
Defines functions read_ferret_data add_noise_serosolver add_noise parTab_modification convert_runName_to_options convert_options_to_runName parameter_descriptions create_data

Documented in add_noise add_noise_serosolver convert_options_to_runName convert_runName_to_options create_data parameter_descriptions parTab_modification read_ferret_data

#' Read in ferret data
#' Reads in the csv of ferret antibody titre data from a specified file
#' @param data_file the full file path of the data file
#' @return the melted antibody titre data to be used in the model fitting
#' @export
#' @useDynLib antibodyKinetics
read_ferret_data <- function(data_file){
    raw_data <- read.csv(data_file, stringsAsFactors=FALSE,na.strings=c("NA","-","?"),header=0)
    colnames(raw_data) <- raw_data[1,]
    raw_data <- raw_data[2:nrow(raw_data),]

    melted.data <- reshape2::melt(raw_data)
    melted.data$variable <- as.integer(as.character(melted.data$variable))


#' Add noise
#' Adds truncated noise to titre data
#' @param y the titre
#' @param theta a vector with MAX_TITRE and error parameters
#' @return a noisy titre
#' @export
add_noise_serosolver<- function(y, theta) { 
    noise_y <- floor(rnorm(length(y), mean = y, sd = theta["S"]))
    ## If outside of bounds, truncate
    noise_y[noise_y < 0] <- 0
    noise_y[noise_y > theta["MAX_TITRE"]] <- theta["MAX_TITRE"]

#' Add noise to a titre observation
#' Adds observation noise to the provided vector of titres
#' @param pars vector of parameters with S, EA and MAX_TITRE
#' @param y the titre to add observation error
#' @param normal indicates if data is from the discretised normal or not (uses a shouldered observation error function if not)
#' @return a single, modified titre value
#' @export
#' @useDynLib
add_noise <- function(pars, y, normal=FALSE){
    MAX_TITRE <- pars["MAX_TITRE"]
    S <- pars["S"]
    EA <- pars["EA"]

    #if(y < 0) y <- 0
    #if(y > MAX_TITRE) y <- MAX_TITRE

        probs <- numeric(MAX_TITRE+1)
        probs[] <- (1.0/(MAX_TITRE-2.0))*(1.0-S-EA)
        if(y >= MAX_TITRE){
            probs[y+1] <- S + EA/2.0 - (1.0/(MAX_TITRE-2.0))*(1.0-S-EA)
            probs[y] <- EA/2.0
        } else if (y < 1.0){
            probs[y+1] <- S + EA/2.0 - (1.0/(MAX_TITRE-2.0))*(1.0-S-EA)
            probs[y+2] <- EA/2.0        
        } else {
            probs[y+1] <- S
            probs[y] <- EA/2.0
            probs[y+2] <- EA/2.0
    } else {
        probs <- numeric(MAX_TITRE + 25)
        for(i in 1:length(probs)){
            probs[i] <- norm_error(y, i-1, S, MAX_TITRE)
    probs <- cumsum(probs)
    tmp <- runif(1,0,1)

    i <- 1
    while(probs[i] < tmp){
        i <- i + 1
    titre <- i-1
    if(titre < 0) titre <- 0
    if(titre > MAX_TITRE) titre <- MAX_TITRE

#' Modify parameter table
#' Modifies the parTab data frame depending on the model settings
#' @param parTab the data frame of parTab as read in by a typical parTab file
#' @param options list with the following elements:
#' \enumerate{
#'     \item typing: boolean to indicate if "typing" is used in the model
#'     \item cr: boolean to indicate if cross reactivity is included
#'     \item priming: boolean for priming
#'     \item monophasic_waning: boolean for monophasic waning. FALSE if biphasic waning
#'     \item y0_mod: boolean if titre dependent boosting is used
#'     \item antigenic_seniority: boolean if antigenic seniority is included
#'     \item form: string argument for which model form is used
#' }
#' Set the contents of these elements as described above (mostly booleans) to set the parameter table to include or exclude each model feature
#' @param fixed_S boolean, if TRUE then the standard deviation of the observation error function is estimated
#' @return the correct parTab data frame for the given model structure
#' @export
parTab_modification <- function(parTab, options,fixed_S=FALSE){
    ## Modify if monophasic waning
        parTab[parTab$names %in% c("ts","dp"),"fixed"] <- 1
        parTab[parTab$names %in% c("ts","dp"),"values"] <- 0
    } else {
        parTab[parTab$names %in% c("ts","dp"),"fixed"] <- 0

    ## Modify if titre dependent boosting
        parTab[parTab$names =="y0_mod","fixed"] <- 0
        parTab[parTab$names =="y0_mod","values"] <- 0.1
        parTab[parTab$names == "y0_mod","upper_bound"] <- 1
        parTab[parTab$names == "y0_mod","lower_bound"] <- 0
        parTab[parTab$names =="boost_limit","fixed"] <- 0
        parTab[parTab$names =="boost_limit","values"] <- 4
        parTab[parTab$names =="boost_limit","upper_bound"] <- 12
        parTab[parTab$names =="boost_limit","lower_bound"] <- 0
    } else {
        parTab[parTab$names =="y0_mod","fixed"] <- 1
        parTab[parTab$names =="boost_limit","fixed"] <- 1
        parTab[parTab$names =="y0_mod","values"] <- -1000
        parTab[parTab$names =="boost_limit","values"] <- -20

        parTab[parTab$names == "y0_mod","upper_bound"] <- 10000
        parTab[parTab$names == "y0_mod","lower_bound"] <- -10000
        parTab[parTab$names =="boost_limit","upper_bound"] <- 1000
        parTab[parTab$names =="boost_limit","lower_bound"] <- -1000

    ## Modify if antigenic seniority
        ##parTab[parTab$names == "mod","fixed"] <- 0
        ##parTab[parTab$names == "mod","fixed"][1] <- 1
        parTab[parTab$names == "tau","fixed"] <- 0
        parTab[parTab$names == "tau","values"] <- 0.05
        parTab[parTab$names == "mod","fixed"] <- 1
        parTab[parTab$names == "mod","values"] <- 1   
    } else {
        parTab[parTab$names == "tau","fixed"] <- 1
        parTab[parTab$names == "tau","values"] <- 0
        parTab[parTab$names == "mod","fixed"] <- 1
        parTab[parTab$names == "mod","values"] <- 1   

    ## Modify if estimating error variance
        parTab[parTab$names == "S","fixed"] <- 0
    } else {
        parTab[parTab$names == "S","fixed"] <- 1

    ## Modify if priming
        parTab[parTab$names %in% c("beta","c"),"fixed"] <- 0
    } else {
        parTab[parTab$names %in% c("beta","c"),"fixed"] <- 1
    parTab[parTab$names == "m","upper_bound"] <- 10
    parTab[parTab$names == "ts","upper_bound"] <- 30

#' Convert runName string
#' Given a string describing the run name (eg. "CYAY3BN"), generates a list of model options to be fed into \code{\link{parTab_modification}}
#' @param runName a string with 7 characters, each corresponding to: form (C or I); antigenic seniority (Y or N); cross reactivity (A or T); priming (Y or N); number of exposure types (3 or 6); waning (B or M); titre dependent boosting (Y or N)
#' @return a list to be fed into the options argument of \code{\link{parTab_modification}}
#' @export
convert_runName_to_options <- function(runName){
    options <- substring(runName, seq(1,nchar(runName),1), seq(1,nchar(runName),1))
    names(options) <- c("form","as","cr","priming","types","wane","y0")

    form <- "isolated"
    if(options["form"] == "C") form <- "competitive"

    antigenic_seniority <- FALSE
    if(options["as"] == "Y") antigenic_seniority <- TRUE
    cr <- FALSE
    typed_cr <- FALSE
    if(options["cr"] == "A"){
        cr <- TRUE
    } else if(options["cr"] == "T"){
        cr <- TRUE
        typed_cr <- TRUE

    priming <- FALSE
    if(options["priming"] == "Y") priming <- TRUE

    types <- 6
    if(options["types"] == 3) types <- 3
    if(options["types"] == 0) types <- 0

    monophasic_waning <- FALSE
    if(options["wane"] == "M") monophasic_waning <- TRUE

    y0_mod <- FALSE
    if(options["y0"] == "Y") y0_mod <- TRUE


#' Convert options to runName
#' The inverse function of \code{\link{convert_runName_to_options}}
#' @param options list with the following elements:
#' 1. typing: boolean to indicate if "typing" is used in the model
#' 2. cr: boolean to indicate if cross reactivity is included
#' 3. priming: boolean for priming
#' 4. monophasic_waning: boolean for monophasic waning. FALSE if biphasic waning
#' 5. y0_mod: boolean if titre dependent boosting is used
#' 6. antigenic_seniority: boolean if antigenic seniority is included
#' 7. form: string argument for which model form is used
#' Set the contents of these elements as described above (mostly booleans) to set the parameter table to include or exclude each model feature
#' @return a 7 character long string corresponding to a run name identifier
#' @export
convert_options_to_runName <- function(options){

    form <- "C"
    if(options$form == "isolated") form <- "I"

    as <- "Y"
    if(options$antigenic_seniority == FALSE) as <- "N"
    cr <- "N"
    if(options$cr == TRUE){
        cr <- "T"
        if(options$typed_cr == FALSE) cr <- "A"

    priming <- "Y"
    if(options$priming == FALSE) priming <- "N"

    types <- as.character(options$types)

    wane <- "B"
    if(options$monophasic_waning == TRUE) wane <- "M"

    y0_mod <- "Y"
    if(options$y0_mod == FALSE) y0_mod <- "N"

    runName <- paste(c(form,as,cr,priming,types,wane,y0_mod),sep="",collapse="")

#' Describe model parameters
#' Prints out descriptions of the model parameters corresponding to \code{\link{model_trajectory}} and \code{\link{model_trajectory_cpp}}
#' @return nothing
#' @export
parameter_descriptions <- function(){
    message("== Parameter descriptions ==")
    message(" -- Note: parameters are described in the order they should be passed to model_trajectory_cpp")
    message(cat("Name","Description", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("lower_bound", "assumed true lower titre bound on a log scale (a value of 0 is represents no haemagglutination at 1:1 dilution, and therefore not necessarily no antibodies", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("S", "standard deviation of the discritised normally distributed error function OR see `obs_error` function for alternative measurement error function", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("EA", "deprecated  - see `obs_error` function", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("MAX_TITRE", "maximum observable antibody titre on log scale", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("mu", "maximum homologous boost after exposure", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("tp", "time from exposure to peak boost", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("dp", "proportion of initial boost lost following initial waning phase", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("ts", "duration in days of initial waning phase", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("m", "gradient of long term waning phase in log units lost per day", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("beta", "cross reactivity gradient of additional boost from priming", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("c", "additional homologous boosting from primed exposure", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("sigma", "cross reactivity gradient", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("y0_mod", "gradient of titre-dependent boosting term. -10000 turns this feature off; 0 is no titre dependent suppression; 1 is maximum titre dependent suppression", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("boost_limit", "maximum titre below which titre-dependent boosting takes place. If y0_mod is -10000, then this is ignored", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("tau", "antigenic seniority term. Proportion of boost lost with each subsequent exposure. tau=0 corresponds to no antigenic seniority", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("primed", "1 if this is a primed exposure, 0 otherwise", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("mod", "corresponding to rho in model description - scaling parameter for antigenic seniority between 0 and 1", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("x", "antigenic distance between the exposure strain and the strain being measured here (0 for homologous", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("t_i", "time of exposure in days", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("y0", "initial titre at time of exposure.", sep="\t"))
    message(cat("eff_y0", "initial titre for the purpose of calculating titre dependent boosting. If competitive version, this is the actual titre at the time of exposure. If isolated, this should be 0", sep="\t"))

#' Create simulated titre data
#' Generates simulated observed antibody titre data from the given parameter and exposure table files, along with selected kinetics options.
#' @param runName the simulation name to save data under
#' @param runID run ID to append to the front of the filename
#' @param parTab_file file location of the parameter table to simulate from
#' @param exposureTab_file file location of the exposure table to simulate from
#' @param ngroup how many groups to simulate? Make sure that this matches the dimensions of exposureTab_file
#' @param nstrain how many strains to simulate?
#' @param nindiv how many individuals to simulate data for for each group/strain combination
#' @param times vector of times in days at which titres should be measured
#' @param wd working directory to save simulated data to
#' @param group if only one group to be simulated, subset exposureTab for this group
#' @param strain if only one strain to be simulated, subset exposureTab for this strain
#' @param normal if TRUE, adds normally distributed measurement error
#' @param pars vector of parameter values to simulate from. If NULL, just uses those values in the read in parTab
#' @return a list with the simulated data, the residuals between true simulated data and observed simulated data, the file location of saved simulated data
#' @export
create_data <- function(runName,
                        runID, parTab_file,
    options <- convert_runName_to_options(runName)
    parTab <- read.csv(parTab_file,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    parTab <- parTab_modification(parTab, options, FALSE)
    #parTab[parTab$names == "mod","values"] <- c(1,0.9,0.8,0.7)
    exposureTab <- read.csv(exposureTab_file,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        exposureTab <- exposureTab[exposureTab$group == group,]
            exposureTab <- exposureTab[exposureTab$strain == strain,]
        parTab <- parTab[parTab$id %in% c(NA,"all",unique(exposureTab$id)) | parTab$names == "x",]
        parTab$values <- pars
    ## Simulate data and save
    individuals <- rep(nindiv,ngroup)
    pars <- parTab[parTab$names %in% c("S","EA","MAX_TITRE"),"values"]
    names(pars) <- c("S","EA","MAX_TITRE")

    f <- create_model_group_func_cpp(parTab,exposureTab,version="model",
                                     form=options$form,typing = TRUE,cross_reactivity = options$cr)
    dat <- f(parTab$values, times)
    dat <- floor(dat)
    dat <- apply(dat,2,function(x) rep(x, each=nindiv))
    index <- 1
    #difs <- NULL
    dat1 <- apply(dat, 2, function(x) add_noise_serosolver(x, pars))
    difs <- dat1 - dat
    dat <- dat1
    ##for(i in 1:nrow(dat)){
    ##    for(j in 1:ncol(dat)){
    ##        tmp <- dat[i,j]
    ##        dat[i,j] <- add_noise(pars,dat[i,j],normal)
    ##        tmp <- tmp - dat[i,j]
    ##        difs[index] <- tmp
    ##        index <- index + 1
    ##    }
    rownames(dat) <- NULL
    colnames(dat) <- times
    labels <- expand.grid(indiv=1:3,strain=LETTERS[1:5],group=1:5)
    dat_unlabelled <- dat
    dat <- cbind(labels, dat)
    meltedDat <- reshape2::melt(dat, id.vars=c("indiv","strain","group"))
    meltedDat$variable <- times[meltedDat$variable]
    meltedDat[meltedDat$indiv == 1,"variable"] <- meltedDat[meltedDat$indiv == 1,"variable"] - 1
    meltedDat[meltedDat$indiv == 2,"variable"] <- meltedDat[meltedDat$indiv == 2,"variable"] + 1
    meltedDat$indiv <- as.factor(meltedDat$indiv)
    rectangle1 <- data.frame(xmin=-2,xmax=70,ymin=pars["MAX_TITRE"],ymax=pars["MAX_TITRE"]+2)
    rectangle2 <- data.frame(xmin=-2, xmax=70,ymin=-1,ymax=0)

    p1 <- ggplot(meltedDat) +
        geom_vline(data=exposureTab, aes(xintercept=values),col="red",linetype="dashed",size=0.5)+
        geom_rect(data=rectangle1, aes(xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax),fill="gray") +
        geom_rect(data=rectangle2, aes(xmin=xmin,xmax=xmax,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax),fill="gray") +
        geom_point(aes(x=variable,y=value,col=strain,shape=indiv)) +
        xlab("Time (days)") +
        ylab("log HI titre") +
        scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-1,pars["MAX_TITRE"]+2),breaks=seq(0,pars["MAX_TITRE"],by=2), expand=c(0,0))+
        scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-2,71),expand=c(0,0),breaks=seq(0,70,by=10)) +
        facet_grid(group~strain) +
        #theme_bw() +
        theme(legend.position = "bottom",
              strip.background = element_blank(),
              axis.line.x = element_line(colour = "gray20"),
              plot.margin = unit(c(1, 0, 0, 0), "cm"),

    ## Filenames
    filename <- paste0(wd,"/",runID,"_",runName,"_data.csv")
    plot_filename <- paste0(wd,"/",runID,"_",runName,"_plot.png")
    parTab_filename <- paste0(wd,"/",runID,"_",runName,"_parTab.csv")
        filename <- paste0(wd,"/",runID,"_",runName,"_",group,"_data.csv")
    write.csv(dat_unlabelled, filename,row.names=FALSE)
    write.csv(parTab, parTab_filename, row.names=FALSE)
jameshay218/antibodyKinetics documentation built on Nov. 8, 2019, 11 a.m.