
Defines functions BCa BCa_ret BCa_fn BCa_validate_theta gini

# NOTE: the following were obtained from Michelle Greenlaw (12 Sept 2018)
# some modifications have been made to ensure data variable name expectations are current

bwr.boot <- function (X, kh, ph, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE) {
  if (is.character(FUN)) {
    FUN <- get(FUN, mode = "function")
  } else if (mode(FUN) != "function") {
    farg <- substitute(FUN)
    if (mode(farg) == "name") {
      FUN <- get(farg, mode = "function")
    } else {
      stop(paste("\"", farg, "\" is not a function", sep = ""))
  class(X) <- NULL
  answer <- vector("list", length(X))
  nms <- names(X)
  if (is.recursive(X)) names(X) <- NULL
  n <- length(X)
  all.same <- integer(n)
  for (i in seq(length = n)) {
    if (is.na(ph[i])) {
      nsam <- 1
    } else {
      if (rbinom(1, 1, ph[i]) == 1) {
        nsam <- floor(kh[[i]])
      } else {
        nsam <- ceiling(kh[[i]])
    ans <- FUN(X[[i]], size = nsam, ...)
    answer[i] <- list(ans)
    all.same[i] <- length(ans)
  names(answer) <- nms
  if (simplify && length(all.same <- unique(all.same)) == 1 && all.same > 0) {
    if (all.same[1] == 1) {
      unlist(answer, recursive = FALSE)
    } else {
      array(unlist(answer, recursive = FALSE), c(all.same, n), list(NULL, names(answer)))
  } else {

gini = function(x, y, plot=FALSE) {
  Xi <- data.frame(yh=x, Ah=y)
  Xi$P = Xi$yh * Xi$Ah
  Xi = Xi[order(Xi$P),]
  Xi$cP = cumsum(Xi$P) / sum(Xi$P)
  Xi$cA = cumsum(Xi$Ah) / sum(Xi$Ah)
  if(plot) {
  if(nrow(Xi)>1)  gI = 1-(2*sum(rowMeans(embed(Xi$cP,2)) * diff(Xi$cA)))

BCa_validate_theta <- function(x) {
  # BCa_validate_theta:  Helper function to throw exceptions when theta
  # misbehaves.  Returns the input if no problem.  Infinities are rejected
  # because the sd of a set containing Inf is NaN, so u>=delta is NA and it
  # fails.  Note from discussion above that !is.finite is not equivalent to
  # is.infinite:  it also catches character strings, NAs, and NaNs.
  if (length(x)!=1)   stop("BCa: theta returned a non-scalar value")
  if (!is.finite(x))  stop("BCa: theta returned a non-finite value")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("BCa: theta returned a non-numeric value")

BCa_fn <- function(thetastar,thetahat,acc,zalpha,qtype) {
  # BCa_fn:  Helper function to calculate BCa outputs for a given batch.
  # Output is a vector:
  #   [1]   Bootstrap estimate.
  #   rest  Points corresponding to alpha values.
  nboot <- length(thetastar)
  z0    <- qnorm(sum(thetastar<thetahat)/nboot)        # Range -Inf..Inf
  if (any(acc*(z0+zalpha)>=1)) stop("BCa: alpha value too extreme for these data")
  tt    <- pnorm(z0+ (z0+zalpha)/(1-acc*(z0+zalpha)))  # Range 0..1

BCa_ret <- function(v,alpha) {
  # BCa_ret:  Helper function to apply names to the elements of the returned vector.
  names(v) <- c("nboot","prec","est",sapply(alpha, function(x) sprintf("%0.3f",x)))

BCa <- function(x,delta,theta,...,alpha=c(0.025,0.975),verbose=F,M=25000,
                Mlimit=1500000,qtype=1) {

    # --- Begin input validation ---

  # BCa:  Find nonparametric BCa intervals.
  # License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE (q.v.)

  # Please refer to the package documentation for details.

  # NIST assumes no responsibility for use of this software by other parties
  # and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality,
  # reliability, or any other characteristic.

    # Input validation in R is extremely difficult since R has so many data
    # types that are substitutable in some contexts but cause errors in others,
    # and many of the is.* functions will themselves throw errors on certain
    # data types.

    # Findings from interactive testing with R 3.1.0:
    #   NA is logical and has length 1.
    #   NULL is interchangeable with c() and has length 0.
    #   Typed zero-length vectors (numeric(0), logical(0), etc.) have length 0 but are not null.
    #   numeric(0) is numeric, logical(0) is logical, etc.
    #   Character strings, complex numbers, NULL, and NA are not numeric.
    #   Lists and expressions are not numeric.  They crash is.infinite, is.finite, and is.nan,
    #   but not is.na.
    #   Functions are not numeric.  They crash all four of those.
    #   Functions and expressions have length 1.
    #   NaN, NA_integer_, and NA_real_ are numeric.
    #   Dates are finite but not numeric.
    #   Character strings, NAs of all kinds, and NaNs are neither finite nor infinite.
    #   NaNs are NA (is.na), but NAs are not NaN (is.nan).
    #   A matrix, array, or data frame can substitute for a vector.
    #   A vector of length 1 and a scalar are substitutable for each other.
    #   Factors are not numeric.

    # The following functions will return a vector of length >= 2 if given one
    # as input:
    #   is.infinite, is.finite, is.nan, is.na
    # Similarly, they will return a zero-length vector (logical(0)) if given
    # one as input.  Conditionals expecting a single T or F value must be
    # guarded against these occurrences.

    # x can't be NA, can't be a zero-length vector, and can't be anything
    # from which it is impossible to sample.
    if (is.function(x))        stop("BCa: x must not be a function")
    if (is.expression(x))      stop("BCa: x must not be an expression")
    if (is.factor(x))          stop("BCa: x must not be a factor")
    if (length(x)==0)          stop("BCa: x must have nonzero length")
    if (length(x)<2&&is.na(x)) stop("BCa: x must not be NA")

    # delta can be NA or it can be a scalar number, possibly infinite.
    # It can't be NaN, it can't be a complex number.
    if (is.function(delta))                stop("BCa: delta must not be a function")
    if (is.expression(delta))              stop("BCa: delta must not be an expression")
    if (length(delta)!=1)                  stop("BCa: delta value must be scalar")
    if (!is.na(delta)&&!is.numeric(delta)) stop("BCa: delta value must be numeric")
    if (is.nan(delta))                     stop("BCa: delta value must not be NaN")

    # theta must be a function.
    if (!is.function(theta)) stop("BCa: theta must be a function")

    # alpha can't be zero-length and the contents must be numbers between 0 and
    # 1 (exclusive).
    if (is.function(alpha))            stop("BCa: alpha must not be a function")
    if (is.expression(alpha))          stop("BCa: alpha must not be an expression")
    if (length(alpha)==0)              stop("BCa: alpha must have nonzero length")
    if (length(alpha)<2&&is.na(alpha)) stop("BCa: alpha must not be NA")
    if (any(!is.finite(alpha)))        stop("BCa: alpha values must be finite")
    if (any(!is.numeric(alpha)))       stop("BCa: alpha values must be numeric")
    if (any(alpha<=0|alpha>=1))        stop("BCa: alpha values must lie between 0 and 1 exclusive")

    # verbose must be either T or F.
    if (is.function(verbose))   stop("BCa: verbose must not be a function")
    if (is.expression(verbose)) stop("BCa: verbose must not be an expression")
    if (length(verbose)!=1)     stop("BCa: verbose must be scalar")
    if (is.na(verbose))         stop("BCa: verbose must not be NA")
    if (!is.logical(verbose))   stop("BCa: verbose must be T or F")

    # M must be a finite, scalar value greater than 1.
    if (is.function(M))   stop("BCa: M must not be a function")
    if (is.expression(M)) stop("BCa: M must not be an expression")
    if (length(M)!=1)     stop("BCa: M must be scalar")
    if (!is.finite(M))    stop("BCa: M must be finite")
    if (!is.numeric(M))   stop("BCa: M must be numeric")
    if (M<2)              stop("BCa: M must be greater than 1")

    # Mlimit must be a scalar numeric value, possibly infinite.
    # If delta is not NA, Mlimit must be >= 2M.
    if (is.function(Mlimit))       stop("BCa: Mlimit must not be a function")
    if (is.expression(Mlimit))     stop("BCa: Mlimit must not be an expression")
    if (length(Mlimit)!=1)         stop("BCa: Mlimit must be scalar")
    if (is.na(Mlimit))             stop("BCa: Mlimit must not be NA")
    if (!is.numeric(Mlimit))       stop("BCa: Mlimit must be numeric")
    if (!is.na(delta)&&Mlimit<2*M) stop("BCa: Mlimit cannot be less than 2M")

    # qtype must be a scalar between 1 and 9 inclusive.
    if (is.function(qtype))   stop("BCa: qtype must not be a function")
    if (is.expression(qtype)) stop("BCa: qtype must not be an expression")
    if (length(qtype)!=1)     stop("BCa: qtype must be scalar")
    if (!is.finite(qtype))    stop("BCa: qtype must be finite")
    if (!is.numeric(qtype))   stop("BCa: qtype must be numeric")
    if (qtype<1||qtype>9)     stop("BCa: qtype must be between 1 and 9 inclusive")

    # --- End input validation ---

    n <- length(x)
    if (verbose) {
      if (is.na(delta))
        message(sprintf("BCa call n=%d, non-adaptive, fixed M=%d", n, M))
        message(sprintf("BCa call n=%d, delta=%f, M=%d, Mlimit=%d",
                        n, delta, M, Mlimit))

    # Handle the degenerate case.  Only in this case, NAs and suchlike from
    # theta are passed back.  theta=sd ends up here when length(x)==1.
    thetahat <- theta(x,...)
    if (length(thetahat)!=1) stop("BCa: theta returned a non-scalar value")
    if (length(unique(x))==1) {
      if (verbose) warning("BCa: handling degenerate case (all values are the same).")

    # From now on, it has to be valid.

    # Values to calculate once.
    u <- rep(0,n)
    for (i in 1:n) u[i] <- BCa_validate_theta(theta(x[-i],...))
    uu <- mean(u)-u
    if (all(uu==0)) stop("BCa: acceleration is indeterminate for insensitive function")
    acc <- sum(uu*uu*uu)/(6*(sum(uu*uu))^1.5)
    if (verbose) message(sprintf("acceleration=%f", acc))
    zalpha <- qnorm(alpha)

    # Do the first batch (only batch for non-adaptive) and initialize loop variables.
    thetastar <- rep(NA,M)
    for (i in 1:M) thetastar[i] <- BCa_validate_theta(theta(sample(x,size=n,replace=T),...))
    answers <- BCa_fn(thetastar,thetahat,acc,zalpha,qtype)
    if (is.na(delta)) return(BCa_ret(c(M,NA,answers),alpha)) # Early out for non-adaptive.
    h <- 1
    u <- delta
    allthetastar <- thetastar

    # Iterate till we have enough bootstrap replications or reach the limit.
    while (u>=delta & h*M<Mlimit) {
      for (i in 1:M) thetastar[i] <- BCa_validate_theta(theta(sample(x,size=n,replace=T),...))
      answers <- rbind(answers,BCa_fn(thetastar,thetahat,acc,zalpha,qtype))
      allthetastar <- rbind(allthetastar,thetastar)
      h <- h+1
      u <- 2*max(apply(answers,2,sd))/sqrt(h)
      if (verbose) message(sprintf("u=%f nboot=%d delta=%f", u, h*M, delta))

    # Return the final answer.

boot.strata <- function (data, nless = 0, nresamp = 1, method = c("RESCALE",   "BWR", "NAIVE")) {
  #methods for calculating confidence intervals for grounfish survey indices
  #based on the paper by Stephen Smith (1997)
  #"Bootstrap confidence limits for groundfish trawl survey estimates of mean abundance. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci.
  #This script uses the mirror match bootstrap method (BWR), described in the paper, which was shown to perform better on average with respect to accuracy of the confidence
  #intervals being estimated. And the Bias Corrected (BC) method of calculating confidence intervals is used.
  #Three methods of bootstrapping and calculating confidence intervals were compared in the paper.
  if (!inherits(data, "strata"))
    stop("Not a legitimate strata object, need to run Stratify() first")
  call <- match.call(expand = FALSE)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  res1 <- data
  res3 <- summary(res1)
  if (nresamp == 0)
    stop("No resampling done.")
  out <- matrix(0, nrow = nresamp + 1, ncol = 3, dimnames = list(c("Actual", 1:nresamp), c("Mean", "Variance",'gini')))
  out[1, ] <- c(res3$yst, (res3$se.yst)^2,res3$gini)
  if (method == "RESCALE") {
    res1$nh <- res1$nh - nless
    for (i in 1:nresamp) {
      yhib <- sapply(res1$yhi, rescale.boot, nless)
      out[i + 1, ] <- c(sum(res1$Wh * as.vector(sapply(yhib,
        mean)), na.rm = TRUE), (sum((((res1$Nh * (res1$Nh -
        res1$nh))/sum(res1$Nh)^2) * (as.vector(sapply(yhib,
        var))))/res1$nh, na.rm = TRUE)))


  if (method == "BWR") {
    fh <- res1$nh/res1$Nh
    kh <- (res1$nh - 1)/(1 - fh)
    ph <- ((1/kh) - (1/ceiling(kh)))/((1/floor(kh)) - (1/ceiling(kh)))
    for (i in 1:nresamp) {
      yhib <- bwr.boot(res1$yhi, kh, ph, sample, replace = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
      yhib[res1$nh == 1] <- res1$yhi[res1$nh == 1]
      nhws = sapply(yhib,FUN=function(x) sum(x>0))
      out[i + 1, ] <- c(
        sum(res1$Wh * as.vector(sapply(yhib, mean)), na.rm = TRUE),
        (sum((((res1$Nh * (res1$Nh - as.vector(sapply(yhib, length))))/sum(res1$Nh)^2) * (as.vector(sapply(yhib, var))))/as.vector(sapply(yhib, length)), na.rm = TRUE)),

  if (method == "NAIVE") {
    for (i in 1:nresamp) {
      yhib <- sapply(res1$yhi, sample, replace = TRUE,
      simplify = FALSE)
      out[i + 1, ] <- c(sum(res1$Wh * as.vector(sapply(yhib,
      mean)), na.rm = TRUE), (sum((((res1$Nh * (res1$Nh -
      as.vector(sapply(yhib, length))))/sum(res1$Nh)^2) *
      (as.vector(sapply(yhib, var))))/as.vector(sapply(yhib,
      length)), na.rm = TRUE)))

  res <- list(
    orig.mean = out[1, 1],
    orig.var = out[1, 2],
    boot.means = out[c(2:(nresamp + 1)), 1],
    boot.vars = out[c(2:(nresamp + 1)), 2],
    gini = out[c(2:(nresamp + 1)), 3],
    accel = accel.str(res1),
    call = call, method = method)
  oldClass(res) <- "boot"
jae0/ecofishmod documentation built on July 6, 2020, 5:47 a.m.