
Defines functions print_error_message create_HDR_SS RdistList compute_spectral_species_FieldPlots compute_spectral_species apply_kmeans kmeans_progressr init_kmeans map_spectral_species

Documented in apply_kmeans compute_spectral_species compute_spectral_species_FieldPlots init_kmeans kmeans_progressr map_spectral_species print_error_message

# ==============================================================================
# biodivMapR
# Lib_MapSpectralSpecies.R
# ==============================================================================
# Jean-Baptiste FERET <jb.feret@teledetection.fr>
# Florian de Boissieu <fdeboiss@gmail.com>
# Copyright 2020/06 Jean-Baptiste FERET
# ==============================================================================
# This Library applies clustering on a selection of components stored in a PCA
# file previously created ("Perform_PCA.R") and produces corresponding spectral
# species
# ==============================================================================

#' maps spectral species based on PCA file computed previously
#' @param Input_Image_File character. Path of the image to be processed
#' @param Output_Dir character. Path for output directory
#' @param SpectralSpace_Output list. list of variables produced from function perform_PCA
#' @param Input_Mask_File character. Path of the mask corresponding to the image
#' @param nbclusters numeric. number of clusters defined in k-Means
#' @param nbCPU numeric. Number of CPUs to use in parallel.
#' @param MaxRAM numeric. MaxRAM maximum size of chunk in GB to limit RAM allocation when reading image file.
#' @param Kmeans_Only boolean. set to TRUE if computation of kmeans without production of spectral species map
#' @param SelectedPCs numeric. Define PCs to be selected. Set to FALSE if you want to use the "Selected_Components.txt" file
#' @param SpectralFilter list. information about spectral band location
#' @param Kmeans_info_path character. path to a Kmeans_info Rdata file computed from previous process
#' @param Kmeans_info list. Kmeans_info list computed from previous process
#' (central wavelength), bands to keep...
#' @param algorithm character. algorithm used in the kmeans clustering
#' @param progressbar boolean. should progress bar be displayed (set to TRUE only if no conflict of parallel process)
#' @return Kmeans_info
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @export
map_spectral_species <- function(Input_Image_File, Output_Dir,
                                 Input_Mask_File = FALSE,
                                 nbclusters = 50,
                                 nbCPU = 1, MaxRAM = 0.25,
                                 Kmeans_Only = FALSE, SelectedPCs = FALSE,
                                 SpectralFilter = NULL,
                                 Kmeans_info_path = NULL,
                                 Kmeans_info = NULL, algorithm = 'Hartigan-Wong',
                                 progressbar = FALSE) {

  # check if input mask file has expected format
  if (!Input_Mask_File==FALSE){
    driverMask <- get_gdal_info(Input_Mask_File)$driverLongName
    if (driverMask == 'ENVI .hdr Labelled'){
      HDR <- read_ENVI_header(get_HDR_name(Input_Mask_File))
      if (!HDR$`data type`==1){
        Input_Mask_File <- check_update_mask_format(Input_Mask_File, Input_Image_File)
    } else {
      Input_Mask_File <- check_update_mask_format(Input_Mask_File, Input_Image_File)
  } else {
    message('Input_Mask_File not provided in function map_spectral_species.')
    message('Assuming all pixels are valid')
    message('A blank mask will be created for the need of next processing steps')

    HDR <- read_ENVI_header(get_HDR_name(Input_Image_File))
    Mask <- t(matrix(as.integer(1), nrow = HDR$lines, ncol = HDR$samples))
    MaskPath_Update <- paste(file_path_sans_ext(Input_Image_File),'_BlankMask',sep = '')
    Input_Mask_File <- update_shademask(MaskPath = FALSE,
                                        HDR = HDR,
                                        Mask = Mask,
                                        MaskPath_Update = MaskPath_Update)

  # if no prior diversity map has been produced --> need PCA file
  if (is.null(SpectralSpace_Output$PCA_Files) | is.null(SpectralSpace_Output$TypePCA)){
    message('Please define input variable SpectralSpace_Output as a list including')
    message('PCA_Files: corresponds to the raster data to be processed (not necessarily resulting from PCA)')
    message('TypePCA: defines main directory where outputs will be written')
    message('This variable is automatically produced as an output of function perform_PCA()')
    message('However, you can set it manually, for example if you want to use spectral indices')
    message('as input raster data instead of PCA file produced from reflectance data')
  if (!file.exists(SpectralSpace_Output$PCA_Files)) {
    print_error_message('error_no_PCA_file', optarg = SpectralSpace_Output$PCA_Files)
  # define directories
  Output_Dir_SS <- define_output_subdir(Output_Dir, Input_Image_File, SpectralSpace_Output$TypePCA, "SpectralSpecies")
  Output_Dir_PCA <- define_output_subdir(Output_Dir, Input_Image_File, SpectralSpace_Output$TypePCA, "PCA")
  Spectral_Species_Path <-  file.path(Output_Dir_SS, "SpectralSpecies")

  # 1- Select components used to perform clustering
  if (typeof(SelectedPCs) == 'logical'){
    if (SelectedPCs == FALSE){
      PC_Select_Path <- file.path(Output_Dir_PCA, "Selected_Components.txt")
    } else {
      message('Error when defining SelectedPCs :')
      message('either set SelectedPCs = FALSE')
      message('or provide a vectorincluding the rank of the variables to be selected from SpectralSpace_Output$PCA_Files')
  } else {
    PC_Select_Path = 'NoFile'
  if (file.exists(PC_Select_Path)) {
    PC_Select <- utils::read.table(PC_Select_Path)[[1]]
  } else if (is.numeric(SelectedPCs)){
    PC_Select <- SelectedPCs
  } else {
    print_error_message('error_PC_sel', optarg = Output_Dir_PCA)
  message("Selected components:")

  # if kmeans info from previous process (image?) is not provided
  if (is.null(Kmeans_info) & is.null(Kmeans_info_path)){
    # 2- sample data from PCA image
    ImNames <- list(Input_Image = Input_Image_File,
                    Mask_list = Input_Mask_File)
    if (is.null(SpectralSpace_Output$nb_partitions)){
      nb_partitions <- 20
    } else {
      nb_partitions <- SpectralSpace_Output$nb_partitions
    Pix_Per_Partition <- define_pixels_per_iter(ImNames, nb_partitions = nb_partitions)

    ImPathHDR <- get_HDR_name(SpectralSpace_Output$PCA_Files)
    HDR <- read_ENVI_header(ImPathHDR)
    Subset <- get_random_subset_from_image(ImPath = SpectralSpace_Output$PCA_Files,
                                           MaskPath = Input_Mask_File,
                                           nb_partitions = nb_partitions,
                                           Pix_Per_Partition = Pix_Per_Partition,
                                           kernel = NULL,MaxRAM = MaxRAM)
    SubsetInit <- Subset
    dataPCA <- Subset$DataSubset[, PC_Select]
    if (length(PC_Select) == 1) {
      dataPCA <- matrix(dataPCA, ncol = 1)

    print("perform k-means clustering for each subset and define centroids")
    Kmeans_info <- init_kmeans(dataPCA = dataPCA,
                               nb_partitions = nb_partitions,
                               nbclusters = nbclusters,
                               nbCPU = nbCPU, algorithm = algorithm,
                               progressbar = progressbar)
    Kmeans_info$SpectralSpecies <- Spectral_Species_Path
  } else if (!is.null(Kmeans_info_path) & file.exists(Kmeans_info_path)){
  } else if (!is.null(Kmeans_info)){
    if (!identical(names(Kmeans_info), c('Centroids', 'MinVal', 'MaxVal', 'Range', 'Error', 'SpectralSpecies')))
      message('Kmeans_info does not contain expected values. Please make sure you provide proper info')
  if (Kmeans_info$Error==FALSE){
    if (Kmeans_Only==FALSE){
      apply_kmeans(PCA_Path = SpectralSpace_Output$PCA_Files,
                   PC_Select = PC_Select,
                   Input_Mask_File = Input_Mask_File,
                   Kmeans_info = Kmeans_info,
                   Spectral_Species_Path = Spectral_Species_Path,
                   nbCPU = nbCPU, MaxRAM = MaxRAM)
    } else {
      print("'Kmeans_Only' was set to TRUE: kmeans was not applied on the full image")
      print("Please set 'Kmeans_Only' to FALSE if you want to produce spectral species map")
    # save kmeans info into binary variable
    Kmeans_Path <- file.path(Output_Dir_PCA, "Kmeans_Info.RData")
    save(Kmeans_info, file = Kmeans_Path)
  } else {
    ##    produce error report
    # create directory where error should be stored
    Output_Dir_Error <- define_output_subdir(Output_Dir, Input_Image_File, SpectralSpace_Output$TypePCA, "ErrorReport")
    # identify which samples cause problems
    LocError <- unique(c(which(!is.finite(Kmeans_info$MinVal)),which(!is.finite(Kmeans_info$MaxVal))))
    ValError <- which(!is.finite(dataPCA[,LocError[1]]))
    # Get the original data corresponding to the first sample
    DataError <- SubsetInit$DataSubset[ValError,]
    DataErrorCR <- Subset$DataSubset[ValError,]
    CoordinatesError <- SubsetInit$coordPix[ValError,]
    # save these in a RData file
    FileError <- file.path(Output_Dir_Error,'ErrorPixels.RData')
    ErrorReport <- list('CoordinatesError' = CoordinatesError,'DataError' = DataError,
                        'DataError_afterCR' = DataErrorCR, 'SpectralFilter'=SpectralFilter)
    save(ErrorReport, file = FileError)
    message("       An error report directory has been produced.      ")
    message("Please check information about data causing errors here: ")
    message("               The process will now stop                 ")

#' computes k-means from nb_partitions subsets taken from dataPCA
#' @param dataPCA numeric. initial dataset sampled from PCA image
#' @param nb_partitions numeric. number of k-means then averaged
#' @param nbCPU numeric. Number of CPUs available
#' @param nbclusters numeric. number of clusters used in kmeans
#' @param algorithm character. algorithm used in the kmeans clustering
#' @param progressbar boolean. should progress bar be displayed (set to TRUE only if no conflict of parallel process)
#' @return list of centroids and parameters needed to center/reduce data
#' @import cli
#' @importFrom progressr progressor handlers with_progress
#' @importFrom future plan multisession sequential
#' @importFrom future.apply future_lapply
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @importFrom snow splitRows
#' @export

init_kmeans <- function(dataPCA, nb_partitions, nbclusters, nbCPU = 1,
                        algorithm = 'Hartigan-Wong',  progressbar = FALSE) {

  # define boundaries defining outliers based on IQR
  m0 <- M0 <- c()
  for (i in 1:ncol(dataPCA)){
    IQR <- IQR_outliers(dataPCA[,i], weightIRQ = 2)
    m0 <- c(m0,IQR[1])
    M0 <- c(M0,IQR[2])
  d0 <- M0 - m0

  # m0 <- apply(dataPCA, 2, function(x) min(x))
  # M0 <- apply(dataPCA, 2, function(x) max(x))
  # d0 <- M0 - m0
  if (length(which(is.na(m0)))>0 | length(which(is.na(M0)))>0 | length(which(is.infinite(m0)))>0 | length(which(is.infinite(M0)))>0){
    my_list <- list("Centroids" = NULL, "MinVal" = m0, "MaxVal" = M0, "Range" = d0, "Error" = TRUE)
  } else {
    dataPCA <- center_reduce(dataPCA, m0, d0)
    dataPCA <- snow::splitRows(x = dataPCA, ncl = nb_partitions)
    if (nbCPU>1){
      # plan(multisession, workers = nbCPU) ## Parallelize using four cores
      cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nbCPU)
      plan("cluster", workers = cl)
      if (progressbar==TRUE){
        handlers(global = TRUE)
          p <- progressr::progressor(steps = nb_partitions)
          res <- future_lapply(X = dataPCA,
                               FUN = kmeans_progressr,
                               centers = nbclusters,
                               iter.max = 50, nstart = 10,
                               algorithm = algorithm, p = p)
      } else {
        res <- future_lapply(X = dataPCA,
                             FUN = kmeans_progressr,
                             centers = nbclusters,
                             iter.max = 50, nstart = 10,
                             algorithm = algorithm)
    } else {
      if (progressbar==TRUE){
        handlers(global = TRUE)
          p <- progressr::progressor(steps = nb_partitions)
          res <- lapply(X = dataPCA,
                        FUN = kmeans_progressr,
                        centers = nbclusters, iter.max = 50, nstart = 10,
                        algorithm = algorithm, p = p)
      } else {
        res <- lapply(X = dataPCA,
                      FUN = kmeans_progressr,
                      centers = nbclusters, iter.max = 50, nstart = 10,
                      algorithm = algorithm)
    Centroids <- lapply(res,'[[',2)
    my_list <- list("Centroids" = Centroids, "MinVal" = m0, "MaxVal" = M0, "Range" = d0, "Error" = FALSE)

#' applies results of ordination to full image based on nearest neighbors
#' @param x numeric. subset of spectral species distribution file
#' @param centers numeric. Samples selected during ordination
#' @param iter.max numeric. ordination of dissimilarity matrix for a selection of spatial units
#' @param nstart numeric. Number of partitions (repetitions) to be computed then averaged.
#' @param algorithm character. Name of teh algorithm
#' @param p function.
#' @return results of kmeans
#' @importFrom stats kmeans
#' @export

kmeans_progressr <- function(x, centers, iter.max, nstart,
                             algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong", p = NULL){
  res <- kmeans(x = x, centers = centers, iter.max = iter.max, nstart = nstart,
                algorithm = algorithm)
  if (!is.null(p)){p()}

#' Applies Kmeans clustering to PCA image and writes spectral species map
#' @param PCA_Path path for the PCA image
#' @param PC_Select PCs selected from PCA
#' @param Input_Mask_File Path for the mask
#' @param Kmeans_info information about kmeans computed in previous step
#' @param Spectral_Species_Path path for spectral species file to be written
#' @param nbCPU numeric. number of CPU to work with in multisession task
#' @param MaxRAM numeric. size of image pieces to be read at once
#' @return None
#' @export

apply_kmeans <- function(PCA_Path, PC_Select, Input_Mask_File, Kmeans_info,
                         Spectral_Species_Path, nbCPU = 1, MaxRAM = 0.25) {

  nb_partitions <- length(Kmeans_info$Centroids)

  HDR_PCA <- read_ENVI_header(get_HDR_name(PCA_Path))
  PCA_Format <- ENVI_type2bytes(HDR_PCA)
  HDR_Shade <- read_ENVI_header(get_HDR_name(Input_Mask_File))
  # prepare for sequential processing: SeqRead_Image informs about byte location to read
  nbPieces <- split_image(HDR_PCA, MaxRAM)
  SeqRead_PCA <- where_to_read(HDR_PCA, nbPieces)
  SeqRead_Shade <- where_to_read(HDR_Shade, nbPieces)

  Location_RW <- list()
  for (i in 1:nbPieces) {
    Location_RW[[i]] <- list()
    Location_RW[[i]]$nbLines <- SeqRead_PCA$Lines_Per_Chunk[i]
    # PCA file
    Location_RW[[i]]$Byte_Start_PCA <- SeqRead_PCA$ReadByte_Start[i]
    Location_RW[[i]]$lenBin_PCA <- SeqRead_PCA$ReadByte_End[i] - SeqRead_PCA$ReadByte_Start[i] + 1
    # shade file
    Location_RW[[i]]$Byte_Start_Shade <- SeqRead_Shade$ReadByte_Start[i]
    Location_RW[[i]]$lenBin_Shade <- SeqRead_Shade$ReadByte_End[i] - SeqRead_Shade$ReadByte_Start[i] + 1
    # spectral species file
    Location_RW[[i]]$Byte_Start_SS <- 1 + (SeqRead_Shade$ReadByte_Start[i] - 1) * nb_partitions
    Location_RW[[i]]$lenBin_SS <- nb_partitions * (SeqRead_Shade$ReadByte_End[i] - SeqRead_Shade$ReadByte_Start[i]) + 1

  # create output file for spectral species assignment
  create_HDR_SS(HDR_tempate = HDR_PCA,
                nbBands = nb_partitions,
  # create Spectral species file
  fidSS <- file(
    description = Spectral_Species_Path, open = "wb", blocking = TRUE,
    encoding = getOption("encoding"), raw = FALSE

  # for each piece of image
  print(paste('Apply Kmeans to the full raster:',nbPieces,'chunks distributed on',nbCPU,'CPU'))
  for (i in 1:nbPieces) {
    message(paste('Computing spectral species for image subset #',i,' / ',nbPieces))
    compute_spectral_species(PCA_Path = PCA_Path, Input_Mask_File = Input_Mask_File,
                             Spectral_Species_Path = Spectral_Species_Path, Location_RW = Location_RW[[i]],
                             PC_Select = PC_Select, Kmeans_info = Kmeans_info, nbCPU = nbCPU)

#' this function reads PCA file and defines the spectral species for each pixel
#' based on the set of cluster centroids defined for each iteration
#' applies kmeans --> closest cluster corresponds to the "spectral species"
#' @param PCA_Path character. path for the PCA image
#' @param Input_Mask_File character. Path for the mask
#' @param Spectral_Species_Path character. path for spectral species file to be written
#' @param Location_RW numeric. where to read/write information in binary file
#' @param PC_Select numeric. PCs selected from PCA
#' @param Kmeans_info list. information about kmeans computed in previous step
#' @param nbCPU numeric. number of CPUs available
#' @param progressbar boolean. should progress bar be displayed (set to TRUE only if no conflict of parallel process)
#' @return None
#' @import cli
#' @importFrom progressr progressor handlers with_progress
#' @importFrom snow splitRows
#' @importFrom future plan multisession sequential
#' @importFrom future.apply future_lapply
#' @export

compute_spectral_species <- function(PCA_Path, Input_Mask_File,
                                     Spectral_Species_Path, Location_RW,
                                     PC_Select, Kmeans_info, nbCPU = 1,
                                     progressbar = FALSE) {

  # characteristics of the centroids computed during preprocessing
  nb_partitions <- length(Kmeans_info$Centroids)
  nbCentroids <- nrow(Kmeans_info$Centroids[[1]])
  CentroidsArray <- do.call("rbind", Kmeans_info$Centroids)

  # read shade file and PCA file
  ShadeHDR <- get_HDR_name(Input_Mask_File)
  HDR_Shade <- read_ENVI_header(ShadeHDR)
  Shade.Format <- ENVI_type2bytes(HDR_Shade)
  ImgFormat <- "Shade"
  Shade_Chunk <- read_BIL_image_subset(Input_Mask_File, HDR_Shade, Location_RW$Byte_Start_Shade,
                                       Location_RW$lenBin_Shade, Location_RW$nbLines, Shade.Format, ImgFormat)

  PCA_HDR <- get_HDR_name(PCA_Path)
  HDR_PCA <- read_ENVI_header(PCA_HDR)
  PCA_Format <- ENVI_type2bytes(HDR_PCA)
  # read "unfolded" (2D) PCA image
  ImgFormat <- "2D"
  PCA_Chunk <- read_BIL_image_subset(PCA_Path, HDR_PCA, Location_RW$Byte_Start_PCA, Location_RW$lenBin_PCA,
                                     Location_RW$nbLines, PCA_Format, ImgFormat)
  PCA_Chunk <- PCA_Chunk[, PC_Select]
  if (length(PC_Select) == 1) {
    PCA_Chunk <- matrix(PCA_Chunk, ncol = 1)
  PCA_Chunk <- center_reduce(PCA_Chunk, Kmeans_info$MinVal, Kmeans_info$Range)
  # eliminate shaded pixels
  keepShade <- which(Shade_Chunk == 1)
  PCA_Chunk <- matrix(PCA_Chunk[keepShade, ], ncol = length(PC_Select))

  # Prepare writing of spectral species distribution file
  SS_HDR <- get_HDR_name(Spectral_Species_Path)
  HDR_SS <- read_ENVI_header(SS_HDR)
  SS_Format <- ENVI_type2bytes(HDR_SS)

  # for each pixel in the subset, compute the nearest cluster for each iteration
  Nearest_Cluster <- matrix(0, nrow = Location_RW$nbLines * HDR_PCA$samples, ncol = nb_partitions)
  # rdist consumes RAM  --> divide data into pieces if too big and multisession
  nbSamples_Per_Rdist <- 25000
  if (length(keepShade) > 0) {
    nbSubsets <- ceiling(length(keepShade) / nbSamples_Per_Rdist)
    PCA_Chunk <- snow::splitRows(PCA_Chunk, nbSubsets)
    if (nbCPU>1){
      if (progressbar==T){
        plan(multisession, workers = nbCPU)
        handlers(global = TRUE)
          p <- progressr::progressor(steps = nbSubsets)
          res <- future_lapply(PCA_Chunk,
                               FUN = RdistList,
                               CentroidsArray = CentroidsArray,
                               nbClusters = nrow(Kmeans_info$Centroids[[1]]),
                               nb_partitions = nb_partitions, p = p)
      } else {
        res <- future_lapply(PCA_Chunk,
                             FUN = RdistList,
                             CentroidsArray = CentroidsArray,
                             nbClusters = nrow(Kmeans_info$Centroids[[1]]),
                             nb_partitions = nb_partitions)
    } else {
      res <- lapply(PCA_Chunk,
                    FUN = RdistList,
                    CentroidsArray = CentroidsArray,
                    nbClusters = nrow(Kmeans_info$Centroids[[1]]),
                    nb_partitions = nb_partitions, p = NULL)
    res <- do.call("rbind", res)
    Nearest_Cluster[keepShade, ] <- res
  Nearest_Cluster <- array(Nearest_Cluster, c(Location_RW$nbLines, HDR_PCA$samples, nb_partitions))
  # Write spectral species distribution in the output file
  fidSS <- file(
    description = Spectral_Species_Path, open = "r+b", blocking = TRUE,
    encoding = getOption("encoding"), raw = FALSE
  Nearest_Cluster <- aperm(Nearest_Cluster, c(2, 3, 1))
  if (!Location_RW$Byte_Start_SS == 1) {
    seek(fidSS, where = SS_Format$Bytes * (Location_RW$Byte_Start_SS - 1), origin = "start", rw = "write")
  writeBin(c(as.integer(Nearest_Cluster)), fidSS, size = SS_Format$Bytes, endian = .Platform$endian, useBytes = FALSE)
  rm(list = ls())

#' compute spectral species for a subset of pixels provided in a list, each element
#' corresponding to a polygon
#' @param subset_Raster numeric. Subset of a raster file on which computation of spectral species sould be performed
#' @param List_FieldPlot list. list of information from same file as subset, corresponding to field plots
#' @param nb_partitions numeric. number of repetitions of kmeans
#' @param Pix_Per_Partition numeric. number of pixels per partition
#' @param nbclusters numeric. number of clusters / spectral species
#' @param PC_Select numeric. selection of components from subset_Raster and List_FieldPlot on which spctral species are computed
#' @param nbCPU numeric. number of CPU on which kmeans is computed
#' @param progressbar boolean. should progress bar be displayed (set to TRUE only if no conflict of parallel process)
#' @param algorithm character. algorithm used in the kmeans clustering
#' @return list. vector_coordinates and vector_ID for each element in the vector file
#' @export

compute_spectral_species_FieldPlots <- function(subset_Raster, List_FieldPlot, nb_partitions,
                                                Pix_Per_Partition, nbclusters, PC_Select=NULL, nbCPU=1,
                                                progressbar = FALSE, algorithm = 'Hartigan-Wong'){
  nbFieldPlots <- length(List_FieldPlot)
  if (!is.null(PC_Select)){
    subset_Raster <- matrix(subset_Raster[,PC_Select],ncol = length(PC_Select))
    for (ll in 1:nbFieldPlots){
      List_FieldPlot[[ll]] <- matrix(List_FieldPlot[[ll]][, PC_Select],ncol = length(PC_Select))
  Kmeans_info <- init_kmeans(subset_Raster, nb_partitions,
                             nbclusters, nbCPU, algorithm = algorithm,
                             progressbar = progressbar)
  Nearest_Cluster <- list()
  # prepare to save spectral species for each plot, for this band combination
  SpectralSpecies_Plots <- list()
  for (ip in 1:nbFieldPlots){
    # if only one polygon in the shapefile and if the polyon is not included in the Raster_SpectralSpecies
    if (length(List_FieldPlot[[ip]])>0){
      PCA_plot <- center_reduce(List_FieldPlot[[ip]], Kmeans_info$MinVal, Kmeans_info$Range)
      # for each pixel in the subset, compute the nearest cluster for each iteration
      Nearest_Cluster[[ip]] <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(PCA_plot), ncol = nb_partitions)
      CentroidsArray <- do.call("rbind", Kmeans_info$Centroids)
      Nearest_Cluster[[ip]] <- RdistList(PCA_plot, CentroidsArray, nbclusters, nb_partitions)
      SpectralSpecies_Plots[[ip]] <- Nearest_Cluster[[ip]]

# Compute distance between each pixel of input data and each of the nbClusters x nb_partitions centroids
# @param InputData
# @param CentroidsArray
# @param nbClusters
# @param nb_partitions
# @return ResDist
#' @importFrom fields rdist
RdistList <- function(InputData, CentroidsArray, nbClusters, nb_partitions, p = NULL) {
  # number of pixels in input data
  nbPixels <- nrow(InputData)
  # compute distance between each pixel and each centroid
  cluster_dist <- rdist(InputData, CentroidsArray)
  # reshape distance into a matrix: all pixels from iteration 1, then all pixels from it2...
  cluster_dist <- matrix(aperm(array(cluster_dist, c(nbPixels, nbClusters, nb_partitions)), c(1, 3, 2)), nrow = nbPixels * nb_partitions)
  ResDist <- matrix(max.col(-cluster_dist), nrow = nbPixels)
  if (!is.null(p)){p()}

# create HDR for spectral species file based on the HDR from PCA file
create_HDR_SS <- function(HDR_tempate, nbBands, Spectral_Species_Path){
  HDR_SS <- HDR_tempate
  HDR_SS$bands <- nbBands
  HDR_SS$`data type` <- 1
  HDR_SS$`band names` <- paste('Iter', 1:nbBands, collapse = ", ")
  HDR_SS$wavelength <- HDR_SS$fwhm <- HDR_SS$resolution <- HDR_SS$bandwidth <- NULL
  HDR_SS$`default bands` <- HDR_SS$`wavelength units` <- HDR_SS$`z plot titles` <- NULL
  HDR_SS$purpose <- HDR_SS$`data gain values` <- HDR_SS$`default stretch` <- NULL
  HDR_SS$interleave <- 'BIL'
  HDR_SS$`byte order` <- get_byte_order()
  headerFpath <- paste(Spectral_Species_Path, ".hdr", sep = "")
  write_ENVI_header(HDR_SS, headerFpath)

#' prints an error message if problems occur
#' @param def_error character. nature of the error
#' @param optarg character. optional additional info required for the error message
#' @return none.
#' @export
print_error_message <- function(def_error, optarg) {
  if (def_error=='error_input'){
    message("WARNING: the processing resulted in NA or infinite values")
    message("     This may be due to noisy spectral domains or        ")
    message(" individual pixels showing Inf or Na values in input data")
    message("               Please check input data                   ")
    message("                                                         ")
    message("   if nothing wrong identified with input data, please   ")
    message("   submit a bug report, reproduce the bug with reduced   ")
    message("     dataset and contact the authors of the package      ")
    message("                   process aborted                       ")
  if (def_error=='error_no_PCA_file'){
    PCA_Files <- optarg
    message("WARNING: This file required to compute spectral species is missing")
    message("process aborted")
  if (def_error=='error_PC_sel'){
    Output_Dir_PCA <- optarg
    print("Please identify selected components either in this file:")
    PC_Select_Path <- file.path(Output_Dir_PCA, "Selected_Components.txt")
    print("or in the 'SelectedPCs' variable of map_spectral_species")
    print("Image processing aborted")

# # prints an error message if problems occur
# error_input <- function() {
#   message("")
#   message("*********************************************************")
#   message("WARNING: the processing resulted in NA or infinite values")
#   message("     This may be due to noisy spectral domains or        ")
#   message(" individual pixels showing Inf or Na values in input data")
#   message("               Please check input data                   ")
#   message("                                                         ")
#   message("   if nothing wrong identified with input data, please   ")
#   message("   submit a bug report, reproduce the bug with reduced   ")
#   message("     dataset and contact the authors of the package      ")
#   message("                   process aborted                       ")
#   message("*********************************************************")
#   message("")
#   return()
# }
# # prints an error message if no PCA file is found
# error_no_PCA_file <- function(PCA_Files){
#   message("")
#   message("*********************************************************")
#   message("WARNING: This file required to compute spectral species is missing")
#   print(PCA_Files)
#   message("process aborted")
#   message("*********************************************************")
#   message("")
#   return()
# }
# # prints an error message if no PCA file is found
# error_PC_sel <- function(Output_Dir_PCA){
#   print("Please identify selected components either in this file:")
#   PC_Select_Path <- file.path(Output_Dir_PCA, "Selected_Components.txt")
#   print(PC_Select_Path)
#   print("or in the 'SelectedPCs' variable of map_spectral_species")
#   print("Image processing aborted")
# }
jbferet/biodivMapR documentation built on May 1, 2024, 4:34 a.m.