Man pages for irycisBioinfo/PATO
Pangenome Analysis Toolkit

accnetBuild accessory genome network (AccNET)
accnet_enrichment_analysisEnrichment analysis of accessory genome
accnet_with_padjCreates a AccNET network using the enrichment analysis
annotateAnnotate Virulence Factors and Antibiotic Resistance Genes to change format between nr_list and data.frame
cluster_accnetInternal function to cluster accnet data
cluster_files_from_distanceInternal Function of the workflow pangenomes_from_file
clusteringClustering genomes
cluster_knnnInternal function to cluster igraph data
cluster_mashInternal function to cluster mash data
coincidentsFind coincidents gene/proteins (clustering)
core_genomeCore-Genome Alignment
core_plotsPlot the size of core-genome, accessory-genome and pan-genome
core_snp_genomeCore SNP Genome
core_snps_matrixCore SNPs matrix
dn_dsdN/dS Average Ratio This function perform the dN/dS ratios...
eggnogmapperEggNogg Mapper
export_accnet_alnExport accesory genome binary multi-alignment.
export_core_to_fastaExport core-genome alignment to Multi-alignment FASTA file.
export_to_gephiExport accnet or igraph object to GraphML format
extract_non_redundantCreate a accnet or mash object with the representatives...
heatmap_of_annotationHeatMap of Annotation (VF and/or AbR)
install_dbInstall PATO reference data bases
knnnK-Nearest Neighbour Network
load_gff_listLoad GFF3 file list
mashMASH distance estimation.
mmseqsMMSeqs2 Orthologous clustering.
network_of_annotationNetwork of Annotation
non_redundantNon Redundant set of samples.
non_redundant_hierNon Redundant set of samples using hierarchical search.
non_redundant_pangenomesNon redundant pangenomes.
outliersFind outliers in the dataset.
pangenomes_from_filesCreates Pangenomes from file list
pangenomes_from_files_mmseqsIndividual pangenome clustering from file-list
pangenomes_from_mmseqsCreates Pangenomes from mmseqs object
pangenomes_mmseqsFinal step of pangenomes homologous cluster
plasmidomePlasmidome: Extract the plasmid sequences from a set of...
plot_knnn_networkPlot K-Nearest Neighbour Network
remove_outliersRemove the outliers of a data set (mash or accnet)
screeningScreening genes markers
sharednessCreates a matrix of sharedness
similarity_networkSimilarity Network
similarity_treeSimilarity tree
singlesFind singles (genes/proteins) in a AccNET object
snps_mapSNPs Map
snps_pairwaiseDirect SNPs pairwaise.
twinsFinds Twins into AccNET object
umap_plotPlot UMAP representation of a data set.
irycisBioinfo/PATO documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 3:07 p.m.