
Defines functions .w.tree2 w.tree chckLbl e2p write.net

Documented in write.net

###functions below are modified from ape###
##Code from write.tree.R (2010-12-07)
## Copyright 2002-2010 Emmanuel Paradis, Daniel Lawson, and Klaus Schliep

## This file is part of the R-package `ape'.
## They use the same GPL-2 that SiPhyNetwork uses. Please refer that for any copying issues

#' Write a Network in Parenthetic Format
#' @description This function writes a network to file in the Extended Newick format.
#' @details The node labels and the root edge length, if available, are written in the file.
#' If inheritance probabilities are included in the network object as the 'inheritance' attribute, they are also written to file.
#' If tree.names == TRUE then a variant of the Newick format is written for which the name of a tree precedes the Newick format tree (parentheses are eventually deleted beforehand). The tree names are taken from the names attribute if present (they are ignored if tree.names is a character vector).
#' The tip labels (and the node labels if present) are checked before being printed: the leading and trailing spaces, and the leading left and trailing right parentheses are deleted; the other spaces are replaced by underscores; the commas, colons, semicolons, and the other parentheses are replaced with dashes
#' @param net A phylogenetic network of class `evonet`. The network may include an optional attribute `inheritance`` that represents the inheritance probabilities on the edges found in the 'reticulation' attribute
#' @param file a file name specified by either a variable of mode character, or a double-quoted string; if `file = ""`` (the default) then the tree is written on the standard output connection (i.e. the console).
#' @param append a logical, if TRUE the tree is appended to the file without erasing the data possibly existing in the file, otherwise the file (if it exists) is overwritten (`FALSE`` the default).
#' @param digits a numeric giving the number of digits used for printing branch lengths.
#' @param tree.names either a logical or a vector of mode character. If TRUE then any tree names will be written prior to the tree on each line. If character, specifies the name of "phylo" objects which can be written to the file.
#' @param tol a numeric value giving the tolerance to consider a branch as length 0.
#' @param swap.minor a logical, TRUE swaps hybrid edges around such that edges with inheritance <0.5 are always written as leaves
#' @return a vector of mode character if file = "", none (invisible NULL) otherwise
#' @export
#' @examples
#' net<-read.net(text="((A:7,((B:2,C:2):3)#H1:2::0.6):3,(D:6,#H1:1::0.4):4);")
#' write.net(net)
write.net<-function(net,file="",append = FALSE, digits = 10, tree.names = FALSE,tol=1e-8,swap.minor= TRUE){

    ###Code to make the minor hybrid edge drawn as the leaf
    ###We need to swap edge such that the minors are all in net$reticulation as opposed to net$edge

    bad_hybs <- which(net$inheritance > 0.5)
    for(ret_ind in bad_hybs){
      old_ret <- net$reticulation[ret_ind,]
      e_ind <- net$edge[,2]==hyb_nd

        hyb_length <- nd_times[old_ret[2]]-nd_times[old_ret[1]]


    ###end code to make minor edge the leaf


  w.tree(phy=net,file=file,append=append,digits=digits,tree.names = tree.names,tol)


e2p <-  function(x)
  nTips <- as.integer(length(x$tip.label))
  if (!is.null(x$edge.length)) {
    nd <- node.depth.edgelength(x)
    x$edge.length <- c(x$edge.length, nd[x$reticulation[, 2]] - nd[x$reticulation[, 1]])
  if (!is.null(x$node.label)){
    x$tip.label <- c(x$tip.label, x$node.label[x$reticulation[, 2] - nTips])
  } else {
    newLabels <- paste0("#H", x$reticulation[, 2])
    x$tip.label <- c(x$tip.label, newLabels)
    x$node.label <- rep("", x$Nnode)
    ind <- which((x$reticulation[, 2] > nTips) & !duplicated(x$reticulation[, 2]))
    x$node.label[x$reticulation[ind, 2] - nTips] <- newLabels[ind]

  if(length(inh)!=0 ){
    for( i in 1:nrow(x$reticulation)){
      x$inheritance[which(x$edge[,2]==x$reticulation[i,2])]<- 1-inh[i]

  nrets <- as.integer(nrow(x$reticulation))
  x$edge[x$edge > nTips] <-  x$edge[x$edge > nTips] + nrets
  x$reticulation[, 1] <- x$reticulation[, 1] + nrets
  x$reticulation[, 2] <- nTips + (1L:nrets)

  x$edge <- rbind(x$edge, x$reticulation)

chckLbl <- function(phy, x, ...)
  ## delete all leading and trailing spaces and tabs, and
  ## the leading left and trailing right parentheses:
  ## (the syntax will work with any mix of these characters,
  ##  e.g., "    ( ( ((  " will correctly be deleted)
  x <- gsub("^[[:space:]\\(]+", "", x)
  x <- gsub("[[:space:]\\)]+$", "", x)
  ## replace all spaces and tabs by underscores:
  x <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "_", x)
  ## remove all commas, colons, and semicolons
  x <- gsub("[,:;]", "", x)
  ## replace left and right parentheses with dashes:
  x <- gsub("[\\(\\)]", "-", x)
  ## delete extra underscores and extra dashes:
  x <- gsub("_{2,}", "_", x)
  x <- gsub("-{2,}", "-", x)

  ## Output nhx annotations if they exist.
  tags <- phy$.tags
  if (!is.null(tags)) {
    for (i in 1:length(x)) {
      if (length(tags[[i]]) > 0) {
        cur.tags <- tags[[i]]
        str <- "[&&NHX:"
        tag.and.value <- paste(names(cur.tags), as.character(cur.tags), sep='=')
        tagvalues <- paste(tag.and.value, collapse=':')
        x[i] <- paste(x[i], str, tagvalues, ']', sep='')


w.tree <- function(phy, file = "", append = FALSE, digits = 10, tree.names = FALSE,tol)
    if (!(inherits(phy, c("phylo", "multiPhylo"))))
      stop("object \"phy\" has no trees")

    if (inherits(phy, "phylo")) phy <- c(phy)
    N <- length(phy)
    res <- character(N)

    if (is.logical(tree.names)) {
      if (tree.names) {
        tree.names <-
          if (is.null(names(phy))) character(N)
        else names(phy)
      } else tree.names <- character(N)

    for (i in 1:N){
      p$edge.length[p$edge.length<tol]<-0 ##correct small edges to be 0

      res[i] <- .w.tree2(p, digits = digits,
                         tree.prefix = tree.names[i])

    if (file == "") return(res)
    else cat(res, file = file, append = append, sep = "\n")

.w.tree2 <- function(phy, digits = 10, tree.prefix = "")
  brl <- !is.null(phy$edge.length)
  nodelab <- !is.null(phy$node.label)
  phy$tip.label <- chckLbl(phy, phy$tip.label)
  if (nodelab) phy$node.label <- chckLbl(phy, phy$node.label)
  f.d <- paste("%.", digits, "g", sep = "")
  cp <- function(x){
    STRING[k] <<- x
    k <<- k + 1
  add.internal <- function(i) { ## Internal inheritance probs not added correctly
    desc <- kids[[i]]
    for (j in desc) {
      if (j > n) add.internal(j)
      else add.terminal(ind[j])
      if (j != desc[length(desc)]) cp(",")
    if (nodelab && i > n) cp(phy$node.label[i - n]) # fixed by Naim Matasci (2010-12-07)
    if (brl) {
      cp(sprintf(f.d, phy$edge.length[ind[i]]))
        cp("::") ##TODO make a case when we have inheritance probabilities but no edge lengths (?)
        cp( sprintf(f.d,phy$inheritance[ind[i]] ))
  add.terminal <- function(i) {
    tip_lab<-phy$tip.label[phy$edge[i, 2]]
    if (brl) {
      cp(sprintf(f.d, phy$edge.length[i]))
      if( tip_lab %in% phy$node.label && (!is.na(phy$inheritance[i])) ){
        cp("::") ##TODO make a case when we have inheritance probabilities but no edge lengths (?)
        cp( sprintf(f.d,phy$inheritance[i] ))


  n <- length(phy$tip.label)

  ## borrowed from phangorn:
  parent <- phy$edge[, 1]
  children <- phy$edge[, 2]
  kids <- vector("list", n + phy$Nnode)
  for (i in 1:length(parent))
    kids[[parent[i]]] <- c(kids[[parent[i]]], children[i])

  ind <- match(1:max(phy$edge), phy$edge[, 2])

  LS <- 4*n + 5
  if (brl) LS <- LS + 4*n
  if (nodelab)  LS <- LS + n
  if (inherits(phy,"evonet")) LS <- LS + (2*nrow(phy$reticulation))

  STRING <- character(LS)
  k <- 1
  getRoot <- function(phy)
    phy$edge[, 1][!match(phy$edge[, 1], phy$edge[, 2], 0)][1]
  root <- getRoot(phy) # replaced n+1 with root - root has not be n+1
  desc <- kids[[root]]
  for (j in desc) {
    if (j > n) add.internal(j)
    else add.terminal(ind[j])
    if (j != desc[length(desc)]) cp(",")

  if (is.null(phy$root.edge)) {
    if (nodelab) cp(phy$node.label[1])
  else {
    if (nodelab) cp(phy$node.label[1])
    cp(sprintf(f.d, phy$root.edge))
  paste(STRING, collapse = "")
jjustison/SiPhyNetwork documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 8:58 a.m.