paste0("D Gene: ", input$DGene_name))

            if (input$length) {
                filter_id <- c(filter_id, 9)
                filtering_parameters <<- c(filtering_parameters, paste0("CDR3 length from ", input$lengthLow, " to ", input$lengthHigh))

            if (input$aminoacid) {
                filter_id <- c(filter_id, 10)
                filtering_parameters <<- c(filtering_parameters, paste0("CDR3 containing the amino-acid sequence: ", input$aminoacid_name))

            if (just_restored_session == FALSE || length(imgtfilter_results) == 0) {
                if (input$throughput == "High Throughput") {
                    imgtfilter_results <<- imgtfilter(imgtcleaning_results$cleaned_datasets, loaded_datasets, imgtcleaning_results$allData, cell_id, filter_id, " P| ORF", "[*]|X|#|[.]", "productive", start_char, end_char, as.numeric(input$identityLow), as.numeric(input$identityHigh), input$VGene_name, input$JGene_name, input$DGene_name, as.numeric(input$lengthLow), as.numeric(input$lengthHigh), input$aminoacid_name, seq1, seq2)
                } else {
                    imgtfilter_results <<- imgtfilterLow(imgtcleaning_results$cleaned_datasets, loaded_datasets, imgtcleaning_results$allData, cell_id, filter_id, " P| ORF", "[*]|X|#|[.]", "productive", start_char, end_char, as.numeric(input$identityLow), as.numeric(input$identityHigh), input$VGene_name, input$JGene_name, input$DGene_name, as.numeric(input$lengthLow), as.numeric(input$lengthHigh), input$aminoacid_name, seq1, seq2)

            just_restored_session <<- FALSE

            filtering_workflow <<- imgtfilter_results$workflow

            output$confirmCleaningFiltering <- renderUI({
                h5(cleaning_confirm, style = "color: #CD0000;")

            output$confirmFiltering <- renderUI({
                h5(imgtfilter_results$confirm, style = "color: #CD0000;")

            msg <<- imgtfilter_results$message

            ################ Filtering Results to tables ###############
            output$table <- renderTable(
                    if (is.null(input$filteringDataset)) {
                    if (input$filteringDataset == "All Data") {
                        tab <- imgtfilter_results$workflow
                    } else {
                        tab <- imgtfilter_results$workflow_datasets[[input$filteringDataset]]
                    colnames(tab) <- c("Filter id", "Filter out", "Filter in")
                digits = 0

            output$tableTitle <- renderUI({
                h3("Filtering results")

            output$allDataInitialTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$filteringDataset)) {
                    if (input$filteringDataset == "All Data") {
                        tab <- imgtfilter_results$allDataInitial
                    } else {
                        tab <- imgtfilter_results$imgtcleaning_results$initial_datasets[[input$filteringDataset]]
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadAllDataInitialTable <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("DataInitial", input$filteringDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$filteringDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(imgtfilter_results$allDataInitial, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(imgtcleaning_results$initial_datasets[[input$filteringDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$allDataInitialTableTitle <- renderUI({
                h3("All Data table")

            output$filterInTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$filteringDataset)) {
                    if (input$filteringDataset == "All Data") {
                        tab <- imgtfilter_results$allData
                    } else {
                        tab <- imgtfilter_results$filtered_datasets[[input$filteringDataset]]
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadfilterInTable <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("filterInTable", input$filteringDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$filteringDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(imgtfilter_results$allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(imgtfilter_results$filtered_datasets[[input$filteringDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$filterInTableTitle <- renderUI({
                h3("Filter in table")

            output$filterOutTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$filteringDataset)) {
                    if (input$filteringDataset == "All Data") {
                        tab <- imgtfilter_results$filterOutSum
                    } else {
                        tab <- imgtfilter_results$filtered_out_datasets[[input$filteringDataset]]
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadfilterOutTable <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("filterOutTable", input$filteringDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$filteringDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(imgtfilter_results$filterOutSum, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(imgtfilter_results$filtered_out_datasets[[input$filteringDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$filterOutTableTitle <- renderUI({
                h3("Filter out table")

    ############################### Pipeline  ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        msgClonotypes <<- ""
        if (length(insertedRepertoires) > 0) {
            for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) msgRepertoires[i] <<- ""
        if (length(msgMultiple_value_comparison) > 0) {
            for (i in seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison))) msgMultiple_value_comparison[i] <<- ""
        msgAlignment <<- ""
        msgGroupedAlignment <<- ""
        msgFreqTables <<- ""
        msgLogo <<- ""
        msgCDR3Diff1 <<- ""

        output$confirmClonotype <- renderUI({

        output$confirmhighlySimClonotypes <- renderUI({

        output$confirmPublicClonotypes <- renderUI({

        output$confirmRepertoiresUi <- renderUI({

        output$confirmRepertoiresComparison <- renderUI({

        output$confirmMultiple_value_comparison <- renderUI({

        output$confirmAlignment <- renderUI({

        output$confirmGroupedAlignment <- renderUI({

        output$confirmMutations <- renderUI({

        output$confirmFrequenciesTables <- renderUI({

        output$confirmLogo <- renderUI({

        output$confirmCDR3Diff1 <- renderUI({

    ############################### Error Msg ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_mutations) {
            if (input$pipeline_alignment == FALSE) {
                    # "Please ckeck Alignment first!"
                    title = "Error Message Mutations",
                    "Please ckeck Alignment first!",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

            if (input$pipeline_alignment == TRUE & input$AAorNtMutations == "both" & input$AAorNtAlignment != "both") {
                    # "Please ckeck Alignment both first!"
                    title = "Error Message Mutations",
                    "Please ckeck Alignment both first!",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

            if (input$pipeline_alignment == TRUE & input$AAorNtMutations == "aa" & input$AAorNtAlignment == "nt") {
                    # "Please ckeck Alignment both first!"
                    title = "Error Message Mutations",
                    "Please ckeck Alignment aa first!",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

            if (input$pipeline_alignment == TRUE & input$AAorNtMutations == "nt" & input$AAorNtAlignment == "aa") {
                    # "Please ckeck Alignment nt first!"
                    title = "Error Message Mutations",
                    "Please ckeck Alignment nt first!",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

    ############################### Clonotypes ###############################

    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline", {
            if (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes == "load_clonotypes") {
                load("rData files/clono.rdata")
                clono <<- clono
                loaded_datasets <<- names(clono$clono_datasets)
                load("rData files/used_columns.rData")
                used_columns <- e$used_columns
            } else {
                ## Connect used_columns with e$used_columns so it maintains
                ## state of value
                used_columns <- e$used_columns
                cdr3_lengths <<- sort(unique(imgtfilter_results$allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][15]]]))
                cdr3_lengths <<- as.numeric(cdr3_lengths) #+2
                cdr3_lengths <<- sort(cdr3_lengths)

            if (input$select_clonotype == "V Gene + CDR3 Amino Acids") {
                allele <- FALSE
                gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                junction <- used_columns[["Summary"]][18]
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "V Gene and Allele + CDR3 Amino Acids") {
                allele <- TRUE
                gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                junction <- used_columns[["Summary"]][18]
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "V Gene + CDR3 Nucleotide") {
                allele <- FALSE
                gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                junction <- used_columns[["IMGT.gapped.nt.sequences"]][9]
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "V Gene and Allele + CDR3 Nucleotide") {
                allele <- TRUE
                gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                junction <- used_columns[["IMGT.gapped.nt.sequences"]][9]
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "J Gene + CDR3 Amino Acids") {
                allele <- FALSE
                gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][8]
                junction <- used_columns[["Summary"]][18]
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "J Gene and Allele + CDR3 Amino Acids") {
                allele <- TRUE
                gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                junction <- used_columns[["Summary"]][18]
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "J Gene + CDR3 Nucleotide") {
                allele <- FALSE
                gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][8]
                junction <- used_columns[["IMGT.gapped.nt.sequences"]][9]
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "J Gene and Allele + CDR3 Nucleotide") {
                allele <- TRUE
                gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][8]
                junction <- used_columns[["IMGT.gapped.nt.sequences"]][9]
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "CDR3 Amino Acids") {
                allele <- FALSE
                junction <- used_columns[["Summary"]][18]
                gene <- c()
            } else if (input$select_clonotype == "Sequence") {
                allele <- FALSE
                gene <- c()
                junction <- used_columns[["Summary"]][20]
            } else {
                allele <- FALSE
                junction <- used_columns[["IMGT.gapped.nt.sequences"]][9]
                gene <- c()

            gene_clonotypes <<- gene
            junction_clonotypes <<- junction
            allele_clonotypes <<- allele

            if ((just_restored_session_clonotypes == FALSE) & (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes != "load_clonotypes")) {
                clono <<- clonotypes(imgtfilter_results$allData, allele, gene, junction, loaded_datasets, input$diagnosis) # input$shm_normal,

            just_restored_session_clonotypes <<- FALSE

            msgClonotypes <<- clono$confirm

            output$clonoTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$clonotypesDataset)) {
                    if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- clono$clono_allData
                    } else {
                        my_table <- clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]]

                    if (input$select_clonotype == "Sequence") {

                    colnames(my_table) <- c(paste0("Clonotype (", input$select_clonotype, ")"), "N", "Freq", "Convergent Evolution")

                    my_table[[paste0("Clonotype (", input$select_clonotype, ")")]] <- vapply(my_table[[paste0("Clonotype (", input$select_clonotype, ")")]], function(x) {
                        as.character(tags$a(href = "#", onclick = sprintf(on_click_js, x), x))
                    }, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

                    my_table[["Convergent Evolution"]] <- vapply(my_table[["Convergent Evolution"]], function(x) {
                        as.character(tags$a(href = "#", onclick = sprintf(on_click_js_convergent_evolution, x), x))
                    }, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

                escape = FALSE,
                options = list(
                    autoWidth = FALSE,
                    columnDefs = list(list(width = "40%", targets = 1))

            output$downloadAllClonotypes <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("Clonotypes_", input$select_clonotype, "_", input$clonotypesDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        if (input$select_clonotype != "Sequence") {
                            clono$clono_allData$CDR3 <- clono$clono_allData[, 1]
                            clono$clono_allData <- clono$clono_allData[, c(1, 5, 2:4)]
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(clono$clono_allData))) {
                                clono$clono_allData[i, 2] <- strsplit(as.character(clono$clono_allData[i, 1]), " - ")[[1]][2]
                                clono$clono_allData[i, 1] <- strsplit(as.character(clono$clono_allData[i, 1]), " - ")[[1]][1]
                    } else {
                        if (input$select_clonotype != "Sequence") {
                            clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]]$CDR3 <- clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]][, 1]
                            clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]][, c(1, 5, 2:4)]
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]]))) {
                                clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]][i, 2] <- strsplit(as.character(clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]][i, 1]), " - ")[[1]][2]
                                clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]][i, 1] <- strsplit(as.character(clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]][i, 1]), " - ")[[1]][1]

                    if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(clono$clono_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(clono$clono_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$viewSpecificClonotype <- DT::renderDataTable(
                    if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[input$mydata]]
                    } else {
                        my_table <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]][[input$mydata]]

                    specificClonotypes <<- my_table

                escape = FALSE,
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$viewSpecificConvergentEvolution <- DT::renderDataTable(
                    cluster <- strsplit(input$conv_evo, " ")[[1]][2]

                    if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- clono$convergent_evolution_list_allData[[cluster]]
                    } else {
                        my_table <- clono$convergent_evolution_list_datasets[[input$clonotypesDataset]][[cluster]]

                    colnames(my_table) <- c("IMGT.gapped.nt.sequences.CDR3.IMGT", "N: Convergent Evolution")

                    SpecificConvergentEvolution <<- my_table

                escape = FALSE,
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadElementsOfClonotype <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("ElementsOfClonotype ", input$mydata, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    write.table(specificClonotypes, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$downloadConvergentEvolution <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("ConvergentEvolution ", input$conv_evo, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    write.table(SpecificConvergentEvolution, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ########### create frequency matrix for bar plots

            output$clonotypes_bar_plot <- renderPlot({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {

                if (input$clonotypes_barplot_select_range == FALSE) {
                    # Find the clonotypes that we want to draw for all the datasets
                    cl <- c()
                    a <- list()
                    if (is.null(input$clonotypes_barchart_threshold)) thr <- 0 else thr <- input$clonotypes_barchart_threshold
                    a[["allData"]] <- clono$clono_allData %>% filter(clono$clono_allData$Freq > thr)
                    cl <- c(cl, a[["allData"]]$clonotype)
                    for (i in loaded_datasets) {
                        a[[i]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[i]] %>% filter(clono$clono_datasets[[i]]$Freq > thr)
                        cl <- c(cl, a[[i]]$clonotype)
                } else {
                    # Find the clonotypes that we want to draw for all the datasets
                    range <- input$clonotypes_barchart_down_threshold:input$clonotypes_barchart_up_threshold
                    cl <- c()
                    a <- list()
                    a[["allData"]] <- clono$clono_allData[range, ]
                    cl <- c(cl, a[["allData"]]$clonotype)
                    for (i in loaded_datasets) {
                        a[[i]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[i]][range, ]
                        cl <- c(cl, a[[i]]$clonotype)

                # Unique clonotypes
                cl <- unique(cl)
                cl <<- c(cl, "Other")

                # Create a freqeuncy matrix
                data <- c("allData", loaded_datasets)
                freq_mat <- matrix(0, length(cl), (length(loaded_datasets) + 1))
                ki <- 0
                for (i in seq_len(length(cl))) {
                    for (j in seq_len(length(data))) {
                        if (i == length(cl)) {
                            freq_mat[i, j] <- 100 - sum(freq_mat[seq_len((i - 1)), j])
                        } else {
                            if (length(which(a[[data[j]]]$clonotype == cl[i])) > 0) {
                                freq_mat[i, j] <- a[[data[j]]]$Freq[which(a[[data[j]]]$clonotype == cl[i])]

                colnames(freq_mat) <- data
                rownames(freq_mat) <- cl

                    xlim = c(0, ncol(freq_mat) + 5),
                    col = brewer.pal(nrow(freq_mat), "Paired"),
                    legend.text = TRUE,
                    args.legend = list(
                        x = ncol(freq_mat) + 5,
                        y = max(colSums(freq_mat)),
                        bty = "n"

            if (input$diagnosis == TRUE) {
                output$diagnosisTable <- renderDataTable(
                        if (is.null(input$clonotypesDataset)) {
                        if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        } else {
                            my_table <- clono$diagnosis[[input$clonotypesDataset]]

                    escape = FALSE,
                    options = list(autoWidth = TRUE)

                output$downloadDiagnosis <- downloadHandler(
                    filename = function() {
                        paste0("Diagnosis_", input$select_clonotype, "_", input$clonotypesDataset, ".txt")
                    content = function(file) {
                        if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                            write.table(clono$diagnosis[["All Data"]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            write.table(clono$diagnosis[[input$clonotypesDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmClonotype <- renderUI({
                h5(msgClonotypes, style = "color: #CD0000;")


    ############################### Highly Similar Clonotypes ###############################
    observeEvent(input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes, {
        if ((input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes != "load_clonotypes") & (just_restored_session_highly_similar_clonotypes == FALSE)) {
            used_columns <- e$used_columns
            cdr3_lengths <<- sort(unique(imgtfilter_results$allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][15]]]))
            cdr3_lengths <<- as.numeric(cdr3_lengths) #+2
            cdr3_lengths <<- sort(cdr3_lengths)
        } else {
            used_columns <- e$used_columns
            load("rData files/cdr3_lengths.rData")
            cdr3_lengths <<- cdr3_lengths

        lapply(seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths)), function(i) {
            output[[paste0("num_of_mismatches_length", i)]] <- renderUI({
                numericInput(paste0("num_of_missmatches_cdr3_length_", i), paste0("CDR3 Length ", cdr3_lengths[i]), 1, min = 1, max = 100, width = "140px")

        lapply(seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths)), function(i) {
            output[[paste0("num_of_mismatches_length_thr", i)]] <- renderUI({
                numericInput(paste0("num_of_mismatches_thr_cdr3_length_", i), paste0("CDR3 Length ", cdr3_lengths[i]), 20, min = 1, max = 100, width = "140px")

        output$select_highly_similar_clonotypes_parameters <- renderUI({
                h4("Select number of missmatches"),
                    "select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches", "Use:",
                        "Number" = "select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches_number",
                        "Threshold %" = "select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches_thr"
                    condition = "input.select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches == 'select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches_number'",
                    lapply(seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths)), function(i) {
                        column(2, uiOutput(paste0("num_of_mismatches_length", i)))
                    condition = "input.select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches == 'select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches_thr'",
                    lapply(seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths)), function(i) {
                        column(2, uiOutput(paste0("num_of_mismatches_length_thr", i)))
                column(3, h4("Select Clonotype Frequency Threshold")),
                numericInput("clonotype_freq_thr_for_highly_sim", "Threshold% : range [0,100]:", 1, min = 0, max = 100, width = "140px"),
                h4("Take Gene into account"),
                selectInput("take_gene_highly_similar", "Select type:", c("Yes", "No"), width = "320")


        output$select_length_to_show_higlySimClono_ui <- renderUI({
            selectInput("select_length_to_show_highlySimClono", "Select length:", cdr3_lengths, width = "170px")

    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes == FALSE) {

        if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {
            showModal(modalDialog(title = "Error Message Highly Similar Clonotypes", "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!", easyClose = TRUE, footer = NULL))

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline", {
            num_of_missmatches <- c()

            if (input$select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches == "select_highly_sim_num_of_missmatches_number") {
                for (i in seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths))) {
                    num_of_missmatches <- c(num_of_missmatches, input[[paste0("num_of_missmatches_cdr3_length_", i)]])
            } else {
                for (i in seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths))) {
                    num_of_missmatches <- c(num_of_missmatches, round(cdr3_lengths[i] * input[[paste0("num_of_mismatches_thr_cdr3_length_", i)]] / 100, 0))

            if (just_restored_session_highly_similar_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                highly_similar_clonotypes_results <<- highly_similar_clonotypes(

            just_restored_session_highly_similar_clonotypes <<- FALSE
            filtered_High_SHM_similarity <- list()
            msgHighlySim <<- highly_similar_clonotypes_results$confirm

            # highly_sim_view_specific_clonotypes,highly_sim_clonotypes
            highly_sim_datasets <- list()

            for (d in names(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_datasets)) {
                temp <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_datasets[[d]])
                temp$clonotype <- as.character(temp$clonotype)
                row.names(temp) <- NULL
                temp <- temp[, c("clonotype", "N", "Freq", "prev_cluster")]
                temp <- temp[order(-temp$N), ]
                row.names(temp) <- seq_len(nrow(temp))
                highly_sim_datasets[[d]] <<- temp
                temp$Gene <- NA
                temp$CDR3 <- NA
                for (cl in seq_len(nrow(temp))) {
                    temp$Gene[cl] <- strsplit(temp$clonotype[cl], " - ")[[1]][1]
                    temp$CDR3[cl] <- strsplit(temp$clonotype[cl], " - ")[[1]][2]

                temp <- temp[, c("Gene", "CDR3", "N", "Freq", "prev_cluster")]

                if (save_tables_individually) {
                    write.table(temp, paste0(e$output_folder, "/", "highly_sim_all_clonotypes_", d, ".txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

                    # save filter in + highly clono id
                    all_filter <- read.csv(paste0(e$output_folder, "/", "filterin_clono_", d, ".txt"), sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                    all_filter$highly_cluster_id <- 0
                    all_filter$highly_freq_cluster_id <- 0

                    for (h in seq_len(nrow(temp))) {
                        prev <- as.numeric(strsplit(temp$prev_cluster[h], " ")[[1]])
                        all_filter$highly_cluster_id[which(all_filter$cluster_id %in% prev)] <- h
                        all_filter$highly_freq_cluster_id[which(all_filter$cluster_id %in% prev)] <- temp$Freq

                    write.table(all_filter, paste0(e$output_folder, "/", "filterin_highly_clono_", d, ".txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            highly_sim <<- do.call(rbind.data.frame, highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes)
            highly_sim$clonotype <<- as.character(highly_sim$clonotype)
            row.names(highly_sim) <- NULL
            highly_sim <- highly_sim[, c("clonotype", "N", "Freq", "prev_cluster")]
            highly_sim <- highly_sim[order(-highly_sim$N), ]
            row.names(highly_sim) <- seq_len(nrow(highly_sim))
            highly_sim <<- highly_sim

            temp <- highly_sim
            temp$Gene <- NA
            temp$CDR3 <- NA

            for (cl in seq_len(nrow(temp))) {
                temp$Gene[cl] <- strsplit(temp$clonotype[cl], " - ")[[1]][1]
                temp$CDR3[cl] <- strsplit(temp$clonotype[cl], " - ")[[1]][2]

            temp <- temp[, c("Gene", "CDR3", "N", "Freq", "prev_cluster")]

            if (save_tables_individually) {
                write.table(temp, paste0(e$output_folder, "/", "highly_sim_all_clonotypes_", "All Data", ".txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

                # save filter in + highly clono id
                all_filter <- read.csv(paste0(e$output_folder, "/", "filterin_clono_", "All_Data", ".txt"), sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                all_filter$highly_cluster_id <- 0
                all_filter$highly_freq_cluster_id <- 0

                for (h in seq_len(nrow(temp))) {
                    prev <- as.numeric(strsplit(temp$prev_cluster[h], " ")[[1]])
                    all_filter$highly_cluster_id[which(all_filter$cluster_id %in% prev)] <- h
                    all_filter$highly_freq_cluster_id[which(all_filter$cluster_id %in% prev)] <- temp$Freq

                write.table(all_filter, paste0(e$output_folder, "/", "filterin_highly_clono_", "All_Data", ".txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$highlySimAllClonoTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$highlySimClonotypesDataset)) {
                    if (input$highlySimClonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- highly_sim
                    } else {
                        my_table <- highly_sim_datasets[[input$highlySimClonotypesDataset]]

                escape = FALSE,
                options = list(
                    autoWidth = FALSE,
                    columnDefs = list(list(width = "40%", targets = 1))

            output$downloadHighlySimAllClonoTable <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("highly_sim_all_clonotypes_", input$highlySimClonotypesDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$highlySimClonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(highly_sim, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(highly_sim_datasets[[input$highlySimClonotypesDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$highlySimClonoTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$highlySimClonotypesDataset)) {

                    if (input$highlySimClonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes[[paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono)]]
                    } else {
                        my_table <- highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_datasets[[input$highlySimClonotypesDataset]][[paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono)]]

                escape = FALSE,
                options = list(
                    autoWidth = FALSE,
                    columnDefs = list(list(width = "40%", targets = 1))

            output$downloadAllhighlySimClonotypes <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("highly_sim_clonotypes", input$highlySimClonotypesDataset, "_", paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono), ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$highlySimClonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes[[paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono)]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_datasets[[input$highlySimClonotypesDataset]][[paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono)]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$highlySimClono_allGroups_Table <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$highlySimClonotypesDataset)) {
                    if (input$highlySimClonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_allGroups[[paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono)]]
                    } else {
                        my_table <- highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_allGroups_datasets[[input$highlySimClonotypesDataset]][[paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono)]]

                escape = FALSE,
                options = list(
                    autoWidth = FALSE,
                    columnDefs = list(list(width = "40%", targets = 1))

            output$downloadAllhighlySimClonotypes_allGroups <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("highly_sim_clonotypes_allGroups", input$highlySimClonotypesDataset, "_", paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono), ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$highlySimClonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_allGroups[[paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono)]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_allGroups_datasets[[input$highlySimClonotypesDataset]][[paste0("length ", input$select_length_to_show_highlySimClono)]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ############################################# Change Parameters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            output$higly_sim_clonotypes_bar_plot <- renderPlot({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {

                if (input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barplot_select_range == FALSE) {
                    # Find the clonotypes that we want to draw for all the datasets
                    cl <- c()
                    a <- list()
                    if (is.null(input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_threshold)) thr <- 0 else thr <- input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_threshold
                    a[["allData"]] <- highly_sim %>% filter(highly_sim$Freq > thr)
                    cl <- c(cl, a[["allData"]]$clonotype)
                    for (i in loaded_datasets) {
                        a[[i]] <- highly_sim_datasets[[i]] %>% filter(highly_sim_datasets[[i]]$Freq > thr)
                        cl <- c(cl, a[[i]]$clonotype)
                } else {
                    # Find the clonotypes that we want to draw for all the datasets
                    range <- input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_down_threshold:input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_up_threshold
                    cl <- c()
                    a <- list()
                    a[["allData"]] <- highly_sim[range, ]
                    cl <- c(cl, a[["allData"]]$clonotype)
                    for (i in loaded_datasets) {
                        a[[i]] <- highly_sim_datasets[[i]][range, ]
                        cl <- c(cl, a[[i]]$clonotype)

                # Unique clonotypes
                cl <- unique(cl)
                cl <<- c(cl, "Other")

                # Create a freqeuncy matrix
                data <- c("allData", loaded_datasets)
                freq_mat <- matrix(0, length(cl), (length(loaded_datasets) + 1))
                ki <- 0
                for (i in seq_len(length(cl))) {
                    for (j in seq_len(length(data))) {
                        if (i == length(cl)) {
                            freq_mat[i, j] <- 100 - sum(freq_mat[seq_len((i - 1)), j])
                        } else {
                            if (length(which(a[[data[j]]]$clonotype == cl[i])) > 0) {
                                freq_mat[i, j] <- a[[data[j]]]$Freq[which(a[[data[j]]]$clonotype == cl[i])]

                colnames(freq_mat) <- data
                rownames(freq_mat) <- cl

                    xlim = c(0, ncol(freq_mat) + 5),
                    col = brewer.pal(nrow(freq_mat), "Paired"),
                    legend.text = TRUE,
                    args.legend = list(
                        x = ncol(freq_mat) + 5,
                        y = max(colSums(freq_mat)),
                        bty = "n"

            output$confirmhighlySimClonotypes <- renderUI({
                h5(msgHighlySim, style = "color: #CD0000;")

    ############################### Shared Clonotypes ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_public_clonotypes == FALSE) {

        if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"
                title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline", {
            if (input$select_topN_or_reads_thr_shared_clono == "select_reads_thr_shared_clono") {
                use_reads <- TRUE
                threshlod <- input$thr_public_clono_reads
            } else {
                use_reads <- FALSE
                threshlod <- input$thr_public_clono_topN

            if (just_restored_session_public_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                public_clonotypes_results <<- public_clonotypes(clono$clono_allData, clono$clono_datasets, input$take_gene_public_clono, use_reads, threshlod, loaded_datasets, FALSE)

            just_restored_session_public_clonotypes <<- FALSE
            # highly_sim_view_specific_clonotypes,highly_sim_clonotypes

            msgPublicClono <<- public_clonotypes_results$confirm

            output$public_clonotypes_Table <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(public_clonotypes_results)) {
                    my_table <- public_clonotypes_results$public_clono
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadPublic_clonotypes <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("public_clonotypes", ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    write.table(public_clonotypes_results$public_clono, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmPublicClonotypes <- renderUI({
                h5(msgPublicClono, style = "color: #CD0000;")

    ############################### Highly Similar Public Clonotypes ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_highly_sim_public_clonotypes == FALSE) {

        if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"
                title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline", {
            if (just_restored_session_public_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                highly_sim_public_clonotypes_results <<- public_clonotypes(highly_sim, highly_sim_datasets, input$take_gene_highly_sim_public_clono, TRUE, input$thr_highly_sim_public_clono, loaded_datasets, TRUE)

            just_restored_session_highly_sim_public_clonotypes <<- FALSE
            # highly_sim_view_specific_clonotypes,highly_sim_clonotypes

            msgPublicClono <<- highly_sim_public_clonotypes_results$confirm

            output$highly_sim_public_clonotypes_Table <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(highly_sim_public_clonotypes_results)) {
                    my_table <- highly_sim_public_clonotypes_results$public_clono
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$download_highly_sim_Public_clonotypes <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("public_clonotypes", ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    write.table(highly_sim_public_clonotypes_results$public_clono, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmHighlySimPublicClonotypes <- renderUI({
                h5(msgPublicClono, style = "color: #CD0000;")
    ############################### Repertoires ###############################
    # Add new element
    addRepertoryFct <- function(id, btn) {
            selector = "#placeholderRepertories",
            ui = tags$div(
                selectInput(btn, "Select type:", c(
                    "V Gene", "V Gene and allele",
                    "J Gene", "J Gene and allele",
                    "D Gene", "D Gene and allele"
                ), width = "170px"),
                id = id

            btn <- paste0("selectRepertoires_", input$addRepertory)
            id <- input$addRepertory
            if (id %in% insertedRepertoires) {

            insertedRepertoires <<- c(insertedRepertoires, id)
            addRepertoryFct(id, btn)
        ignoreInit = TRUE

    # remove insertedRepertoires
    observeEvent(input$removeRepertory, {
            ## pass in appropriate div id
            selector = paste0("#", insertedRepertoires[length(insertedRepertoires)])
        insertedRepertoires <<- insertedRepertoires[-length(insertedRepertoires)]
    ############################### Repertoires ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_Repertoires == FALSE) {

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline", {
            if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                    # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"
                    title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                    "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

            used_columns <- e$used_columns
            for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "V Gene") {
                    allele <- FALSE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                } else if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "V Gene and allele") {
                    allele <- TRUE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                } else if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "J Gene") {
                    allele <- FALSE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][8]
                } else if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "J Gene and allele") {
                    allele <- TRUE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][8]
                } else if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "D Gene") {
                    allele <- FALSE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][11]
                } else {
                    allele <- TRUE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][11]

                if (just_restored_session_Repertoires == FALSE) {
                    repertories_results[[i]] <<- repertoires(clono$clono_allData, clono$clono_datasets, allele, allele_clonotypes, gene, gene_clonotypes, loaded_datasets, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets)

                msgRepertoires[i] <<- repertories_results[[i]]$confirm

            just_restored_session_Repertoires <<- FALSE

            output$RepertoiresResultUi <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                        dataTableOutput(paste0("Repertory_tables", i)),
                        downloadButton(paste0("downloadRepertory_table", i), "Download"),

            output$RepertoiresPiesUi <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                        numericInput("repertories_pies_threshold", "Select %threshold for pies:", 1, min = 0, max = 100, width = "140px"),
                        plotlyOutput(paste0("repertories_pies", i)),

            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("Repertory_tables", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                        if (input$RepertoiresDataset == "All Data") {
                            my_table <- repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData
                        } else {
                            my_table <- repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets[[input$RepertoiresDataset]]
                        colnames(my_table) <- c("Gene", "N", "Freq")
                    options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                output[[paste0("downloadRepertory_table", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                    filename = function() {
                        paste0("Repertoires_", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], "_", input$RepertoiresDataset, ".txt")
                    content = function(file) {
                        if (input$RepertoiresDataset == "All Data") {
                            write.table(repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            write.table(repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets[[input$RepertoiresDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmRepertoiresUi <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                    uiOutput(paste0("confirmRepertoires", i))

            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("confirmRepertoires", i)]] <- renderUI({
                    h5(msgRepertoires[i], style = "color: #CD0000;")

            ######################################## Pie plots ###############################################
            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("repertories_pies", i)]] <- renderPlotly({
                    if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                    used_columns <- e$used_columns
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {

                        # Genes that have percentage<threshold are grouped into one cell
                        data <- repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData
                        data_filterIn <- data %>% filter(data$Freq > input$repertories_pies_threshold)
                        data_filterOut <- data %>% filter(data$Freq <= input$repertories_pies_threshold)
                        data <- data_filterIn
                        data[(nrow(data) + 1), ] <- c("Other genes", sum(data_filterOut$N), sum(data_filterOut$Freq))
                        # TODO: Fix Pie plots (wherever 'layout()' is used)
                        p <- plot_ly(data, labels = ~ data$Gene, values = ~ round(as.numeric(data$Freq), 2), type = "pie")
                    } else {
                        # Genes that have percentage<threshold are grouped into one cell
                        data <- repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]]
                        data_filterIn <- data %>% filter(data$Freq > input$repertories_pies_threshold)
                        data_filterOut <- data %>% filter(data$Freq <= input$repertories_pies_threshold)
                        data <- data_filterIn
                        data[(nrow(data) + 1), ] <- c("Other genes", sum(data_filterOut$N), sum(data_filterOut$Freq))

                        p <- plot_ly(data, labels = ~ data$Gene, values = ~ round(as.numeric(data$Freq), 2), type = "pie")

                output[[paste0("downloadRepertory_pie", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                    filename = function() {
                        paste0("Repertoires_pies", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], "_", input$RepertoiresDataset, ".png")
                    content = function(file) {
                        # plotly_IMAGE(pie_repertory[[i]][[input$RepertoiresDataset]], format = "png", out_file = file)
                        # png(file)

    ############################### Repertoires Highly Similar ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_HighlySim_Repertoires == FALSE) {
        used_columns <- e$used_columns
        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline", {
            if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                    # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"
                    title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                    "Please ckeck Highly Similar Clonotypes first!",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

            for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "V Gene") {
                    allele <- FALSE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                } else if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "V Gene and allele") {
                    allele <- TRUE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][3]
                } else if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "J Gene") {
                    allele <- FALSE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][8]
                } else if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "J Gene and allele") {
                    allele <- TRUE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][8]
                } else if (input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]] == "D Gene") {
                    allele <- FALSE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][11]
                } else {
                    allele <- TRUE
                    gene <- used_columns[["Summary"]][11]

                if (just_restored_session_HighlySim_Repertoires == FALSE) {
                    HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]] <<- repertoires_highly_similar(highly_sim, highly_sim_datasets, allele, allele_clonotypes, gene, gene_clonotypes, loaded_datasets, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets, input$take_gene_highly_similar)

                msgHighlySim_Repertoires[i] <<- HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$confirm

            just_restored_session_HighlySim_Repertoires <<- FALSE

            output$HighlySim_RepertoiresResultUi <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                        dataTableOutput(paste0("HighlySim_Repertory_tables", i)),
                        downloadButton(paste0("downloadHighlySim_Repertory_table", i), "Download"),

            output$HighlySim_RepertoiresPiesUi <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                        numericInput("HighlySim_repertories_pies_threshold", "Select %threshold for pies:", 1, min = 0, max = 100, width = "140px"),
                        plotlyOutput(paste0("HighlySim_repertories_pies", i)),

            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("HighlySim_Repertory_tables", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                        if (input$RepertoiresDataset == "All Data") {
                            my_table <- HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData
                        } else {
                            my_table <- HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets[[input$RepertoiresDataset]]
                        colnames(my_table) <- c("Gene", "N", "Freq")
                    options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                output[[paste0("downloadHighlySim_Repertory_table", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                    filename = function() {
                        paste0("HighlySim_Repertoires_", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], "_", input$RepertoiresDataset, ".txt")
                    content = function(file) {
                        if (input$RepertoiresDataset == "All Data") {
                            write.table(HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            write.table(HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets[[input$RepertoiresDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmHighlySim_RepertoiresUi <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                    uiOutput(paste0("HighlySim_confirmRepertoires", i))

            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("HighlySim_confirmRepertoires", i)]] <- renderUI({
                    h5(msgHighlySim_Repertoires[i], style = "color: #CD0000;")

            ######################################## Pie plots ###############################################
            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("HighlySim_repertories_pies", i)]] <- renderPlotly({
                    if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                    used_columns <- e$used_columns
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {

                        # Genes that have percentage<threshold are grouped into one cell
                        data <- HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData
                        data_filterIn <- data %>% filter(data$Freq > input$HighlySim_repertories_pies_threshold)
                        data_filterOut <- data %>% filter(data$Freq <= input$HighlySim_repertories_pies_threshold)
                        data <- data_filterIn
                        data[(nrow(data) + 1), ] <- c("Other genes", sum(data_filterOut$N), sum(data_filterOut$Freq))

                        p <- plot_ly(data, labels = ~ data$Gene, values = ~ round(as.numeric(data$Freq), 2), type = "pie")
                    } else {
                        # Genes that have percentage<threshold are grouped into one cell
                        data <- HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]]
                        data_filterIn <- data %>% filter(data$Freq > input$HighlySim_repertories_pies_threshold)
                        data_filterOut <- data %>% filter(data$Freq <= input$HighlySim_repertories_pies_threshold)
                        data <- data_filterIn
                        data[(nrow(data) + 1), ] <- c("Other genes", sum(data_filterOut$N), sum(data_filterOut$Freq))
                        p <- plot_ly(data, labels = ~ data$Gene, values = ~ round(as.numeric(data$Freq), 2), type = "pie")

                output[[paste0("downloadHighlySim_Repertory_pie", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                    filename = function() {
                        paste0("HighlySim_Repertoires_pies", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], "_", input$RepertoiresDataset, ".png")
                    content = function(file) {
                        # plotly_IMAGE(pie_repertory[[i]][[input$RepertoiresDataset]], format = "png", out_file = file)
                        # png(file)

    ############################### Repertoires Comparison ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_repertoires_comparison == FALSE) {

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline", {
            if (input$pipeline_Repertoires == FALSE) {
                    # "Please ckeck Clonotypes and Repertoires first!"
                    title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                    "Please ckeck Clonotypes and Repertoires first!",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

            for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                if (just_restored_session_repertoires_comparison == FALSE) {
                    repertoires_comparison_results[[i]] <<- repertoires_comparison(repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData, repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets, loaded_datasets, FALSE, i)
                    if (input$pipeline_HighlySim_Repertoires == TRUE) {
                        highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results[[i]] <<- repertoires_comparison(HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData, HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets, loaded_datasets, TRUE, i)

            just_restored_session_repertoires_comparison <<- FALSE

            if (input$pipeline_HighlySim_Repertoires == TRUE) {
                msgRepertoiresComp <<- highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results[[length(insertedRepertoires)]]$confirm
            } else {
                msgRepertoiresComp <<- repertoires_comparison_results[[length(insertedRepertoires)]]$confirm

            output$Repertoires_comparisonResultUi <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                        dataTableOutput(paste0("repertoires_comparison_tables", i)),
                        downloadButton(paste0("downloadrepertoires_comparison_table", i), "Download"),

            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("repertoires_comparison_tables", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                        my_table <- repertoires_comparison_results[[i]]$unique_repertoires
                    options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                output[[paste0("downloadrepertoires_comparison_table", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                    filename = function() {
                        paste0("repertoires_comparison_table", ".txt")
                    content = function(file) {
                        write.table(repertoires_comparison_results[[i]]$unique_repertoires, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ####################### Highly Similar
            output$Highly_sim_Repertoires_comparisonResultUi <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                        dataTableOutput(paste0("Highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_tables", i)),
                        downloadButton(paste0("downloadHighly_sim_repertoires_comparison_table", i), "Download"),

            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("Highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_tables", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                        my_table <- highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results[[i]]$unique_repertoires
                    options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                output[[paste0("downloadHighly_sim_repertoires_comparison_table", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                    filename = function() {
                        paste0("Highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_table", ".txt")
                    content = function(file) {
                        write.table(highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results[[i]]$unique_repertoires, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmRepertoiresComparison <- renderUI({
                h5(msgRepertoiresComp, style = "color: #CD0000;")

    ############################### Insert Identity Groups ###############################
    observeEvent(input$pipeline_insert_identity_groups, {
        lapply(seq_len(input$N_identity_groups), function(i) {
            output[[paste0("idenity_group_ui_", i)]] <- renderUI({
                        numericInput(paste0("Identity_low_group", i), "Low Limit:", 90, min = 0, max = 100, width = "140px")
                        numericInput(paste0("Identity_high_group", i), "High Limit:", 95, min = 0, max = 100, width = "140px")
        output$insert_identity_groups_ui <- renderUI({
            lapply(seq_len(input$N_identity_groups), function(i) {
                uiOutput(paste0("idenity_group_ui_", i))
        # Make it reactive!!

        low <- c()
        high <- c()
        for (i in seq_len(input$N_identity_groups)) {
            low <- c(low, input[[paste0("Identity_low_group", i)]])
            high <- c(high, input[[paste0("Identity_high_group", i)]])
        label <- paste(low, high, sep = "-")

        identity_groups <<- (data.frame(low = low, high = high, label = label, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

    ############################### Multiple value comparison ###############################
    # insert Multiple_value_comparison
    addMultipleValues <- function(id, btn, columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison, default_val1 = NULL, default_val2 = NULL) {
            selector = "#placeholder",
            ## wrap element in a div with id for ease of removal
            ui = tags$div(
                # forloop for columns
                div(style = "display:inline-block", selectInput(paste0("select_MultipleValues_column1_", btn), "Select 1st column:", columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison, selected = default_val1, width = "170px")),
                div(style = "display:inline-block", selectInput(paste0("select_MultipleValues_column2_", btn), "Select 2nd column:", columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison, selected = default_val2, width = "170px")),
                id = id

    observeEvent(input$insertBtnMultiple_value_comparison, {
        if (!input$pipeline_Multiple_value_comparison) {
        if ((is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(loaded_datasets)) & input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes != "load_clonotypes") {
        btn <- input$insertBtnMultiple_value_comparison
        id <- paste0("MultipleValues_", btn)
        if (id %in% insertedMultiple_value_comparison) {

        columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison <<- c()

        if (input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes != "load_clonotypes") {
            if ("1_Summary.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) {
                columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison <<- c(
                    columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison, "V GENE", "V GENE and allele",
                    "J GENE", "J GENE and allele",
                    "D GENE", "D GENE and allele",
                    "CDR3-IMGT length", "D-REGION reading frame"

            if ("6_Junction.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) {
                columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison <<- c(columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison, "Molecular mass", "pI")
        } else {
            columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison <<- c(
                columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison, "V GENE", "V GENE and allele",
                "J GENE", "J GENE and allele",
                "D GENE", "D GENE and allele",
                "CDR3-IMGT length", "D-REGION reading frame", "Molecular mass", "pI"

        if (input$cell == "B cell") {
            columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison <<- c(columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison, "V-REGION identity %")

        if (just_restored_session_Multiple_value_comparison == FALSE) {
            addMultipleValues(id, btn, columns_for_Multiple_value_comparison)
            insertedMultiple_value_comparison <<- c(insertedMultiple_value_comparison, id)

    # remove Multiple_value_comparison
    observeEvent(input$removeBtnMultiple_value_comparison, {
        if ((is.null(input$inputFiles) | is.null(loaded_datasets)) & input$select_load_or_compute_clonotypes != "load_clonotypes") {
            ## pass in appropriate div id
            selector = paste0("#", insertedMultiple_value_comparison[length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison)])
        insertedMultiple_value_comparison <<- insertedMultiple_value_comparison[-length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison)]

    ############################### Multiple value comparison ###############################
    Multiple_value_comparison_input_values <<- c()

    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        if (input$pipeline_Multiple_value_comparison == FALSE) {

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline", {

            # Check if any combination has been selected
            if (length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison) == 0) {

            if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                    # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"
                    title = "Error Message Multiple",
                    "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!",
                    easyClose = TRUE,
                    footer = NULL

            # display inputs on pipeline tab

            # identity groups
            low <- c()
            high <- c()

            for (i in seq_len(input$N_identity_groups)) {
                low <- c(low, input[[paste0("Identity_low_group", i)]])
                high <- c(high, input[[paste0("Identity_high_group", i)]])

            label <- paste(low, high, sep = "-")
            identity_groups <<- (data.frame(low = low, high = high, label = label, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

            # Multiple_value_comparison_result<-list()

            for (i in seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison))) {
                if (just_restored_session_Multiple_value_comparison) {
                    val1 <- Multiple_value_comparison_input_values[i, 1]
                    val2 <- Multiple_value_comparison_input_values[i, 2]
                    load("rData files/Multiple_value_comparison_result.rData")
                } else {
                    val1 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column1_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                    val2 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column2_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                    Multiple_value_comparison_input_values <<- rbind(Multiple_value_comparison_input_values, c(val1, val2))
                    if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes) {
                        if (input$select_clono_or_highly_for_Multiple_value_comparison == "initial_clonotypes") {
                            highly <- FALSE
                        } else {
                            highly <- TRUE
                    } else {
                        highly <- FALSE
                    if (highly) {
                        Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]] <<- Multiple_value_comparison_highly_similar(highly_sim, highly_sim_datasets, allele_clonotypes, gene_clonotypes, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets, val1, val2, loaded_datasets, identity_groups)
                    } else {
                        Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]] <<- Multiple_value_comparison(clono$clono_allData, clono$clono_datasets, allele_clonotypes, gene_clonotypes, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets, val1, val2, loaded_datasets, identity_groups)

                msgMultiple_value_comparison[i] <<- Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$confirm

            just_restored_session_Multiple_value_comparison <<- FALSE

            # Multiple_value_comparison tab
            output$uiMultiple_value_comparisonTables <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison)), function(i) {
                        dataTableOutput(paste0("Multiple_value_comparison_tables", i)),
                        downloadButton(paste0("downloadMultiple_value_comparison", i), "Download")

            output$uiMultiple_value_plots <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison)), function(i) {
                        plotOutput(paste0("Multiple_value_comparison_plot", i))

            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("Multiple_value_comparison_tables", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                        if (input$Multiple_value_comparisonDataset == "All Data") {
                            my_table <- Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_allData
                        } else {
                            my_table <- Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_datasets[[input$Multiple_value_comparisonDataset]]

                        val1 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column1_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                        val2 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column2_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]

                        colnames(my_table) <- c(val1, val2, "N", "Freq")
                    options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                output[[paste0("downloadMultiple_value_comparison", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                    filename = function() {
                        val1 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column1_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                        val2 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column2_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                        paste0("Multiple_value_comparison_", val1, "+", val2, "_", input$Multiple_value_comparisonDataset, ".txt")
                    content = function(file) {
                        if (input$Multiple_value_comparisonDataset == "All Data") {
                            write.table(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            write.table(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_datasets[[input$Multiple_value_comparisonDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

                output[[paste0("Multiple_value_comparison_plot", i)]] <- renderPlot({
                    if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                    val1 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column1_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                    val2 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column2_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                    # Multiple_value_comparison_output_allData=as.data.frame(Multiple_value_comparison_output_allData)
                    colnames(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_allData) <- c(val1, val2, "N", "Freq")
                    if ((val1 %in% c("CDR3-IMGT length", "V-REGION identity %", "Molecular mass", "pI")) && (val2 %in% c("CDR3-IMGT length", "V-REGION identity %", "Molecular mass", "pI"))) {
                        if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {
                            plot(as.numeric(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_allData[[val1]]), as.numeric(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_allData[[val2]]), xlab = val1, ylab = val2)
                        } else {
                            colnames(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]]) <- c(val1, val2, "N", "Freq")
                            plot(as.numeric(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]][[val1]]), as.numeric(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]][[val2]]), xlab = val1, ylab = val2)

            output$confirmMultiple_value_comparison <- renderUI({
                lapply(seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison)), function(i) {
                    uiOutput(paste0("confirmMultiple_value_comparison", i))

            lapply(seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison)), function(i) {
                output[[paste0("confirmMultiple_value_comparison", i)]] <- renderUI({
                    h5(msgMultiple_value_comparison[i], style = "color: #CD0000;")

            if (save_lists_for_bookmark) {
                save(Multiple_value_comparison_result, file = paste0(e$output_folder, "/Multiple_value_comparison_result.rdata"))

    ############################### Logo plots ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline_2nd_part, {
        if (input$pipeline_logo == FALSE) {
        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline_2nd_part", {
            if (input$select_topN_clonotypes_for_freqTable != "all_clonotypes") {
                if (input$select_topN_clonotypes_for_freqTable == "topN_clonotypes_for_alignment") {
                    FtopN <- TRUE
                    Fthr <- FALSE
                } else {
                    FtopN <- FALSE
                    Fthr <- TRUE

                if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                        # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"
                        title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                        "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!",
                        easyClose = TRUE,
                        footer = NULL
            } else {
                FtopN <- FALSE
                Fthr <- FALSE

            if (FtopN) {
                if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                    clono_allDataTopN <- clono$clono_allData[seq_len(input$topNFreqTable), ]
                    if (is.null(clono$clono_allData)) {
                    clono_datasetsTopN <- list()
                    for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                        clono_datasetsTopN[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]][seq_len(input$topNFreqTable), ]
                } else {
                    clono_allDataTopN <- highly_sim[seq_len(input$topNFreqTable), ]
                    if (is.null(highly_sim)) {
                    clono_datasetsTopN <- list()
                    for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                        clono_datasetsTopN[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]][seq_len(input$topNFreqTable), ]

            if (Fthr) {
                if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                    clono_allDataTopN <- clono$clono_allData %>% filter(Freq > input$thrClonoLogos)
                    if (is.null(clono$clono_allData)) {
                    clono_datasetsTopN <- list()
                    for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                        clono_datasetsTopN[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]] %>% filter(Freq > input$thrClonoLogos)
                } else {
                    clono_allDataTopN <- highly_sim %>% filter(Freq > input$thrClonoLogos)
                    if (is.null(highly_sim)) {
                    clono_datasetsTopN <- list()
                    for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                        clono_datasetsTopN[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]] %>% filter(Freq > input$thrClonoLogos)

            if (input$select_clonotypes_for_logo) {
                FclonoLogoSeperately <<- TRUE
                num_of_clusters <- length(strsplit(input$clonotypes_for_logo, ",")[[1]])
                cl_ids_logos <<- as.numeric(strsplit(input$clonotypes_for_logo, ",")[[1]])

            if (just_restored_session_freqTables == FALSE) {
                frequenciesTables_results <<- createFrequencyTableCDR3(input$regionFreqTable, imgtfilter_results$allData, loaded_datasets, input$regionLengthFreq, (FtopN || Fthr), clono_allDataTopN, clono_datasetsTopN, gene_clonotypes, junction_clonotypes, allele_clonotypes)
                if (FclonoLogoSeperately) {
                    if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                        for (cl in seq_len(length(cl_ids_logos))) {
                            clono_datasets_cl <- list()
                            for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                                clono_datasets_cl[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]][cl_ids_logos[cl], ]
                            frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]] <<- createFrequencyTableCDR3(input$regionFreqTable, imgtfilter_results$allData, loaded_datasets, input$regionLengthFreq, FclonoLogoSeperately, clono$clono_allData[cl_ids_logos[cl], ], clono_datasets_cl, gene_clonotypes, junction_clonotypes, allele_clonotypes)
                    } else {
                        for (cl in seq_len(length(cl_ids_logos))) {
                            clono_datasets_cl <- list()
                            for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                                clono_datasets_cl[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]][cl_ids_logos[cl], ]
                            frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]] <<- createFrequencyTableCDR3(input$regionFreqTable, imgtfilter_results$allData, loaded_datasets, input$regionLengthFreq, FclonoLogoSeperately, highly_sim[cl_ids_logos[cl], ], clono_datasets_cl, gene_clonotypes, junction_clonotypes, allele_clonotypes)

            just_restored_session_freqTables <<- FALSE

            freqTables_datasets <<- frequenciesTables_results$table_freq_datasets

            msgFreqTables <<- frequenciesTables_results$confirm

            if (length(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) == 0) {

            output$countCDR3Table <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$freqTableDataset)) {
                    if (input$freqTableDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count
                        row.names(my_table) <- c()
                        colnames(my_table) <- seq_len((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1))
                    } else {
                        my_table <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[input$freqTableDataset]]
                        row.names(my_table) <- c()
                        colnames(my_table) <- seq_len((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1))

                    if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                        if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 13) {
                            a <- 105:117
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 12) {
                            a <- c(105:110, 112:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 11) {
                            a <- c(105:110, 113:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 10) {
                            a <- c(105:109, 113:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 9) {
                            a <- c(105:109, 114:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 8) {
                            a <- c(105:108, 114:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 7) {
                            a <- c(105:108, 115:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 6) {
                            a <- c(105:107, 115:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 5) a <- c(105:107, 116:117)

                        colnames(my_table) <- c("AA", a)

                    colnames(my_table)[1] <- "AA"

                options = list(pageLength = 20, scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadcountCDR3Table <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("countCDR3Table_", input$freqTableDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(frequenciesTables_results$table_count, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[input$freqTableDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$frequencyCDR3Table <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$freqTableDataset)) {
                    if (input$freqTableDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- frequenciesTables_results$table_freq
                        row.names(my_table) <- c()
                        colnames(my_table) <- seq_len((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1))
                    } else {
                        my_table <- frequenciesTables_results$table_freq_datasets[[input$freqTableDataset]]
                        row.names(my_table) <- c()
                        colnames(my_table) <- seq_len((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1))

                    if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                        if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 13) {
                            a <- 105:117
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 12) {
                            a <- c(105:110, 112:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 11) {
                            a <- c(105:110, 113:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 10) {
                            a <- c(105:109, 113:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 9) {
                            a <- c(105:109, 114:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 8) {
                            a <- c(105:108, 114:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 7) {
                            a <- c(105:108, 115:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 6) {
                            a <- c(105:107, 115:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(my_table) - 1) == 5) a <- c(105:107, 116:117)

                        colnames(my_table) <- c("AA", a)

                options = list(pageLength = 20, scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadfrequencyCDR3Table <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("countCDR3Table_", input$freqTableDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(frequenciesTables_results$table_freq, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(frequenciesTables_results$table_freq_datasets[[input$freqTableDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmFrequenciesTables <- renderUI({
                h5(msgFreqTables, style = "color: #CD0000;")

            if (length(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) == 0) {

            if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 13) {
                    a <- 105:117
                } else if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 12) {
                    a <- c(105:110, 112:117)
                } else if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 11) {
                    a <- c(105:110, 113:117)
                } else if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 10) {
                    a <- c(105:109, 113:117)
                } else if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 9) {
                    a <- c(105:109, 114:117)
                } else if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 8) {
                    a <- c(105:108, 114:117)
                } else if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 7) {
                    a <- c(105:108, 115:117)
                } else if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 6) {
                    a <- c(105:107, 115:117)
                } else if ((ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) - 1) == 5) a <- c(105:107, 116:117)

                colnames(frequenciesTables_results$table_count) <- c("AA", a)

            for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                if (!is.null(frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]])) {
                    if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                        colnames(frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]]) <- c("AA", a)
                    frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]][, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]])]

            region_id <- 0

            ################### Separately #######################
            if (FclonoLogoSeperately) {
                output$uiCountCDR3Table_cl <- renderUI({
                    lapply(seq_len(length(cl_ids_logos)), function(i) {
                            dataTableOutput(paste0("CountCDR3Table_cl", i)),
                            downloadButton(paste0("downloadCountCDR3Table_cl", i), "Download"),
                            dataTableOutput(paste0("FreqCDR3Table_cl", i)),
                            downloadButton(paste0("downloadFreqCDR3Table_cl", i), "Download")

                lapply(seq_len(length(cl_ids_logos)), function(i) {
                    output[[paste0("CountCDR3Table_cl", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                            if (is.null(input$freqTableDataset)) {
                            if (input$freqTableDataset == "All Data") {
                                my_table <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count
                            } else {
                                my_table <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count_datasets[[input$freqTableDataset]]

                        options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                    output[[paste0("downloadCountCDR3Table_cl", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                        filename = function() {
                            paste0("CountCDR3Table_cl", cl_ids_logos[i], input$freqTableDataset, ".txt")
                        content = function(file) {
                            if (input$freqTableDataset == "All Data") {
                                write.table(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            } else {
                                write.table(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count_datasets[[input$freqTableDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

                    output[[paste0("FreqCDR3Table_cl", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                            if (is.null(input$freqTableDataset)) {
                            if (input$freqTableDataset == "All Data") {
                                my_table <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_freq
                            } else {
                                my_table <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_freq_datasets[[input$freqTableDataset]]

                        options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                    output[[paste0("downloadFreqCDR3Table_cl", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                        filename = function() {
                            paste0("FreqCDR3Table_cl", cl_ids_logos[i], input$freqTableDataset, ".txt")
                        content = function(file) {
                            if (input$freqTableDataset == "All Data") {
                                write.table(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_freq, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            } else {
                                write.table(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_freq_datasets[[input$freqTableDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            #################################### Logo plots ##############################
            if (just_restored_session_logo == FALSE) {
                if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                    logo_result <<- createLogo(frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)], frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets, loaded_datasets)
                } else {
                    logo_result <<- createLogo(frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)], frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets, loaded_datasets)
                    for (regions in region_names) {
                        region_id <- region_id + 1
                        for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                            countTables_per_region_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]][, (index_1[region_id]):(index_2[region_id])]
                        logo_per_region[[regions]] <<- createLogo(frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, (index_1[region_id] + 1):(index_2[region_id] + 1)], countTables_per_region_datasets, loaded_datasets)

                if (FclonoLogoSeperately) {
                    for (cl in seq_len(length(cl_ids_logos))) {
                        if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                            logo_result_cl[[cl]] <<- createLogo(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count)], frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count_datasets, loaded_datasets)
                        } else {
                            logo_per_region_cl[[cl]] <<- list()
                            logo_result_cl[[cl]] <<- createLogo(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count)], frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count_datasets, loaded_datasets)
                            region_id <- 0
                            for (regions in region_names) {
                                region_id <- region_id + 1
                                for (i in seq_len(length(loaded_datasets))) {
                                    countTables_per_region_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]] <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[i]]][, (index_1[region_id]):(index_2[region_id])]
                                logo_per_region_cl[[cl]][[regions]] <<- createLogo(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count[, (index_1[region_id] + 1):(index_2[region_id] + 1)], countTables_per_region_datasets, loaded_datasets)

            just_restored_session_logo <- FALSE
            motif_datasets <<- logo_result$motif_datasets
            motif_all <<- logo_result$motif_all
            msgLogo <<- logo_result$confirm

            output$logo <- renderPlot({
                if (is.null(input$LogoDataset)) {

                if (input$select_region_logo == "All V region" || input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                    if (input$LogoDataset == "All Data") {
                        logo_plot <<- plot(motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                    } else {
                        logo_plot <<- plot(motif_datasets[[input$LogoDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                    table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]
                    index1 <- 1
                    index2 <- ncol(table_count)
                    if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                        axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), colnames(table_count)) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                    } else {
                        axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), index1:index2) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                    axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))
                } else {
                    if (input$LogoDataset == "All Data") {
                        logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region[[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                    } else {
                        logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region[[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_datasets[[input$LogoDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                    table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]

                    region_names <- c("FR1-IMGT", "CDR1-IMGT", "FR2-IMGT", "CDR2-IMGT", "FR3-IMGT", "CDR3-IMGT")
                    index_1 <- c(1, 27, 39, 56, 66, 105)
                    index_2 <- c(26, 38, 55, 65, 104, 114)

                    region_id <- 0
                    for (regions in region_names) {
                        region_id <- region_id + 1
                        if (regions == input$select_region_logo) {
                            r <- region_id

                    i1 <- index_1[r]
                    i2 <- index_2[r]

                    axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), i1:i2) # paste0(i1:i2,":",colnames(table_count[,i1:i2])
                    axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))

            output$logo_visualisation <- renderPlot({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {

                if (input$select_region_logo == "All V region" || input$select_region_logo == "CDR3") {
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {
                        # Create custom colour scheme
                        logo_plot <<- plot(motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                    } else {
                        # Create custom colour scheme
                        logo_plot <<- plot(motif_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                    table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]
                    index1 <- 1
                    index2 <- ncol(table_count)
                    if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                        axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), colnames(table_count)) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                    } else {
                        axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), index1:index2) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                    axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))
                } else {
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {
                        logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region[[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                    } else {
                        logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region[[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                    table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]

                    region_names <- c("FR1-IMGT", "CDR1-IMGT", "FR2-IMGT", "CDR2-IMGT", "FR3-IMGT", "CDR3-IMGT")
                    index_1 <- c(1, 27, 39, 56, 66, 105)
                    index_2 <- c(26, 38, 55, 65, 104, 114)

                    region_id <- 0
                    for (regions in region_names) {
                        region_id <- region_id + 1
                        if (regions == input$select_region_logo) {
                            r <- region_id

                    i1 <- index_1[r]
                    i2 <- index_2[r]

                    axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), i1:i2) # paste0(i1:i2,":",colnames(table_count[,i1:i2])
                    axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))

            plotLogo <- function() {


            output$downloadLogo <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("logo_", input$select_region_logo, "_", input$LogoDataset, ".png")
                content = function(file) {
                    png(file, width = 1000, height = 550)
                    if (input$select_region_logo == "All V region" || input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                        if (input$LogoDataset == "All Data") {
                            logo_plot <<- plot(motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        } else {
                            logo_plot <<- plot(motif_datasets[[input$LogoDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]
                        index1 <- 1
                        index2 <- ncol(table_count)
                        if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                            axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), colnames(table_count)) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                        } else {
                            axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), index1:index2) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                        axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))
                    } else {
                        if (input$LogoDataset == "All Data") {
                            logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region[[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        } else {
                            logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region[[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_datasets[[input$LogoDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]

                        region_names <- c("FR1-IMGT", "CDR1-IMGT", "FR2-IMGT", "CDR2-IMGT", "FR3-IMGT", "CDR3-IMGT")
                        index_1 <- c(1, 27, 39, 56, 66, 105)
                        index_2 <- c(26, 38, 55, 65, 104, 114)

                        region_id <- 0
                        for (regions in region_names) {
                            region_id <- region_id + 1
                            if (regions == input$select_region_logo) {
                                r <- region_id

                        i1 <- index_1[r]
                        i2 <- index_2[r]

                        axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), i1:i2) # paste0(i1:i2,":",colnames(table_count[,i1:i2])
                        axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))


            output$confirmLogo <- renderUI({
                h5(msgLogo, style = "color: #CD0000;")

            ################### Separately #######################
            if (FclonoLogoSeperately) {
                output$uiLogos_cl <- renderUI({
                    lapply(seq_len(length(cl_ids_logos)), function(i) {
                            plotOutput(paste0("logo_cl", i)),
                            downloadButton(paste0("downloadLogo_cl", i), "Download"),
                            br()                        )

                lapply(seq_len(length(cl_ids_logos)), function(i) {
                    output[[paste0("logo_cl", i)]] <- renderPlot({
                        if (is.null(input$LogoDataset)) {

                        if (input$select_region_logo == "All V region" || input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                            if (input$LogoDataset == "All Data") {
                                logo_plot <<- plot(logo_result_cl[[i]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                            } else {
                                logo_plot <<- plot(logo_result_cl[[i]]$motif_datasets[[input$LogoDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                            table_count <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count)]
                            index1 <- 1
                            index2 <- ncol(table_count)
                            if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                                axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), colnames(table_count)) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                            } else {
                                axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), index1:index2) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                            axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))
                        } else {
                            if (input$LogoDataset == "All Data") {
                                logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region_cl[[i]][[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                            } else {
                                logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region_cl[[i]][[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_datasets[[input$LogoDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                            table_count <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count)]

                            region_names <- c("FR1-IMGT", "CDR1-IMGT", "FR2-IMGT", "CDR2-IMGT", "FR3-IMGT", "CDR3-IMGT")
                            index_1 <- c(1, 27, 39, 56, 66, 105)
                            index_2 <- c(26, 38, 55, 65, 104, 114)

                            region_id <- 0
                            for (regions in region_names) {
                                region_id <- region_id + 1
                                if (regions == input$select_region_logo) {
                                    r <- region_id

                            i1 <- index_1[r]
                            i2 <- index_2[r]

                            axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), i1:i2) # paste0(i1:i2,":",colnames(table_count[,i1:i2])
                            axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))

                    output[[paste0("downloadLogo_cl", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                        filename = function() {
                            paste0("Logo_cl", cl_ids_logos[i], input$freqTableDataset, ".png")
                        content = function(file) {
                            png(file, width = 1000, height = 550)
                            if (input$select_region_logo == "All V region" || input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                                if (input$LogoDataset == "All Data") {
                                    logo_plot <<- plot(logo_result_cl[[i]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                                } else {
                                    logo_plot <<- plot(logo_result_cl[[i]]$motif_datasets[[input$LogoDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                                table_count <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count)]
                                index1 <- 1
                                index2 <- ncol(table_count)
                                if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                                    axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), colnames(table_count)) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                                } else {
                                    axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), index1:index2) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                                axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))
                            } else {
                                if (input$LogoDataset == "All Data") {
                                    logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region_cl[[i]][[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                                } else {
                                    logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region_cl[[i]][[input$select_region_logo]]$motif_datasets[[input$LogoDataset]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                                table_count <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[i]]$table_count)]

                                region_names <- c("FR1-IMGT", "CDR1-IMGT", "FR2-IMGT", "CDR2-IMGT", "FR3-IMGT", "CDR3-IMGT")
                                index_1 <- c(1, 27, 39, 56, 66, 105)
                                index_2 <- c(26, 38, 55, 65, 104, 114)

                                region_id <- 0
                                for (regions in region_names) {
                                    region_id <- region_id + 1
                                    if (regions == input$select_region_logo) {
                                        r <- region_id

                                i1 <- index_1[r]
                                i2 <- index_2[r]

                                axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), i1:i2) # paste0(i1:i2,":",colnames(table_count[,i1:i2])
                                axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))

    ############################### Alignment ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline_2nd_part, {
        if (input$pipeline_alignment == FALSE) {

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline_2nd_part", {
            if (input$useGermline == "Insert Germline" && input$Germline == "") {

            if (input$useGermline == "Insert Germline") only_one_germline <- TRUE else only_one_germline <- FALSE

            if (input$useGermline == "Use Gene's germline") use_genes_germline <- TRUE else use_genes_germline <- FALSE

            if (input$select_topN_clonotypes_for_alignment != "all_clonotypes") {
                if (input$select_topN_clonotypes_for_alignment == "topN_clonotypes_for_alignment") {
                    FtopN <- TRUE
                    Fthr <- FALSE
                } else {
                    FtopN <- FALSE
                    Fthr <- TRUE

                if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                        # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"

                        title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                        "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!",
                        easyClose = TRUE,
                        footer = NULL

            } else {
                FtopN <- FALSE
                Fthr <- FALSE

            if (just_restored_session_alignment == FALSE) {
                if (length(highly_sim) == 0) {
                    if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                        message("Alignment Step 1.a")
                        alignmentRegion_results <<- alignment(
                            input$cell == "T cell", "aa",
                            FtopN, input$thrClonoAlignment, Fthr, FALSE

                        message("Alignment Step 2.a")
                        alignmentRegion_results_nt <<- alignment(
                            input$cell == "T cell", "nt",
                            FtopN, input$thrClonoAlignment, Fthr, FALSE
                    } else {
                        alignmentRegion_results <<- alignment(
                            input$cell == "T cell",
                            FtopN, input$thrClonoAlignment, Fthr, FALSE
                } else {
                    if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                        message("Alignment Step 1.b")
                        alignmentRegion_results <<- alignment(
                            input$cell == "T cell", "aa",
                            FtopN, input$thrClonoAlignment, Fthr, TRUE

                        message("Alignment Step 2.b")
                        alignmentRegion_results_nt <<- alignment(
                            input$cell == "T cell", "nt",
                            highly_sim, highly_sim_datasets,
                            FtopN, input$thrClonoAlignment, Fthr, TRUE
                    } else {
                        alignmentRegion_results <<- alignment(
                            input$cell == "T cell", input$AAorNtAlignment,
                            highly_sim, highly_sim_datasets,
                            FtopN, input$thrClonoAlignment, Fthr, TRUE

            just_restored_session_alignment <<- FALSE
            if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                msgAlignment <<- alignmentRegion_results_nt$confirm
            } else {
                msgAlignment <<- alignmentRegion_results$confirm

            output$regionAlignmentTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$alignmentDataset)) {
                    if (input$alignmentDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- alignmentRegion_results$alignment_allData
                    } else {
                        my_table <- alignmentRegion_results$alignment_datasets[[input$alignmentDataset]]

                options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadregionAlignmentTable <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", (if (input$AAorNtAlignment != "both") input$AAorNtAlignment else "aa"), "_", input$alignmentDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$alignmentDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(alignmentRegion_results$alignment_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(alignmentRegion_results$alignment_datasets[[input$alignmentDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$regionAlignmentTableNt <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$alignmentDataset)) {
                    if (input$AAorNtAlignment != "both") {
                    if (input$alignmentDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- alignmentRegion_results_nt$alignment_allData
                    } else {
                        my_table <- alignmentRegion_results_nt$alignment_datasets[[input$alignmentDataset]]

                options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadregionAlignmentTableNt <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_nt_", input$alignmentDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$alignmentDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(alignmentRegion_results_nt$alignment_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(alignmentRegion_results_nt$alignment_datasets[[input$alignmentDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmAlignment <- renderUI({
                h5(msgAlignment, style = "color: #CD0000;")

            ######################################### Grouped Alignment #########################################

            if (input$regionAlignment != "CDR3") {

            if (just_restored_session_alignment == FALSE) {
                if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") n <- "aa" else n <- "nt"
                grouped_alignment_results <<- groupedAlignment(alignmentRegion_results$alignment_allData, alignmentRegion_results$alignment_datasets, loaded_datasets, n)
                if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                    grouped_alignment_results_nt <<- groupedAlignment(alignmentRegion_results_nt$alignment_allData, alignmentRegion_results_nt$alignment_datasets, loaded_datasets, "nt")

            just_restored_session_alignment <<- FALSE
            msgGroupedAlignment <<- grouped_alignment_results$confirm
            if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                msgGroupedAlignment <<- grouped_alignment_results_nt$confirm

            output$groupedAlignmentTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$alignmentDataset)) {
                    if (input$alignmentDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData
                    } else {
                        my_table <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets[[input$alignmentDataset]]
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadGroupedAlignmentTable <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("GroupedAlignment_", (if (input$AAorNtAlignment != "both") input$AAorNtAlignment else "aa"), "_", input$alignmentDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$alignmentDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets[[input$alignmentDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$groupedAlignmentTableNt <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$alignmentDataset)) {
                    if (input$AAorNtAlignment != "both") {
                    if (input$alignmentDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData
                    } else {
                        my_table <- grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_datasets[[input$alignmentDataset]]
                options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadGroupedAlignmentTableNt <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("GroupedAlignment_", input$select_alignment, "_nt_", input$alignmentDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$alignmentDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_datasets[[input$alignmentDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmGroupedAlignment <- renderUI({
                h5(msgGroupedAlignment, style = "color: #CD0000;")

    ############################### Mutations ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline_2nd_part, {
        if (input$pipeline_mutations == FALSE) {

        if (input$pipeline_alignment == FALSE) {
                # "Please ckeck Alignment first!"
                title = "Error Message Mutations",
                "Please ckeck Alignment first!",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL

        if (input$pipeline_alignment == TRUE & input$AAorNtMutations == "both" & input$AAorNtAlignment != "both") {
                # "Please ckeck Alignment both first!"
                title = "Error Message Mutations",
                "Please ckeck Alignment both first!",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL

        if (input$pipeline_alignment == TRUE & input$AAorNtMutations == "aa" & input$AAorNtAlignment == "nt") {
                # "Please ckeck Alignment both first!"
                title = "Error Message Mutations",
                "Please ckeck Alignment aa first!",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL

        if (input$pipeline_alignment == TRUE & input$AAorNtMutations == "nt" & input$AAorNtAlignment == "aa") {
                # "Please ckeck Alignment nt first!"
                title = "Error Message Mutations",
                "Please ckeck Alignment nt first!",
                easyClose = TRUE,
                footer = NULL

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline_2nd_part", {
            if (input$select_topN_clonotypes_for_mutations != "all_clonotypes") {
                if (input$select_topN_clonotypes_for_mutations == "topN_clonotypes_for_mutations") {
                    FtopN <- TRUE
                    Fthr <- FALSE
                } else {
                    FtopN <- FALSE
                    Fthr <- TRUE

                if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                        # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"
                        title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                        "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!",
                        easyClose = TRUE,
                        footer = NULL
            } else {
                FtopN <- FALSE
                Fthr <- FALSE

            if (input$select_clonotypes_for_mutations) {
                FclonoSeperately <<- TRUE
                if (input$pipeline_clonotypes == FALSE) {
                        # "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!"
                        title = "Error Message Repertoires",
                        "Please ckeck Clonotypes first!",
                        easyClose = TRUE,
                        footer = NULL
            } else {
                FclonoSeperately <<- FALSE

            if (input$select_clonotypes_for_mutations) {
                num_of_clusters <- length(strsplit(input$clonotypes_for_mutations, ",")[[1]])
                cl_ids_mutations <<- as.numeric(strsplit(input$clonotypes_for_mutations, ",")[[1]])

            if (just_restored_session_mutations == FALSE) {
                if (input$AAorNtMutations == "both") {
                    mutation_results <<- mutations(grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData, grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets, input$ThrAAMutations, "aa", loaded_datasets, input$topNClonoMutations, FtopN, FALSE, 0, Fthr, input$thrClonoMutations)
                    mutation_results_nt <<- mutations(grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_allData, grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_datasets, input$ThrNtMutations, "nt", loaded_datasets, input$topNClonoMutations, FtopN, FALSE, 0, Fthr, input$thrClonoMutations)
                } else {
                    if (input$AAorNtMutations == "aa") {
                        thr <- input$ThrAAMutations
                        align_all <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData
                        align_datasets <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets
                    } else { # input$AAorNtMutations=="nt"
                        thr <- input$ThrNtMutations
                        if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "nt") {
                            align_all <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData
                            align_datasets <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets
                        } else if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                            align_all <- grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_allData
                            align_datasets <- grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_datasets
                    mutation_results <<- mutations(align_all, align_datasets, thr, input$AAorNtMutations, loaded_datasets, input$topNClonoMutations, FtopN, FALSE, 0, Fthr, input$thrClonoMutations)

                if (FclonoSeperately) {
                    for (cl in seq_len(length(cl_ids_mutations))) {
                        if (input$AAorNtMutations == "both") {
                            mutation_results_cl[[cl]] <<- mutations(grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData, grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets, input$ThrAAMutations, "aa", loaded_datasets, input$topNClonoMutations, FtopN, FclonoSeperately, cl_ids_mutations[cl], FALSE)
                            mutation_results_nt_cl[[cl]] <<- mutations(grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_allData, grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_datasets, input$ThrNtMutations, "nt", loaded_datasets, input$topNClonoMutations, FtopN, FclonoSeperately, cl_ids_mutations[cl], FALSE)
                        } else {
                            if (input$AAorNtMutations == "aa") {
                                thr <- input$ThrAAMutations
                                align_all <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData
                                align_datasets <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets
                            } else { # input$AAorNtMutations=="nt"
                                thr <- input$ThrNtMutations
                                if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "nt") {
                                    align_all <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData
                                    align_datasets <- grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets
                                } else if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                                    align_all <- grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_allData
                                    align_datasets <- grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_datasets
                            mutation_results_cl[[cl]] <<- mutations(align_all, align_datasets, thr, input$AAorNtMutations, loaded_datasets, input$topNClonoMutations, FtopN, FclonoSeperately, cl_ids_mutations[cl], FALSE)

            just_restored_session_mutations <<- FALSE
            if (input$AAorNtMutations == "both") {
                msgMutation <<- mutation_results_nt$confirm
            } else {
                msgMutation <<- mutation_results$confirm

            output$MutationTable <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$mutationDataset)) {
                    if (input$mutationDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- mutation_results$mutation_change_allData # [[input$select_gene_mutation]]
                    } else {
                        my_table <- mutation_results$mutation_change_datasets[[input$mutationDataset]] # [[input$select_gene_mutation]]

                options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadMutationTable <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("Mutations_", input$ThrAAMutations, "_", (if (input$AAorNtMutations != "both") input$AAorNtMutations else "aa"), "_", input$mutationDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$mutationDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(mutation_results$mutation_change_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(mutation_results$mutation_change_datasets[[input$mutationDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$MutationTableNt <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$mutationDataset)) {
                    if (input$AAorNtMutations != "both") {
                    if (input$mutationDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- mutation_results_nt$mutation_change_allData # [[input$select_gene_mutation]]
                    } else {
                        my_table <- mutation_results_nt$mutation_change_datasets[[input$mutationDataset]] # [[input$select_gene_mutation]]

                options = list(pageLength = 10, scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadMutationTableNt <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("Mutations_thr", input$ThrAAMutations, "_nt_", input$mutationDataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$mutationDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(mutation_results_nt$mutation_change_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(mutation_results_nt$mutation_change_datasets[[input$mutationDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            if (FclonoSeperately) {
                output$uiMutationTables_cl <- renderUI({
                    lapply(seq_len(length(cl_ids_mutations)), function(i) {
                            dataTableOutput(paste0("MutationTables_cl", i)),
                            downloadButton(paste0("downloadMutationTables_cl", i), "Download"),
                                condition = "input.AAorNtMutations == 'both'",
                                dataTableOutput(paste0("MutationTables_nt_cl", i)),
                                downloadButton(paste0("downloadMutationTables_nt_cl", i), "Download")

                lapply(seq_len(length(cl_ids_mutations)), function(i) {
                    output[[paste0("MutationTables_cl", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                            if (is.null(input$mutationDataset)) {
                            if (input$mutationDataset == "All Data") {
                                my_table <- mutation_results_cl[[i]]$mutation_change_allData
                            } else {
                                my_table <- mutation_results_cl[[i]]$mutation_change_datasets[[input$mutationDataset]]

                        options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                    output[[paste0("downloadMutationTables_cl", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                        filename = function() {
                            paste0("Mutations_cl", cl_ids_mutations[i], "_thr", input$ThrAAMutations, "_", (if (input$AAorNtMutations != "both") input$AAorNtMutations else "aa"), "_", input$mutationDataset, ".txt")
                        content = function(file) {
                            if (input$mutationDataset == "All Data") {
                                write.table(mutation_results_cl[[i]]$mutation_change_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            } else {
                                write.table(mutation_results_cl[[i]]$mutation_change_datasets[[input$mutationDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

                    output[[paste0("MutationTables_nt_cl", i)]] <- renderDataTable(
                            if (is.null(input$mutationDataset)) {
                            if (input$AAorNtMutations != "both") {
                            if (input$mutationDataset == "All Data") {
                                my_table <- mutation_results_nt_cl[[i]]$mutation_change_allData
                            } else {
                                my_table <- mutation_results_nt_cl[[i]]$mutation_change_datasets[[input$mutationDataset]]

                        options = list(scrollX = TRUE)

                    output[[paste0("downloadMutationTables_nt_cl", i)]] <- downloadHandler(
                        filename = function() {
                            paste0("Mutations_cl", cl_ids_mutations[i], "_thr", input$ThrAAMutations, "_nt_", input$mutationDataset, ".txt")
                        content = function(file) {
                            if (input$mutationDataset == "All Data") {
                                write.table(mutation_results_nt_cl[[i]]$mutation_change_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            } else {
                                write.table(mutation_results_nt_cl[[i]]$mutation_change_datasets[[input$mutationDataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmMutations <- renderUI({
                h5(msgMutation, style = "color: #CD0000;")

    ############################### Length distance ###############################
    output$uiSelectGene1Diff <- renderUI({
        if (input$pipeline_CDR3Diff1 == FALSE || length(imgtfilter_results$allData) == 0) {
        used_columns <- e$used_columns
        selectInput("selectGeneCDR3Diff1", "Select gene:", unique(imgtfilter_results$allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][3]]]), width = "270px")

    ############################### CDR3 1 length diff ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline_2nd_part, {
        if (input$pipeline_CDR3Diff1 == FALSE) {

        # When the button is clicked, wrap the code in a call to `withBusyIndicatorServer()`
        withBusyIndicatorServer("Execute_pipeline_2nd_part", {
            if (just_restored_session_CDR3Diff1 == FALSE) {
                CDR3Diff1_results <<- find_cdr3_diff1P(imgtfilter_results$allData, input$cdr3MaxLength1Diff, input$cdr3Position1Diff, loaded_datasets)

            just_restored_session_CDR3Diff1 <<- FALSE
            msgCDR3Diff1 <<- CDR3Diff1_results$confirm

            output$CDR3Diff1Table <- renderDataTable(
                    if (is.null(input$CDR3Diff1Dataset)) {
                    if (input$CDR3Diff1Dataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- CDR3Diff1_results$cdr3_diff1P_allData
                    } else {
                        my_table <- CDR3Diff1_results$cdr3_diff1P_datasets[[input$CDR3Diff1Dataset]]

                options = list(pageLength = 20, scrollX = TRUE)

            output$downloadCDR3Diff1Table <- downloadHandler(
                filename = function() {
                    paste0("CDR3Diff1_", input$CDR3Diff1Dataset, ".txt")
                content = function(file) {
                    if (input$clonotypesDataset == "All Data") {
                        write.table(CDR3Diff1_results$cdr3_diff1P_allData, file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        write.table(CDR3Diff1_results$cdr3_diff1P_datasets[[input$CDR3Diff1Dataset]], file, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            output$confirmCDR3Diff1 <- renderUI({
                h5(msgCDR3Diff1, style = "color: #CD0000;")

    ############################### Overview ###############################
    output$overview_data <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        my_table <- as.data.frame(c(paste0("Dataset uploaded: ", loaded_datasets), paste0("Selected files: ", input$inputFiles), paste0("Cell: ", input$cell)))
        colnames(my_table) <- "Input Data"

    output$overview_cleaning_parameters <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        cleaning_workflow[, 1] <- cleaning_parameters
        my_table <- as.data.frame(cleaning_workflow)
        colnames(my_table) <- c("Preselection parameters", "Filter Out", "Filter In")

    output$overview_filtering_parameters <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        filtering_workflow[, 1] <- filtering_parameters
        my_table <- as.data.frame(filtering_workflow)
        colnames(my_table) <- c("Selection parameters", "Filter Out", "Filter In")

    output$overview_clonotypes <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (msgClonotypes == "") {
        c1 <- c("Clonotypes selected", "Number of clonotypes found", "The most frequent clonotype")
        c2 <- c(input$select_clonotype, nrow(clono$clono_allData), paste0(clono$clono_allData$clonotype[1], " with ", clono$clono_allData$N[1], " sequences (", clono$clono_allData$Freq[1], "%)"))
        my_table <- data.frame(Clonotypes = c1, Result = c2)

    output$overview_highly_sim_clono <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (msgHighlySim == "") {
        my_table <- c(paste0("Clonotype frequency threshold for highly similar: ", input$clonotype_freq_thr_for_highly_sim), paste0("Take gene highly similar: ", input$take_gene_highly_similar))
        for (i in seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths))) {
            my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("length ", cdr3_lengths[i], ": ", input[[paste0("num_of_missmatches_cdr3_length_", i)]]))
        my_table <- data.frame(Highly_Similar_Clonotypes = my_table)

    output$overview_identity_groups <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (!input$pipeline_insert_identity_groups) {
        my_table <- c()

        low <- c()
        high <- c()
        for (i in seq_len(input$N_identity_groups)) {
            low <- c(low, input[[paste0("Identity_low_group", i)]])
            high <- c(high, input[[paste0("Identity_high_group", i)]])
        label <- paste(low, high, sep = "-")
        identity_groups <<- (data.frame(low = low, high = high, label = label, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        for (i in seq_len(input$N_identity_groups)) {
            my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("low: ", identity_groups$low[i], ", high: ", identity_groups$high[i]))
        my_table <- data.frame(identity_groups = my_table)
        colnames(my_table) <- "Identity Groups"

    output$overview_public_clono <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (msgPublicClono == "") {
        my_table <- c(paste0("Take Gene into account: ", input$take_gene_public_clono), paste0("Threshold for Clonotype reads:", input$thr_public_clono))
        my_table <- data.frame(Public_Clonotypes_Parameters = my_table)

    output$overview_repertoires <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (is.null(msgRepertoires)) {
        if (msgRepertoires[1] != "") {
        my_table <- c()
        for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
            my_table <- c(my_table, input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]])
        my_table <- data.frame(Repertoires_Parameters = my_table)

    output$overview_multiple_value_comparison <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (length(msgMultiple_value_comparison) == 0) {
        my_table <- c()
        for (i in seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison))) {
            val1 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column1_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
            val2 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column2_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
            my_table <- c(my_table, paste0(val1, " + ", val2))
        my_table <- data.frame(Multiple_value_comparison_Parameters = my_table)

    output$overview_cdr3_1length_diff <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (msgCDR3Diff1 == "") {
        my_table <- c(paste0("max CDR3 length: ", input$cdr3MaxLength1Diff), paste0("CDR3 position with difference: ", input$cdr3Position1Diff))
        my_table <- data.frame(CDR3Diff1_Parameters = my_table)

    output$overview_alignment <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (msgAlignment == "") {
        my_table <- c(paste0("Region for Alignment: ", input$regionAlignment), paste0("Max length of region: ", input$MaxLengthRegion))
        if (input$useGermline == "Insert Germline") {
            my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("Germline: ", input$Germline))
        } else {
            my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("Germline: ", input$useGermline))
        my_table <- data.frame(Alignment_Parameters = my_table)

    output$overview_freq_table <- renderTable({
        if (!input$Execute) {
        if (msgFreqTables == "") {
        my_table <- c(paste0("Region for Frequency Table: ", input$regionFreqTable), paste0("Region length: ", input$regionLengthFreq))
        if (input$select_topN_clonotypes_for_freqTable == TRUE) {
            my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("Use top ", input$topNFreqTable, " clonotypes"))
        } else {
            my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("Germline: ", input$useGermline))
        my_table <- data.frame(Logo_Parameters = my_table)

    output$downloadOverview <- downloadHandler(
        filename = function() {
            paste0("overview", ".pdf")
        content = function(file) {

            my_table <- as.data.frame(c(paste0("Dataset uploaded: ", loaded_datasets), paste0("Selected files: ", input$inputFiles), paste0("Cell: ", input$cell)))
            colnames(my_table) <- "Input Data"
            if (nrow(my_table) > 10) {
                k <- 1
                for (i in seq_len((nrow(my_table) / 10 + 1))) {
                    if (i == (nrow(my_table) / 10 + 1)) {
                        my_table_part <- my_table[k:(nrow(my_table)), ]
                    } else {
                        my_table_part <- my_table[k:(k + 9), ]
                    k <- k + 10
                    plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                    text(1, 4, "Input", pos = 4)
                    if (k >= nrow(my_table)) break()
            } else {

            for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                    plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                    text(1, 4, "Cleaning Parameters (All Data)", pos = 4)
                    cleaning_workflow[, 1] <- cleaning_parameters
                    my_table <- as.data.frame(cleaning_workflow)
                    if (nrow(my_table) > 0) {
                        colnames(my_table) <- c("Preselection parameters", "Filter Out", "Filter In")
                } else {
                    plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                    text(1, 4, paste0("Cleaning Parameters (", loaded_datasets[j], ")"), pos = 4)
                    imgtcleaning_results$workflow_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][, 1] <- cleaning_parameters
                    my_table <- as.data.frame(imgtcleaning_results$workflow_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])
                    if (nrow(my_table) > 0) {
                        colnames(my_table) <- c("Preselection parameters", "Filter Out", "Filter In")

            for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                    plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                    text(1, 4, "Filtering Parameters (All Data)", pos = 4)
                    filtering_workflow[, 1] <- filtering_parameters
                    my_table <- as.data.frame(filtering_workflow)
                    if (nrow(my_table) > 0) {
                        colnames(my_table) <- c("Selection parameters", "Filter Out", "Filter In")
                } else {
                    plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                    text(1, 4, paste0("Filtering Parameters (", loaded_datasets[j], ")"), pos = 4)
                    imgtfilter_results$workflow_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][, 1] <- filtering_parameters
                    my_table <- as.data.frame(imgtfilter_results$workflow_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])
                    if (nrow(my_table) > 0) {
                        colnames(my_table) <- c("Selection parameters", "Filter Out", "Filter In")

            if (msgClonotypes != "") {
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                        text(1, 4, "Clonotypes (All Data)", pos = 4)
                        c1 <- c("Clonotypes selected", "Number of clonotypes found", "The most frequent clonotype", "Frequency of no 1 clonotype")
                        c2 <- c(input$select_clonotype, nrow(clono$clono_allData), clono$clono_allData$clonotype[1], paste0(clono$clono_allData$N[1], " sequences (", clono$clono_allData$Freq[1], "%)"))
                        my_table <- data.frame(Clonotypes = c1, Result = c2)
                    } else {
                        plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                        text(1, 4, paste0("Clonotypes (", loaded_datasets[j], ")"), pos = 4)
                        c1 <- c("Clonotypes selected", "Number of clonotypes found", "The most frequent clonotype", "Frequency of no 1 clonotype")
                        c2 <- c(input$select_clonotype, nrow(clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]), clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$clonotype[1], paste0(clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$N[1], " sequences (", clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$Freq[1], "%)"))
                        my_table <- data.frame(Clonotypes = c1, Result = c2)

            if (msgHighlySim != "") {
                my_table <- c(paste0("Clonotype frequency threshold for highly similar: ", input$clonotype_freq_thr_for_highly_sim), paste0("Take gene highly similar: ", input$take_gene_highly_similar))
                for (i in seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths))) {
                    my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("length ", cdr3_lengths[i], ": ", input[[paste0("num_of_missmatches_cdr3_length_", i)]]))
                my_table <- data.frame(Highly_Similar_Clonotypes = my_table)
                if (nrow(my_table) > 10) {
                    k <- 1
                    for (i in seq_len((nrow(my_table) / 10 + 1))) {
                        if (i == (nrow(my_table) / 10 + 1)) {
                            my_table_part <- my_table[k:(nrow(my_table)), ]
                        } else {
                            my_table_part <- my_table[k:(k + 9), ]
                        my_table_part <- data.frame(my_table_part)
                        colnames(my_table_part) <- "Highly Similar Clonotypes Parameters"
                        k <- k + 10
                        plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                        if (k >= nrow(my_table)) break()
                } else {
                    plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")

            if (msgPublicClono != "") {
                plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                text(1, 4, paste0("Public Clonotypes Parameters"), pos = 4)
                my_table <- c(paste0("Take Gene into account: ", input$take_gene_public_clono), paste0("Threshold for Clonotype reads:", input$thr_public_clono))
                my_table <- data.frame(Public_Clonotypes_Parameters = my_table)

            if (!(is.null(msgRepertoires))) {
                if (msgRepertoires[1] != "") {
                    plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                    text(1, 4, paste0("Repertoires Parameters"), pos = 4)
                    my_table <- c()
                    for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                        my_table <- c(my_table, input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]])
                    my_table <- data.frame(Repertoires_Parameters = my_table)

            if (input$pipeline_insert_identity_groups) {
                plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                text(1, 4, paste0("Identity Groups"), pos = 4)
                my_table <- c()
                low <- c()
                high <- c()
                for (i in seq_len(input$N_identity_groups)) {
                    low <- c(low, input[[paste0("Identity_low_group", i)]])
                    high <- c(high, input[[paste0("Identity_high_group", i)]])
                label <- paste(low, high, sep = "-")
                identity_groups <<- (data.frame(low = low, high = high, label = label, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
                for (i in seq_len(input$N_identity_groups)) {
                    my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("low: ", identity_groups$low[i], ", high: ", identity_groups$high[i]))
                my_table <- data.frame(identity_groups = my_table)

            if (length(msgMultiple_value_comparison) > 0) {
                plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                text(1, 4, paste0("Multiple value comparison Parameters"), pos = 4)
                my_table <- c()
                for (i in seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison))) {
                    val1 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column1_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                    val2 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column2_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                    my_table <- c(my_table, paste0(val1, " + ", val2))
                my_table <- data.frame(Multiple_value_comparison_Parameters = my_table)

            if (msgCDR3Diff1 != "") {
                plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                text(1, 4, paste0("CDR3 Diff 1 Parameters"), pos = 4)
                my_table <- c(paste0("max CDR3 length: ", input$cdr3MaxLength1Diff), paste0("CDR3 position with difference: ", input$cdr3Position1Diff))
                my_table <- data.frame(CDR3Diff1_Parameters = my_table)

            if (msgAlignment != "") {
                plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                text(1, 4, paste0("Alignment Parameters"), pos = 4)
                my_table <- c(paste0("Region for Alignment: ", input$regionAlignment), paste0("AA or Nt Alignment: ", input$AAorNtAlignment))
                if (input$useGermline == "Insert Germline") {
                    my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("Germline: ", input$Germline))
                } else {
                    my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("Germline: ", input$useGermline))
                my_table <- data.frame(Alignment_Parameters = my_table)

            if (msgFreqTables != "") {
                plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 5), ylim = c(0, 5), bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
                text(1, 4, paste0("Frequency Table Parameters"), pos = 4)
                my_table <- c(paste0("Region for Frequency Table: ", input$regionFreqTable), paste0("Region length: ", input$regionLengthFreq))
                if (input$select_topN_clonotypes_for_freqTable == TRUE) {
                    my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("Use top ", input$topNFreqTable, " clonotypes"))
                } else {
                    my_table <- c(my_table, paste0("Germline: ", input$useGermline))
                my_table <- data.frame(Freq_Table_Parameters = my_table)


    ############################### Download all png files into a .tar ###############################
    output$downloadAllPlots <- downloadHandler(
        filename <- function() {
            paste("Analysis_Plots_", Sys.time(), ".tar", sep = "")
        }, # name the .tar file
        content <- function(file) {
            folder_name <- paste("/Analysis", trunc(as.numeric(Sys.time())))
            if (!file.exists(paste0(system.file("extdata/output", package="tripr"), folder_name))) { # check if the directory has been made yet, I use the time/date at which the action button was pressed to make it relatively unique
                dir.create(paste0(system.file("extdata/output", package="tripr"), folder_name))
            } # make the dir if not
            in.path <- paste0(system.file("extdata/output", package="tripr"), folder_name) # go into the dir, alternatively you could just set the path of the file each time
            # check if the following have run

            ####### clonotype plots  #######
            if (msgClonotypes != "") {
                if (input$clonotypes_barplot_select_range) {
                    parameters <- paste0("from cluster", input$clonotypes_barchart_down_threshold, "to cluster", input$clonotypes_barchart_up_threshold)
                } else {
                    parameters <- paste0("with_threshold ", input$clonotypes_barchart_threshold)

                if (input$clonotypes_barplot_select_range == FALSE) {
                    # Find the clonotypes that we want to draw for all the datasets
                    cl <- c()
                    a <- list()
                    if (is.null(input$clonotypes_barchart_threshold)) thr <- 0 else thr <- input$clonotypes_barchart_threshold
                    a[["allData"]] <- clono$clono_allData %>% filter(clono$clono_allData$Freq > thr)
                    cl <- c(cl, a[["allData"]]$clonotype)
                    for (i in loaded_datasets) {
                        a[[i]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[i]] %>% filter(clono$clono_datasets[[i]]$Freq > thr)
                        cl <- c(cl, a[[i]]$clonotype)
                } else {
                    # Find the clonotypes that we want to draw for all the datasets
                    range <- input$clonotypes_barchart_down_threshold:input$clonotypes_barchart_up_threshold
                    cl <- c()
                    a <- list()
                    a[["allData"]] <- clono$clono_allData[range, ]
                    cl <- c(cl, a[["allData"]]$clonotype)
                    for (i in loaded_datasets) {
                        a[[i]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[i]][range, ]
                        cl <- c(cl, a[[i]]$clonotype)

                # Unique clonotypes
                cl <- unique(cl)
                cl <<- c(cl, "Other")

                # Create a freqeuncy matrix
                data <- c("allData", loaded_datasets)
                freq_mat <- matrix(0, length(cl), (length(loaded_datasets) + 1))
                ki <- 0
                for (i in seq_len(length(cl))) {
                    for (j in seq_len(length(data))) {
                        if (i == length(cl)) {
                            freq_mat[i, j] <- 100 - sum(freq_mat[seq_len((i - 1)), j])
                        } else {
                            if (length(which(a[[data[j]]]$clonotype == cl[i])) > 0) {
                                freq_mat[i, j] <- a[[data[j]]]$Freq[which(a[[data[j]]]$clonotype == cl[i])]

                colnames(freq_mat) <- data
                rownames(freq_mat) <- cl
                freq_mat <<- freq_mat
                freq_mat <<- round(freq_mat, 2)

                png(paste0(in.path, "/", "clonotypes_bar_plot_", parameters, ".png"), width = 3000, height = 1550)
                    xlim = c(0, ncol(freq_mat) + 5),
                    col = brewer.pal(nrow(freq_mat), "Paired"),
                    legend.text = TRUE,
                    args.legend = list(
                        x = ncol(freq_mat) + 5,
                        y = max(colSums(freq_mat)),
                        bty = "n"

            ####### Highly Similar clonotype plots  #######
            if (msgHighlySim != "") {
                if (input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barplot_select_range) {
                    parameters <- paste0("from cluster", input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_down_threshold, "to cluster", input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_up_threshold)
                } else {
                    parameters <- paste0("with_threshold ", input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_threshold)

                if (input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barplot_select_range == FALSE) {
                    # Find the clonotypes that we want to draw for all the datasets
                    cl <- c()
                    a <- list()
                    if (is.null(input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_threshold)) thr <- 0 else thr <- input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_threshold
                    a[["allData"]] <- highly_sim %>% filter(highly_sim$Freq > thr)
                    cl <- c(cl, a[["allData"]]$clonotype)
                    for (i in loaded_datasets) {
                        a[[i]] <- highly_sim_datasets[[i]] %>% filter(highly_sim_datasets[[i]]$Freq > thr)
                        cl <- c(cl, a[[i]]$clonotype)
                } else {
                    # Find the clonotypes that we want to draw for all the datasets
                    range <- input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_down_threshold:input$higly_sim_clonotypes_barchart_up_threshold
                    cl <- c()
                    a <- list()
                    a[["allData"]] <- highly_sim[range, ]
                    cl <- c(cl, a[["allData"]]$clonotype)
                    for (i in loaded_datasets) {
                        a[[i]] <- highly_sim_datasets[[i]][range, ]
                        cl <- c(cl, a[[i]]$clonotype)

                # Unique clonotypes
                cl <- unique(cl)
                cl <<- c(cl, "Other")

                # Create a freqeuncy matrix
                data <- c("allData", loaded_datasets)
                freq_mat <- matrix(0, length(cl), (length(loaded_datasets) + 1))
                ki <- 0
                for (i in seq_len(length(cl))) {
                    for (j in seq_len(length(data))) {
                        if (i == length(cl)) {
                            freq_mat[i, j] <- 100 - sum(freq_mat[seq_len((i - 1)), j])
                        } else {
                            if (length(which(a[[data[j]]]$clonotype == cl[i])) > 0) {
                                freq_mat[i, j] <- a[[data[j]]]$Freq[which(a[[data[j]]]$clonotype == cl[i])]

                colnames(freq_mat) <- data
                rownames(freq_mat) <- cl
                freq_mat <<- freq_mat
                freq_mat <<- round(freq_mat, 2)

                png(paste0(in.path, "/", "Highly_sim_clonotypes_bar_plot_", parameters, ".png"), width = 3000, height = 1550)
                    xlim = c(0, ncol(freq_mat) + 5),
                    col = brewer.pal(nrow(freq_mat), "Paired"),
                    legend.text = TRUE,
                    args.legend = list(
                        x = ncol(freq_mat) + 5,
                        y = max(colSums(freq_mat)),
                        bty = "n"

            ####### Repertoires #######
            if (!(is.null(msgRepertoires))) { ####### reperoires plots
                if (msgRepertoires[1] != "") {
                    if (is.null(input$repertories_pies_threshold)) thr <- 0 else thr <- input$repertories_pies_threshold
                    used_columns <- e$used_columns
                    for (k in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                        for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                            if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {

                                # Genes that have percentage<threshold are grouped into one cell
                                data <- repertories_results[[k]]$Repertoires_allData
                                data_filterIn <- data %>% filter(data$Freq > thr)
                                data_filterOut <- data %>% filter(data$Freq <= thr)
                                data <- data_filterIn
                                data[(nrow(data) + 1), ] <- c("Other genes", sum(data_filterOut$N), sum(data_filterOut$Freq))
                                # plot
                                f <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Repertoires_pies", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[k])]], "_", "All_Data", ".png")

                                png(f, width = 900, height = 600)
                                pie(as.numeric(data$N), labels = round(as.numeric(data$Freq), 2), main = paste0(strsplit(strsplit(as.character(imgtfilter_results$allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][3]]][1]), " ")[[1]][2], "V")[[1]][1], input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[k])]], " ", input$RepertoiresDataset), col = rainbow(length(data$N)))
                                legend("topright", data$Gene,
                                    cex = 0.8,
                                    fill = rainbow(length(data$N))
                            } else {
                                # Genes that have percentage<threshold are grouped into one cell
                                data <- repertories_results[[k]]$Repertoires_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]
                                data_filterIn <- data %>% filter(data$Freq > thr)
                                data_filterOut <- data %>% filter(data$Freq <= thr)
                                data <- data_filterIn
                                data[(nrow(data) + 1), ] <- c("Other genes", sum(data_filterOut$N), sum(data_filterOut$Freq))

                                # plot
                                f <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Repertoires_pies", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[k])]], "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".png")

                                png(f, width = 900, height = 600)
                                pie(as.numeric(data$N), labels = round(as.numeric(data$Freq), 2), main = paste0(strsplit(strsplit(as.character(imgtfilter_results$allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][3]]][1]), " ")[[1]][2], "V")[[1]][1], input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[k])]], " ", input$RepertoiresDataset), col = rainbow(length(data$N)))
                                legend("topright", data$Gene,
                                    cex = 0.8,
                                    fill = rainbow(length(data$N))

            ####### Highly Similar Repertoires #######
            if (!(is.null(msgRepertoires))) { ####### reperoires plots
                if (msgRepertoires[1] != "") {
                    if (is.null(input$HighlySim_repertories_pies_threshold)) thr <- 0 else thr <- input$HighlySim_repertories_pies_threshold
                    used_columns <- e$used_columns
                    for (k in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                        for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                            if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {

                                # Genes that have percentage<threshold are grouped into one cell
                                data <- HighlySim_repertories_results[[k]]$Repertoires_allData
                                data_filterIn <- data %>% filter(data$Freq > thr)
                                data_filterOut <- data %>% filter(data$Freq <= thr)
                                data <- data_filterIn
                                data[(nrow(data) + 1), ] <- c("Other genes", sum(data_filterOut$N), sum(data_filterOut$Freq))
                                # plot
                                f <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Highly_Sim_Repertoires_pies", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[k])]], "_", "All_Data", ".png")

                                png(f, width = 900, height = 600)
                                pie(as.numeric(data$N), labels = round(as.numeric(data$Freq), 2), main = paste0(strsplit(strsplit(as.character(imgtfilter_results$allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][3]]][1]), " ")[[1]][2], "V")[[1]][1], input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[k])]], " ", input$RepertoiresDataset), col = rainbow(length(data$N)))
                                legend("topright", data$Gene,
                                    cex = 0.8,
                                    fill = rainbow(length(data$N))
                            } else {
                                # Genes that have percentage<threshold are grouped into one cell
                                data <- HighlySim_repertories_results[[k]]$Repertoires_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]
                                data_filterIn <- data %>% filter(data$Freq > thr)
                                data_filterOut <- data %>% filter(data$Freq <= thr)
                                data <- data_filterIn
                                data[(nrow(data) + 1), ] <- c("Other genes", sum(data_filterOut$N), sum(data_filterOut$Freq))

                                # plot
                                f <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Highly_Sim_Repertoires_pies", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[k])]], "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".png")

                                png(f, width = 900, height = 600)
                                pie(as.numeric(data$N), labels = round(as.numeric(data$Freq), 2), main = paste0(strsplit(strsplit(as.character(imgtfilter_results$allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][3]]][1]), " ")[[1]][2], "V")[[1]][1], input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[k])]], " ", input$RepertoiresDataset), col = rainbow(length(data$N)))
                                legend("topright", data$Gene,
                                    cex = 0.8,
                                    fill = rainbow(length(data$N))

            # Mutational status #######
            if (("1_Summary.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) & (input$pipeline_mutational_status)) {
                used_columns <- e$used_columns
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        png(paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutational_status ", "All_Data", ".png"), width = 900, height = 600)
                        pie(as.numeric(mutational_status_table_allData$N), labels = round(mutational_status_table_allData$freq * 100, 2), main = paste0("Mutational Status ", "All Data"), col = rainbow(length(mutational_status_table_allData$N)))
                        legend("topright", as.character(mutational_status_table_allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]]),
                            cex = 0.8,
                            fill = rainbow(length(mutational_status_table_allData$N))
                        write.table(mutational_status_table_allData, paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutational_Status_", "All_Data", ".txt"), sep = "\t")
                    } else {
                        png(paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutational_status ", loaded_datasets[j], ".png"), width = 900, height = 600)
                        pie(as.numeric(mutational_status_table_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$N), labels = round(100 * mutational_status_table_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$freq, 2), main = paste0("Mutational Status ", loaded_datasets[j]), col = rainbow(length(mutational_status_table_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$N)))
                        legend("topright", as.character(mutational_status_table_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]]),
                            cex = 0.8,
                            fill = rainbow(length(mutational_status_table_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$N))
                        write.table(mutational_status_table_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutational_Status_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)

            # CDR3 Length Distribution #######
            if (input$pipeline_cdr3_distribution) {
                used_columns <- e$used_columns
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        png(paste0(in.path, "/", "CDR3 Length Distribution ", "All Data", ".png"), width = 900, height = 600)
                        d <- cdr3_length_distribution
                        plot(d$CDR3Length, d$n, main = paste0("CDR3 IMGT length ", "All Data"), xlab = "length", ylab = "") # plots the results
                        lines(spline(d$CDR3Length, d$n))
                        write.table(cdr3_length_distribution, paste0(in.path, "/", "CDR3_Length_Distribution_", "All_Data", ".txt"), sep = "\t")
                    } else {
                        png(paste0(in.path, "/", "CDR3_Length_Distribution ", loaded_datasets[j], ".png"), width = 900, height = 600)
                        d <- cdr3_length_distribution_dataset[[loaded_datasets[j]]]
                        plot(d$CDR3Length, d$n, main = paste0("CDR3 IMGT length ", "All Data"), xlab = "length", ylab = "") # plots the results
                        lines(spline(d$CDR3Length, d$n))
                        write.table(cdr3_length_distribution_dataset[[loaded_datasets[j]]], paste0(in.path, "/", "CDR3_Length_Distribution_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)

            # Pi Distribution #######
            if (input$pipeline_pi_distribution) {
                png(paste0(in.path, "/", "Pi_Distribution ", "All_Data", ".png"), width = 900, height = 600)
                boxplot(box_input, horizontal = FALSE, main = " ")
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        write.table(pi_distribution, paste0(in.path, "/", "Pi_Distribution_", "All_Data", ".txt"), sep = "\t")
                    } else {
                        write.table(pi_distribution_dataset[[loaded_datasets[j]]], paste0(in.path, "/", "Pi_Distribution_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt"), sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE)

            ####### logo plots #######
            if (msgLogo != "") {
                if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_", "CDR3", "_", "All_Data", ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                            logo_plot <<- plot(motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        } else {
                            png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_", "CDR3", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                            logo_plot <<- plot(motif_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]
                        index1 <- 1
                        index2 <- ncol(table_count)

                        if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 13) {
                            a <- 105:117
                        } else if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 12) {
                            a <- c(105:110, 112:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 11) {
                            a <- c(105:110, 113:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 10) {
                            a <- c(105:109, 113:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 9) {
                            a <- c(105:109, 114:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 8) {
                            a <- c(105:108, 114:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 7) {
                            a <- c(105:108, 115:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 6) {
                            a <- c(105:107, 115:117)
                        } else if ((ncol(table_count) - 1) == 5) a <- c(105:107, 116:117)
                        colnames(table_count) <- a

                        if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                            axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), colnames(table_count)) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                        } else {
                            axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), index1:index2) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                        axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))
                } else {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_", input$regionFreqTable, "_", "All_Data", ".png"), width = 1500, height = 550)
                            logo_plot <<- plot(motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        } else {
                            png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_", input$regionFreqTable, "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                            logo_plot <<- plot(motif_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]
                        index1 <- 1
                        index2 <- ncol(table_count)
                        axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), index1:index2) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                        axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))

                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        region_names <- c("FR1-IMGT", "CDR1-IMGT", "FR2-IMGT", "CDR2-IMGT", "FR3-IMGT", "CDR3-IMGT")
                        index_1 <- c(1, 27, 39, 56, 66, 105)
                        index_2 <- c(26, 38, 55, 65, 104, 114)

                        region_id <- 0
                        for (regions in region_names) {
                            region_id <- region_id + 1
                            r <- region_id
                            i1 <- index_1[r]
                            i2 <- index_2[r]
                            if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                                png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_", regions, "_", "All_Data", ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                                logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region[[regions]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                                table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]
                            } else {
                                png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_", regions, "_", input$Dataset[j], ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                                logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region[[regions]]$motif_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                                table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])]

                            axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), i1:i2) # paste0(i1:i2,":",colnames(table_count[,i1:i2])
                            axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))

            if (FclonoLogoSeperately) {
                for (cl in seq_len(length(cl_ids_logos))) {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_cl", cl_ids_logos[cl], "_", input$regionFreqTable, "_", "All_Data", ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                            logo_plot <<- plot(logo_result_cl[[cl]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                        } else {
                            png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_cl", cl_ids_logos[cl], "_", input$regionFreqTable, "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                            logo_plot <<- plot(logo_result_cl[[cl]]$motif_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)

                        table_count <- frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results_cl[[cl]]$table_count)]
                        index1 <- 1
                        index2 <- ncol(table_count)
                        if (input$regionFreqTable == "CDR3") {
                            axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), colnames(table_count)) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                        } else {
                            axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, index1:index2]) - 1)), index1:index2) # paste0(index1:index2,":",colnames(table_count[,index1:index2]))
                        axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))
                    if (input$regionFreqTable != "CDR3") {
                        for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                            region_names <- c("FR1-IMGT", "CDR1-IMGT", "FR2-IMGT", "CDR2-IMGT", "FR3-IMGT", "CDR3-IMGT")
                            index_1 <- c(1, 27, 39, 56, 66, 105)
                            index_2 <- c(26, 38, 55, 65, 104, 114)

                            region_id <- 0
                            for (regions in region_names) {
                                region_id <- region_id + 1
                                r <- region_id
                                i1 <- index_1[r]
                                i2 <- index_2[r]
                                if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                                    png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_cl", cl_ids_logos[cl], "_", regions, "_", "All_Data", ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                                    logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region_cl[[cl]][[regions]]$motif_all, ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                                    table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count[, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count)]
                                } else {
                                    png(paste0(in.path, "/", "logo_cl", cl_ids_logos[cl], "_", regions, "_", input$Dataset[j], ".png"), width = 1000, height = 550)
                                    logo_plot <<- plot(logo_per_region_cl[[cl]][[regions]]$motif_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], ic.scale = FALSE, ylab = "probability", xaxis = FALSE, yaxis = FALSE)
                                    table_count <- frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][, 2:ncol(frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])]

                                axis(1, at = seq((1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1))), 1 - 1 / (2 * (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), by = (1 - 1 / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)) / (ncol(table_count[, i1:i2]) - 1)), i1:i2) # paste0(i1:i2,":",colnames(table_count[,i1:i2])
                                axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / 5))

            ####### nucleotides of top clonotypes #######
            fileNames <- input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_Datasets
            topN <- input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN
            if (msgClonotypes != "") {
                if ((input$nucleotides_per_clonotype == FALSE) && is.null(fileNames)) {
                    fileNames <- loaded_datasets
                    topN <- 10
                nucleotides <- matrix(0, topN, length(fileNames))

                allData <- list()
                input_datasets <- ""
                for (i in seq_len(length(fileNames))) {
                    # clono$convergent_evolution_list_allData[seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN),]
                    nucleotides[, i] <- clono$convergent_evolution_list_datasets_only_num[[loaded_datasets[i]]][seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN)]
                    input_datasets <- paste(input_datasets, fileNames[i])
                # plot
                png(paste0(in.path, "/", "hist3D-nucleotides_top_", topN, "clonotypes", input_datasets, ".png"))
                    y = seq_len(length(fileNames)), x = seq_len(topN), z = nucleotides, clab = "Num of Nucleotides", ylab = "Samples", xlab = "Clonotypes",
                    zlab = "Num of Nucleotides", ticktype = "detailed", axes = TRUE, theta = 50, phi = 25, expand = 0.75

                if (length(fileNames) > 1) {
                    # plot
                    png(paste0(in.path, "/", "persp3D-nucleotidestop_", topN, " clonotypes", input_datasets, ".png"))
                        y = seq_len(length(fileNames)), x = seq_len(topN), z = nucleotides, clab = "Num of Nucleotides", ylab = "Samples", xlab = "Clonotypes",
                        zlab = "Num of Nucleotides", ticktype = "detailed", axes = TRUE, theta = 50, phi = 25, expand = 0.75

                    # plot
                    png(paste0(in.path, "/", "image2D-nucleotidestop_", topN, "clonotypes", input_datasets, ".png"))
                        y = seq_len(length(fileNames)), x = seq_len(topN), z = nucleotides, clab = "Num of Nucleotides", ylab = "Samples", xlab = "Clonotypes",
                        colkey = list(
                            dist = 0, shift = 0.15,
                            side = 4, length = 0.5, width = 0.5,
                            cex.clab = 1, col.clab = "black", line.clab = 1.4,
                            col.axis = "black", col.ticks = "black", cex.axis = 0.8

            ####### tar it #######
            tar(file, in.path)

    ############################### Visualisation ###############################
    observeEvent(input$Execute_pipeline, {
        output$nucleotides_per_clonotype_ui <- renderUI({
            checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "nucleotides_per_clonotype_Datasets", label = "Select Datasets", inline = TRUE, choices = loaded_datasets, selected = loaded_datasets)

        ####################### Create Identity Groups - Mutational status #############################
        if (("1_Summary.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) & (input$pipeline_mutational_status)) {
            low <- c()
            high <- c()
            for (i in seq_len(input$N_identity_groups)) {
                low <- c(low, input[[paste0("Identity_low_group", i)]])
                high <- c(high, input[[paste0("Identity_high_group", i)]])
            label <- paste(low, high, sep = "-")
            identity_groups <<- (data.frame(low = low, high = high, label = label, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

            if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes) {
                if (input$select_clono_or_highly_for_mutational_status == "initial_clonotypes") {
                    highly <- FALSE
                } else {
                    highly <- TRUE
            } else {
                highly <- FALSE
            used_columns <- e$used_columns
            if (!highly) {
                # All Data
                if (input$throughput == "Low Throughput") {
                    filteredData_id <<- imgtfilter_results$allData
                    temp <- filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]]
                    if (!is.null(identity_groups)) {
                        for (values in seq_len(nrow(identity_groups))) {
                            if (values == nrow(identity_groups)) {
                                index <- which(filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] <= identity_groups[values, 2])
                            } else {
                                index <- which(filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] < identity_groups[values, 2])
                            temp[index] <- identity_groups$label[values]
                    filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] <<- temp
                } else {
                    d <- c()
                    var <- used_columns[["Summary"]][4]
                    for (i in names(clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData)) {
                        d <- c(d, median(clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[i]][[var]]))
                    d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                    colnames(d) <- var

                    filteredData_id <<- d
                    temp <- d
                    if (!is.null(identity_groups)) {
                        for (values in seq_len(nrow(identity_groups))) {
                            if (values == nrow(identity_groups)) {
                                index <- which(d[[var]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & d[[var]] <= identity_groups[values, 2])
                            } else {
                                index <- which(d[[var]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & d[[var]] < identity_groups[values, 2])
                            temp[index, 1] <- identity_groups$label[values]
                    filteredData_id <<- temp

                # Separate data
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        mut <- filteredData_id %>%
                            dplyr::group_by(Summary.V.REGION.identity..) %>%
                            dplyr::summarise(N = n())
                        freq <- mut$N / nrow(filteredData_id)
                        mutational_status_table_allData <<- data.frame(mut, freq)
                    } else {
                        if (input$throughput == "Low Throughput") {
                            data <- imgtfilter_results$filtered_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]
                            temp <- data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]]
                        } else {
                            var <- used_columns[["Summary"]][4]
                            name <- loaded_datasets
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in names(clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[name[j]]])) {
                                d <- c(d, median(clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[name[j]]][[i]][[var]]))
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            temp <- d
                            data <- d
                        if (!is.null(identity_groups)) {
                            for (values in seq_len(nrow(identity_groups))) {
                                if (values == nrow(identity_groups)) {
                                    index <- which(data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] <= identity_groups[values, 2])
                                } else {
                                    index <- which(data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] < identity_groups[values, 2])
                                temp[index, 1] <- identity_groups$label[values]
                            data <- temp
                        mut <- data %>%
                            dplyr::group_by(Summary.V.REGION.identity..) %>%
                            dplyr::summarise(N = n())
                        freq <- mut$N / nrow(data)
                        mutational_status_table_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]] <<- data.frame(mut, freq)
            } else {
                # All Data
                if (input$throughput == "Low Throughput") {
                    filteredData_id <<- imgtfilter_results$allData
                    temp <- filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]]
                    if (!is.null(identity_groups)) {
                        for (values in seq_len(nrow(identity_groups))) {
                            if (values == nrow(identity_groups)) {
                                index <- which(filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] <= identity_groups[values, 2])
                            } else {
                                index <- which(filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] < identity_groups[values, 2])
                            temp[index] <- identity_groups$label[values]
                    filteredData_id[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] <<- temp
                } else {
                    d <- c()
                    var <- used_columns[["Summary"]][4]
                    for (i in seq_len(nrow(highly_sim))) {
                        prev_clono <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]][2:length(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]])])
                        a <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[prev_clono[1]]]
                        if (length(prev_clono) > 1) {
                            for (cl in 2:length(prev_clono)) {
                                a <- rbind(a, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[prev_clono[cl]]])
                        d <- c(d, median(a[[var]]))
                    d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                    colnames(d) <- var

                    filteredData_id <<- d
                    temp <- d
                    if (!is.null(identity_groups)) {
                        for (values in seq_len(nrow(identity_groups))) {
                            if (values == nrow(identity_groups)) {
                                index <- which(d[[var]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & d[[var]] <= identity_groups[values, 2])
                            } else {
                                index <- which(d[[var]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & d[[var]] < identity_groups[values, 2])
                            temp[index, 1] <- identity_groups$label[values]
                    filteredData_id <<- temp

                # Separate data
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        mut <- filteredData_id %>%
                            dplyr::group_by(Summary.V.REGION.identity..) %>%
                            dplyr::summarise(N = n())
                        freq <- mut$N / nrow(filteredData_id)
                        mutational_status_table_allData <<- data.frame(mut, freq)
                    } else {
                        if (input$throughput == "Low Throughput") {
                            data <- imgtfilter_results$filtered_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]
                            temp <- data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]]
                        } else {
                            var <- used_columns[["Summary"]][4]
                            name <- loaded_datasets
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(highly_sim_datasets[[name[j]]]))) {
                                prev_clono <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim_datasets[[name[j]]]$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]][2:length(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim_datasets[[name[j]]]$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]])])
                                prev_clono <- prev_clono[!is.na(prev_clono)]
                                a <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[name[j]]][[prev_clono[1]]]
                                if (length(prev_clono) > 1) {
                                    for (cl in 2:length(prev_clono)) {
                                        a <- rbind(a, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[name[j]]][[prev_clono[cl]]])
                                d <- c(d, median(a[[var]]))
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            temp <- d
                            data <- d
                        if (!is.null(identity_groups)) {
                            for (values in seq_len(nrow(identity_groups))) {
                                if (values == nrow(identity_groups)) {
                                    index <- which(data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] <= identity_groups[values, 2])
                                } else {
                                    index <- which(data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] >= identity_groups[values, 1] & data[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]] < identity_groups[values, 2])
                                temp[index, 1] <- identity_groups$label[values]
                            data <- temp
                        mut <- data %>%
                            dplyr::group_by(Summary.V.REGION.identity..) %>%
                            dplyr::summarise(N = n())
                        freq <- mut$N / nrow(data)
                        mutational_status_table_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]] <<- data.frame(mut, freq)

            # Mutational status plots
            output$mutational_status_plot <- renderPlot({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                if (("1_Summary.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) & (input$pipeline_mutational_status)) {
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {
                        pie(as.numeric(mutational_status_table_allData$N), labels = round(100 * mutational_status_table_allData$freq, 2), main = paste0("Mutational Status ", input$VisualisationDataset), col = rainbow(length(mutational_status_table_allData$N)))
                        legend("topright", as.character(mutational_status_table_allData[[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]]),
                            cex = 0.8,
                            fill = rainbow(length(mutational_status_table_allData$N))
                    } else {
                        pie(as.numeric(mutational_status_table_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]]$N), labels = round(100 * mutational_status_table_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]]$freq, 2), main = paste0("Mutational Status ", input$VisualisationDataset), col = rainbow(length(mutational_status_table_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]]$N)))
                        legend("topright", as.character(mutational_status_table_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]][[used_columns[["Summary"]][4]]]),
                            cex = 0.8,
                            fill = rainbow(length(mutational_status_table_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]]$N))

            # Mutational status table
            output$mutational_status_table <- renderTable({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                if (("1_Summary.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) & (input$pipeline_mutational_status)) {
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- mutational_status_table_allData
                    } else {
                        my_table <- mutational_status_table_datasets[[input$VisualisationDataset]]
        output$nucleotides_per_clonotype_hist3D <- renderPlot({
            if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
            fileNames <- input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_Datasets
            if (is.null(fileNames)) {
            nucleotides <- matrix(0, input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN, length(fileNames))

            allData <- list()
            for (i in seq_len(length(fileNames))) {
                nucleotides[, i] <- clono$convergent_evolution_list_datasets_only_num[[fileNames[i]]][seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN)]
            # plot
                y = seq_len(length(fileNames)), x = seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN), z = nucleotides, clab = "Num of Nucleotides", ylab = "Samples", xlab = "Clonotypes",
                zlab = "Num of Nucleotides", ticktype = "detailed", axes = TRUE, theta = 50, phi = 25, expand = 0.75

        output$nucleotides_per_clonotype_persp3D <- renderPlot({
            if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
            fileNames <- input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_Datasets
            if (is.null(fileNames)) {
            if (length(fileNames) == 0) {
            nucleotides <- matrix(0, input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN, length(fileNames))

            allData <- list()
            for (i in seq_len(length(fileNames))) {
                nucleotides[, i] <- clono$convergent_evolution_list_datasets_only_num[[fileNames[i]]][seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN)]
            # plot
                y = seq_len(length(fileNames)), x = seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN), z = nucleotides, clab = "Num of Nucleotides", ylab = "Samples", xlab = "Clonotypes",
                zlab = "Num of Nucleotides", ticktype = "detailed", axes = TRUE, theta = 50, phi = 25, expand = 0.75

        output$nucleotides_per_clonotype_image2D <- renderPlot({
            if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
            fileNames <- input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_Datasets
            if (is.null(fileNames)) {
            if (length(fileNames) == 0) {
            nucleotides <- matrix(0, input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN, length(fileNames))

            allData <- list()
            for (i in seq_len(length(fileNames))) {
                nucleotides[, i] <- clono$convergent_evolution_list_datasets_only_num[[fileNames[i]]][seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN)]
            # plot
                y = seq_len(length(fileNames)), x = seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN), z = nucleotides, clab = "Num of Nucleotides", ylab = "Samples", xlab = "Clonotypes",
                colkey = list(
                    dist = 0, shift = 0.15,
                    side = 4, length = 0.5, width = 0.5,
                    cex.clab = 1, col.clab = "black", line.clab = 1.4,
                    col.axis = "black", col.ticks = "black", cex.axis = 0.8

        output$nucleotides_per_clonotype_surface <- renderPlotly({
            if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
            fileNames <- input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_Datasets
            if (is.null(fileNames)) {
            nucleotides <- matrix(0, input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN, length(fileNames))

            allData <- list()
            for (i in seq_len(length(fileNames))) {
                nucleotides[, i] <- clono$convergent_evolution_list_datasets_only_num[[fileNames[i]]][seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN)]
            # plot
            ax <- list(
                gridwidth = 2,
                linewidth = 6
            p <- plot_ly(y = (fileNames), x = seq_len(input$nucleotides_per_clonotype_topN), z = t(nucleotides))
        ############################## Distributions #####################################
        if (msgClonotypes != "") {
            used_columns <- e$used_columns
            ############ CDR3 Distribution  ############
            if (input$pipeline_cdr3_distribution) {
                var <- used_columns[["Summary"]][15]
                if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes) {
                    if (input$select_clono_or_highly_for_cdr3_distribution == "initial_clonotypes") {
                        highly <- FALSE
                    } else {
                        highly <- TRUE
                } else {
                    highly <- FALSE
                if (!highly) {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in names(clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData)) {
                                d <- c(d, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[i]][[var]][1])
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            d <- d %>%
                                dplyr::group_by((d[[var]])) %>%
                                dplyr::summarise(n = n())
                            d$Freq <- 100 * d$n / nrow(clono$clono_allData)
                            colnames(d) <- c("CDR3Length", "n", "Freq")
                            d$CDR3Length <- as.numeric(d$CDR3Length)
                            cdr3_length_distribution <<- d[order(d$CDR3Length), ]
                        } else {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in names(clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])) {
                                d <- c(d, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[i]][[var]][1])
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            d <- d %>%
                                dplyr::group_by((d[[var]])) %>%
                                dplyr::summarise(n = n())
                            d$Freq <- 100 * d$n / nrow(clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])
                            colnames(d) <- c("CDR3Length", "n", "Freq")
                            d$CDR3Length <- as.numeric(d$CDR3Length)
                            cdr3_length_distribution_dataset[[loaded_datasets[j]]] <<- d[order(d$CDR3Length), ]
                } else {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(highly_sim))) {
                                prev_clono <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]][2:length(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]])])
                                a <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[prev_clono[1]]]
                                if (length(prev_clono) > 1) {
                                    for (cl in 2:length(prev_clono)) {
                                        a <- rbind(a, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[prev_clono[cl]]])
                                d <- c(d, a[[var]][1])
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            d <- d %>%
                                dplyr::group_by((d[[var]])) %>%
                                dplyr::summarise(n = n())
                            d$Freq <- 100 * d$n / nrow(highly_sim)
                            colnames(d) <- c("CDR3Length", "n", "Freq")
                            d$CDR3Length <- as.numeric(d$CDR3Length)
                            cdr3_length_distribution <<- d[order(d$CDR3Length), ]
                        } else {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]))) {
                                prev_clono <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]][2:length(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]])])
                                prev_clono <- prev_clono[!is.na(prev_clono)]
                                a <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[prev_clono[1]]]
                                if (length(prev_clono) > 1) {
                                    for (cl in 2:length(prev_clono)) {
                                        a <- rbind(a, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[prev_clono[cl]]])
                                d <- c(d, a[[var]][1])
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            d <- d %>%
                                dplyr::group_by((d[[var]])) %>%
                                dplyr::summarise(n = n())
                            d$Freq <- 100 * d$n / nrow(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])
                            colnames(d) <- c("CDR3Length", "n", "Freq")
                            d$CDR3Length <- as.numeric(d$CDR3Length)
                            cdr3_length_distribution_dataset[[loaded_datasets[j]]] <<- d[order(d$CDR3Length), ]

            # length_distribution plot
            output$length_distribution <- renderPlot({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                if ("1_Summary.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) {
                    var <- used_columns[["Summary"]][15]
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {
                        d <- cdr3_length_distribution
                        plot(d$CDR3Length, d$n, main = paste0("CDR3 IMGT length ", "All Data"), xlab = "length", ylab = "") # plots the results
                        lines(spline(d$CDR3Length, d$n))
                    } else {
                        d <- cdr3_length_distribution_dataset[[input$VisualisationDataset]]
                        plot(d$CDR3Length, d$n, main = paste0("CDR3 IMGT length ", "All Data"), xlab = "length", ylab = "") # plots the results
                        lines(spline(d$CDR3Length, d$n))

            # length_distribution table
            output$length_distribution_table <- renderDataTable({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                if ("1_Summary.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) {
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- cdr3_length_distribution
                    } else {
                        my_table <- cdr3_length_distribution_dataset[[input$VisualisationDataset]]

            ############ Pi distribution ############
            if (input$pipeline_pi_distribution) {
                var <- "Junction.pI"
                max_length <- length(as.numeric(imgtfilter_results$allData[[var]]))
                box_input <<- c()

                if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes) {
                    if (input$select_clono_or_highly_for_pi_distribution == "initial_clonotypes") {
                        highly <- FALSE
                    } else {
                        highly <- TRUE
                } else {
                    highly <- FALSE

                if (!highly) {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in names(clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData)) {
                                d <- c(d, as.numeric(clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[i]][[var]][1]))
                            box_input <<- cbind(box_input, d)
                        } else {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in names(clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])) {
                                d <- c(d, as.numeric(clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[i]][[var]][1]))
                            box_input <<- cbind(box_input, d)
                } else {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(highly_sim))) {
                                prev_clono <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]][2:length(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]])])
                                a <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[prev_clono[1]]]
                                if (length(prev_clono) > 1) {
                                    for (cl in 2:length(prev_clono)) {
                                        a <- rbind(a, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[prev_clono[cl]]])
                                d <- c(d, as.numeric(a[[var]][1]))
                            box_input <<- cbind(box_input, d)
                        } else {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]))) {
                                prev_clono <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]][2:length(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]])])
                                prev_clono <- prev_clono[!is.na(prev_clono)]
                                a <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[prev_clono[1]]]
                                if (length(prev_clono) > 1) {
                                    for (cl in 2:length(prev_clono)) {
                                        a <- rbind(a, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[prev_clono[cl]]])
                                d <- c(d, as.numeric(a[[var]][1]))
                            box_input <<- cbind(box_input, d)

                colnames(box_input) <- c(loaded_datasets, "All Data")
                box_input <<- box_input

            if ("6_Junction.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) {
                var <- "Junction.pI"

                if (input$pipeline_highly_similar_clonotypes) {
                    if (input$select_clono_or_highly_for_pi_distribution == "initial_clonotypes") {
                        highly <- FALSE
                    } else {
                        highly <- TRUE
                } else {
                    highly <- FALSE

                if (!highly) {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in names(clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData)) {
                                d <- c(d, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[i]][[var]][1])
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            d <- d %>%
                                dplyr::group_by((d[[var]])) %>%
                                dplyr::summarise(n = n())
                            d$Freq <- 100 * d$n / nrow(clono$clono_allData)
                            colnames(d) <- c("Pi", "n", "Freq")
                            d$Pi <- as.numeric(d$Pi)
                            pi_distribution <<- d[order(d$Pi), ]
                        } else {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in names(clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])) {
                                d <- c(d, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[i]][[var]][1])
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            d <- d %>%
                                dplyr::group_by((d[[var]])) %>%
                                dplyr::summarise(n = n())
                            d$Freq <- 100 * d$n / nrow(clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])
                            colnames(d) <- c("Pi", "n", "Freq")
                            d$Pi <- as.numeric(d$Pi)
                            pi_distribution_dataset[[loaded_datasets[j]]] <<- d[order(d$Pi), ]
                } else {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(highly_sim))) {
                                prev_clono <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]][2:length(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]])])
                                a <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[prev_clono[1]]]
                                if (length(prev_clono) > 1) {
                                    for (cl in 2:length(prev_clono)) {
                                        a <- rbind(a, clono$view_specific_clonotype_allData[[prev_clono[cl]]])
                                d <- c(d, a[[var]][1])
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            d <- d %>%
                                dplyr::group_by((d[[var]])) %>%
                                dplyr::summarise(n = n())
                            d$Freq <- 100 * d$n / nrow(highly_sim)
                            colnames(d) <- c("Pi", "n", "Freq")
                            d$Pi <- as.numeric(d$Pi)
                            pi_distribution <<- d[order(d$Pi), ]
                        } else {
                            d <- c()
                            for (i in seq_len(nrow(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]))) {
                                prev_clono <- as.numeric(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]][2:length(strsplit(as.character(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]$prev_cluster[i]), " ")[[1]])])
                                prev_clono <- prev_clono[!is.na(prev_clono)]
                                a <- clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[prev_clono[1]]]
                                if (length(prev_clono) > 1) {
                                    for (cl in 2:length(prev_clono)) {
                                        a <- rbind(a, clono$view_specific_clonotype_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[prev_clono[cl]]])
                                d <- c(d, a[[var]][1])
                            d <- as.data.frame(d, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                            colnames(d) <- var
                            d <- d %>%
                                dplyr::group_by((d[[var]])) %>%
                                dplyr::summarise(n = n())
                            d$Freq <- 100 * d$n / nrow(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]])
                            colnames(d) <- c("Pi", "n", "Freq")
                            d$Pi <- as.numeric(d$Pi)
                            pi_distribution_dataset[[loaded_datasets[j]]] <<- d[order(d$Pi), ]

            output$pI_distribution <- renderPlot({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                if ("6_Junction.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) {
                    boxplot(box_input, horizontal = FALSE, main = " ")

            # pI distribution table
            output$pI_distribution_table <- renderDataTable({
                if (is.null(input$VisualisationDataset)) {
                if ("6_Junction.txt" %in% input$inputFiles) {
                    if (input$VisualisationDataset == "All Data") {
                        my_table <- pi_distribution
                    } else {
                        my_table <- pi_distribution_dataset[[input$VisualisationDataset]]

    ############################### Download all tables into a .tar ###############################
    output$downloadAllTables <- downloadHandler(
        filename <- function() {
            paste("Analysis_Tables_", Sys.time(), ".tar", sep = "")
        }, # name the .tar file
        content <- function(file) {
            folder_name <- paste0("/AnalysisTables_", format(Sys.time(), "%H%M%S"))
            if (!file.exists(paste0(system.file("extdata/output", package="tripr"), "/", folder_name))) {
                dir.create(paste0(system.file("extdata/output", package="tripr"), "/", folder_name))
            in.path <- paste0(system.file("extdata/output", package="tripr"), folder_name) # go into the dir, alternatively you could just set the path of the file each time
            ########################################### Clonotypes ###############################################
            if (msgClonotypes != "") {
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        clono$clono_allData$CDR3 <- clono$clono_allData[, 1]
                        clono$clono_allData <- clono$clono_allData[, c(1, 5, 2:4)]
                        for (i in seq_len(nrow(clono$clono_allData))) {
                            clono$clono_allData[i, 2] <- strsplit(as.character(clono$clono_allData[i, 1]), " - ")[[1]][2]
                            clono$clono_allData[i, 1] <- strsplit(as.character(clono$clono_allData[i, 1]), " - ")[[1]][1]
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Clonotypes_", input$select_clonotype, "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                        write.table(clono$clono_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        name <- loaded_datasets[j]
                        clono$clono_datasets[[name]]$CDR3 <- clono$clono_datasets[[name]][, 1]
                        clono$clono_datasets[[name]] <- clono$clono_datasets[[name]][, c(1, 5, 2:4)]
                        for (i in seq_len(nrow(clono$clono_datasets[[name]]))) {
                            clono$clono_datasets[[name]][i, 2] <- strsplit(as.character(clono$clono_datasets[[name]][i, 1]), " - ")[[1]][2]
                            clono$clono_datasets[[name]][i, 1] <- strsplit(as.character(clono$clono_datasets[[name]][i, 1]), " - ")[[1]][1]
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Clonotypes_", input$select_clonotype, "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                        write.table(clono$clono_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ################################### Highly Similar Clonotypes ########################################
            if (msgHighlySim != "") {
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    for (l in seq_len(length(cdr3_lengths))) {
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Highly_sim_Clonotypes_", "All_Data_length_", cdr3_lengths[l], ".txt")
                            write.table(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes[[paste0("length ", cdr3_lengths[l])]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Highly_sim_Clonotypes_groups_", "All_Data_length_", cdr3_lengths[l], ".txt")
                            write.table(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_allGroups[[paste0("length ", cdr3_lengths[l])]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Highly_sim_Clonotypes_", loaded_datasets[j], "_length_", cdr3_lengths[l], ".txt")
                            write.table(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[paste0("length ", cdr3_lengths[l])]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Highly_sim_Clonotypes_groups_", loaded_datasets[j], "_length_", cdr3_lengths[l], ".txt")
                            write.table(highly_similar_clonotypes_results$highly_sim_clonotypes_allGroups_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]][[paste0("length ", cdr3_lengths[l])]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            if (msgHighlySim != "") {
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "highly_sim_all_clonotypes_", input$select_clonotype, "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                        write.table(highly_sim, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "highly_sim_all_clonotypes_", input$select_clonotype, "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                        write.table(highly_sim_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ################################### Public Clonotypes  ##############################################
            if (msgPublicClono != "") {
                filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "public_clonotypes", ".txt")
                write.table(public_clonotypes_results$public_clono, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ########################### Highly Similar Public Clonotypes  ########################################
            if (msgPublicClono != "") {
                filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "highly_sim_public_clonotypes", ".txt")
                write.table(highly_sim_public_clonotypes_results$public_clono, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ########################################### Repertoires  ############################################
            if (!(is.null(msgRepertoires))) {
                if (msgRepertoires[1] != "") {
                    for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                        for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                            if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                                filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Repertoires_", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                                write.table(repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            } else {
                                filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Repertoires_", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                                write.table(repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ######################################## Highly Sim Repertoires #####################################
            if (!(is.null(msgHighlySim_Repertoires))) {
                if (msgHighlySim_Repertoires[1] != "") {
                    for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                        for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                            if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                                filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "HighlySim_Repertoires_", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                                write.table(HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            } else {
                                filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "HighlySim_Repertoires_", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                                write.table(HighlySim_repertories_results[[i]]$Repertoires_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ######################################## Repertoires Comparison #####################################
            if (msgRepertoiresComp != "") {
                for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                    filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "repertoires_comparison_table_", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], ".txt")
                    write.table(repertoires_comparison_results[[i]]$unique_repertoires, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            #################################### Highly Sim Repertoires Comparison ##############################
            if (msgRepertoiresComp != "" && msgHighlySim != "") {
                for (i in seq_len(length(insertedRepertoires))) {
                    filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "highlySim_repertoires_comparison_table_", input[[paste0("selectRepertoires_", insertedRepertoires[i])]], ".txt")
                    write.table(highly_sim_repertoires_comparison_results[[i]]$unique_repertoires, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ########################################### Multiple value comparison  ##############################
            if (length(msgMultiple_value_comparison) > 0) {
                for (i in seq_len(length(insertedMultiple_value_comparison))) {
                    for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                        val1 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column1_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                        val2 <- input[[paste0("select_MultipleValues_column2_", strsplit(insertedMultiple_value_comparison[i], "_")[[1]][2])]]
                        colnames(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_allData) <- c(val1, val2, "N")
                        if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Multiple_value_comparison_", stringr::str_replace(val1, "%", ""), "_", stringr::str_replace(val2, "%", ""), "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            colnames(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]]) <- c(val1, val2, "N")
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Multiple_value_comparison_", stringr::str_replace(val1, "%", ""), "_", stringr::str_replace(val2, "%", ""), "_", unique(t(data.frame(strsplit(input$Dataset, "_"))[, 1]))[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(Multiple_value_comparison_result[[i]]$Multiple_value_comparison_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
            ########################################### Freq Tables #############################################
            if (msgFreqTables != "") {
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Count_table_for_logo_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                        write.table(frequenciesTables_results$table_count, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Freq_table_for_logo_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                        write.table(frequenciesTables_results$table_freq, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Count_table_for_logo_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                        write.table(frequenciesTables_results$table_count_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Freq_table_for_logo_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                        write.table(frequenciesTables_results$table_freq_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ########################################### Alignment ###############################################
            if (msgAlignment != "") {
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", "aa", "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(alignmentRegion_results$alignment_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", "nt", "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(alignmentRegion_results_nt$alignment_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            # grouped
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Grouped Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", "aa", "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Grouped Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", "nt", "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", input$AAorNtAlignment, "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(alignmentRegion_results$alignment_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            # grouped
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Grouped Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", input$AAorNtAlignment, "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        if (input$AAorNtAlignment == "both") {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", "aa", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(alignmentRegion_results$alignment_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", "nt", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(alignmentRegion_results_nt$alignment_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            # grouped
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Grouped_Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", "aa", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Grouped_Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", "nt", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(grouped_alignment_results_nt$grouped_alignment_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", input$AAorNtAlignment, "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(alignmentRegion_results$alignment_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            # grouped
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Grouped_Alignment_", input$select_alignment, "_", input$AAorNtAlignment, "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(grouped_alignment_results$grouped_alignment_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ########################################### Mutations ###############################################
            if (msgMutation != "") {
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        if (input$AAorNtMutations == "both") {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_thr", input$ThrAAMutations, "_", "aa", "_", "All Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(mutation_results$mutation_change_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_thr", input$ThrNtMutations, "_", "nt", "_", "All Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(mutation_results_nt$mutation_change_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            if (input$AAorNtMutations == "aa") thr <- input$ThrAAMutations else thr <- input$ThrNtMutations
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_thr", thr, "_", "All Data", ".txt")
                            write.table(mutation_results$mutation_change_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        if (input$AAorNtMutations == "both") {
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_thr", input$ThrAAMutations, "_", "aa", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(mutation_results$mutation_change_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_thr", input$ThrNtMutations, "_", "nt", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(mutation_results_nt$mutation_change_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                        } else {
                            if (input$AAorNtMutations == "aa") thr <- input$ThrAAMutations else thr <- input$ThrNtMutations
                            filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_thr", thr, "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                            write.table(mutation_results$mutation_change_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

                if (FclonoSeperately) {
                    for (cl in seq_len(length(cl_ids_mutations))) {
                        for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                            if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                                if (input$AAorNtMutations == "both") {
                                    filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_cl", cl, "_thr", input$ThrAAMutations, "_", "aa", "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                                    write.table(mutation_results_cl$mutation_change_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                                    filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_cl", cl, "_thr", input$ThrNtMutations, "_", "nt", "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                                    write.table(mutation_results_nt_cl$mutation_change_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                                } else {
                                    if (input$AAorNtMutations == "aa") thr <- input$ThrAAMutations else thr <- input$ThrNtMutations
                                    filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_cl", cl, "_thr", thr, "_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                                    write.table(mutation_results_cl$mutation_change_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                            } else {
                                if (input$AAorNtMutations == "both") {
                                    filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_cl", cl, "_thr", input$ThrAAMutations, "_", "aa", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                                    write.table(mutation_results_cl$mutation_change_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                                    filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_cl", cl, "_thr", input$ThrNtMutations, "_", "nt", "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                                    write.table(mutation_results_nt_cl$mutation_change_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                                } else {
                                    if (input$AAorNtMutations == "aa") thr <- input$ThrAAMutations else thr <- input$ThrNtMutations
                                    filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "Mutations_cl", cl, "_thr", thr, "_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                                    write.table(mutation_results_cl$mutation_change_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ########################################### CDR3 1 length diff ######################################
            if (msgCDR3Diff1 != "") {
                for (j in seq_len((length(loaded_datasets) + 1))) {
                    if (j == (length(loaded_datasets) + 1)) {
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "CDR3Diff1_", "All_Data", ".txt")
                        write.table(CDR3Diff1_results$cdr3_diff1P_allData, filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
                    } else {
                        filename <- paste0(in.path, "/", "CDR3Diff1_", loaded_datasets[j], ".txt")
                        write.table(CDR3Diff1_results$cdr3_diff1P_datasets[[loaded_datasets[j]]], filename, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)

            ####### tar it
            tar(file, in.path)
iofeidis/tripr documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 7:58 p.m.