

## This is example(sp....) -- much extended

mEQ <- function(x,y, ...) {
    ## first drop columns from y  which are all 0 :
    if(any(i0 <- colSums(abs(x)) == 0)) {
        message(gettextf("x had  %d  zero-columns", sum(i0)))
        x <- x[, !i0, drop=FALSE]
    if(any(i0 <- colSums(abs(y)) == 0)) {
        message(gettextf("y had  %d  zero-columns", sum(i0)))
        y <- y[, !i0, drop=FALSE]
    isTRUE(all.equal(x,y, tolerance =0, ...))

##' Is  sparse.model.matrix() giving the "same" as dense model.matrix() ?
##' @return logical
##' @param frml formula
##' @param dat data frame
##' @param showFactors
##' @param ...
isEQsparseDense <- function(frml, dat,
                            showFactors = isTRUE(getOption("verboseSparse")), ...)
    ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: 21 Jul 2009
    stopifnot(inherits(frml, "formula"),
        print(attr(terms(frml, data=dat), "factors"))
    smm <- sparse.model.matrix(frml, dat, ...)
     mm <-        model.matrix(frml, dat, ...)
    sc <- smm@contrasts
    mEQ(as(smm, "generalMatrix"), Matrix(mm, sparse=TRUE)) &
     identical(smm@assign, attr(mm, "assign")) &
     (if(is.null(mc <- attr(mm, "contrasts"))) length(sc) == 0 else identical(sc, mc))

### ------------ all the "datasets" we construct for use -------------
dd <- data.frame(a = gl(3,4), b = gl(4,1,12))# balanced 2-way
(dd3 <- cbind(dd, c = gl(2,6), d = gl(3,8)))
dd. <- dd3[- c(1, 13:15, 17), ]
dd4 <- cbind(dd, c = gl(2,6), d = gl(8,3))
dd4 <- cbind(dd4, x = round(rnorm(nrow(dd4)), 1))
dd4 <- dd4[- c(1, 13:15, 17), ]
##-> 'd' has unused levels
dM <- dd4
dM$X <- outer(10*rpois(nrow(dM), 2), 1:3)
dM$Y <- cbind(pmax(0, dM$x - .3), floor(4*rnorm(nrow(dM))))
str(dM)# contains *matrices*

options("contrasts") # the default:  "contr.treatment"
op <- options(sparse.colnames = TRUE) # for convenience

stopifnot(identical(## non-sensical, but "should work" (with a warning each):
		    sparse.model.matrix(a~ 1, dd),
		    sparse.model.matrix( ~ 1, dd)))
sparse.model.matrix(~ a + b, dd, contrasts = list(a="contr.sum"))
sparse.model.matrix(~ a + b, dd, contrasts = list(b="contr.SAS"))
xm <-  sparse.model.matrix(~ x, dM) # {no warning anymore ...}
dxm <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ x, dM), sparse=TRUE)
stopifnot(is(xm, "sparseMatrix"), mEQ(as(xm,"generalMatrix"), dxm))

## Sparse method is equivalent to the traditional one :
stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ a + b, dd),
          suppressWarnings(isEQsparseDense(~ x, dM)),
          isEQsparseDense(~ 0 + a + b, dd),
	  identical(sparse.model.matrix(~  0 + a + b, dd),
		    sparse.model.matrix(~ -1 + a + b, dd)),
          isEQsparseDense(~ a + b, dd, contrasts = list(a="contr.sum")),
          isEQsparseDense(~ a + b, dd, contrasts = list(a="contr.SAS")),
	  ## contrasts as *functions* or contrast *matrices* :
	  isEQsparseDense(~ a + b, dd,
			  contrasts = list(a=contr.sum, b=contr.treatment(4))),
	  isEQsparseDense(~ a + b, dd, contrasts =
			  list(a=contr.SAS(3),# << ok after 'contrasts<-' update
                               b = function(n, contr=TRUE, sparse=FALSE)
                               contr.sum(n=n, contr=contr, sparse=sparse))))

sm <- sparse.model.matrix(~a * b, dd,
                          contrasts = list(a= contr.SAS(3, sparse = TRUE)))
## FIXME: Move part of this to ../../MatrixModels/tests/
##stopifnot(all(sm == model.Matrix( ~a * b, dd, contrasts= list(a= contr.SAS(3)))))

stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ a + b   + c + d, dd.))
stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ a + b:c + c + d, dd.))
## no intercept -- works too
stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ -1+ a + b   + c + d, dd.))
stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ 0 + a + b:c + c + d, dd.))

Sparse.model.matrix <- function(...) {
    s <- sparse.model.matrix(...)
    as(s, "generalMatrix")# dropping 'assign',.. slots
dim(mm <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ a + b + c + d, dd4), sparse=TRUE))
dim(sm  <- Sparse.model.matrix(~ a + b + c + d, dd4))
## was (19 13), when 'drop.unused.levels' was implicitly TRUE
dim(sm. <- Sparse.model.matrix(~ a + b + c + d, dd4, drop.unused.levels=TRUE))
stopifnot(mEQ(sm , mm), ## (both have a zero column)
	  mEQ(sm., mm)) ## << that's ok, since mm has all-0 column !
## look at this :
all(mm[,"d5"] == 0)  ## !!!! --- correct: a column of all 0  <--> dropped level!
stopifnot(all.equal(sm., mm[, - which("d5" == colnames(mm))])) ## indeed !
## i.e., sm has just dropped an all zero column --- which it should!

stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ 1 + sin(x) + b*c + a:x, dd4, show=TRUE))

stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~    I(a) + b*c + a:x, dd4, show=TRUE))
## no intercept -- works too
stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ 0+ I(a) + b*c + a:x, dd4, show=TRUE))

f <- ~ 1 + a + b*c + a*x
attr(terms(f, data=dd4), "factors")
dim(mm <- Matrix(model.matrix(f, data=dd4), sparse=TRUE))
dim(sm <- Sparse.model.matrix(f, data=dd4)) # ==
stopifnot(mEQ(sm, mm))

f <- ~ a*X + X*Y + a*c
attr(terms(f, data=dM), "factors")
dim(mm <- Matrix(model.matrix(f, data=dM), sparse=TRUE))
dim(sm <- Sparse.model.matrix(f, data=dM, verbose=TRUE))
stopifnot(mEQ(sm, mm))

## high order
f <- ~ a:b:X:c:Y
mm <- Matrix(model.matrix(f, data=dM), sparse=TRUE)
sm <- Sparse.model.matrix(f, data=dM, verbose=2)
stopifnot(mEQ(sm, mm))

f <- ~ 1 + a + b*c + a*x + b*d*x + b:c:d
attr(terms(f, data=dd4), "factors")
dim(mm <- Matrix(model.matrix(f, data=dd4), sparse=TRUE))            ## 19 100
dim(sm  <- Sparse.model.matrix(f, data=dd4))                         ## (ditto)
dim(sm. <- Sparse.model.matrix(f, data=dd4, drop.unused.levels=TRUE)) # 19  88
stopifnot(mEQ(sm, mm), mEQ(sm., mm))# {32, 32;  20 and 32  zero-columns ..}

## now get a bit courageous:

## stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ 1 + c + a:b:d,         dat=dd4))
dim(mm <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ 1 + a + b*c + a:b:c:d, data=dd4),
                 sparse=TRUE)) ## 19 202
dim(sm  <- Sparse.model.matrix(~ 1 + a + b*c + a:b:c:d, data=dd4))
dim(sm. <- Sparse.model.matrix(~ 1 + a + b*c + a:b:c:d, data=dd4,
stopifnot(mEQ(sm, mm), mEQ(sm., mm))# {173, 173, 149 and 173 zero-columns !}

## stopifnot(isEQsparseDense(~ 1 + a + b*c + a:b:c:d, dat=dd4))
dim(mm <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ 1 + a + b:c + a:b:d, data=dd4),
                 sparse=TRUE)) ## 19 107
dim(sm  <- Sparse.model.matrix(~ 1 + a + b:c + a:b:d, data=dd4))
dim(sm. <- Sparse.model.matrix(~ 1 + a + b:c + a:b:d, data=dd4,
stopifnot(mEQ(sm, mm), mEQ(sm., mm))

dim(mm <- Matrix(model.matrix(~ a*b*c +c*d, dd4), sparse=TRUE)) ## 19 38
dim(sm  <- Sparse.model.matrix(~ a*b*c +c*d, dd4))# (ditto)
dim(sm. <- Sparse.model.matrix(~ a*b*c +c*d, dd4, drop.unused.levels=TRUE))
stopifnot(mEQ(sm, mm), mEQ(sm., mm))

f1 <- ~ (a+b+c+d)^2 + (a+b):c:d + a:b:c:d
f2 <- ~ (a+b+c+d)^4 - a:b:c - a:b:d
    mm1 <- Matrix(model.matrix(f1, dd4), sparse=TRUE)
dim(mm2 <- Matrix(model.matrix(f2, dd4), sparse=TRUE))
    sm1 <- sparse.model.matrix(f1, dd4)
dim(sm2 <- sparse.model.matrix(f2, dd4))
    s.1 <- sparse.model.matrix(f1, dd4, drop.unused.levels=TRUE)
dim(s.2 <- sparse.model.matrix(f2, dd4, drop.unused.levels=TRUE))
	  identical(sm1,sm2), identical(s.1,s.2),
		mEQ(sm1,mm1),	    mEQ(s.1,mm1))

str(dd <- data.frame(d = gl(10,6), a = ordered(gl(3,20))))
X. <- sparse.model.matrix(~ a + d, data = dd)
## failed because of contr.poly default in Matrix 0.999375-33
stopifnot(dim(X.) == c(60, 12), nnzero(X.) == 234,
	  isEQsparseDense(~ 0 + d + I(as.numeric(d)^2), dd))
## I(.) failed (upto 2010-05-07)

cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time(),'\n') # for ``statistical reasons''

if(!interactive()) warnings()
jmcascalheira/LGMIberiaCluster documentation built on June 8, 2021, 10 a.m.