
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
## CLASS Networkfamily ----
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' An R6 Class to virtually represent a collection of network fits
#' @description The functions [PLNnetwork()] and [ZIPLNnetwork()] both produce an instance of this class, which can be thought of as a vector of [`PLNnetworkfit`]s [`ZIPLNfit_sparse`]s (indexed by penalty parameter)
#' This class comes with a set of methods mostly used to compare
#' network fits (in terms of goodness of fit) or extract one from
#' the family (based on penalty parameter and/or goodness of it).
#' See the documentation for [getBestModel()],
#' [getModel()] and [plot()][plot.Networkfamily()] for the user-facing ones.
## Parameters shared by many methods
#' @param penalties a vector of positive real number controlling the level of sparsity of the underlying network.
#' @param data a named list used internally to carry the data matrices
#' @param control a list for controlling the optimization.
#' @include PLNfamily-class.R
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom glassoFast glassoFast
#' @seealso The functions [PLNnetwork()], [ZIPLNnetwork()] and the classes [`PLNnetworkfit`], [`ZIPLNfit_sparse`]
Networkfamily <- R6Class(
  classname = "Networkfamily",
  inherit = PLNfamily,
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## PUBLIC MEMBERS ------
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  public = list(
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Creation functions ----------------
    #' @description Initialize all models in the collection
    #' @return Update all network fits in the family with smart starting values
    initialize = function(penalties, data, control) {

      ## Initialize fields shared by the super class
      super$initialize(data$Y, data$X, data$O, data$w, control)

      if (is.null(control$penalty_weights))
        control$penalty_weights <- matrix(1, private$p, private$p)
      ## Get the number of penalty
      if (is.null(penalties)) {
        if (is.list(control$penalty_weights))
          control$n_penalties <- length(control$penalty_weights)
      } else {
        control$n_penalties <- length(penalties)
      ## Define a matrix of weights for each penalty
      if (!is.list(control$penalty_weights))
        list_penalty_weights <- rep(list(control$penalty_weights), control$n_penalties)
        list_penalty_weights <- control$penalty_weights

      ## Check consistency of weights and optionally silent diagonal penalties
      list_penalty_weights <-
        map(list_penalty_weights, function(penalty_weights) {
          stopifnot(isSymmetric(penalty_weights), all(penalty_weights >= 0))
          if (!control$penalize_diagonal) diag(penalty_weights) <- 0

      ## Get an appropriate grid of penalties
      if (is.null(penalties)) {
        if (control$trace > 1) cat("\nComputing an appropriate grid of penalties.")
        max_pen <- list_penalty_weights %>%
          map(~ as.matrix(control$inception$model_par$Sigma) / .x) %>%
          map_dbl(~ max(abs(.x[upper.tri(.x, diag = control$penalize_diagonal)]))) %>%
        penalties <- 10^seq(log10(max_pen), log10(max_pen*control$min_ratio), len = control$n_penalties)
      } else {
        if (control$trace > 1) cat("\nUsing penalties penalties provided by the user.")
        stopifnot(all(penalties > 0))
      ## Sort the penalty in decreasing order
      o <- order(penalties, decreasing = TRUE)
      private$params <- penalties[o]
      private$penalties_weights <- list_penalty_weights[o]

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Optimization ----------------------
    #' @description Call to the C++ optimizer on all models of the collection
    #' @param config a list for controlling the optimization.
    optimize = function(data, config) {
      ## Go along the penalty grid (i.e the models)
      for (m in seq_along(self$models))  {

        if (config$trace == 1) {
          cat("\tsparsifying penalty =", self$models[[m]]$penalty, "\r")
        if (config$trace > 1) {
          cat("\tsparsifying penalty =", self$models[[m]]$penalty, "- iteration:")
        self$models[[m]]$optimize(data, config)
        ## Save time by starting the optimization of model m + 1  with optimal parameters of model m
        if (m < length(self$penalties))
          self$models[[m + 1]]$update(
            B = self$models[[m]]$model_par$B,
            M = self$models[[m]]$var_par$M,
            S = self$models[[m]]$var_par$S

        if (config$trace > 1) {
          cat("\r                                                                                    \r")



    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Extractors ------------------------
    #' @description Extract the regularization path of a [`Networkfamily`]
    #' @param precision Logical. Should the regularization path be extracted from the precision matrix Omega (`TRUE`, default) or from the variance matrix Sigma (`FALSE`)
    #' @param corr Logical. Should the matrix be transformed to (partial) correlation matrix before extraction? Defaults to `TRUE`
    coefficient_path = function(precision = TRUE, corr = TRUE) {
      lapply(self$penalties, function(x) {
        if (precision) {
          G <- self$getModel(x)$model_par$Omega
        } else {
          G <- self$getModel(x)$model_par$Sigma
          dimnames(G) <- dimnames(self$getModel(x)$model_par$Omega)
        if (corr) {
          G <- ifelse(precision, -1, 1) * G / tcrossprod(sqrt(diag(G)))
            expand.grid(colnames(G), rownames(G)),
            as.vector(G)), c("Node1", "Node2", "Coeff")
        ) %>%
          mutate(Penalty = x,
                 Node1   = as.character(Node1),
                 Node2   = as.character(Node2),
                 Edge    = paste0(Node1, "|", Node2)) %>%
          filter(Node1 < Node2)
      }) %>% bind_rows()

    #' @description Extract the best network in the family according to some criteria
    #' @param crit character. Criterion used to perform the selection. If "StARS" is chosen but `$stability` field is empty, will compute stability path.
    #' @param stability Only used for "StARS" criterion. A scalar indicating the target stability (= 1 - 2 beta) at which the network is selected. Default is `0.9`.
    #' @details
        #' For BIC and EBIC criteria, higher is better.
    getBestModel = function(crit = c("BIC", "EBIC", "StARS"), stability = 0.9){
      crit <- match.arg(crit)
      if (crit == "StARS") {
        if (is.null(private$stab_path)) self$stability_selection()
        id_stars <- self$criteria %>%
          select(param, stability) %>% rename(Stability = stability) %>%
          filter(Stability > stability) %>%
          pull(param) %>% min() %>% match(self$penalties)
        model <- self$models[[id_stars]]$clone()
      } else {
        id <- 1
        if (length(self$criteria[[crit]]) > 1) {
          id <- which.max(self$criteria[[crit]])
        model <- self$models[[id]]$clone()

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Graphical methods -----------------
    #' @description Display various outputs (goodness-of-fit criteria, robustness, diagnostic) associated with a collection of network fits (a [`Networkfamily`])
    #' @param criteria vector of characters. The criteria to plot in `c("loglik", "pen_loglik", "BIC", "EBIC")`. Defaults to all of them.
    #' @param reverse A logical indicating whether to plot the value of the criteria in the "natural" direction
    #' (loglik - 0.5 penalty) or in the "reverse" direction (-2 loglik + penalty). Default to FALSE, i.e use the
    #' natural direction, on the same scale as the log-likelihood.
    #' @param log.x logical: should the x-axis be represented in log-scale? Default is `TRUE`.
    #' @return a [`ggplot`] graph
    plot = function(criteria = c("loglik", "pen_loglik", "BIC", "EBIC"), reverse = FALSE, log.x = TRUE) {
      vlines <- sapply(intersect(criteria, c("BIC", "EBIC")) , function(crit) self$getBestModel(crit)$penalty)
      p <- super$plot(criteria, reverse) + xlab("penalty") + geom_vline(xintercept = vlines, linetype = "dashed", alpha = 0.25)
      if (log.x) p <- p + ggplot2::coord_trans(x = "log10")

    #' @description Plot stability path
    #' @param stability scalar: the targeted level of stability using stability selection. Default is `0.9`.
    #' @param log.x logical: should the x-axis be represented in log-scale? Default is `TRUE`.
    #' @return a [`ggplot`] graph
    plot_stars = function(stability = 0.9, log.x = TRUE) {
      if (anyNA(self$stability)) stop("stability selection has not yet been performed! Use stability_selection()")
      dplot <- self$criteria %>% select(param, density, stability) %>%
        rename(Penalty = param) %>%
        gather(key = "Metric", value = "Value", stability:density)
      penalty_stars <- dplot %>% filter(Metric == "stability" & Value >= stability) %>%
        pull(Penalty) %>% min()

      p <- ggplot(dplot, aes(x = Penalty, y = Value, group = Metric, color = Metric)) +
        geom_point() +  geom_line() + theme_bw() +
        ## Add information corresponding to best lambda
        geom_vline(xintercept = penalty_stars, linetype = 2) +
        geom_hline(yintercept = stability, linetype = 2) +
        annotate(x = penalty_stars, y = 0,
                 label = paste("lambda == ", round(penalty_stars, 5)),
                 parse = TRUE, hjust = -0.05, vjust = 0, geom = "text") +
        annotate(x = penalty_stars, y = stability,
                 label = paste("stability == ", stability),
                 parse = TRUE, hjust = -0.05, vjust = 1.5, geom = "text")
      if (log.x) p <- p + ggplot2::scale_x_log10() + annotation_logticks(sides = "b")

    #' @description Plot objective value of the optimization problem along the penalty path
    #' @return a [`ggplot`] graph
    plot_objective = function() {
      objective <- unlist(lapply(self$models, function(model) model$optim_par$objective))
      changes <- cumsum(unlist(lapply(self$models, function(model) model$optim_par$iterations)))
      dplot <- data.frame(iteration = 1:length(objective), objective = objective)
      p <- ggplot(dplot, aes(x = iteration, y = objective)) + geom_line() +
        geom_vline(xintercept = changes, linetype = "dashed", alpha = 0.25) +
        ggtitle("Objective along the alternate algorithm") + xlab("iteration (+ changes of model)") +
        annotate("text", x = changes, y = min(dplot$objective), angle = 90,
                 label = paste("penalty=",format(self$criteria$param, digits = 1)), hjust = -.1, size = 3, alpha = 0.7) + theme_bw()

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Print methods ---------------------
    #' @description User friendly print method
    show = function() {
      cat(" Task: Network Inference \n")
      cat(" -", length(self$penalties) , "penalties considered: from", min(self$penalties), "to", max(self$penalties), "\n")
      cat(" - Best model (greater BIC): lambda =", format(self$getBestModel("BIC")$penalty, digits = 3), "\n")
      cat(" - Best model (greater EBIC): lambda =", format(self$getBestModel("EBIC")$penalty, digits = 3), "\n")
      if (!anyNA(self$criteria$stability))
        cat(" - Best model (regarding StARS): lambda =", format(self$getBestModel("StARS")$penalty, digits = 3), "\n")

  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

  private = list(
    penalties_weights = NULL, # a field to store the weights for each penalty,
    stab_path = NULL # a field to store the stability path,

  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  active = list(
    #' @field penalties the sparsity level of the network in the successively fitted models
    penalties = function() private$params,
    #' @field stability_path the stability path of each edge as returned by the stars procedure
    stability_path = function() private$stab_path,
    #' @field stability mean edge stability along the penalty path
    stability = function() {
      if (!is.null(private$stab_path)) {
        stability <- self$stability_path %>%
          dplyr::select(Penalty, Prob) %>%
          dplyr::group_by(Penalty) %>%
          dplyr::summarize(Stability = 1 - mean(4 * Prob * (1 - Prob))) %>%
          dplyr::arrange(desc(Penalty)) %>%
      } else {
        stability <- rep(NA, length(self$penalties))
    #' @field criteria a data frame with the values of some criteria (variational log-likelihood, (E)BIC, ICL and R2, stability) for the collection of models / fits
    #' BIC, ICL and EBIC are defined so that they are on the same scale as the model log-likelihood, i.e. with the form, loglik - 0.5 penalty
    criteria = function() {mutate(super$criteria, stability = self$stability)}

  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## END OF CLASS ----
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
## CLASS PLNnetworkfamily ----
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' An R6 Class to represent a collection of [`PLNnetworkfit`]s
#' @description The function [PLNnetwork()] produces an instance of this class.
#' This class comes with a set of methods mostly used to compare
#' network fits (in terms of goodness of fit) or extract one from
#' the family (based on penalty parameter and/or goodness of it).
#' See the documentation for [getBestModel()],
#' [getModel()] and [plot()][plot.Networkfamily()] for the user-facing ones.
## Parameters shared by many methods
#' @param penalties a vector of positive real number controlling the level of sparsity of the underlying network.
#' @param data a named list used internally to carry the data matrices
#' @param formula model formula used for fitting, extracted from the formula in the upper-level call
#' @param control a list for controlling the optimization.
#' @include PLNfamily-class.R
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom glassoFast glassoFast
#' @examples
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' fits <- PLNnetwork(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera)
#' class(fits)
#' @seealso The function [PLNnetwork()], the class [`PLNnetworkfit`]
PLNnetworkfamily <- R6Class(
  classname = "PLNnetworkfamily",
  inherit = Networkfamily,
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## PUBLIC MEMBERS ------
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  public = list(
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Creation functions ----------------
    #' @description Initialize all models in the collection
    #' @return Update current [`PLNnetworkfit`] with smart starting values
    initialize = function(penalties, data, control) {

      ## A basic model (constrained model) for inception, ignored if inception is provided by the user
      if (is.null(control$inception)) {
        ## Allow inception with spherical / diagonal / full PLNfit before switching back to PLNfit_fixedcov
        ## for the inner-outer loop of PLNnetwork.
        myPLN <- switch(
          "spherical" = PLNfit_spherical$new(data$Y, data$X, data$O, data$w, data$formula, control),
          "diagonal" = PLNfit_diagonal$new(data$Y, data$X, data$O, data$w, data$formula, control),
          PLNfit$new(data$Y, data$X, data$O, data$w, data$formula, control) # defaults to full
        myPLN$optimize(data$Y, data$X, data$O, data$w, control$config_optim)
        control$inception <- myPLN

      ## Initialize fields shared by the super class
      super$initialize(penalties, data, control)

      ## instantiate one model per penalty
      control$trace <- 0
      self$models <- map2(private$params, private$penalties_weights, function(penalty, penalty_weights) {
        control$penalty <- penalty
        control$penalty_weights <- penalty_weights
        PLNnetworkfit$new(data, control)


    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Stability -------------------------
    #' @description Compute the stability path by stability selection
    #' @param subsamples a list of vectors describing the subsamples. The number of vectors (or list length) determines the number of subsamples used in the stability selection. Automatically set to 20 subsamples with size `10*sqrt(n)` if `n >= 144` and `0.8*n` otherwise following Liu et al. (2010) recommendations.
    #' @param control a list controlling the main optimization process in each call to [`PLNnetwork()`]. See [PLNnetwork()] and [PLN_param()] for details.
    stability_selection = function(subsamples = NULL, control = PLNnetwork_param()) {

      ## select default subsamples according to Liu et al. (2010) recommendations.
      if (is.null(subsamples)) {
        subsample.size <- round(ifelse(private$n >= 144, 10*sqrt(private$n), 0.8*private$n))
        subsamples <- replicate(20, sample.int(private$n, subsample.size), simplify = FALSE)

      ## got for stability selection
      cat("\nStability Selection for PLNnetwork: ")
      cat("\nsubsampling: ")

      stabs_out <- future.apply::future_lapply(subsamples, function(subsample) {
        inception_ <- self$getModel(self$penalties[1])
          M  = inception_$var_par$M[subsample, ],
          S  = inception_$var_par$S[subsample, ]

        ## force some control parameters
        control$inception = inception_
        control$penalty_weights = map(self$models, "penalty_weights")
        control$penalize_diagonal = (sum(diag(inception_$penalty_weights)) != 0)
        control$trace <- 0
        control$config_optim$trace <- 0

        data <- list(
          Y  = self$responses [subsample, , drop = FALSE],
          X = self$covariates[subsample, , drop = FALSE],
          O = self$offsets   [subsample, , drop = FALSE],
          w = self$weights   [subsample])

        myPLN <- PLNnetworkfamily$new(self$penalties, data, control)
        myPLN$optimize(data, control$config_optim)
        nets <- do.call(cbind, lapply(myPLN$models, function(model) {
      }, future.seed = TRUE, future.scheduling = structure(TRUE, ordering = "random"))

      prob <- Reduce("+", stabs_out, accumulate = FALSE) / length(subsamples)
      ## formatting/tyding
      node_set <- colnames(self$getModel(index = 1)$model_par$B)
      colnames(prob) <- self$penalties
      private$stab_path <- prob %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(Edge = 1:n()) %>%
        gather(key = "Penalty", value = "Prob", -Edge) %>%
        mutate(Penalty = as.numeric(Penalty),
               Node1   = node_set[edge_to_node(Edge)$node1],
               Node2   = node_set[edge_to_node(Edge)$node2],
               Edge    = paste0(Node1, "|", Node2))

  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## END OF CLASS ----
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
## CLASS PLNnetworkfamily ----
## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

#' An R6 Class to represent a collection of ZIPLNnetwork
#' @description The function [ZIPLNnetwork()] produces an instance of this class.
#' This class comes with a set of methods, some of them being useful for the user:
#' See the documentation for [getBestModel()],
#' [getModel()] and [plot()][plot.ZIPLNnetworkfamily()]
## Parameters shared by many methods
#' @param penalties a vector of positive real number controlling the level of sparsity of the underlying network.
#' @param data a named list used internally to carry the data matrices
#' @param control a list for controlling the optimization.
#' @include PLNfamily-class.R
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom glassoFast glassoFast
#' @examples
#' data(trichoptera)
#' trichoptera <- prepare_data(trichoptera$Abundance, trichoptera$Covariate)
#' fits <- PLNnetwork(Abundance ~ 1, data = trichoptera)
#' class(fits)
#' @seealso The function [ZIPLNnetwork()], the class [`ZIPLNfit_sparse`]
ZIPLNnetworkfamily <- R6Class(
  classname = "ZIPLNnetworkfamily",
  inherit = Networkfamily,
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## PUBLIC MEMBERS ------
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  public = list(
    #' @field covariates0 the matrix of covariates included in the ZI component
    covariates0 = NULL, # covariates used in the ZI component
    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Creation functions ----------------
    #' @description Initialize all models in the collection
    #' @return Update current [`PLNnetworkfit`] with smart starting values
    initialize = function(penalties, data, control) {

      ## A basic model for inception, useless one is defined by the user
      if (is.null(control$inception)) {
        ## Allow inception with spherical / diagonal / full PLNfit before switching back to PLNfit_fixedcov
        ## for the inner-outer loop of PLNnetwork.
        myPLN <- switch(
          "spherical" = ZIPLNfit_spherical$new(data, control),
          "diagonal" = ZIPLNfit_diagonal$new(data, control),
          ZIPLNfit$new(data, control) # defaults to full
        myPLN$optimize(data, control$config_optim)
        control$inception <- myPLN

      ## Initialize fields shared by the super class
      super$initialize(penalties, data, control)
      self$covariates0 <- data$X0

      ## instantiate one model per penalty
      control$trace <- 0
      self$models <- map2(private$params, private$penalties_weights, function(penalty, penalty_weights) {
        control$penalty <- penalty
        control$penalty_weights <- penalty_weights
        ZIPLNfit_sparse$new(data, control)

    ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    ## Stability -------------------------
    #' @description Compute the stability path by stability selection
    #' @param subsamples a list of vectors describing the subsamples. The number of vectors (or list length) determines the number of subsamples used in the stability selection. Automatically set to 20 subsamples with size `10*sqrt(n)` if `n >= 144` and `0.8*n` otherwise following Liu et al. (2010) recommendations.
    #' @param control a list controlling the main optimization process in each call to [`PLNnetwork()`]. See [ZIPLNnetwork()] and [ZIPLN_param()] for details.
    stability_selection = function(subsamples = NULL, control = ZIPLNnetwork_param()) {

      ## select default subsamples according to Liu et al. (2010) recommendations.
      if (is.null(subsamples)) {
        subsample.size <- round(ifelse(private$n >= 144, 10*sqrt(private$n), 0.8*private$n))
        subsamples <- replicate(20, sample.int(private$n, subsample.size), simplify = FALSE)

      ## got for stability selection
      cat("\nStability Selection for ZIPLNnetwork: ")
      cat("\nsubsampling: ")

      stabs_out <- future.apply::future_lapply(subsamples, function(subsample) {
        inception_ <- self$getModel(self$penalties[1])
          R  = inception_$var_par$R[subsample, ],
          M  = inception_$var_par$M[subsample, ],
          S  = inception_$var_par$S[subsample, ]

        ## force some control parameters
        control$inception = inception_
        control$penalty_weights = map(self$models, "penalty_weights")
        control$penalize_diagonal = (sum(diag(inception_$penalty_weights)) != 0)
        control$trace <- 0
        control$config_optim$trace <- 0
        control$ziparam <- inception_$zi_model
        X0  <- self$covariates0
        if (nrow(X0) > 0)  X0  <- X0[subsample, , drop = FALSE]
        data <- list(
          Y  = self$responses  [subsample, , drop = FALSE],
          X  = self$covariates [subsample, , drop = FALSE],
          X0 = X0,
          O  = self$offsets    [subsample, , drop = FALSE],
          w  = self$weights    [subsample])

        myPLN <- ZIPLNnetworkfamily$new(self$penalties, data, control)
        myPLN$optimize(data, control$config_optim)

        nets <- do.call(cbind, lapply(myPLN$models, function(model) {
      }, future.seed = TRUE, future.scheduling = structure(TRUE, ordering = "random"))

      prob <- Reduce("+", stabs_out, accumulate = FALSE) / length(subsamples)
      ## formatting/tyding
      node_set <- colnames(self$getModel(index = 1)$model_par$B)
      colnames(prob) <- self$penalties
      private$stab_path <- prob %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        mutate(Edge = 1:n()) %>%
        gather(key = "Penalty", value = "Prob", -Edge) %>%
        mutate(Penalty = as.numeric(Penalty),
               Node1   = node_set[edge_to_node(Edge)$node1],
               Node2   = node_set[edge_to_node(Edge)$node2],
               Edge    = paste0(Node1, "|", Node2))

  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  ## END OF CLASS ----
  ## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
jchiquet/PLNmodels documentation built on April 14, 2024, 12:09 a.m.