
Defines functions AvgAcrossTranscripts Normalize GetMinCor LoopCor cossim FoldChangeRhyth RhythmicOrNot GetRhythmicOrNot FitDfToMatrix HitOrNot FitPosNeg KsTestPosNeg CalculateFractionIsoformUsage ModelRhythmicity IsRhythmic2 IsTissueSpecific2 PlotDiagnostics2 PlotDiagnostics CorrelateAmpPromMulti GetPromoterUsage KeepUpToThres DoCanCor FuzzyDistance PromAmpScore RunFuzzyDistance CalculateGaussianDists CalculateGaussianCenters CalculateDistance HellingerDistance PromoterSpacePlots PromoterSpacePlots.nostics add.alpha PlotPromoter GetPromoterUsageMaxDist GetMaxDist GetGeneModelKeys

GetGeneModelKeys <- function(dat, tiss){
  rhyth.tiss <- gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = ",", x = dat$model)
  rhyth.tiss <- strsplit(rhyth.tiss, ",")[[1]]
  rhyth.tiss <- sapply(rhyth.tiss, function(tiss) strsplit(tiss, "_")[[1]][[1]], USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  is.rhyth <- tiss %in% rhyth.tiss
  return(data.frame(tissue = tiss, is.rhyth = is.rhyth))

GetMaxDist <- function(proms, tiss.vec){
  dist.tiss <- as.matrix(dist(proms))
  max.dist.tiss <- max(dist.tiss)
  rowcol.i <- which(dist.tiss == max.dist.tiss, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]  # take first max, there wil be two
  tiss <- paste(tiss.vec[rowcol.i[1]], tiss.vec[rowcol.i[2]], sep = ";")
  return(data.frame(max.dist = max.dist.tiss, tissue = tiss))

GetPromoterUsageMaxDist <- function(dat, jvar = "tpm_norm.avg"){
  proms.full <- GetPromoterUsage(dat, jvar = jvar, do.svd = TRUE, append.tiss = TRUE, get.means = FALSE, get.entropy = FALSE)  
  tiss.vec <- proms.full[[1]]$tissue
  proms <- subset(proms.full$dat.mat.trans, select = -c(amp, tissue))
  dist.tiss <- as.matrix(dist(proms))
  max.dist.tiss <- max(dist.tiss)
  rowcol.i <- which(dist.tiss == max.dist.tiss, arr.ind = TRUE)[1, ]  # take first max, there wil be two
  tiss <- paste(tiss.vec[rowcol.i[1]], tiss.vec[rowcol.i[2]], sep = ";")
  return(data.frame(max.dist = max.dist.tiss, tissue = tiss))
# plot top hits
PlotPromoter <- function(tpm.afe.avg.sub, jtitle="Title"){
  proms.full <- GetPromoterUsage(tpm.afe.avg.sub, jvar = "tpm_norm.avg", get.means = FALSE, get.entropy = FALSE)
  proms <- subset(proms.full$dat.mat.trans, select = -c(amp, tissue))
  plot(proms[, 1], proms[, 2], main = jtitle, xlab = "Promoter usage (1st component)", ylab = "Promoter usage (2nd component)")
  par(cex.axis=1, cex.lab=2, cex.main=2, cex.sub=1)
  text(proms[, 1], proms[, 2], proms.full$dat.mat.trans$tissue)

add.alpha <- function(col, alpha=1){
    stop("Please provide a vector of colours.")
  apply(sapply(col, col2rgb)/255, 2, 
          rgb(x[1], x[2], x[3], alpha=alpha))  

PromoterSpacePlots.nostics <- function(tpm.gauss.sigs, jgene, jtitle, draw.ellipse = TRUE){
  proms <- tpm.gauss.sigs$proms
  n.proms <- ncol(proms)
  if (missing(jtitle)){
    jtitle <- paste(jgene, "n.proms", n.proms)
  plot(proms[, 1], proms[, 2], main = jtitle, xlab = "Promoter usage (1st component)", ylab = "Promoter usage (2nd component)")
  par(cex.axis=1, cex.lab=2, cex.main=2, cex.sub=1)
  jcols <- vector(length = length(tpm.gauss.sigs$amp))
  jcols[which(tpm.gauss.sigs$amp == 1)] <- "blue"
  jcols[which(tpm.gauss.sigs$amp == 0)] <- "red"
  text(proms[, 1], proms[, 2], labels = tpm.gauss.sigs$tissue, col = jcols)
  # draw ellipse
  if (draw.ellipse){
    try(lines(ellipse(tpm.gauss.sigs$sig1$cov, level = 0.5, centre = tpm.gauss.sigs$sig1$center), type='l', col = "blue"), silent = T)
    try(lines(ellipse(tpm.gauss.sigs$sig2$cov, level = 0.5, centre = tpm.gauss.sigs$sig2$center), type='l', col = "red"), silent = T)

PromoterSpacePlots <- function(tpm.afe.avg, jgene, jvar = "tpm_norm.avg", draw.ellipse = TRUE, use.weights = TRUE, transcript_id = "transcript_id"){
  tpm.test = tryCatch({
    tpm.test <- subset(tpm.afe.avg, gene_name == jgene & tissue != "WFAT")
  }, error = function(e) {
    tpm.test <- subset(tpm.afe.avg, gene == jgene)
  test.svd <- GetPromoterUsage(tpm.test, jvar = jvar, do.svd = T, append.tiss = TRUE, get.means = TRUE, transcript_id = transcript_id)

  proms <- subset(test.svd$dat.mat.trans, select = -c(amp, tissue))
  amp <- test.svd$dat.mat.trans$amp
  weights1 <- (amp - min(amp)) / (max(amp) - min(amp))
  weights2 <- 1 - weights1
  # center1
  mu1 <- colSums(sweep(proms, MARGIN = 1, STATS = weights1, FUN = "*")) / sum(weights1)
  sig1 <- cov.wt(proms, wt = weights1)
  pi1 <- sum(weights1) / length(weights1)
  # center2
  mu2 <- colSums(sweep(proms, MARGIN = 1, STATS = weights2, FUN = "*")) / sum(weights2)
  sig2 <- cov.wt(proms, wt = weights2)
  pi2 <- sum(weights2) / length(weights2)
  plot(test.svd$dat.mat.trans[, 2], test.svd$dat.mat.trans[, 3], main = paste(jgene, "Amp range:", diff(range(amp))))
  if (use.weights){
    myColoursAlpha <- sapply(weights1, function(a) add.alpha(1, alpha=a))
    text(test.svd$dat.mat.trans[, 2], test.svd$dat.mat.trans[, 3], labels = test.svd$dat.mat.trans$tissue, col = myColoursAlpha)
  } else {
    jcols <- vector(length = length(amp))
    jcols[which(amp == 1)] <- "blue"
    jcols[which(amp == 0)] <- "red"
    text(test.svd$dat.mat.trans[, 2], test.svd$dat.mat.trans[, 3], labels = test.svd$dat.mat.trans$tissue, col = jcols)
  points(mu1[1], mu1[2], pch = "*", col = "blue", cex = 5)
  points(mu2[1], mu2[2], pch = "*", col = "red", cex = 5)
  # draw ellipse
  if (draw.ellipse){
    try(lines(ellipse(sig1$cov, level = 0.5, centre = sig1$center), type='l', col = "blue"), silent = T)
    try(lines(ellipse(sig2$cov, level = 0.5, centre = sig2$center), type='l', col = "red"), silent = T)
  #   dist1 <- FuzzyDistance(proms, mu1, amp)
  #   dist2 <- FuzzyDistance(proms, mu2, amp)
  #   print(paste("Intracluster score", sum(dist1, dist2)))
  #   print(paste("Interscore", sum((mu2 - mu1) ^ 2)))
  #   # Gaussian distribution
  #   intraprob1 <- sum(weights1 * apply(proms, 1, function(x) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mean = mu1, sigma = sig1$cov))) / sum(weights1)
  #   intraprob2 <- sum(weights2 * apply(proms, 1, function(x) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mu2, sigma = sig2$cov))) / sum(weights2)
  #   interprob1 <- sum(weights2 * apply(proms, 1, function(x) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mu1, sig1$cov))) / sum(weights2)
  #   interprob2 <- sum(weights1 * apply(proms, 1, function(x) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mu2, sig1$cov))) / sum(weights1)

HellingerDistance <- function(dat){
  # calculate distance betwene two rows of matrix
  if (nrow(dat) != 2){
    # print(paste("Number of columns:", ncol(dat)))
    warning("Hellinger Distance only computes distance between two rows.")
    # print("Dim:")
    # print(dim(dat))
  return(sqrt(sum(apply(dat, 2, function(colm) (sqrt(colm[1]) - sqrt(colm[2]))) ^ 2)))

CalculateDistance <- function(dat, dist.method = "hellinger", jvar = "tpm_norm.avg", transcript_id = "transcript", return.as.df=FALSE){
  # simpler than GaussianCenters
  # For Liver and Kidney, calculate distance (either euclidean or hellinger)
  if (length(unique(dat$tissue)) <= 1){
    ifelse(return.as.df, data.frame(NULL), NA)
  proms <- GetPromoterUsage(dat, jvar = jvar, do.svd = FALSE, append.tiss = TRUE, get.means = FALSE, get.entropy = FALSE, transcript_id = transcript_id, get.prom.only = TRUE)
  if (nrow(proms) != 2){
    warning("Expecting only two rows in GetPromoterUsage() output")
  if (dist.method == "euclidean"){
    proms.dist <- as.numeric(dist(as.matrix(proms), method = "euclidean"))
  } else if (dist.method == "hellinger"){
    proms.dist <- HellingerDistance(proms)
  if (!return.as.df){
  } else {
    gene <- dat$gene[[1]]
    return(data.frame(gene = gene, proms.dist = proms.dist))

CalculateGaussianCenters <- function(dat, jvar = "tpm_norm.avg", thres = 0.9, do.svd = TRUE, transcript_id = "transcript_id"){
  if (length(unique(dat$tissue)) <= 1){
  proms.full <- GetPromoterUsage(dat, jvar = jvar, do.svd = do.svd, append.tiss = TRUE, get.means = TRUE, get.entropy = FALSE, transcript_id = transcript_id)  
  proms <- subset(proms.full$dat.mat.trans, select = -c(amp, tissue))
  amp <- proms.full$dat.mat.trans$amp
  if (diff(range(amp)) == 0){
  weights1 <- (amp - min(amp)) / (max(amp) - min(amp))
  weights2 <- 1 - weights1
  # center1
  sig1 <- cov.wt(proms, wt = weights1)
  mu1 <- sig1$center
  pi1 <- sum(weights1) / length(weights1)
  # center2
  sig2 <- cov.wt(proms, wt = weights2)
  mu2 <- sig2$center
  pi2 <- sum(weights2) / length(weights2)
  return(list(mu1 = mu1, mu2 = mu2, sig1 = sig1, sig2 = sig2, proms = proms, amp = amp, tissue = as.character(proms.full$dat.mat.trans$tissue)))

CalculateGaussianDists <- function(dat){
  # sigs is output from CalculateGaussianCenters
  # calculate inter and intra cluster scores
  sigs <- dat$sigs[[1]]
  proms <- sigs$proms
  amp <- sigs$amp
  # center1
  sig1 <- sigs$sig1
  mu1 <- sig1$center
  weights1 <- sig1$wt
  #   pi1 <- sum(weights1) / length(weights1)
  # center2
  sig2 <- sigs$sig2
  mu2 <- sig2$center
  weights2 <- sig2$wt
  #   pi2 <- sum(weights2) / length(weights2)
  center.dists <- sum((mu2 - mu1) ^ 2)
  amp.range <- max(amp) - min(amp)
  intrascore1 <- sum(weights1 * apply(proms, 1, function(x) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mean = mu1, sigma = sig1$cov))) / sum(weights1)
  intrascore2 <- sum(weights2 * apply(proms, 1, function(x) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mu2, sigma = sig2$cov))) / sum(weights2)
  interscore1 <- sum(weights2 * apply(proms, 1, function(x) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mu1, sig1$cov))) / sum(weights2)
  interscore2 <- sum(weights1 * apply(proms, 1, function(x) mvtnorm::dmvnorm(x, mu2, sig1$cov))) / sum(weights1)
  return(data.frame(center.dists=center.dists, amp.range = amp.range, intrascore1=intrascore1, intrascore2=intrascore2, interscore1=interscore1, interscore2=interscore2))

RunFuzzyDistance <- function(dat, jvar = "tpm_norm.avg", thres = 0.9, do.svd = TRUE){
  if (length(unique(dat$tissue)) <= 1){
    return(data.frame(amp.range = NA, intra.score = NA, inter.score = NA))
  proms.full <- GetPromoterUsage(dat, jvar = jvar, do.svd = do.svd, append.tiss = TRUE, get.means = TRUE, get.entropy = FALSE)  
  proms <- subset(proms.full$dat.mat.trans, select = -c(amp, tissue))
  amp <- proms.full$dat.mat.trans$amp
  weights1 <- (amp - min(amp)) / (max(amp) - min(amp))
  weights2 <- 1 - weights1
  # center1
  mu1 <- colSums(sweep(proms, MARGIN = 1, STATS = weights1, FUN = "*")) / sum(weights1)
  # center2
  mu2 <- colSums(sweep(proms, MARGIN = 1, STATS = weights2, FUN = "*")) / sum(weights2)
  amp.range <- max(amp) - min(amp)
  dist1 <- FuzzyDistance(proms, mu1, amp)
  dist2 <- FuzzyDistance(proms, mu2, amp)
  intra.score <- sum(dist1, dist2)
  inter.score <- sum((mu2 - mu1) ^ 2)
  return(data.frame(amp.range = amp.range, intra.score = intra.score, inter.score = inter.score))

PromAmpScore <- function(prom.vec1, prom.vec2, amp1, amp2){
  euc.dist <- sqrt(sum((prom.vec1 - prom.vec2) ^ 2))
  amp.dist <- abs(amp1 - amp2)
  return((euc.dist * amp.dist))

# distance score
FuzzyDistance <- function(jpoints, jcluster, weights){
  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzzy_clustering
  dist <- sweep(jpoints, MARGIN = 2, STATS = jcluster, FUN = "-")
  dist <- sweep(dist, MARGIN = 1, STATS = weights, FUN = "*")
  dist <- sum(apply(dist, MARGIN = 1, function(x) sum(x^2)))

DoCanCor <- function(tpm.sub, xvar = "tpm_norm.avg", yvar = "amp"){
  # do canonical correlation of two matrices to find interesting
  # alternative promoter usage
  if (nrow(tpm.sub) == 0){
    return(data.frame(Cor = NA))
  X <- dcast(data = tpm.sub, formula = transcript_id ~ tissue, value.var = xvar)
  rownames(X) <- X$transcript_id; X$transcript_id <- NULL
  X <- t(X)
  jtrans <- tpm.sub$transcript_id[[1]]
  Y <- data.frame(subset(tpm.sub, transcript_id == jtrans, select = c(yvar, "tissue")))
  rownames(Y) <- as.character(Y$tissue); Y$tissue <- NULL
  jcor <- cancor(X, Y, xcenter = T, ycenter = T)
  return(data.frame(Cor = jcor$cor))

KeepUpToThres <- function(vec, thres, min.dim = 2){
  # keep vector up to threshold return by index
  for (i in seq(length(vec))){
    if (vec[i] > thres){
  if (i < min.dim){

GetPromoterUsage <- function(dat, jvar = "tpm_norm.avg", do.svd = TRUE, thres = 0.9, append.tiss = TRUE, get.means=TRUE, get.entropy=TRUE, 
                             transcript_id = "transcript_id", return.transcripts=FALSE, get.prom.only=FALSE){
  # get promoter usage
  if (!is.null(dat$mean)){
    jform <- paste0("tissue + amp + mean ~ ", transcript_id)
    # dat.mat <- dcast(dat, tissue + amp + mean~ transcript_id, value.var = jvar)
    dat.mat <- dcast(dat, as.formula(jform), value.var = jvar)
    dat.mat.prom <- subset(dat.mat, select = -c(tissue, amp, mean))
  } else {
    jform <- paste0("tissue + amp ~ ", transcript_id)
    # dat.mat <- dcast(dat, tissue + amp + mean~ transcript_id, value.var = jvar)
    dat.mat <- dcast(dat, as.formula(jform), value.var = jvar)
    dat.mat.prom <- subset(dat.mat, select = -c(tissue, amp))
  if (do.svd){
    # reduce dim
    dat.mat.prom <- sweep(dat.mat.prom, MARGIN = 1, STATS = rowMeans(dat.mat.prom), FUN = "-")
    dat.mat.prom.s <- svd(dat.mat.prom)
    eigvals <- dat.mat.prom.s$d ^ 2 / sum(dat.mat.prom.s$d ^ 2)
    eigvals.cum <- cumsum(eigvals)
    # threshold for number of eigvals to keep
    keep <- KeepUpToThres(eigvals.cum, thres, min.dim = 2)
    if (length(dat.mat.prom.s$d) == 1){
      print("Unexpected here:")
    dat.mat.prom <- sweep(dat.mat.prom.s$u[, keep], MARGIN = 2, STATS = dat.mat.prom.s$d[keep], FUN = "*")
    dat.mat.trans <- data.frame(amp = dat.mat$amp, dat.mat.prom) 
    if (return.transcripts){
      dat.mat.v <- sweep(dat.mat.prom.s$v[, keep], MARGIN = 2, STATS = dat.mat.prom.s$d[keep], FUN = "*")
      # take most polarizing two transcripts
      transcripts <- colnames(subset(dat.mat, select = -c(tissue, amp)))
      dat.mat.v.mean <- apply(dat.mat.v, 1, function(row) sum(row ^ 2))
      n <- length(dat.mat.v.mean)
      tx1.i <- which.max(dat.mat.v.mean)[[1]]
      tx2.i <- which(dat.mat.v.mean == sort(dat.mat.v.mean, partial = n - 1)[n - 1])[[1]]
      dat.mat.v.keep <- dat.mat.v.mean[c(tx1.i, tx2.i)]
      tx <- transcripts[c(tx1.i, tx2.i)]
      dat.mat.trans <- cbind(dat.mat.trans, dat.mat.v.keep)
      dat.mat.trans$transcript <- tx
  } else {
    dat.mat.trans <- data.frame(amp = dat.mat$amp, dat.mat.prom)
  if (append.tiss){
    dat.mat.trans$tissue <- dat.mat$tissue
  out <- list(dat.mat.trans = dat.mat.trans)
  if (get.means){
    # out$weights <- dat.mat$mean
    out$mean <- dat.mat$mean
  if (get.entropy){
    dat.H <- apply(dat.mat.prom, 1, function(x) ShannonEntropy(x, normalize = FALSE))
    out$entropy <- dat.H
  if (get.prom.only){
    return(subset(out$dat.mat.trans, select = c(-amp, -tissue)))

CorrelateAmpPromMulti <- function(dat, jvar = "tpm_norm.avg", thres = 0.9, do.svd = TRUE, weighted = FALSE, eps = 1e-10){
  dat.mat.trans.lst <- GetPromoterUsage(dat, jvar = jvar, do.svd = do.svd, thres = thres, append.tiss = FALSE, get.means = TRUE, get.entropy = TRUE)
  dat.mat.trans <- dat.mat.trans.lst$dat.mat.trans
  weights <- dat.mat.trans.lst$weights
  entropy <- dat.mat.trans.lst$entropy
  if (weighted){
    # by shannon entropy
    weights <- 1 - entropy
    weights <- weights + eps  # if zero?
    fit.altprom <- lm(formula = amp ~ ., data = dat.mat.trans, weights = weights)
  } else {
    fit.altprom <- lm(formula = amp ~ ., data = dat.mat.trans)
  # return just R-squared and best p-value
  rsqr <- summary(fit.altprom)$r.squared
  coefs <- summary(fit.altprom)$coefficients
  pval.best <- min(coefs[2:nrow(coefs), "Pr(>|t|)"])
  return(data.frame(rsqr = rsqr, pval.best = pval.best))

# Functions: kallisto -----------------------------------------------------

PlotDiagnostics <- function(dat.tpm, dat.arrayrnaseq, jgene, jtranscript){
  # uses data objects from find_alternative_first_exons_kallisto.R OR filter_kallisto_for_start_sites.R
  # Plot diagnostic plots, given a gene and transcript
  # jgene <- "Sorbs1"; jtranscript="ENSMUST00000165469"  # Liver and BFAT looks rhythmic, but assigned as "not rhythmic"
  test.gene <- subset(dat.tpm, gene_name == jgene)
  test <- subset(test.gene, transcript_id == jtranscript)
  rhythmic.tissues <- paste(unique(test$tissue[which(test$is.rhythmic == TRUE)]), collapse = ",")
  notrhythmic.tissues <- paste(unique(test$tissue[which(test$is.rhythmic == FALSE)]), collapse = ",")
  print(PlotGeneAcrossTissues(subset(dat.arrayrnaseq, gene == jgene), 
                              jtitle = paste(jgene, "\nRhythmic Tissues:", rhythmic.tissues, "\nFlat Tissues:", notrhythmic.tissues)))
  print(PlotTpmAcrossTissues(test.gene, jtitle = paste(jgene, jtranscript), log2.transform=FALSE))
  print(PlotTpmAcrossTissues(test, jtitle = paste(jgene, jtranscript), log2.transform=TRUE))
  print(ggplot(test.gene, aes(y = tpm_normalized, x = tissue)) + 
          geom_boxplot() + 
          facet_wrap(~transcript_id) + 
          ggtitle(jgene) +
          theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1)))
               aes(y = tpm_normalized, x = is.rhythmic)) + 
          geom_boxplot() + 
          ggtitle(paste(jgene, jtranscript)))

PlotDiagnostics2 <- function(dat.tpm, tpm.avg, dat.long, jgene, jtranscript){
  # updated version plotting the linear trend
  dat.gene <- subset(dat.tpm, gene_name == jgene)
  dat.transcript <- subset(dat.gene, transcript_id == jtranscript)
  tpm.avg.sub <- subset(tpm.avg, transcript_id == jtranscript)
  print(PlotGeneAcrossTissues(subset(dat.long, gene == jgene), jtitle = paste(jgene, jtranscript, sep = "\n")))
  print(PlotTpmAcrossTissues(dat.gene, jtitle = paste("linear-scale", jgene, jtranscript, sep = "\n"), log2.transform=FALSE))
  print(PlotTpmAcrossTissues(dat.transcript, jtitle = paste("log-scale", jgene, jtranscript, sep = "\n"), log2.transform=TRUE))
  print(ggplot(tpm.avg.sub, aes(y = tpm_norm.avg, x = relamp, label = tissue)) + geom_point() + geom_text() + ggtitle(jgene) + geom_smooth(method = "lm"))

IsTissueSpecific2 <- function(jdf, pval.min = 1e-5, pval.max = 0.05, cutoff = 4.89){
  # given list of pvals, check if it contains pvals less than pval.min and greater than pval.max.
  # check if pval contains values less than pval.min (rhythmic) and greater than pval.max (flat)
  # if so, return TRUE, otherwise FALSE
  avg.exprs <- jdf$int.rnaseq
  pvals <- jdf$pval
  pvals.filt <- pvals[which(!is.nan(pvals) & avg.exprs > cutoff)]
  if (min(pvals.filt) < pval.min & max(pvals.filt) > pval.max){
    jdf$is.tissue.spec.circ <- rep(TRUE, length(pvals))
  } else {
    jdf$is.tissue.spec.circ<- rep(FALSE, length(pvals))

IsRhythmic2 <- function(pval, avg.exprs, pval.min = 1e-5, cutoff = 6){
  # ask if gene is rhythmic, not rhythmic or NA (lowly expressed or 0)
  # check if pval is less than pval.min
  if (is.nan(pval) | avg.exprs < cutoff){
  if (pval < pval.min){
  } else {

ModelRhythmicity <- function(dat, jformula=tpm_normalized ~ is.rhythmic){
  # check it contains both Rhythmic and NotRhythmic elements
  if (length(unique(dat$is.rhythmic)) != 2){
    return(data.frame(int = NA, coef = NA, pval = NA))
  jfit <- lm(data = dat, formula = jformula)
  # int <- summary(jfit)$mat["(Intercept)", "Coef"]
  # jcoef <- summary(jfit)$mat["rhythmic.or.notRhythmic", "Coef"]
  int <- coef(jfit)[[1]]
  jcoef <- coef(jfit)[[2]]
  pval <- summary(jfit)$coefficients["is.rhythmicTRUE", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  return(data.frame(int = int, coef = jcoef, pval = pval))

CalculateFractionIsoformUsage <- function(tpm, pseudocount = 0){
  # given tpm of a sample across known isoforms, compute
  # fraction of isoform usage. 
  # Add pseudo count to increase robustness to lowly expressed genes
  tpm_normalized <- (tpm + pseudocount) / (sum(tpm + pseudocount))

# Functions: alternative first exons --------------------------------------

KsTestPosNeg <- function(jdf){
  x.neg <- jdf$sitecount[which(jdf$hit.or.not == "Neg")]
  x.pos <- jdf$sitecount[which(jdf$hit.or.not == "Pos")]
  jks <- ks.test(x.neg, x.pos)
  stat <- jks$statistic
  pval <- jks$p.value
  return(data.frame(statistic = stat, pval = pval))

FitPosNeg <- function(jdf){
  jfit <- lm(formula = sitecount ~ hit.or.not, data = jdf)
  summary(jfit)$coefficients["hit.or.notPos", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  pval <- summary(jfit)$coefficients["hit.or.notPos", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  coef <- summary(jfit)$coefficients["hit.or.notPos", "Estimate"]
  return(data.frame(coef = coef, pval = pval))

HitOrNot <- function(coef, pval, max.pval=1e-5, min.pval = 0.05){
  if (pval < max.pval){
    if (coef > 0){
      s = "Pos"
    } else if (coef < 0){
      s = "Neg"
    } else {
      warning("Coefficient is 0 but called a hit")
  } else if (pval < min.pval){
    s = NA
  } else {
    s = "NotHit"

FitDfToMatrix <- function(jdf, common.genes){
  dat.fitrhyth.filt <- data.frame(subset(jdf, gene %in% common.genes, select = c(gene, tissue, as.numeric(pval), amp)))  # faster
  rnames <- apply(dat.fitrhyth.filt, 1, function(x) paste0(x[2], '-', x[1]))
  rownames(dat.fitrhyth.filt) <- rnames; rm(rnames)
  dat.fitrhyth.filt <- subset(dat.fitrhyth.filt, select = c(pval, amp))
  dat.fitrhyth.filt <- data.matrix(dat.fitrhyth.filt)  # faster to work with matrices

GetRhythmicOrNot <- function(x, fitdf){
  # Expect x to be a row from cov.normreads, with tissue and gene in 2nd and 3rd col
  tiss <- x[2]
  gene <- x[3]
  rname <- paste0(tiss, '-', gene)
  fitdf.sub = tryCatch({
    fitdf[rname, ]
  }, warning = function(w) {
  }, error = function(e) {
    # print(paste("Cannot access:", rname))
  if (is.na(fitdf.sub[1])){
  pval <- fitdf.sub[1]
  amp <- fitdf.sub[2]
  annots <- RhythmicOrNot(pval, amp)

RhythmicOrNot <- function(pval, amp, min.pval = 1e-5, max.pval = 0.05, max.amp = 0.5, min.amp = 0.1){
  if (pval < min.pval & amp > max.amp){
  } else if (pval > max.pval & amp < min.amp){
  } else {
    return(NA)  # undecided

FoldChangeRhyth <- function(jdf){
  # Calculate log2 fold change between "rhythmic" and "non rhythmic" genes 

cossim <- function(x, y){
  return(x %*% y / sqrt(x%*%x * y%*%y))

LoopCor <- function(m, show.which=FALSE, input.vec1=NA){
  imin <- NA
  jmin <- NA
  jcor.min <- 2  # init because pearson cor is between -1 and 1. Use a number outside of this range.
  for (i in 1:ncol(m)){
    if (!is.na(input.vec1)){
      i <- input.vec1
    vec1 <- m[, i]
    for (j in i:ncol(m)){
      if (j == i){
        next  # dont need to compare between same vec
      vec2 <- m[, j]
      jcor <- cossim(vec1, vec2)
      if (jcor < jcor.min){
        jcor.min <- jcor
        imin <- i
        jmin <- j
    if (!is.na(input.vec1)){
  if (show.which){
    jtissues <- c(colnames(m)[imin], colnames(m)[jmin])
    return(list(tissues = jtissues,
                min.cor = jcor.min))

GetMinCor <- function(df){
  m <- acast(data = df, transcript ~ tissue, value.var = "norm_reads")
  jcor.min <- LoopCor(m)
  return(data.frame(min.cor = jcor.min))

Normalize <- function(x, pseudocount = 1){
  if (pseudocount > 0){
    x <- x + pseudocount
  x.norm <- x / sum(x)

AvgAcrossTranscripts <- function(df){
  ddply(df, .(transcript, gene, tissue), summarise, mean_reads = mean(reads))

NormalizeReads <- function(df){
  # Normalize reads across transcripts
  ddply(df, .(gene), transform, norm_reads = Normalize(mean_reads))

GetGeneNameFromAnnot <- function(annot){
  # from gene_name=RP23-271O17.1;transcript_id=ENSMUST00000193812 retrieve RP23-27017.1
  gene.str <- strsplit(as.character(annot), ';')[[1]][[1]]
  gene.str <- strsplit(gene.str, '=')[[1]][[2]]

GetTranscriptIDFromAnnot <- function(annot){
  # from gene_name=RP23-271O17.1;transcript_id=ENSMUST00000193812 retrieve ENSMUST...
  transcript.str <- strsplit(as.character(annot), ';')[[1]][[2]]
  transcript.str <- strsplit(transcript.str, '=')[[1]][[2]]

rowMax <- function(df){
  # Return vector of maximums from df
  return(apply(df, 1, max))

GetTissuesAFE <- function(x){
  # Get tissues from column names from Adr_CT22 format
  substr(x, "_")[[1]][[1]]

TissueMapping <- function(cov.to.rnaseq = TRUE){
  # Tissue names from coverage are slightly different from
  # tissue names from RNASeq data. Create the mapping between 
  # coverage to rnaseq tissue names
  list("Adr" = "Adr",
       "Aor" = "Aorta",
       "BFat" = "BFAT",
       "Bstm" = "BS",
       "Cer" = "Cere",
       "Hrt" = "Heart",
       "Hyp" = "Hypo",
       "Kid" = "Kidney",
       "Liv" = "Liver",
       "Lun" = "Lung",
       "Mus" = "Mus",
       "WFat" = "WFAT")

ConvertTissuesToMatchRnaSeq <- function(tissues){
  # make tissue names look like RNASeq column names using TissueMapping
  tissue.map <- TissueMapping()
  sapply(tissues, function(x){

GetExprsAsVector <- function(dat, genes, tissuetime){
  # Given a vector of rownames and column names, extract
  # its corresponding element in the dat. Return as
  # a vector.
  if (length(genes) != length(tissuetime)) print("Genes and tissuetime is not same length")
  lookups <- mapply(function(x, y){
    return(dat[x, y])
  }, x = genes, y = tissuetime)

GetLocationFromAnnotation <- function(bed, gene_name, transcript_id){
  # Given bed, gene_name and transcript_id, return the chromo, start, end
  annot <- paste0("gene_name=", gene_name, ";transcript_id=", transcript_id)
  sub <- subset(bed, annotations == annot)
  # return as UCSC-style
  return(paste0(sub$chromosome, ":", sub$start, "-", sub$end))

SubsetBed <- function(bed, gene_name, transcript){
  # Subset bed based on grepping annotations from gene name
  if (missing(transcript)){
    return(bed[grepl(gene_name, bed$annotations), ])  
  } else if (missing(gene_name)){  
    return(bed[grepl(transcript, bed$annotations), ])  

NormalizeBySum <- function(x){
  # Normalize a vector by its sum
  return(x / sum(x))

GetFirst <- function(x){

ShannonEntropy <- function(x.vec, normalize=FALSE){
  if (normalize){
    # should sum to 1
    x.vec <- x.vec / sum(x.vec)
  entropy <- 0
  for (x in x.vec){
    entropy <- entropy + x * log2(1 / x)
  entropy <- entropy / log2(length(x.vec))

MulitpleStarts <- function(df, min_dist = 500){
  # Check if df has multiple exons, ddply from bed
  if (nrow(df) <= 1){
    return(data.frame(MultiStart = FALSE))
  dist <- diff(c(min(df$start), max(df$start)))
  if (dist >= min_dist){
    return(data.frame(MultiStart = TRUE))
  } else{
    return(data.frame(MultiStart = FALSE))

SubsetMinPval <- function(jdf){
  # take row with minimum pval
  jdf <- jdf[order(jdf$pval), ]
  return(jdf[1, ])

FitRhythNonRhyth <- function(jdf, log2transf = FALSE){
  # check it contains both Rhythmic and NotRhythmic elements
  if (length(unique(jdf$rhythmic.or.not)) != 2){
    return(data.frame(int = NA, coef = NA, pval = NA))
  if (log2transf){
    jform <- log2(norm_reads) ~ rhythmic.or.not
  } else {
    jform <- norm_reads ~ rhythmic.or.not
  jfit <- lm(data = jdf, formula = jform)
  # int <- summary(jfit)$mat["(Intercept)", "Coef"]
  # jcoef <- summary(jfit)$mat["rhythmic.or.notRhythmic", "Coef"]
  int <- coef(jfit)[[1]]
  jcoef <- coef(jfit)[[2]]
  pval <- summary(jfit)$coefficients["rhythmic.or.notRhythmic", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  return(data.frame(int = int, coef = jcoef, pval = pval))

FitPromoterUsageToAmplitude <- function(dat){
  #   jweights <- 1 / sqrt(dat$tpm_norm.var)
  #   fit <- lm(formula = tpm_norm.avg ~ relamp, data = dat, weights = jweights)
  fit <- lm(formula = tpm_norm.avg ~ relamp, data = dat)
  int <- coef(fit)[["(Intercept)"]]
  relamp <- coef(fit)[["relamp"]]
  tpm_norm.range <- diff(range(dat$tpm_norm.avg))
  relamp.range <- diff(range(dat$relamp))
  # handle if relamp is "NA"
  if (is.na(fit$coefficients[["relamp"]])){
    return(data.frame(int = NA, relamp = NA, pval = NA, tpm_norm.range = NA, relamp.range = NA))
  pval <- summary(fit)$coefficient["relamp", "Pr(>|t|)"]
  return(data.frame(int = int, relamp = relamp, pval = pval, tpm_norm.range = tpm_norm.range, relamp.range = relamp.range))
jakeyeung/TissueCiradianAnalysis documentation built on Aug. 7, 2020, 7:58 p.m.