## constants
minimumProportionOfLeafs <- 0.75
minimumProportionToShowFragment <- 0.5
### changing clusterNodePointSize0 from 2 to 1.8
clusterNodePointSize0 <- 1.7/3
clusterNodePointSize1 <- 3/3
clusterNodePointSize2 <- 4/3
clusterNodePointSize3 <- 5/3
ms2StickPointSizeInitial <- 1.
ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall <- 2/3.
#ms2StickPointSizeEmph <- 1.5
#ms2StickPointSizeEmphSmall <- 3/3.
ms2StickPointSizeEmph <- 1
ms2StickPointSizeEmphSmall <- 2/3.
##changing the ms2StickPointSizeMaximumMultiplier <- 0.75 to 0.70
ms2StickPointSizeMaximumMultiplier <- 0.70
dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier <- 0.75
dendrogramHeatmapLeftMargin <- 10#6#4
## plotting
colorLabels <- function(labels, clusterMembers, color, labelsToRemove = NULL, newLabels = NULL){
colLab <- function(n) {
if(is.leaf(n)) {
a <- attributes(n)
## $label "New Hampshire"
## $members 1
## $height 0
## $leaf TRUE
## $class "dendrogram"
nodeLabelHere <- a$label
nodeIndexHere <- match(x = nodeLabelHere, table = labels)
if(length(na.omit(match(x = nodeIndexHere, table = clusterMembers))) > 0)
attr(n, "nodePar") <- c(a$nodePar, lab.col = color) # change the node color
if(length(na.omit(match(x = nodeLabelHere, table = labelsToRemove))) > 0)
attr(n, "label") <- "" # clear label
attr(n, "label") <- newLabels[[nodeIndexHere]] # new label
calcPlotDendrogram <- function(dataList, filter, clusterDataList, annoPresentAnnotationsList, annoPresentColorsList, distanceMeasure, selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet = NULL, selectionSearchTreeNodeSet = NULL, showClusterLabels, hcaPrecursorLabels, xInterval = NULL){
dataList_ <<- dataList
filter__ <<- filter
clusterDataList_ <<- clusterDataList
annoPresentAnnotationsList_ <<- annoPresentAnnotationsList
annoPresentColorsList_ <<- annoPresentColorsList
distanceMeasure_ <<- distanceMeasure
selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet
selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet
selectionSearchTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet
showClusterLabels_ <<- showClusterLabels
hcaPrecursorLabels_ <<- hcaPrecursorLabels
xInterval_ <<- xInterval
dataList <<- dataList_
filter <<- filter__
clusterDataList <<- clusterDataList_
annoPresentAnnotationsList <<- annoPresentAnnotationsList_
annoPresentColorsList <<- annoPresentColorsList_
distanceMeasure <<- distanceMeasure_
selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet <<- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet_
selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet <<- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet_
selectionSearchTreeNodeSet <<- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet_
showClusterLabels <<- showClusterLabels_
hcaPrecursorLabels <<- hcaPrecursorLabels_
xInterval <<- xInterval_
xInterval <- c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
## hcaPrecursorLabels
precursorLabels <- NULL
"m/z / RT"={
precursorLabels <- clusterDataList$cluster$labels
"Metabolite name"={
precursorLabels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
### I am changing this
##maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 17
maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 40
tooLong <- nchar(x = precursorLabels) > maximumNumberOfCharacters
precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
##precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters - 3), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
"Metabolite family"={
precursorLabels <- unlist(lapply(X = dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter], FUN = function(x){
if(length(x) == 0)
##maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 17
maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 40
tooLong <- nchar(x = precursorLabels) > maximumNumberOfCharacters
precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters ), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
##precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters - 3), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown hcaPrecursorLabels value", hcaPrecursorLabels))
)## end switch
precursorLabelsWithIdx <- paste(precursorLabels, "_", seq_len(length(precursorLabels)), sep = "")
## remove labels left of the y-axis
rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex <- floor(xInterval[[1]] - (xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]) * 0.04)
if(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex > 0){
#labelsToRemove <- precursorLabelsWithIdx[clusterDataList$cluster$order][1:rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex]
#length(na.omit(match(x = precursorLabelsWithIdx, table = labelsToRemove))) > 0
labelIndecesToRemove <- clusterDataList$cluster$order[seq_len(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex)]
precursorLabelsWithIdx[labelIndecesToRemove] <- ""
precursorLabels[labelIndecesToRemove] <- ""
clusterDataList$cluster$labels <- precursorLabelsWithIdx
## cluster
par(mar=c(7.25,dendrogramHeatmapLeftMargin,2,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
dend <- as.dendrogram(clusterDataList$cluster)
## color labels for search sub-roots
clusterMembers <- c(
unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet > 0]]),
-selectionSearchTreeNodeSet[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet < 0]
colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, clusterMembers, 'red')
dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
## color labels for fragment sub-roots
clusterMembers <- c(
unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet > 0]]),
-selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet < 0]
colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, clusterMembers, 'green')
dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
## color labels for analysis sub-root
clusterMembers <- c(
unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet[selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet > 0]]),
-selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet[selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet < 0]
colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, clusterMembers, 'blue')
dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
# for(selectionAnalysisTreeNode in selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet){
# clusterMembers <- NULL
# if(selectionAnalysisTreeNode > 0){
# clusterMembers <- c(clusterMembers, clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]])
# } else {
# clusterMembers <- c(clusterMembers, -selectionAnalysisTreeNode)
# }
# }
# colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, clusterMembers, 'blue')
# dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
### remove labels left of the y-axis
#rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex <- floor(xInterval[[1]] - (xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]) * 0.04)
#if(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex > 0){
# labelsToRemove <- precursorLabelsWithIdx[clusterDataList$cluster$order][1:rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex]
# colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, NULL, NULL, labelsToRemove)
# dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
## remove precursorLabel indeces
colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, NULL, NULL, NULL, precursorLabels)
dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
## plot
plot(x = dend, xlab = "", ylab = distanceMeasure, main = "Hierarchical cluster dendrogram", sub = "", xlim = xInterval)
## color tree for annotations
resultObjTree <- analyzeTreeFromRootForAnnotations(dataList, cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, filter)
innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations <- resultObjTree$innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations
rootIndex <- length(clusterDataList$cluster$height)
setOfColorSets <- setOfAnnotationSetsToSetOfColorSets(dataList, innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations)
innerNodeMembersTreeClusters <- clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeClusters
innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves <- clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves
poisX <- clusterDataList$poiCoordinatesX
poisY <- clusterDataList$poiCoordinatesY
numberOfPois <- clusterDataList$numberOfPois
numberOfPoisDrawn <- sum(clusterDataList$drawPoi)
poisX <- poisX[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
poisY <- poisY[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
a2r_counter <<- 0
numberOfInnerNodes <- as.integer(numberOfPois / 2)
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList = dataList, precursorSet = filter)
leafColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
innerNodeColors <<- vector(length = numberOfInnerNodes)
innerNodeAnnotations <<- vector(length = numberOfInnerNodes)
colorSubTreeForAnnotations(cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, index = rootIndex, innerNodeAnnotations = innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations, setOfColorSets = setOfColorSets, parentIndex = NULL, parentAnnotation = "Unknown", parentColor = "black")
## coloring of nodes by annotation
pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPoisDrawn)
pointColorsAnno <- unlist(c(innerNodeColors, leafColors)[clusterDataList$drawPoi])
## selections
pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
indeces <- NULL
for(selectionAnalysisTreeNode in selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet){
if(selectionAnalysisTreeNode < 0) indeces <- c(indeces, numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionAnalysisTreeNode)) ## leaf
else indeces <- c(indeces, unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]]))) ## inner node
pointsAnalysis[indeces] <- TRUE
pointsAnalysis <- pointsAnalysis[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
for(selectionFragmentTreeNode in selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet){
if(selectionFragmentTreeNode < 0) idx <- numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionFragmentTreeNode) ## leaf
else idx <- unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionFragmentTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionFragmentTreeNode]])) ## inner node
pointsFragment[idx] <- TRUE
pointsFragment <- pointsFragment[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
for(selectionSearchTreeNode in selectionSearchTreeNodeSet){
if(selectionSearchTreeNode < 0) idx <- numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionSearchTreeNode) ## leaf
else idx <- unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionSearchTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionSearchTreeNode]])) ## inner node
pointsSearch[idx] <- TRUE
pointsSearch <- pointsSearch[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
## cluster discriminativity
clusterDiscriminativity <- clusterDataList$clusterDiscriminativity[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
## calc points
resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
pointSizeModifier = clusterDiscriminativity
pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
## draw points
points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
## point labels
poisXlabels <- poisX
poisYlabels <- poisY
plotRange <- par("usr") ## (x1, x2, y1, y2)
yIntervalSize <- plotRange[[4]] - plotRange[[3]]
poiLabelShift <- yIntervalSize / 50
poiLabels <- clusterDataList$poiIntersectionSmooth[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
#poiLabels <- clusterDataList$innerNodeFeaturesPresent[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
graphics::text(x = poisXlabels - 0.0, y = poisYlabels + poiLabelShift, labels = poiLabels, pos = 4) ## pos: 1 below, 2 left, 3 above, 4 right
allAnnotations <- c(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations, innerNodeAnnotations)
allColors <- c(resultObjAnno$setOfColors, innerNodeColors)
uniqueIndeces <- which(!duplicated(allAnnotations))
uniqueAnnotations <- allAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
uniqueColors <- allColors[uniqueIndeces]
resultList <- list(
setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
setOfColors = uniqueColors
#' Title
#' @param dataList
#' @param filterObj
#' @param clusterDataList
#' @param distanceMeasure
#' @param showClusterLabels
#' @param hcaPrecursorLabels
#' @param selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet
#' @param selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet
#' @param selectionSearchTreeNodeSet
#' @param selectedSelection
#' @param heatmapContent
#' @param heatmapOrdering
#' @param heatmapProportion
#' @return
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette rainbow rgb
#' @export
#' @examples
calcPlotDendrogram_plotly <- function(
dataList, filterObj, clusterDataList,
#annoPresentAnnotationsList, annoPresentColorsList,
showClusterLabels, hcaPrecursorLabels,
selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet = NULL, selectionSearchTreeNodeSet = NULL,
selectedSelection, heatmapContent, heatmapOrdering, heatmapProportion)
dataList_ <<- dataList
filterObj_1 <<- filterObj
clusterDataList_ <<- clusterDataList
#annoPresentAnnotationsList_ <<- annoPresentAnnotationsList
#annoPresentColorsList_ <<- annoPresentColorsList
distanceMeasure_ <<- distanceMeasure
showClusterLabels_ <<- showClusterLabels
hcaPrecursorLabels_ <<- hcaPrecursorLabels
selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet
selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet
selectionSearchTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet
selectedSelection_ <<- selectedSelection
heatmapContent_ <<- heatmapContent
heatmapOrdering_ <<- heatmapOrdering
heatmapProportion_ <<- heatmapProportion
#xInterval_ <<- xInterval
dataList <- dataList_
filterObj <- filterObj_1
clusterDataList <- clusterDataList_
#annoPresentAnnotationsList <- annoPresentAnnotationsList_
#annoPresentColorsList <- annoPresentColorsList_
distanceMeasure <- distanceMeasure_
showClusterLabels <- showClusterLabels_
hcaPrecursorLabels <- hcaPrecursorLabels_
selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet <- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet_
selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet <- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet_
selectionSearchTreeNodeSet <- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet_
selectedSelection <- selectedSelection_
heatmapContent <- heatmapContent_
heatmapOrdering <- heatmapOrdering_
heatmapProportion <- heatmapProportion_
#xInterval <- xInterval_
# xInterval <- c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
## hcaPrecursorLabels
precursorLabels <- NULL
"m/z / RT"={
precursorLabels <- clusterDataList$cluster$labels
"Metabolite name"={
precursorLabels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filterObj$filter, "Metabolite name"]
### changing from 17 to 30
maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 30
tooLong <- nchar(x = precursorLabels) > maximumNumberOfCharacters
precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters - 3), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
"Metabolite family"={
precursorLabels <- unlist(lapply(X = dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filterObj$filter], FUN = function(x){
if(length(x) == 0)
### changing from 17 to 30
maximumNumberOfCharacters <- 30
tooLong <- nchar(x = precursorLabels) > maximumNumberOfCharacters
precursorLabels[tooLong] <- paste(substring(text = precursorLabels[tooLong], first = 1, last = maximumNumberOfCharacters - 3), rep(x = "...", times = sum(tooLong)), sep = "")
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown hcaPrecursorLabels value", hcaPrecursorLabels))
)## end switch
precursorLabelsWithIdx <- paste(precursorLabels, "_", seq_len(length(precursorLabels)), sep = "")
## remove labels left of the y-axis
rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex <- 0#floor(xInterval[[1]] - (xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]) * 0.04)
if(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex > 0){
#labelsToRemove <- precursorLabelsWithIdx[clusterDataList$cluster$order][1:rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex]
#length(na.omit(match(x = precursorLabelsWithIdx, table = labelsToRemove))) > 0
labelIndecesToRemove <- clusterDataList$cluster$order[seq_len(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex)]
precursorLabelsWithIdx[labelIndecesToRemove] <- ""
precursorLabels[labelIndecesToRemove] <- ""
clusterDataList$cluster$labels <- precursorLabelsWithIdx
## poi labels
poiLabels <- as.character(clusterDataList$poiIntersectionSmooth[clusterDataList$drawPoi])
poiHovers <- vector(mode = "character", length = length(poiLabels))
poiLabelsHere <- clusterDataList$poiLabels[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
for(poiIdx in seq_along(poiLabels)){
nodeLabel <- poiLabelsHere[[poiIdx]]
resultObj <- getMS2spectrum(dataList = dataList, clusterDataList = clusterDataList, treeLabel = nodeLabel)
if(nodeLabel < 0){ ## leaf
featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[[resultObj$precursorSet]]
featureFamilies <- ifelse(
test = length(featureFamilies) == 0,
yes = "None",
no = paste(unlist(featureFamilies), collapse = ", ")
poiHovers[[poiIdx]] <- paste(
"Precursor: ", dataList$precursorLabels[[resultObj$precursorSet]], "<br>",
"Number of fragments: ", length(resultObj$fragmentMasses), "<br>",
"Name: ", dataList$dataFrameInfos[[resultObj$precursorSet, "Metabolite name"]], "<br>",
"Metabolite families: ", featureFamilies,
sep = "")
} else { ## cluster
featureFamilies <- Reduce(intersect, dataList$annoArrayOfLists[resultObj$precursorSet])
featureFamilies <- ifelse(
test = length(featureFamilies) == 0,
yes = "None",
no = paste(unlist(featureFamilies), collapse = ", ")
poiHovers[[poiIdx]] <- paste(
"Cluster discriminating power: ", resultObj$clusterDiscriminativity, "<br>",
"Precursors in cluster: ", resultObj$numberOfPrecursors, "<br>",
"Frequent fragments: ", length(resultObj$fragmentMasses), "<br>",
"Characteristic fragments: ", sum(resultObj$fragmentColor == "black"),"<br>",
"Common metabolite families: ", featureFamilies,
sep = "")
## cluster
## leaf
## cluster
### changing the left from 4 to 5
par(mar=c(7.25,6.5,2,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
print("entering this area ...plots.r ...line 478")
dend <- as.dendrogram(clusterDataList$cluster)
leafLabelColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(precursorLabels))
## color labels for search sub-roots
clusterMembers <- c(
unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet > 0]]),
-selectionSearchTreeNodeSet[selectionSearchTreeNodeSet < 0]
leafLabelColors[clusterMembers] <- 'red'
## color labels for fragment sub-roots
clusterMembers <- c(
unlist(clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet > 0]]),
-selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet[selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet < 0]
leafLabelColors[clusterMembers] <- 'green'
## color labels for analysis sub-root
clusterMembers <- NULL
for(selectionAnalysisTreeNode in selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet){
if(selectionAnalysisTreeNode > 0){
clusterMembers <- c(clusterMembers, clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]])
} else {
clusterMembers <- c(clusterMembers, -selectionAnalysisTreeNode)
leafLabelColors[clusterMembers] <- 'blue'
### remove labels left of the y-axis
#rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex <- floor(xInterval[[1]] - (xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]) * 0.04)
#if(rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex > 0){
# labelsToRemove <- precursorLabelsWithIdx[clusterDataList$cluster$order][1:rightMostInvisibleLabelIndex]
# colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, NULL, NULL, labelsToRemove)
# dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
## remove precursorLabel indeces
#colLab <- colorLabels(precursorLabelsWithIdx, NULL, NULL, NULL, precursorLabels)
#dend <- dendrapply(dend, colLab)
## color tree for annotations
resultObjTree <- analyzeTreeFromRootForAnnotations(dataList, cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, filterObj$filter)
innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations <- resultObjTree$innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations
rootIndex <- length(clusterDataList$cluster$height)
setOfColorSets <- setOfAnnotationSetsToSetOfColorSets(dataList, innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations)
innerNodeMembersTreeClusters <- clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeClusters
innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves <- clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves
poisX <- clusterDataList$poiCoordinatesX
poisY <- clusterDataList$poiCoordinatesY
numberOfPois <- clusterDataList$numberOfPois
numberOfPoisDrawn <- sum(clusterDataList$drawPoi)
poisX <- poisX[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
poisY <- poisY[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
a2r_counter <<- 0
numberOfInnerNodes <- as.integer(numberOfPois / 2)
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList = dataList, precursorSet = filterObj$filter)
leafColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
innerNodeColors <<- vector(length = numberOfInnerNodes)
innerNodeAnnotations <<- vector(length = numberOfInnerNodes)
segmentListAnno <- colorSubTreeForAnnotations(cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, index = rootIndex, innerNodeAnnotations = innerNodeFeaturesAnnotations, setOfColorSets = setOfColorSets, parentIndex = NULL, parentAnnotation = "Unknown", parentColor = "black")
## coloring of nodes by annotation
numberOfPoisDrawn <- sum(clusterDataList$drawPoi)
pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPoisDrawn)
pointColorsAnno <- unlist(c(innerNodeColors, leafColors)[clusterDataList$drawPoi])
## dendrogram selections
pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
indeces <- NULL
for(selectionAnalysisTreeNode in selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet){
if(selectionAnalysisTreeNode < 0) indeces <- c(indeces, numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionAnalysisTreeNode)) ## leaf
else indeces <- c(indeces, unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionAnalysisTreeNode]]))) ## inner node
pointsAnalysis[indeces] <- TRUE
pointsAnalysis <- pointsAnalysis[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
for(selectionFragmentTreeNode in selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet){
if(selectionFragmentTreeNode < 0) idx <- numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionFragmentTreeNode) ## leaf
else idx <- unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionFragmentTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionFragmentTreeNode]])) ## inner node
pointsFragment[idx] <- TRUE
pointsFragment <- pointsFragment[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPois)
for(selectionSearchTreeNode in selectionSearchTreeNodeSet){
if(selectionSearchTreeNode < 0) idx <- numberOfInnerNodes + abs(selectionSearchTreeNode) ## leaf
else idx <- unlist(c(innerNodeMembersTreeClusters[[selectionSearchTreeNode]], numberOfInnerNodes + innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[[selectionSearchTreeNode]])) ## inner node
pointsSearch[idx] <- TRUE
pointsSearch <- pointsSearch[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
## cluster discriminativity
clusterDiscriminativity <- clusterDataList$clusterDiscriminativity[clusterDataList$drawPoi]
## calc points
resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
pointSizeModifier = clusterDiscriminativity
pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
## heatmap
## heatmap data
grouXXXps <- dataList$grouXXXps
print("enetring this area ...plots.r..line 611")
"Log-fold-change"={## log-fold-change
columnsOfInterest <- c(
dataList$lfcColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]])
columnsOfInterestAbs <- columnsOfInterest[1:2]
columnsOfInterestLFC <- columnsOfInterest[3]
labels = c(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]], "LFC")
labelsAbs <- labels[1:2]
labelsLFC <- labels[3]
"Abundance by group"={## grouXXXps
columnsOfInterest <- unlist(lapply(X = grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
columnsOfInterest <- rev(columnsOfInterest) ## plot is bottom to top
columnsOfInterestAbs <- columnsOfInterest
columnsOfInterestLFC <- NULL
labels <- grouXXXps
labelsAbs <- labels[1:2]
labelsLFC <- NULL
"Abundance by sample"={## samples
columnsOfInterest <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(grouXXXps = grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
columnsOfInterest <- dataList$orderColumnNames(groupSampleDataFrame = dataList$groupSampleDataFrame, columnNames = columnsOfInterest)
columnsOfInterest <- rev(columnsOfInterest) ## plot is bottom to top
columnsOfInterestAbs <- columnsOfInterest
print("this is entering the line..plots.r ...638")
columnsOfInterestLFC <- NULL
labels <- columnsOfInterest
print("this is entering the line ...plots.r...643")
labelsAbs <- labels[1:2]
labelsLFC <- NULL
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown heatmapContent value", heatmapContent))
)## end switch
numberOfGroups <- length(columnsOfInterest)
## heatmap ordering
"Specified order"={## no clustering
doCalculateCluster <- FALSE
"MS1 clustering"={## do clustering
if(heatmapContent == "Log-fold-change"){
doCalculateCluster <- FALSE
} else {
doCalculateCluster <- TRUE
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown heatmapOrdering value", heatmapOrdering))
)## end switch
## selections and selection colors
#selectedTreeNodeSet <- NULL
#frameColor <- NULL
analysisSelection <- {
selectedTreeNodeSet <- selectionAnalysisTreeNodeSet
frameColor <- "blue"
fragmentSelection <- {
selectedTreeNodeSet <- selectionFragmentTreeNodeSet
frameColor <- "green"
searchSelection <- {
selectedTreeNodeSet <- selectionSearchTreeNodeSet
frameColor <- "red"
"Analysis_HCA" = analysisSelection,
"Analysis_PCA" = analysisSelection,
"Fragment_HCA" = fragmentSelection,
"Fragment_PCA" = fragmentSelection,
"Search_HCA" = searchSelection,
"Search_PCA" = searchSelection,
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown selectedSelection value", selectedSelection))
)## end switch
## in case of tree selections compute leaf intervals
clusterMemberList <- lapply(X = selectedTreeNodeSet, FUN = function(x){
ifelse(test = x < 0, yes = -x, no = clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[x])[[1]]
positionsList <- lapply(X = clusterMemberList, FUN = function(x){
match(x = x, table = clusterDataList$cluster$order)
intervals <- lapply(X = clusterMemberList, FUN = function(x){
positions <- match(x = x, table = clusterDataList$cluster$order)
c(min(positions), max(positions))
intervalMatrix <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(intervals))
## merge adjacent intervals TODO
#intervalMatrix <- matrix(data=unlist(intervals), nrow=2,ncol=length(intervals))
#if(ncol(intervalMatrix) > 1){
# intervalMatrix <- intervalMatrix[, order(intervalMatrix[1, ])]
# sapply(X = seq_len(ncol(intervalMatrix) - 1), FUN = function(x){
# intervalMatrix[2, x] + 1 == intervalMatrix[1, x+1]
# })
## MS1 clustering and colors
data_s_p <- t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
values <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
unlist(apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
values[seq(from=x[[1]], to = x[[2]], by = 1)]
dist <- dist(data_s_p)
cluster <- hclust(d = dist, method = "ward.D")
## optimal leaf ordering
if(numberOfGroups > 2){
opt <- order.optimal(dist = dist, merge = cluster$merge)
cluster$merge <- opt$merge
cluster$order <- opt$order
labels <- labels[cluster$order]
columnsOfInterest <- columnsOfInterest[cluster$order]
colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest[cluster$order], FUN = function(x){
dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest[cluster$order], FUN = function(x){
dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
valuesAbs <- values
valuesLFC <- NULL
} else {
#colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
# dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
colors <- sapply(columnsOfInterest,FUN = function(x){
dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
},simplify = FALSE,USE.NAMES = TRUE)
values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
valuesAbs <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterestAbs, FUN = function(x){
dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
valuesLFC <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterestLFC, FUN = function(x){
dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
## assemble heatmap values and colors
numberOfGroupsAbs <- length(valuesAbs)
numberOfGroupsLFC <- length(valuesLFC)
matrixAbs <- t(matrix(data = unlist(valuesAbs), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroupsAbs))
matrixAbsLog <- unlist(log10(matrixAbs))
matrixAbsLog[is.infinite(matrixAbsLog)] <- 0
#paletteAbs <- colorRampPalette(rainbow(18)[10:1])
paletteAbs <- rainbow(18)[10:1]
paletteLFC <- c('blue', 'white', 'red')
if(numberOfGroupsLFC > 0){
matrixLFC <- t(matrix(data = unlist(valuesLFC), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroupsLFC))
matrixLFC[is.infinite(matrixLFC)] <- 0
} else {
matrixLFC <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
quantiles <- c(-dataList$logFoldChangeMax, 0, dataList$logFoldChangeMax, dataList$logFoldChangeMax*1.01, 10^(seq(from=dataList$logAbsMax/10, to=dataList$logAbsMax, length.out=9)))
quantiles <- approx(x = quantiles, n = 10000)$y
colors <- c('blue', 'white', 'red', rainbow(18)[10:1])
#colors <- c('blue', 'white', 'red', rainbow(50)[17:8])
colors <- colorRampPalette(colors)(10000)
matrixAbsTmp <- matrixAbs
matrixAbsTmp[matrixAbsTmp<=dataList$logFoldChangeMax] <- dataList$logFoldChangeMax*1.01
valueMatrix <- rbind(matrixLFC, matrixAbsTmp)
valueMatrix <- matrix(data = #quantiles[
cut(as.vector(valueMatrix), breaks = quantiles, right = TRUE, labels = FALSE)
, nrow=numberOfGroups, ncol=clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
#valueMatrix <- valueMatrix[rev(seq_len(nrow(valueMatrix))), ]
m <- rbind(matrixLFC, matrixAbsTmp)
m <- valueMatrix
colors2 <- c('blue', 'white', 'red', rainbow(18)[10:1])
vals <- unlist(m)
o <- order(vals, decreasing = FALSE)
cols <- scales::col_numeric(palette = colors2, domain = c(-dataList$logFoldChangeMax,10^dataList$logAbsMax))(vals)
colz <- setNames(object = data.frame(vals[o], cols[o]), nm = NULL)
colors <- c('blue', 'white', 'red', rainbow(18)[10:1])
minLFCnew <- 3/13*dataList$logAbsMax
matrixLFCTmp <- (matrixLFC - dataList$logFoldChangeMax) / (2 * dataList$logFoldChangeMax) * minLFCnew
valueMatrix <- rbind(matrixLFCTmp, matrixAbsLog)
#valueMatrix <- valueMatrix + minLFCnew
## dendrogram elements
#subDivide <- function(items){
# ## add NA at every fourth position
# chunks <- split(items, cut(seq_along(items), ceiling(length(items) / 3), labels = FALSE))
# chunks <- lapply(X = chunks, FUN = function(x){
# c(x, NA)
# })
# unlist(chunks)
#a2r_counter <<- 0
#segmentListDend <- drawDendrogram(cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, index = rootIndex)
#segmentListDend$x0 <- subDivide(segmentListDend$x0)
#segmentListDend$x1 <- subDivide(segmentListDend$x1)
#segmentListDend$y0 <- subDivide(segmentListDend$y0)
#segmentListDend$y1 <- subDivide(segmentListDend$y1)
a2r_counter <<- 0
segmentListAnno <- colorSubTreeForAnnotations2(cluster = clusterDataList$cluster, index = rootIndex, dataList = dataList, filter = filterObj$filter)
#segmentListAnno$x0 <- subDivide(segmentListAnno$x0)
#segmentListAnno$x1 <- subDivide(segmentListAnno$x1)
#segmentListAnno$y0 <- subDivide(segmentListAnno$y0)
#segmentListAnno$y1 <- subDivide(segmentListAnno$y1)
presentColors <- unique(segmentListAnno$col)
#if("black" %in% presentColors)
# presentColors <- presentColors[-which(presentColors == "black")]
## list of lists
annoByAnno <- sapply(X = presentColors, simplify = FALSE, FUN = function(color){
indeces <- which(segmentListAnno$col == color)
indeces <- unlist(sapply(X = indeces, simplify = FALSE, FUN = function(index){
((index - 1) * 3 + 1) : ((index - 1) * 3 + 3)
## plot
curveNumberToCurveName <- data.frame(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 2))
colnames(curveNumberToCurveName) <- c("curveNumber", "name")
curveNumber <- -1 ## first curveNumber is 0
## create plot
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45861236/segments-prevent-the-display-of-tooltips-of-markers-in-r-plotly
hoverlabel <- list(
bgcolor = "grey",
bordercolor = "black"
#p <- plot_ly(type = 'scatter', mode = 'lines')
p <- plot_ly(source = "dendLabelsHeatmap")
## heatmap
if(FALSE && numberOfGroupsLFC > 0){
p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labelsLFC,
z = matrixLFC, name = 'heatmap_lfc', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL,
#colors = palette(50),
colors = paletteLFC, zauto = FALSE, zmin = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, zmax = dataList$logFoldChangeMax,
xaxis="x", yaxis="y4", showlegend = FALSE, showscale=FALSE
curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, "heatmap_lfc")
matrixForHeatmap <- rbind(
matrix(data=rep(x = 0, times = numberOfGroupsLFC * clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered), nrow=numberOfGroupsLFC, ncol=clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labels,
z = matrixForHeatmap, name = 'heatmap_abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL,
#colors = palette(50),
colors = paletteAbs, zauto = FALSE, zmin = 0, zmax = dataList$logAbsMax,
xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE, showscale=FALSE
curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, "heatmap_abs")
p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labelsAbs,
z = matrixAbs, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL,
#colors = palette(50),
colors = paletteAbs, zauto = FALSE, zmin = 0, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE, showscale=FALSE
#p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labels,
# z = valueMatrix, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL,
# #colors = palette(50),
# colors = colors,
# zauto = FALSE, zmin = 1, zmax = 10000,
# #zauto = FALSE, zmin = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
# xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE#, showscale=FALSE
p <- add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labels,
z = m, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL,
#colors = palette(50),
#colorscale = colz,
#zauto = FALSE, zmin = 1, zmax = 10000,
#zauto = FALSE, zmin = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE#, showscale=FALSE
#p <- add_heatmap(p, data=data.frame(x=xCoordinates, y=rep("bla",times=ncol(valueMatrix)),z=valueMatrix[1,],col=colors[valueMatrix[1,]], stringsAsFactors = F), x = ~x, y = ~y,
# z = ~z, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL,
# #colors = palette(50),
# colors = ~col, #zauto = FALSE, zmin = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
# xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE#, showscale=FALSE
add_heatmap(p, x = xCoordinates, y = labels,
z = valueMatrix, name = 'abs', #type = 'heatmap', mode = NULL,
#colors = palette(50),
colors = colors, #zauto = FALSE, zmin = -minLFCnew, zmax = 10^dataList$logAbsMax,
xaxis="x", yaxis="y3", showlegend = FALSE#, showscale=FALSE
## draw dendrogram
#print(paste("1", length(xDend), length(yDend), min(xDend, na.rm = TRUE), max(xDend, na.rm = TRUE)))
#p <- add_trace(p, x = ~xDend, y = ~yDend, name = 'dend', mode = 'lines',
# hoverinfo="none", line = list(color = "black")
## color dendrogram
for(colorIdx in seq_along(annoByAnno)){
curveName <- paste('dendAnno', presentColors[[colorIdx]], colorIdx, sep = "_")
p <- add_segments(p, x = annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$x0, y = annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$y0, xend = annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$x1, yend = annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$y1,
name = curveName,
mode = 'lines',
#mode = 'lines+markers',
#hoverinfo="skip", #"none",
hoverinfo="text", hovertext=rep(x = "error", times = length(annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$x0)),
#hoverinfo="text", hovertext=seq_along(annoByAnno[[colorIdx]]$x0),
#hoverinfo="text", hovertext=tooltip2,
line = list(
color = presentColors[[colorIdx]]#,
## TODO for selections
#dash = "dash", ## ("solid", "dot", "dash", "longdash", "dashdot", or "longdashdot")
#layer="below traces"
#hovermode = FALSE,
#captureevents = FALSE,
xaxis="x", yaxis="y", showlegend = FALSE
curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, curveName)
## node labels
#print(paste("3", length(poisX), length(poisY), length(poiLabels), min(poisX), max(poisX)))
xOffset <- 0.3#(xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]] + 1) / 50
yOffset <- max(clusterDataList$cluster$height) / 30
p <- add_text(p, x = poisX + xOffset, y = poisY + yOffset, name = 'node labels', mode = 'text',
hoverinfo="none", text=poiLabels, textposition="top right",#"middle center",#"middle right" #
xaxis="x", yaxis="y"
curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, 'node labels')
## nodes
poiLabelsPoints <- c(rep(x = "", times = length(poisXpoints) - length(poiLabels)), poiHovers)
#print(paste("4", length(poisXpoints), length(poisYpoints), length(pointColors), length(pointSizes), min(poisXpoints), max(poisXpoints)))
p <- add_markers(p, x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, name = 'nodes', #mode = 'markers',
size = pointSizes*7.,
#sizeref = 1.,
color = pointColors,
#layer="above traces"
hoverinfo="text", hovertext=poiLabelsPoints, hoveron="points+fills", #, hoverlabel = list(bordercolor="blue")
hoverlabel = hoverlabel,
xaxis="x", yaxis="y", showlegend = FALSE
curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, 'nodes')
## leaf labels
## TODO repair
xCoordinates <- seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
uniqueLeafLabelColors <- unique(leafLabelColors)
leafLabelsList <- sapply(X = uniqueLeafLabelColors, FUN = function(x){
which(leafLabelColors == x)
for(idx in seq_along(leafLabelsList)){
leafLabelIndeces <- leafLabelsList[[idx]]
leafLabelsName <- paste('leaf_labels', uniqueLeafLabelColors[[idx]], idx, sep = "_")
p <- add_annotations(p, x = xCoordinates[leafLabelIndeces], y = 0, name = leafLabelsName, text = precursorLabels[leafLabelIndeces],
showarrow = FALSE, textangle = 270, font = list(color = uniqueLeafLabelColors[[idx]]),#bgcolor = uniqueLeafLabelColors[[idx]],
xref = "x", yref = "y2"
curveNumberToCurveName[nrow(curveNumberToCurveName)+1, ] <- c(curveNumber <- curveNumber+1, leafLabelsName)
## plot config
## h 2.1 / l 3.4 / d 11
## 25 .. 25 .. 11 .. 11
## 1 .. 3 .. 10 .. n
labelsToDendrogramProportion <- 0.25
dendrogramLabelsProportion <- 1 - heatmapProportion
labelsProportion <- dendrogramLabelsProportion * labelsToDendrogramProportion
dendrogramProportion <- dendrogramLabelsProportion * (1-labelsToDendrogramProportion)
if(numberOfGroupsLFC > 0){
heatmapProportionLFC <- heatmapProportion * numberOfGroupsLFC / numberOfGroups
heatmapProportionAbs <- heatmapProportion - heatmapProportionLFC
} else {
heatmapProportionLFC <- 0
heatmapProportionAbs <- heatmapProportion
p <- config(p, displayModeBar = FALSE)
p <- plotly::layout(p=p, # all of layout's properties: /r/reference/#layout
#showlegend = FALSE,
#hovermode = F,#"closest",
title = "Hierarchical cluster dendrogram",
xaxis = list(
visible = FALSE
#scaleanchor = "TODO",
#domain = xInterval
yaxis = list(
title = distanceMeasure,
showgrid = FALSE,
type = "linear",
domain = c(heatmapProportion + labelsProportion, 1),
yaxis2 = list(
#title = "TODO",
#fixedrange = TRUE,
showgrid = FALSE,
type = "category",
domain = c(heatmapProportion, heatmapProportion + labelsProportion)
yaxis3 = list(
title = "TODO",
#fixedrange = TRUE,
showgrid = FALSE,
type = "category",
domain = c(0, heatmapProportion)
#yaxis4 = list(
# title = "TODO2",
# #fixedrange = TRUE,
# showgrid = FALSE,
# zeroline=FALSE,
# type = "category",
# domain = c(heatmapProportionAbs, heatmapProportion)
## heatmap selections
# apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
# rect(xleft = x[[1]] - 0.5, xright = x[[2]] + 0.5, ybottom = 0, ytop = numberOfGroups, border = frameColor, lwd = 2)
# })
shapes = #list(
## LFC rects?
{if(numberOfGroupsLFC > 0){
colorsHere <- colors[[columnsOfInterestLFC]]
lapply(X = seq_along(colorsHere), FUN = function(x){
list(type = "rect",
fillcolor = colorsHere[[x]], line = list(color="none", width=0), opacity = 1.,
x0 = x-0.5, x1 = x+0.5, xref = "x",
y0 = -0.5 + numberOfGroupsAbs, y1 = 0.5 + numberOfGroupsAbs, yref = "y3"
} else NULL
## selections in the heatmap
unname(apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
if(length(x) == 0)
list(type = "rect",
fillcolor = "none", line = list(color=frameColor, width=2), opacity = 1.,
x0 = x[[1]]-0.5, x1 = x[[2]]+0.5, xref = "x",
y0 = -0.5, y1 = numberOfGroups - 0.5, yref = "y3"
#list(type = "rect",
# fillcolor = "none", line = list(color=frameColor, width=2), opacity = 1.,
# x0 = 3, x1 = 5, xref = "x",
# y0 = -0.5, y1 = numberOfGroupsAbs - 0.5, yref = "y2"
#annotations = list(
# x = xCoordinates,
# y = m$mpg,
# text = rownames(m),
# xref = "x",
# yref = "y",
# showarrow = TRUE,
# arrowhead = 7,
# ax = 20,
# ay = -40
resultObj <- list()
resultObj$curveNumberToCurveName <- curveNumberToCurveName
resultObj$plotlyPlot <- p
resultObj$columnsOfInterest <- columnsOfInterest
## https://plot.ly/r/plotlyproxy/
## https://plot.ly/r/get-requests/
## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plotly/plotly.pdf
## https://plot.ly/r/shinyapp-linked-click/
## https://plot.ly/r/reference/#Layout_and_layout_style_objects
## https://plot.ly/r/reference/#layout
## https://plot.ly/r/shinyapp-plotly-events/
## p.bars.text = p.bars %>%
## plotly::layout(annotations = list(x = 30, y = 0, text = "Expected", textangle=270, showarrow=F, xanchor="center"))
## for PCA:
## zeroline = TRUE
calcPlotHeatmap <- function(dataList, filterObj, clusterDataList, selectedTreeNodeSet, frameColor, heatmapContent, heatmapOrdering, xInterval = NULL){
dataList_ <<- dataList
filterObj_ <<- filterObj
clusterDataList_ <<- clusterDataList
selectedTreeNodeSet_ <<- selectedTreeNodeSet
frameColor_ <<- frameColor
heatmapContent_ <<- heatmapContent
heatmapOrdering_ <<- heatmapOrdering
xInterval_ <<- xInterval
dataList <- dataList_
filterObj <- filterObj_
clusterDataList <- clusterDataList_
selectedTreeNodeSet <- selectedTreeNodeSet_
frameColor <- frameColor_
heatmapContent <- heatmapContent_
heatmapOrdering <- heatmapOrdering_
xInterval <- xInterval_
xInterval <- c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
## heatmap
grouXXXps <- dataList$grouXXXps
"Log-fold-change"={## log-fold-change
columnsOfInterest <- c(
dataList$lfcColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]])
labels = c(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]], "LFC")
"Abundance by group"={## grouXXXps
columnsOfInterest <- unlist(lapply(X = grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
#columnsOfInterest <- rev(columnsOfInterest) ## plot is bottom to top
labels <- grouXXXps
"Abundance by sample"={## samples
columnsOfInterest <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(grouXXXps = grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
columnsOfInterest <- dataList$orderColumnNames(groupSampleDataFrame = dataList$groupSampleDataFrame, columnNames = columnsOfInterest)
#columnsOfInterest <- rev(columnsOfInterest) ## plot is bottom to top
### this is original labels
#labels <- columnsOfInterest
labels <- gsub("_SMneg","",columnsOfInterest)
### changing lables like this gsub("_SMneg","",columnsOfInterest)
#print("it is entering the area ..plots.r ...line 1218")
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown heatmapContent value", heatmapContent))
)## end switch
numberOfGroups <- length(columnsOfInterest)
## heatmap ordering
"Specified order"={## no clustering
doCalculateCluster <- FALSE
"MS1 clustering"={## do clustering
if(heatmapContent == "Log-fold-change"){
doCalculateCluster <- FALSE
} else {
doCalculateCluster <- TRUE
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown heatmapOrdering value", heatmapOrdering))
)## end switch
## in case of tree selections compute leaf intervals
clusterMemberList <- lapply(X = selectedTreeNodeSet, FUN = function(x){
ifelse(test = x < 0, yes = -x, no = clusterDataList$innerNodeMembersTreeLeaves[x])[[1]]
positionsList <- lapply(X = clusterMemberList, FUN = function(x){
match(x = x, table = clusterDataList$cluster$order)
intervals <- lapply(X = clusterMemberList, FUN = function(x){
positions <- match(x = x, table = clusterDataList$cluster$order)
c(min(positions), max(positions))
intervalMatrix <- as.matrix(as.data.frame(intervals))
## MS1 clustering and colors
data_s_p <- t(as.matrix(as.data.frame(lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
values <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
unlist(apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
values[seq(from=x[[1]], to = x[[2]], by = 1)]
dist <- dist(data_s_p)
cluster <- hclust(d = dist, method = "ward.D")
## optimal leaf ordering
if(numberOfGroups > 2){
opt <- cba::order.optimal(dist = dist, merge = cluster$merge)
cluster$merge <- opt$merge
cluster$order <- opt$order
labels <- labels[cluster$order]
columnsOfInterest <- columnsOfInterest[cluster$order]
#colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest[cluster$order], FUN = function(x){
colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame [filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
#values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest[cluster$order], FUN = function(x){
values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
columnOrder <- cluster$order
} else {
colors <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame [filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
values <- lapply(X = columnsOfInterest, FUN = function(x){
dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filterObj$filter, x][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
columnOrder <- seq_along(columnsOfInterest)
## plot
par(mar=c(0,dendrogramHeatmapLeftMargin,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right) ## c(title, axis, label)
if(numberOfGroups == 0){
## nothing there
print("### calcPlotHeatmap: no columnsOfInterest")
plot(x = c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered), y = c(0, numberOfGroups), type= "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, xlim = xInterval, ylim = c(0, numberOfGroups))
xleft = rep(x = seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered) - 0.5, times = numberOfGroups),
xright = rep(x = seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered) + 0.5, times = numberOfGroups),
ybottom = unlist(lapply(X = seq_len(numberOfGroups) - 1, FUN = function(x){rep(x = x, times = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)})),
ytop = unlist(lapply(X = seq_len(numberOfGroups) , FUN = function(x){rep(x = x, times = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)})),
col = unlist(colors),
border = NA
apply(X = intervalMatrix, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){
rect(xleft = x[[1]] - 0.5, xright = x[[2]] + 0.5, ybottom = 0, ytop = numberOfGroups, border = frameColor, lwd = 2)
axis(side = 2, at = seq(from = 0.5, by = 1, length.out = numberOfGroups), labels = labels, las = 2, tick = TRUE)
m <- matrix(data = unlist(values), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroups)
col <- m[1, ]
names(col) <- labels
colUnSorted <- col
x = NULL, y = labels,
z = t(matrix(data = unlist(colors), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroups)),
type = "heatmap"
m <- t(matrix(data = rgb(t(col2rgb(unlist(colors))), maxColorValue=255), nrow = numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroups))
m <- matrix(data = c(1:6), nrow = 2, ncol = 3)
palette <- colorRampPalette(rainbow(18)[10:1])
vals <- unique(scales::rescale(c(m)))
m <- log10(t(matrix(data = unlist(values), nrow = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered, ncol = numberOfGroups)))
m[is.infinite(m)] <- 0
min <- min(m, na.rm = TRUE)
max <- max(m, na.rm = TRUE)
vals <- unlist(m)
o <- order(vals, decreasing = FALSE)
cols <- scales::col_numeric(palette = rainbow(18)[10:1], domain = c(min,max))(vals)
colz <- setNames(object = data.frame(vals[o], cols[o]), nm = NULL)
plot <- plot_ly(
x = NULL, y = labels,
z = m, colorscale = colz,# colors = colorRamp(colors = c("red", "green")),#palette,
type = "heatmap"
) %>%
plotly::layout( # all of layout's properties: /r/reference/#layout
xaxis = list(
visible = FALSE,
showgrid = FALSE#,
#scaleanchor = "TODO",
#scaleratio = 1
#domain = xInterval
yaxis = list(
fixedrange = TRUE,
showgrid = FALSE,
type = "category"#,
#tickmode = "auto", #"array"
#tickvals = 1:numberOfGroups,
#nticks = numberOfGroups,
#ticktext = TODO
#ticklen = -1
#zeroline = TRUE ## for pca
#title = "Unemployment", # layout's title: /r/reference/#layout-title
#xaxis = list( # layout's xaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis
# title = "Time", # xaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-title
# showgrid = F), # xaxis's showgrid: /r/reference/#layout-xaxis-showgrid
#yaxis = list( # layout's yaxis is a named list. List of valid keys: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis
# title = "uidx") # yaxis's title: /r/reference/#layout-yaxis-title
## https://plot.ly/r/plotlyproxy/
## https://plot.ly/r/get-requests/
## https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plotly/plotly.pdf
## https://plot.ly/r/shinyapp-linked-click/
## https://plot.ly/r/reference/#Layout_and_layout_style_objects
## https://plot.ly/r/reference/#layout
## https://plot.ly/r/shinyapp-plotly-events/
return(list(plot=plot, columnsOfInterest=columnsOfInterest))
returnObj <- list()
returnObj$columnsOfInterest <- columnsOfInterest
returnObj$columnOrder <- columnOrder
calcPlotHeatmapOld <- function(dataList, filterObj, clusterDataList, xInterval = NULL){
xInterval <- c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)
## heatmap
columnsOfInterest <- c(
dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]]), dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]]),
dataList$lfcColumnNameFunctionFromName(filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]])
par(mar=c(0,4,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right) ## c(title, axis, label)
if(length(columnsOfInterest) == 0){
} else {
colorOne <- dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, columnsOfInterest[[1]]][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
colorTwo <- dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, columnsOfInterest[[2]]][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
colorLFC <- dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame[filterObj$filter, columnsOfInterest[[3]]][clusterDataList$cluster$order]
plot(x = c(1, clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered), y = c(0, 3), type= "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, xlim = xInterval, ylim = c(0, 3))
xleft = rep(x = seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered) - 0.5, times = 3),
xright = rep(x = seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered) + 0.5, times = 3),
ybottom = unlist(lapply(X = 0:2, FUN = function(x){rep(x = x, times = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)})),
ytop = unlist(lapply(X = 1:3, FUN = function(x){rep(x = x, times = clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)})),
col = c(colorTwo, colorOne, colorLFC),
border = NA
#for(i in seq_len(clusterDataList$numberOfPrecursorsFiltered)){
# rect(xleft = i - 0.5, xright = i + 0.5, ybottom = 2, ytop = 3, col = colorLFC[[i]], border = NA)
# rect(xleft = i - 0.5, xright = i + 0.5, ybottom = 1, ytop = 2, col = colorOne[[i]], border = NA)
# rect(xleft = i - 0.5, xright = i + 0.5, ybottom = 0, ytop = 1, col = colorTwo[[i]], border = NA)
axis(side = 2, at = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5), labels = c(filterObj$grouXXXps[[2]], filterObj$grouXXXps[[1]], "LFC"), las = 2, tick = TRUE)
reorderAnnotationsForLegend <- function(annoLabels, annoColors){
annoLabels_ <<- annoLabels
annoColors_ <<- annoColors
annoLabels <<- annoLabels_
annoColors <<- annoColors_
ignoreThere <- any(annoLabels == "Ignore")
unknownThere <- any(annoLabels == "Unknown")
numberOfRealAnnotations <- length(annoLabels)
idx <- which(annoLabels == "Ignore")
annoLabels <- c(annoLabels[-idx], annoLabels[idx])
annoColors <- c(annoColors[-idx], annoColors[idx])
numberOfRealAnnotations <- numberOfRealAnnotations - 1
idx <- which(annoLabels == "Unknown")
annoLabels <- c(annoLabels[-idx], annoLabels[idx])
annoColors <- c(annoColors[-idx], annoColors[idx])
numberOfRealAnnotations <- numberOfRealAnnotations - 1
if(numberOfRealAnnotations > 0){
order <- order(annoLabels[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)])
annoLabels[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)] <- annoLabels[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)][order]
annoColors[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)] <- annoColors[seq_len(numberOfRealAnnotations)][order]
resultList <- list(
annoLabels = annoLabels,
annoColors = annoColors
calcPlotAnnoLegend <- function(annoLabels, annoColors){
annoLabels <- vector(mode = "character")
annoColors <- vector(mode = "character")
## get and reorder annotations
resultObj <- reorderAnnotationsForLegend(annoLabels, annoColors)
annoLabels <- resultObj$annoLabels
annoColors <- resultObj$annoColors
calcPlotLegend(annoLabels, annoColors, "Annotations")
### I am adding this new
calcPlotAnnoLegend1 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors){
annoLabels <- vector(mode = "character")
annoColors <- vector(mode = "character")
## get and reorder annotations
resultObj <- reorderAnnotationsForLegend(annoLabels, annoColors)
annoLabels <- resultObj$annoLabels
annoColors <- resultObj$annoColors
calcPlotLegend1(annoLabels, annoColors, "Loadings")
calcPlotScoresGroupsLegend <- function(grouXXXps, colors){
## get and reorder annotations
calcPlotLegend(grouXXXps, colors, "Scores")
calcPlotLegend <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title){
## layout
numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
ySpacing <- 1 / (numberOfLines + 1)
xSpacing <- 0.1
labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
#yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = numberOfLines)
symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
## plot
plotLegendWithBalls(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)
### I am adding this new
calcPlotLegend1 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title){
## layout
numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
ySpacing <- 1 / (numberOfLines + 1)
xSpacing <- 0.1
labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
#yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = numberOfLines)
symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
## plot
plotLegendWithBalls(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)
calcPlotAnnoLegendForImage <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, maximumNumberOfLines=20){
## get and reorder annotations
resultObj <- reorderAnnotationsForLegend(annoLabels, annoColors)
annoLabels <- resultObj$annoLabels
annoColors <- resultObj$annoColors
calcPlotLegendForImage(annoLabels, annoColors, "Annotations", maximumNumberOfLines)
##### I am adding this new
calcPlotAnnoLegendForImage1 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, maximumNumberOfLines=30){
## get and reorder annotations
resultObj <- reorderAnnotationsForLegend(annoLabels, annoColors)
annoLabels <- resultObj$annoLabels
annoColors <- resultObj$annoColors
calcPlotLegendForImage2(annoLabels, annoColors, "Loadings", maximumNumberOfLines)
calcPlotScoresGroupsLegendForImage <- function(grouXXXps, colors, maximumNumberOfLines=20){
## get and reorder annotations
calcPlotLegendForImage(grouXXXps, colors, "Scores", maximumNumberOfLines)
#### I am adding this new
calcPlotScoresGroupsLegendForImage1 <- function(grouXXXps, colors, maximumNumberOfLines=30){
## get and reorder annotations
calcPlotLegendForImage1(grouXXXps, colors, "Scores", maximumNumberOfLines)
calcPlotLegendForImage <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title, maximumNumberOfLines){
## layout
numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
ySpacing <- 1 / maximumNumberOfLines
xSpacing <- 0.1
labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
#yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = maximumNumberOfLines)
yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(numberOfLines)]
symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions))]
if(numberOfLines > maximumNumberOfLines){
labels <- labels[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len((maximumNumberOfLines - 1))]
xPositions <- xPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
labels[length(labels)] <- paste("...", (numberOfLines - maximumNumberOfLines + 1), " more", sep = "")
annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len(length(annoColors) - 1)]
symbolXPositions <- symbolXPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions) - 1)]
symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolYPositions) - 1)]
## plot
plotLegendWithBalls(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)
### I am adding this new line
calcPlotLegendForImage2 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title, maximumNumberOfLines){
## layout
numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
ySpacing <- 1 / maximumNumberOfLines
xSpacing <- 0.1
labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
#yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = maximumNumberOfLines)
yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(numberOfLines)]
symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions))]
if(numberOfLines > maximumNumberOfLines){
labels <- labels[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len((maximumNumberOfLines - 1))]
xPositions <- xPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
labels[length(labels)] <- paste("...", (numberOfLines - maximumNumberOfLines + 1), " more", sep = "")
annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len(length(annoColors) - 1)]
symbolXPositions <- symbolXPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions) - 1)]
symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolYPositions) - 1)]
## plot
plotLegendWithBalls(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)
##### I am adding this new
calcPlotLegendForImage1 <- function(annoLabels, annoColors, title, maximumNumberOfLines){
## layout
numberOfLines <- length(annoLabels) + 1
ySpacing <- 1 / maximumNumberOfLines
xSpacing <- 0.1
labels <- c(paste(title, ":", sep = ""), annoLabels)
xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(annoLabels)))
#yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
yPositions <- seq(from = 1 - ySpacing, to = ySpacing, length.out = maximumNumberOfLines)
yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(numberOfLines)]
symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(annoLabels))
symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions))]
if(numberOfLines > maximumNumberOfLines){
labels <- labels[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len((maximumNumberOfLines - 1))]
xPositions <- xPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
yPositions <- yPositions[seq_len(maximumNumberOfLines)]
labels[length(labels)] <- paste("...", (numberOfLines - maximumNumberOfLines + 1), " more", sep = "")
annoColors <- annoColors[seq_len(length(annoColors) - 1)]
symbolXPositions <- symbolXPositions[seq_len(length(symbolXPositions) - 1)]
symbolYPositions <- symbolYPositions[seq_len(length(symbolYPositions) - 1)]
## plot
plotLegendWithBalls1(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075)
#plotLegendWithBalls1(labels, xPositions, yPositions, symbolXPositions, symbolYPositions, annoColors, xSpacing*0.075,filterObj)
#### this is the original
plotLegendWithBalls <- function(labels, xPositions, yPositions, circleXPositions, circleYPositions, annoColors, radius){
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
## circles
for(i in seq_len(length(annoColors)))
draw.circle(x = circleXPositions[[i]], y = circleYPositions[[i]], radius = radius, nv=50, border=annoColors[[i]], col = annoColors[[i]], lty=1, lwd=5)
### adding the cex=0.5 #######
## labels
graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)
plotLegendWithBalls1 <- function(labels, xPositions, yPositions, circleXPositions, circleYPositions, annoColors, radius){
#plotLegendWithBalls1 <- function(labels, xPositions, yPositions, circleXPositions, circleYPositions, annoColors, radius,filterObj){
palette <- colorPaletteScores()
# if(filterObj$filterBySamples){
# colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
# groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
# samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
# samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
# rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
# }))]
# } else {
# colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
# groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
# rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
# }))]
# }
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0),par(xpd=FALSE)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
## circles
for(i in seq_len(length(annoColors))){
### I am changing the pch=i to labels[[i]]...col =colorsForReplicates[[i]]
points(x=circleXPositions[[i]], y=circleYPositions[[i]],pch=i,col =annoColors[[i]],lty=1,lwd=2)
## labelscol = colorsForReplicates[[i]]
graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)}
calcPlotMS2Legend <- function(dataList){
## heatmap legend
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
xSpacing <- 0.1
stickLabels <- c(
paste("Presence >= ", minimumProportionOfLeafs, sep = ""),
paste("Presence > ", minimumProportionToShowFragment, sep = ""),
"Selected fragment"
annoColorsStick <- c("black", "grey", "green")
annoColorsBallSmall <- c("grey", "grey", "grey")
annoColorsBallBig <- c("black", "black", "green")
labels <- c("Fragment stick colors", stickLabels)
xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(stickLabels)))
#yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
yPositions <- seq(from = 0.9, to = -0.1, by = -1/length(labels))[seq_len(length(xPositions))]
symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(stickLabels))
symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
## plot
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
## points
pointSizes <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitial, times = length(stickLabels))
pointSizesSmall <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall, times = length(stickLabels))
delta <- 0.05
segments(x0 = symbolXPositions, x1 = symbolXPositions, y0 = symbolYPositions - delta, y1 = symbolYPositions + delta, col = annoColorsStick, lwd = 3)
points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions + delta, col = annoColorsBallBig, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions + delta, col = annoColorsBallSmall, pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall)
## labels
graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)
calcPlotDendrogramLegend <- function(){
## heatmap legend
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
xSpacing <- 0.1
stickLabels <- c(
"Selection by HCA/PCA",
##"Selection by fragment",
"Selection by search"
selectionColors <- c("blue", "green", "red")
labels <- c("Selection marks", stickLabels)
xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(stickLabels)))
#yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
yPositions <- seq(from = 0.9, to = -0.1, by = -1/length(labels))[seq_len(length(xPositions))]
symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(stickLabels))
symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
## plot
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
## points
pointSizes <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize1, times = length(stickLabels))
pointSizesSmall <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = length(stickLabels))
points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions, col = selectionColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions, col = rep(x = "white", times = length(selectionColors)), pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall)
## labels
graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)
calcPlotDiscriminativityLegend <- function(){
## heatmap legend
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
xSpacing <- 0.1
stickLabels <- c(
labels <- c("Cluster-discriminating power", stickLabels)
xPositions <- c(-0.05, rep(x = xSpacing, times = length(stickLabels)))
#yPositions <- seq(from = 1, to = 0, by = 1/(-length(xPositions)))
yPositions <- seq(from = 0.9, to = -0.1, by = -1/length(labels))[seq_len(length(xPositions))]
symbolXPositions <- rep(x = xSpacing * 0.75, times = length(stickLabels))
symbolYPositions <- yPositions[2:length(yPositions)]
## plot
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1))
## points
pointSizes <- ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall + c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1) * ms2StickPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
#dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier <- 0.75
points(x = symbolXPositions, y = symbolYPositions, col = "black", pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
## labels
graphics::text(x = xPositions, y = yPositions, labels = labels, pos = 4)
#graphics::text(x = xPositions[[1]], y = yPositions[[1]], labels = labels[[1]], pos = 4)
#graphics::text(x = xPositions[2:length(xPositions)], y = yPositions[2:length(yPositions)], labels = labels[2:length(labels)], pos = 4, adj = 1)
#' Title
#' @param dataList
#' @return
#' @export
#' @importsFrom grDevices as.raster
#' @examples
calcPlotHeatmapLegend <- function(dataList){
## heatmap legend
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
legend_imageAbs <- as.raster(x = t(x = matrix(data = cmap(x = seq(from = dataList$logAbsMax, to = 0, length.out = 100), map = dataList$colorMapAbsoluteData ), nrow=1)))
legend_imageLFC <- as.raster(x = t(x = matrix(data = cmap(x = seq(from = dataList$logFoldChangeMax, to = -dataList$logFoldChangeMax, length.out = 100), map = dataList$colorMapLogFoldChange), nrow=1)))
maximumNumberOfLabelsAbs <- 5
maximumNumberOfLabelsLFC <- 2.5
minY <- 0.0
maxY <- 0.875
epsilon <- 0.075
middle <- ((maxY - minY) / 2)
absMaxY <- middle - epsilon
lfcMinY <- middle + epsilon
## abs
returnObj <- createTickLabels(maximumNumberOfLabelsAbs, dataList$logAbsMax, "10^")
absLegendPositions <- returnObj$legendPositions
absLegendLabels <- returnObj$legendLabels
absLegendPositions <- minY + absLegendPositions * (absMaxY - minY)
## lfc
returnObj <- createTickLabels(maximumNumberOfLabelsLFC, dataList$logFoldChangeMax, "")
lfcLegendPositions <- returnObj$legendPositions
lfcLegendLabels <- returnObj$legendLabels
## double
if(lfcLegendLabels[[1]] == "0"){
## do not copy zero
lfcLegendPositions <- c(rev(lfcLegendPositions), -lfcLegendPositions[2:length(lfcLegendPositions)])
revLabels <- lfcLegendLabels[2:length(lfcLegendLabels)]
revLabels[revLabels != ""] <- paste("-", revLabels[revLabels != ""])
lfcLegendLabels <- c(rev(lfcLegendLabels ), revLabels)
lfcLegendLabels1 <-unname(sapply(lfcLegendLabels,function(y) gsub(" ","",y)))
} else {
lfcLegendPositions <- c(rev(lfcLegendPositions), -lfcLegendPositions)
revLabels <- lfcLegendLabels
revLabels[revLabels != ""] <- paste("-", revLabels[revLabels != ""])
lfcLegendLabels <- c(rev(lfcLegendLabels ), revLabels)
lfcLegendLabels1 <-unname(sapply(lfcLegendLabels,function(y) gsub(" ","",y)))
lfcLegendPositions <- lfcLegendPositions - min(lfcLegendPositions)
lfcLegendPositions <- lfcLegendPositions / max(lfcLegendPositions)
lfcLegendPositions <- lfcMinY + lfcLegendPositions * (maxY - lfcMinY)
## plot
plot.window(xlim = c(0, 3), ylim = c(0, 1))
## abs legend
rasterImage(image = legend_imageAbs, xleft = 0, ybottom = minY, xright = 1, ytop = absMaxY)
### I am adding cex = 1 default to 0.8
graphics::text(x = 1.2, y = absLegendPositions, labels = absLegendLabels, pos = 4)
## axis marks
x0 = rep(x = 0, times = length(absLegendPositions)),
x1 = rep(x = 1.2, times = length(absLegendPositions)),
y0 = absLegendPositions,
y1 = absLegendPositions
## frame
segments(## lower hori; upper hori; left vert; right vert
x0 = c(0, 0, 0, 1),
x1 = c(1, 1, 0, 1),
y0 = c(minY, absMaxY, minY , minY ),
y1 = c(minY, absMaxY, absMaxY, absMaxY)
graphics::text(x = -0.2, y = absMaxY + 0.065, labels = "MS\u00B9 abundance", pos = 4)
## lfc legend
rasterImage(image = legend_imageLFC, xleft = 0, ybottom = lfcMinY, xright = 1, ytop = maxY)
### changing that from 1.2 to 1.3
graphics::text(x = 1.4, y = lfcLegendPositions, labels = lfcLegendLabels1, pos = 4,cex=1.04)
#graphics::text(x = 2, y = seq(lfcMinY,maxY,l=5), labels = lfcLegendLabels)
## frame
segments(## lower hori; upper hori; left vert; right vert
x0 = c(0, 0, 0, 1),
x1 = c(1, 1, 0, 1),
y0 = c(lfcMinY, maxY, lfcMinY, lfcMinY),
y1 = c(lfcMinY, maxY, maxY , maxY )
## axis marks
x0 = rep(x = 0, times = length(lfcLegendPositions)),
x1 = rep(x = 1.2, times = length(lfcLegendPositions)),
y0 = lfcLegendPositions,
y1 = lfcLegendPositions
graphics::text(x = -0.2, y = maxY + 0.09, labels = "log2(MS\u00B9 fold change)", pos = 4)
createTickLabels <- function(maximumNumberOfLabels, max, labelPrefix){
if(max < 1)
max <- 1
maxInteger <- as.integer(max)
numbers <- 0:maxInteger
maxYlabelPosition <- maxInteger / max
if(is.na(maxYlabelPosition)) ## data range is zero
maxYlabelPosition <- 1
legendPositions <- seq(from = 0, to = maxYlabelPosition, length.out = length(numbers))
# if(length(legendPositions) > maximumNumberOfTicks){
# indeces <- rev(seq(from = length(numbers), to = 1, by = -ceiling( length(numbers) / maximumNumberOfTicks )))
# legendPositions <- legendPositions[indeces]
# numbers <- numbers [indeces]
# }
legendLabels = paste(labelPrefix, numbers, sep = "")
if(length(numbers) > maximumNumberOfLabels){
indeces <- rev(seq(from = length(numbers), to = 1, by = -ceiling( length(numbers) / maximumNumberOfLabels )))
legendLabels <- legendLabels[indeces]
legendPositions <- legendPositions[indeces]
returnObj <- list()
returnObj$legendPositions <- legendPositions
returnObj$legendLabels <- legendLabels
calcPlotMS2 <- function(dataList, fragmentsX = NULL, fragmentsY = NULL, fragmentsColor = NULL, fragmentsDiscriminativity = NULL, fragmentsX_02 = NULL, fragmentsY_02 = NULL, fragmentsColor_02 = NULL, xInterval = NULL, selectedFragmentIndex = NULL, dendrogramFragmentStatistics = FALSE){
dataList_ <<- dataList
fragmentsX_ <<- fragmentsX
fragmentsY_ <<- fragmentsY
fragmentsColor_ <<- fragmentsColor
fragmentsDiscriminativity_ <<- fragmentsDiscriminativity
fragmentsX_02_ <<- fragmentsX_02
fragmentsY_02_ <<- fragmentsY_02
fragmentsColor_02_ <<- fragmentsColor_02
xInterval_ <<- xInterval
selectedFragmentIndex_ <<- selectedFragmentIndex
dataList <<- dataList_
fragmentsX <<- fragmentsX_
fragmentsY <<- fragmentsY_
fragmentsColor <<- fragmentsColor_
fragmentsDiscriminativity <<- fragmentsDiscriminativity_
fragmentsX_02 <<- fragmentsX_02_
fragmentsY_02 <<- fragmentsY_02_
fragmentsColor_02 <<- fragmentsColor_02_
xInterval <<- xInterval_
selectedFragmentIndex <<- selectedFragmentIndex_
## fragment spectrum
xInterval <- c(dataList$minimumMass, dataList$maximumMass)
## abundances greater one
fragmentsY[fragmentsY > 1] <- 1
## y-axis
## nothing hovered; maybe something selected
yInterval <- c(0, 1)
#nodeColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(fragmentsX))
nodeColors <- fragmentsColor
dataX <- fragmentsX
dataY <- fragmentsY
dataX2 <- fragmentsX
dataY2 <- fragmentsY
yTickPositions <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
yTickLabels <- c(0, "", 0.5, "", 1)
} else {
## something hovered; maybe something selected
#nodeColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(fragmentsX) + length(fragmentsX_02))
nodeColors <- c(fragmentsColor, fragmentsColor_02)
## something hovered; nothing selected
yInterval <- c(0, 1)
dataX <- fragmentsX_02
dataY <- fragmentsY_02
dataX2 <- NULL
dataY2 <- NULL
yTickPositions <- c(0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
yTickLabels <- c(0, "", 0.5, "", 1)
} else {
## something hovered; something selected
yInterval <- c(-1, 1)
dataX <- c(fragmentsX, fragmentsX_02)
dataY <- c(fragmentsY, -fragmentsY_02)
dataX2 <- fragmentsX
dataY2 <- fragmentsY
yTickPositions <- c(-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
yTickLabels <- c(1, "", 0.5, "", 0, "", 0.5, "", 1)
## node selection
nodeColors[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- "green"
par(mar=c(6,4,3,0), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
plot(x = dataX, y = dataX, ylab = "Relative abundance", xlab = "m/z", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xaxt='n', yaxt='n', col = nodeColors)
axis(side = 2, at = yTickPositions, labels = yTickLabels)
axis(side = 3)
title("Fragment plot", line = 2)
#mtext(side = 3, "m/z", line = 2)
## x-axis line
if(!is.null(fragmentsX) & !is.null(fragmentsX_02)){
xIntervalSize <- xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]
xl <- xInterval[[1]] - xIntervalSize
xr <- xInterval[[2]] + xIntervalSize
segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
## label axis, fragment sticks with clickable points
tickPositions <- dataX
if(length(dataX) > 0){
## axis with the individual fragment m/z's (ticks, labels)
axis(side = 1, at = dataX, labels = FALSE, las = 2)
axis(side = 1, at = tickPositions, labels = format(x = dataX, digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = FALSE)
## sticks
points(x = dataX, y = dataY, col = nodeColors, type = "h", lwd=4)
## clickable points
pointSizes <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitial, times = length(dataX2))
pointSizesSmall <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall, times = length(dataX2))
pointColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(dataX2))
pointColorsSmall <- rep(x = "gray", times = length(dataX2))
pointSizes[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- ms2StickPointSizeEmph
pointSizesSmall[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- ms2StickPointSizeEmphSmall
pointColors[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- "green"
#pointColorsSmall[[selectedFragmentIndex]] <- "green"
pointSizeMultiplier <- fragmentsDiscriminativity * ms2StickPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
pointSizes <- pointSizes + pointSizeMultiplier
pointSizesSmall <- pointSizesSmall + pointSizeMultiplier
points(x = dataX2, y = dataY2, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
points(x = dataX2, y = dataY2, col = pointColorsSmall, pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall)
if(!is.null(fragmentsX) & !is.null(fragmentsX_02)){
graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from selection", x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.9, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from mouse hover", x = xInterval[[2]], y = -0.9, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
if(!is.null(fragmentsX) & is.null(fragmentsX_02)){
graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from selection", x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.95, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
graphics::text(labels = "Dendrogram statistics", x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.95, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
if(is.null(fragmentsX) & !is.null(fragmentsX_02)){
graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from mouse hover", x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.95, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
getPcaPerformanceIndicator <- function(pcaObj, isScores){
variableName <- ifelse(test = isScores, yes = "t", no = "p")
variableName_dim <- paste(variableName, "_", pcaDimensionOne, sep = "")
if("accurracyContribution" %in% names(pcaObj)){
## R2 and Q2 or accurracyContribution
accOne <- format(x = pcaObj$accurracyContribution[[pcaDimensionOne]]*100, digits = 3)
accTwo <- format(x = pcaObj$accurracyContribution[[pcaDimensionTwo]]*100, digits = 3)
xAxisLabel <- paste(variableName_dim, " (acc = ", accOne, "%)", sep = "")
yAxisLabel <- paste(variableName_dim, " (acc = ", accTwo, "%)", sep = "")
} else {
if(all(c("R2", "Q2") %in% names(pcaObj))){
## R2 and Q2
r2One <- format(x = pcaObj$R2[[pcaDimensionOne]]*100, digits = 3)
r2Two <- format(x = pcaObj$R2[[pcaDimensionTwo]]*100, digits = 3)
q2One <- format(x = pcaObj$Q2[[pcaDimensionOne]]*100, digits = 3)
q2Two <- format(x = pcaObj$Q2[[pcaDimensionTwo]]*100, digits = 3)
xAxisLabel <- paste(variableName_dim, " (R^2 = ", r2One, "%; Q^2 = ", q2One, "%)", sep = "")
yAxisLabel <- paste(variableName_dim, " (R^2 = ", r2Two, "%; Q^2 = ", q2Two, "%)", sep = "")
} else {
if("variance" %in% names(pcaObj)){
## explained variance
varianceOne <- format(x = pcaObj$variance[[pcaDimensionOne]]*100, digits = 3)
varianceTwo <- format(x = pcaObj$variance[[pcaDimensionTwo]]*100, digits = 3)
xAxisLabel <- paste(variableName_dim, " (var = ", varianceOne, "%)", sep = "")
yAxisLabel <- paste(variableName_dim, " (var = ", varianceTwo, "%)", sep = "")
} else {
## no performace indicator there
xAxisLabel <- paste(variableName_dim, sep = "")
yAxisLabel <- paste(variableName_dim, sep = "")
resultObj <- list()
resultObj$xAxisLabel <- xAxisLabel
resultObj$yAxisLabel <- yAxisLabel
###### this is original one
calcPlotPCAscores <- function(pcaObj, dataList, filterObj, pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, showScoresLabels, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
palette <- colorPaletteScores()
colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
} else {
colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
## data
dataDimOne <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionOne]
dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionTwo]
## performance
resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
## xlim / ylim
xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
xMin <- -1
xMax <- 1
yMin <- -1
yMax <- 1
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo,
xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval,
xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Scores",
#### changing from cex=1. to 0.8
col = colorsForReplicates, pch=19, cex=1.
## axis
xInt <- xMax - xMin
yInt <- yMax - yMin
xl <- xMin - xInt
xr <- xMax + xInt
yl <- yMin - yInt
yr <- yMax + yInt
segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
labels <- intersect(labels, filterObj$sampleSet)
} else {
labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
graphics::text(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, labels = labels, pos = 4)
#### I am adding this new line
calcPlotPCAscores1 <- function(pcaObj, dataList, filterObj, pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, showScoresLabels, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
palette <- colorPaletteScores()
#### add this new line ########
colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
symbolsforreplicates<-unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
} else {
colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
symbolsforreplicates<-unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
## data
dataDimOne <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionOne]
dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionTwo]
## performance
resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
## xlim / ylim
xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
xMin <- -1
xMax <- 1
yMin <- -1
yMax <- 1
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
### commenting the original
##par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
par(mar=c(3+0.015 , 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo,
xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval,
xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Scores",
col = colorsForReplicates, pch=symbolsforreplicates,lty=1,lwd=2, cex=1.
## axis
xInt <- xMax - xMin
yInt <- yMax - yMin
xl <- xMin - xInt
xr <- xMax + xInt
yl <- yMin - yInt
yr <- yMax + yInt
segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
labels <- intersect(labels, filterObj$sampleSet)
} else {
labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
### changing the pos= 3 from 4 and will see what happens
graphics::text(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, labels = labels, pos = 2)
calcPlotPCAscores2 <- function(pcaObj, dataList, filterObj, pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo, showScoresLabels, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
#### changing this to 1
palette <- colorPaletteScores()
colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
samples <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
samples <- intersect(samples, filterObj$sampleSet)
rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(samples))
} else {
colorsForReplicates <- palette[unlist(lapply(X = filterObj$grouXXXps, FUN = function(x){
groupIdx <- dataList$groupIdxFromGroupName(x)
rep(x = groupIdx, times = length(dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupName(x, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))))
## data
dataDimOne <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionOne]
dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$scores[, pcaDimensionTwo]
## performance
resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
## xlim / ylim
xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
xMin <- -1
xMax <- 1
yMin <- -1
yMax <- 1
#### I am changing this
# xMin <- -0.05
# xMax <- -0.05
# yMin <- -0.5
# yMax <- -0.5
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
#### this is the original one
#par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
par(mar=c(3+0.0125, 3+0.125, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0),par(xpd=FALSE)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
#par(mar=c(3,0,2,1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0))
x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo,
xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval,
xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Scores",
#### this is my blind test changing from 19 to 19:22
### I am testing the filterObj$grouXXXps... This is fine .. will test the
col = colorsForReplicates, pch=1:length(filterObj$grouXXXps),lty=1,lwd=2,cex=1.
### checking the colorsForReplicates
## axis
xInt <- xMax - xMin
yInt <- yMax - yMin
xl <- xMin - xInt
xr <- xMax + xInt
yl <- yMin - yInt
yr <- yMax + yInt
###checking what happens if i comment this...this is original
#segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
#segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
labels <- intersect(labels, filterObj$sampleSet)
} else {
labels <- dataList$dataColumnsNameFunctionFromGroupNames(filterObj$grouXXXps, sampleNamesToExclude = dataList$excludedSamples(dataList$groupSampleDataFrame))
graphics::text(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, labels = labels, pos = 4)
########################################### adding this new line
calcPlotPCAloadings <- function(
pcaObj, dataList, filter,
pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo,
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL,
xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL,
loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
dataList_ <<- dataList
filter__ <<- filter
pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
xInterval_ <<- xInterval
yInterval_ <<- yInterval
loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
pcaObj <- pcaObj_
dataList <- dataList_
filter <- filter__
pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
xInterval <- xInterval_
yInterval <- yInterval_
loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
########## this is new line I added################
TNF1<-apply(as.data.frame(dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[, sapply(X = as.vector(pcaObj$filterObj$grouXXXps), FUN = dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName)]),MARGIN = 1,FUN = mean) >= as.double(TNF)
###### addding this new
if(rlang::is_empty(TNF4) || rlang::is_empty(TNF4))
#print("need to induce old code here")
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
## shown loadings features
allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
filter2 <- NULL
## annotated features
filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
## unannotated features
filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
## selected features
filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
## unselected features
filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
filter <- intersect(filter, unique(filter2))
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
#resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[filter]
#resultObjAnno$setOfColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[filter]
## data
dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
## performance
resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
## xlim / ylim
xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
xMin <- -1
xMax <- 1
yMin <- -1
yMax <- 1
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet , filter)
numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
poisX <- dataDimOne
poisY <- dataDimTwo
pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
selectedPoints <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
lv1points <- annotatedPoints & selectedPoints
lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) & selectedPoints
lv3points <- annotatedPoints & (!selectedPoints)
lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
#poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
#poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
#pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
#pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
#pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
#pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
#pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
poisX <- c(poisX [lv4points], poisX [lv3points], poisX [lv2points], poisX [lv1points])
poisY <- c(poisY [lv4points], poisY [lv3points], poisY [lv2points], poisY [lv1points])
pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch [lv4points], pointsSearch [lv3points], pointsSearch [lv2points], pointsSearch [lv1points])
resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
pointSizeModifier = NULL
pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
"None"={## no labels
labels <- NULL
"m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
"Metabolite name"={## name
labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
"Metabolite family"={## family
featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
test = length(x) == 0,
yes = "-",
no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
)## end switch
## points
#points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
#precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
## plot
par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
#plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
## axis
xInt <- xMax - xMin
yInt <- yMax - yMin
xl <- xMin - xInt
xr <- xMax + xInt
yl <- yMin - yInt
yr <- yMax + yInt
segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
graphics::text( x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 4)
uniqueIndeces <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
uniqueColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
resultList <- list(
setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
setOfColors = uniqueColors
Nind<-which(T1NF3 %in% TNF4)
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF7)
#print("enter the line ...2544")
#T1pl<-dataList$ precursorLabels
#print("entering the line ...2552")
## shown loadings features
allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
#print("entering the line...2559")
filter2 <- NULL
filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
NsLFU<-which(allFeatures %in% unname(annotatedFeatures))
filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
## unselected features
filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
############## This is the original one
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF7)
#resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
filter <- TNF7
#print("entering the line ...2643")
Tdf<-as.data.frame(apply(dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame, 2, unlist))
#print(TCol) ## it is the dataframe Color
## data
dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
###################### This is the one i am adding
#print("entering the line ...2674")
dataDimOne1 <- dataDimOne
dataDimTwo1 <- dataDimTwo
dataDimOne2 <- str_squish(trimws(names(dataDimOne1)))
dataDimOne3 <- invert(dataDimOne2)
#print("entering the line ... 2634")
dataDimOne4 <- str_squish(trimws(names(dataDimTwo1)))
dataDimOne5 <- invert(dataDimOne4)
## performance
resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
## xlim / ylim
xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
xMin <- -1
xMax <- 1
yMin <- -1
yMax <- 1
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
########## This is change ###########
d1ataDimOne1 <-dataDimOne[which(names(dataDimOne3) %in% names(TNF7))]
d1ataDimTwo1<-dataDimTwo[which(names(dataDimOne5) %in% names(TNF7))]
########## This is the I need to test
#print(TNF7[which(names(TNF7) %in% names(dataDimOne3))])
TNF8<-TNF7[which(names(TNF7) %in% names(dataDimOne3))]
resultObjAnno1 <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF8)
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet , filter)
numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
### This is Original
#poisX <- dataDimOne
#poisY <- dataDimTwo
poisX <- d1ataDimOne1
poisY <- d1ataDimTwo1
pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
##### this is original one
#pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno1$setOfColors
print("entering the line ...2686")
pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
selectedPoints <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
#print("entering the line ...2762")
lv1points <- annotatedPoints & selectedPoints
lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) & selectedPoints
lv3points <- annotatedPoints & (!selectedPoints)
lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
poisX <- c(poisX [lv4points], poisX [lv3points], poisX [lv2points], poisX [lv1points])
poisY <- c(poisY [lv4points], poisY [lv3points], poisY [lv2points], poisY [lv1points])
pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch [lv4points], pointsSearch [lv3points], pointsSearch [lv2points], pointsSearch [lv1points])
resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
pointSizeModifier = NULL
pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
"None"={## no labels
labels <- NULL
"m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
"Metabolite name"={## name
labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
"Metabolite family"={## family
featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
test = length(x) == 0,
yes = "-",
no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
)## end switch
## points###########
#points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
#precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
## plot
### commenting the original value for the par
##par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
par(mar=c(3+0.15 , 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
#plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
## axis
### changing
#xInt <- xMax - xMin
#yInt <- yMax - yMin
xInt <- xMax - xMin
yInt <- yMax - yMin
xl <- xMin - xInt
xr <- xMax + xInt
yl <- yMin - yInt
yr <- yMax + yInt
segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
### changing pos = 4 to pos =3
graphics::text( x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 2)
uniqueIndeces <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
uniqueColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
resultList <- list(
setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
setOfColors = uniqueColors
} ### enter the line
# calcPlotPCAloadings <- function(
# pcaObj, dataList, filter,
# pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo,
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL,
# xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL,
# loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
# showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
# ){
# if(FALSE){
# pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
# dataList_ <<- dataList
# filter__ <<- filter
# pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
# pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
# selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
# selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
# xInterval_ <<- xInterval
# yInterval_ <<- yInterval
# loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
# showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
# showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
# showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
# showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
# showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
# }
# if(FALSE){
# pcaObj <- pcaObj_
# dataList <- dataList_
# filter <- filter__
# pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
# pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
# selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
# selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
# xInterval <- xInterval_
# yInterval <- yInterval_
# loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
# showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
# showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
# showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
# showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
# showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
# }
# ###################################################
# ########## this is new line I added################
# TNF<-pcaObj$filterObj$filter_averageOriginal
# print("enter the line ...line 2524")
# TNF1<-apply(as.data.frame(dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[, sapply(X = as.vector(pcaObj$filterObj$grouXXXps), FUN = dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName)]),MARGIN = 1,FUN = mean) >= as.double(TNF)
# TNF2<-names(TNF1)[unname(TNF1)]
# TNF3<-trimws(TNF2)
# TNF4<-str_squish(TNF3)
# #print(TNF4)
# #print(rlang::is_empty(TNF4))
# ################################
# T1NF<-dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame
# T1NF1<-rownames(T1NF)
# T1NF2<-trimws(T1NF1)
# T1NF3<-str_squish(T1NF2)
# #print(T1NF3)
# #print(rlang::is_empty(T1NF3))
# ###############
# Nind<-which(T1NF3 %in% TNF4)
# names(TNF4)<-Nind
# TNF5<-invert(TNF4)
# TNF6<-as.integer(unname(TNF5))
# names(TNF6)<-names(TNF5)
# TNF7<-TNF6
# ###############################
# resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF7)
# ####################################
# #print("enter the line ...2544")
# #print(pcaObj)
# #NGpc<-names(TNF1)
# #names(NGpc)<-seq(1,length(TNF1))
# #NGpc1<-invert(NGpc)
# #print(TNF2)
# #print(T1NF)
# #print(typeof(T1NF))
# #print(TNF1)
# #print(TNF7)
# #$annoArrayOfLists
# #T1pl<-dataList$ precursorLabels
# #T1pl1<-trimws(T1pl)
# #T1pl2<-str_squish(T1pl1)
# #names(T1pl2)<-seq(1,length(T1pl))
# #T1pl3<-invert(T1pl2)
# #T1pl4<-as.integer(unname(T1pl3))
# #names(T1pl4)<-names(T1pl3)
# ###########
# #print("entering the line ...2552")
# ##################################
# ## shown loadings features
# allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
# annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
# selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
# ############################################
# #print(annotatedFeatures)
# #print(resultObjAnno$setOfColors)
# #print(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet)
# #print(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet)
# #print(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
# #print(selectedLoadingsFeatures)
# #print("entering the line...2559")
# ##################################
# ##################################
# filter2 <- NULL
# if(showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated)
# ########
# filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
# #####
# if(showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated)
# ########
# NsLFU<-which(allFeatures %in% unname(annotatedFeatures))
# #####
# filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
# #######################
# #########################
# if(showLoadingsFeaturesSelected)
# ######
# filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
# ###############
# if(showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected)
# ##########
# ## unselected features
# filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
# #######
# #############################################################
# ############## This is the original one
# resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF7)
# #resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
# filter <- TNF7
# ########################
# #print("entering the line ...2643")
# #print(resultObjAnno)
# ########################
# Tdf<-as.data.frame(apply(dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame, 2, unlist))
# TDF1<-Tdf[,1]
# TCol<-as.character(TDF1)
# TDval<-names(TDF1)
# TDval1<-trimws(TDval)
# TDval1<-str_squish(TDval1)
# TDval2<-TDval1
# names(TCol)<-TDval2
# #print(TCol) ## it is the dataframe Color
# #####################
# #print(union(colnames(dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame)))
# ##############
# ## data
# dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
# dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
# ###################### This is the one i am adding
# #print("entering the line ...2674")
# dataDimOne1 <- dataDimOne
# dataDimTwo1 <- dataDimTwo
# #################
# #print(dataDimOne1)
# #print(dataDimTwo1)
# #print(typeof(dataDimOne1))
# #print(typeof(dataDimTwo1))
# #print(names(dataDimOne1))
# #print(names(dataDimTwo1))
# dD1<-checkmate::test_numeric(dataDimOne1, names = "named")
# dD2<-checkmate::test_numeric(dataDimTwo1, names = "named")
# #########################
# if(dD1 & dD2 ) {
# dataDimOne2 <- str_squish(trimws(names(dataDimOne1)))
# names(dataDimOne2)<-as.double(unname(dataDimOne1))
# dataDimOne3 <- invert(dataDimOne2)
# #########################
# #print("entering the line ... 2634")
# #print(dataDimOne2)
# #print(dataDimOne3)
# ###########
# dataDimOne4 <- str_squish(trimws(names(dataDimTwo1)))
# names(dataDimOne4)<-as.double(unname(dataDimTwo1))
# dataDimOne5 <- invert(dataDimOne4)
# #####################################################
# ## performance
# resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
# #print(resultObj)
# ##########
# xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
# yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
# ####################
# ## xlim / ylim
# xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
# xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
# yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
# yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
# #####################
# if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
# xMin <- -1
# xMax <- 1
# yMin <- -1
# yMax <- 1
# }
# #######################
# if(is.null(xInterval))
# xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
# if(is.null(yInterval))
# yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
# #################
# #print(dataDimOne)
# #print(TNF7)
# ########## This is change ###########
# d1ataDimOne1 <-dataDimOne[which(names(dataDimOne3) %in% names(TNF7))]
# d1ataDimTwo1<-dataDimTwo[which(names(dataDimOne5) %in% names(TNF7))]
# ########## This is the I need to test
# #print(d1ataDimOne1)
# #print(TNF7[which(names(TNF7) %in% names(dataDimOne3))])
# TNF8<-TNF7[which(names(TNF7) %in% names(dataDimOne3))]
# resultObjAnno1 <- getPrecursorColors(dataList,TNF8)
# ###############
# #print(TNF8)
# #print(length(TNF8))
# #print(TNF7)
# #print(length(TNF7))
# ####################################################
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
# selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
# selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet , filter)
# ###################################################
# numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
# ### This is Original
# #poisX <- dataDimOne
# #poisY <- dataDimTwo
# #################
# poisX <- d1ataDimOne1
# poisY <- d1ataDimTwo1
# ###############################
# pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
# ##### this is original one
# #pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
# pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno1$setOfColors
# print("entering the line ...2686")
# #print(pointColorsAnno)
# #print(length(pointColorsAnno))
# ############################
# ####################################################
# pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# ######################################
# annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
# selectedPoints <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
# ####################################
# #print("entering the line ...2762")
# lv1points <- annotatedPoints & selectedPoints
# lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) & selectedPoints
# lv3points <- annotatedPoints & (!selectedPoints)
# lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
# ##############################
# poisX <- c(poisX [lv4points], poisX [lv3points], poisX [lv2points], poisX [lv1points])
# poisY <- c(poisY [lv4points], poisY [lv3points], poisY [lv2points], poisY [lv1points])
# pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
# pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
# pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
# pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
# pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch [lv4points], pointsSearch [lv3points], pointsSearch [lv2points], pointsSearch [lv1points])
# ##############
# resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
# poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
# pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
# pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
# pointSizeModifier = NULL
# )
# #####################
# pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
# pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
# poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
# poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
# mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
# ############
# switch(loadingsLabels,
# "None"={## no labels
# labels <- NULL
# },
# "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
# labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
# },
# "Metabolite name"={## name
# labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
# },
# "Metabolite family"={## family
# featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
# labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
# ifelse(
# test = length(x) == 0,
# yes = "-",
# no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
# )
# }))
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# },
# {## unknown state
# stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
# }
# )## end switch
# ## points###########
# #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
# if(showLoadingsAbundance){
# precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
# precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
# #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
# precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
# pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
# }
# ############################################################################################
# ## plot
# ### commenting the original value for the par
# ##par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
# par(mar=c(3+0.15 , 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
# #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
# plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
# points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
# ## axis
# ### changing
# #xInt <- xMax - xMin
# #yInt <- yMax - yMin
# xInt <- xMax - xMin
# yInt <- yMax - yMin
# xl <- xMin - xInt
# xr <- xMax + xInt
# yl <- yMin - yInt
# yr <- yMax + yInt
# segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
# segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
# if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
# ### changing pos = 4 to pos =3
# graphics::text( x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 2)
# uniqueIndeces <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
# uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
# uniqueColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
# resultList <- list(
# setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
# setOfColors = uniqueColors
# )
# return(resultList)
# #### this is my check
# } else {
# ## performance
# resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
# xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
# yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
# ## xlim / ylim
# xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
# xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
# yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
# yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
# if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
# xMin <- -1
# xMax <- 1
# yMin <- -1
# yMax <- 1
# }
# if(is.null(xInterval))
# xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
# if(is.null(yInterval))
# yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
# dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
# dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
# selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
# selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet , filter)
# numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
# poisX <- dataDimOne
# poisY <- dataDimTwo
# pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
# pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
# selectedPoints <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
# lv1points <- annotatedPoints & selectedPoints
# lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) & selectedPoints
# lv3points <- annotatedPoints & (!selectedPoints)
# lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
# #poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
# #poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
# #pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
# #pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
# #pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
# #pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
# #pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
# poisX <- c(poisX [lv4points], poisX [lv3points], poisX [lv2points], poisX [lv1points])
# poisY <- c(poisY [lv4points], poisY [lv3points], poisY [lv2points], poisY [lv1points])
# pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
# pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
# pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
# pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
# pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch [lv4points], pointsSearch [lv3points], pointsSearch [lv2points], pointsSearch [lv1points])
# resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
# poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
# pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
# pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
# pointSizeModifier = NULL
# )
# pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
# pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
# poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
# poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
# mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
# switch(loadingsLabels,
# "None"={## no labels
# labels <- NULL
# },
# "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
# labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
# },
# "Metabolite name"={## name
# labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
# },
# "Metabolite family"={## family
# featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
# labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
# ifelse(
# test = length(x) == 0,
# yes = "-",
# no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
# )
# }))
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# },
# {## unknown state
# stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
# }
# )## end switch
# ## points
# #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
# if(showLoadingsAbundance){
# precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
# precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
# #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
# precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
# pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
# }
# ############################################################################################
# ## plot
# par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
# #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
# plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
# points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
# ## axis
# xInt <- xMax - xMin
# yInt <- yMax - yMin
# xl <- xMin - xInt
# xr <- xMax + xInt
# yl <- yMin - yInt
# yr <- yMax + yInt
# segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
# segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
# if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
# graphics::text( x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 4)
# uniqueIndeces <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
# uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
# uniqueColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
# resultList <- list(
# setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
# setOfColors = uniqueColors
# )
# return(resultList)
# print("check the data file")
# }
# }
# calcPlotPCAloadings <- function(
# pcaObj, dataList, filter,
# pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo,
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL,
# xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL,
# loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
# showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
# ){
# if(FALSE){
# pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
# dataList_ <<- dataList
# filter__ <<- filter
# pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
# pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
# selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
# selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
# xInterval_ <<- xInterval
# yInterval_ <<- yInterval
# loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
# showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
# showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
# showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
# showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
# showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
# }
# if(FALSE){
# pcaObj <- pcaObj_
# dataList <- dataList_
# filter <- filter__
# pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
# pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
# selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
# selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
# xInterval <- xInterval_
# yInterval <- yInterval_
# loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
# showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
# showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
# showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
# showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
# showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
# }
# resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
# ##############################
# ########## this is new line I added
# TNF<-pcaObj$filterObj$filter_averageOriginal
# TNF1<-apply(as.data.frame(dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[, sapply(X = as.vector(pcaObj$filterObj$grouXXXps), FUN = dataList$dataMeanColumnNameFunctionFromName)]),MARGIN = 1,FUN = mean) >= as.double(TNF)
# TNF2<-names(TNF1)[unname(TNF1)]
# TNF3<-trimws(TNF2)
# TNF4<-str_squish(TNF3)
# ################################
# T1NF<-dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame
# T1NF1<-rownames(T1NF)
# T1NF2<-trimws(T1NF1)
# T1NF3<-str_squish(T1NF2)
# #print(T1NF3)
# ###############
# Nind<-which(T1NF3 %in% TNF4)
# names(TNF4)<-Nind
# TNF5<-invert(TNF4)
# print("entering the line ...2540")
# print(TNF5)
# print(filter)
# ######
# #print("coming to this line ...line 2326")
# # print("printing the first filter")
# # print(filter)
# ########################################################
# #print(resultObjAnno)
# # print(resultObjAnno[[1]])
# ################################################################################
# ## shown loadings features
# allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
# #print("coming to this line ...line 2330")
# annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
# selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
# filter2 <- NULL
# if(showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated)
# ## annotated features
# filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
# if(showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated)
# ## unannotated features
# filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
# if(showLoadingsFeaturesSelected)
# ## selected features
# filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
# if(showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected)
# ## unselected features
# filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
# #############
# filter <- intersect(filter, unique(filter2))
# ###########################################
# #print("coming to this line ...line 2347...to print the filter")
# #print(filter)
# ###########
# resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
# ############
# #print("coming to this line ...line 2350")
# #print(resultObjAnno)
# #resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[filter]
# #resultObjAnno$setOfColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[filter]
# ## data
# dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
# dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
# ## performance
# resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
# print("coming to this line ...line 2363")
# #print(resultObj)
# xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
# yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
# ## xlim / ylim
# xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
# xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
# yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
# yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
# if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
# xMin <- -1
# xMax <- 1
# yMin <- -1
# yMax <- 1
# }
# if(is.null(xInterval))
# xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
# if(is.null(yInterval))
# yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
# dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
# dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
# selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
# selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
# selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet , filter)
# numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
# # print("entering the line ...2389")
# #print(numberOfPrecursors)
# poisX <- dataDimOne
# poisY <- dataDimTwo
# pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
# print("entering the line ...2399")
# # print(pointSizesAnno)
# ### this is area that I need to focous
# pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
# print("entering the line ...2402")
# #print(pointColorsAnno)
# pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
# pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
# annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
# selectedPoints <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
# print("entering this line ..2418")
# lv1points <- annotatedPoints & selectedPoints
# print("enterng this area ...line ...2420")
# #print(lv1points)
# lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) & selectedPoints
# print("enterng this area ...line ...2422")
# #print(lv2points)
# lv3points <- annotatedPoints & (!selectedPoints)
# print("enterng this area ...line ...2426")
# #print(lv3points)
# lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
# print("enterng this area ...line ...2429")
# #print(lv4points)
# #poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
# #poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
# #pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
# #pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
# #pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
# #pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
# #pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
# poisX <- c(poisX [lv4points], poisX [lv3points], poisX [lv2points], poisX [lv1points])
# print("entering this line ..2440")
# #print(poisX)
# poisY <- c(poisY [lv4points], poisY [lv3points], poisY [lv2points], poisY [lv1points])
# print("entering this line ..2444")
# #print(poisY)
# pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
# print("entering this line ..2433")
# #print(pointSizesAnno)
# #print(lv4points)
# #print(lv3points)
# #print(lv2points)
# pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
# print("entering this line ..2436")
# #print(pointColorsAnno)
# #print(lv4points)
# #print(lv3points)
# #print(lv2points)
# #print(lv1points)
# pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
# print("entering this line ..2459")
# #print(pointsAnalysis )
# pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
# print("entering this line ..2462")
# #print(pointsFragment )
# pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch [lv4points], pointsSearch [lv3points], pointsSearch [lv2points], pointsSearch [lv1points])
# print("entering this line ..2466")
# #print(pointsSearch )
# resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
# poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
# pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
# pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
# pointSizeModifier = NULL
# )
# ####################################
# print("entering this area ..line 2474")
# #print(resultObjPoints)
# pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
# #### changing the pointColors to TcolR1
# #pointColors <- TcolR1
# pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
# poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
# TepoisXpoints <-names(poisXpoints)
# ##########################
# print("entering this area..line 2488")
# #print(poisXpoints)
# #print(TepoisXpoints)
# #print(TcolR)
# #print(TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(poisXpoints))])
# ####### I am adding this new
# # TCol<-TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(poisXpoints))]
# # T1Col<-poisXpoints[intersect(names(poisXpoints),names(TcolR))]
# # TCol1<-TcolR[setdiff(names(TcolR),names(poisXpoints))]
# # T1Col1<-poisXpoints[setdiff(names(poisXpoints),names(TcolR))]
# # #################################
# # TCOl2<-unname(TCol)
# # T1COl2<-unname(T1Col)
# # TCOl3<-unname(TCol1)
# # T1COl3<-unname(T1Col1)
# # #################
# # #####################################
# # poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
# # TCol4<-TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(poisYpoints))]
# # TCol5<-TcolR[setdiff(names(TcolR),names(poisYpoints))]
# # TCOl6<-unname(TCol4)
# # TCOl7<-unname(TCol5)
# # #### adding this new lines
# # TcolR<-resultObjAnno$setOfColors
# # TcolR1<-unname(TcolR)
# # TannR<-resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations
# # TannR1<-unname(TannR)
# ###############################################
# ### I am adding this new line
# #print("entering this area...line 2503")
# #print(TannR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(TannR))])
# #print(TcolR1)
# #print(TCOl2)
# #print(pointColors)
# #print(poisXpoints)
# #print(length(pointColors))
# #print(length(TCOl2))
# #print(length(TcolR1))
# #print(TCol)
# #print(T1Col)
# #print(TCOl2)
# #print(length(TCOl7))
# #print(length(TCOl2))
# #print(length(poisYpoints))
# #print(TCOl2)
# #print(poisYpoints)
# # print(length(poisXpoints))
# #print(T1Col1)
# #print(TCOl2)
# #print(T1CO2)
# #print(TCOl3)
# #print(T1COl3)
# #print(setequal(names(poisXpoints),names(poisYpoints)))
# #print(length(TcolR))
# #print(names(poisXpoints))
# #print(names(TcolR))
# #print(unname(TcolR))
# #print(length(poisXpoints))
# #print(length(poisYpoints))
# #print(length(TCOl1))
# ##############################################
# mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
# #############
# #print("entering this area ..line 2485")
# #print(dataList$precursorLabels)
# #########################
# # TEM<-dataList$precursorLabels
# # TEM1<-which(names(TcolR) %in% TEM)
# # TEM2<-TcolR[TEM1]
# # TEM3<-which(names(TEM2) %in% names(poisXpoints))
# # TEM4<-TEM2[TEM3]
# # '%ni%' <- Negate('%in%')
# # TEM5<-rbind.fill.matrix(t(poisXpoints), t(TEM4))
# # TEM6<-TEM5[2,]
# # TEM7<-as.vector(TEM6)
# #print(typeof(unname(TNF5)))
# #print(TNF4)
# #print(str(dataList))
# #print(dataList$colorMatrixDataFrame)
# ###############################
# print("entring the line ...line 2566")
# #print(TEM7)
# #print(length(poisXpoints))
# #print(length(TEM6))
# #TEM3<-which[names(poisXpoints) %ni% names(TEM2)]
# #print(which(names(poisXpoints) %ni% names(TEM2)))
# #print(TEM3)
# #TEM1<-TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),TEM)]
# #TEM2<-TEM1[names(TEM1) %in% names(poisXpoints)]
# #TEM3<-TEM1[intersect(names(TEM1),names(poisXpoints))]
# #### CHECK
# #print(poisXpoints[1:10])
# #print(head(TEM5,10))
# # print(rbind.fill.matrix(t(poisXpoints), t(TEM4)))
# #print(poisXpoints[which(names(poisXpoints) %in% names(TEM4))])
# #print(TEM)
# #print(TEM1)
# #print(poisXpoints[1:20])
# #print(TEM4[1:20])
# #print(TcolR)
# #print(match('132.921 / 19.19',names(TcolR)))
# #print(match('122.032 / 5.97',names(TcolR)))
# #print(TEM2)
# #print(TcolR)
# #print(TEM2)
# #print(TEM3)
# #b[names(b) %in% names(a)]
# #print(poisXpoints)
# #print("entring the line ...line 2564")
# #print(TEM1[names(TEM1) %in% names(poisXpoints)])
# #TEM3<-TEM2[sort(names(TEM2))]
# #tspoisXpoints<-poisXpoints[sort(names(poisXpoints))]
# #tspoisYpoints<-poisXpoints[sort(names(poisYpoints))]
# ##############################################################
# #print(TEM3)
# #print("enter the poisXpoints ")
# #print(tspoisXpoints)
# #print("enter the poisypoints ")
# #print(tspoisYpoints)
# #print(unname(TEM3))
# ########################################
# #a[sort(names(a))]
# #print(length(TEM2))
# #print(TEM1)
# #print(length(poisXpoints))
# #print(length(TEM1))
# #print(showLoadingsAbundance)
# #print(TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),TEM)])
# #print(TcolR[intersect(names(TcolR),names(TEM))])
# #print(length(dataList$precursorLabels))
# #print(length(pointColors))
# #print(length(poisXpoints))
# #print(mappingToData)
# #print(typeof(mappingToData))
# #print(pointColors)
# #print(unname(TcolR))
# #print(unname(TannR))
# #print(TcolR[1])
# ##############################
# switch(loadingsLabels,
# "None"={## no labels
# labels <- NULL
# },
# "m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
# labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
# print("this is entering this area ...2505")
# print(labels)
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# print("this is entering this area ...2508")
# print(labels)
# #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
# },
# "Metabolite name"={## name
# labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
# print("this is entering this area ...2514")
# print(labels)
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# print("this is entering this area ...2517")
# print(labels)
# #labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
# },
# "Metabolite family"={## family
# featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
# labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
# ifelse(
# test = length(x) == 0,
# yes = "-",
# no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
# )
# }))
# labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
# print("this is entering this area ...2531")
# print(labels)
# },
# {## unknown state
# stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
# }
# )## end switch
# ## points
# #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
# if(showLoadingsAbundance){
# print("entering this line ...2542")
# #print(showLoadingsAbundance)
# precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
# precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
# #precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
# precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
# #print("entering this line ...2548")
# #print(precursorMeansNorm)
# pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
# }
# ############################################################################################
# ## plot
# par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
# #plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
# plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
# ######TCOl2 ..changing ...col = pointColors ### this is original ....2650...TEM7
# points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col =pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
# #############
# print("entering the line ....2652")
# #print(poisXpoints)
# #print(TEM1[intersect(names(TEM1),names(poisXpoints))])
# #print(setequal(names(poisXpoints),names(TEM2)))
# #points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col =unname(TEM3), pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
# #points(x = tspoisXpoints, y = tspoisYpoints , col = unname(TEM3) , pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
# #################################
# ## axis
# xInt <- xMax - xMin
# yInt <- yMax - yMin
# xl <- xMin - xInt
# xr <- xMax + xInt
# yl <- yMin - yInt
# yr <- yMax + yInt
# segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
# segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
# if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
# graphics::text( x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 4)
# uniqueIndeces <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
# print("entering this area ...line 2570")
# #print(uniqueIndeces)
# uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
# print("entering this area ...line 2573")
# #print( uniqueAnnotations)
# uniqueColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
# print("entering this area ...line 2576")
# #print(uniqueColors)
# resultList <- list(
# setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
# setOfColors = uniqueColors
# )
# return(resultList)
# }
# generatePoints <- function(poisX, poisY, pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno, pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment, pointsSearch, pointSizeModifier){
# numberOfPoisDrawn <- length(poisX)
# #pointIndeces <- seq_len(numberOfPoisDrawn)
# ## analysis
# pointSizesAnalysis <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
# pointColorsAnalysis <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
# pointSizesAnalysis [pointsAnalysis] <- clusterNodePointSize1
# pointColorsAnalysis[pointsAnalysis] <- "blue"
# ## fragment
# pointSizesFragment <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
# pointColorsFragment <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
# print("entering this area ...line 2601")
# print(pointColorsFragment)
# intersection <- pointsAnalysis & pointsFragment
# difference <- pointsFragment & (!intersection)
# pointSizesFragment[intersection] <- clusterNodePointSize2
# pointSizesFragment[difference] <- clusterNodePointSize1
# pointColorsFragment[pointsFragment] <- "green"
# ## search
# pointSizesSearch <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
# pointColorsSearch <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
# print("entering this area ...line 2612")
# print(pointColorsSearch)
# intersection <- pointsAnalysis & pointsFragment & pointsSearch
# intersection2 <- (pointsSearch & pointsAnalysis | pointsSearch & pointsFragment) & (!intersection)
# difference <- pointsSearch & (!intersection) & (!intersection2)
# pointSizesSearch[intersection] <- clusterNodePointSize3
# pointSizesSearch[intersection2] <- clusterNodePointSize2
# pointSizesSearch[difference] <- clusterNodePointSize1
# pointColorsSearch[pointsSearch] <- "red"
# if(!is.null(pointSizeModifier)){
# pointSizesSearch <- pointSizesSearch + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
# pointSizesFragment <- pointSizesFragment + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
# pointSizesAnalysis <- pointSizesAnalysis + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
# pointSizesAnno <- pointSizesAnno + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
# #pointSizesSearch <- pointSizesSearch * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
# #pointSizesFragment <- pointSizesFragment * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
# #pointSizesAnalysis <- pointSizesAnalysis * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
# #pointSizesAnno <- pointSizesAnno * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
# }
# pointSizes <- c(pointSizesSearch[pointsSearch], pointSizesFragment[pointsFragment], pointSizesAnalysis[pointsAnalysis], pointSizesAnno)
# pointColors <- c(pointColorsSearch[pointsSearch], pointColorsFragment[pointsFragment], pointColorsAnalysis[pointsAnalysis], pointColorsAnno)
# print("entering this area ...line 2635")
# print(pointColors)
# poisXpoints <- c(poisX[pointsSearch], poisX[pointsFragment], poisX[pointsAnalysis], poisX)
# poisYpoints <- c(poisY[pointsSearch], poisY[pointsFragment], poisY[pointsAnalysis], poisY)
# #pointIndecesPoints<- c(pointIndeces[pointsSearch], pointIndeces[pointsFragment], pointIndeces[pointsAnalysis], pointIndeces)
# mappingToData <- c(which(pointsSearch), which(pointsFragment), which(pointsAnalysis), seq_len(length(poisY)))
# resultObj <- list(
# mappingToData = mappingToData,
# pointSizes = pointSizes,
# pointColors = pointColors,
# poisXpoints = poisXpoints,
# poisYpoints = poisYpoints
# )
# return(resultObj)
# }
calcPlotPCAloadings1 <- function(
pcaObj, dataList, filter,
pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo,
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL,
xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL,
loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
dataList_ <<- dataList
filter__ <<- filter
pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
xInterval_ <<- xInterval
yInterval_ <<- yInterval
loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
pcaObj <- pcaObj_
dataList <- dataList_
filter <- filter__
pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
xInterval <- xInterval_
yInterval <- yInterval_
loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
## shown loadings features
allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
filter2 <- NULL
## annotated features
filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
## unannotated features
filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
## selected features
filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
## unselected features
filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
filter <- intersect(filter, unique(filter2))
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
#resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[filter]
#resultObjAnno$setOfColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[filter]
## data
dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
## performance
resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
## xlim / ylim
xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
xMin <- 0
xMax <- -1
yMin <- 0
yMax <- -1
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet , filter)
numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
poisX <- dataDimOne
poisY <- dataDimTwo
pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
selectedPoints <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
lv1points <- annotatedPoints & selectedPoints
lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) & selectedPoints
lv3points <- annotatedPoints & (!selectedPoints)
lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
#poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
#poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
#pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
#pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
#pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
#pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
#pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
poisX <- c(poisX [lv4points], poisX [lv3points], poisX [lv2points], poisX [lv1points])
poisY <- c(poisY [lv4points], poisY [lv3points], poisY [lv2points], poisY [lv1points])
pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch [lv4points], pointsSearch [lv3points], pointsSearch [lv2points], pointsSearch [lv1points])
resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
pointSizeModifier = NULL
pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
"None"={## no labels
labels <- NULL
"m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
"Metabolite name"={## name
labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
"Metabolite family"={## family
featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
test = length(x) == 0,
yes = "-",
no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
)## end switch
## points
#points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
#precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
## plot
### commenting the original value for the par
##par(mar=c(3 + 0.35, 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
par(mar=c(3+0.15 , 3, 2, 1), mgp = c(2.0, 1, 0))
#plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
## axis
### changing
#xInt <- xMax - xMin
#yInt <- yMax - yMin
xInt <- xMax - xMin
yInt <- yMax - yMin
xl <- xMin - xInt
xr <- xMax + xInt
yl <- yMin - yInt
yr <- yMax + yInt
segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
### changing pos = 4 to pos =3
graphics::text( x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 2)
uniqueIndeces <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
uniqueColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
resultList <- list(
setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
setOfColors = uniqueColors
##### adding this new
calcPlotPCAloadings2 <- function(
pcaObj, dataList, filter,
pcaDimensionOne, pcaDimensionTwo,
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet = NULL, selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet = NULL,
xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL,
loadingsLabels = "None", showLoadingsAbundance = FALSE,
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesSelected = TRUE, showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected = TRUE
pcaObj_ <<- pcaObj
dataList_ <<- dataList
filter__ <<- filter
pcaDimensionOne_ <<- pcaDimensionOne
pcaDimensionTwo_ <<- pcaDimensionTwo
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_ <<- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet
xInterval_ <<- xInterval
yInterval_ <<- yInterval
loadingsLabels_ <<- loadingsLabels
showLoadingsAbundance_ <<- showLoadingsAbundance
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated
showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated
showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected
showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_ <<- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected
pcaObj <- pcaObj_
dataList <- dataList_
filter <- filter__
pcaDimensionOne <- pcaDimensionOne_
pcaDimensionTwo <- pcaDimensionTwo_
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet_
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet_
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet_
xInterval <- xInterval_
yInterval <- yInterval_
loadingsLabels <- loadingsLabels_
showLoadingsAbundance <- showLoadingsAbundance_
showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesAnnotated_
showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnannotated_
showLoadingsFeaturesSelected <- showLoadingsFeaturesSelected_
showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected <- showLoadingsFeaturesUnselected_
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
## shown loadings features
allFeatures <- seq_len(dataList$numberOfPrecursors)
annotatedFeatures <- which(resultObjAnno$setOfColors != "black")
selectedLoadingsFeatures <- union(union(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet), selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet)
filter2 <- NULL
## annotated features
filter2 <- c(filter2, annotatedFeatures)
## unannotated features
filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, annotatedFeatures))
## selected features
filter2 <- c(filter2, selectedLoadingsFeatures)
## unselected features
filter2 <- c(filter2, setdiff(allFeatures, selectedLoadingsFeatures))
filter <- intersect(filter, unique(filter2))
resultObjAnno <- getPrecursorColors(dataList, filter)
#resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[filter]
#resultObjAnno$setOfColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[filter]
## data
dataDimOne <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionOne]
dataDimTwo <- pcaObj$loadings[, pcaDimensionTwo]
## performance
resultObj <- getPcaPerformanceIndicator(pcaObj = pcaObj, isScores = TRUE)
xAxisLabel <- resultObj$xAxisLabel
yAxisLabel <- resultObj$yAxisLabel
## xlim / ylim
xMin <- min(dataDimOne)
xMax <- max(dataDimOne)
yMin <- min(dataDimTwo)
yMax <- max(dataDimTwo)
if(any(is.na(c(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax)))){
xMin <- -1
xMax <- 1
yMin <- -1
yMax <- 1
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
dataDimOne <- dataDimOne[filter]
dataDimTwo <- dataDimTwo[filter]
selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, filter)
selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, filter)
selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet <- intersect(selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet , filter)
numberOfPrecursors <- length(dataDimOne)
poisX <- dataDimOne
poisY <- dataDimTwo
pointSizesAnno <- rep(x = clusterNodePointSize0, times = numberOfPrecursors)
pointColorsAnno <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors
pointsAnalysis <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsAnalysis[match(x = selectionAnalysisPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
pointsFragment <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsFragment[match(x = selectionFragmentPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
pointsSearch <- vector(mode = "logical", length = numberOfPrecursors)
pointsSearch[match(x = selectionSearchPcaLoadingSet, table = filter)] <- TRUE
annotatedPoints <- pointColorsAnno != "black"
selectedPoints <- pointsAnalysis | pointsFragment | pointsSearch
lv1points <- annotatedPoints & selectedPoints
lv2points <- (!annotatedPoints) & selectedPoints
lv3points <- annotatedPoints & (!selectedPoints)
lv4points <- (!annotatedPoints) & (!selectedPoints)
#poisX <- c(poisX[!annotatedPoints], poisX[annotatedPoints])
#poisY <- c(poisY[!annotatedPoints], poisY[annotatedPoints])
#pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointSizesAnno[annotatedPoints])
#pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[!annotatedPoints], pointColorsAnno[annotatedPoints])
#pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis[!annotatedPoints], pointsAnalysis[annotatedPoints])
#pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment[!annotatedPoints], pointsFragment[annotatedPoints])
#pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch[!annotatedPoints], pointsSearch[annotatedPoints])
poisX <- c(poisX [lv4points], poisX [lv3points], poisX [lv2points], poisX [lv1points])
poisY <- c(poisY [lv4points], poisY [lv3points], poisY [lv2points], poisY [lv1points])
pointSizesAnno <- c(pointSizesAnno [lv4points], pointSizesAnno [lv3points], pointSizesAnno [lv2points], pointSizesAnno [lv1points])
pointColorsAnno <- c(pointColorsAnno[lv4points], pointColorsAnno[lv3points], pointColorsAnno[lv2points], pointColorsAnno[lv1points])
pointsAnalysis <- c(pointsAnalysis [lv4points], pointsAnalysis [lv3points], pointsAnalysis [lv2points], pointsAnalysis [lv1points])
pointsFragment <- c(pointsFragment [lv4points], pointsFragment [lv3points], pointsFragment [lv2points], pointsFragment [lv1points])
pointsSearch <- c(pointsSearch [lv4points], pointsSearch [lv3points], pointsSearch [lv2points], pointsSearch [lv1points])
resultObjPoints <- generatePoints(
poisX = poisX, poisY = poisY,
pointSizesAnno = pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno = pointColorsAnno,
pointsAnalysis = pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment = pointsFragment, pointsSearch = pointsSearch,
pointSizeModifier = NULL
pointSizes <- resultObjPoints$pointSizes
pointColors <- resultObjPoints$pointColors
poisXpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisXpoints
poisYpoints <- resultObjPoints$poisYpoints
mappingToData <- resultObjPoints$mappingToData
"None"={## no labels
labels <- NULL
"m/z / RT"={## mz/rt
labels <- dataList$precursorLabels[filter]
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
"Metabolite name"={## name
labels <- dataList$dataFrameInfos[filter, "Metabolite name"]
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
#labels <- c(labels[!annotatedPoints], labels[annotatedPoints])
"Metabolite family"={## family
featureFamilies <- dataList$annoArrayOfLists[filter]
labels <- unlist(lapply(X = featureFamilies, FUN = function(x){
test = length(x) == 0,
yes = "-",
no = paste(unlist(x), collapse = ", ")
labels <- c(labels[lv4points], labels[lv3points], labels[lv2points], labels[lv1points])
{## unknown state
stop(paste("Unknown loadingsLabels value", loadingsLabels))
)## end switch
## points
#points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
precursorMeansNorm <- dataList$dataFrameMeasurements[filter, "meanAllNormed"]
precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[lv4points], precursorMeansNorm[lv3points], precursorMeansNorm[lv2points], precursorMeansNorm[lv1points])
#precursorMeansNorm <- c(precursorMeansNorm[!annotatedPoints], precursorMeansNorm[annotatedPoints])
precursorMeansNorm <- precursorMeansNorm[mappingToData]
pointSizes <- pointSizes * 2 * precursorMeansNorm
## plot
par(mar=c(3 + 0.5125, 3+0.125, 2, 1), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
#plot(x = dataDimOne, y = dataDimTwo, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings", pch=19, cex=0.7, col = nodeColors)
plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xlab = xAxisLabel, ylab = yAxisLabel, main = "Loadings")
### changing this to 22 and will see what happens...1:length(filterObj$grouXXXps),lty=1,lwd=2
points(x = poisXpoints, y = poisYpoints, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
## axis
xInt <- xMax - xMin
yInt <- yMax - yMin
xl <- xMin - xInt
xr <- xMax + xInt
yl <- yMin - yInt
yr <- yMax + yInt
#segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
#segments(x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y0 = yl, y1 = yr, col = "black", lwd = 1)
if(all(!is.null(labels), length(labels) > 0))
graphics::text( x = poisX - 0.0, y = poisY + 0.0, labels = labels, pos = 4)
uniqueIndeces <- which(!duplicated(resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations))
uniqueAnnotations <- resultObjAnno$setOfAnnotations[uniqueIndeces]
uniqueColors <- resultObjAnno$setOfColors[uniqueIndeces]
resultList <- list(
setOfAnnotations = uniqueAnnotations,
setOfColors = uniqueColors
##### adding end ##########
generatePoints <- function(poisX, poisY, pointSizesAnno, pointColorsAnno, pointsAnalysis, pointsFragment, pointsSearch, pointSizeModifier){
numberOfPoisDrawn <- length(poisX)
#pointIndeces <- seq_len(numberOfPoisDrawn)
## analysis
pointSizesAnalysis <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
pointColorsAnalysis <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
pointSizesAnalysis [pointsAnalysis] <- clusterNodePointSize1
pointColorsAnalysis[pointsAnalysis] <- "blue"
## fragment
pointSizesFragment <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
pointColorsFragment <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
intersection <- pointsAnalysis & pointsFragment
difference <- pointsFragment & (!intersection)
pointSizesFragment[intersection] <- clusterNodePointSize2
pointSizesFragment[difference] <- clusterNodePointSize1
pointColorsFragment[pointsFragment] <- "green"
## search
pointSizesSearch <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
pointColorsSearch <- vector(length = numberOfPoisDrawn)
intersection <- pointsAnalysis & pointsFragment & pointsSearch
intersection2 <- (pointsSearch & pointsAnalysis | pointsSearch & pointsFragment) & (!intersection)
difference <- pointsSearch & (!intersection) & (!intersection2)
pointSizesSearch[intersection] <- clusterNodePointSize3
pointSizesSearch[intersection2] <- clusterNodePointSize2
pointSizesSearch[difference] <- clusterNodePointSize1
pointColorsSearch[pointsSearch] <- "red"
pointSizesSearch <- pointSizesSearch + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
pointSizesFragment <- pointSizesFragment + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
pointSizesAnalysis <- pointSizesAnalysis + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
pointSizesAnno <- pointSizesAnno + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier
#pointSizesSearch <- pointSizesSearch * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
#pointSizesFragment <- pointSizesFragment * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
#pointSizesAnalysis <- pointSizesAnalysis * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
#pointSizesAnno <- pointSizesAnno * (1 + pointSizeModifier * dendrogramClusterPointSizeMaximumMultiplier)
pointSizes <- c(pointSizesSearch[pointsSearch], pointSizesFragment[pointsFragment], pointSizesAnalysis[pointsAnalysis], pointSizesAnno)
pointColors <- c(pointColorsSearch[pointsSearch], pointColorsFragment[pointsFragment], pointColorsAnalysis[pointsAnalysis], pointColorsAnno)
poisXpoints <- c(poisX[pointsSearch], poisX[pointsFragment], poisX[pointsAnalysis], poisX)
poisYpoints <- c(poisY[pointsSearch], poisY[pointsFragment], poisY[pointsAnalysis], poisY)
#pointIndecesPoints<- c(pointIndeces[pointsSearch], pointIndeces[pointsFragment], pointIndeces[pointsAnalysis], pointIndeces)
mappingToData <- c(which(pointsSearch), which(pointsFragment), which(pointsAnalysis), seq_len(length(poisY)))
resultObj <- list(
mappingToData = mappingToData,
pointSizes = pointSizes,
pointColors = pointColors,
poisXpoints = poisXpoints,
poisYpoints = poisYpoints
colorPalette2 <- function(){
## http://tools.medialab.sciences-po.fr/iwanthue/
## 20 colors
## or
## https://github.com/johnbaums/hues/blob/master/R/iwanthue.R
## library(colorBrewer)
## colorRampPalette(c("blue", "red"))( 4)
## palette(rainbow(6))
#palette <- palette(c(
palette <- c(
rgb(150, 90, 180, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(190, 80, 190, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(170, 100, 180, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(180, 80, 200, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(160, 90, 190, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(200, 70, 180, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(140, 110, 170, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(210, 60, 190, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(130, 120, 160, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(220, 50, 200, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(120, 130, 150, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(230, 40, 190, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(110, 140, 140, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(240, 30, 180, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(100, 150, 130, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(250, 20, 170, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(90, 160, 120, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(260, 10, 160, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(80, 170, 110, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(270, 0, 150, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(70, 180, 100, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(280, 10, 140, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(60, 190, 90, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(290, 20, 130, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(50, 200, 80, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(300, 30, 120, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(40, 210, 70, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(310, 40, 110, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(30, 220, 60, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(320, 50, 100, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(20, 230, 50, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(330, 60, 90, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(10, 240, 40, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(340, 70, 80, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(0, 250, 30, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(350, 80, 70, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(0, 255, 20, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(360, 90, 60, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(10, 250, 10, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(350, 100, 70, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(20, 240, 0, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(340, 110, 80, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(30, 230, 10, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(330, 120, 90, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(40, 220, 20, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(320, 130, 100, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(50, 210, 30, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(310, 140, 110, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(60, 200, 40, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(300, 150, 120, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(70, 190, 50, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(290, 160, 130, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(80, 180, 60, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(280, 170, 140, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(90, 170, 70, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(270, 180, 150, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(100, 160, 80, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(260, 190, 160, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(110, 150, 90, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(250, 200, 170, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(120, 140, 100, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(240, 210, 180, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(130, 130, 110, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(230, 220, 190, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(140, 120, 120, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(220, 230, 200, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(150, 110, 130, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(210, 240, 210, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(160, 100, 140, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(200, 250, 220, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(170, 90, 150, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(190, 260, 230, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(180, 80, 160, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(180, 270, 240, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(190, 70, 170, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(170, 280, 250, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(200, 60, 180, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(160, 290, 260, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(210, 50, 190, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(150, 300, 270, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(220, 40, 200, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(140, 310, 280, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(230, 30, 190, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(130, 320, 290, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(240, 20, 180, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(120, 330, 300, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(250, 10, 170, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(110, 340, 310, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(260, 0, 160, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(100, 350, 320, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(270, 10, 150, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(90, 360, 330, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(280, 20, 140, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(80, 370, 340, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(290, 30, 130, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(70, 380, 350, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(300, 40, 120, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(60, 390, 360, maxColorValue=255),
rgb(310, 50, 110, maxColorValue=255)
colorPalette <- function(){
palette <- c(
colorPaletteScores <- function(){
palette <- colorPalette()
palette <- c(
palette[ 8: 1],
palette[16: 9],
plotFragmentsFromDataList <- function(dataList, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL, relative = FALSE){
xMin <- min(dataList$fragmentMasses)
xMax <- max(dataList$fragmentMasses)
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
} else {
xMin <- xInterval[[1]]
xMax <- xInterval[[2]]
massIntervalSelection <- dataList$ms2_masses >= xMin & dataList$ms2_masses <= xMax
#numberOfFragments <- dataList$ms2_numberOfFragments[massIntervalSelection]
#masses <- dataList$ms2_masses[massIntervalSelection]
minimumNumberOfFragments <- 5
selection <- massIntervalSelection & (dataList$ms2_numberOfFragments >= minimumNumberOfFragments)
numberOfFragments <- dataList$ms2_numberOfFragments[selection]
masses <- dataList$ms2_masses[selection]
colors <- cmap(x = numberOfFragments, map = dataList$colorMapFragmentData)
#colors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(dataList$ms2_masses))
colors <- cmap(x = numberOfFragments, map = dataList$colorMapFragmentData)
numberOfFragments <- numberOfFragments / dataList$numberOfPrecursors
plotFragments(masses=masses, numberOfFragments=numberOfFragments, colors = colors, numberOfPrecursors=dataList$numberOfPrecursors, xInterval=xInterval, yInterval=yInterval)
plotFragments <- function(masses, numberOfFragments, colors = NULL, numberOfPrecursors, title = NULL, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
xMin <- min(masses)
xMax <- max(masses)
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
} else {
xMin <- xInterval[[1]]
xMax <- xInterval[[2]]
yMin <- 0
if(length(masses) == 0)
yMax <- 1
yMax <- max(numberOfFragments)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
colors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(masses))
## plot
par(mar=c(5,3,ifelse(test = is.null(title), yes = 2, no = 4),3), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
#plot(x = dataList$ms2_masses, y = dataList$ms2_numberOfFragments, xlab = "Fragment mass", ylab = "Precursors", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = "Fragment plot", col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
#plot(x = masses, y = numberOfFragments, xlab = "", ylab = "Precursors", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
#plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Number of spectra", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Number of spectra", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
title(title, line = 3)
axis(side = 3)
## axis
dataOrder <- order(numberOfFragments)
#axis(side = 1, at = dataList$ms2_masses, labels = dataList$ms2_masses, las = 2, tick = TRUE, col = colors)
#for(i in 1:length(dataList$ms2_masses))
for(i in dataOrder)
axis(side = 1, at = masses[[i]], labels = format(x = masses[[i]], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = TRUE, col.axis = colors[[i]])
points(x = masses[dataOrder], y = numberOfFragments[dataOrder], col = colors[dataOrder], type = "h", lwd=4)
#points(x = masses[dataOrder], y = numberOfFragments[dataOrder], col = colors[dataOrder], pch=19, cex=1.)
numberOfFragmentsInPercent <- numberOfFragments / numberOfPrecursors * 100
yInterval <- c(0, yInterval[[2]] / numberOfPrecursors * 100)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(x = c(0, masses), y = c(0, numberOfFragmentsInPercent), xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, axes=FALSE, type="n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
axis(side = 4, line = NA, at = as.integer(pretty(c(0, numberOfFragmentsInPercent))))
mtext(side = 4, line = 2, text = "Number of spectra in %")
resultObj <- list()
resultObj$poiFragmentX <- masses
resultObj$poiFragmentY <- numberOfFragments
plotFragments2 <- function(masses, numberOfFragments, numberOfPrecursors, xInterval = NULL, yInterval = NULL){
masses_ <<- masses
numberOfFragments_ <<- numberOfFragments
numberOfPrecursors_ <<- numberOfPrecursors
masses <- masses_
numberOfFragments <- numberOfFragments_
numberOfPrecursors <- numberOfPrecursors_
xMin <- min(masses)
xMax <- max(masses)
xInterval <- c(xMin, xMax)
} else {
xMin <- xInterval[[1]]
xMax <- xInterval[[2]]
massIntervalSelection <- masses >= xMin & masses <= xMax
#numberOfFragments <- numberOfFragments[massIntervalSelection]
#masses <- masses[massIntervalSelection]
minimumNumberOfFragments <- 1
selection <- massIntervalSelection & (numberOfFragments >= minimumNumberOfFragments)
numberOfFragments <- numberOfFragments[selection]
masses <- masses[selection]
ms2PlotDataColorMapFragmentData <- makecmap(
x = c(0, max(numberOfFragments)), n = 100,
colFn = colorRampPalette(c('grey', 'black'))
#colors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(masses))
colors <- cmap(x = numberOfFragments, map = ms2PlotDataColorMapFragmentData)
yMin <- 0
if(sum(selection) == 0)
yMax <- 1
yMax <- max(numberOfFragments)
yInterval <- c(yMin, yMax)
## plot
par(mar=c(5,3,2,3), mgp = c(2, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
#plot(x = masses, y = numberOfFragments, xlab = "Fragment mass", ylab = "Precursors", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = "Fragment plot", col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
#plot(x = masses, y = numberOfFragments, xlab = "", ylab = "Precursors", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
plot(x = NULL, y = NULL, xlab = "m/z", ylab = "Number of spectra", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, main = NULL, col = colors, pch=19, cex=1., xaxt='n')
axis(side = 3)
## axis
dataOrder <- order(numberOfFragments)
#axis(side = 1, at = masses, labels = masses, las = 2, tick = TRUE, col = colors)
#for(i in 1:length(masses))
for(i in dataOrder)
axis(side = 1, at = masses[[i]], labels = format(x = masses[[i]], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = TRUE, col.axis = colors[[i]])
points(x = masses[dataOrder], y = numberOfFragments[dataOrder], col = colors[dataOrder], type = "h", lwd=4)
#points(x = masses[dataOrder], y = numberOfFragments[dataOrder], col = colors[dataOrder], pch=19, cex=1.)
## 2nd y-axis TODO
numberOfFragmentsInPercent <- numberOfFragments / numberOfPrecursors * 100
par(new = TRUE)
plot(x = c(0, masses), y = c(0, numberOfFragmentsInPercent), xlim = xInterval, axes=FALSE, type="n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
axis(side = 4, line = NA, at = as.integer(pretty(c(0, numberOfFragmentsInPercent))))
mtext(side = 4, line = 2, text = "Number of spectra in %")
resultObj <- list()
resultObj$poiFragmentX <- masses
resultObj$poiFragmentY <- numberOfFragments
calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_small_old <- function(dataX_spec, dataY_spec, dataX_class, dataY_class, xInterval){
yInterval <- c(-1, 1)
colors_spec <- rep(x = "grey", times = length(dataX_spec))
colors_spec[dataX_spec %in% dataX_class] <- "black"
colors_class <- rep(x = "black", times = length(dataY_spec))
dataY_class <- -dataY_class
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
plot(NA, ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
segments(x0 = xInterval[[1]], x1 = xInterval[[2]], y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
points(x = dataX_spec, y = dataY_spec, col = colors_spec, type = "h", lwd=4)
points(x = dataX_class, y = dataY_class, col = "black", type = "h", lwd=4)
calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_small <- function(masses_spec, intensity_spec, colors_spec, masses_class, frequency_class, colors_class, xInterval){
yInterval <- c(-1, 1)
intensity_spec[intensity_spec > 1] <- 1
frequency_class <- -frequency_class
## plot
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
plot(NA, ylab = "", xlab = "", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
## x-axis line
xIntervalSize <- xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]
xl <- xInterval[[1]] - xIntervalSize
xr <- xInterval[[2]] + xIntervalSize
segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
## sticks
points(x = masses_spec, y = intensity_spec, col = colors_spec, type = "h", lwd=4)
points(x = masses_class, y = frequency_class, col = colors_class, type = "h", lwd=4)
calcPlotSpectrumVsClass_big <- function(masses_spec, intensity_spec, colors_spec, masses_class, frequency_class, colors_class, singleSpec, xInterval){
masses_spec_ <<- masses_spec
intensity_spec_ <<- intensity_spec
colors_spec_ <<- colors_spec
masses_class_ <<- masses_class
frequency_class_ <<- frequency_class
colors_class_ <<- colors_class
singleSpec_ <<- singleSpec
xInterval_ <<- xInterval
masses_spec <- masses_spec_
intensity_spec <- intensity_spec_
colors_spec <- colors_spec_
masses_class <- masses_class_
frequency_class <- frequency_class_
colors_class <- colors_class_
singleSpec <<- singleSpec_
xInterval <- xInterval_
onlyClass <- is.null(masses_class)
yInterval <- c(ifelse(test = is.null(masses_class), yes = 0, no = -1), 1)
## abundances greater one
intensity_spec[intensity_spec > 1] <- 1
frequency_class <- -frequency_class
yTickPositions <- c(-1, -0.75, -0.5, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)
yTickLabels <- c(1, "", 0.5, "", 0, "", 0.5, "", 1)
pointSizes <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitial, times = length(masses_spec))
pointSizesSmall <- rep(x = ms2StickPointSizeInitialSmall, times = length(masses_spec))
pointColors <- rep(x = "black", times = length(masses_spec))
pointColorsSmall <- rep(x = "gray", times = length(masses_spec))
these <- which(colors_spec == "black")
if(length(these) == 0)
these <- length(masses_spec)+1
plotTitle <- ifelse(test = singleSpec, yes = "Spectrum versus class", no =
ifelse(test = onlyClass, yes = "Metabolite family spectrum", no = "Metabolite family versus class"))
yAxisLabel <- ifelse(test = singleSpec, yes = "Frequency / Intensity", no =
ifelse(test = onlyClass, yes = "Frequency", no = "Frequency / Frequency"))
## plot
par(mar=c(6,4.1,4,0.1), mgp = c(3, 1, 0)) ## c(bottom, left, top, right)
plot(NA, ylab = yAxisLabel, xlab = "m/z", xlim = xInterval, ylim = yInterval, xaxt='n', yaxt='n')
axis(side = 2, at = yTickPositions, labels = yTickLabels)
axis(side = 3)
title(plotTitle, line = 2.5)
#mtext(side = 3, "m/z", line = 2)
## x-axis line
xIntervalSize <- xInterval[[2]] - xInterval[[1]]
xl <- xInterval[[1]] - xIntervalSize
xr <- xInterval[[2]] + xIntervalSize
segments(x0 = xl, x1 = xr, y0 = 0, y1 = 0, col = "black", lwd = 1)
## axis with the individual fragment m/z's (ticks, labels)
axis(side = 1, at = masses_spec, labels = FALSE, las = 2)
axis(side = 1, at = masses_spec[-these], labels = format(x = masses_spec[-these], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = FALSE, col.axis = "grey")
if(length(these) == 1){
if(these != length(masses_spec)+1)
axis(side = 1, at = masses_spec[ these], labels = format(x = masses_spec[ these], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = FALSE, col.axis = "black")
} else {
axis(side = 1, at = masses_spec[ these], labels = format(x = masses_spec[ these], digits = 1, nsmall = 4), las = 2, tick = FALSE, col.axis = "black")
## sticks
points(x = masses_spec[-these], y = intensity_spec[-these], col = colors_spec[-these], type = "h", lwd=4)
these2 <- colors_class == "black"
points(x = masses_class[!these2], y = frequency_class[!these2], col = colors_class[!these2], type = "h", lwd=4)
points(x = masses_class[ these2], y = frequency_class[ these2], col = colors_class[ these2], type = "h", lwd=4)
## points
points(x = masses_spec, y = intensity_spec, col = pointColors, pch=19, cex=pointSizes)
points(x = masses_spec, y = intensity_spec, col = pointColorsSmall, pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall)
## black ones
points(x = masses_spec[these], y = intensity_spec[these], col = colors_spec[these], type = "h", lwd=4)
points(x = masses_spec[these], y = intensity_spec[these], col = pointColors[these], pch=19, cex=pointSizes[these])
points(x = masses_spec[these], y = intensity_spec[these], col = pointColorsSmall[these], pch=19, cex=pointSizesSmall[these])
## plot labels
graphics::text(labels = ifelse(test = singleSpec, yes = "Fragments from spectrum", no = "Fragments from spectra"), x = xInterval[[2]], y = 0.9, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
graphics::text(labels = "Fragments from class", x = xInterval[[2]], y = -0.9, pos = 2, adj = c(0,0))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.