

test_that("helper_pants", {
  # from helper_pants.R
  expect_equal(pwy.stats$nfeatures, c(3,3))
  #allow for =, since only 10 perm
  expect_gte(pwy.stats["pwy1", 2], pwy.stats["pwy2", 2])
  expect_equal(pwy.stats["pwy1", 1], 3)
  expect_equal(pwy.stats["pwy2", 1], 3)
  expect_gt(feature.stats["a", 1], max(feature.stats[setdiff(rownames(kk), "a"), 1]))

test_that("kernel & parallel", {
  #contr of length 2
  expect_error(pants(object=M, phenotypes.v=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v, ker=kk, Gmat=G, nperm=10))
  res2 <- pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v, ker=kk, Gmat=G, nperm=10, score_fcn = ff, 
                ret.null.mats = TRUE)
  expect_equal(nrow(res2$pwy.stats), 2)
  expect_equal(res2$pwy.stats$nfeatures, c(3,3))
  # independent perms not corrupted by parallelization
  npm <- res2$null.pwy.mat
  nfm <- res2$null.feature.mat
  sp <- res2$sample.perms
  n.unique.perm <- sum(!duplicated(sp, MARGIN=2)) # n unique perms
  expect_equal(length(unique(npm[1,])), n.unique.perm)
  expect_equal(length(unique(npm[2,])), n.unique.perm)
  expect_equal(length(unique(nfm[1,])), n.unique.perm)
  expect_equal(length(unique(nfm[2,])), n.unique.perm)

test_that("no kernel & ret null", {
  res2 <- pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v, ker=NULL, Gmat=G, nperm=10, score_fcn = ff, 
                ret.null.mats = TRUE)
  expect_equal(res2$pwy.stats$nfeatures, c(3,3))
  # ret null
  expect_equal(p_ecdf(res2$pwy.stats$score, res2$null.pwy.mat, alternative = "greater"),
               data.matrix(res2$pwy.stats[, c("z", "p")]))

test_that("min.nfeats", {
  expect_error(pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v, ker=NULL, Gmat=G, nperm=10, score_fcn = ff, min.nfeats=4))
  res3 <- pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v, ker=NULL, Gmat=G[1:3,], nperm=10, score_fcn = ff, min.nfeats=3)
  expect_equal(nrow(res3$pwy.stats), 1)
  res4 <- pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v, ker=NULL, Gmat=G[1:3,], nperm=10, score_fcn = ff, min.nfeats=0)
  expect_equal(nrow(res4$pwy.stats), 2)

test_that("write with annot.df & test impact", {
  res <- pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v[1], ker=kk, Gmat=G, annot.df = eztt.df, nperm=10, ntop=5,
  pwy1 <- read.csv("test_eztt_pants/pathways/pwy1.csv", row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  expect_equal(nrow(pwy1), 4)
  expect_lt(pwy1["a", "trt1.p"], res$feature.stats["a", "p"])
  # prevent testthat warning
  tep.dir <- test_path("test_eztt_pants")
  unlink(tep.dir, recursive = TRUE, force=TRUE)

  res <- pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v[1], ker=noker, Gmat=G, annot.df = eztt.df, nperm=10, ntop=2,
  pwy1 <- read.csv("test_eztt2_pants/pathways/pwy1.csv", row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  expect_equal(nrow(pwy1), 2)
  # impact = Ki*Gj*zi
  zscore.v <- stats::setNames(res$feature.stats$z, nm=rownames(res$feature.stats))
  impact.v <- (noker %*% G[,"pwy1"])[,1] * zscore.v
  expect_equal(signif(impact.v[rownames(pwy1)], 3), setNames(pwy1$impact, nm=rownames(pwy1)))

test_that("nperm too high", {
  pheno <- rep(letters[1:2], times=3)
  res <- pants(object=M[,1:6], phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=c(vs="b-a"), Gmat=G, nperm=100, score_fcn = abs)
  expect_equal(rownames(res[[1]]), c("pwy2", "pwy1"))

test_that("size & power", {
  ngenes <- 100
  gene.nms <- paste0("g", 1:ngenes)
  gmt <- apply(as.matrix(1:ngenes), 1, FUN=function(x){
    pwy.nm <- paste0("pwy", x)
    ret <- list(name=pwy.nm, description=pwy.nm, genes=sample(gene.nms, size=5))
  G <- gmt2Gmat(gmt)
  el <- t(combn(rownames(G), 2))
  el <- el[-sample(nrow(el), size=floor(nrow(el)/2)),]
  gr <- edgelist2graph(el)
  ker <- graph2kernel(gr)
  phenotype = setNames(pheno, paste0("s", 1:length(pheno)))
  sp <- sim_pants(Gmat=G, phenotype = phenotype, nsim=10, nperm=10, effect.v = c(0, 0.2), ker=ker)
  expect_lte(sp[1, 1], 0.05)

test_that("ncores", {
  res1 <- pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v[1], ker=NULL, Gmat=G[1:3,], nperm=10, 
                min.nfeats=3, ncores=2)
  res2 <- pants(object=M, phenotype=pheno, contrast.v=contrast.v[1], ker=NULL, Gmat=G[1:3,], nperm=10, 
                min.nfeats=3, ncores=1)
  expect_equal(res1$pwy.stats, res2$pwy.stats)

  tep2.dir <- test_path("test_eztt2_pants")
  unlink(tep2.dir, recursive = TRUE, force=TRUE)
jdreyf/PANTS documentation built on July 18, 2019, 10:12 a.m.