
Defines functions spm_con_1d_g

Documented in spm_con_1d_g

#' Fitting a 1-D genetic SPM model with constant parameters
#' @description This function implements a continuous genetic SPM model by assuming all the parameters are constants.
#' @param spm_data A dataset for the SPM model. See the STPM pacakge for more details about the format.
#' @param gene_data A two column dataset containing the genotypes for the individuals in spm_data. 
#' The first column \code{id} is the ID of the individuals in spm_data, 
#' and the second column \code{geno} is the genotype. 
#' @param a The initial value for the paramter \eqn{a}. 
#' The initial value will be predicted if not specified.
#' @param b The initial value for the paramter \eqn{b}. 
#' The initial value will be predicted if not specified.
#' @param q The initial value for the paramter \eqn{q}. 
#' The initial value will be predicted if not specified.
#' @param f The initial value for the paramter \eqn{f}. 
#' The initial value will be predicted if not specified.
#' @param f1 The initial value for the paramter \eqn{f_1}. 
#' The initial value will be predicted if not specified.
#' @param mu0 The initial value for the paramter \eqn{\mu_0} 
#' in the baseline hazard.
#' The initial value will be predicted if not specified.
#' @param theta The initial value for the paramter \eqn{\theta} 
#' in the baseline hazard. The initial value will be predicted if not specified.
#' @param lower A vector of the lower bound of the parameters.
#' @param upper A vector of the upper bound of the parameters.
#' @param effect A character vector of the parameters that are linked to genotypes. 
#' The vector can contain any combination of \code{a}, \code{b}, \code{q}, \code{f}, \code{mu0}.
#' @param control A list of the control parameters for the optimization paramters.
#' @param global A logical variable indicating whether the MLSL (TRUE) or 
#' the L-BFGS (FALSE) algorithm is used for the optimization.
#' @param verbose A logical variable indicating whether initial 
#' information is printed.
#' @param ahessian A logical variable indicating whether the 
#' approximate (FALSE) or analytical (TRUE) Hessian is returned.
#' @return est The estimates of the parameters.
#' @param method Optimization method. 
#' Can be one of the following: lbfgs, mlsl, mma, slsqp, tnewton, varmetric.
#' Default: \code{lbfgs.}
#' @param method.hessian Optimization method for hessian calculation (if ahessian=F).
#' Default: \code{L-BFGS-B}.
#' @return hessian The Hessian matrix of the estimates.
#' @return hessian The Hessian matrix of the estimates.
#' @return lik The minus log-likelihood.
#' @return con A number indicating the convergence. See the 'nloptr' package for more details.
#' @return message Extra message about the convergence. See the 'nloptr' package for more details.
#' @return beta The coefficients of the genetic effect on the parameters to be linked to genotypes.
#' @references He, L., Zhbannikov, I., Arbeev, K. G., Yashin, A. I., and Kulminski, A.M., 2017. 
#' Genetic stochastic process model for detecting pleiotropic and interaction effects with longitudinal data.
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{ 
#' library(stpm) 
#' data(ex_spmcon1dg)
#' res <- spm_con_1d_g(ex_data$spm_data, ex_data$gene_data, 
#' a = -0.02, b=0.2, q=0.01, f=3, f1=3, mu0=0.01, theta=1e-05, 
#' upper=c(-0.01,3,0.1,10,10,0.1,1e-05), lower=c(-1,0.01,0.00001,1,1,0.001,1e-05), 
#' effect=c('q'))
spm_con_1d_g <- function(spm_data, gene_data, a = NA, b = NA, q = NA, f = NA, f1 = NA, mu0 = NA, theta = NA, effect = c('a'), lower = c(), upper = c(), control = list(xtol_rel = 1e-6), global = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ahessian = FALSE, method="lbfgs", method.hessian="L-BFGS-B")

  #a <- -0.1
  #b <- 1.2
  #q <- 0.001
  #f <- 25
  #f1 <- 26
  #mu0 <- 0.01
  #theta <- 0

    data <- spm_data
    data[which(is.na(data$y.next)),'y.next'] <- data[which(is.na(data$y.next)),'y']
    data$r0 <- 0
    aggdata <-aggregate(data[,c('id','t1','t2','xi')], by=list(data$id), FUN='max')
    tau <- aggdata$t2
    n_j <- as.data.frame(table(data$id))[,2]
    m0 <- data$y
    r0 <- data$r0
    yij <- data$y.next
    tij <- data$t2
    t0 <- data$t1
    delta <- aggdata$xi

    # gene_data, two columns (id, geno)
    index <- match(unique(data$id), gene_data$id)
    snps <- gene_data[index, 'geno']
    {'There are individuals who have missing genotypes.'}

		f10 <- f12 <- mean(m0, na.rm=TRUE)
		f10 <- f12 <- f1

    if(is.na(f)) {
        f0 <- f2 <- mean(m0, na.rm=TRUE)
    } else{
	      f0 <- f2 <- f
        a0 <- a2 <- (-0.1)*abs(max(m0, na.rm=TRUE))/max(t0,na.rm=TRUE)
    } else {
	      a0 <- a2 <- a

    if(is.na(mu0)) {
        mu00 <- mu02 <- sum(delta, na.rm=TRUE)/sum(tij-t0, na.rm=TRUE)
    } else {
	      mu00 <- mu02 <- mu0

    if(is.na(theta)) {theta <- 0.00001}

    if(is.na(b)) {
        b0 <- b2 <- sqrt(abs(mean(yij-m0, na.rm=TRUE)))/abs(mean(tij-t0,na.rm=TRUE))
    } else {
	      b0 <- b2 <- b

    if(is.na(q)) {
        q0 <- q2 <- mu0/(0.25*f0^2)
    } else {
        q0 <- q2 <- q

    if(a0>=0) {stop('The value for the argument \'a\' must be negative.')}
    if(b0<0) {stop('The value for the argument \'b\' must be positive.')}
    if(q0<0) {stop('The value for the argument \'q\' must be positive.')}
    if(mu0<0) {stop('The value for the argument \'mu0\' must be positive.')}

    param <- c(a0,a2,b0,b2,q0,q2,f0,f2,f10,f12,mu00,mu02,theta)

    beta_a <- beta_b <- beta_q <- beta_f <- beta_mu <- beta_f1 <- NA

    h_index <- c()
    name_par <- c()

    if('a' %in% effect) {
	      snps_a <- snps
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(1,2))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'a_0','a_2')
    } else {
	      snps_a <- rep(0, length(snps))
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(1))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'a')
    if('b' %in% effect) {
	      snps_b <- snps
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(3,4))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'b_0','b_2')
    } else {
	      snps_b <- rep(0, length(snps))
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(3))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'b')
    if('q' %in% effect) {
	      snps_q <- snps
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(5,6))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'q_0','q_2')
    } else {
	      snps_q <- rep(0, length(snps))
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(5))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'q')
    if('f' %in% effect) {
	      snps_f <- snps
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(7,8))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'f_0','f_2')
    } else {
	      snps_f <- rep(0, length(snps))
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(7))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'f')
    if('f1' %in% effect)
		snps_f1 <- snps
		h_index <- c(h_index,c(9,10))
		name_par <- c(name_par,'f_10','f_12')
		snps_f1 <- rep(0, length(snps))
		h_index <- c(h_index,c(9))
		name_par <- c(name_par,'f1')
    if('mu0' %in% effect) {
	      snps_mu <- snps
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(11,12))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'mu0_0','mu0_2')
    } else {
	      snps_mu <- rep(0, length(snps))
	      h_index <- c(h_index,c(11))
	      name_par <- c(name_par,'mu0')
    h_index <- c(h_index,c(13))
    name_par <- c(name_par,'theta')
    if(length(lower)==0) {
	      lower <- c(a0*5, b0*0.1, q0*0.01, f0*0.5, f1*0.5, mu00*0.1, theta)
    } else {
	      if(length(lower)!=7) {stop('The number of lower bounds should be consistent with the number of parameters.')}

    if(length(upper)==0) {
	      upper <- c(a0*0.05, b0*5, q0*10, f0*2, f1*2, mu00*10, theta)
    } else {
	      if(length(upper)!=7) {stop('The number of upper bounds should be consistent with the number of parameters.')}
    lower_t <- c(lower[1],lower[1],lower[2],lower[2],lower[3],lower[3],lower[4],lower[4],lower[5],lower[5],lower[6],lower[6],lower[7])
    upper_t <- c(upper[1],upper[1],upper[2],upper[2],upper[3],upper[3],upper[4],upper[4],upper[5],upper[5],upper[6],upper[6],upper[7])
    if(verbose == TRUE) {
	      print('Initial values:')
	      print('Lower bounds:')
	      print('Upper bounds:')

    # re <- lik_con_1d(param, m0,r0,tau,yij,delta,tij, n_j, t0)
    # re <- c(re, gr_con_1d(param, m0,r0,tau,yij,delta,tij, n_j, t0))
    #if(global == FALSE) {
    #    re <- lbfgs( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, control = control)
    #} else {
	  #     re <- mlsl( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, control = control)
    if(method=="lbfgs") {
        re <- lbfgs( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_f1=snps_f1, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, control = control)
    } else if(method=="mlsl") {
        re <- mlsl( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_f1=snps_f1, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, control = control)
    } else if(method=="mma") {
        re <- mma( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_f1=snps_f1, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, control = control)
    } else if(method=="slsqp") {
        re <- slsqp( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_f1=snps_f1, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, control = control)
    #} else if(method=="stogo") {
    #    re <- stogo( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0)
    } else if(method=="tnewton") {
        re <- tnewton( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_f1=snps_f1, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, control = control)
    } else if(method=="varmetric") {
        re <- varmetric( x0=param,fn=lik_con_1d_g,gr=gr_con_1d_g,m0=m0,r0=r0,tau=tau,yij=yij,delta=delta,tij=tij, n_j=n_j, geno_a=snps_a, geno_b=snps_b, geno_q=snps_q, geno_f=snps_f, geno_f1=snps_f1, geno_mu=snps_mu, t0=t0,lower=lower_t,upper=upper_t, control = control)
    if('a' %in% effect) {
	      beta_a <- (re$par[2] - re$par[1])/2
    if('b' %in% effect) {
	      beta_b <- (re$par[4] - re$par[3])/2
    if('q' %in% effect) {
	      beta_q <- (re$par[6] - re$par[5])/2
    if('f' %in% effect) {
	      beta_f <- (re$par[8] - re$par[7])/2
	if('f1' %in% effect)
		beta_f1 <- (re$par[10] - re$par[9])/2
    if('mu0' %in% effect) {
	      beta_mu <- (re$par[12] - re$par[11])/2

    betas <- c(beta_a, beta_b, beta_q, beta_f, beta_f1, beta_mu)
    a_hes <- NA
    #if(ahessian == TRUE) {
	#      geno_a_l <- snps_a[match(spm_data$id,gene_data[,1])]
	#      geno_b_l <- snps_b[match(spm_data$id,gene_data[,1])]
	#      geno_q_l <- snps_q[match(spm_data$id,gene_data[,1])]
	#      geno_f_l <- snps_f[match(spm_data$id,gene_data[,1])]
	#      geno_mu_l <- snps_mu[match(spm_data$id,gene_data[,1])]
	#      a_hes <- hes_loglik_g(re$par,m0,r0,tau,yij,delta,tij, n_j,t0,geno_a_l,geno_b_l,geno_q_l,geno_f_l,geno_mu_l)
	#      a_hes <- a_hes[h_index,h_index]
    #} else {
        if(method.hessian %in% c("CG", "BFGS", "Nelder-Mead", "SANN")) {
            a_hes <- optim(re$par, lik_con_1d_g, gr_con_1d_g, m0,r0,tau,yij,delta,tij, n_j, snps_a, snps_b, snps_q, snps_f, snps_f1, snps_mu, t0, method = method.hessian, hessian=TRUE)
        } else {
	          a_hes <- optim(re$par, lik_con_1d_g, gr_con_1d_g, m0,r0,tau,yij,delta,tij, n_j, snps_a, snps_b, snps_q, snps_f, snps_f1, snps_mu, t0, method = method.hessian, lower = re$par, upper = re$par, hessian=TRUE)
        a_hes <- a_hes$hessian[h_index,h_index]
    colnames(a_hes) <- name_par
    rownames(a_hes) <- name_par
    ### Estimates ##
    par_re <- matrix(re$par[h_index], 1, length(name_par))
    colnames(par_re) <- name_par
    ##### Calculate p-values for estimates ####
    coef <- re$par[h_index]
    names(coef) <- name_par
    fi <- tryCatch({
        solve(a_hes)   #### Fischer Information Matrix. Note we're not using the negative of the hessian here
    }, error=function(e) {
        print("Now we use generalized inverse...")
    colnames(fi) <- name_par
    rownames(fi) <- name_par
    stderr <- sqrt(diag(fi))
    zscore <- coef/stderr
    pvalue <- 2*(1 - pnorm(abs(zscore)))
    results.par_re <- cbind(coef,stderr,zscore,pvalue)
    colnames(results.par_re) <- c("Coeff.", "Std. Err.", "z", "p value")
    #betas <- matrix(betas, 1, 5)
    #colnames(betas) <- c('beta_a','beta_b','beta_q','beta_f','beta_mu0')
    betas.coef <- matrix(NA, 6, 4)
    rownames(betas.coef) <- c('beta_a','beta_b','beta_q','beta_f','beta_f1','beta_mu0')
    colnames(betas.coef) <- c("Coeff.", "Std. Err.", "Chi. Sq", "p value")
    if('a' %in% effect) {
        stderr <- sqrt(0.25*c(1,-1)%*%fi[c("a_0", "a_2"), c("a_0", "a_2")]%*%c(1,-1))
        chi.sq <- betas[1]^2/stderr
        pvalue <- pchisq(chi.sq,1,lower.tail=FALSE)
        betas.coef[1,] <- c(betas[1], stderr, chi.sq, pvalue)
    if('b' %in% effect) {
      stderr <- sqrt(0.25*c(1,-1)%*%fi[c("b_0", "b_2"), c("b_0", "b_2")]%*%c(1,-1))
      chi.sq <- betas[2]^2/stderr
      pvalue <- pchisq(chi.sq,1,lower.tail=FALSE)
      betas.coef[2,] <- c(betas[2], stderr, chi.sq, pvalue)
    if('q' %in% effect) {
      stderr <- sqrt(0.25*c(1,-1)%*%fi[c("q_0", "q_2"), c("q_0", "q_2")]%*%c(1,-1))
      chi.sq <- betas[3]^2/stderr
      pvalue <- pchisq(chi.sq,1,lower.tail=FALSE)
      betas.coef[3,] <- c(betas[3], stderr, chi.sq, pvalue)
    if('f' %in% effect) {
      stderr <- sqrt(0.25*c(1,-1)%*%fi[c("f_0", "f_2"), c("f_0", "f_2")]%*%c(1,-1))
      chi.sq <- betas[4]^2/stderr
      pvalue <- pchisq(chi.sq,1,lower.tail=FALSE)
      betas.coef[4,] <- c(betas[4], stderr, chi.sq, pvalue)
	if('f1' %in% effect) {
      stderr <- sqrt(0.25*c(1,-1)%*%fi[c("f_10", "f_12"), c("f_10", "f_12")]%*%c(1,-1))
      chi.sq <- betas[5]^2/stderr
      pvalue <- pchisq(chi.sq,1,lower.tail=FALSE)
      betas.coef[5,] <- c(betas[5], stderr, chi.sq, pvalue)
    if('mu0' %in% effect) {
      stderr <- sqrt(0.25*c(1,-1)%*%fi[c("mu0_0", "mu0_2"), c("mu0_0", "mu0_2")]%*%c(1,-1))
      chi.sq <- betas[6]^2/stderr
      pvalue <- pchisq(chi.sq,1,lower.tail=FALSE)
      betas.coef[6,] <- c(betas[6], stderr, chi.sq, pvalue)
    list(est=results.par_re,lik=re$value, con=re$convergence, message = re$message, hessian=a_hes, beta=betas.coef)
izhbannikov/spm documentation built on Sept. 10, 2022, 12:15 p.m.