
Defines functions calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_big calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_small calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_small_old plotFragments2 plotFragments plotFragmentsFromDataList colorPaletteScores colorPalette colorPalette2 generatePoints calcPlotPCAloadings2 calcPlotPCAloadings1 calcPlotPCAloadings calcPlotPCAscores2 calcPlotPCAscores1 calcPlotPCAscores getPcaPerformanceIndicator calcPlotMS2 createTickLabels calcPlotHeatmapLegend calcPlotDiscriminativityLegend calcPlotDendrogramLegend calcPlotMS2Legend plotLegendWithBalls1 plotLegendWithBalls calcPlotLegendForImage1 calcPlotLegendForImage2 calcPlotLegendForImage calcPlotScoresGroupsLegendForImage1 calcPlotScoresGroupsLegendForImage calcPlotAnnoLegendForImage1 calcPlotAnnoLegendForImage calcPlotLegend1 calcPlotLegend calcPlotScoresGroupsLegend calcPlotAnnoLegend1 calcPlotAnnoLegend reorderAnnotationsForLegend calcPlotHeatmapOld calcPlotHeatmap calcPlotDendrogram_plotly calcPlotDendrogram colorLabels

Documented in calcPlotDendrogram_plotly calcPlotHeatmapLegend

## constants
minimumProportionOfLeafs <- 0.75
minimumProportionToShowFragment <- 0.5

### changing clusterNodePointSize0 from 2 to 1.8
clusterNodePointSize0 <- 1.7/3
clusterNodePointSize1 <- 3/3
clusterNodePointSize2 <- 4/3
clusterNodePointSize3 <- 5/3

ms2StickPointSizeInitial <- 1.
ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall <- 2/3.
#ms2StickPointSizeEmph <- 1.5
#ms2StickPointSizeEmphSmall <- 3/3.
ms2StickPointSizeEmph <- 1
ms2StickPointSizeEmphSmall <- 2/3.
##changing the ms2StickPointSizeMaximumMultiplier <- 0.75 to 0.70
ms2StickPointSizeMaximumMultiplier <- 0.70
dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier <- 0.75
dendrogramHeatmapLeftMargin <- 10#6#4

## plotting
colorLabels <- function(labels, clusterMembers, color, labelsToRemove = NULL, newLabels = NULL){
  colLab <- function(n) {
    if(is.leaf(n)) {
      a <- attributes(n)
      ## $label "New Hampshire"
      ## $members 1
      ## $height 0
      ## $leaf TRUE
      ## $class "dendrogram"
      nodeLabelHere <- a$label
      nodeIndexHere <- match(x = nodeLabelHere, table = labels)
      if(length(na.omit(match(x = nodeIndexHere, table = clusterMembers))) > 0)
        attr(n, "nodePar") <- c(a$nodePar, lab.col = color) # change the node color
        if(length(na.omit(match(x = nodeLabelHere, table = labelsToRemove))) > 0)
          attr(n, "label") <- "" # clear label
        attr(n, "label") <- newLabels[[nodeIndexHere]] # new label

calcPlotDendrogram <- function(dataList, filter, clusterDataList, annoPresentAnnotationsList, annoPresentColorsList, distanceMeasure, selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet = NULL, selectionSearchTreeNodeSet = NULL, showClusterLabels, hcaPrecursorLabels, xInterval = NULL){
    dataList_ <<- dataList
    filter__ <<- filter
    clusterDataList_ <<- clusterDataList
    annoPresentAnnotationsList_ <<- annoPresentAnnotationsList
    annoPresentColorsList_ <<- annoPresentColorsList
    distanceMeasure_ <<- distanceMeasure
    selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet
    selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet
    selectionSearchTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet
    showClusterLabels_ <<- showClusterLabels
    hcaPrecursorLabels_ <<- hcaPrecursorLabels
    xInterval_ <<- xInterval
    dataList <<- dataList_
    filter <<- filter__
    clusterDataList <<- clusterDataList_
    annoPresentAnnotationsList <<- annoPresentAnnotationsList_
    annoPresentColorsList <<- annoPresentColorsList_
    distanceMeasure <<- distanceMeasure_
    selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet <<- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet_
    selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet <<- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet_
    selectionSearchTreeNodeSet <<- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet_
    showClusterLabels <<- showClusterLabels_
    hcaPrecursorLabels <<- hcaPrecursorLabels_
    xInterval <<- xInterval_
    xInterval <- c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
  ## hcaPrecursorLabels
  precursorLabels <- NULL
         "m/z / RT"={
           precursorLabels <- clusterDataList$cluster$labels
         "Metabolite name"={
           precursorLabels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
           ### I am changing this
           ##maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 17
           maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 40
           tooLong <- nchar(x = precursorLabels) > maximumNumberOfCharacters
           precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
           ##precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters - 3), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
         "Metabolite family"={
           precursorLabels <- unlist(lapply(X = dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter], FUN = function(x){
             if(length(x) == 0)
           ##maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 17
           maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 40
           tooLong <- nchar(x = precursorLabels) > maximumNumberOfCharacters
           precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters ), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
           ##precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters - 3), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown hcaPrecursorLabels value", hcaPrecursorLabels))
  )## end switch
  precursorLabelsWithIdx <- paste(precursorLabels, "_", seq_len(length(precursorLabels)), sep = "")
  ## remove labels left of the y-axis
  rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex <- floor(xInterval[[1]] - (xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]) * 0.04)
  if(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex > 0){
    #labelsToRemove <- precursorLabelsWithIdx[clusterDataList$cluster$order][1:rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex]
    #length(na.omit(match(x = precursorLabelsWithIdx, table = labelsToRemove))) > 0
    labelIndecesToRemove <- clusterDataList$cluster$order[seq_len(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex)]
    precursorLabelsWithIdx[labelIndecesToRemove] <- ""
    precursorLabels[labelIndecesToRemove] <- ""
  clusterDataList$cluster$labels <- precursorLabelsWithIdx
  ## cluster
  par(mar=c(7.25,dendrogramHeatmapLeftMargin,2,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  dend <- as.dendrogram(clusterDataList$cluster)
  ## color labels for search sub-roots
    clusterMembers <- c(
      unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet > 0]]), 
      -selectionSearchTreeNodeSet[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet < 0]
    colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, clusterMembers, 'red')
    dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
  ## color labels for fragment sub-roots
    clusterMembers <- c(
      unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet > 0]]), 
      -selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet < 0]
    colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, clusterMembers, 'green')
    dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
  ## color labels for analysis sub-root
    clusterMembers <- c(
      unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet[selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet > 0]]), 
      -selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet[selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet < 0]
    colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, clusterMembers, 'blue')
    dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
  #  for(selectionAnalysisTreeNode in selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet){
  #    clusterMembers <- NULL
  #    if(selectionAnalysisTreeNode > 0){
  #      clusterMembers <- c(clusterMembers, clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]])
  #    } else {
  #      clusterMembers <- c(clusterMembers, -selectionAnalysisTreeNode)
  #    }
  #  }
  #  colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, clusterMembers, 'blue')
  #  dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
  ### remove labels left of the y-axis
  #rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex <- floor(xInterval[[1]] - (xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]) * 0.04)
  #if(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex > 0){
  #  labelsToRemove <- precursorLabelsWithIdx[clusterDataList$cluster$order][1:rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex]
  #  colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, NULL, NULL, labelsToRemove)
  #  dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
  ## remove precursorLabel indeces
  colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, NULL, NULL, NULL, precursorLabels)
  dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
  ## plot
  plot(x = dend, xlab = "", ylab = distanceMeasure, main = "Hierarchical cluster dendrogram", sub = "", xlim = xInterval)
  ## color tree for annotations
  resultObjTree <- analyzeTreeFromRootForAnnotations(dataList, cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, filter)
  innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations <- resultObjTree$innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations
  rootIndex <- length(clusterDataList$cluster$height)
  setOfColorSets <- setOfAnnotationSetsToSetOfColorSets(dataList, innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations)
  innerNodeMembersTreeClusters <- clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeClusters
  innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves <- clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves
  poisX <- clusterDataList$poiCoordinatesX
  poisY <- clusterDataList$poiCoordinatesY
  numberOfPois <- clusterDataList$numberOfPois
  numberOfPoisDrawn <- sum(clusterDataList$drawPoi)
  poisX <- poisX[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  poisY <- poisY[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  a2r_counter <<- 0
  numberOfInnerNodes <- as.integer(numberOfPois / 2)
  resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList = dataList, precursorSet = filter)
  leafColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
  innerNodeColors      <<- vector(length = numberOfInnerNodes)
  innerNodeAnnotations <<- vector(length = numberOfInnerNodes)
  colorSubTreeForAnnotations(cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, index = rootIndex, innerNodeAnnotations = innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations, setOfColorSets = setOfColorSets, parentIndex = NULL, parentAnnotation = "Unknown", parentColor = "black")
  ## coloring of nodes by annotation
  pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPoisDrawn)
  pointColorsAnno <- unlist(c(innerNodeColors, leafColors)[clusterDataList$drawPoi])
  ## selections
  pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
    indeces <- NULL
    for(selectionAnalysisTreeNode in selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet){
      if(selectionAnalysisTreeNode < 0) indeces <- c(indeces, numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionAnalysisTreeNode))  ## leaf
      else                              indeces <- c(indeces, unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]])))  ## inner node
    pointsAnalysis[indeces] <- TRUE
  pointsAnalysis <- pointsAnalysis[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
    for(selectionFragmentTreeNode in selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet){
      if(selectionFragmentTreeNode < 0) idx <- numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionFragmentTreeNode)  ## leaf
      else                              idx <- unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionFragmentTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionFragmentTreeNode]]))  ## inner node
      pointsFragment[idx] <- TRUE
  pointsFragment <- pointsFragment[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
    for(selectionSearchTreeNode in selectionSearchTreeNodeSet){
      if(selectionSearchTreeNode < 0) idx <- numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionSearchTreeNode)  ## leaf
      else                              idx <- unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionSearchTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionSearchTreeNode]]))  ## inner node
      pointsSearch[idx] <- TRUE
  pointsSearch <- pointsSearch[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  ## cluster discriminativity
  clusterDiscriminativity <- clusterDataList$clusterDiscriminativity[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  ## calc points
  resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
    poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
    pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
    pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
    pointSizeModifier = clusterDiscriminativity
  pointSizes  <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
  pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
  poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
  poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
  ## draw points
  points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
  ## point labels
    poisXlabels <- poisX
    poisYlabels <- poisY
    plotRange <- par("usr") ## (x1, x2, y1, y2)
    yIntervalSize <- plotRange[[4]] - plotRange[[3]]
    poiLabelShift <- yIntervalSize / 50
    poiLabels <- clusterDataList$poiIntersectionSmooth[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
    #poiLabels <- clusterDataList$innerNodeFeaturesPresent[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
    graphics::text(x = poisXlabels - 0.0, y = poisYlabels + poiLabelShift, labels = poiLabels, pos = 4) ## pos: 1 below, 2 left, 3 above, 4 right
  allAnnotations <- c(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations, innerNodeAnnotations)
  allColors      <- c(resultObjAnno$setOfColors, innerNodeColors)
  uniqueIndeces     <- which(!duplicated(allAnnotations))
  uniqueAnnotations <- allAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
  uniqueColors      <- allColors[uniqueIndeces]
  resultList <- list(
    setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
    setOfColors      = uniqueColors

#' Title
#' @param dataList 
#' @param filterObj 
#' @param clusterDataList 
#' @param distanceMeasure 
#' @param showClusterLabels 
#' @param hcaPrecursorLabels 
#' @param selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet 
#' @param selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet 
#' @param selectionSearchTreeNodeSet 
#' @param selectedSelection 
#' @param heatmapContent 
#' @param heatmapOrdering 
#' @param heatmapProportion 
#' @return
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette rainbow rgb
#' @export
#' @examples
calcPlotDendrogram_plotly <- function(
  dataList, filterObj, clusterDataList, 
  #annoPresentAnnotationsList, annoPresentColorsList, 
  showClusterLabels, hcaPrecursorLabels, 
  selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet = NULL, selectionSearchTreeNodeSet = NULL, 
  selectedSelection, heatmapContent, heatmapOrdering, heatmapProportion)
    dataList_ <<- dataList
    filterObj_1 <<- filterObj
    clusterDataList_ <<- clusterDataList
    #annoPresentAnnotationsList_ <<- annoPresentAnnotationsList
    #annoPresentColorsList_ <<- annoPresentColorsList
    distanceMeasure_ <<- distanceMeasure
    showClusterLabels_ <<- showClusterLabels
    hcaPrecursorLabels_ <<- hcaPrecursorLabels
    selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet
    selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet
    selectionSearchTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet
    selectedSelection_ <<- selectedSelection
    heatmapContent_ <<- heatmapContent
    heatmapOrdering_ <<- heatmapOrdering
    heatmapProportion_ <<- heatmapProportion
    #xInterval_ <<- xInterval
    dataList <- dataList_
    filterObj <- filterObj_1
    clusterDataList <- clusterDataList_
    #annoPresentAnnotationsList <- annoPresentAnnotationsList_
    #annoPresentColorsList <- annoPresentColorsList_
    distanceMeasure <- distanceMeasure_
    showClusterLabels <- showClusterLabels_
    hcaPrecursorLabels <- hcaPrecursorLabels_
    selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet <- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet_
    selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet <- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet_
    selectionSearchTreeNodeSet <- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet_
    selectedSelection <- selectedSelection_
    heatmapContent <- heatmapContent_
    heatmapOrdering <- heatmapOrdering_
    heatmapProportion <- heatmapProportion_
    #xInterval <- xInterval_
  #  xInterval <- c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
  ## hcaPrecursorLabels
  precursorLabels <- NULL
         "m/z / RT"={
           precursorLabels <- clusterDataList$cluster$labels
         "Metabolite name"={
           precursorLabels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filterObj$filter, "Metabolite name"]
           ### changing from 17 to 30
           maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 30
           tooLong <- nchar(x = precursorLabels) > maximumNumberOfCharacters
           precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters - 3), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
         "Metabolite family"={
           precursorLabels <- unlist(lapply(X = dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filterObj$filter], FUN = function(x){
             if(length(x) == 0)
           ### changing from 17 to 30
           maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 30
           tooLong <- nchar(x = precursorLabels) > maximumNumberOfCharacters
           precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters - 3), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown hcaPrecursorLabels value", hcaPrecursorLabels))
  )## end switch
  precursorLabelsWithIdx <- paste(precursorLabels, "_", seq_len(length(precursorLabels)), sep = "")
  ## remove labels left of the y-axis
  rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex <- 0#floor(xInterval[[1]] - (xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]) * 0.04)
  if(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex > 0){
    #labelsToRemove <- precursorLabelsWithIdx[clusterDataList$cluster$order][1:rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex]
    #length(na.omit(match(x = precursorLabelsWithIdx, table = labelsToRemove))) > 0
    labelIndecesToRemove <- clusterDataList$cluster$order[seq_len(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex)]
    precursorLabelsWithIdx[labelIndecesToRemove] <- ""
    precursorLabels[labelIndecesToRemove] <- ""
  clusterDataList$cluster$labels <- precursorLabelsWithIdx
  ## poi labels
  poiLabels <- as.character(clusterDataList$poiIntersectionSmooth[clusterDataList$drawPoi])
  poiHovers <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(poiLabels))
  poiLabelsHere <- clusterDataList$poiLabels[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  for(poiIdx in seq_along(poiLabels)){
    nodeLabel <- poiLabelsHere[[poiIdx]]
    resultObj <- getMS2spectrum(dataList = dataList, clusterDataList = clusterDataList, treeLabel = nodeLabel)
    if(nodeLabel < 0){ ## leaf
      featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[[resultObj$precursorSet]]
      featureFamilies <- ifelse(
        test = length(featureFamilies) == 0, 
        yes = "None", 
        no = paste(unlist(featureFamilies), collapse = ", ")
      poiHovers[[poiIdx]] <- paste(
        "Precursor: ",           dataList$precursorLabels[[resultObj$precursorSet]],           "<br>", 
        "Number of fragments: ", length(resultObj$fragmentMasses),                             "<br>", 
        "Name: ",                dataList$dataFrameInfos[[resultObj$precursorSet, "Metabolite name"]], "<br>", 
        "Metabolite families: ", featureFamilies,
        sep = "")
    } else { ## cluster
      featureFamilies <- Reduce(intersect, dataList$annoArrayOfLists[resultObj$precursorSet])
      featureFamilies <- ifelse(
        test = length(featureFamilies) == 0, 
        yes = "None", 
        no = paste(unlist(featureFamilies), collapse = ", ")
      poiHovers[[poiIdx]] <- paste(
        "Cluster discriminating power: ", resultObj$clusterDiscriminativity,      "<br>", 
        "Precursors in cluster: ",        resultObj$numberOfPrecursors,           "<br>", 
        "Frequent fragments: ",           length(resultObj$fragmentMasses),       "<br>", 
        "Characteristic fragments: ",     sum(resultObj$fragmentColor == "black"),"<br>",
        "Common metabolite families: ",   featureFamilies,
        sep = "")
    ## cluster
    ## leaf
  ## cluster
    ### changing the left from 4 to 5
  par(mar=c(7.25,6.5,2,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
    print("entering this area ...plots.r ...line 478")
  dend <- as.dendrogram(clusterDataList$cluster)
  leafLabelColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(precursorLabels))
  ## color labels for search sub-roots
    clusterMembers <- c(
      unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet > 0]]), 
      -selectionSearchTreeNodeSet[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet < 0]
    leafLabelColors[clusterMembers] <- 'red'
  ## color labels for fragment sub-roots
    clusterMembers <- c(
      unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet > 0]]), 
      -selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet < 0]
    leafLabelColors[clusterMembers] <- 'green'
  ## color labels for analysis sub-root
    clusterMembers <- NULL
    for(selectionAnalysisTreeNode in selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet){
      if(selectionAnalysisTreeNode > 0){
        clusterMembers <- c(clusterMembers, clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]])
      } else {
        clusterMembers <- c(clusterMembers, -selectionAnalysisTreeNode)
    leafLabelColors[clusterMembers] <- 'blue'
  ### remove labels left of the y-axis
  #rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex <- floor(xInterval[[1]] - (xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]) * 0.04)
  #if(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex > 0){
  #  labelsToRemove <- precursorLabelsWithIdx[clusterDataList$cluster$order][1:rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex]
  #  colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, NULL, NULL, labelsToRemove)
  #  dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
  ## remove precursorLabel indeces
  #colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, NULL, NULL, NULL, precursorLabels)
  #dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
  ## color tree for annotations
  resultObjTree <- analyzeTreeFromRootForAnnotations(dataList, cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, filterObj$filter)
  innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations <- resultObjTree$innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations
  rootIndex <- length(clusterDataList$cluster$height)
  setOfColorSets <- setOfAnnotationSetsToSetOfColorSets(dataList, innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations)
  innerNodeMembersTreeClusters <- clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeClusters
  innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves <- clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves
  poisX <- clusterDataList$poiCoordinatesX
  poisY <- clusterDataList$poiCoordinatesY
  numberOfPois <- clusterDataList$numberOfPois
  numberOfPoisDrawn <- sum(clusterDataList$drawPoi)
  poisX <- poisX[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  poisY <- poisY[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  a2r_counter <<- 0
  numberOfInnerNodes <- as.integer(numberOfPois / 2)
  resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList = dataList, precursorSet = filterObj$filter)
  leafColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
  innerNodeColors      <<- vector(length = numberOfInnerNodes)
  innerNodeAnnotations <<- vector(length = numberOfInnerNodes)
  segmentListAnno <- colorSubTreeForAnnotations(cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, index = rootIndex, innerNodeAnnotations = innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations, setOfColorSets = setOfColorSets, parentIndex = NULL, parentAnnotation = "Unknown", parentColor = "black")
  ## coloring of nodes by annotation
  numberOfPoisDrawn <- sum(clusterDataList$drawPoi)
  pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPoisDrawn)
  pointColorsAnno <- unlist(c(innerNodeColors, leafColors)[clusterDataList$drawPoi])
  ## dendrogram selections
  pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
    indeces <- NULL
    for(selectionAnalysisTreeNode in selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet){
      if(selectionAnalysisTreeNode < 0) indeces <- c(indeces, numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionAnalysisTreeNode))  ## leaf
      else                              indeces <- c(indeces, unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]])))  ## inner node
    pointsAnalysis[indeces] <- TRUE
  pointsAnalysis <- pointsAnalysis[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
    for(selectionFragmentTreeNode in selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet){
      if(selectionFragmentTreeNode < 0) idx <- numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionFragmentTreeNode)  ## leaf
      else                              idx <- unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionFragmentTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionFragmentTreeNode]]))  ## inner node
      pointsFragment[idx] <- TRUE
  pointsFragment <- pointsFragment[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
    for(selectionSearchTreeNode in selectionSearchTreeNodeSet){
      if(selectionSearchTreeNode < 0) idx <- numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionSearchTreeNode)  ## leaf
      else                              idx <- unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionSearchTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionSearchTreeNode]]))  ## inner node
      pointsSearch[idx] <- TRUE
  pointsSearch <- pointsSearch[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  ## cluster discriminativity
  clusterDiscriminativity <- clusterDataList$clusterDiscriminativity[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
  ## calc points
  resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
    poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
    pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
    pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
    pointSizeModifier = clusterDiscriminativity
  pointSizes  <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
  pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
  poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
  poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
  ## heatmap
  ## heatmap data
  grouXXXps <- dataList$grouXXXps
  print("enetring this area ...plots.r..line 611")
         "Log-fold-change"={## log-fold-change
           columnsOfInterest <- c(
             dataList$lfcColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]])
           columnsOfInterestAbs <- columnsOfInterest[1:2]
           columnsOfInterestLFC <- columnsOfInterest[3]
           labels = c(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]], "LFC")
           labelsAbs <- labels[1:2]
           labelsLFC <- labels[3]
         "Abundance by group"={## grouXXXps
           columnsOfInterest <- unlist(lapply(X = grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
           columnsOfInterest <- rev(columnsOfInterest) ## plot is bottom to top
           columnsOfInterestAbs <- columnsOfInterest
           columnsOfInterestLFC <- NULL
           labels <- grouXXXps
           labelsAbs <- labels[1:2]
           labelsLFC <- NULL
         "Abundance by sample"={## samples
           columnsOfInterest <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(grouXXXps = grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
           columnsOfInterest <- dataList$orderColumnNames(groupSampleDataFrame = dataList$groupSampleDataFrame, columnNames = columnsOfInterest)
           columnsOfInterest <- rev(columnsOfInterest) ## plot is bottom to top
           columnsOfInterestAbs <- columnsOfInterest
           print("this is entering the line..plots.r ...638")
           columnsOfInterestLFC <- NULL
           labels <- columnsOfInterest
           print("this is entering the line ...plots.r...643")
           labelsAbs <- labels[1:2]
           labelsLFC <- NULL
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown heatmapContent value", heatmapContent))
  )## end switch
  numberOfGroups <- length(columnsOfInterest)
  ## heatmap ordering
         "Specified order"={## no clustering
           doCalculateCluster <- FALSE
         "MS1 clustering"={## do clustering
           if(heatmapContent == "Log-fold-change"){
             doCalculateCluster <- FALSE
           } else {
             doCalculateCluster <- TRUE
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown heatmapOrdering value", heatmapOrdering))
  )## end switch
  ## selections and selection colors
  #selectedTreeNodeSet <- NULL
  #frameColor <- NULL
    analysisSelection <- {
      selectedTreeNodeSet <- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet
      frameColor <- "blue"
    fragmentSelection <- {
      selectedTreeNodeSet <- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet
      frameColor <- "green"
    searchSelection <- {
      selectedTreeNodeSet <- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet
      frameColor <- "red"
           "Analysis_HCA" = analysisSelection,
           "Analysis_PCA" = analysisSelection,
           "Fragment_HCA" = fragmentSelection,
           "Fragment_PCA" = fragmentSelection,
           "Search_HCA"   = searchSelection,
           "Search_PCA"   = searchSelection,
           {## unknown state
             stop(paste("Unknown selectedSelection value", selectedSelection))
    )## end switch
  ## in case of tree selections compute leaf intervals
    clusterMemberList <- lapply(X = selectedTreeNodeSet, FUN = function(x){
      ifelse(test = x < 0, yes = -x, no = clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[x])[[1]]
    positionsList <- lapply(X = clusterMemberList, FUN = function(x){
      match(x = x, table = clusterDataList$cluster$order)
    intervals <- lapply(X = clusterMemberList, FUN = function(x){
      positions <- match(x = x, table = clusterDataList$cluster$order)
      c(min(positions), max(positions))
    intervalMatrix <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(intervals))
    ## merge adjacent intervals TODO
    #intervalMatrix <- matrix(data=unlist(intervals), nrow=2,ncol=length(intervals))
    #if(ncol(intervalMatrix) > 1){
    #  intervalMatrix <- intervalMatrix[, order(intervalMatrix[1, ])]
    #  sapply(X = seq_len(ncol(intervalMatrix) - 1), FUN = function(x){
    #    intervalMatrix[2, x] + 1 == intervalMatrix[1, x+1]
    #  })
  ## MS1 clustering and colors
    data_s_p <- t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
      values <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
      unlist(apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
        values[seq(from=x[[1]], to = x[[2]], by = 1)]
    dist <- dist(data_s_p)
    cluster <- hclust(d = dist, method = "ward.D")
    ## optimal leaf ordering
    if(numberOfGroups > 2){
      opt <- order.optimal(dist = dist, merge = cluster$merge)
      cluster$merge <- opt$merge
      cluster$order <- opt$order
    labels <- labels[cluster$order]
    columnsOfInterest <- columnsOfInterest[cluster$order]
    colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest[cluster$order], FUN = function(x){
      dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest[cluster$order], FUN = function(x){
      dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    valuesAbs <- values
    valuesLFC <- NULL
  } else {
    #colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
    #  dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    colors <- sapply(columnsOfInterest,FUN = function(x){
      dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    },simplify = FALSE,USE.NAMES = TRUE)
    values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
      dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    valuesAbs <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterestAbs, FUN = function(x){
      dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    valuesLFC <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterestLFC, FUN = function(x){
      dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
  ## assemble heatmap values and colors
  numberOfGroupsAbs <- length(valuesAbs)
  numberOfGroupsLFC <- length(valuesLFC)
  matrixAbs <- t(matrix(data = unlist(valuesAbs), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroupsAbs))
  matrixAbsLog <- unlist(log10(matrixAbs))
  matrixAbsLog[is.infinite(matrixAbsLog)] <- 0
  #paletteAbs <- colorRampPalette(rainbow(18)[10:1])
  paletteAbs <- rainbow(18)[10:1]
  paletteLFC <- c('blue', 'white', 'red')
  if(numberOfGroupsLFC > 0){
    matrixLFC <- t(matrix(data = unlist(valuesLFC), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroupsLFC))
    matrixLFC[is.infinite(matrixLFC)] <- 0
  } else {
    matrixLFC <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
  quantiles <- c(-dataList$logFoldChangeMax, 0, dataList$logFoldChangeMax, dataList$logFoldChangeMax*1.01, 10^(seq(from=dataList$logAbsMax/10, to=dataList$logAbsMax, length.out=9)))
  quantiles <- approx(x = quantiles, n = 10000)$y
  colors    <- c('blue', 'white', 'red', rainbow(18)[10:1])
  #colors    <- c('blue', 'white', 'red', rainbow(50)[17:8])
  colors    <- colorRampPalette(colors)(10000)
  matrixAbsTmp <- matrixAbs
  matrixAbsTmp[matrixAbsTmp<=dataList$logFoldChangeMax] <- dataList$logFoldChangeMax*1.01
  valueMatrix <- rbind(matrixLFC, matrixAbsTmp)
  valueMatrix <- matrix(data = #quantiles[
    cut(as.vector(valueMatrix), breaks = quantiles, right = TRUE, labels = FALSE)
  , nrow=numberOfGroups, ncol=clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
  #valueMatrix <- valueMatrix[rev(seq_len(nrow(valueMatrix))), ]
  m <- rbind(matrixLFC, matrixAbsTmp)
  m <- valueMatrix
  colors2    <- c('blue', 'white', 'red', rainbow(18)[10:1])
  vals <- unlist(m)
  o <- order(vals, decreasing = FALSE)
  cols <- scales::col_numeric(palette = colors2, domain = c(-dataList$logFoldChangeMax,10^dataList$logAbsMax))(vals)
  colz <- setNames(object = data.frame(vals[o], cols[o]), nm = NULL)
  colors    <- c('blue', 'white', 'red', rainbow(18)[10:1])
  minLFCnew <- 3/13*dataList$logAbsMax
  matrixLFCTmp <- (matrixLFC - dataList$logFoldChangeMax) / (2 * dataList$logFoldChangeMax)  * minLFCnew
  valueMatrix <- rbind(matrixLFCTmp, matrixAbsLog)
  #valueMatrix <- valueMatrix + minLFCnew
  ## dendrogram elements
  #subDivide <- function(items){
  #  ## add NA at every fourth position
  #  chunks <- split(items, cut(seq_along(items), ceiling(length(items) / 3), labels = FALSE))
  #  chunks <- lapply(X = chunks, FUN = function(x){
  #    c(x, NA)
  #  })
  #  unlist(chunks)
  #a2r_counter <<- 0
  #segmentListDend <- drawDendrogram(cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, index = rootIndex)
  #segmentListDend$x0 <- subDivide(segmentListDend$x0)
  #segmentListDend$x1 <- subDivide(segmentListDend$x1)
  #segmentListDend$y0 <- subDivide(segmentListDend$y0)
  #segmentListDend$y1 <- subDivide(segmentListDend$y1)
  a2r_counter <<- 0
  segmentListAnno <- colorSubTreeForAnnotations2(cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, index = rootIndex, dataList = dataList, filter = filterObj$filter)
  #segmentListAnno$x0 <- subDivide(segmentListAnno$x0)
  #segmentListAnno$x1 <- subDivide(segmentListAnno$x1)
  #segmentListAnno$y0 <- subDivide(segmentListAnno$y0)
  #segmentListAnno$y1 <- subDivide(segmentListAnno$y1)
  presentColors <- unique(segmentListAnno$col)
  #if("black" %in% presentColors)
  #  presentColors <- presentColors[-which(presentColors == "black")]
  ## list of lists
  annoByAnno <- sapply(X = presentColors, simplify = FALSE, FUN = function(color){
    indeces <- which(segmentListAnno$col == color)
    indeces <- unlist(sapply(X = indeces, simplify = FALSE, FUN = function(index){
      ((index - 1) * 3 + 1) : ((index - 1) * 3 + 3)
  ## plot
  curveNumberToCurveName <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
  colnames(curveNumberToCurveName) <- c("curveNumber", "name")
  curveNumber <- -1 ## first curveNumber is 0
  ## create plot
  ## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45861236/segments-prevent-the-display-of-tooltips-of-markers-in-r-plotly
  hoverlabel <- list(
    bgcolor = "grey",
    bordercolor = "black"
  #p <- plot_ly(type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines')
  p <- plot_ly(source = "dendLabelsHeatmap")
  ## heatmap
  if(FALSE && numberOfGroupsLFC > 0){
    p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labelsLFC, 
                     z = matrixLFC, name = 'heatmap_lfc', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL, 
                     #colors = palette(50),
                     colors = paletteLFC, zauto = FALSE, zmin = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, zmax = dataList$logFoldChangeMax,
                     xaxis="x", yaxis="y4", showlegend = FALSE, showscale=FALSE
    curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, "heatmap_lfc")
  matrixForHeatmap <- rbind(
    matrix(data=rep(x = 0, times = numberOfGroupsLFC * clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered), nrow=numberOfGroupsLFC, ncol=clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
  p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labels, 
                   z = matrixForHeatmap, name = 'heatmap_abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL, 
                   #colors = palette(50),
                   colors = paletteAbs, zauto = FALSE, zmin = 0, zmax = dataList$logAbsMax,
                   xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE, showscale=FALSE
  curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, "heatmap_abs")
    p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labelsAbs, 
                     z = matrixAbs, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL, 
                     #colors = palette(50),
                     colors = paletteAbs, zauto = FALSE, zmin = 0, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
                     xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE, showscale=FALSE
    #p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labels, 
    #                 z = valueMatrix, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL, 
    #                 #colors = palette(50),
    #                 colors = colors, 
    #                 zauto = FALSE, zmin = 1, zmax = 10000,
    #                 #zauto = FALSE, zmin = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
    #                 xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE#, showscale=FALSE
    p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labels, 
                     z = m, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL, 
                     #colors = palette(50),
                     #colorscale = colz, 
                     #zauto = FALSE, zmin = 1, zmax = 10000,
                     #zauto = FALSE, zmin = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
                     xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE#, showscale=FALSE
    #p <- add_heatmap(p, data=data.frame(x=xCoordinates, y=rep("bla",times=ncol(valueMatrix)),z=valueMatrix[1,],col=colors[valueMatrix[1,]], stringsAsFactors = F), x = ~x, y = ~y, 
    #                 z = ~z, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL, 
    #                 #colors = palette(50),
    #                 colors = ~col, #zauto = FALSE, zmin = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
    #                 xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE#, showscale=FALSE
    add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labels, 
                z = valueMatrix, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL, 
                #colors = palette(50),
                colors = colors, #zauto = FALSE, zmin = -minLFCnew, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
                xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE#, showscale=FALSE
  ## draw dendrogram
  #print(paste("1", length(xDend), length(yDend), min(xDend, na.rm = TRUE), max(xDend, na.rm = TRUE)))
  #p <- add_trace(p, x = ~xDend, y = ~yDend, name = 'dend', mode = 'lines', 
  #               hoverinfo="none", line = list(color = "black")
  ## color dendrogram
  for(colorIdx in seq_along(annoByAnno)){
    curveName <- paste('dendAnno', presentColors[[colorIdx]], colorIdx, sep = "_")
    p <- add_segments(p, x = annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$x0, y = annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$y0, xend = annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$x1, yend = annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$y1,
                      name = curveName, 
                      mode = 'lines',
                      #mode = 'lines+markers',
                      #hoverinfo="skip", #"none", 
                      hoverinfo="text", hovertext=rep(x = "error", times = length(annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$x0)), 
                      #hoverinfo="text", hovertext=seq_along(annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$x0), 
                      #hoverinfo="text", hovertext=tooltip2, 
                      line = list(
                        color = presentColors[[colorIdx]]#,
                        ## TODO for selections
                        #dash = "dash", ## ("solid", "dot", "dash", "longdash", "dashdot", or "longdashdot")
                        #layer="below traces"
                        #hovermode = FALSE,
                      #captureevents = FALSE,
                      xaxis="x", yaxis="y", showlegend = FALSE
    curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, curveName)
  ## node labels
  #print(paste("3", length(poisX), length(poisY), length(poiLabels), min(poisX), max(poisX)))
  xOffset <- 0.3#(xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]] + 1) / 50
  yOffset <- max(clusterDataList$cluster$height) / 30
  p <- add_text(p, x = poisX + xOffset, y = poisY + yOffset, name = 'node labels', mode = 'text', 
                 hoverinfo="none", text=poiLabels, textposition="top right",#"middle center",#"middle right" #
                 xaxis="x", yaxis="y"
  curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, 'node labels')
  ## nodes
  poiLabelsPoints <- c(rep(x = "", times = length(poisXpoints) - length(poiLabels)), poiHovers)
  #print(paste("4", length(poisXpoints), length(poisYpoints), length(pointColors), length(pointSizes), min(poisXpoints), max(poisXpoints)))
  p <- add_markers(p, x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, name = 'nodes', #mode = 'markers', 
                   size = pointSizes*7., 
                   #sizeref = 1.,
                   color = pointColors,
                   #layer="above traces"
                 hoverinfo="text", hovertext=poiLabelsPoints, hoveron="points+fills", #, hoverlabel = list(bordercolor="blue")
                 hoverlabel = hoverlabel,
                 xaxis="x", yaxis="y", showlegend = FALSE
  curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, 'nodes')
  ## leaf labels
  ## TODO repair
  xCoordinates <- seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
  uniqueLeafLabelColors <- unique(leafLabelColors)
  leafLabelsList <- sapply(X = uniqueLeafLabelColors, FUN = function(x){
    which(leafLabelColors == x)
  for(idx in seq_along(leafLabelsList)){
    leafLabelIndeces <- leafLabelsList[[idx]]
    leafLabelsName <- paste('leaf_labels', uniqueLeafLabelColors[[idx]], idx, sep = "_")
    p <- add_annotations(p, x = xCoordinates[leafLabelIndeces], y = 0, name = leafLabelsName, text = precursorLabels[leafLabelIndeces],
                    showarrow = FALSE, textangle = 270, font = list(color = uniqueLeafLabelColors[[idx]]),#bgcolor = uniqueLeafLabelColors[[idx]], 
                    xref = "x", yref = "y2"
    curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, leafLabelsName)
  ## plot config
  ## h 2.1 / l 3.4 / d 11
  ## 25 .. 25 .. 11 .. 11
  ## 1  ..  3 .. 10 ..  n
  labelsToDendrogramProportion <- 0.25
  dendrogramLabelsProportion <- 1 - heatmapProportion
  labelsProportion <- dendrogramLabelsProportion * labelsToDendrogramProportion
  dendrogramProportion <- dendrogramLabelsProportion * (1-labelsToDendrogramProportion)
  if(numberOfGroupsLFC > 0){
    heatmapProportionLFC <- heatmapProportion * numberOfGroupsLFC / numberOfGroups
    heatmapProportionAbs <- heatmapProportion - heatmapProportionLFC
  } else {
    heatmapProportionLFC <- 0
    heatmapProportionAbs <- heatmapProportion
  p <- config(p, displayModeBar = FALSE)
  p <- plotly::layout(p=p,                        # all of layout's properties: /r/reference/#layout
              #showlegend = FALSE,
              #hovermode = F,#"closest",
              title = "Hierarchical cluster dendrogram",
              xaxis = list(
                visible = FALSE
                #scaleanchor = "TODO",
                #domain = xInterval
              yaxis = list(
                title = distanceMeasure,
                showgrid = FALSE,
                type = "linear",
                domain = c(heatmapProportion + labelsProportion, 1),
              yaxis2 = list(
                #title = "TODO",
                #fixedrange = TRUE,
                showgrid = FALSE,
                type = "category",
                domain = c(heatmapProportion, heatmapProportion + labelsProportion)
              yaxis3 = list(
                title = "TODO",
                #fixedrange = TRUE,
                showgrid = FALSE,
                type = "category",
                domain = c(0, heatmapProportion)
              #yaxis4 = list(
              #  title = "TODO2",
              #  #fixedrange = TRUE,
              #  showgrid = FALSE,
              #  zeroline=FALSE,
              #  type = "category",
              #  domain = c(heatmapProportionAbs, heatmapProportion)
              ## heatmap selections
              #  apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
              #    rect(xleft = x[[1]] - 0.5, xright = x[[2]] + 0.5, ybottom = 0, ytop = numberOfGroups, border = frameColor, lwd = 2)
              #  })
              shapes = #list(
                ## LFC rects?
                {if(numberOfGroupsLFC > 0){
                  colorsHere <- colors[[columnsOfInterestLFC]]
                  lapply(X = seq_along(colorsHere), FUN = function(x){
                    list(type = "rect",
                         fillcolor = colorsHere[[x]], line = list(color="none", width=0), opacity = 1.,
                         x0 = x-0.5, x1 = x+0.5, xref = "x",
                         y0 = -0.5 + numberOfGroupsAbs, y1 = 0.5 + numberOfGroupsAbs, yref = "y3"
                  } else NULL
                ## selections in the heatmap
                unname(apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
                  if(length(x) == 0)
                    list(type = "rect",
                         fillcolor = "none", line = list(color=frameColor, width=2), opacity = 1.,
                         x0 = x[[1]]-0.5, x1 = x[[2]]+0.5, xref = "x",
                         y0 = -0.5, y1 = numberOfGroups - 0.5, yref = "y3"
                #list(type = "rect",
                #     fillcolor = "none", line = list(color=frameColor, width=2), opacity = 1.,
                #     x0 = 3, x1 = 5, xref = "x",
                #     y0 = -0.5, y1 = numberOfGroupsAbs - 0.5, yref = "y2"
              #annotations = list(
              #  x = xCoordinates,
              #  y = m$mpg,
              #  text = rownames(m),
              #  xref = "x",
              #  yref = "y",
              #  showarrow = TRUE,
              #  arrowhead = 7,
              #  ax = 20,
              #  ay = -40
  resultObj <- list()
  resultObj$curveNumberToCurveName <- curveNumberToCurveName
  resultObj$plotlyPlot             <- p
  resultObj$columnsOfInterest      <- columnsOfInterest
  ## https://plot.ly/r/plotlyproxy/
  ## https://plot.ly/r/get-requests/
  ## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plotly/plotly.pdf
  ## https://plot.ly/r/shinyapp-linked-click/
  ## https://plot.ly/r/reference/#Layout_and_layout_style_objects
  ## https://plot.ly/r/reference/#layout
  ## https://plot.ly/r/shinyapp-plotly-events/
  ## p.bars.text = p.bars %>%
  ## plotly::layout(annotations = list(x = 30, y = 0,  text = "Expected", textangle=270, showarrow=F, xanchor="center"))
  ## for PCA:
  ## zeroline = TRUE

calcPlotHeatmap <- function(dataList, filterObj, clusterDataList, selectedTreeNodeSet, frameColor, heatmapContent, heatmapOrdering, xInterval = NULL){
    dataList_ <<- dataList
    filterObj_ <<- filterObj
    clusterDataList_ <<- clusterDataList
    selectedTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectedTreeNodeSet
    frameColor_ <<- frameColor
    heatmapContent_ <<- heatmapContent
    heatmapOrdering_ <<- heatmapOrdering
    xInterval_ <<- xInterval
    dataList <- dataList_
    filterObj <- filterObj_
    clusterDataList <- clusterDataList_
    selectedTreeNodeSet <- selectedTreeNodeSet_
    frameColor <- frameColor_
    heatmapContent <- heatmapContent_
    heatmapOrdering <- heatmapOrdering_
    xInterval <- xInterval_
    xInterval <- c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
  ## heatmap
  grouXXXps <- dataList$grouXXXps
         "Log-fold-change"={## log-fold-change
           columnsOfInterest <- c(
             dataList$lfcColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]])
           labels = c(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]], "LFC")
         "Abundance by group"={## grouXXXps
           columnsOfInterest <- unlist(lapply(X = grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
           #columnsOfInterest <- rev(columnsOfInterest) ## plot is bottom to top
           labels <- grouXXXps
         "Abundance by sample"={## samples
           columnsOfInterest <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(grouXXXps = grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
           columnsOfInterest <- dataList$orderColumnNames(groupSampleDataFrame = dataList$groupSampleDataFrame, columnNames = columnsOfInterest)
           #columnsOfInterest <- rev(columnsOfInterest) ## plot is bottom to top
           ### this is original labels
           #labels <- columnsOfInterest
           labels <- gsub("_SMneg","",columnsOfInterest)
           ### changing lables like this gsub("_SMneg","",columnsOfInterest)
           #print("it is entering the area ..plots.r ...line 1218")
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown heatmapContent value", heatmapContent))
  )## end switch
  numberOfGroups <- length(columnsOfInterest)
  ## heatmap ordering
         "Specified order"={## no clustering
           doCalculateCluster <- FALSE
         "MS1 clustering"={## do clustering
           if(heatmapContent == "Log-fold-change"){
             doCalculateCluster <- FALSE
           } else {
             doCalculateCluster <- TRUE
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown heatmapOrdering value", heatmapOrdering))
  )## end switch
  ## in case of tree selections compute leaf intervals
    clusterMemberList <- lapply(X = selectedTreeNodeSet, FUN = function(x){
      ifelse(test = x < 0, yes = -x, no = clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[x])[[1]]
    positionsList <- lapply(X = clusterMemberList, FUN = function(x){
      match(x = x, table = clusterDataList$cluster$order)
    intervals <- lapply(X = clusterMemberList, FUN = function(x){
      positions <- match(x = x, table = clusterDataList$cluster$order)
      c(min(positions), max(positions))
    intervalMatrix <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(intervals))
  ## MS1 clustering and colors
    data_s_p <- t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
      values <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
      unlist(apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
        values[seq(from=x[[1]], to = x[[2]], by = 1)]
    dist <- dist(data_s_p)
    cluster <- hclust(d = dist, method = "ward.D")
    ## optimal leaf ordering
    if(numberOfGroups > 2){
      opt <- cba::order.optimal(dist = dist, merge = cluster$merge)
      cluster$merge <- opt$merge
      cluster$order <- opt$order
    labels            <- labels[cluster$order]
    columnsOfInterest <- columnsOfInterest[cluster$order]
    #colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest[cluster$order], FUN = function(x){
    colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
      dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame [filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    #values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest[cluster$order], FUN = function(x){
    values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
      dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    columnOrder <- cluster$order
  } else {
    colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
      dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame [filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
      dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    columnOrder <- seq_along(columnsOfInterest)
  ## plot
  par(mar=c(0,dendrogramHeatmapLeftMargin,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right) ## c(title, axis, label)
  if(numberOfGroups == 0){
    ## nothing there
    print("### calcPlotHeatmap: no columnsOfInterest")
  plot(x = c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered), y = c(0, numberOfGroups), type= "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, xlim = xInterval, ylim = c(0, numberOfGroups))
    xleft   = rep(x = seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered) - 0.5, times = numberOfGroups), 
    xright  = rep(x = seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered) + 0.5, times = numberOfGroups), 
    ybottom = unlist(lapply(X = seq_len(numberOfGroups) - 1, FUN = function(x){rep(x = x, times = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)})),
    ytop    = unlist(lapply(X = seq_len(numberOfGroups)    , FUN = function(x){rep(x = x, times = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)})),
    col     = unlist(colors),
    border = NA
    apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
      rect(xleft = x[[1]] - 0.5, xright = x[[2]] + 0.5, ybottom = 0, ytop = numberOfGroups, border = frameColor, lwd = 2)
  axis(side = 2, at = seq(from = 0.5, by = 1, length.out = numberOfGroups), labels = labels, las = 2, tick = TRUE)
    m <- matrix(data = unlist(values), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroups)
    col <- m[1, ]
    names(col) <- labels
    colUnSorted <- col
      x = NULL, y = labels,
      z = t(matrix(data = unlist(colors), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroups)), 
      type = "heatmap"
    m <- t(matrix(data = rgb(t(col2rgb(unlist(colors))), maxColorValue=255), nrow = numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroups))
    m <- matrix(data = c(1:6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
    palette <- colorRampPalette(rainbow(18)[10:1])
    vals <- unique(scales::rescale(c(m)))
  m <- log10(t(matrix(data = unlist(values), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroups)))
  m[is.infinite(m)] <- 0
  min <- min(m, na.rm = TRUE)
  max <- max(m, na.rm = TRUE)
  vals <- unlist(m)
  o <- order(vals, decreasing = FALSE)
  cols <- scales::col_numeric(palette = rainbow(18)[10:1], domain = c(min,max))(vals)
  colz <- setNames(object = data.frame(vals[o], cols[o]), nm = NULL)
  plot <- plot_ly(
    x = NULL, y = labels,
    z = m, colorscale = colz,# colors = colorRamp(colors = c("red", "green")),#palette,
    type = "heatmap"
  ) %>%
    plotly::layout(                        # all of layout's properties: /r/reference/#layout
      xaxis = list(
        visible = FALSE,
        showgrid = FALSE#,
        #scaleanchor = "TODO",
        #scaleratio = 1
        #domain = xInterval
      yaxis = list(
        fixedrange = TRUE,
        showgrid = FALSE,
        type = "category"#,
        #tickmode = "auto", #"array"
        #tickvals = 1:numberOfGroups,
        #nticks = numberOfGroups,
        #ticktext = TODO
        #ticklen = -1
        #zeroline = TRUE ## for pca
      #title = "Unemployment", # layout's title: /r/reference/#layout-title
      #xaxis = list(           # layout's xaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis
      #  title = "Time",      # xaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-title
      #  showgrid = F),       # xaxis's showgrid: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-showgrid
      #yaxis = list(           # layout's yaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis
      #  title = "uidx")     # yaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis-title
  ## https://plot.ly/r/plotlyproxy/
  ## https://plot.ly/r/get-requests/
  ## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plotly/plotly.pdf
  ## https://plot.ly/r/shinyapp-linked-click/
  ## https://plot.ly/r/reference/#Layout_and_layout_style_objects
  ## https://plot.ly/r/reference/#layout
  ## https://plot.ly/r/shinyapp-plotly-events/
  return(list(plot=plot, columnsOfInterest=columnsOfInterest))
  returnObj <- list()
  returnObj$columnsOfInterest <- columnsOfInterest
  returnObj$columnOrder <- columnOrder

calcPlotHeatmapOld <- function(dataList, filterObj, clusterDataList, xInterval = NULL){
    xInterval <- c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
  ## heatmap
  columnsOfInterest <- c(
    dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]]), dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]]), 
    dataList$lfcColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]])
  par(mar=c(0,4,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right) ## c(title, axis, label)
  if(length(columnsOfInterest) == 0){
  } else {
    colorOne <- dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, columnsOfInterest[[1]]][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    colorTwo <- dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, columnsOfInterest[[2]]][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    colorLFC <- dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, columnsOfInterest[[3]]][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
    plot(x = c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered), y = c(0, 3), type= "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, xlim = xInterval, ylim = c(0, 3))
      xleft   = rep(x = seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered) - 0.5, times = 3), 
      xright  = rep(x = seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered) + 0.5, times = 3), 
      ybottom = unlist(lapply(X = 0:2, FUN = function(x){rep(x = x, times = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)})),
      ytop    = unlist(lapply(X = 1:3, FUN = function(x){rep(x = x, times = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)})),
      col     = c(colorTwo, colorOne, colorLFC),
      border = NA
    #for(i in seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)){
    #  rect(xleft = i - 0.5, xright = i + 0.5, ybottom = 2, ytop = 3, col = colorLFC[[i]], border = NA)
    #  rect(xleft = i - 0.5, xright = i + 0.5, ybottom = 1, ytop = 2, col = colorOne[[i]], border = NA)
    #  rect(xleft = i - 0.5, xright = i + 0.5, ybottom = 0, ytop = 1, col = colorTwo[[i]], border = NA)
    axis(side = 2, at = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5), labels = c(filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], "LFC"), las = 2, tick = TRUE)

reorderAnnotationsForLegend <- function(annoLabels, annoColors){
    annoLabels_ <<- annoLabels
    annoColors_ <<- annoColors
    annoLabels <<- annoLabels_
    annoColors <<- annoColors_
  ignoreThere  <- any(annoLabels == "Ignore")
  unknownThere <- any(annoLabels == "Unknown")
  numberOfRealAnnotations <- length(annoLabels)
    idx <- which(annoLabels == "Ignore")
    annoLabels <- c(annoLabels[-idx], annoLabels[idx])
    annoColors <- c(annoColors[-idx], annoColors[idx])
    numberOfRealAnnotations <- numberOfRealAnnotations - 1
    idx <- which(annoLabels == "Unknown")
    annoLabels <- c(annoLabels[-idx], annoLabels[idx])
    annoColors <- c(annoColors[-idx], annoColors[idx])
    numberOfRealAnnotations <- numberOfRealAnnotations - 1
  if(numberOfRealAnnotations > 0){
    order <- order(annoLabels[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)])
    annoLabels[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)] <- annoLabels[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)][order]
    annoColors[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)] <- annoColors[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)][order]
  resultList <- list(
    annoLabels = annoLabels,
    annoColors = annoColors

calcPlotAnnoLegend <- function(annoLabels, annoColors){
    annoLabels <- vector(mode = "character")
    annoColors <- vector(mode = "character")
  ## get and reorder annotations
  resultObj <- reorderAnnotationsForLegend(annoLabels, annoColors)
  annoLabels <- resultObj$annoLabels
  annoColors <- resultObj$annoColors
  calcPlotLegend(annoLabels, annoColors, "Annotations")
### I am adding this new 

calcPlotAnnoLegend1 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors){
    annoLabels <- vector(mode = "character")
    annoColors <- vector(mode = "character")
  ## get and reorder annotations
  resultObj <- reorderAnnotationsForLegend(annoLabels, annoColors)
  annoLabels <- resultObj$annoLabels
  annoColors <- resultObj$annoColors
  calcPlotLegend1(annoLabels, annoColors, "Loadings")

calcPlotScoresGroupsLegend <- function(grouXXXps, colors){
  ## get and reorder annotations
  calcPlotLegend(grouXXXps, colors, "Scores")

calcPlotLegend <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title){
  ## layout
  numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
  ySpacing <- 1 / (numberOfLines + 1)
  xSpacing <- 0.1
  labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
  xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
  #yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
  yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = numberOfLines)
  symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
  symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
  ## plot
  plotLegendWithBalls(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)

### I am adding this new 

calcPlotLegend1 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title){
  ## layout
  numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
  ySpacing <- 1 / (numberOfLines + 1)
  xSpacing <- 0.1
  labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
  xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
  #yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
  yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = numberOfLines)
  symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
  symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
  ## plot
  plotLegendWithBalls(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)


calcPlotAnnoLegendForImage <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, maximumNumberOfLines=20){
  ## get and reorder annotations
  resultObj <- reorderAnnotationsForLegend(annoLabels, annoColors)
  annoLabels <- resultObj$annoLabels
  annoColors <- resultObj$annoColors
  calcPlotLegendForImage(annoLabels, annoColors, "Annotations", maximumNumberOfLines)
##### I am adding this new 

calcPlotAnnoLegendForImage1 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, maximumNumberOfLines=30){
  ## get and reorder annotations
  resultObj <- reorderAnnotationsForLegend(annoLabels, annoColors)
  annoLabels <- resultObj$annoLabels
  annoColors <- resultObj$annoColors
  calcPlotLegendForImage2(annoLabels, annoColors, "Loadings", maximumNumberOfLines)

calcPlotScoresGroupsLegendForImage <- function(grouXXXps, colors, maximumNumberOfLines=20){
  ## get and reorder annotations
  calcPlotLegendForImage(grouXXXps, colors, "Scores", maximumNumberOfLines)
#### I am adding this new 
calcPlotScoresGroupsLegendForImage1 <- function(grouXXXps, colors, maximumNumberOfLines=30){
  ## get and reorder annotations
  calcPlotLegendForImage1(grouXXXps, colors, "Scores", maximumNumberOfLines)


calcPlotLegendForImage <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title, maximumNumberOfLines){
  ## layout
  numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
  ySpacing <- 1 / maximumNumberOfLines
  xSpacing <- 0.1
  labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
  xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
  #yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
  yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = maximumNumberOfLines)
  yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(numberOfLines)]
  symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
  symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
  symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions))]
  if(numberOfLines > maximumNumberOfLines){
    labels <- labels[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len((maximumNumberOfLines - 1))]
    xPositions <- xPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    labels[length(labels)] <- paste("...", (numberOfLines - maximumNumberOfLines + 1), " more", sep = "")
    annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len(length(annoColors) - 1)]
    symbolXPositions <- symbolXPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions) - 1)]
    symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolYPositions) - 1)]
  ## plot
  plotLegendWithBalls(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)
### I am adding this new line
calcPlotLegendForImage2 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title, maximumNumberOfLines){
  ## layout
  numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
  ySpacing <- 1 / maximumNumberOfLines
  xSpacing <- 0.1
  labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
  xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
  #yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
  yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = maximumNumberOfLines)
  yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(numberOfLines)]
  symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
  symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
  symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions))]
  if(numberOfLines > maximumNumberOfLines){
    labels <- labels[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len((maximumNumberOfLines - 1))]
    xPositions <- xPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    labels[length(labels)] <- paste("...", (numberOfLines - maximumNumberOfLines + 1), " more", sep = "")
    annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len(length(annoColors) - 1)]
    symbolXPositions <- symbolXPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions) - 1)]
    symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolYPositions) - 1)]
  ## plot
  plotLegendWithBalls(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)
##### I am adding this new 

calcPlotLegendForImage1 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title, maximumNumberOfLines){
  ## layout
  numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
  ySpacing <- 1 / maximumNumberOfLines
  xSpacing <- 0.1
  labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
  xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
  #yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
  yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = maximumNumberOfLines)
  yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(numberOfLines)]
  symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
  symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
  symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions))]
  if(numberOfLines > maximumNumberOfLines){
    labels <- labels[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len((maximumNumberOfLines - 1))]
    xPositions <- xPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
    labels[length(labels)] <- paste("...", (numberOfLines - maximumNumberOfLines + 1), " more", sep = "")
    annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len(length(annoColors) - 1)]
    symbolXPositions <- symbolXPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions) - 1)]
    symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolYPositions) - 1)]
  ## plot
  plotLegendWithBalls1(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)
  #plotLegendWithBalls1(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075,filterObj)

####  this is the original

plotLegendWithBalls <- function(labels, xPositions, yPositions, circleXPositions, circleYPositions, annoColors, radius){
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
  ## circles
  for(i in seq_len(length(annoColors)))
    draw.circle(x = circleXPositions[[i]], y = circleYPositions[[i]], radius = radius, nv=50, border=annoColors[[i]], col = annoColors[[i]], lty=1, lwd=5)
  ### adding the cex=0.5 #######
  ## labels
  graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)
plotLegendWithBalls1 <- function(labels, xPositions, yPositions, circleXPositions, circleYPositions, annoColors, radius){
  #plotLegendWithBalls1 <- function(labels, xPositions, yPositions, circleXPositions, circleYPositions, annoColors, radius,filterObj){
  palette <- colorPaletteScores()
  # if(filterObj$filterBySamples){
  #   colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
  #     groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
  #     samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
  #     samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
  #     rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
  #   }))]
  # } else {
  #   colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
  #     groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
  #     rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
  #   }))]
  # }
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0),par(xpd=FALSE))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
  ## circles
  for(i in seq_len(length(annoColors))){
    ### I am changing the pch=i to labels[[i]]...col =colorsForReplicates[[i]]
    points(x=circleXPositions[[i]], y=circleYPositions[[i]],pch=i,col =annoColors[[i]],lty=1,lwd=2)
    ## labelscol = colorsForReplicates[[i]]
    graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)}

calcPlotMS2Legend <- function(dataList){
  ## heatmap legend
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  xSpacing <- 0.1
  stickLabels <- c(
    paste("Presence >= ", minimumProportionOfLeafs, sep = ""), 
    paste("Presence > ", minimumProportionToShowFragment, sep = ""), 
    "Selected fragment"
  annoColorsStick <- c("black", "grey", "green")
  annoColorsBallSmall <- c("grey", "grey", "grey")
  annoColorsBallBig <- c("black", "black", "green")
  labels <- c("Fragment stick colors", stickLabels)
  xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(stickLabels)))
  #yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
  yPositions <- seq(from = 0.9, to = -0.1, by = -1/length(labels))[seq_len(length(xPositions))]
  symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(stickLabels))
  symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
  ## plot
  plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
  ## points
  pointSizes <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitial, times = length(stickLabels))
  pointSizesSmall <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall, times = length(stickLabels))
  delta <- 0.05
  segments(x0 = symbolXPositions, x1 = symbolXPositions, y0 = symbolYPositions - delta, y1 = symbolYPositions + delta, col = annoColorsStick, lwd = 3)
  points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions + delta, col = annoColorsBallBig, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
  points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions + delta, col = annoColorsBallSmall, pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall)
  ## labels
  graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)

calcPlotDendrogramLegend <- function(){
  ## heatmap legend
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  xSpacing <- 0.1
  stickLabels <- c(
    "Selection by HCA/PCA", 
    ##"Selection by fragment", 
    "Selection by search"
  selectionColors <- c("blue", "green", "red")
  labels <- c("Selection marks", stickLabels)
  xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(stickLabels)))
  #yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
  yPositions <- seq(from = 0.9, to = -0.1, by = -1/length(labels))[seq_len(length(xPositions))]
  symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(stickLabels))
  symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
  ## plot
  plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
  ## points
  pointSizes      <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize1, times = length(stickLabels))
  pointSizesSmall <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = length(stickLabels))
  points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions, col = selectionColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
  points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions, col = rep(x = "white", times = length(selectionColors)), pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall)
  ## labels
  graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)

calcPlotDiscriminativityLegend <- function(){
  ## heatmap legend
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  xSpacing <- 0.1
  stickLabels <- c(
  labels <- c("Cluster-discriminating power", stickLabels)
  xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(stickLabels)))
  #yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
  yPositions <- seq(from = 0.9, to = -0.1, by = -1/length(labels))[seq_len(length(xPositions))]
  symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(stickLabels))
  symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
  ## plot
  plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
  ## points
  pointSizes      <- ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall + c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) * ms2StickPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
  #dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier <- 0.75
  points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions, col = "black", pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
  ## labels
  graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)
  #graphics::text(x = xPositions[[1]], y = yPositions[[1]], labels = labels[[1]], pos = 4)
  #graphics::text(x = xPositions[2:length(xPositions)], y = yPositions[2:length(yPositions)], labels = labels[2:length(labels)], pos = 4, adj = 1)

#' Title
#' @param dataList 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @importsFrom grDevices as.raster
#' @examples
calcPlotHeatmapLegend <- function(dataList){
  ## heatmap legend
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  legend_imageAbs <- as.raster(x = t(x = matrix(data = cmap(x = seq(from = dataList$logAbsMax,        to =  0,                         length.out = 100), map = dataList$colorMapAbsoluteData ), nrow=1)))
  legend_imageLFC <- as.raster(x = t(x = matrix(data = cmap(x = seq(from = dataList$logFoldChangeMax, to = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, length.out = 100), map = dataList$colorMapLogFoldChange), nrow=1)))
  maximumNumberOfLabelsAbs <- 5
  maximumNumberOfLabelsLFC <- 2.5
  minY <- 0.0
  maxY <- 0.875
  epsilon <- 0.075
  middle <- ((maxY - minY) / 2)
  absMaxY <- middle - epsilon
  lfcMinY <- middle + epsilon
  ## abs
  returnObj <- createTickLabels(maximumNumberOfLabelsAbs, dataList$logAbsMax, "10^")
  absLegendPositions <- returnObj$legendPositions
  absLegendLabels    <- returnObj$legendLabels
  absLegendPositions <- minY + absLegendPositions * (absMaxY - minY)
  ## lfc
  returnObj <- createTickLabels(maximumNumberOfLabelsLFC, dataList$logFoldChangeMax, "")
  lfcLegendPositions <- returnObj$legendPositions
  lfcLegendLabels    <- returnObj$legendLabels
  ## double
  if(lfcLegendLabels[[1]] == "0"){
    ## do not copy zero
    lfcLegendPositions <- c(rev(lfcLegendPositions), -lfcLegendPositions[2:length(lfcLegendPositions)])
    revLabels <- lfcLegendLabels[2:length(lfcLegendLabels)]
    revLabels[revLabels != ""] <- paste("-", revLabels[revLabels != ""])
    lfcLegendLabels    <- c(rev(lfcLegendLabels   ), revLabels)
    lfcLegendLabels1 <-unname(sapply(lfcLegendLabels,function(y) gsub(" ","",y)))
  } else {
    lfcLegendPositions <- c(rev(lfcLegendPositions), -lfcLegendPositions)
    revLabels <- lfcLegendLabels
    revLabels[revLabels != ""] <- paste("-", revLabels[revLabels != ""])
    lfcLegendLabels    <- c(rev(lfcLegendLabels   ), revLabels)
    lfcLegendLabels1 <-unname(sapply(lfcLegendLabels,function(y) gsub(" ","",y)))
  lfcLegendPositions <- lfcLegendPositions - min(lfcLegendPositions)
  lfcLegendPositions <- lfcLegendPositions / max(lfcLegendPositions)
  lfcLegendPositions <- lfcMinY + lfcLegendPositions * (maxY - lfcMinY)
  ## plot
  plot.window(xlim = c(0, 3), ylim = c(0, 1))
  ## abs legend
  rasterImage(image = legend_imageAbs, xleft = 0, ybottom = minY, xright = 1, ytop = absMaxY)
  ### I am adding cex = 1 default to 0.8
  graphics::text(x = 1.2, y = absLegendPositions, labels = absLegendLabels, pos = 4)
  ## axis marks
    x0  = rep(x = 0, times = length(absLegendPositions)),
    x1  = rep(x = 1.2, times = length(absLegendPositions)),
    y0  = absLegendPositions,
    y1  = absLegendPositions
  ## frame
  segments(## lower hori; upper hori; left vert; right vert
    x0  = c(0, 0, 0, 1),
    x1  = c(1, 1, 0, 1),
    y0  = c(minY, absMaxY, minY   , minY   ),
    y1  = c(minY, absMaxY, absMaxY, absMaxY)
  graphics::text(x = -0.2, y = absMaxY + 0.065, labels = "MS\u00B9 abundance", pos = 4)
  ## lfc legend
  rasterImage(image = legend_imageLFC, xleft = 0, ybottom = lfcMinY, xright = 1, ytop = maxY)
  ### changing that from 1.2 to 1.3
  graphics::text(x = 1.4, y = lfcLegendPositions, labels = lfcLegendLabels1, pos = 4,cex=1.04)
  #graphics::text(x = 2, y = seq(lfcMinY,maxY,l=5), labels = lfcLegendLabels)
  ## frame
  segments(## lower hori; upper hori; left vert; right vert
    x0  = c(0, 0, 0, 1),
    x1  = c(1, 1, 0, 1),
    y0  = c(lfcMinY, maxY, lfcMinY, lfcMinY),
    y1  = c(lfcMinY, maxY, maxY   , maxY   )
  ## axis marks
    x0  = rep(x = 0, times = length(lfcLegendPositions)),
    x1  = rep(x = 1.2, times = length(lfcLegendPositions)),
    y0  = lfcLegendPositions,
    y1  = lfcLegendPositions
  graphics::text(x = -0.2, y = maxY + 0.09, labels = "log2(MS\u00B9 fold change)", pos = 4)
createTickLabels <- function(maximumNumberOfLabels, max, labelPrefix){
  if(max < 1)
    max <- 1
  maxInteger <- as.integer(max)
  numbers <- 0:maxInteger
  maxYlabelPosition <- maxInteger / max
  if(is.na(maxYlabelPosition))  ## data range is zero
    maxYlabelPosition <- 1
  legendPositions <- seq(from = 0, to = maxYlabelPosition, length.out = length(numbers))
  # if(length(legendPositions) > maximumNumberOfTicks){
  #   indeces <- rev(seq(from = length(numbers), to = 1, by = -ceiling( length(numbers) / maximumNumberOfTicks )))
  #   legendPositions <- legendPositions[indeces]
  #   numbers         <- numbers        [indeces]
  # }
  legendLabels    = paste(labelPrefix, numbers, sep = "")
  if(length(numbers) > maximumNumberOfLabels){
    indeces <- rev(seq(from = length(numbers), to = 1, by = -ceiling( length(numbers) / maximumNumberOfLabels )))
    legendLabels    <- legendLabels[indeces]
    legendPositions <- legendPositions[indeces]
  returnObj <- list()
  returnObj$legendPositions <- legendPositions
  returnObj$legendLabels    <- legendLabels

calcPlotMS2 <- function(dataList, fragmentsX = NULL, fragmentsY = NULL, fragmentsColor = NULL, fragmentsDiscriminativity = NULL, fragmentsX_02 = NULL, fragmentsY_02 = NULL, fragmentsColor_02 = NULL, xInterval = NULL, selectedFragmentIndex = NULL, dendrogramFragmentStatistics = FALSE){
    dataList_ <<- dataList
    fragmentsX_ <<- fragmentsX
    fragmentsY_ <<- fragmentsY
    fragmentsColor_ <<- fragmentsColor
    fragmentsDiscriminativity_ <<- fragmentsDiscriminativity
    fragmentsX_02_ <<- fragmentsX_02
    fragmentsY_02_ <<- fragmentsY_02
    fragmentsColor_02_ <<- fragmentsColor_02
    xInterval_ <<- xInterval
    selectedFragmentIndex_ <<- selectedFragmentIndex
    dataList <<- dataList_
    fragmentsX <<- fragmentsX_
    fragmentsY <<- fragmentsY_
    fragmentsColor <<- fragmentsColor_
    fragmentsDiscriminativity <<- fragmentsDiscriminativity_
    fragmentsX_02 <<- fragmentsX_02_
    fragmentsY_02 <<- fragmentsY_02_
    fragmentsColor_02 <<- fragmentsColor_02_
    xInterval <<- xInterval_
    selectedFragmentIndex <<- selectedFragmentIndex_
  ## fragment spectrum
    xInterval <- c(dataList$minimumMass, dataList$maximumMass)
  ## abundances greater one
  fragmentsY[fragmentsY > 1] <- 1
  ## y-axis
    ## nothing hovered; maybe something selected
    yInterval <- c(0, 1)
    #nodeColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(fragmentsX))
    nodeColors <- fragmentsColor
    dataX <- fragmentsX
    dataY <- fragmentsY
    dataX2 <- fragmentsX
    dataY2 <- fragmentsY
    yTickPositions <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
    yTickLabels <- c(0, "", 0.5, "", 1)
  } else {
    ## something hovered; maybe something selected
    #nodeColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(fragmentsX) + length(fragmentsX_02))
    nodeColors <- c(fragmentsColor, fragmentsColor_02)
      ## something hovered; nothing selected
      yInterval <- c(0, 1)
      dataX <- fragmentsX_02
      dataY <- fragmentsY_02
      dataX2 <- NULL
      dataY2 <- NULL
      yTickPositions <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
      yTickLabels <- c(0, "", 0.5, "", 1)
    } else {
      ## something hovered; something selected
      yInterval <- c(-1, 1)
      dataX <- c(fragmentsX, fragmentsX_02)
      dataY <- c(fragmentsY, -fragmentsY_02)
      dataX2 <- fragmentsX
      dataY2 <- fragmentsY
      yTickPositions <- c(-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
      yTickLabels <- c(1, "", 0.5, "", 0, "", 0.5, "", 1)
  ## node selection
    nodeColors[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- "green"
  par(mar=c(6,4,3,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  plot(x = dataX, y = dataX, ylab = "Relative abundance", xlab = "m/z", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', col = nodeColors)
  axis(side = 2, at = yTickPositions, labels = yTickLabels)
  axis(side = 3)
  title("Fragment plot", line = 2)
  #mtext(side = 3, "m/z", line = 2)
  ## x-axis line
  if(!is.null(fragmentsX) & !is.null(fragmentsX_02)){
    xIntervalSize <- xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]
    xl <- xInterval[[1]] - xIntervalSize
    xr <- xInterval[[2]] + xIntervalSize
    segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  ## label axis, fragment sticks with clickable points
  tickPositions <- dataX
  if(length(dataX) > 0){
    ## axis with the individual fragment m/z's (ticks, labels)
    axis(side = 1, at = dataX, labels = FALSE, las = 2)
    axis(side = 1, at = tickPositions, labels = format(x = dataX, digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = FALSE)
    ## sticks
    points(x = dataX, y = dataY, col = nodeColors, type = "h", lwd=4)
      ## clickable points
      pointSizes <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitial, times = length(dataX2))
      pointSizesSmall <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall, times = length(dataX2))
      pointColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(dataX2))
      pointColorsSmall <- rep(x = "gray", times = length(dataX2))
        pointSizes[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- ms2StickPointSizeEmph
        pointSizesSmall[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- ms2StickPointSizeEmphSmall
        pointColors[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- "green"
        #pointColorsSmall[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- "green"
      pointSizeMultiplier <- fragmentsDiscriminativity * ms2StickPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
      pointSizes      <- pointSizes      + pointSizeMultiplier
      pointSizesSmall <- pointSizesSmall + pointSizeMultiplier
      points(x = dataX2, y = dataY2, col = pointColors,      pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
      points(x = dataX2, y = dataY2, col = pointColorsSmall, pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall)
  if(!is.null(fragmentsX) & !is.null(fragmentsX_02)){
    graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from selection", x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.9, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
    graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from mouse hover", x = xInterval[[2]], y = -0.9, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
  if(!is.null(fragmentsX) & is.null(fragmentsX_02)){
      graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from selection", x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.95, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
      graphics::text(labels = "Dendrogram statistics",    x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.95, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
  if(is.null(fragmentsX) & !is.null(fragmentsX_02)){
    graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from mouse hover", x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.95, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))

getPcaPerformanceIndicator <- function(pcaObj, isScores){
  variableName <- ifelse(test = isScores, yes = "t", no = "p")
  variableName_dim <- paste(variableName, "_", pcaDimensionOne, sep = "")
  if("accurracyContribution" %in% names(pcaObj)){
    ## R2 and Q2 or accurracyContribution
    accOne <- format(x = pcaObj$accurracyContribution[[pcaDimensionOne]]*100, digits = 3)
    accTwo <- format(x = pcaObj$accurracyContribution[[pcaDimensionTwo]]*100, digits = 3)
    xAxisLabel  <- paste(variableName_dim, " (acc = ", accOne, "%)", sep = "")
    yAxisLabel  <- paste(variableName_dim, " (acc = ", accTwo, "%)", sep = "")
  } else {
    if(all(c("R2", "Q2") %in% names(pcaObj))){
      ## R2 and Q2
      r2One <- format(x = pcaObj$R2[[pcaDimensionOne]]*100, digits = 3)
      r2Two <- format(x = pcaObj$R2[[pcaDimensionTwo]]*100, digits = 3)
      q2One <- format(x = pcaObj$Q2[[pcaDimensionOne]]*100, digits = 3)
      q2Two <- format(x = pcaObj$Q2[[pcaDimensionTwo]]*100, digits = 3)
      xAxisLabel  <- paste(variableName_dim, " (R^2 = ", r2One, "%; Q^2 = ", q2One, "%)", sep = "")
      yAxisLabel  <- paste(variableName_dim, " (R^2 = ", r2Two, "%; Q^2 = ", q2Two, "%)", sep = "")
    } else {
      if("variance" %in% names(pcaObj)){
        ## explained variance
        varianceOne <- format(x = pcaObj$variance[[pcaDimensionOne]]*100, digits = 3)
        varianceTwo <- format(x = pcaObj$variance[[pcaDimensionTwo]]*100, digits = 3)
        xAxisLabel  <- paste(variableName_dim, " (var = ", varianceOne, "%)", sep = "")
        yAxisLabel  <- paste(variableName_dim, " (var = ", varianceTwo, "%)", sep = "")
      } else {
        ## no performace indicator there
        xAxisLabel  <- paste(variableName_dim, sep = "")
        yAxisLabel  <- paste(variableName_dim, sep = "")
  resultObj <- list()
  resultObj$xAxisLabel <- xAxisLabel
  resultObj$yAxisLabel <- yAxisLabel

###### this is original one
calcPlotPCAscores <- function(pcaObj, dataList, filterObj, pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, showScoresLabels, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
  palette <- colorPaletteScores()
    colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
      groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
      samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
      samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
      rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
  } else {
    colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
      groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
      rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
  ## data
  dataDimOne <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionOne]
  dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionTwo]
  ## performance
  resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
  xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
  yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
  ## xlim / ylim
  xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
  xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
  yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
  yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
  if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
    xMin <- -1
    xMax <- 1
    yMin <- -1
    yMax <- 1
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
    yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
  par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
    x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, 
    xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, 
    xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Scores", 
    #### changing from cex=1. to 0.8
    col = colorsForReplicates, pch=19, cex=1.
  ## axis
  xInt <- xMax - xMin
  yInt <- yMax - yMin
  xl <- xMin - xInt
  xr <- xMax + xInt
  yl <- yMin - yInt
  yr <- yMax + yInt
  segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
      labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
      labels <- intersect(labels, filterObj$sampleSet)
    } else {
      labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
    graphics::text(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, labels = labels, pos = 4)

#### I am adding this new line

calcPlotPCAscores1 <- function(pcaObj, dataList, filterObj, pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, showScoresLabels, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
  palette <- colorPaletteScores()
  #### add this new line ########
    colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
      groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
      samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
      samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
      rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
    symbolsforreplicates<-unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
      groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
      samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
      samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
      rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
  } else {
    colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
      groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
      rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
    symbolsforreplicates<-unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
      groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
      rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
  ## data
  dataDimOne <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionOne]
  dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionTwo]
  ## performance
  resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
  xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
  yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
  ## xlim / ylim
  xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
  xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
  yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
  yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
  if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
    xMin <- -1
    xMax <- 1
    yMin <- -1
    yMax <- 1
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
    yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
  ### commenting the original
  ##par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  par(mar=c(3+0.015 , 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
    x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, 
    xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, 
    xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Scores", 
    col = colorsForReplicates, pch=symbolsforreplicates,lty=1,lwd=2, cex=1.
  ## axis
  xInt <- xMax - xMin 
  yInt <- yMax - yMin 
  xl <- xMin - xInt
  xr <- xMax + xInt
  yl <- yMin - yInt
  yr <- yMax + yInt
  segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
      labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
      labels <- intersect(labels, filterObj$sampleSet)
    } else {
      labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
    ### changing the pos= 3 from 4 and will see what happens
    graphics::text(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, labels = labels, pos = 2)

calcPlotPCAscores2 <- function(pcaObj, dataList, filterObj, pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, showScoresLabels, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
  #### changing this to 1
  palette <- colorPaletteScores()
    colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
      groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
      samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
      samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
      rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
  } else {
    colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){ 
      groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
      rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
  ## data
  dataDimOne <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionOne]
  dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionTwo]
  ## performance
  resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
  xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
  yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
  ## xlim / ylim
  xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
  xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
  yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
  yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
  if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
    xMin <- -1
    xMax <- 1
    yMin <- -1
    yMax <- 1
    #### I am changing this 
    # xMin <- -0.05
    # xMax <- -0.05
    # yMin <- -0.5
    # yMax <-  -0.5
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
    yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
  #### this is the original one 
  #par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  par(mar=c(3+0.0125, 3+0.125, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0),par(xpd=FALSE))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  #par(mar=c(3,0,2,1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))
    x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, 
    xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, 
    xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Scores", 
    #### this is my blind test changing from 19 to 19:22
    ### I am testing the filterObj$grouXXXps... This is fine .. will test the 
    col = colorsForReplicates, pch=1:length(filterObj$grouXXXps),lty=1,lwd=2,cex=1.
    ### checking the colorsForReplicates
  ## axis
  xInt <- xMax - xMin
  yInt <- yMax - yMin
  xl <- xMin - xInt
  xr <- xMax + xInt
  yl <- yMin - yInt
  yr <- yMax + yInt
  ###checking what happens if i comment this...this is original 
  #segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  #segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
      labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
      labels <- intersect(labels, filterObj$sampleSet)
    } else {
      labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
    graphics::text(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, labels = labels, pos = 4)

########################################### adding this new line 

calcPlotPCAloadings <- function(
  pcaObj, dataList, filter, 
  pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, 
  selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL, 
  xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL, 
  loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
  showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
    pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
    dataList_ <<- dataList
    filter__ <<- filter
    pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
    pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
    selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
    selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
    selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
    xInterval_ <<- xInterval
    yInterval_ <<- yInterval
    loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
    showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
    showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
    showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
    pcaObj <- pcaObj_
    dataList <- dataList_
    filter <- filter__
    pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
    pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
    selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
    selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
    selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
    xInterval <- xInterval_
    yInterval <- yInterval_
    loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
    showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
    showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
    showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
  ########## this is new line I added################
  TNF1<-apply(as.data.frame(dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[, sapply(X = as.vector(pcaObj$filterObj$grouXXXps), FUN = dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName)]),MARGIN = 1,FUN = mean) >= as.double(TNF)
  ###### addding this new
  if(rlang::is_empty(TNF4) || rlang::is_empty(TNF4))
    #print("need to induce old code here")
    resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
    ## shown loadings features
    allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
    annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
    selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
    filter2 <- NULL
      ## annotated features
      filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
      ## unannotated features
      filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
      ## selected features
      filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
      ## unselected features
      filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
    filter <- intersect(filter, unique(filter2))
    resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
    #resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[filter]
    #resultObjAnno$setOfColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[filter]
    ## data
    dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
    dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
    ## performance
    resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
    xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
    yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
    ## xlim / ylim
    xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
    xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
    yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
    yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
    if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
      xMin <- -1
      xMax <- 1
      yMin <- -1
      yMax <- 1
      xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
      yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
    dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
    dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
    selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
    selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
    selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet   <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet  , filter)
    numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
    poisX <- dataDimOne
    poisY <- dataDimTwo
    pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
    pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
    pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
    pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
    pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
    pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
    pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
    pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
    annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
    selectedPoints  <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
    lv1points <-   annotatedPoints  &   selectedPoints
    lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) &   selectedPoints
    lv3points <-   annotatedPoints  & (!selectedPoints)
    lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
    #poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
    #poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
    #pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
    #pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
    #pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
    #pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
    #pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
    poisX           <- c(poisX          [lv4points], poisX          [lv3points], poisX          [lv2points], poisX          [lv1points])
    poisY           <- c(poisY          [lv4points], poisY          [lv3points], poisY          [lv2points], poisY          [lv1points])
    pointSizesAnno  <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
    pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
    pointsAnalysis  <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
    pointsFragment  <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
    pointsSearch    <- c(pointsSearch   [lv4points], pointsSearch   [lv3points], pointsSearch   [lv2points], pointsSearch   [lv1points])
    resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
      poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
      pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
      pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
      pointSizeModifier = NULL
    pointSizes    <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
    pointColors   <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
    poisXpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
    poisYpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
    mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
           "None"={## no labels
             labels <- NULL
           "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
             labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
             labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
             #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
           "Metabolite name"={## name
             labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
             labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
             #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
           "Metabolite family"={## family
             featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
             labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
                 test = length(x) == 0, 
                 yes = "-", 
                 no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
             labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
           {## unknown state
             stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
    )## end switch
    ## points
    #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
      precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
      precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
      #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
      precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
      pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
    ## plot
    par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
    #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
    plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
    points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
    ## axis
    xInt <- xMax - xMin
    yInt <- yMax - yMin
    xl <- xMin - xInt
    xr <- xMax + xInt
    yl <- yMin - yInt
    yr <- yMax + yInt
    segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
    segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
    if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
      graphics::text(  x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 4)
    uniqueIndeces     <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
    uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
    uniqueColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
    resultList <- list(
      setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
      setOfColors      = uniqueColors
  Nind<-which(T1NF3 %in% TNF4)
  resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF7)
  #print("enter the line ...2544")
  #T1pl<-dataList$ precursorLabels
  #print("entering the line ...2552")
  ## shown loadings features
  allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
  annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
  selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
  #print("entering the line...2559")
  filter2 <- NULL
  filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
  NsLFU<-which(allFeatures %in%  unname(annotatedFeatures))
  filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
  filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
  ## unselected features
  filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
  ############## This is the original one 
  resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF7)
  #resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
  filter <- TNF7
  #print("entering the line ...2643")
  Tdf<-as.data.frame(apply(dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame, 2, unlist))
  #print(TCol) ## it is the dataframe Color
  ## data
  dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
  dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
  ###################### This is the one i am adding
  #print("entering the line ...2674")
  dataDimOne1 <- dataDimOne 
  dataDimTwo1 <-  dataDimTwo 
  dataDimOne2 <- str_squish(trimws(names(dataDimOne1)))
  dataDimOne3 <- invert(dataDimOne2)
  #print("entering the line ... 2634")
  dataDimOne4 <- str_squish(trimws(names(dataDimTwo1)))
  dataDimOne5 <- invert(dataDimOne4)
  ## performance
  resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
  xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
  yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
  ## xlim / ylim
  xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
  xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
  yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
  yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
  if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
    xMin <- -1
    xMax <- 1
    yMin <- -1
    yMax <- 1
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
    yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
  ########## This is change ###########
  d1ataDimOne1 <-dataDimOne[which(names(dataDimOne3) %in% names(TNF7))]
  d1ataDimTwo1<-dataDimTwo[which(names(dataDimOne5) %in% names(TNF7))]
  ########## This is the I need to test
  #print(TNF7[which(names(TNF7) %in% names(dataDimOne3))])
  TNF8<-TNF7[which(names(TNF7) %in% names(dataDimOne3))]
  resultObjAnno1 <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF8)
  selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
  selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
  selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet   <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet  , filter)
  numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
  ### This is Original
  #poisX <- dataDimOne
  #poisY <- dataDimTwo
  poisX <- d1ataDimOne1
  poisY <- d1ataDimTwo1
  pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
  ##### this is original one 
  #pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
  pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno1$setOfColors
  print("entering the line ...2686")
  pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
  selectedPoints  <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
  #print("entering the line ...2762")
  lv1points <-   annotatedPoints  &   selectedPoints
  lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) &   selectedPoints
  lv3points <-   annotatedPoints  & (!selectedPoints)
  lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
  poisX           <- c(poisX          [lv4points], poisX          [lv3points], poisX          [lv2points], poisX          [lv1points])
  poisY           <- c(poisY          [lv4points], poisY          [lv3points], poisY          [lv2points], poisY          [lv1points])
  pointSizesAnno  <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
  pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
  pointsAnalysis  <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
  pointsFragment  <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
  pointsSearch    <- c(pointsSearch   [lv4points], pointsSearch   [lv3points], pointsSearch   [lv2points], pointsSearch   [lv1points])
  resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
    poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
    pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
    pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
    pointSizeModifier = NULL
  pointSizes    <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
  pointColors   <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
  poisXpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
  poisYpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
  mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
         "None"={## no labels
           labels <- NULL
         "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
           labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
           #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
         "Metabolite name"={## name
           labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
           #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
         "Metabolite family"={## family
           featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
           labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
               test = length(x) == 0, 
               yes = "-", 
               no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
  )## end switch
  ## points###########
  #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
    precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
    precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
    #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
    precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
    pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
  ## plot
  ### commenting the original value for the par
  ##par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  par(mar=c(3+0.15 , 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
  #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
  plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
  points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
  ## axis
  ### changing 
  #xInt <- xMax - xMin
  #yInt <- yMax - yMin
  xInt <- xMax - xMin
  yInt <- yMax - yMin
  xl <- xMin - xInt
  xr <- xMax + xInt
  yl <- yMin - yInt
  yr <- yMax + yInt
  segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
    ### changing pos = 4 to pos =3 
    graphics::text(  x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 2)
  uniqueIndeces     <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
  uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
  uniqueColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
  resultList <- list(
    setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
    setOfColors      = uniqueColors
  }  ### enter the line

# calcPlotPCAloadings <- function(
#   pcaObj, dataList, filter, 
#   pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, 
#   selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL, 
#   xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL, 
#   loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
#   showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
# ){
#   if(FALSE){
#     pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
#     dataList_ <<- dataList
#     filter__ <<- filter
#     pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
#     pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
#     selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
#     selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
#     selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
#     xInterval_ <<- xInterval
#     yInterval_ <<- yInterval
#     loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
#     showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
#     showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
#     showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
#     showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
#     showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
#   }
#   if(FALSE){
#     pcaObj <- pcaObj_
#     dataList <- dataList_
#     filter <- filter__
#     pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
#     pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
#     selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
#     selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
#     selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
#     xInterval <- xInterval_
#     yInterval <- yInterval_
#     loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
#     showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
#     showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
#     showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
#     showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
#     showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
#   }
#   ###################################################
#   ########## this is new line I added################
#   TNF<-pcaObj$filterObj$filter_averageOriginal
#   print("enter the line ...line 2524")
#   TNF1<-apply(as.data.frame(dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[, sapply(X = as.vector(pcaObj$filterObj$grouXXXps), FUN = dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName)]),MARGIN = 1,FUN = mean) >= as.double(TNF)
#   TNF2<-names(TNF1)[unname(TNF1)]
#   TNF3<-trimws(TNF2)
#   TNF4<-str_squish(TNF3)
#   #print(TNF4)
#   #print(rlang::is_empty(TNF4))
#   ################################
#   T1NF<-dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame
#   T1NF1<-rownames(T1NF)
#   T1NF2<-trimws(T1NF1)
#   T1NF3<-str_squish(T1NF2)
#   #print(T1NF3)
#   #print(rlang::is_empty(T1NF3))
#   ###############
#   Nind<-which(T1NF3 %in% TNF4)
#   names(TNF4)<-Nind
#   TNF5<-invert(TNF4)
#   TNF6<-as.integer(unname(TNF5))
#   names(TNF6)<-names(TNF5)
#   TNF7<-TNF6
#   ###############################
#   resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF7)
#   ####################################
#   #print("enter the line ...2544")
#   #print(pcaObj)
#   #NGpc<-names(TNF1)
#   #names(NGpc)<-seq(1,length(TNF1))
#   #NGpc1<-invert(NGpc)
#   #print(TNF2)
#   #print(T1NF)
#   #print(typeof(T1NF))
#   #print(TNF1)
#   #print(TNF7)
#   #$annoArrayOfLists
#   #T1pl<-dataList$ precursorLabels
#   #T1pl1<-trimws(T1pl)
#   #T1pl2<-str_squish(T1pl1)
#   #names(T1pl2)<-seq(1,length(T1pl))
#   #T1pl3<-invert(T1pl2)
#   #T1pl4<-as.integer(unname(T1pl3))
#   #names(T1pl4)<-names(T1pl3)
#   ###########
#   #print("entering the line ...2552")
#   ##################################
#   ## shown loadings features
#   allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
#   annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
#   selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
#   ############################################
#   #print(annotatedFeatures)
#   #print(resultObjAnno$setOfColors)
#   #print(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet)
#   #print(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet)
#   #print(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
#   #print(selectedLoadingsFeatures)
#   #print("entering the line...2559")
#   ##################################
#   ##################################
#   filter2 <- NULL
#   if(showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated)
#     ########
#     filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
#     #####
#   if(showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated)
#     ########
#     NsLFU<-which(allFeatures %in%  unname(annotatedFeatures))
#     #####
#     filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
#     #######################
#     #########################
#   if(showLoadingsFeaturesSelected)
#     ######
#     filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
#     ###############
#   if(showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected)
#     ##########
#     ## unselected features
#     filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
#     #######
# #############################################################
#   ############## This is the original one 
#   resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF7)
#   #resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
#   filter <- TNF7
#   ########################
#   #print("entering the line ...2643")
#   #print(resultObjAnno)
#   ########################
#   Tdf<-as.data.frame(apply(dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame, 2, unlist))
#   TDF1<-Tdf[,1]
#   TCol<-as.character(TDF1)
#   TDval<-names(TDF1)
#   TDval1<-trimws(TDval)
#   TDval1<-str_squish(TDval1)
#   TDval2<-TDval1
#   names(TCol)<-TDval2
#   #print(TCol) ## it is the dataframe Color
#   #####################
#   #print(union(colnames(dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame)))
#   ##############
#   ## data
#   dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
#   dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
#   ###################### This is the one i am adding
#   #print("entering the line ...2674")
#   dataDimOne1 <- dataDimOne 
#   dataDimTwo1 <-  dataDimTwo 
#   #################
#   #print(dataDimOne1)
#   #print(dataDimTwo1)
#   #print(typeof(dataDimOne1))
#   #print(typeof(dataDimTwo1))
#   #print(names(dataDimOne1))
#   #print(names(dataDimTwo1))
#   dD1<-checkmate::test_numeric(dataDimOne1, names = "named")
#   dD2<-checkmate::test_numeric(dataDimTwo1, names = "named")
#   #########################
#   if(dD1 & dD2 ) {
#   dataDimOne2 <- str_squish(trimws(names(dataDimOne1)))
#   names(dataDimOne2)<-as.double(unname(dataDimOne1))
#   dataDimOne3 <- invert(dataDimOne2)
#   #########################
#   #print("entering the line ... 2634")
#   #print(dataDimOne2)
#   #print(dataDimOne3)
#   ###########
#   dataDimOne4 <- str_squish(trimws(names(dataDimTwo1)))
#   names(dataDimOne4)<-as.double(unname(dataDimTwo1))
#   dataDimOne5 <- invert(dataDimOne4)
#   #####################################################
#   ## performance
#   resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
#   #print(resultObj)
#   ##########
#   xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
#   yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
#  #################### 
#   ## xlim / ylim
#   xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
#   xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
#   yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
#   yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
#  ##################### 
#   if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
#     xMin <- -1
#     xMax <- 1
#     yMin <- -1
#     yMax <- 1
#   }
#  ####################### 
#   if(is.null(xInterval))
#     xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
#   if(is.null(yInterval))
#     yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
#  ################# 
#   #print(dataDimOne)
#   #print(TNF7)
#   ########## This is change ###########
#   d1ataDimOne1 <-dataDimOne[which(names(dataDimOne3) %in% names(TNF7))]
#   d1ataDimTwo1<-dataDimTwo[which(names(dataDimOne5) %in% names(TNF7))]
#   ########## This is the I need to test
#   #print(d1ataDimOne1)
#   #print(TNF7[which(names(TNF7) %in% names(dataDimOne3))])
#   TNF8<-TNF7[which(names(TNF7) %in% names(dataDimOne3))]
#   resultObjAnno1 <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF8)
#   ###############
#   #print(TNF8)
#   #print(length(TNF8))
#   #print(TNF7)
#   #print(length(TNF7))
#   ####################################################
#   selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
#   selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
#   selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet   <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet  , filter)
#   ###################################################
#   numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
#   ### This is Original
#   #poisX <- dataDimOne
#   #poisY <- dataDimTwo
#   #################
#   poisX <- d1ataDimOne1
#   poisY <- d1ataDimTwo1
#   ###############################
#   pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
#   ##### this is original one 
#   #pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
#   pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno1$setOfColors
#   print("entering the line ...2686")
#   #print(pointColorsAnno)
#   #print(length(pointColorsAnno))
#   ############################
#   ####################################################
#   pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#   pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#   pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#   pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#   pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#   pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#   ######################################
#   annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
#   selectedPoints  <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
#   ####################################
#   #print("entering the line ...2762")
#   lv1points <-   annotatedPoints  &   selectedPoints
#   lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) &   selectedPoints
#   lv3points <-   annotatedPoints  & (!selectedPoints)
#   lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
#   ##############################
#   poisX           <- c(poisX          [lv4points], poisX          [lv3points], poisX          [lv2points], poisX          [lv1points])
#   poisY           <- c(poisY          [lv4points], poisY          [lv3points], poisY          [lv2points], poisY          [lv1points])
#   pointSizesAnno  <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
#   pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
#   pointsAnalysis  <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
#   pointsFragment  <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
#   pointsSearch    <- c(pointsSearch   [lv4points], pointsSearch   [lv3points], pointsSearch   [lv2points], pointsSearch   [lv1points])
#   ##############
#   resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
#     poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
#     pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
#     pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
#     pointSizeModifier = NULL
#   )
#   #####################
#   pointSizes    <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
#   pointColors   <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
#   poisXpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
#   poisYpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
#   mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
#   ############
#   switch(loadingsLabels,
#          "None"={## no labels
#            labels <- NULL
#          },
#          "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
#            labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
#            labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#            #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
#          },
#          "Metabolite name"={## name
#            labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
#            labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#            #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
#          },
#          "Metabolite family"={## family
#            featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
#            labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
#              ifelse(
#                test = length(x) == 0, 
#                yes = "-", 
#                no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
#              )
#            }))
#            labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#          },
#          {## unknown state
#            stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
#          }
#   )## end switch
#   ## points###########
#   #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
#   if(showLoadingsAbundance){
#     precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
#     precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
#     #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
#     precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
#     pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
#   }
#   ############################################################################################
#   ## plot
#   ### commenting the original value for the par
#   ##par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
#   par(mar=c(3+0.15 , 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
#   #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
#   plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
#   points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
#   ## axis
#   ### changing 
#   #xInt <- xMax - xMin
#   #yInt <- yMax - yMin
#   xInt <- xMax - xMin
#   yInt <- yMax - yMin
#   xl <- xMin - xInt
#   xr <- xMax + xInt
#   yl <- yMin - yInt
#   yr <- yMax + yInt
#   segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
#   segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
#   if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
#     ### changing pos = 4 to pos =3 
#     graphics::text(  x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 2)
#   uniqueIndeces     <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
#   uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
#   uniqueColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
#   resultList <- list(
#     setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
#     setOfColors      = uniqueColors
#   )
#   return(resultList)
#   #### this is my check
#   } else {
#     ## performance
#     resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
#     xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
#     yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
#     ## xlim / ylim
#     xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
#     xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
#     yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
#     yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
#     if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
#       xMin <- -1
#       xMax <- 1
#       yMin <- -1
#       yMax <- 1
#     }
#     if(is.null(xInterval))
#       xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
#     if(is.null(yInterval))
#       yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
#     dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
#     dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
#     selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
#     selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
#     selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet   <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet  , filter)
#     numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
#     poisX <- dataDimOne
#     poisY <- dataDimTwo
#     pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
#     pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
#     pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#     pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#     pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#     pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#     pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#     pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#     annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
#     selectedPoints  <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
#     lv1points <-   annotatedPoints  &   selectedPoints
#     lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) &   selectedPoints
#     lv3points <-   annotatedPoints  & (!selectedPoints)
#     lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
#     #poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
#     #poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
#     #pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
#     #pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
#     #pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
#     #pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
#     #pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
#     poisX           <- c(poisX          [lv4points], poisX          [lv3points], poisX          [lv2points], poisX          [lv1points])
#     poisY           <- c(poisY          [lv4points], poisY          [lv3points], poisY          [lv2points], poisY          [lv1points])
#     pointSizesAnno  <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
#     pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
#     pointsAnalysis  <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
#     pointsFragment  <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
#     pointsSearch    <- c(pointsSearch   [lv4points], pointsSearch   [lv3points], pointsSearch   [lv2points], pointsSearch   [lv1points])
#     resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
#       poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
#       pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
#       pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
#       pointSizeModifier = NULL
#     )
#     pointSizes    <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
#     pointColors   <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
#     poisXpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
#     poisYpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
#     mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
#     switch(loadingsLabels,
#            "None"={## no labels
#              labels <- NULL
#            },
#            "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
#              labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
#              labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#              #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
#            },
#            "Metabolite name"={## name
#              labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
#              labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#              #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
#            },
#            "Metabolite family"={## family
#              featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
#              labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
#                ifelse(
#                  test = length(x) == 0, 
#                  yes = "-", 
#                  no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
#                )
#              }))
#              labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#            },
#            {## unknown state
#              stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
#            }
#     )## end switch
#     ## points
#     #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
#     if(showLoadingsAbundance){
#       precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
#       precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
#       #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
#       precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
#       pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
#     }
#     ############################################################################################
#     ## plot
#     par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
#     #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
#     plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
#     points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
#     ## axis
#     xInt <- xMax - xMin
#     yInt <- yMax - yMin
#     xl <- xMin - xInt
#     xr <- xMax + xInt
#     yl <- yMin - yInt
#     yr <- yMax + yInt
#     segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
#     segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
#     if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
#       graphics::text(  x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 4)
#     uniqueIndeces     <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
#     uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
#     uniqueColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
#     resultList <- list(
#       setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
#       setOfColors      = uniqueColors
#     )
#     return(resultList)
#     print("check the data file")
#   }
# }


# calcPlotPCAloadings <- function(
#   pcaObj, dataList, filter, 
#   pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, 
#   selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL, 
#   xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL, 
#   loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
#   showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
# ){
#   if(FALSE){
#     pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
#     dataList_ <<- dataList
#     filter__ <<- filter
#     pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
#     pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
#     selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
#     selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
#     selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
#     xInterval_ <<- xInterval
#     yInterval_ <<- yInterval
#     loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
#     showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
#     showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
#     showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
#     showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
#     showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
#   }
#   if(FALSE){
#     pcaObj <- pcaObj_
#     dataList <- dataList_
#     filter <- filter__
#     pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
#     pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
#     selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
#     selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
#     selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
#     xInterval <- xInterval_
#     yInterval <- yInterval_
#     loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
#     showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
#     showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
#     showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
#     showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
#     showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
#   }
#   resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
#   ##############################
#   ########## this is new line I added
#   TNF<-pcaObj$filterObj$filter_averageOriginal
#   TNF1<-apply(as.data.frame(dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[, sapply(X = as.vector(pcaObj$filterObj$grouXXXps), FUN = dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName)]),MARGIN = 1,FUN = mean) >= as.double(TNF)
#   TNF2<-names(TNF1)[unname(TNF1)]
#   TNF3<-trimws(TNF2)
#   TNF4<-str_squish(TNF3)
#   ################################
#   T1NF<-dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame
#   T1NF1<-rownames(T1NF)
#   T1NF2<-trimws(T1NF1)
#   T1NF3<-str_squish(T1NF2)
#   #print(T1NF3)
#   ###############
#   Nind<-which(T1NF3 %in% TNF4)
#   names(TNF4)<-Nind
#   TNF5<-invert(TNF4)
#   print("entering the line ...2540")
#   print(TNF5)
#   print(filter)
#   ######
#  #print("coming to this line ...line 2326")
# #  print("printing the first filter")
#  # print(filter)
#   ########################################################
#   #print(resultObjAnno)
#  # print(resultObjAnno[[1]])
#  ################################################################################ 
#   ## shown loadings features
#   allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
#   #print("coming to this line ...line 2330")
#   annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
#   selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
#   filter2 <- NULL
#   if(showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated)
#     ## annotated features
#     filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
#   if(showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated)
#     ## unannotated features
#     filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
#   if(showLoadingsFeaturesSelected)
#     ## selected features
#     filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
#   if(showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected)
#     ## unselected features
#     filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
#   #############
#   filter <- intersect(filter, unique(filter2))
#   ###########################################
#   #print("coming to this line ...line 2347...to print the filter")
#   #print(filter)
#   ###########
#   resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
#   ############
#   #print("coming to this line ...line 2350")
#   #print(resultObjAnno)
#   #resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[filter]
#   #resultObjAnno$setOfColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[filter]
#   ## data
#   dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
#   dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
#   ## performance
#   resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
#   print("coming to this line ...line 2363")
#   #print(resultObj)
#   xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
#   yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
#   ## xlim / ylim
#   xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
#   xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
#   yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
#   yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
#   if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
#     xMin <- -1
#     xMax <- 1
#     yMin <- -1
#     yMax <- 1
#   }
#   if(is.null(xInterval))
#     xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
#   if(is.null(yInterval))
#     yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
#   dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
#   dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
#   selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
#   selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
#   selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet   <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet  , filter)
#   numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
#  # print("entering the line ...2389")
#   #print(numberOfPrecursors)
#   poisX <- dataDimOne
#   poisY <- dataDimTwo
#   pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
#   print("entering the line ...2399")
#  # print(pointSizesAnno)
#   ### this is area that I need to focous
#   pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
#   print("entering the line ...2402")
#   #print(pointColorsAnno)
#   pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#   pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#   pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#   pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#   pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
#   pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
#   annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
#   selectedPoints  <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
#   print("entering this line ..2418")
#   lv1points <-   annotatedPoints  &   selectedPoints
#   print("enterng this area ...line ...2420")
#   #print(lv1points)
#   lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) &   selectedPoints
#   print("enterng this area ...line ...2422")
#   #print(lv2points)
#   lv3points <-   annotatedPoints  & (!selectedPoints)
#   print("enterng this area ...line ...2426")
#   #print(lv3points)
#   lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
#   print("enterng this area ...line ...2429")
#   #print(lv4points)
#   #poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
#   #poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
#   #pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
#   #pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
#   #pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
#   #pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
#   #pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
#   poisX           <- c(poisX          [lv4points], poisX          [lv3points], poisX          [lv2points], poisX          [lv1points])
#   print("entering this line ..2440")
#   #print(poisX)
#   poisY           <- c(poisY          [lv4points], poisY          [lv3points], poisY          [lv2points], poisY          [lv1points])
#   print("entering this line ..2444")
#   #print(poisY)
#   pointSizesAnno  <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
#   print("entering this line ..2433")
#   #print(pointSizesAnno)
#   #print(lv4points)
#   #print(lv3points)
#   #print(lv2points)
#   pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
#   print("entering this line ..2436")
#   #print(pointColorsAnno)
#   #print(lv4points)
#   #print(lv3points)
#   #print(lv2points)
#   #print(lv1points)
#   pointsAnalysis  <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
#   print("entering this line ..2459")
#   #print(pointsAnalysis )
#   pointsFragment  <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
#   print("entering this line ..2462")
#   #print(pointsFragment )
#   pointsSearch    <- c(pointsSearch   [lv4points], pointsSearch   [lv3points], pointsSearch   [lv2points], pointsSearch   [lv1points])
#   print("entering this line ..2466")
#   #print(pointsSearch )
#   resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
#     poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
#     pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
#     pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
#     pointSizeModifier = NULL
#   )
#   ####################################
#   print("entering this area ..line 2474")
#   #print(resultObjPoints)
#   pointSizes    <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
#   #### changing the pointColors to TcolR1
#   #pointColors   <- TcolR1
#   pointColors   <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
#   poisXpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
#   TepoisXpoints   <-names(poisXpoints)
#   ##########################
#   print("entering this area..line 2488")
#   #print(poisXpoints)
#   #print(TepoisXpoints)
#   #print(TcolR)
#   #print(TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(poisXpoints))])
#   ####### I am adding this new
#   # TCol<-TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(poisXpoints))]
#   # T1Col<-poisXpoints[intersect(names(poisXpoints),names(TcolR))]
#   # TCol1<-TcolR[setdiff(names(TcolR),names(poisXpoints))]
#   # T1Col1<-poisXpoints[setdiff(names(poisXpoints),names(TcolR))]
#   # #################################
#   # TCOl2<-unname(TCol)
#   # T1COl2<-unname(T1Col)
#   # TCOl3<-unname(TCol1)
#   # T1COl3<-unname(T1Col1)
#   # #################
#   # #####################################
#   # poisYpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
#   # TCol4<-TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(poisYpoints))]
#   # TCol5<-TcolR[setdiff(names(TcolR),names(poisYpoints))]
#   # TCOl6<-unname(TCol4)
#   # TCOl7<-unname(TCol5)
#   # #### adding this new lines
#   # TcolR<-resultObjAnno$setOfColors
#   # TcolR1<-unname(TcolR)
#   # TannR<-resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations
#   # TannR1<-unname(TannR)
#   ###############################################
#   ### I am adding this new line
#   #print("entering this area...line 2503")
#   #print(TannR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(TannR))])
#   #print(TcolR1)
#   #print(TCOl2)
#   #print(pointColors)
#   #print(poisXpoints)
#   #print(length(pointColors))
#   #print(length(TCOl2))
#   #print(length(TcolR1))
#   #print(TCol)
#   #print(T1Col)
#   #print(TCOl2)
#   #print(length(TCOl7))
#   #print(length(TCOl2))
#   #print(length(poisYpoints))
#   #print(TCOl2)
#   #print(poisYpoints)
#  # print(length(poisXpoints))
#   #print(T1Col1)
#   #print(TCOl2)
#   #print(T1CO2)
#   #print(TCOl3)
#   #print(T1COl3)
#   #print(setequal(names(poisXpoints),names(poisYpoints)))
#   #print(length(TcolR))
#   #print(names(poisXpoints))
#   #print(names(TcolR))
#   #print(unname(TcolR))
#   #print(length(poisXpoints))
#   #print(length(poisYpoints))
#   #print(length(TCOl1))
#   ##############################################
#   mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
#   #############
#   #print("entering this area ..line 2485")
#   #print(dataList$precursorLabels)
#   #########################
#   # TEM<-dataList$precursorLabels
#   # TEM1<-which(names(TcolR) %in% TEM)
#   # TEM2<-TcolR[TEM1]
#   # TEM3<-which(names(TEM2) %in% names(poisXpoints))
#   # TEM4<-TEM2[TEM3]
#   # '%ni%' <- Negate('%in%')
#   # TEM5<-rbind.fill.matrix(t(poisXpoints), t(TEM4))
#   # TEM6<-TEM5[2,]
#   # TEM7<-as.vector(TEM6)
#   #print(typeof(unname(TNF5)))
#   #print(TNF4)
#   #print(str(dataList))
#   #print(dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame)
#   ###############################
#   print("entring the line ...line 2566")
#   #print(TEM7)
#   #print(length(poisXpoints))
#   #print(length(TEM6))
#   #TEM3<-which[names(poisXpoints) %ni% names(TEM2)]
#   #print(which(names(poisXpoints) %ni% names(TEM2)))
#   #print(TEM3)
#   #TEM1<-TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),TEM)]
#   #TEM2<-TEM1[names(TEM1) %in%  names(poisXpoints)]
#   #TEM3<-TEM1[intersect(names(TEM1),names(poisXpoints))]
#   #### CHECK 
#   #print(poisXpoints[1:10])
#   #print(head(TEM5,10))
#  # print(rbind.fill.matrix(t(poisXpoints), t(TEM4)))
#   #print(poisXpoints[which(names(poisXpoints) %in% names(TEM4))])
#   #print(TEM)
#   #print(TEM1)
#   #print(poisXpoints[1:20])
#   #print(TEM4[1:20])
#   #print(TcolR)
#   #print(match('132.921 / 19.19',names(TcolR)))
#   #print(match('122.032 /   5.97',names(TcolR)))
#   #print(TEM2)
#   #print(TcolR)
#   #print(TEM2)
#   #print(TEM3)
#   #b[names(b) %in%  names(a)]
#   #print(poisXpoints)
#   #print("entring the line ...line 2564")
#   #print(TEM1[names(TEM1) %in%  names(poisXpoints)])
#   #TEM3<-TEM2[sort(names(TEM2))]
#   #tspoisXpoints<-poisXpoints[sort(names(poisXpoints))]
#   #tspoisYpoints<-poisXpoints[sort(names(poisYpoints))]
#   ##############################################################
#   #print(TEM3)
#   #print("enter the poisXpoints ")
#   #print(tspoisXpoints)
#   #print("enter the poisypoints ")
#   #print(tspoisYpoints)
#   #print(unname(TEM3))
#   ########################################
#   #a[sort(names(a))]
#   #print(length(TEM2))
#   #print(TEM1)
#   #print(length(poisXpoints))
#   #print(length(TEM1))
#   #print(showLoadingsAbundance)
#   #print(TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),TEM)])
#   #print(TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(TEM))])
#   #print(length(dataList$precursorLabels))
#   #print(length(pointColors))
#   #print(length(poisXpoints))
#   #print(mappingToData)
#   #print(typeof(mappingToData))
#   #print(pointColors)
#   #print(unname(TcolR))
#   #print(unname(TannR))
#   #print(TcolR[1])
#   ##############################
#   switch(loadingsLabels,
#          "None"={## no labels
#            labels <- NULL
#          },
#          "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
#            labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
#            print("this is entering this area ...2505")
#            print(labels)
#            labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#            print("this is entering this area ...2508")
#            print(labels)
#            #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
#          },
#          "Metabolite name"={## name
#            labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
#            print("this is entering this area ...2514")
#            print(labels)
#            labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#            print("this is entering this area ...2517")
#            print(labels)
#            #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
#          },
#          "Metabolite family"={## family
#            featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
#            labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
#              ifelse(
#                test = length(x) == 0, 
#                yes = "-", 
#                no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
#              )
#            }))
#            labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#            print("this is entering this area ...2531")
#            print(labels)
#          },
#          {## unknown state
#            stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
#          }
#   )## end switch
#   ## points
#   #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
#   if(showLoadingsAbundance){
#     print("entering this line ...2542")
#     #print(showLoadingsAbundance)
#     precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
#     precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
#     #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
#     precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
#     #print("entering this line ...2548")
#     #print(precursorMeansNorm)
#     pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
#   }
#   ############################################################################################
#   ## plot
#   par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
#   #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
#   plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
#   ######TCOl2 ..changing ...col = pointColors ### this is original ....2650...TEM7
#   points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col =pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
#   #############
#   print("entering the line ....2652")
#   #print(poisXpoints)
#   #print(TEM1[intersect(names(TEM1),names(poisXpoints))])
#   #print(setequal(names(poisXpoints),names(TEM2)))
#   #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col =unname(TEM3), pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
#   #points(x = tspoisXpoints, y = tspoisYpoints , col = unname(TEM3) , pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
#   #################################
#   ## axis
#   xInt <- xMax - xMin
#   yInt <- yMax - yMin
#   xl <- xMin - xInt
#   xr <- xMax + xInt
#   yl <- yMin - yInt
#   yr <- yMax + yInt
#   segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
#   segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
#   if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
#     graphics::text(  x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 4)
#   uniqueIndeces     <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
#   print("entering this area ...line 2570")
#   #print(uniqueIndeces)
#   uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
#   print("entering this area ...line 2573")
#   #print( uniqueAnnotations)
#   uniqueColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
#   print("entering this area ...line 2576")
#   #print(uniqueColors)
#   resultList <- list(
#     setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
#     setOfColors      = uniqueColors
#   )
#   return(resultList)
# }
# generatePoints <- function(poisX, poisY, pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno, pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment, pointsSearch, pointSizeModifier){
#   numberOfPoisDrawn <- length(poisX)
#   #pointIndeces <- seq_len(numberOfPoisDrawn)
#   ## analysis
#   pointSizesAnalysis  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
#   pointColorsAnalysis <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
#   pointSizesAnalysis [pointsAnalysis] <- clusterNodePointSize1
#   pointColorsAnalysis[pointsAnalysis] <- "blue"
#   ## fragment
#   pointSizesFragment  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
#   pointColorsFragment <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
#   print("entering this area ...line 2601")
#   print(pointColorsFragment)
#   intersection <- pointsAnalysis & pointsFragment
#   difference   <- pointsFragment & (!intersection)
#   pointSizesFragment[intersection] <- clusterNodePointSize2
#   pointSizesFragment[difference] <- clusterNodePointSize1
#   pointColorsFragment[pointsFragment] <- "green"
#   ## search
#   pointSizesSearch  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
#   pointColorsSearch <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
#   print("entering this area ...line 2612")
#   print(pointColorsSearch)
#   intersection  <- pointsAnalysis & pointsFragment & pointsSearch
#   intersection2 <- (pointsSearch & pointsAnalysis | pointsSearch & pointsFragment) & (!intersection)
#   difference   <- pointsSearch & (!intersection) & (!intersection2)
#   pointSizesSearch[intersection]  <- clusterNodePointSize3
#   pointSizesSearch[intersection2] <- clusterNodePointSize2
#   pointSizesSearch[difference] <- clusterNodePointSize1
#   pointColorsSearch[pointsSearch] <- "red"
#   if(!is.null(pointSizeModifier)){
#     pointSizesSearch   <- pointSizesSearch   + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
#     pointSizesFragment <- pointSizesFragment + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
#     pointSizesAnalysis <- pointSizesAnalysis + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
#     pointSizesAnno     <- pointSizesAnno     + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
#     #pointSizesSearch   <- pointSizesSearch   * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
#     #pointSizesFragment <- pointSizesFragment * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
#     #pointSizesAnalysis <- pointSizesAnalysis * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
#     #pointSizesAnno     <- pointSizesAnno     * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
#   }
#   pointSizes        <- c(pointSizesSearch[pointsSearch], pointSizesFragment[pointsFragment], pointSizesAnalysis[pointsAnalysis], pointSizesAnno)
#   pointColors       <- c(pointColorsSearch[pointsSearch], pointColorsFragment[pointsFragment], pointColorsAnalysis[pointsAnalysis], pointColorsAnno)
#   print("entering this area ...line 2635")
#   print(pointColors)
#   poisXpoints       <- c(poisX[pointsSearch], poisX[pointsFragment], poisX[pointsAnalysis], poisX)
#   poisYpoints       <- c(poisY[pointsSearch], poisY[pointsFragment], poisY[pointsAnalysis], poisY)
#   #pointIndecesPoints<- c(pointIndeces[pointsSearch], pointIndeces[pointsFragment], pointIndeces[pointsAnalysis], pointIndeces)
#   mappingToData <- c(which(pointsSearch), which(pointsFragment), which(pointsAnalysis), seq_len(length(poisY)))
#   resultObj <- list(
#     mappingToData  = mappingToData,
#     pointSizes  = pointSizes,
#     pointColors = pointColors,
#     poisXpoints = poisXpoints,
#     poisYpoints = poisYpoints
#   )
#   return(resultObj)
# }

calcPlotPCAloadings1 <- function(
  pcaObj, dataList, filter, 
  pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, 
  selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL, 
  xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL, 
  loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
  showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
    pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
    dataList_ <<- dataList
    filter__ <<- filter
    pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
    pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
    selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
    selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
    selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
    xInterval_ <<- xInterval
    yInterval_ <<- yInterval
    loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
    showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
    showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
    showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
    pcaObj <- pcaObj_
    dataList <- dataList_
    filter <- filter__
    pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
    pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
    selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
    selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
    selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
    xInterval <- xInterval_
    yInterval <- yInterval_
    loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
    showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
    showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
    showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
  resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
  ## shown loadings features
  allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
  annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
  selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
  filter2 <- NULL
    ## annotated features
    filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
    ## unannotated features
    filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
    ## selected features
    filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
    ## unselected features
    filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
  filter <- intersect(filter, unique(filter2))
  resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
  #resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[filter]
  #resultObjAnno$setOfColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[filter]
  ## data
  dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
  dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
  ## performance
  resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
  xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
  yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
  ## xlim / ylim
  xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
  xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
  yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
  yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
  if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
    xMin <- 0
    xMax <- -1
    yMin <- 0
    yMax <- -1
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
    yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
  dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
  dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
  selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
  selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
  selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet   <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet  , filter)
  numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
  poisX <- dataDimOne
  poisY <- dataDimTwo
  pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
  pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
  selectedPoints  <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
  lv1points <-   annotatedPoints  &   selectedPoints
  lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) &   selectedPoints
  lv3points <-   annotatedPoints  & (!selectedPoints)
  lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
  #poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
  #poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
  #pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
  #pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
  #pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
  #pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
  #pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
  poisX           <- c(poisX          [lv4points], poisX          [lv3points], poisX          [lv2points], poisX          [lv1points])
  poisY           <- c(poisY          [lv4points], poisY          [lv3points], poisY          [lv2points], poisY          [lv1points])
  pointSizesAnno  <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
  pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
  pointsAnalysis  <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
  pointsFragment  <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
  pointsSearch    <- c(pointsSearch   [lv4points], pointsSearch   [lv3points], pointsSearch   [lv2points], pointsSearch   [lv1points])
  resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
    poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
    pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
    pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
    pointSizeModifier = NULL
  pointSizes    <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
  pointColors   <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
  poisXpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
  poisYpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
  mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
         "None"={## no labels
           labels <- NULL
         "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
           labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
           #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
         "Metabolite name"={## name
           labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
           #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
         "Metabolite family"={## family
           featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
           labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
               test = length(x) == 0, 
               yes = "-", 
               no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
  )## end switch
  ## points
  #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
    precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
    precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
    #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
    precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
    pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
  ## plot
  ### commenting the original value for the par
  ##par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  par(mar=c(3+0.15 , 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
  #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
  plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
  points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
  ## axis
  ### changing 
  #xInt <- xMax - xMin
  #yInt <- yMax - yMin
  xInt <- xMax - xMin
  yInt <- yMax - yMin
  xl <- xMin - xInt
  xr <- xMax + xInt
  yl <- yMin - yInt
  yr <- yMax + yInt
  segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
    ### changing pos = 4 to pos =3 
    graphics::text(  x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 2)
  uniqueIndeces     <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
  uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
  uniqueColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
  resultList <- list(
    setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
    setOfColors      = uniqueColors

##### adding this new 

calcPlotPCAloadings2 <- function(
  pcaObj, dataList, filter, 
  pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, 
  selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL, 
  xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL, 
  loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
  showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
    pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
    dataList_ <<- dataList
    filter__ <<- filter
    pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
    pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
    selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
    selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
    selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
    xInterval_ <<- xInterval
    yInterval_ <<- yInterval
    loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
    showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
    showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
    showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
    pcaObj <- pcaObj_
    dataList <- dataList_
    filter <- filter__
    pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
    pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
    selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
    selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
    selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
    xInterval <- xInterval_
    yInterval <- yInterval_
    loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
    showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
    showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
    showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
    showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
  resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
  ## shown loadings features
  allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
  annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
  selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
  filter2 <- NULL
    ## annotated features
    filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
    ## unannotated features
    filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
    ## selected features
    filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
    ## unselected features
    filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
  filter <- intersect(filter, unique(filter2))
  resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
  #resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[filter]
  #resultObjAnno$setOfColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[filter]
  ## data
  dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
  dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
  ## performance
  resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
  xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
  yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
  ## xlim / ylim
  xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
  xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
  yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
  yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
  if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
    xMin <- -1
    xMax <- 1
    yMin <- -1
    yMax <- 1
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
    yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
  dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
  dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
  selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
  selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
  selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet   <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet  , filter)
  numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
  poisX <- dataDimOne
  poisY <- dataDimTwo
  pointSizesAnno  <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
  pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
  pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
  annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
  selectedPoints  <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
  lv1points <-   annotatedPoints  &   selectedPoints
  lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) &   selectedPoints
  lv3points <-   annotatedPoints  & (!selectedPoints)
  lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
  #poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
  #poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
  #pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
  #pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
  #pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
  #pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
  #pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
  poisX           <- c(poisX          [lv4points], poisX          [lv3points], poisX          [lv2points], poisX          [lv1points])
  poisY           <- c(poisY          [lv4points], poisY          [lv3points], poisY          [lv2points], poisY          [lv1points])
  pointSizesAnno  <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
  pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
  pointsAnalysis  <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
  pointsFragment  <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
  pointsSearch    <- c(pointsSearch   [lv4points], pointsSearch   [lv3points], pointsSearch   [lv2points], pointsSearch   [lv1points])
  resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
    poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY, 
    pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno, 
    pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
    pointSizeModifier = NULL
  pointSizes    <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
  pointColors   <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
  poisXpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
  poisYpoints   <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
  mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
         "None"={## no labels
           labels <- NULL
         "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
           labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
           #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
         "Metabolite name"={## name
           labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
           #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
         "Metabolite family"={## family
           featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
           labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
               test = length(x) == 0, 
               yes = "-", 
               no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
           labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
         {## unknown state
           stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
  )## end switch
  ## points
  #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
    precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
    precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
    #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
    precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
    pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
  ## plot
  par(mar=c(3 + 0.5125, 3+0.125, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
  plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
  ### changing this to 22 and will see what happens...1:length(filterObj$grouXXXps),lty=1,lwd=2
  points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
  ## axis
  xInt <- xMax - xMin
  yInt <- yMax - yMin
  xl <- xMin - xInt
  xr <- xMax + xInt
  yl <- yMin - yInt
  yr <- yMax + yInt
  #segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  #segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
    graphics::text(  x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 4)
  uniqueIndeces     <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
  uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
  uniqueColors      <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
  resultList <- list(
    setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
    setOfColors      = uniqueColors
##### adding end ##########

generatePoints <- function(poisX, poisY, pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno, pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment, pointsSearch, pointSizeModifier){
  numberOfPoisDrawn <- length(poisX)
  #pointIndeces <- seq_len(numberOfPoisDrawn)
  ## analysis
  pointSizesAnalysis  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
  pointColorsAnalysis <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
  pointSizesAnalysis [pointsAnalysis] <- clusterNodePointSize1
  pointColorsAnalysis[pointsAnalysis] <- "blue"
  ## fragment
  pointSizesFragment  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
  pointColorsFragment <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
  intersection <- pointsAnalysis & pointsFragment
  difference   <- pointsFragment & (!intersection)
  pointSizesFragment[intersection] <- clusterNodePointSize2
  pointSizesFragment[difference] <- clusterNodePointSize1
  pointColorsFragment[pointsFragment] <- "green"
  ## search
  pointSizesSearch  <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
  pointColorsSearch <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
  intersection  <- pointsAnalysis & pointsFragment & pointsSearch
  intersection2 <- (pointsSearch & pointsAnalysis | pointsSearch & pointsFragment) & (!intersection)
  difference   <- pointsSearch & (!intersection) & (!intersection2)
  pointSizesSearch[intersection]  <- clusterNodePointSize3
  pointSizesSearch[intersection2] <- clusterNodePointSize2
  pointSizesSearch[difference] <- clusterNodePointSize1
  pointColorsSearch[pointsSearch] <- "red"
    pointSizesSearch   <- pointSizesSearch   + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
    pointSizesFragment <- pointSizesFragment + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
    pointSizesAnalysis <- pointSizesAnalysis + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
    pointSizesAnno     <- pointSizesAnno     + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
    #pointSizesSearch   <- pointSizesSearch   * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
    #pointSizesFragment <- pointSizesFragment * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
    #pointSizesAnalysis <- pointSizesAnalysis * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
    #pointSizesAnno     <- pointSizesAnno     * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
  pointSizes        <- c(pointSizesSearch[pointsSearch], pointSizesFragment[pointsFragment], pointSizesAnalysis[pointsAnalysis], pointSizesAnno)
  pointColors       <- c(pointColorsSearch[pointsSearch], pointColorsFragment[pointsFragment], pointColorsAnalysis[pointsAnalysis], pointColorsAnno)
  poisXpoints       <- c(poisX[pointsSearch], poisX[pointsFragment], poisX[pointsAnalysis], poisX)
  poisYpoints       <- c(poisY[pointsSearch], poisY[pointsFragment], poisY[pointsAnalysis], poisY)
  #pointIndecesPoints<- c(pointIndeces[pointsSearch], pointIndeces[pointsFragment], pointIndeces[pointsAnalysis], pointIndeces)
  mappingToData <- c(which(pointsSearch), which(pointsFragment), which(pointsAnalysis), seq_len(length(poisY)))
  resultObj <- list(
    mappingToData  = mappingToData,
    pointSizes  = pointSizes,
    pointColors = pointColors,
    poisXpoints = poisXpoints,
    poisYpoints = poisYpoints
colorPalette2 <- function(){
  ## http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/
  ## 20 colors
  ## or
  ## https://github.com/johnbaums/hues/blob/master/R/iwanthue.R
  ## library(colorBrewer)
  ## colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))( 4)
  ## palette(rainbow(6))
  #palette <- palette(c(
  palette <- c(
    rgb(150, 90, 180, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(190, 80, 190, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(170, 100, 180, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(180, 80, 200, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(160, 90, 190, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(200, 70, 180, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(140, 110, 170, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(210, 60, 190, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(130, 120, 160, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(220, 50, 200, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(120, 130, 150, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(230, 40, 190, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(110, 140, 140, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(240, 30, 180, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(100, 150, 130, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(250, 20, 170, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(90, 160, 120, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(260, 10, 160, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(80, 170, 110, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(270, 0, 150, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(70, 180, 100, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(280, 10, 140, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(60, 190, 90, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(290, 20, 130, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(50, 200, 80, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(300, 30, 120, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(40, 210, 70, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(310, 40, 110, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(30, 220, 60, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(320, 50, 100, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(20, 230, 50, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(330, 60, 90, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(10, 240, 40, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(340, 70, 80, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(0, 250, 30, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(350, 80, 70, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(0, 255, 20, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(360, 90, 60, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(10, 250, 10, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(350, 100, 70, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(20, 240, 0, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(340, 110, 80, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(30, 230, 10, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(330, 120, 90, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(40, 220, 20, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(320, 130, 100, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(50, 210, 30, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(310, 140, 110, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(60, 200, 40, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(300, 150, 120, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(70, 190, 50, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(290, 160, 130, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(80, 180, 60, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(280, 170, 140, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(90, 170, 70, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(270, 180, 150, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(100, 160, 80, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(260, 190, 160, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(110, 150, 90, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(250, 200, 170, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(120, 140, 100, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(240, 210, 180, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(130, 130, 110, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(230, 220, 190, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(140, 120, 120, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(220, 230, 200, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(150, 110, 130, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(210, 240, 210, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(160, 100, 140, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(200, 250, 220, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(170, 90, 150, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(190, 260, 230, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(180, 80, 160, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(180, 270, 240, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(190, 70, 170, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(170, 280, 250, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(200, 60, 180, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(160, 290, 260, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(210, 50, 190, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(150, 300, 270, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(220, 40, 200, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(140, 310, 280, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(230, 30, 190, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(130, 320, 290, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(240, 20, 180, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(120, 330, 300, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(250, 10, 170, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(110, 340, 310, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(260, 0, 160, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(100, 350, 320, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(270, 10, 150, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(90, 360, 330, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(280, 20, 140, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(80, 370, 340, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(290, 30, 130, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(70, 380, 350, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(300, 40, 120, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(60, 390, 360, maxColorValue=255),
    rgb(310, 50, 110, maxColorValue=255)
colorPalette <- function(){
  palette <- c(
colorPaletteScores <- function(){
  palette <- colorPalette()
  palette <- c(
    palette[ 8: 1],
    palette[16: 9],
plotFragmentsFromDataList <- function(dataList, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL, relative = FALSE){
    xMin <- min(dataList$fragmentMasses)
    xMax <- max(dataList$fragmentMasses)
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
  } else {
    xMin <- xInterval[[1]]
    xMax <- xInterval[[2]]
  massIntervalSelection <- dataList$ms2_masses >= xMin & dataList$ms2_masses <= xMax
  #numberOfFragments <- dataList$ms2_numberOfFragments[massIntervalSelection]
  #masses            <- dataList$ms2_masses[massIntervalSelection]
  minimumNumberOfFragments <- 5
  selection <- massIntervalSelection & (dataList$ms2_numberOfFragments >= minimumNumberOfFragments)
  numberOfFragments <- dataList$ms2_numberOfFragments[selection]
  masses            <- dataList$ms2_masses[selection]
  colors <- cmap(x = numberOfFragments, map = dataList$colorMapFragmentData)
  #colors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(dataList$ms2_masses))
  colors <- cmap(x = numberOfFragments, map = dataList$colorMapFragmentData)
    numberOfFragments <- numberOfFragments / dataList$numberOfPrecursors
  plotFragments(masses=masses, numberOfFragments=numberOfFragments, colors = colors, numberOfPrecursors=dataList$numberOfPrecursors, xInterval=xInterval, yInterval=yInterval)
plotFragments <- function(masses, numberOfFragments, colors = NULL, numberOfPrecursors, title = NULL, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
    xMin <- min(masses)
    xMax <- max(masses)
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
  } else {
    xMin <- xInterval[[1]]
    xMax <- xInterval[[2]]
  yMin <- 0
  if(length(masses) == 0)
    yMax <- 1
    yMax <- max(numberOfFragments)
    yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
    colors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(masses))
  ## plot
  par(mar=c(5,3,ifelse(test = is.null(title), yes = 2, no = 4),3), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  #plot(x = dataList$ms2_masses, y = dataList$ms2_numberOfFragments, xlab = "Fragment mass", ylab = "Precursors", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = "Fragment plot", col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
  #plot(x = masses, y = numberOfFragments, xlab = "", ylab = "Precursors", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
  #plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Number of spectra", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
  plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Number of spectra", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
    title(title, line = 3)
  axis(side = 3)
  ## axis
  dataOrder <- order(numberOfFragments)
  #axis(side = 1, at = dataList$ms2_masses, labels = dataList$ms2_masses, las = 2, tick = TRUE, col = colors)
  #for(i in 1:length(dataList$ms2_masses))
  for(i in dataOrder)
    axis(side = 1, at = masses[[i]], labels = format(x = masses[[i]], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = TRUE, col.axis = colors[[i]])
  points(x = masses[dataOrder], y = numberOfFragments[dataOrder], col = colors[dataOrder], type = "h", lwd=4)
  #points(x = masses[dataOrder], y = numberOfFragments[dataOrder], col = colors[dataOrder], pch=19, cex=1.)
  numberOfFragmentsInPercent <- numberOfFragments / numberOfPrecursors * 100
  yInterval <- c(0, yInterval[[2]] / numberOfPrecursors * 100)
  par(new = TRUE)
  plot(x = c(0, masses), y = c(0, numberOfFragmentsInPercent), xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, axes=FALSE, type="n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
  axis(side = 4, line = NA, at = as.integer(pretty(c(0, numberOfFragmentsInPercent))))
  mtext(side = 4, line = 2, text = "Number of spectra in %")
  resultObj <- list()
  resultObj$poiFragmentX <- masses
  resultObj$poiFragmentY <- numberOfFragments
plotFragments2 <- function(masses, numberOfFragments, numberOfPrecursors, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
    masses_ <<- masses
    numberOfFragments_ <<- numberOfFragments
    numberOfPrecursors_ <<- numberOfPrecursors
    masses <- masses_
    numberOfFragments <- numberOfFragments_
    numberOfPrecursors <- numberOfPrecursors_
    xMin <- min(masses)
    xMax <- max(masses)
    xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
  } else {
    xMin <- xInterval[[1]]
    xMax <- xInterval[[2]]
  massIntervalSelection <- masses >= xMin & masses <= xMax
  #numberOfFragments <- numberOfFragments[massIntervalSelection]
  #masses            <- masses[massIntervalSelection]
  minimumNumberOfFragments <- 1
  selection <- massIntervalSelection & (numberOfFragments >= minimumNumberOfFragments)
  numberOfFragments <- numberOfFragments[selection]
  masses            <- masses[selection]
  ms2PlotDataColorMapFragmentData  <- makecmap(
    x = c(0, max(numberOfFragments)), n = 100, 
    colFn = colorRampPalette(c('grey', 'black'))
  #colors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(masses))
  colors <- cmap(x = numberOfFragments, map = ms2PlotDataColorMapFragmentData)
  yMin <- 0
  if(sum(selection) == 0)
    yMax <- 1
    yMax <- max(numberOfFragments)
    yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
  ## plot
  par(mar=c(5,3,2,3), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  #plot(x = masses, y = numberOfFragments, xlab = "Fragment mass", ylab = "Precursors", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = "Fragment plot", col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
  #plot(x = masses, y = numberOfFragments, xlab = "", ylab = "Precursors", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
  plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Number of spectra", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
  axis(side = 3)
  ## axis
  dataOrder <- order(numberOfFragments)
  #axis(side = 1, at = masses, labels = masses, las = 2, tick = TRUE, col = colors)
  #for(i in 1:length(masses))
  for(i in dataOrder)
    axis(side = 1, at = masses[[i]], labels = format(x = masses[[i]], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = TRUE, col.axis = colors[[i]])
  points(x = masses[dataOrder], y = numberOfFragments[dataOrder], col = colors[dataOrder], type = "h", lwd=4)
  #points(x = masses[dataOrder], y = numberOfFragments[dataOrder], col = colors[dataOrder], pch=19, cex=1.)
  ## 2nd y-axis TODO
  numberOfFragmentsInPercent <- numberOfFragments / numberOfPrecursors * 100
  par(new = TRUE)
  plot(x = c(0, masses), y = c(0, numberOfFragmentsInPercent), xlim = xInterval, axes=FALSE, type="n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
  axis(side = 4, line = NA, at = as.integer(pretty(c(0, numberOfFragmentsInPercent))))
  mtext(side = 4, line = 2, text = "Number of spectra in %")
  resultObj <- list()
  resultObj$poiFragmentX <- masses
  resultObj$poiFragmentY <- numberOfFragments
calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_small_old <- function(dataX_spec, dataY_spec, dataX_class, dataY_class, xInterval){
  yInterval <- c(-1, 1)
  colors_spec <- rep(x = "grey", times = length(dataX_spec))
  colors_spec[dataX_spec %in% dataX_class] <- "black"
  colors_class <- rep(x = "black", times = length(dataY_spec))
  dataY_class <- -dataY_class
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  plot(NA, ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
  segments(x0 = xInterval[[1]], x1 = xInterval[[2]], y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  points(x = dataX_spec,  y = dataY_spec,  col = colors_spec,  type = "h", lwd=4)
  points(x = dataX_class, y = dataY_class, col = "black", type = "h", lwd=4)
calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_small <- function(masses_spec, intensity_spec, colors_spec, masses_class, frequency_class, colors_class, xInterval){
  yInterval <- c(-1, 1)
  intensity_spec[intensity_spec > 1] <- 1
  frequency_class <- -frequency_class
  ## plot
  par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  plot(NA, ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
  ## x-axis line
  xIntervalSize <- xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]
  xl <- xInterval[[1]] - xIntervalSize
  xr <- xInterval[[2]] + xIntervalSize
  segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  ## sticks
  points(x = masses_spec,  y = intensity_spec,  col = colors_spec,  type = "h", lwd=4)
  points(x = masses_class, y = frequency_class, col = colors_class, type = "h", lwd=4)
calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_big <- function(masses_spec, intensity_spec, colors_spec, masses_class, frequency_class, colors_class, singleSpec, xInterval){
    masses_spec_ <<- masses_spec
    intensity_spec_ <<- intensity_spec
    colors_spec_ <<- colors_spec
    masses_class_ <<- masses_class
    frequency_class_ <<- frequency_class
    colors_class_ <<- colors_class
    singleSpec_ <<- singleSpec
    xInterval_ <<- xInterval
    masses_spec <- masses_spec_
    intensity_spec <- intensity_spec_
    colors_spec <- colors_spec_
    masses_class <- masses_class_
    frequency_class <- frequency_class_
    colors_class <- colors_class_
    singleSpec <<- singleSpec_
    xInterval <- xInterval_
  onlyClass <- is.null(masses_class)
  yInterval <- c(ifelse(test = is.null(masses_class), yes = 0, no = -1), 1)
  ## abundances greater one
  intensity_spec[intensity_spec > 1] <- 1
    frequency_class <- -frequency_class
  yTickPositions <- c(-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
  yTickLabels <- c(1, "", 0.5, "", 0, "", 0.5, "", 1)
  pointSizes <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitial, times = length(masses_spec))
  pointSizesSmall <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall, times = length(masses_spec))
  pointColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(masses_spec))
  pointColorsSmall <- rep(x = "gray", times = length(masses_spec))
  these <- which(colors_spec == "black")
  if(length(these) == 0)
    these <- length(masses_spec)+1
  plotTitle <-  ifelse(test = singleSpec, yes = "Spectrum versus class", no = 
                ifelse(test = onlyClass,  yes = "Metabolite family spectrum", no = "Metabolite family versus class"))
  yAxisLabel <- ifelse(test = singleSpec, yes = "Frequency / Intensity", no = 
                ifelse(test = onlyClass,  yes = "Frequency", no = "Frequency / Frequency"))
  ## plot
  par(mar=c(6,4.1,4,0.1), mgp = c(3, 1, 0))  ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
  plot(NA, ylab = yAxisLabel, xlab = "m/z", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
  axis(side = 2, at = yTickPositions, labels = yTickLabels)
  axis(side = 3)
  title(plotTitle, line = 2.5)
  #mtext(side = 3, "m/z", line = 2)
  ## x-axis line
  xIntervalSize <- xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]
  xl <- xInterval[[1]] - xIntervalSize
  xr <- xInterval[[2]] + xIntervalSize
  segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
  ## axis with the individual fragment m/z's (ticks, labels)
  axis(side = 1, at = masses_spec, labels = FALSE, las = 2)
  axis(side = 1, at = masses_spec[-these], labels = format(x = masses_spec[-these], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = FALSE, col.axis = "grey")
  if(length(these) == 1){
    if(these != length(masses_spec)+1)
      axis(side = 1, at = masses_spec[ these], labels = format(x = masses_spec[ these], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = FALSE, col.axis = "black")
  } else {
    axis(side = 1, at = masses_spec[ these], labels = format(x = masses_spec[ these], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = FALSE, col.axis = "black")
  ## sticks
  points(x = masses_spec[-these],  y = intensity_spec[-these],  col = colors_spec[-these],  type = "h", lwd=4)
    these2 <- colors_class == "black"
    points(x = masses_class[!these2], y = frequency_class[!these2], col = colors_class[!these2], type = "h", lwd=4)
    points(x = masses_class[ these2], y = frequency_class[ these2], col = colors_class[ these2], type = "h", lwd=4)
  ## points
  points(x = masses_spec, y = intensity_spec, col = pointColors,      pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
  points(x = masses_spec, y = intensity_spec, col = pointColorsSmall, pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall)
  ## black ones
  points(x = masses_spec[these], y = intensity_spec[these], col = colors_spec[these], type = "h", lwd=4)
  points(x = masses_spec[these], y = intensity_spec[these], col = pointColors[these], pch=19, cex=pointSizes[these])
  points(x = masses_spec[these], y = intensity_spec[these], col = pointColorsSmall[these], pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall[these])
  ## plot labels
  graphics::text(labels = ifelse(test = singleSpec, yes = "Fragments from spectrum", no = "Fragments from spectra"), x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.9, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
  graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from class",    x = xInterval[[2]], y = -0.9, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
ipb-halle/MetFamily documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 10:09 a.m.