#this function was modified from retrieve.nc of the clim.pact package version 2.2-41.
#reason for copying the function is that it has changed over time and functions of the
#crrent package require 'no changes' to the output data structure.
#' Read From a netCDF File
#' \code{read.nc} reads a netCDF file from e.g., PCMDI and picks out vectors
#' that look like longitude, latitude and time. It returns a list containing
#' the data and associated attributes from the netCDF file.\cr\cr The code here
#' represents some, albeit slight, modification of \code{retrieve.nc} of the
#' clim.pact package. As functions of this package require consistent
#' structuring of outputs, we decided to present a modified copy of that
#' function here. Indeed, much of this helpfile comes from \code{retrieve.nc}.
#' @param filename name of netCDF file.
#' @param v.nam name of variable. "AUTO" -> smart search.
#' @param l.scale 'TRUE' uses scaling.factor and add.offset.
#' @param greenwich 'TRUE' centres maps on Greenwhich meridian (0 deg E).
#' @param x.nam Name of x-dimension.
#' @param y.nam Name of y-dimension.
#' @param z.nam Name of z-dimension.
#' @param t.nam Name of time-axis.
#' @param x.rng Region to extract.
#' @param y.rng Region to extract.
#' @param z.rng Region to extract.
#' @param t.rng Time interval to extract.Numerical values are used to identify
#' indeces, e.g. \code{as.numeric(1)} refers to first field,
#' \code{as.numeric(2)} the second field, etc. Character strings, on the other
#' hand, refers to date. E.g. "1-Jan-1990", or "1990" (see
#' \code{\link{datestr2num}} for various formats).
#' @param force.chron Check for monotonic chronological order (no jumping back
#' and forth in time).
#' @param force365.25 TRUE forces a natural 365.25 day year as opposed to a
#' 360-day model year. '-1' forces a 360-day year (commonly used in climate
#' modelling).
#' @param regular TRUE for regular spacing in time (.i.e. no skipping, but one
#' field every month or one field every day).
#' @param daysayear Number of days in the year on average.
#' @param forceBC TRUE for not accepting year 0 (see e.g. Press et al. (1989),
#' Numerical Recepies in Pascal, Cambridge).
#' @param use.cdfcont Flag for Linux versions only: if TRUE use old lines
#' calling 'cdfcont()'
#' @param torg Time origin, such as the 'time\_origin' attribute in netCDF
#' files. e.g. '15-Dec-1949'. A NULL value (default) will try to detect from
#' the file header.
#' @param t.unit Time unit, similar to the 'time\_unit' attribute in netCDF
#' files. e.g. 'day'. A NULL value (default) will try to detect from the file
#' header.
#' @return A list of class "nc" and "field.object" with the following data:
#' \tabular{ll}{ dat \tab a 3-D matrix with the data. \cr lon \tab a vector of
#' longitudes. \cr lat \tab a vector of latitudes. \cr tim \tab a vector of
#' times from time.0 (see attributes). \cr lev \tab a vector of vertical levels
#' (NULL for single level). \cr v.name \tab variable name.\cr id.x \tab ID
#' labels for the spatial grid (for mixed fields, see \code{\link{mixFields}}).
#' \cr id.t \tab ID labels for the time axis (for combined fields). \cr yy \tab
#' a vector of years corresponding to \code{tim}. \cr mm \tab a vector of
#' months corresponding to \code{tim}. \cr dd \tab a vector of days
#' corresponding to \code{tim}. \cr n.fld \tab number of fields (for mixed
#' fields, see \code{\link{mixFields}}). \cr id.lon \tab ID labels along the
#' longitudes (for mixed fields, see \code{\link{mixFields}}). \cr id.lat \tab
#' ID labels along the latitudes (for mixed fields, see
#' \code{\link{mixFields}}). \cr }.
#' @author Jeremy VanDerWal \email{jjvanderwal@@gmail.com}
#' @references Rasmus E. Benestad (2010). clim.pact: Climate analysis and
#' empirical-statistical downscaling (ESD) package for monthly and daily data..
#' R package version 2.2-41. \url{http://CRAN.R-project.org/package=clim.pact}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #need to fill in
#' }
read.nc <- function (filename = file.path("data", "air.mon.mean.nc"), v.nam = "AUTO",
l.scale = FALSE, greenwich = TRUE, silent = FALSE, x.nam = "lon",
y.nam = "lat", z.nam = "lev", t.nam = "tim", x.rng = NULL,
y.rng = NULL, z.rng = NULL, t.rng = NULL, force.chron = TRUE,
force365.25 = FALSE, regular = TRUE, daysayear = 365.25,
forceBC = TRUE, use.cdfcont = FALSE, torg = NULL, t.unit = NULL,
miss2na = TRUE)
require('ncdf') #this is required for this function
#some functions needed for this function
mod <- function (x, y)
x1 <- trunc(trunc(x/y) * y)
z <- trunc(x) - x1
fixField <- function (x, torg = NULL, t.unit = NULL, scal = NULL, offs = NULL,
x.rng = NULL, y.rng = NULL, z.rng = NULL, t.rng = NULL, greenwich = TRUE)
tim <- x$tim
lon <- x$lon
lat <- x$lat
mm <- x$mm
yy <- x$yy
dd <- x$dd
if (!is.null(torg)) {
dsh <- instring("-", torg)
yy0 <- as.numeric(substr(torg, dsh[2] + 1, dsh[2] + 4))
dd0 <- as.numeric(substr(torg, 1, dsh[1] - 1))
mm0 <- switch(tolower(substr(torg, dsh[1] + 1, dsh[2] -
1)), jan = 1, feb = 2, mar = 3, apr = 4, may = 5,
jun = 6, jul = 7, aug = 8, sep = 9, oct = 10, nov = 11,
dec = 12)
print(paste("Time origin: (year-month-day)", yy0, "-",
mm0, "-", dd0))
if (yy0[1] == 0) {
print("There is no year zero (Press et al., Numerical recipies)")
print("'> print(julday(1,1,1)-julday(1,1,-1))' gives 365")
print("julday wont work unless the time is fixed")
print("year0 is set to 1, and 365 days is subtracted from tim")
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 4) == "hour")
tim <- tim - 365 * 24
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "day")
tim <- tim - 365
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "mon")
tim <- tim - 12
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 5) == "year")
tim <- tim - 1
yy0 <- 1
if (is.null(t.unit))
t.unit <- x$dat.att$t.unit
print(paste("Time unit:", tolower(t.unit)))
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "mon") {
tim <- floor(tim)
mm <- mod(mm0 + tim - 1, 12) + 1
yy <- yy0 + floor((tim + mm0 - 1)/12)
dd <- rep(15, length(tim))
obj.type <- "monthly.field.object"
else if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "day") {
mmddyy <- caldat(tim + julday(mm0, dd0, yy0))
mm <- mmddyy$month
yy <- mmddyy$year
dd <- mmddyy$day
obj.type <- "daily.field.object"
else if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 4) == "hour") {
mmddyy <- caldat(tim/24 + julday(mm0, dd0, yy0))
mm <- mmddyy$month
yy <- mmddyy$year
dd <- mmddyy$day
t.unit <- "day"
obj.type <- "field.object"
else torg <- x$dat.att$torg
if (!is.null(scal))
x$dat <- x$dat + scal
if (!is.null(offs))
x$dat <- x$dat + offs
if (greenwich) {
lon[lon > 180] <- lon[lon > 180] - 360
if (!is.null(x.rng)) {
print("Extract longitudes:")
x.keep <- (lon >= min(x.rng)) & (lon <= max(x.rng))
if (nd == 3)
dat <- dat[, , x.keep]
else dat <- dat[, , , x.keep]
lon <- lon[x.keep]
id.lon <- id.lon[x.keep]
id.x <- id.x[, x.keep]
x.srt <- order(lon)
lon <- lon[x.srt]
if (nd == 3)
dat <- dat[, , x.srt]
else dat <- dat[, , , x.srt]
if (!is.null(y.rng)) {
print("Extract latitudes:")
y.keep <- (lat >= min(y.rng)) & (lat <= max(y.rng))
if (nd == 3)
dat <- dat[, y.keep, ]
else dat <- dat[, , y.keep, ]
lat <- lat[y.keep]
id.lat <- id.lat[y.keep]
id.x <- id.x[y.keep, ]
y.srt <- order(lat)
lat <- lat[y.srt]
if (nd == 3)
dat <- dat[, y.srt]
else dat <- dat[, , y.srt]
if (!is.null(t.rng)) {
print("Extract tims:")
t.keep <- (tim >= min(t.rng)) & (tim <= max(t.rng))
if (nd == 3)
dat <- dat[t.keep, , ]
else dat <- dat[t.keep, , , ]
tim <- tim[t.keep]
id.t <- id.t[t.keep]
yy <- yy[t.keep]
mm <- mm[t.keep]
dd <- dd[t.keep]
x$tim <- tim
x$lon <- lon
x$lat <- lat
x$yy <- yy
x$mm <- mm
x$dd <- dd
x$dat.att$t.unit <- t.unit
x$dat.att$torg <- torg
x$dat.att$scale.factor <- scal
x$dat.att$add.offset <- offs
if (is.null(x$dat.att$fixes))
x$dat.att$fixes <- paste("fixField ", date(), ": ", torg,
t.unit, scal, offs, sep = "")
else x$dat.att$fixes <- paste(x$dat.att$fixes, date(), ": ",
torg, t.unit, scal, offs, sep = "")
caldat <- function (julian)
igreg = 2299161
julian <- trunc(julian)
jalpha <- julian * 0
ja <- julian * 0
im <- (julian >= igreg)
if (sum(im) > 0) {
jalpha[im] <- trunc(((julian - 1867216) - 0.25)/36524.25)
ja[im] <- julian + 1 + jalpha - trunc(0.25 * jalpha)
im <- (julian < igreg)
if (sum(im) > 0)
ja[im] <- julian[im]
jb <- ja + 1524
jc <- trunc(6680 + ((jb - 2439870) - 122.1)/365.25)
jd <- 365 * jc + trunc(0.25 * jc)
je <- trunc((jb - jd)/30.6001)
id <- jb - jd - trunc(30.6001 * je)
mm <- je - 1
im <- (mm > 12)
if (sum(im) > 0)
mm[im] <- mm[im] - 12
iyyy <- jc - 4715
im <- (mm > 2)
if (sum(im) > 0)
iyyy[im] <- iyyy[im] - 1
im <- (iyyy <= 0)
if (sum(im) > 0)
iyyy <- iyyy - 1
caldat <- list(month = mm, day = id, year = iyyy)
julday <- function (mm, id, iyyy)
igreg <- 588829
mm <- trunc(mm)
id <- trunc(id)
iyyy <- trunc(iyyy)
im <- (iyyy == 0)
if (sum(im, na.rm = TRUE) > 0)
return("There is no year zero!")
if ((length(mm) != length(id)) | (length(mm) != length(iyyy)) |
(length(iyyy) != length(id)))
return("The vectors must have same length!")
im <- (iyyy < 0)
if (sum(im) > 0)
iyyy[im] <- iyyy[im] + 1
jy <- mm * 0
jm <- mm * 0
ja <- mm * 0
im <- (mm > 2)
if (sum(im) > 0) {
jy[im] <- iyyy[im]
jm[im] <- mm[im] + 1
im <- (mm <= 2)
if (sum(im) > 0) {
jy[im] <- iyyy[im] - 1
jm[im] <- mm[im] + 13
jul <- trunc(365.25 * jy) + trunc(30.6001 * jm) + id + 1720995
im <- (id + 31 * (mm + 12 * iyyy) >= igreg)
if (sum(im) > 0) {
ja[im] <- trunc(0.01 * jy)
jul[im] <- jul + 2 - ja[im] + trunc(0.25 * ja[im])
julday <- jul
datestr2num <- function (datestr, vec = TRUE)
dsh <- instring("-", datestr)
spc <- instring(" ", datestr)
if (dsh[1] == 0) {
dot <- instring(".", datestr)
com <- instring(",", datestr)
sls <- instring("/", datestr)
if (length(dot) == 2)
dsh <- dot
else if (length(com) == 2)
dsh <- com
else if (length(sls) == 2)
dsh <- sls
else if (length(spc) >= 2) {
dsh <- spc[1:2]
spc <- 0
if (spc == 0)
spc <- nchar(datestr)
if (dsh[1] == 3 & dsh[2] == 7) {
yy0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 8, 11))
mm0 <- switch(tolower(substr(datestr, 4, 6)), jan = 1,
feb = 2, mar = 3, apr = 4, may = 5, jun = 6, jul = 7,
aug = 8, sep = 9, oct = 10, nov = 11, dec = 12)
dd0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 1, 2))
if (dsh[1] == 2 & dsh[2] == 6) {
yy0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 7, 11))
mm0 <- switch(tolower(substr(datestr, 3, 5)), jan = 1,
feb = 2, mar = 3, apr = 4, may = 5, jun = 6, jul = 7,
aug = 8, sep = 9, oct = 10, nov = 11, dec = 12)
dd0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 1, 1))
if (dsh[1] == 5 & dsh[2] == 9) {
yy0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 1, 4))
mm0 <- switch(tolower(substr(datestr, 6, 8)), jan = 1,
feb = 2, mar = 3, apr = 4, may = 5, jun = 6, jul = 7,
aug = 8, sep = 9, oct = 10, nov = 11, dec = 12)
dd0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 10, 11))
if (dsh[1] == 5 & dsh[2] == 8) {
yy0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 1, 4))
mm0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 6, 7))
dd0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 9, 10))
if (mm0 > 12) {
a <- mm0
mm0 <- mm0
dd0 <- a
gc(reset = TRUE)
if (dsh[1] == 3 & dsh[2] == 6) {
yy0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 7, 10))
mm0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 4, 5))
dd0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 1, 2))
if (dsh[1] == 5 & dsh[2] == 7) {
yy0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 1, 4))
mm0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 6, 6))
dd0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 8, 9))
if (dsh[1] == 2 & dsh[2] == 4) {
dd0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 1, 1))
mm0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 3, 3))
yy0 <- as.numeric(substr(datestr, 5, spc[1]))
if (dsh[1] == 0) {
dd0 <- 1
mm0 <- 1
yy0 <- as.numeric(datestr)
if (vec)
datestr2num <- c(yy0, mm0, dd0)
else datestr2num <- yy0 + mm0/12 + dd0/31
instring <- function (c, target, case.match = TRUE)
l <- nchar(target)
if (!case.match) {
c <- lower.case(c)
target <- lower.case(target)
nc <- nchar(c)
if (nc == 1) {
pos <- 0
for (i in 1:l) {
tst <- substr(target, i, i)
if (tst == c)
pos <- c(pos, i)
if (length(pos) > 1)
pos <- pos[-1]
else {
spos <- rep(NA, nc * l)
dim(spos) <- c(nc, l)
for (j in 1:nc) {
a <- instring(substr(c, j, j), target)
if (length(a) > 0) {
if (j > 1) {
a.match <- is.element(a, spos[j - 1, ] + 1)
a <- a[a.match]
p.match <- is.element(spos[j - 1, ], a - 1)
spos <- spos[, p.match]
dim(spos) <- c(nc, sum(p.match))
if (length(a) < dim(spos)[2]) {
spos <- spos[, 1:length(a)]
dim(spos) <- c(nc, length(a))
spos[j, ] <- a
else spos[j, ] <- 0
ns <- dim(spos)[2]
if (ns > 0) {
pos <- rep(0, ns)
for (i in 1:ns) {
b <- c(diff(spos[, i]), 1)
i1 <- is.element(b, 1)
b[!i1] <- 0
if (sum(b) == nc)
pos[i] <- spos[1, i]
else {
pos <- 0
pos <- pos[-1]
# Some definitions and handy variables:
cmon <- c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul",
"Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")
season <- cbind(c(12, 1, 2), c(3, 4, 5), c(6, 7, 8), c(9,
10, 11))
season.c <- c("", "DJF", "MAM", "JJA", "SON")
if (!file.exists(filename)) {
stop(paste("Sorry,", filename, " does not exist!"))
a <- Sys.info()
ncid <- open.ncdf(filename)
nv <- ncid$nvars
cdfvars <- rep("-", nv)
for (i in 1:nv) cdfvars[i] <- ncid$var[[i]]$name
miss <- ncid$var[[1]]$missval
ipick <- 1
if (nv > 1) {
ipick <- grep(v.nam, cdfvars)
if (length(ipick) == 0) {
ipick <- as.numeric(readline(paste("Choose variable (1 - ",
length(cdfvars), "): ", sep = "")))
v1 <- cdfvars[ipick]
nd <- ncid$var[[ipick]]$ndims
cdfdims <- rep("-", nd)
for (i in 1:nd) cdfdims[i] <- ncid$var[[ipick]]$dim[[i]]$name
ilon <- grep(x.nam, tolower(cdfdims))
ilat <- grep(y.nam, tolower(cdfdims))
itim <- grep(t.nam, tolower(cdfdims))
ilev <- grep(z.nam, tolower(cdfdims))
scal <- NULL
offs <- NULL
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfvars[ipick], "scale_factor")
if (arv$hasatt)
scal <- arv$value
else scal <- 1
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfvars[ipick], "add_offset")
if (arv$hasatt)
offs <- arv$value
else offs <- 0
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfvars[ipick], "units")
if (arv$hasatt)
unit <- arv$value
else {
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfvars[ipick], "unit")
if (arv$hasatt)
unit <- arv$value
else print(paste("Attribute unit not found for", v1))
unit <- "unknown"
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[itim], "calendar")
if (arv$hasatt)
calendar <- arv$value
else calendar <- "ordinary"
if (!silent)
if (calendar == "noleap") {
if (!silent)
print("Detected 'noleap' Calendar: set daysayear=365")
daysayear <- 365
if ((is.null(torg)) | is.null(t.unit)) {
if ((tolower(a[1]) == "linux") & (use.cdfcont)) {
if (!silent)
print("Linux & use.cdfcont : call cdfconf()")
if (is.null(torg))
torg <- cdfcont(filename)$time.origin
if (is.null(t.unit))
t.unit <- cdfcont(filename)$time.unit
else {
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[itim], "time_origin")
if (arv$hasatt & is.null(torg))
torg <- arv$value
else {
if (is.null(torg))
print("Attribute time_origin not found")
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[itim], "time_unit")
if (arv$hasatt & is.null(t.unit))
t.unit <- arv$value
else {
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[itim], "unit")
if (arv$hasatt & is.null(t.unit))
t.unit <- arv$value
else {
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[itim], "units")
if (arv$hasatt & is.null(t.unit))
t.unit <- arv$value
lon <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[ilon])
lat <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[ilat])
tim <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[itim])
dt <- tim[2] - tim[1]
Dt <- tim[length(tim)] - tim[1]
if (round(length(tim) * dt) != Dt) {
print(paste("The chronology is not straight forward: dt=",
dt, "interval span=", Dt, "data points=", length(tim)))
tim.srt <- order(tim)
else tim.srt <- NULL
attr(lon, "unit") <- eval(parse(text = paste("ncid$dim$'",
cdfdims[ilon], "'$units", sep = "")))
attr(lat, "unit") <- eval(parse(text = paste("ncid$dim$'",
cdfdims[ilat], "'$units", sep = "")))
if (!silent)
print(paste("ncid$dim$'", cdfdims[itim], "$units'", sep = ""))
attr(tim, "unit") <- eval(parse(text = paste("ncid$dim$'",
cdfdims[itim], "'$units", sep = "")))
if (is.null(t.unit))
t.unit <- attr(tim, "unit")
print(paste("Time, units: ", t.unit))
if (length(ilev) > 0) {
if (!is.null(z.rng))
print(paste("Get the levels: ", min(z.rng), max(z.rng)))
lev <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[ilev])
attr(lev, "unit") <- eval(parse(text = paste("ncid$dim$",
cdfdims[ilev], "$units", sep = "")))
else {
lev <- NULL
arv <- att.get.ncdf(ncid, v1, "long_name")
if (arv$hasatt)
lon.nam <- arv$value
else lon.nam <- v1
v.nam <- v1
start <- rep(1, nd)
count <- rep(1, nd)
for (i in 1:nd) count[i] <- eval(parse(text = paste("ncid$dim$'",
cdfdims[i], "'$len", sep = "")))
varsize <- count
start.test <- start
count.test = count
count.test[1:(length(count.test) - 1)] <- 1
dtim <- diff(tim)
if (sum(dtim <= 0) > 0) {
print(paste("Warning! Test of chonological order finds",
sum(dtim <= 0), "jump(s)"))
if (!silent)
print(paste("median(dtim)=", median(dtim)))
nt <- length(tim)
tim.att <- attributes(tim)
dtims <- as.numeric(row.names(table(dtim)))
if (force.chron) {
if ((length(dtims < 4)) & (is.null(tim.srt))) {
if (!silent)
print(paste("Force correction: assume tim[1] is correct,",
median(dtim), "is correct time step, and length=",
tim <- seq(tim[1], tim[1] + (nt - 1) * dtim[1],
by = median(dtim))
else {
dt <- readline("What is the correct time step? (0 leaves tim unchanged)")
if (dt != 0)
tim <- seq(tim[1], tim[1] + nt - 1, by = dt)
if (!silent)
print(paste("length(tim)=", length(tim), "nt=", nt))
if ((is.null(torg)) & (regexpr("since", t.unit)[1] > 0)) {
torg <- substr(t.unit, regexpr("since", t.unit) + 6,
t.unit <- substr(t.unit, 1, regexpr("since", t.unit) -
if (is.null(torg)) {
print(paste("Time units:", t.unit, " l=", min(tim[is.finite(tim)]),
"-", max(tim[is.finite(tim)])))
print("Cannot determine the time origin!")
print("Example format: '15-Dec-1949'")
print("NCEP reanalysis typically: 01-01-01")
print("ERA-40 typically: 1900-01-01")
torg <- readline("I need a time origin: ")
if (!is.null(torg)) {
if (!silent)
print(paste("torg=", torg))
yy0 <- datestr2num(torg)[1]
mm0 <- datestr2num(torg)[2]
dd0 <- datestr2num(torg)[3]
if (is.na(dd0))
dd0 <- 1
if (is.na(mm0))
mm0 <- 15
else torg <- readline("Give me the time origin (format='15-Dec-1949'):")
if (!silent)
print(paste("Time origin: (year-month-day)", yy0, "-",
mm0, "-", dd0))
if ((yy0[1] == 0) & (forceBC)) {
if (!silent)
print("There is no year zero (Press et al., Numerical recipies)")
if (!silent)
print("'> print(julday(1,1,1)-julday(1,1,-1))' gives 365")
if (!silent)
print("julday wont work unless the time is fixed")
if (!silent)
print("year0 is set to 1, and 365 days is subtracted from tim")
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 4) == "hour") {
tim <- tim - 365 * 24
t.unit <- "day"
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "day")
tim <- tim - 365
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "mon")
tim <- tim - 12
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 4) == "year")
tim <- tim - 1
yy0 <- 1
y.test <- data.e <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, v1, start = start.test,
count = count.test)
if ((sum(is.finite(y.test)) > 100) & (daysayear != 360)) {
ac.gcm <- data.frame(y = y.test, x1 = as.vector(cos(2 *
pi * tim/360)), x2 = as.vector(sin(2 * pi * tim/360)))
ac.real <- data.frame(y = y.test, x1 = as.vector(cos(2 *
pi * tim/daysayear)), x2 = as.vector(sin(2 * pi *
lm.gcm <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = ac.gcm)
r2.gcm <- summary(lm.gcm)$r.squared
lm.real <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2, data = ac.real)
r2.real <- summary(lm.real)$r.squared
if (force365.25 == -1) {
if (!silent)
print("> > > > FORCING a '360-day' model year! < < < <")
juldays <- caldat(tim + julday(mm0, dd0, yy0))
yy <- caldat(juldays)$year
mm <- caldat(juldays)$month
dd <- caldat(juldays)$day
daysayear <- 365.25
force365.25 <- TRUE
if (is.finite(r2.gcm) & is.finite(r2.real)) {
if ((r2.gcm > r2.real) & (length(rownames(table(diff(tim)))) <=
2) & ((substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "day") |
(substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 4) == "hour")) &
!force365.25) {
print("> > > > Detecting a '360-day' model year! < < < <")
yy <- yy0 + floor((tim + (mm0 - 1) * 30 + dd0 -
mm <- mod(mm0 + floor((dd0 + tim - 2)/30) - 1,
12) + 1
dd <- mod(dd0 + tim - 2, 30) + 1
daysayear <- 360
if (!silent)
print(paste("Time unit:", tolower(t.unit)))
if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "mon") {
tim <- floor(tim)
mm <- mod(mm0 + tim - 1, 12) + 1
yy <- yy0 + floor((tim + mm0 - 1)/12)
dd <- rep(15, length(tim))
obj.type <- "monthly.field.object"
else if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "yea") {
tim <- floor(tim)
mm <- rep(mm0, length(tim))
yy <- yy0 + tim
dd <- rep(dd0, length(tim))
obj.type <- "monthly.field.object"
t.unit <- "month"
else if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "day") {
if ((yy0 != 0) & (daysayear == 365.25))
mmddyy <- caldat(tim + julday(mm0, dd0, yy0))
else if (median(diff(tim)) > 29) {
year <- yy0 + floor(tim/daysayear)
month <- mm0 + rep(1:12, ceiling(length(year)/12))[1:length(tim)] -
day <- rep(15, length(tim))
mmddyy <- list(day = day, month = month, year = year)
else stop(paste("There is a problem with the time dimension - I do not know what to do.",
"Can be fixed witrh NCO? (http://sf.net/projects/nco)"))
mm <- mmddyy$month
yy <- mmddyy$year
dd <- mmddyy$day
obj.type <- "daily.field.object"
else if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 4) == "hour") {
if (yy0 != 0)
mmddyy <- caldat(tim/24 + julday(mm0, dd0, yy0))
else {
stop("retrieve.nc: time unit='hour' but no proper initial year provided (year=0 is problematic)")
mm <- mmddyy$month
yy <- mmddyy$year
dd <- mmddyy$day
tim <- tim/24
t.unit <- "day"
obj.type <- "daily.field.object"
else if (substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 5) == "minut") {
if (yy0 != 0)
mmddyy <- caldat(tim/(24 * 60) + julday(mm0, dd0,
else {
stop("retrieve.nc: time unit='minute' but no proper initial year provided (year=0 is problematic)")
mm <- mmddyy$month
yy <- mmddyy$year
dd <- mmddyy$day
tim <- tim/(24 * 60)
t.unit <- "day"
obj.type <- "daily.field.object"
nt <- length(tim)
if (!is.null(t.rng)) {
if (!is.character(t.rng)) {
start[nd] <- t.rng[1]
if (start[nd] > nt) {
print("Argument 't.rng':")
print("Detected an error: start given by 't.rng' exceeds physical record length")
print("Are you mixing up dates (given as string argument) and index (numerical argument)?")
tim <- tim[t.rng[1]:t.rng[2]]
attr(tim, "unit") <- eval(parse(text = paste("ncid$dim$",
cdfdims[itim], "$units", sep = "")))
count[nd] <- length(tim)
yy <- yy[t.rng[1]:t.rng[2]]
mm <- mm[t.rng[1]:t.rng[2]]
dd <- dd[t.rng[1]:t.rng[2]]
else {
yy.1 <- datestr2num(t.rng[1])[1]
mm.1 <- datestr2num(t.rng[1])[2]
dd.1 <- datestr2num(t.rng[1])[3]
yy.2 <- datestr2num(t.rng[2])[1]
mm.2 <- datestr2num(t.rng[2])[2]
dd.2 <- datestr2num(t.rng[2])[3]
it <- 1:length(tim)
it1 <- min(it[(yy * 10000 + mm * 100 + dd >= yy.1 *
10000 + mm.1 * 100 + dd.1)], na.rm = TRUE)
it2 <- max(it[(yy * 10000 + mm * 100 + dd <= yy.2 *
10000 + mm.2 * 100 + dd.2)], na.rm = TRUE)
if (!silent) {
print(c(yy.1, mm.1, dd.1))
print(c(yy.2, mm.2, dd.2))
print(c(it1, it2))
tim <- tim[it1:it2]
start[nd] <- max(c(1, it1), na.rm = TRUE)
count[nd] <- length(tim)
yy <- yy[it1:it2]
mm <- mm[it1:it2]
dd <- dd[it1:it2]
if ((!is.null(z.rng)) & nd == 4) {
if (lev[1] > lev[2])
start[3] <- min(sum(lev < min(z.rng)), 1)
else start[3] <- min(sum(lev < min(z.rng)) + 1, 1)
iz <- (lev >= min(z.rng) & lev <= max(z.rng))
lev <- lev[iz]
count[3] <- length(lev)
nz <- length(lev)
else if (nd == 4) {
nz <- sum(is.finite(lev))
z.rng <- range(lev, na.rm = TRUE)
else nz <- 1
if (!silent)
print(paste("Latitudes: ", min(lat[is.finite(lat)]),
"-", max(lat[is.finite(lat)]), attr(lat, "unit")))
if (!is.null(y.rng)) {
if (!silent)
print(paste("extract: ", min(y.rng), "-", max(y.rng)))
iy <- (lat >= min(y.rng) & lat <= max(y.rng))
start[2] <- min((1:length(lat))[iy])
count[2] <- sum(iy)
lat <- lat[iy]
y.rng <- range(lat)
if (!silent)
print(paste("Longitudes: ", lon[1], "-", lon[length(lon)],
attr(lon, "unit")))
lon.e <- lon
lon.w <- lon - 360
if (!is.null(x.rng)) {
if (!silent)
print(paste("extract: ", min(x.rng), "-", max(x.rng)))
ix.e <- (lon.e >= min((x.rng))) & (lon.e < max((x.rng)))
ix.w <- (lon.w >= min((x.rng))) & (lon.w <= max((x.rng)))
else {
ix.e <- is.finite(lon)
ix.w <- !is.finite(lon)
if (!silent)
print(paste("Reading", v1))
if (sum(ix.e) > 1) {
start.e <- min((1:length(lon))[ix.e])
stopp.e <- max((1:length(lon))[ix.e])
start[1] <- start.e
count[1] <- stopp.e - start.e + 1
nx.e <- count[1]
if (!silent)
print("read the data from EASTERN hemisphere")
if (!silent)
print(cbind(start, count, varsize))
data.e <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, v1, start = start, count = count)
dim(data.e) <- count
eastern.hemisphere <- TRUE
LonE <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[ilon], start = start[1],
count = count[1])
else {
eastern.hemisphere <- FALSE
nx.e <- 0
if (sum(ix.w) > 1) {
start.w <- min((1:length(lon))[ix.w])
stopp.w <- max((1:length(lon))[ix.w])
start[1] <- start.w
count[1] <- stopp.w - start.w + 1
nx.w <- count[1]
if (!silent)
print("read the data from WESTERN hemisphere")
if (!silent)
print(cbind(start, count, varsize))
data.w <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, v1, start = start, count = count)
western.hemisphere <- TRUE
LonW <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[ilon], start = start[1],
count = count[1])
else {
western.hemisphere <- FALSE
nx.w <- 0
ix.w[] <- FALSE
Lat <- get.var.ncdf(ncid, cdfdims[ilat], start = start[2],
count = count[2])
if (eastern.hemisphere & western.hemisphere) {
lon.we <- intersect(lon[ix.w], lon[ix.e])
if (length(lon.we) > 0)
ix.w[is.element(lon, lon.we)] <- FALSE
lon <- c(LonE, LonW)
else if (eastern.hemisphere)
lon <- LonE
else if (western.hemisphere)
lon <- LonW
else stop("Error in retrieve.nc - smothing is wrong!")
x.rng <- range(lon)
nt <- length(tim)
ny <- length(lat)
nx <- length(lon)
if (nd == 3) {
dat <- matrix(nrow = nt, ncol = ny * (nx.e + nx.w))
dim(dat) <- c(nt, ny, nx.e + nx.w)
else if (nd == 4) {
dat <- matrix(nrow = nt, ncol = nz * ny * (nx.e + nx.w))
dim(dat) <- c(nt, nz, ny, nx.e + nx.w)
if (!silent) {
print("dim dat:")
print(c(nx.e, nx.w, ny, nz, nt))
if (eastern.hemisphere)
if (western.hemisphere)
if (nx.e == 0)
eastern.hemisphere <- FALSE
if (nx.w == 0)
western.hemisphere <- FALSE
if (nd == 3) {
for (i in 1:nt) {
if (eastern.hemisphere & western.hemisphere)
dat[i, , ] <- t(rbind(matrix(data.e[, , i], nx.e,
ny), matrix(data.w[, , i], nx.w, ny)))
else if (eastern.hemisphere)
dat[i, , ] <- t(matrix(data.e[, , i], nx.e, ny))
else if (western.hemisphere)
dat[i, , ] <- t(matrix(data.w[, , i], nx.w, ny))
else if (nd == 4) {
if (!silent)
dat4 <- dat + NA
dim(dat4) <- c(nt, nz, ny, nx)
for (i in 1:nt) {
if (eastern.hemisphere & western.hemisphere)
dat[i, , , ] <- rbind(data.w[, , , i], data[,
, , i])
else if (eastern.hemisphere)
dat[i, , , ] <- data.e[, , , i]
else if (western.hemisphere)
dat[i, , , ] <- data.w[, , , i]
for (iz in 1:nz) dat4[i, iz, , ] <- t(dat[i, iz,
, ])
dat <- dat4
gc(reset = TRUE)
if (eastern.hemisphere)
if (western.hemisphere)
gc(reset = TRUE)
if (((substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 4) == "hour") | (substr(tolower(t.unit),
1, 3) == "day")) & (max(diff(dd)) == 0)) {
if (!silent)
print("Monthly data, but time unit set to 'hour'/'day'")
if (!silent)
print("Set time unit to month")
obj.type <- "monthly.field.object"
dd[] <- 15
t.unit <- "month"
if (!is.null((attributes(lat)$unit)))
if (attributes(lat)$unit == "degrees_south")
lat <- lat * -1
if (!is.null((attributes(lon)$unit)))
if (attributes(lon)$unit == "degrees_west")
lon <- lon * -1
if (!is.null((attributes(lat)$units)))
if (attributes(lat)$units == "degrees_south")
lat <- lat * -1
if (!is.null((attributes(lon)$units)))
if (attributes(lon)$units == "degrees_west")
lon <- lon * -1
if (greenwich) {
lon[lon > 180] <- lon[lon > 180] - 360
print("Sort longs and lats")
x.srt <- order(lon)
y.srt <- order(lat)
lon <- lon[x.srt]
if (nd == 3)
dat <- dat[, , x.srt]
else {
dat <- dat[, , , x.srt]
dim(dat) <- c(length(tim), length(lev), length(lat),
if (lat[length(lat)] < lat[1]) {
if (nd == 3)
dat <- dat[, y.srt, ]
else {
dat <- dat[, , y.srt, ]
dim(dat) <- c(length(tim), length(lev), length(lat),
lat <- lat[y.srt]
if ((max(mm) > 12) & (max(dd) <= 12)) {
mm2 <- mm
mm <- dd
dd <- mm2
gc(reset = TRUE)
if (!silent)
print(paste("First & last records:", yy[1], mm[1], dd[1],
"&", yy[length(yy)], mm[length(mm)], dd[length(dd)]))
if (l.scale) {
if (!silent)
print("BEFORE scale adjustment & weeding")
if (!silent)
if (miss2na)
dat[dat == miss] <- NA
if (sum(is.na(dat)) > 0)
print(paste(sum(is.na(dat)), "of", length(dat), " are set to 'NA'; missing value=",
if (!silent)
print("AFTER scale adjustment & weeding")
if ((l.scale) & !is.null(scal)) {
if (!silent)
print(paste("Scaling: dat <- dat *", scal))
if (is.finite(scal))
dat <- dat * scal
if (((l.scale) & !is.null(offs))) {
if ((offs != 273) & (unit == "deg C")) {
a <- readline(prompt = "Correct an old bug? (y/n)")
if (tolower(a) == "y")
dat <- dat + offs
else if (is.finite(offs)) {
if (!silent)
print(paste("Offset: dat <- dat +", offs))
dat <- dat + offs
if ((unit == "K") | (unit == "Kelvin") | (unit == "degrees Kelvin") |
(unit == "deg K") | (unit == "degK")) {
dat <- dat - 273
unit <- "deg C"
if ((unit == "Pa") | (substr(tolower(unit), 1, 6) == "pascal") |
(unit == "N/m^2") | (unit == "N m^{-1}")) {
dat <- dat/100
unit <- "hPa"
if (!silent)
if (!silent)
print(paste("dimensions", nt, ny, nx))
eos <- nchar(v.nam)
if (instring("-", v.nam) > 0) {
eos <- instring("-", v.nam) - 1
else if (instring("_", v.nam) > 0) {
eos <- instring("_", v.nam) - 1
v.nam <- substr(v.nam, 1, eos)
id.x <- matrix(rep(v.nam, ny * nx), ny, nx)
slash <- instring("/", filename)
dot <- instring(".", filename)
id.t <- rep(substr(filename, slash[length(slash)] + 1, dot[length(dot)] -
1), nt)
dat.att <- list(time.unit = t.unit, time.origin = torg, unit = unit,
long.name = lon.nam, filename = filename, scale.factor = scal,
add.offset = offs, miss = miss, daysayear = daysayear)
attr(tim, "unit") <- t.unit
attr(tim, "time_origin") <- torg
if ((obj.type == "daily.field.object") & (min(diff(tim)) >=
28) & (regular) & (sum(is.element(diff(mm), 0)) > 0) &
(substr(tolower(t.unit), 1, 3) == "day")) {
if (!silent)
print("Problems detected in date-timeunit Quality Control")
tim <- 1:length(tim) - 1
t.unit <- "month"
attr(tim, "unit") <- "months"
mm <- mod(mm0 + tim - 1, 12) + 1
yy <- yy0 + floor((tim + mm0 - 1)/12)
dd <- rep(15, length(tim))
obj.type <- "monthly.field.object"
if (!silent)
print("Re-setting the unit to monthly!")
if (!silent)
print(paste("New First & last dates:", yy[1], mm[1],
dd[1], "&", yy[length(yy)], mm[length(mm)], dd[length(dd)]))
retrieve.nc <- list(dat = dat, lon = lon, lat = lat, tim = tim,
lev = lev, v.name = v.nam, id.x = id.x, id.t = id.t,
yy = yy, mm = mm, dd = dd, n.fld = 1, id.lon = rep(v.nam,
nx), id.lat = rep(v.nam, ny), attributes = dat.att,
filename = filename)
class(retrieve.nc) <- c("field", obj.type)
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