
Defines functions .remove_unwanted_hits .create_comparisons_observers

#' Define observers for the Comparison Tab
#' Define observers to generate UpSet plots and display clicked data in DataTable outputs.
#' @param input The Shiny input object from the server function.
#' @param session The Shiny session object from the server function.
#' @param output The Shiny output object from the server function.
#' @param robjects A reactive list of values generated in the server function.
#' @return
#' Observers are set up to monitor the dataset comparison UI element and generate UpSet plots.
#' A \code{NULL} is invisibly returned.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @rdname INTERNAL_create_comparison_observers
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent
#' @importFrom ComplexHeatmap Heatmap pheatmap make_comb_mat extract_comb set_name comb_name UpSet draw
#' @importFrom InteractiveComplexHeatmap makeInteractiveComplexHeatmap
#' @importFrom DT renderDT datatable formatStyle %>%
.create_comparisons_observers <- function(input, session, output, robjects) {
    # nocov start
    observeEvent(input$comp.update, {
        if (length(robjects$gene.data) > 1 & !is.null(input$comp.sets) & any(input$comp.sets %in% names(robjects$gene.data))) {
            # Get hits for each dataset based on thresholds.
            robjects$comps <- lapply(input$comp.sets, function(x) {
                df <- robjects$gene.data[[x]]
                    sig.thresh = input$comp.sig.th, es.thresh = input$comp.es.th,
                    es.col = input$comp.esterm, sig.col = input$comp.sigtern,
                    positive.ctrl.genes = robjects$positive.ctrl.genes,
                    essential.genes = robjects$essential.genes, depmap.genes = robjects$depmap.gene

            names(robjects$comps) <- input$comp.sets

            robjects$comp.pos.genes <- lapply(robjects$comps, .remove_unwanted_hits,
                robjects = robjects, input = input

            names(robjects$comp.pos.genes) <- input$comp.sets

            robjects$comp.neg.genes <- lapply(robjects$comps, .remove_unwanted_hits,
                robjects = robjects, input = input, pos = FALSE

            names(robjects$comp.neg.genes) <- input$comp.sets

            # Get the combination matrices.
            # If there are no hits in any dataset, make empty annotation.
            # Otherwise, make the UpSet plot.
            if (any(lapply(robjects$comp.pos.genes, length) > 0)) {
                robjects$pos.m <- make_comb_mat(robjects$comp.pos.genes)
                ht.pos <- draw(UpSet(robjects$pos.m))
            } else {
                robjects$pos.m <- NULL
                ht.pos <- .empty_heatmap("No positively selected hits in any dataset.")

            if (any(lapply(robjects$comp.neg.genes, length) > 0)) {
                robjects$neg.m <- make_comb_mat(robjects$comp.neg.genes)
                ht.neg <- draw(UpSet(robjects$neg.m))
            } else {
                robjects$neg.m <- NULL
                ht.neg <- .empty_heatmap("No negatively selected hits in any dataset.")

            # TODO: See if there's a way to move these out of this function.
            .pos_click_action <- function(df, output) {
                if (!is.null(df)) {
                    # Get combination members and shared hits.
                    comb.name <- comb_name(robjects$pos.m[, df$column_index])
                    comb.genes <- extract_comb(robjects$pos.m, comb.name)
                    comb.members <- set_name(robjects$pos.m)[unlist(strsplit(comb.name, "")) == "1"]

                    # Make output df from genes using info from all combination members.
                    member.dfs <- lapply(comb.members, function(x) {
                        og.df <- robjects$comps[[x]]
                        og.df <- og.df[og.df[[1]] %in% comb.genes, ]
                        rownames(og.df) <- og.df[[1]]
                        og.df <- og.df[, c(input$comp.sigterm, input$comp.esterm)]
                        colnames(og.df) <- paste0(colnames(og.df), "_", x)

                    comp_pos_df <- Reduce(
                        function(dtf1, dtf2) {
                            out.d <- merge(dtf1, dtf2, by = "row.names", all.x = TRUE)
                            rownames(out.d) <- out.d$Row.names
                            out.d$Row.names <- NULL
                } else {
                    comp_pos_df <- data.frame(
                        Gene = character()
                    comb.members <- NULL

                output$comp.pos.info <- renderDT(server = FALSE, {
                        rownames = TRUE,
                        filter = "top",
                        extensions = c("Buttons"),
                        caption = paste("Positively Selected Hits in:", paste0(comb.members, collapse = ", ")),
                        options = list(
                            search = list(regex = TRUE),
                            pageLength = 10,
                            dom = "Blfrtip",
                            buttons = c("copy", "csv", "excel", "pdf", "print")
                    ) %>% formatStyle(0, target = "row", lineHeight = "30%")

            .neg_click_action <- function(df, output) {
                if (!is.null(df)) {
                    # Get combination members and shared hits.
                    comb.name <- comb_name(robjects$neg.m[, df$column_index])
                    comb.genes <- extract_comb(robjects$neg.m, comb.name)
                    comb.members <- set_name(robjects$neg.m)[unlist(strsplit(comb.name, "")) == "1"]

                    # Make output df from genes using info from all combination members.
                    member.dfs <- lapply(comb.members, function(x) {
                        og.df <- robjects$comps[[x]]
                        og.df <- og.df[og.df[[1]] %in% comb.genes, ]
                        rownames(og.df) <- og.df[[1]]
                        og.df <- og.df[, c(input$comp.sigterm, input$comp.esterm)]
                        colnames(og.df) <- paste0(colnames(og.df), "_", x)

                    comp_neg_df <- Reduce(
                        function(dtf1, dtf2) {
                            out.d <- merge(dtf1, dtf2, by = "row.names", all.x = TRUE)
                            rownames(out.d) <- out.d$Row.names
                            out.d$Row.names <- NULL
                } else {
                    comp_neg_df <- data.frame(
                        Gene = character()
                    comb.members <- NULL

                output$comp.neg.info <- renderDT(server = FALSE, {
                        rownames = TRUE,
                        filter = "top",
                        extensions = c("Buttons"),
                        caption = paste("Negatively Selected Hits in:", paste0(comb.members, collapse = ", ")),
                        options = list(
                            search = list(regex = TRUE),
                            pageLength = 10,
                            dom = "Blfrtip",
                            buttons = c("copy", "csv", "excel", "pdf", "print")
                    ) %>% formatStyle(0, target = "row", lineHeight = "30%")

            # Make the output.
            makeInteractiveComplexHeatmap(input, output, session, ht.pos,
                heatmap_id = "overlap_pos", click_action = .pos_click_action

            makeInteractiveComplexHeatmap(input, output, session, ht.neg,
                heatmap_id = "overlap_neg", click_action = .neg_click_action
    # nocov end


#' Remove unwanted hits in Comparisons UpSet plots and tables
#' @param df A data.frame containing gene hits.
#' @param robjects A reactive list of values generated in the server function.
#' @param input The Shiny input object from the server function.
#' @param pos A boolean indicating whether to get genes to remove for positive selection.
#'   FALSE indicates negative selection.
#' @return Character vector of gene identifiers to remove.
#' @author Jared Andrews
#' @rdname INTERNAL_remove_unwanted_hits
.remove_unwanted_hits <- function(df, robjects, input, pos = TRUE) {
    to.remove <- c()

    if (input$comp.rem.ess) {
        to.remove <- c(to.remove, robjects$essential.genes)

    if (input$comp.rem.pos) {
        to.remove <- c(to.remove, robjects$positive.ctrl.genes)

    if (input$comp.dep.crispr.ess) {
        to.remove <- c(to.remove, df[[1]][df$DepMap_CRISPR_Essential == TRUE])

    if (input$comp.dep.rnai.ess) {
        to.remove <- c(to.remove, df[[1]][df$DepMap_RNAi_Essential == TRUE])

    if (input$comp.dep.crispr.sel) {
        to.remove <- c(to.remove, df[[1]][df$DepMap_CRISPR_Selective == TRUE])

    if (input$comp.dep.crispr.sel) {
        to.remove <- c(to.remove, df[[1]][df$DepMap_RNAi_Selective == TRUE])

    # This is a workaround for initial load of the app not rendering
    # the output UI elements for the comparison tab before this is run.
    if (is.null(input$comp.esterm)) {
        esterm <- ifelse("LFC" %in% names(df), "LFC", "beta")
    } else {
        esterm <- input$comp.esterm

    if (is.null(input$comp.sigterm)) {
        sigterm <- ifelse("fdr" %in% names(df), "fdr", "pval")
    } else {
        sigterm <- input$comp.sigterm

    if (pos) {
        out <- df[[1]][!df[[1]] %in% unique(to.remove) & df[[sigterm]] < input$comp.sig.th & df[[esterm]] > input$comp.es.th]
    } else {
        out <- df[[1]][!df[[1]] %in% unique(to.remove) & df[[sigterm]] < input$comp.sig.th & df[[esterm]] < -input$comp.es.th]

j-andrews7/CRISPRball documentation built on May 10, 2024, 6:48 p.m.