
Defines functions FitRhythmicDesMat FitCombinations BICWeight GetAllCombos GetDesignMatrices SubsetFullDesignMatrix GetRhythmicFormula.Shared GetRhythModel.cos GetRhythModel.sin MakeHash GetRhythModel GetFlatModel GetRhythmicFormula FilterCombos NRhythmicFromVector NRhythmicFromString GetCosCombos GetSinCombos AddRhythmicColumns MakeModelName MakeRhythmicDesignMatrices GetSelectionCriterion GetRSquaredFromFits InvGamma PriorG ModelLikelihood2 ModelLikelihood SecondDerivG ModeG LaplaceApprox GetBayesFactor FitModel FitModels AICFromLmFit BICFromLmFit CoefToParams CoefToModelName NormalizeWeights UpdateFitWeights MakeDesMatRunFit MakeDesMatRunFitEnv GetBestModel SaveDatGenes ChunkDatGenesToFile LoadChunkRunNconds SaveChunk MakeDesMatChunks LoadDesMatDatGeneRunFits MakeDesMatFromModelName FilterModelByAmp GetMaxPhaseDiffFromParams MaxDiffPhaseVector DiffPhase GetPhaseFromParams GetSdPhaseFromParams GetAvgAmpFromParams GetNrhythFromModel SumWeights NormalizeWeightsFromFits GetTopNModelsFromFits ListToLong FitToMat AddDf LoadFitsFromModels ConcatenateFits UnzipMatrices


UnzipMatrices <- function(chunk.path, outdir){
  # Unzip matrix and save with extension ".full.Robj"
  load(chunk.path)  # des.mats.list
  outname <- basename(chunk.path)
  outname <- paste(strsplit(outname, ".Robj")[[1]], collapse = ".")
  outname <- paste0(outname, ".unzipped.Robj")
  out.path <- file.path(outdir, outname)
  des.mats.list <- lapply(des.mats.list, function(des.mats){
    des.mats$mat <- as.matrix(des.mats$mat)
  save(des.mats.list, file = out.path)

ConcatenateFits <- function(genedir){
  start <- Sys.time()
  fits.long.list <- expandingList()
  for (gene in list.files(genedir)){
    fitdir <- file.path(genedir, gene)
    fits <- LoadFitsFromModels(fitdir)
    fits.top <- GetTopNModelsFromFits(fits, top.n)
    fits.long.gene <- ListToLong(fits.top, genename = gene, top.n = top.n, period = 24)
    #   break
  fits.long.list <- fits.long.list$as.list()
  fits.long <- do.call(rbind, fits.long.list)

LoadFitsFromModels <- function(fitdir){
  fits.list <- expandingList()
  fit.files <- list.files(fitdir)
  for (i in seq(length(fit.files))){
    load(file.path(fitdir, fit.files[[i]]))  # fits

AddDf <- function(obj){
  # add arbitrary object to last column of data frame

FitToMat <- function(fit, genename, weight, weight.raw, period = 24){
  # Turn fit into a long data frame
  model.name <- CoefToModelName(fit)
  # vector to long
  params <- CoefToParams(fit)
  dat.out <- data.frame(gene = genename, model = model.name, weight = weight, weight.raw = weight.raw)  # init
  dat.params <- dat.out %>%
    group_by(gene, model, weight, weight.raw) %>%
    do(param.list = AddDf(params))

ListToLong <- function(fits.list, genename, top.n, period = 24){
  # form list of fits (sorted by best to worst) into a long dataframe
  # should be easily used to append or edit a data frame
  mats <- list()
  for (i in seq(top.n)){
    mats[[i]] <- FitToMat(fits.list[[i]]$fit, genename, fits.list[[i]]$weight.norm, fits.list[[i]]$weight.raw, period)
  return(do.call(rbind, mats))

GetTopNModelsFromFits <- function(fits.list, top.n){
  fits.list <- NormalizeWeightsFromFits(fits.list)  # handles pesky fit.weights.sum  
  top.n.weights <- vector("numeric", length = top.n)
  top.n.tuples <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = top.n, ncol = 2)  # 2 because i and j indices
  for (i in seq(length(fits.list))){
    # if (is.null(fits.list[[i]])) next
    for (j in seq(length(fits.list[[i]]))){  # should be list of n.top or more
      weight.j <- fits.list[[i]][[j]]$weight
      min.indx <- which.min(top.n.weights)
      # if (length(weight.j) == 0) next
      if (is.null(fits.list[[i]][[j]])) next
      # print(weight.j)
      # print(top.n.weights[min.indx])
      # print(fits.list[[i]][[j]])
      if (top.n.weights[min.indx] < weight.j){
        # update weights and indcies
        top.n.weights[min.indx] <- weight.j
        # print(top.n.tuples[min.indx, c(1, 2)])
        top.n.tuples[min.indx, c(1, 2)] <- c(i, j)
        # print(top.n.tuples[min.indx, c(1, 2)])
  # order top.n.tuples by top.n.weights
  top.n.tuples <- top.n.tuples[order(top.n.weights, decreasing = TRUE), ]
  # get the top.n tuples
  fits.top <- expandingList()
  # print(top.n.tuples)
  apply(top.n.tuples, MARGIN = 1, function(tup){
    # print(tup)

NormalizeWeightsFromFits <- function(fits.list){
  fit.weight.sum <- SumWeights(fits.list)
  for (i in seq(length(fits.list))){
    fits.list[[i]][["fit.weights.sum"]] <- NULL
    for (j in seq(length(fits.list[[i]]))){
      if (is.null(fits.list[[i]][[j]])) next
      fits.list[[i]][[j]][["weight.norm"]] <- fits.list[[i]][[j]][["weight"]] / fit.weight.sum

SumWeights <- function(fits.list){
  # Given list of fits, divide each weight by fit.weights.sum
  fit.weight.sum <- 0
  for (fit in fits.list){
    if (!is.null(fit$fit.weights.sum)){
      fit.weight.sum <- fit.weight.sum + fit$fit.weights.sum

GetNrhythFromModel <- function(model){
  # from model, return number of tissues that are rhythmic 
  # e.g.: Mus;Adr,Kidney,Liver;Aorta,BFAT,Heart,Lung = 8 rhythmic tissues
  # strategy: replace ";" with ',', then get length of ',' split string
  n.rhyth <- gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = ",", x = model)
  return(length(strsplit(n.rhyth, ",")[[1]]))

GetAvgAmpFromParams <- function(params, by.model=FALSE){
  # look at param names to get average amplitudes
  # option: by.model: go strictly by model (used if model was filtered by some amp criteria beforehand)
  # by.model is a model name e.g., "Kidney;Liver;Adr,Lung" or FALSE
  amps <- params[grepl("amp", names(params))]
  if (by.model){
    if (by.model == "") return(NA)  # non rhyth model
    grepstr = gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = "|", as.character(by.model))
    amps <- amps[grepl(grepstr, names(amps))]
  if(length(amps) == 0) return(NA)  # non rhyth model
  # get number of tissues rhythmic for each rhythmic paramter (because tissues can
  # share paramters)
  n.tiss <- sapply(names(amps), function(tiss.id) length(strsplit(tiss.id, ",")[[1]]))
  amps.weighted <- sum(amps * n.tiss)
  # return weighted mean
  return(amps.weighted / sum(n.tiss))

GetSdPhaseFromParams <- function(params, by.model=FALSE){
  # look at param names to get average amplitudes
  # option: by.model: go strictly by model (used if model was filtered by some amp criteria beforehand)
  # by.model is a model name e.g., "Kidney;Liver;Adr,Lung" or FALSE
  phases <- params[grepl("phase", names(params))]
  if (by.model){
    if (by.model == "") return(NA)  # non rhyth model
    grepstr = gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = "|", as.character(by.model))
    phases <- phases[grepl(grepstr, names(phases))]
  if(length(phases) == 0) return(NA)  # non rhyth model
  # get number of tissues rhythmic for each rhythmic paramter (because tissues can
  # share paramters)
  n.tiss <- sapply(names(phases), function(tiss.id) length(strsplit(tiss.id, ",")[[1]]))
  weights = n.tiss / sum(n.tiss)
  phases.avg = weighted.mean(phases, weights)
  # phases.weighted = sum(phases * n.tiss); phases.avg = phases.weighted / sum(n.tiss)  # equivalent but less readable
  phases.var =  sum(weights * (DiffPhase(phases, phases.avg)) ^ 2)  # denominator is not N-1 it is N

GetPhaseFromParams <- function(params, by.model=FALSE){
  # works only for n.params == 1
  phases <- params[grepl("phase", names(params))]
  if (by.model){
    if (by.model == "") return(NA)  # non rhyth model
    grepstr = gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = "|", as.character(by.model))
    phases <- phases[grepl(grepstr, names(phases))]
  if(length(phases) == 0) return(NA)  # non rhyth model

DiffPhase <- function(phase1, phase2, period=24){
  # Get phase1 and phase2 difference, modulo period
  jdiff <- abs(diff(c(phase1, phase2)))
  return(min(period - jdiff, jdiff))

MaxDiffPhaseVector <- function(phases, period=24){
  phasediff.max <- 0
  for (phase.i in phases){
    for (phase.j in phases){
      jdiff <- DiffPhase(phase.j, phase.i, period)
      if (jdiff > phasediff.max){
        phasediff.max <- jdiff

GetMaxPhaseDiffFromParams <- function(params, by.model=FALSE, period=24){
  # Get maximum phase difference between tissues
  phases <- params[grepl("phase", names(params))]
  if (by.model != FALSE){
    if (by.model == "") return(NA)  # non rhyth model
    grepstr = gsub(pattern = ";", replacement = "|", as.character(by.model))
    phases <- phases[grepl(grepstr, names(phases))]
  if(length(phases) == 0) return(NA)  # non rhyth model
  phasediff.max <- MaxDiffPhaseVector(phases, period)

FilterModelByAmp <- function(model.name, params, amp.cutoff = 0.5){
  # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10049402/calculating-weighted-mean-and-standard-deviation
  # Get amplitude of each tissue in model name.
  # model name: Kidney;Liver;Adr,Lung 
  # params: fit from nconds2: amp and phase are called tissue1.amp tissue1.phase ... 
  # return:
  #   model.filt: Kidney:Liver if Adr,Lung amp parameter is less than amp.cutoff.
  model.vec <- strsplit(as.character(model.name), split = ";")[[1]]
  amps <- params[grepl("amp", names(params))]
  # remove tissues from model with low amplitude
  amps.filt <- amps[which(amps >= amp.cutoff)]
  # create new model name based on filtering
  # from c("Mus.amp", "Adr,Kidney,Liver.amp" ... ) -> c("Mus", "Adr,Kidney,Liver" ... )
  models.filt <- sapply(names(amps.filt), function(name) strsplit(name, ".amp")[[1]])
  models.filt <- paste(models.filt, collapse = ";")

MakeDesMatFromModelName <- function(dat.gene, model.name, tissues, w = 2 * pi / 24){
  # Given model.name, return design matrix
  # model.name: Aorta,BFAT,Liver;Adr,BS,Cere,Heart,Kidney
  des.mat <- GetFlatModel(dat.gene)  # cbind to this to create matrix
  tiss.combos <- GetAllCombos(tissues)
  des.mat.sinhash <- GetSinCombos(dat.gene, w, tissues, tiss.combos)
  des.mat.coshash <- GetCosCombos(dat.gene, w, tissues, tiss.combos)
  model.name.vec <- strsplit(model.name, ";")[[1]]
  for (rhyth.tiss in model.name.vec){
    des.mat <- cbind(des.mat, AddRhythmicColumns(des.mat.sinhash, des.mat.coshash, rhyth.tiss))

LoadDesMatDatGeneRunFits <- function(dat.gene, mat.chunk, criterion = "BIC", normalize.weights = TRUE, top.n = 10, sparse = TRUE){
  # Run fits given dat.gene and chunk of mat, can be loaded from file 
  # track top.n
  # each element in list of mat.chunk has $mat, $rhyth.tiss etc. So use $mat for fitting
  # store my fits
  # to save memory, only store top n fits
  # fits <- expandingList()
  fits <- list()
  fit.count <- 0
  # track weights to normalize afterwards
  fit.weights.sum <- 0
  fit.weights <- vector(mode="numeric", length=top.n)
  # fit my model
  for (i in seq(length(mat.chunk))){
    des.mat <- mat.chunk[[i]]
    if (sparse){
      fit <- FitModel(dat.gene, as.matrix(des.mat$mat), get.criterion = criterion, condensed = TRUE)  # condensed will save some memory
    } else {
      fit <- FitModel(dat.gene, des.mat$mat, get.criterion = criterion, condensed = TRUE)  # condensed will save some memory
    fit.weights.sum <- fit.weights.sum + fit$weight  # track even if it is a bad model, helps normalization
    fit.weights.lst <- UpdateFitWeights(fit$weight, fit.weights)
    if (!is.na(fit.weights.lst$i)){
      fits[[fit.weights.lst$i]] <- fit
      fit.weights <- fit.weights.lst$weights
    fit.count <- fit.count + 1
  if (normalize.weights){
    # print("Normalizing weights...")
    # print(dat.gene$gene[[1]])
    # fits.list <- NormalizeWeights(fits.list, cutoff)
    for (i in seq(length(fits))){
      fits[[i]]$weight.norm <- fits[[i]]$weight / fit.weights.sum
  fits$fit.weights.sum <- fit.weights.sum

MakeDesMatChunks <- function(dat.gene, out.dir, tissues, n.rhyth.max, w = 2 * pi / 24, sparse = TRUE, chunks=10000, only.n.params = FALSE, count.mode=FALSE){
  # dat.gene: long format of gene expression, time and
  # conditions. Can include additional factors such as 
  # experiment.
  # to reduce computation, savee matrices into chunks (user defined, let's say 10000 models a chunk) so
  # if we run genome-wide, then we load the chunk and fit.
  # only.n: store models only with exactly n parameters
  # count.mode: only care about counts, dont save anything
  if (missing(tissues)){
    tissues <- unique(as.character(dat.gene$tissue))
  if (missing(n.rhyth.max)){
    n.rhyth.max <- length(tissues)
  } else if (n.rhyth.max < 1){
    warning("N rhyth max cannot be less than 2")
  tiss.combos <- GetAllCombos(tissues, ignore.full = FALSE)
  my_mat.queue <- new.queue()
  # BEGIN: init with flat model
  des.mat.flat <- GetFlatModel(dat.gene)
  if (sparse){
    # make sparse using Matrix package
    des.mat.flat <- Matrix(des.mat.flat)
  # get rhythmic parameters which will be used for adding later: hash structure has fast lookup
  des.mat.sinhash <- GetSinCombos(dat.gene, w, tissues, tiss.combos)
  des.mat.coshash <- GetCosCombos(dat.gene, w, tissues, tiss.combos)
  rhyth.tiss <- list(character(0))  # needs to track shared and independent parameters, e.g.: c("Liver,Kidney", "Adr") no duplicates allowed
  # n.rhyth <- NRhythmicFromString(rhyth.tiss)  # number of independent rhythmic parameters perhaps? Do this later for speed?
  complement <- FilterCombos(tiss.combos, rhyth.tiss)  # given current matrix, you will know which tissues to iterate
  des.mat.list <- list(mat=des.mat.flat, rhyth.tiss=rhyth.tiss, complement = complement)
  # END: init with flat model
  # load up my queue
  enqueue(my_mat.queue, des.mat.list)
  # uncomment if you want to store all the matrices were used
  des.mats <- expandingList() 
  total.count <- 1  # mats total, to track how many models
  chunk.id <- 1  # increment every time we save a model
  # need to track models that we have done, so we eliminate "permutations" like c("Liver", "Kidney") and c("Kidney", "Liver) models
  # use hash for speed
  models.done <- hash()
  # generate matrix by adding combinations of columns and adding
  # those matrices into the queue
  while (! is.empty(my_mat.queue)) {
    des.mat.list <- dequeue(my_mat.queue)
    # check that this matrix is not already the maximum complexity (n.rhyth.max),
    # if it is already as complex as we want, then ignore it because 
    # we dont want to add another rhythmic column to this.
    # strictly greater than should handle the case of "no rhytmic tissues"
    if (length(des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss) > n.rhyth.max){
      # print(paste("Skipping", des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss))
      next  # should work even in n.rhyth.max == length(tissues)
    # determine tissue combinations that need to be added based on rhyth.tiss
    # e.g., no need to add Liver twice, they can't have two rhythmic paramters  
    for (tiss.comb in des.mat.list$complement){
      # add column for each tissue combination
      tiss.key <- paste(tiss.comb, collapse = ",")
      # append tiss.key to rhyth.tiss
      rhyth.tiss <- c(des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss, tiss.key)  # form list("Adr,Kidney", "Mus")
      # check if this tissue combination has been already submitted into queue (but in different permutation)
      # track models we have done globally
      modelname <- MakeModelName(rhyth.tiss)
      if (! is.null(models.done[[modelname]])){
        # this is a permutation of an already done combo, skip
        #       print(rhyth.tiss)
        #       print(paste('Skipping', modelname))
      col.new <- AddRhythmicColumns(des.mat.sinhash, des.mat.coshash, tiss.key)
      #     rhyth.tiss <- c(des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss, tiss.key)
      # further remove complement after having
      tiss.complement.new <- FilterCombos(des.mat.list$complement, tiss.comb)
      # make new matrix, put it into queue
      mat.new <- cbind(des.mat.list$mat, col.new)
      des.mat.list.new <- list(mat=mat.new, rhyth.tiss = rhyth.tiss, complement = tiss.complement.new)
      enqueue(my_mat.queue, des.mat.list.new)
      models.done[[modelname]] <- TRUE  # we dont want to redo permutations of same models
      total.count <- total.count + 1
      # add to list unless only.n is not FALSE
      if (only.n.params == FALSE){
      } else {
        # only add if only.n.params matches n.rhyth.params
        n.rhyth.params <- length(rhyth.tiss) - 1  # rhyth.tiss contains a flat model, remove 1 to consider only n.rhyth.params
        if (n.rhyth.params == only.n.params){
      if (total.count %% chunks == 0){
        if (count.mode == FALSE){
          SaveChunk(chunk.id, out.dir, des.mats)
        # start a new des.mats
        des.mats <- expandingList()
        chunk.id <- chunk.id + 1
  # save last batch
  if (count.mode == FALSE){
    SaveChunk(chunk.id, out.dir, des.mats)
  print(paste("Total models:", total.count))

SaveChunk <- function(chunk.id, out.dir, des.mats){
  fname <- paste0("chunk.", chunk.id, ".Robj")
  des.mats.list <- des.mats$as.list()
  save(des.mats.list, file = file.path(out.dir, fname))

LoadChunkRunNconds <- function(chunk.path, genename, tissues, n.rhyth.max, w, criterion, normalize.weights, cutoff, top.n, sparse){
  # given path to a dat.gene chunk, run nconds2
  if (missing(genename)){
    genename <- strsplit(basename(chunk.path), ".Robj")[[1]][[1]]
  return(MakeDesMatRunFit(dat.gene, genename, tissues, n.rhyth.max, w, criterion, normalize.weights, cutoff, top.n, sparse))

ChunkDatGenesToFile <- function(dat.long, write.dir){
  # Split dat.long by gene, save each as an genename.Robj
  dat.long %>%
    group_by(gene) %>%
    do(SaveDatGenes(., write.dir))

SaveDatGenes <- function(dat.gene, write.dir){
  gene <- dat.gene$gene[[1]]
  fname <- paste0(gene, ".Robj")
  save(dat.gene, file = file.path(write.dir, fname))

GetBestModel <- function(fits){
  fit.bestweight <- 0
  for (i in seq(length(fits))){
    if (length(fits[[i]]) == 1){
      # skip because one of the parameters is just gene name
    if (fits[[i]]$weight.norm > fit.bestweight){
      fit.best <- fits[[i]]
      fit.bestweight <- fits[[i]]$weight.norm

MakeDesMatRunFitEnv <- function(env, genename, tissues, n.rhyth.max, w = 2 * pi / 24, criterion = "BIC", normalize.weights = FALSE, cutoff = 1e-3, top.n = 3, sparse = TRUE){
  # wrapper function to grab dat.gene from environment
  # genename is gene name found from ls(env)
  dat.gene <- get(genename, envir = env)
  return(MakeDesMatRunFit(dat.gene, genename, tissues, n.rhyth.max, w, criterion, normalize.weights, cutoff, top.n))

MakeDesMatRunFit <- function(dat.gene, gene, tissues, n.rhyth.max, w = 2 * pi / 24, criterion = "BIC", normalize.weights = FALSE, cutoff = 1e-3, top.n = 3, sparse = TRUE){
  # dat.gene: long format of gene expression, time and
  # conditions. Can include additional factors such as 
  # experiment.
  # To save memory, generate model and then run fit immediately afterwards.
  # optionally allow stopping after models reach a certain complexity
  if (missing(tissues)){
    tissues <- unique(as.character(dat.gene$tissue))
  if (missing(gene)){
    gene <- as.character(dat.gene$gene[[1]])
  if (missing(n.rhyth.max)){
    n.rhyth.max <- length(tissues)
  } else if (n.rhyth.max < 1){
    warning("N rhyth max cannot be less than 2")
  tiss.combos <- GetAllCombos(tissues, ignore.full = FALSE)
  my_mat.queue <- new.queue()
  # BEGIN: init with flat model
  des.mat.flat <- GetFlatModel(dat.gene)
  if (sparse){
    # make sparse using Matrix package
    des.mat.flat <- Matrix(des.mat.flat)
  # get rhythmic parameters which will be used for adding later: hash structure has fast lookup
  des.mat.sinhash <- GetSinCombos(dat.gene, w, tissues, tiss.combos)
  des.mat.coshash <- GetCosCombos(dat.gene, w, tissues, tiss.combos)
  rhyth.tiss <- list(character(0))  # needs to track shared and independent parameters, e.g.: c("Liver,Kidney", "Adr") no duplicates allowed
  # n.rhyth <- NRhythmicFromString(rhyth.tiss)  # number of independent rhythmic parameters perhaps? Do this later for speed?
  complement <- FilterCombos(tiss.combos, rhyth.tiss)  # given current matrix, you will know which tissues to iterate
  des.mat.list <- list(mat=des.mat.flat, rhyth.tiss=rhyth.tiss, complement = complement)
  # END: init with flat model
  # load up my queue
  enqueue(my_mat.queue, des.mat.list)
  # uncomment if you want to store all the matrices were used
  # des.mats <- expandingList() 
  # des.mats$add(des.mat.list)
  # store my fits
  # to save memory, only store top n fits
  # fits <- expandingList()
  fits <- list()
  fit.count <- 0
  # track weights to normalize afterwards
  fit.weights.sum <- 0
  if (!is.null(top.n)){
    fit.weights <- vector(mode="numeric", length=top.n)
  # need to track models that we have done, so we eliminate "permutations" like c("Liver", "Kidney") and c("Kidney", "Liver) models
  # use hash for speed
  models.done <- hash()
  # generate matrix by adding combinations of columns and adding
  # those matrices into the queue
  while (! is.empty(my_mat.queue)) {
    des.mat.list <- dequeue(my_mat.queue)
    # fit my model
    if (sparse){
      fit <- FitModel(dat.gene, as.matrix(des.mat.list$mat), get.criterion = criterion, condensed = TRUE)  # condensed will save some memory
    } else {
      fit <- FitModel(dat.gene, des.mat.list$mat, get.criterion = criterion, condensed = TRUE)  # condensed will save some memory
    fit.count <- fit.count + 1
    fit.weights.sum <- fit.weights.sum + fit$weight  # track even if it is a bad model, helps normalization
    if (!is.null(top.n)){
      fit.weights.lst <- UpdateFitWeights(fit$weight, fit.weights)
      if (!is.na(fit.weights.lst$i)){
        fits[[fit.weights.lst$i]] <- fit
        fit.weights <- fit.weights.lst$weights
    } else {
      fits[[fit.count]] <- fit
    # check that this matrix is not already the maximum complexity (n.rhyth.max),
    # if it is already as complex as we want, then ignore it because 
    # we dont want to add another rhythmic column to this.
    # strictly greater than should handle the case of "no rhytmic tissues"
    if (length(des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss) > n.rhyth.max){
      # print(paste("Skipping", des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss))
      next  # should work even in n.rhyth.max == length(tissues)
    # determine tissue combinations that need to be added based on rhyth.tiss
    # e.g., no need to add Liver twice, they can't have two rhythmic paramters  
    for (tiss.comb in des.mat.list$complement){
      # add column for each tissue combination
      tiss.key <- paste(tiss.comb, collapse = ",")
      # append tiss.key to rhyth.tiss
      rhyth.tiss <- c(des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss, tiss.key)  # form list("Adr,Kidney", "Mus")
      # check if this tissue combination has been already submitted into queue (but in different permutation)
      # track models we have done globally
      modelname <- MakeModelName(rhyth.tiss)
      if (! is.null(models.done[[modelname]])){
        # this is a permutation of an already done combo, skip
        #       print(rhyth.tiss)
        #       print(paste('Skipping', modelname))
      col.new <- AddRhythmicColumns(des.mat.sinhash, des.mat.coshash, tiss.key)
      #     rhyth.tiss <- c(des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss, tiss.key)

      # further remove complement after having
      tiss.complement.new <- FilterCombos(des.mat.list$complement, tiss.comb)
      # make new matrix, put it into queue
      mat.new <- cbind(des.mat.list$mat, col.new)
      des.mat.list.new <- list(mat=mat.new, rhyth.tiss = rhyth.tiss, complement = tiss.complement.new)
      enqueue(my_mat.queue, des.mat.list.new) 
      models.done[[modelname]] <- TRUE  # we dont want to redo permutations of same models
      # des.mats$add(des.mat.list.new)
  # unpack my fits 
  # fits.list <- fits$as.list()
  # print(paste("Models fitted:", fit.count))
  fits.list <- fits
  if (normalize.weights){
    # print("Normalizing weights...")
    # print(dat.gene$gene[[1]])
    # fits.list <- NormalizeWeights(fits.list, cutoff)
    for (i in seq(length(fits.list))){
      fits.list[[i]]$weight.norm <- fits.list[[i]]$weight / fit.weights.sum
  fits.list$gene <- gene
  # print(fit.weights.sum)

UpdateFitWeights <- function(weight, weights){
  # check min weights, if weight is larger than min(weights), replace min(weights) with weight
  which.min.i <- which.min(weights)
  min.weight <- weights[which.min.i]
  if (weight <= min.weight){
    return(list(weights = NA, i = NA))  # do nothing
  else if (weight > min.weight){
    # replace it
    weights[which.min(weights)] <- weight
    return(list(weights = weights, i = which.min.i))

NormalizeWeights <- function(fit.list, cutoff = 1e-3){
  # take list with $weight and 
  # add $weight.norm
  weight.sum <- sum(unlist(lapply(fit.list, function(fit){
#   fit.list.norm <- Filter(function(fit){
#     fit$weight / weight.sum >= cutoff
#   }, fit.list)

  fit.list.norm <- lapply(fit.list, function(fit){
    fit$weight.norm <- fit$weight / weight.sum
    if (fit$weight.norm < cutoff){
    } else {
      return(list(fit = fit$fit, weight.norm = fit$weight.norm))

CoefToModelName <- function(coef){
  # Given set of coef, with sin and cos to designate rhythmic parameters, extract
  # a rhythmic model name e.g., Adr;Liver,Kidney;Mus means 3 rhythmic parameters, liver and kidney share 
  # rhythmic params
  rhyth.names <- names(coef[grepl(":sin", names(coef))])
  rhyth.names <- sapply(rhyth.names, function(jname) strsplit(jname, ":")[[1]][[1]])
  return(paste(rhyth.names, collapse=";"))

CoefToParams <- function(coef, period = 24){
  w = 2 * pi / 24
  flat.params <- coef[grepl("tissue", names(coef))]
  # Convert linear coefficients sin cos to amplitude and phase.
  rhyth.params.sin <- coef[grepl(":sin", names(coef))]
  rhyth.params.cos <- coef[grepl(":cos", names(coef))]
  rhyth.params.names <- names(coef)[grepl(":sin", names(coef))]
  if (length(rhyth.params.names) > 0){
    has.rhyth <- TRUE
  } else {
    has.rhyth <- FALSE
  # TODO: check for case with no rhythmic param
  if (has.rhyth){
    # Liver:sin(w * time) -> Liver (can be Adr,Liver)
    rhyth.tiss <- sapply(rhyth.params.names, function(rhyth.param) strsplit(rhyth.param, ":")[[1]][[1]])
    # create amplitude and amp for each rhyth.tiss
    amps <- mapply(function(a, b) return(sqrt(a^2 + b^2)), rhyth.params.sin, rhyth.params.cos)
    phases <- mapply(function(a, b){
      phase.rad <- atan2(a, b)
      return((phase.rad / w) %% period)
    }, rhyth.params.sin, rhyth.params.cos)
    # name my new params
    if (length(amps) == 0 & length(phases) == 0) return(NA)
    names(amps) <- paste0(rhyth.tiss, ".amp")
    names(phases) <- paste0(rhyth.tiss, ".phase")
  } else {
  # return as numeric vector
  rhyth.params.out <- c(amps, phases)
  out.params <- c(flat.params, rhyth.params.out)

BICFromLmFit <- function(coefficients, residuals){
  # from vector of coefs and residuals, calculate BIC
  n <- length(residuals)
  RSS <- sum(residuals ^ 2)
  k <- length(coefficients)
  criterion <- n * log(RSS / n) + k * log(n)

AICFromLmFit <- function(coefficients, residuals){
  # from vector of coefs and residuals, calculate AIC
  n <- length(residuals)
  RSS <- sum(residuals ^ 2)
  k <- length(coefficients)
  criterion <- n * log(RSS / n) + 2 * k

FitModels <- function(dat.gene, my_mat, get.criterion = "BIC", normalize.weights = TRUE){
  # Fit many models with lm.fit() which is faster than lm()
  fits <- lapply(my_mat, function(mat) FitModel(dat.gene, mat, get.criterion))
  # calculate weights.sum
  weights.sum <- sum(unlist(lapply(fits, function(fit){
  # normalize weights so sum = 1
  if (normalize.weights){
    fits <- lapply(fits, function(fit){
      fit$weight.norm <- fit$weight / weight.sum

FitModel <- function(dat.gene, mat, weight.sum, get.criterion="BIC", condensed=FALSE){
  # Subroutine for fitting many models because
  # only one matrix, cannot normalize weights
  # weight.sum: track weight.sum 
  #   print(head(mat))
  #   print(dat.gene$exprs)
  fit <- lm.fit(y = dat.gene$exprs, x = mat)
  if (get.criterion == "BIC"){
    criterion <- BICFromLmFit(fit$coefficients, fit$residuals)
    weight <- exp(-0.5 * criterion)
    weight.raw <- criterion
  } else if (get.criterion == "AIC"){
    criterion <- AICFromLmFit(fit$coefficients, fit$residuals)
    weight <- exp(-0.5 * criterion)
    weight.raw <- criterion
  } else {
    rsquared <- GetRSquaredFromFits(dat.gene$exprs, fit$residuals)
    #     # sanity check
    #         rsquared.check <- summary(lm(dat.gene$exprs ~ mat))$r.squared
    #         print(paste("RSquared calculated: ", rsquared))
    #         print(paste("RSquared real: ", rsquared))
    N <- length(dat.gene$exprs)
    p <- length(fit$coefficients)
    bf <- tryCatch({
      bf <- GetBayesFactor(N, p, rsquared, method = get.criterion, plot.integrand = FALSE)  # output is log
    }, error = function(e) {
      bf <- NA
    weight <- exp(bf)
    weight.raw <- -bf
  if (condensed){
    return(list(fit = fit$coefficients, weight = weight, weight.raw = weight.raw, method = get.criterion))
  } else {
    return(list(fit = fit$coefficients, residuals = fit$residuals, weight = weight, method = get.criterion))

GetBayesFactor <- function(N, p, rsquared, method = "zf", plot.integrand=FALSE){
  # Bayes Factor a la Liang et al 2008 mixture of g priors
  # http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00273171.2012.734737
  # http://amstat.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1198/016214507000001337#.V017rTdWeMM  
  # Taken from Richard Morey Bayes Factor package
  # github code: https://github.com/richarddmorey/BayesFactor/blob/a90b5929a8f44de1ef853b49de1d49b3c8095285/pkg/BayesFactor/R/regressionBF-utility.R
  # Methods:
  # zf = "Zellner-Siow priors"
  # hyperg = "hyper-g priors"
  # zf_laplace = "Zellner-Siow priors approximated with Laplace"
  # hyperg_laplace = "hyper g approximated with Laplace
  # eb = "Empirical Bayes" use mode of g 
  if (method == "zf"){
    # get Marginal Likelihood of the model
    debug <- FALSE
    if (debug){
      g.mode <- ModeG(N, p, rsquared)
      gvec <- seq(0, 500000, length.out = 1000)
      bf.real <- exp(linearReg.R2stat(N=N, p=p, R2=rsquared, rscale = 1)[['bf']])  # needs BayesFactor package
      gvec.log <- seq(-50, 50, length.out = 1000)
      plot(gvec, ModelLikelihood(gvec, N=N, p=p, R2=rsquared, .log=TRUE, log.const=0, return.log=FALSE), type = "l", main=paste("log(g) vs transformed integrand. Mode:", signif(log(g.mode), digits = 2)))
      plot(gvec.log, ModelLikelihood2(gvec.log, N=N, p=p, R2=rsquared, shift = log(g.mode)), type = "l", main=paste("log(g) vs transformed integrand. Mode:", signif(log(g.mode), digits = 2)))
      # test my modellikelihood
      bf.old <- ModelLikelihood(g.mode, N=N, p=p, R2=rsquared, .log = TRUE, log.const = 0, return.log = FALSE)
      bf.bylog <- integrate(ModelLikelihood2, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, N=N, p=p, R2=rsquared, log.const = 0, shift = log(g.mode))
      print(paste("BF old:", bf.old[[1]]))
      print(paste("BF real:", bf.real))
      print(paste("BF by log:", bf.bylog[[1]]))
    # bf <- integrate(ModelLikelihood, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, N=N, p=p, R2=rsquared, .log = TRUE, log.const = 0, return.log = FALSE)  # ModelLikelihood ratio with NULL model
    g.mode <- ModeG(N, p, R2 = rsquared)
    log.const <- ModelLikelihood2(tau = 0, N = N, p = p, R2 = rsquared, shift = log(g.mode), return.log=TRUE)
    # bf <- integrate(ModelLikelihood, lower=0, upper=Inf, N=N, p=p, R2=rsquared, .log = TRUE, log.const = 0, return.log = FALSE)  # ModelLikelihood ratio with NULL model
    bf <- integrate(ModelLikelihood2, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf, N=N, p=p, R2=rsquared, log.const = log.const, shift = log(g.mode))  # shift to centre
    if (bf[[4]] == "OK"){
      bf <- log(bf[[1]]) + log.const
    } else {
      warning(paste("Integration returned non-OK message", bf[[4]]))
      bf <- log(bf[[1]])
  } else if (method == "zf_laplace"){
    warning("zf_laplace still buggy")
    # Approximate Marginal Likelihood of the model
    approx <- LaplaceApprox(N, p, rsquared)
    print(paste("mode:", approx$g.mode))
    bf <- approx$bf
  } else if (method == "hyperg"){
    a <- 3  # 2 to 4 is OK. 3 is recommended by Liang et al 2008
    bf <- log(((a - 2) / (p + a - 2)) * Re(hypergeo::hypergeo(A = (N - 1 / 2), B = 1, C = (p + a) / 2, z = rsquared)))
  } else if (method == "eb"){
    # proper way is to do EM algorithm, which I will not do.
    g.mode <- 1000
    bf <- log(ModelLikelihood(g = g.mode, N = N, p = p, R2 = rsquared, .log = TRUE, log.const = 0, return.log = FALSE))
  } else {
    # guess that user set method as "g"
    if (!is.numeric(method)){
    	# if not numeric, expect form g=1000
    	g <- as.numeric(strsplit(method, "=")[[1]][[2]])
    } else {
    	g <- method
    # no prior needed (Equation 8 of Liang 2008)
    bf <- log(ModelLikelihood(g = g, N = N, p = p, R2 = rsquared, .log = TRUE, log.const = 0, return.log = FALSE, add.prior = FALSE))
  if (plot.integrand){
    par(mar = c(5,5,2,5))
    g <- seq(0, 1000)
    cat(paste("N:", N, "\np:", p, "\nR2:", rsquared, "\n"))
    plot(g, ModelLikelihood(g, N = N, p = p, R2 = rsquared), type = "l", main = paste("N:", N, "\np:", p, "\nR2:", rsquared, "\n"))
    if (method == "zf_laplace"){
      abline(v = approx$g.mode, lty = 3)
      par(new = T)
      plot(g, SecondDerivG(g, N, p, rsquared), type = "l", lty = 2, axes=F, xlab=NA, ylab=NA)
      axis(side = 4)
      mtext(side = 4, line = 3, 'd2h')

LaplaceApprox <- function(N, p, R2){
  # Approximate the marginal likelihood using LaPlace
  # Appendix A of Liang et al 2008
  ## Compute second derivative
  g.mode <- ModeG(N, p, R2)
  d2h <- SecondDerivG(g.mode, N, p, R2)  # Equation A.2
  print(paste("d2h:", d2h))
  sig <- (-1 * d2h) ^ -0.5
  print(paste("sig:", sig))
  bf <- sqrt(2 * pi)* sig * ModelLikelihood(g.mode, N, p, R2, .log = TRUE, log.const = 0, return.log = TRUE)  # Equation A.1
  return(list(bf = bf, g.mode = g.mode))

ModeG <- function(N, p, R2){
  # approximate with Laplace integral
  ### Compute approximation to posterior mode of g
  ### Liang et al Eq. A.3, assuming a=b=0
  g3 = -(1 - R2) * (p + 3) #* g^3 
  g2 = (N - p - 4 - 2 * (1 - R2)) #* g^2
  g1 = (N * (2 - R2) - 3) #*g
  g0 = N
  sol = polyroot(c(g0, g1, g2, g3))  # solutions to cubic equation
  ## Pick the real solution
  g.mode = Re(sol[which.min(Im(sol)^2)])
  if (g.mode <= 0){
    g.mode <- N / 20  # somewhere close to 0, can't do log of negs

SecondDerivG <- function(g, N, p, R2, a = 0, b = 0, verbose=FALSE){
  # Liang et al Eq. A. 3
  t1 <- (N - 1) * (1 - R2) ^ 2 / (1 + (g * (1 - R2))) ^ 2
  t2 <- -1 * (N - p - 1) / ((1 + g) ^ 2)
  t3 <- (3 - 2 * a) / (g ^ 2)
  t4 <- -1 * (2 * N / g ^ 3)
  d2h <- 0.5 * (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4)
  if (verbose){
    cat(paste("t1: ", t1, "\nt2", t2, "\nt3", t3, "\nt4", t4, "\n"))
#   d2h <- 0.5 * ( 
#     (((N - 1)*(1 - R2)) / ((1 + g * (1 - R2)) ^ 2)) - 
#     ((N - p - 1) / ((1 + g) ^ 2)) + 
#     ((3 - 2 * a) / (g ^ 2)) - 
#     ((2 * N) / (g ^ 3))
#     )

ModelLikelihood <- function(g, N, p, R2, .log=FALSE, log.const=0, return.log = FALSE, method = "zf", add.prior=TRUE){
  if (!.log){
    if (add.prior){
      L <- (((1 + g) ^ ((N - p - 1) / 2)) * (1 + (1 - R2) * g) ^ -((N - 1) / 2)) * PriorG(N, g, .log = FALSE, method = "zf")
    } else {
      L <- (((1 + g) ^ ((N - p - 1) / 2)) * (1 + (1 - R2) * g) ^ -((N - 1) / 2))
  } else {
    debug <- FALSE
    if (debug){
      # print((N - p -1) * log1pExp(g))
      # print(g + log(1 - R2))
      # print(.5 * ((N - p - 1 ) * log1pExp(g) - (N - 1) * log1pExp(g + log(1 - R2))))
      # a2 <- .5 * ((N - p - 1 ) * log1pExp(g) - (N - 1) * log1pExp(g + log(1 - R2)))  
      # a1 <- (((N - p - 1) / 2) * log(1 + g)) + (-(N - 1) / 2) * log(1 + (1 - R2) * g)
      a2 <- (- (N - 1)/2 * log1pExp(g + log(1 - R2)))
      a1 <-  (-(N - 1) / 2) * log(1 + (1 - R2) * g)
      print(paste("a from jake:", a1))
      print(paste("a from morey", a2))
      print(paste("a from jake + correction", a1 + log(g)))
    # two lines should be equal
    # L <- (((N - p - 1) / 2) * log1pExp(log(g)) + (-(N - 1) / 2) * log1pExp(log((1 - R2) * g)) + PriorG(N, g, .log = TRUE, method = "zf"))
    if (add.prior){
      L <- (((N - p - 1) / 2) * log(1 + g)) + (-(N - 1) / 2) * log(1 + (1 - R2) * g) + PriorG(N, g, .log = TRUE, method = "zf")
    } else {
      L <- (((N - p - 1) / 2) * log(1 + g)) + (-(N - 1) / 2) * log(1 + (1 - R2) * g)
    # exponentiate at the end
    if (!return.log){
      L <- exp(L)

ModelLikelihood2 <- function(tau, N, p, R2, log.const=0, shift=0, return.log=FALSE){
  # integrate from -Inf to Inf, function of log(g)
  # allow shift to move tau where peak is centre
  tau <- tau + shift
  a <- ((N - 1 - p) / 2) * log1pExp(tau) +  # log1pExp works when tau is large
   (-(N - 1) / 2) * log1pExp(tau + log(1 - R2))  # log1pExp(tau + log(1 - R2)) == log(1 + (1 - R2) * exp(tau))
  # a = .5 * ((N - p - 1 ) * log1pExp(tau) - 
  #             (N - 1) * log1pExp(tau + log(1 - R2)))
  L <- a + PriorG(N, tau, .log=TRUE, .logx = TRUE, method="zf") - log.const + tau
  if (!return.log){
  } else {

log1pExp <- Vectorize(function(x){
  # return log(1 + exp(x)), preventing Infs
  if (x > -log(.Machine$double.eps)){
    # log(1 + exp(x)) == x, x too large for computer
  } else{
    return(log(1 + exp(x)))
}, "x")

PriorG <- function(N, g, .log=TRUE, .logx=FALSE, method = "zf"){
  # Evaluate prior distribution of g
  # uses Inv-Gamma(1/2, N/2)
  if (method == "zf"){
    shape <- 1/2
    scale <- N/2  # differs from BayesFactor implementation
    if (!.logx){
      prior.g <- InvGamma(g, shape, scale, .log = TRUE, .logx=.logx)
    } else {
      prior.g <- InvGamma(g, shape, scale, .log = TRUE, .logx=.logx)
    # prior.g <- MCMCpack::dinvgamma(g, shape, scale)
  } else if (method == "hg"){
    a <- 3  # range from 2 to 4 is reasonable. Equation 16 of Liang et al 2008
    prior.g <- (a - 2)
  } else {
    warning("Unknown method")

InvGamma <- function(g, shape, scale, .log=FALSE, .logx=FALSE){
  const <- ((scale ^ shape) / gamma(shape))
  if (!.log){
    if (.logx) warning("Log x not coded for when .log=FALSE")
    d <- const * g ^ (-shape - 1) * exp(-scale / g)
  } else {
    if (!.logx){
      d <- log(const) + (-shape - 1) * log(g) + (-scale / g)
    } else {
      # g is tau
      d <- log(const) + (-shape - 1) * g + (-scale * exp(-g))

GetRSquaredFromFits <- function(y, residuals){
  TSS <- sum((y - mean(y)) ^ 2)
  RSS <- sum(residuals^2)
  return(1 - (RSS / TSS))

GetSelectionCriterion <- function(fits, model.selection = "BIC"){
  # given list of fits, calculate BIC weights
  # get coefficients and residuals, get model selection by BIC or AIC
  if (model.selection == "BIC"){
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_information_criterion#Definition
    # BIC = -2 log(RSS/n) + k * log(n)
    bics <- unlist(lapply(fits, function(fit){
      n <- length(fit$residuals)
      RSS <- sum(fit$residuals ^ 2)
      k <- length(fit$coefficients)
      criterion <- -2 * log(RSS / n) + k * log(n)
      bicweight <- exp(-0.5 * criterion)
    # normalize
    bics.weight <- bics / sum(bics)
  } else {
    warning("Only BIC is currently implemented.")

MakeRhythmicDesignMatrices <- function(dat.gene, w = 2 * pi / 24, simplify=FALSE){
  # dat.gene: long format of gene expression, time and
  # conditions. Can include additional factors such as 
  # experiment.
  # simplify: return only design matrix rather than full matrix containing meta data (FALSE is debug mode)
  tissues <- unique(as.character(dat.gene$tissue))
  tiss.combos <- GetAllCombos(tissues, ignore.full = FALSE)
  my_mat.queue <- new.queue()
  # BEGIN: init with flat model
  des.mat.flat <- GetFlatModel(dat.gene)
  # get rhythmic parameters which will be used for adding later: hash structure has fast lookup
  des.mat.sinhash <- GetSinCombos(dat.gene, w, tissues, tiss.combos)
  des.mat.coshash <- GetCosCombos(dat.gene, w, tissues, tiss.combos)
  rhyth.tiss <- list(character(0))  # needs to track shared and independent parameters, e.g.: c("Liver,Kidney", "Adr") no duplicates allowed
  # n.rhyth <- NRhythmicFromString(rhyth.tiss)  # number of independent rhythmic parameters perhaps? 
  n.rhyth <- NRhythmicFromVector(rhyth.tiss)  # do that later? naw faster if we do it now
  complement <- FilterCombos(tiss.combos, rhyth.tiss)
  des.mat.list <- list(mat=des.mat.flat, rhyth.tiss=rhyth.tiss, n.rhyth=n.rhyth, complement = complement)
  # END: init with flat model
  # load up my queue
  enqueue(my_mat.queue, des.mat.list)
  n.mat.submitted <- 1
  des.mats <- expandingList() 
  # need to track models that we have done, so we eliminate "permutations" like c("Liver", "Kidney") and c("Kidney", "Liver) models
  # use hash for speed
  models.done <- hash()
  # generate matrix by adding combinations of columns and adding
  # those matrices into the queue
  while (! is.empty(my_mat.queue)) {
    des.mat.list <- dequeue(my_mat.queue)
    # determine tissue combinations that need to be added based on rhyth.tiss
    # e.g., no need to add Liver twice, they can't have two rhythmic paramters
    for (tiss.comb in des.mat.list$complement){
      # add column for each tissue combination
      tiss.key <- paste(tiss.comb, collapse = ",")
      # append tiss.key to rhyth.tiss
      rhyth.tiss <- c(des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss, tiss.key)  # form list("Adr,Kidney", "Mus")
      # check if this tissue combination has been already submitted into queue (but in different permutation)
      # track models we have done globally
      modelname <- MakeModelName(rhyth.tiss)
      if (! is.null(models.done[[modelname]])){
        # this is a permutation of an already done combo, skip
        #       print(rhyth.tiss)
        #       print(paste('Skipping', modelname))
      col.new <- AddRhythmicColumns(des.mat.sinhash, des.mat.coshash, tiss.key)
      #     rhyth.tiss <- c(des.mat.list$rhyth.tiss, tiss.key)
      # further remove complement after having
      tiss.complement.new <- FilterCombos(des.mat.list$complement, tiss.comb)
      # add meta data: makes finding models easier
      n.rhyth <- des.mat.list$n.rhyth + length(tiss.comb)
      # make new matrix, put it into queue
      mat.new <- cbind(des.mat.list$mat, col.new)
      des.mat.list.new <- list(mat=mat.new, rhyth.tiss = rhyth.tiss, n.rhyth=n.rhyth, complement = tiss.complement.new)
      enqueue(my_mat.queue, des.mat.list.new) 
      models.done[[modelname]] <- TRUE  # we dont want to redo permutations of same models
      n.mat.submitted <- n.mat.submitted + 1
  print(paste("Number of matrices generated:", n.mat.submitted))
  des.mats.list <- des.mats$as.list()
  if (simplify){
    des.mats.list <- lapply(des.mats.list, function(x) return(x$mat))

MakeModelName <- function(rhyth.tiss.lst, delim = ";"){
  # From a list of rhythmic tissues, generate a hash key to track models
  # therefore: Adr,Kidney;Liver means Adr,Kidney same param, Liver independent param
  lst <- sort(unlist(rhyth.tiss.lst))
  return(paste(lst, collapse = delim))

AddRhythmicColumns <- function(des.mat.sinhash, des.mat.coshash, tiss.key){
  # cbind rhythnic columns, rename to track which tissues share this parameter
  col.new <- cbind(des.mat.sinhash[[tiss.key]], des.mat.coshash[[tiss.key]])
  col.new.namebase <- paste(tiss.key, sep = ",")
  colnames(col.new) <- c(paste0(col.new.namebase, ":sin(w * time)"), paste0(col.new.namebase, ":cos(w * time)"))

GetSinCombos <- function(dat.gene, w, tissues, combos){
  des.mat.sin <- GetRhythModel.sin(dat.gene, w)
  des.mat.sin.hash <- MakeHash(des.mat.sin, dat.gene, tissues, combos)

GetCosCombos <- function(dat.gene, w, tissues, combos){
  des.mat.cos <- GetRhythModel.cos(dat.gene, w)
  des.mat.cos.hash <- MakeHash(des.mat.cos, dat.gene, tissues, combos)

NRhythmicFromString <- function(rhyth.tiss, jsep = ","){
  # How many tissues are rhythmic given a comma separated stringS
  # "" suggests 0
  if (length(rhyth.tiss) == 0) return(0)
  if (rhyth.tiss == ""){
  } else {
    return(length(strsplit(rhyth.tiss, jsep)[[1]]))

NRhythmicFromVector <- function(rhyth.tiss.vec, jsep = ","){
  # if c("Adr,Liver", "Kidney") output 3 rhythmic tisues
  n.rhyth <- 0
  for (tiss in rhyth.tiss.vec){
    n.rhyth <- n.rhyth + NRhythmicFromString(tiss)

FilterCombos <- function(combos, combos.sub){
  # Filter out combos given a combos.sub, filters
  # any combo that contains even one of the elements in combo.sub
  # always removes an empty set no matter what
  combos.subl <- sapply(combos, function(comb){
    if (length(comb) == 0) return(FALSE)  # empty set
    inrhyth <- TRUE  # say it is true, loop through conditions to set to false if it is a duplicate
    for (ci in comb){
      if (ci %in% combos.sub){
        inrhyth <- inrhyth * FALSE

GetRhythmicFormula <- function(exprs, time, intercepts, w = 2 * pi / 24, with.intercept = FALSE){
  # Get formula for full rhythmic model
  # tissue: genotype, or tissues
  # x: time
  # y: expression
  # experiment: column name of experiment (can be blank I think "")
  # with.intercept: if you want tissue and experiments to be your intercepts, keep it False
  sinterm <- paste0(tissue, " : ", "sin(", w, " * ", time, ")")
  costerm <- paste0(tissue, " : ", "cos(", w, " * ", time, ")")
  rhyth.terms <- paste(sinterm, costerm, sep = " + ")
  if (with.intercept){
    intercept <- "1"
  } else {
    intercept <- "0"
  intercepts <- paste(intercepts, collapse = "+")
  form <- as.formula(paste0(exprs, "~", paste(intercept, tissue, experiment, rhyth.terms, sep = "+")))

GetFlatModel <- function(dat.gene){
  des.mat.flat <- tryCatch({
    model.matrix(exprs ~ 0 + tissue + tissue:experiment, dat.gene)
  }, error = function(e) {
    # error, try without experiment
    model.matrix(exprs ~ 0 + tissue, dat.gene)

GetRhythModel <- function(dat.gene, w = 2 * pi / 24){
  des.mat.rhyth <- model.matrix(exprs ~ 0 + tissue:sin(w * time) + tissue:cos(w * time), dat.gene)

MakeHash <- function(des.mat.rhyth, dat.gene, tissues, combos){
  # return as hash object requires hash library
  if (missing(tissues)) tissues <- unique(as.character(dat.gene$tissue))
  # init with single tissues
  des.mat.hash <- hash()
  for (tiss.i in seq(tissues)){
    tiss <- tissues[tiss.i]
    des.mat.hash[[tiss]] <- des.mat.rhyth[, colnames(des.mat.rhyth)[grepl(tiss, colnames(des.mat.rhyth))]]
  # add combos only if they are composed of >1 tissues
  for (comb in combos){
    if (length(comb) <= 1) next
    # init
    vec <- numeric(length = nrow(des.mat.rhyth))
    for (tiss in comb){
      vec <- vec + des.mat.hash[[tiss]]
    # put combo into hash as comma separated string
    comb.key <- paste(comb, collapse = ",")
    des.mat.hash[[comb.key]] <- vec

GetRhythModel.sin <- function(dat.gene, w = 2 * pi / 24){
  des.mat.rhyth <- model.matrix(exprs ~ 0 + tissue:sin(w * time), dat.gene)

GetRhythModel.cos <- function(dat.gene, w = 2 * pi / 24){
  des.mat.rhyth <- model.matrix(exprs ~ 0 + tissue:cos(w * time), dat.gene)

GetRhythmicFormula.Shared <- function(exprs, time, rhythmic.factor, intercepts, w = 2 * pi / 24, with.intercept = FALSE){
  # Get formula for full rhythmic model
  # exprs: expression col
  # time: time
  # rhythmic.factor: factor describing if rhythmic or not. 
  # with.intercept: if you want tissue and experiments to be your intercepts, keep it False
  # get rhythmic terms
  sinterm <- paste0(rhythmic.factor, " : ", "sin(", w, " * ", time, ")")
  costerm <- paste0(rhythmic.factor, " : ", "cos(", w, " * ", time, ")")
  rhyth.terms <- paste(sinterm, costerm, sep = " + ")
  if (with.intercept){
    intercept <- "1"
  } else {
    intercept <- "0"
  intercepts <- paste(intercepts, collapse = "+")
  form <- as.formula(paste0(exprs, "~", paste(intercept, tissue, experiment, rhyth.terms, sep = "+")))

SubsetFullDesignMatrix <- function(des.mat, rhythmic.tissues){
  # Remake design matrix to include only "rhythmic.tissues" given the full des.mat from GetRhythmicFormula
  # keep intercept terms
  cols.int <- !grepl(":sin|:cos", colnames(des.mat))  # all terms without :sin or :cos are intercept terms
  if (length(rhythmic.tissues) == 0){
    # no rhytmic tissues
    return(des.mat[, cols.int])
  # keep subset of rhythmic terms, depending on rhythmic tissues
  grep.str <- paste0(rhythmic.tissues, ":")  # greps sin and cos terms
  grep.str <- paste0(grep.str, collapse = "|")  # greps OR
  cols.rhyth <- grepl(grep.str, colnames(des.mat))
  # take intercept and subset of rhythmics as subset
  des.mat <- des.mat[, cols.int | cols.rhyth]

GetDesignMatrices <- function(dat, formula){
  # Return all possible design matrices from dat

GetAllCombos <- function(tissues, ignore.full = TRUE){
  # get subsets of tissues possible
  # ignore.full: does not consider the full model as a combination
  tissue.combos.lst <- list()
  model.i <- 1
  if (ignore.full){
    max.rhyth <- length(tissues) - 1  # ignore full model
  } else {
    max.rhyth <- length(tissues)
  for(i in 0:max.rhyth){
    tissues.combo <- combn(tissues, i)
    if (is.null(ncol(tissues.combo))){
      # only one choice, put that choice into list
      tissue.combos.lst[[model.i]] <- tissues.combo
      model.i <- model.i + 1
    for(j in seq(ncol(tissues.combo))){
      tissue.combos.lst[[model.i]] <- tissues.combo[, j]
      model.i <- model.i + 1

BICWeight <- function(bic.vec){
  # Vector of BIC values, convert to weights "probability"
  # BIC = -2 log (BayesFactor)
  # therefore, BICw = exp(-0.5 * BIC) normalized across all BICs
  bic.vec.weight <- exp(-0.5 * bic.vec)
  bic.vec.weight.frac <- bic.vec.weight / sum(bic.vec.weight)

FitCombinations <- function(dat.gene, tiss.combos, N=3, n.cores=30){
  # Return dataframe of combinations, fit, BIC for each possible model (2^N)
  # tiss.combos: list of tissue combinations to run lienar model
  # N: return only a subset of BIC models (top 3 by default)
  tissues <- unique(dat.gene$tissue)
  gene <- dat.gene$gene[[1]]
  n.models <- 2 ^ length(tissues)
  fits.lst <- list()
  bics.lst <- vector(length = n.models)
  #   print(paste("Number of models to fit:", n.models))
  form <- GetRhythmicFormula("exprs", "time", c("tissue", "experiment"), with.intercept = FALSE)
  des.mat.full <- model.matrix(form, dat.gene)
  # init with fitting full model, then just update with new formula
  des.mat.sub <- des.mat.full  # rename to keep fit output names consistent
  # fit.full <- lm(exprs ~ 0 + des.mat.sub, data = dat.gene)
  #   out.lst <- mclapply(tiss.combos, function(tiss.combo){
  #     des.mat.sub <- SubsetFullDesignMatrix(des.mat.full, tiss.combo)
  #     fit.long <- dat.gene %>% do(mod = lm(exprs ~ 0 + des.mat.sub, data = .)) %>%
  #       mutate(rhyth.tiss = paste0(tiss.combo, collapse = ","), 
  #              bic = BIC(mod[[1]]))
  #     return(fit.long)
  #   }, mc.cores = n.cores)
  #   out.lst <- lapply(tiss.combos, function(tiss.combo){
  #     des.mat.sub <- SubsetFullDesignMatrix(des.mat.full, tiss.combo)
  #     fit.long <- dat.gene %>% do(mod = lm(exprs ~ 0 + des.mat.sub, data = .)) %>%
  #       mutate(rhyth.tiss = paste0(tiss.combo, collapse = ","), 
  #              bic = BIC(mod[[1]]))
  #     return(fit.long)
  #   })
  out.lst <- lapply(tiss.combos, function(tiss.combo){
    des.mat.sub <- SubsetFullDesignMatrix(des.mat.full, tiss.combo)
    fit.long <- dat.gene %>% 
      do(mod = FitRhythmicDesMat(., des.mat.sub)) %>%
      mutate(rhyth.tiss = paste0(tiss.combo, collapse = ","))
  out.df <- do.call(rbind, out.lst)
  # out.df$bicweight <- BICWeight(out.df$bic)
  out.df$bicweight <- BICWeight(sapply(out.df$mod, function(x) x$bic))
  # get top 3
  out.df <- out.df[order(out.df$bicweight, decreasing = TRUE), ][1:N, ]
  out.df$gene <- gene
  # gc()  # too slow

FitRhythmicDesMat <- function(dat, des.mat){
  # Fit rhythmic with design matix
  mod <- lm(exprs ~ 0 + des.mat, data = dat)
  bic <- BIC(mod)
  return(list(fit = coef(mod), bic = bic))
jakeyeung/TissueCiradianAnalysis documentation built on Aug. 7, 2020, 7:58 p.m.