
Defines functions surveyReport

Documented in surveyReport

#' Create a report about a camera trapping survey and species detections
#' This function creates a report about a camera trapping survey and species
#' records. It uses a camera trap station information table and a record table
#' (generated with \code{\link{recordTable}}) as input. Output tables can be
#' saved and a zip file for simple data sharing can be created easily.
#' \code{dateFormat} defaults to "YYYY-MM-DD", e.g. "2014-10-31". It can be
#' specified either in the format required by \code{\link[base]{strptime}} or
#' the 'orders' argument in \code{\link[lubridate]{parse_date_time}} in
#' \pkg{lubridate}. In the example above, "YYYY-MM-DD" would be specified as
#' "\%Y-\%m-\%d" or "ymd".
#' \code{recordDateTimeFormat} defaults to the "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"
#' convention, e.g. "2014-09-30 22:59:59". \code{recordDateTimeFormat} can be
#' interpreted either by base-R via \code{\link[base]{strptime}} or in
#' \pkg{lubridate} via \code{\link[lubridate]{parse_date_time}} (argument
#' "orders"). \pkg{lubridate} will be used if there are no "\%" characters in
#' \code{recordDateTimeFormat}.
#' For "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS", \code{recordDateTimeFormat} would be either
#' "\%Y-\%m-\%d \%H:\%M:\%S" or "ymd HMS". For details on how to specify date
#' and time formats in R see \code{\link[base]{strptime}} or
#' \code{\link[lubridate]{parse_date_time}}.
#' Note: as of version 2.1, argument \code{CTHasProblems} is deprecated and
#' defunct. Please use \code{camOp} instead to provide information about
#' periods of camera activity and malfunction. If \code{camOp} is not provided
#' the legacy version of surveyReport (from camtrapR 2.0.3) will be run with a
#' warning.
#' @param recordTable data.frame containing a species record table as given by
#' \code{\link{recordTable}}
#' @param CTtable data.frame containing information about location and trapping
#' period of camera trap stations (equivalent to \code{\link{camtraps}}
#' @param camOp camera operation matrix created with
#' \code{\link{cameraOperation}}
#' @param speciesCol character. name of the column specifying Species ID in
#' \code{recordTable}
#' @param stationCol character. name of the column specifying Station ID in
#' \code{CTtable} and \code{recordTable}
#' @param cameraCol character. name of the column specifying Camera ID in
#' \code{CTtable} and \code{recordTable}
#' @param setupCol character. name of the column containing camera setup dates
#' in \code{CTtable}
#' @param retrievalCol character. name of the column containing camera
#' retrieval dates in \code{CTtable}
#' @param CTDateFormat character. The format of columns \code{setupCol} and
#' \code{retrievalCol} (and potential problem columns) in \code{CTtable}. Must
#' be interpretable by either \code{as.Date} or the "orders" argument
#' \code{\link[lubridate]{parse_date_time}} in \pkg{lubridate}.
#' @param CTHasProblems deprecated (since version 2.1)
#' @param recordDateTimeCol character. The name of the column containing date
#' and time of records in \code{recordTable}
#' @param recordDateTimeFormat character. The date/time format of column
#' \code{recordDateTimeCol} in \code{recordTable}.
#' @param Xcol character. name of the column specifying x coordinates in
#' \code{CTtable}. Used to create detection maps if \code{makezip} is TRUE.
#' (optional)
#' @param Ycol character. name of the column specifying y coordinates in
#' \code{CTtable}. Used to create detection maps if \code{makezip} is TRUE.
#' (optional)
#' @param sinkpath character. The directory into which the survey report is
#' saved (optional)
#' @param makezip logical. Create a zip file containing tables, plots and maps
#' in \code{sinkpath}?
#' @return An invisible list containing 5 \code{data.frames}.
#' \item{survey_dates}{station and image date ranges, number of total and
#' active trap days (calendar days and taking into account independent effort
#' of multiple cameras, if applicable), number of cameras per station}
#' \item{species_by_station}{species numbers by station}
#' \item{events_by_species}{number of events and stations by species}
#' \item{events_by_station}{number of events for every species by station (only
#' species that were recorded)} \item{events_by_station2}{number of events for
#' all species at all stations (including species that were not recorded)}
#' The output will be saved to a .txt file if \code{sinkpath} is defined.
#' If \code{makezip} is TRUE, a zip file will be created in \code{sinkpath}. It
#' contains single-species activity plots, detection maps (if \code{Xcol} and
#' \code{Ycol} are defined), the survey report tables, the record table and the
#' camera trap station table, and an example R script.
#' @author Juergen Niedballa
#' @seealso \code{\link{recordTable}}
#' @examples
#' data(camtraps)
#' data(recordTableSample)
#' # since version 2.1, camera operation matrix is required as input
#' camop_no_problem <- cameraOperation(CTtable      = camtraps,
#'                                     stationCol   = "Station",
#'                                     setupCol     = "Setup_date",
#'                                     retrievalCol = "Retrieval_date",
#'                                     writecsv     = FALSE,
#'                                     hasProblems  = FALSE,
#'                                     dateFormat   = "dmy"
#' )
#' reportTest <- surveyReport (recordTable          = recordTableSample,
#'                             CTtable              = camtraps,
#'                             camOp                = camop_no_problem,
#'                             speciesCol           = "Species",
#'                             stationCol           = "Station",
#'                             setupCol             = "Setup_date",
#'                             retrievalCol         = "Retrieval_date",
#'                             CTDateFormat         = "dmy", 
#'                             recordDateTimeCol    = "DateTimeOriginal",
#'                             recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS")
#' class(reportTest)  # a list with
#' length(reportTest) # 5 elements
#' reportTest[[1]]    # camera trap operation times and image date ranges
#' reportTest[[2]]    # number of species by station
#' reportTest[[3]]    # number of events and number of stations by species
#' reportTest[[4]]    # number of species events by station
#' reportTest[[5]]    # number of species events by station including 0s (non-observed species)
#' # with camera problems
#' camop_problem <- cameraOperation(CTtable      = camtraps,
#'                                  stationCol   = "Station",
#'                                  setupCol     = "Setup_date",
#'                                  retrievalCol = "Retrieval_date",
#'                                  writecsv     = FALSE,
#'                                  hasProblems  = TRUE,
#'                                  dateFormat   = "dmy"
#' )
#' reportTest_problem <- surveyReport (recordTable          = recordTableSample,
#'                                     CTtable              = camtraps,
#'                                     camOp                = camop_problem,
#'                                     speciesCol           = "Species",
#'                                     stationCol           = "Station",
#'                                     setupCol             = "Setup_date",
#'                                     retrievalCol         = "Retrieval_date",
#'                                     CTDateFormat         = "dmy", 
#'                                     recordDateTimeCol    = "DateTimeOriginal",
#'                                     recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS")
#' reportTest_problem$survey_dates
#' ## if camOp is missing, the legacy version (from 2.0.3) will be used:
#' reportTest_problem_old <- surveyReport (recordTable          = recordTableSample,
#'                                         CTtable              = camtraps,
#'                                        # camOp                = camop_problem,
#'                                         speciesCol           = "Species",
#'                                         stationCol           = "Station",
#'                                         setupCol             = "Setup_date",
#'                                         retrievalCol         = "Retrieval_date",
#'                                         CTDateFormat         = "dmy", 
#'                                         recordDateTimeCol    = "DateTimeOriginal",
#'                                         recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS")
#' \dontrun{
#' # run again with sinkpath defined
#' reportTest <- surveyReport (recordTable          = recordTableSample,
#'                             CTtable              = camtraps,
#'                             camOp                = camop_no_problem,
#'                             speciesCol           = "Species",
#'                             stationCol           = "Station",
#'                             setupCol             = "Setup_date",
#'                             retrievalCol         = "Retrieval_date",
#'                             CTDateFormat         = "dmy",, 
#'                             recordDateTimeCol    = "DateTimeOriginal",
#'                             recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS",
#'                             sinkpath             = getwd())
#' # have a look at the text file
#' readLines(list.files(getwd(), pattern = paste("survey_report_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = ""), 
#' 					 full.names = TRUE))
#' }
#' @export surveyReport
surveyReport <- function(recordTable,
                         speciesCol = "Species",
                         stationCol = "Station",
                         CTDateFormat = "ymd",
                         CTHasProblems = "deprecated",
                         recordDateTimeCol = "DateTimeOriginal",
                         recordDateTimeFormat = "ymd HMS",
  # To do: 
  # - setup/retrieval with hour (seems to work, when using base R date-time string is converted to date.)
  # - sessionCol? As long as camOp and CTtable match it should be fine. But all aggregate commands need a session column (dummy if only one session).
  # - explanation in vignette / help file
  # for users running old (<= 2.0.3) code: redirect to legacy version of surveyReport if camop not defined
    warning("Argument 'camOp' is missing (expected since camtrapR 2.1). Will run legacy version of surveyReport (from camtrapR 2.0.3). See:  news(package = 'camtrapR') and ?surveyReport. This warning may be raised to an error in the future, so please adapt your code.",
            immediate. = TRUE)
    args_names <- ls()
    args <- mget(args_names)
    args_subset <- args[!sapply(args, is.symbol)]
    out <- do.call(surveyReport_legacy, args_subset)
  # check column names
  checkForSpacesInColumnNames(stationCol = stationCol, 
                              setupCol = setupCol, 
                              retrievalCol = retrievalCol,
                              recordDateTimeCol = recordDateTimeCol, 
                              speciesCol = speciesCol)
  # check input
  if(!hasArg(recordTable))         stop("'recordTable' is not defined", call. = FALSE)
  if(!is.data.frame(recordTable))  stop("'recordTable' must be a data.frame", call. = FALSE)
  if(hasArg(CTHasProblems))        message("Since version 2.1, argument CTHasProblems is deprecated. It was replaced with the new argument camOp. Periods when cameras malfunctioned are now assinged via camOp.")
  if(!hasArg(camOp))               stop("'camOp' is not defined", call. = FALSE)
  if(!inherits(camOp, "matrix"))   stop("camOp must be a matrix", call. = FALSE)
  if(any(camOp < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) stop("camOp may only contain positive values")
  camop.info.df <- deparseCamOpRownames(camOp)   # only works if camOp is station-specific
  if("camera" %in% colnames(camop.info.df))  stop("camera operation matrix is camera-specific. Please provide a camera operation matrix that is by station (byCamera = FALSE).\nThis is necessary for correctly calculating the number of active days (taking into account whether cameras were independent or not).", call. = FALSE)
  if("session" %in% colnames(camop.info.df)) stop("camera operation matrix contains sessions. This is currently not supported. Please run the survey report separately for the different sessions.", call. = FALSE)
  colnames(camop.info.df) <- stationCol
  CTtable     <- dataFrameTibbleCheck(df = CTtable)
  recordTable <- dataFrameTibbleCheck(df = recordTable)
  if(!stationCol %in% colnames(CTtable))    stop(paste('stationCol = "',   stationCol,   '" is not a column name in CTtable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!setupCol %in% colnames(CTtable))      stop(paste('setupCol = "',     setupCol,     '" is not a column name in CTtable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!retrievalCol %in% colnames(CTtable))  stop(paste('retrievalCol = "', retrievalCol, '" is not a column name in CTtable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!stationCol %in% colnames(recordTable))         stop(paste('stationCol = "',   stationCol,  '" is not a column name in recordTable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!recordDateTimeCol %in% colnames(recordTable))  stop(paste('recordDateTimeCol = "', recordDateTimeCol,  '" is not a column name in recordTable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  if(!speciesCol %in% colnames(recordTable))         stop(paste('speciesCol = "', speciesCol,  '" is not a column name in recordTable', sep = ''), call. = FALSE)
  # make columns character
  recordTable[,speciesCol]        <- as.character(recordTable[,speciesCol])
  recordTable[,stationCol]        <- as.character(recordTable[,stationCol])
  recordTable[,recordDateTimeCol] <- as.character(recordTable[,recordDateTimeCol])
  CTtable[,stationCol]    <- as.character(CTtable[,stationCol])
  CTtable[,setupCol]      <- as.character(CTtable[,setupCol])
  CTtable[,retrievalCol]  <- as.character(CTtable[,retrievalCol])
  } else {
    makezip <- FALSE
    if(hasArg(sinkpath) == FALSE) stop("if makezip is TRUE, please define sinkpath")
    if(!dir.exists(sinkpath)) stop("Could not find sinkpath:\n", sinkpath, call. = FALSE)
    if(Sys.getenv("R_ZIPCMD") == "" & 
       Sys.getenv("zip") == "") {
      if(isFALSE(requireNamespace("zip", quietly = TRUE))) {
        stop('cannot create zip file. Try installing the package "zip" via:  install.packages("zip")', call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        usePackageZip <- TRUE
    } else {
      usePackageZip <- FALSE
    if(cameraCol %in% colnames(CTtable) == FALSE) stop(paste(cameraCol, "is not a column of CTtable"))
  } else {
    if(any(table(CTtable[,stationCol]) > 1)){
      stop("at least 1 station has more than 1 item in CTtable. Please specify 'cameraCol'")
    stopifnot(c(Xcol, Ycol) %in% colnames(CTtable))
    CTtable[,Xcol] <- as.numeric(as.character(CTtable[,Xcol]))
    CTtable[,Ycol] <- as.numeric(as.character(CTtable[,Ycol]))
  recordTable$DateTime2 <- parseDateTimeObject(inputColumn = recordTable[,recordDateTimeCol],
                                               dateTimeFormat = recordDateTimeFormat,
                                               timeZone = "UTC")
  recordTable$Date2 <- as.Date(recordTable$DateTime2, tz = "UTC")
  # if(all(as.character(unique(recordTable[,stationCol])) %in% CTtable[,stationCol]) == FALSE){
  #   (stop("Not all values of stationCol in recordTable are matched by values of stationCol in CTtable"))
  # }
  if(!all(as.character(unique(recordTable[,stationCol])) %in% CTtable[,stationCol])){
    stop(paste("Not all values of stationCol in recordTable are matched by values of stationCol in CTtable:\n",
               paste(as.character(unique(recordTable[,stationCol])) [!as.character(unique(recordTable[,stationCol])) %in% CTtable[,stationCol]], collapse = ", ")
  # check date columns and format
  CTtable[,setupCol]     <- parseDateObject(inputColumn = CTtable[,setupCol],     CTDateFormat, checkNA = TRUE, checkEmpty = TRUE)
  CTtable[,retrievalCol] <- parseDateObject(inputColumn = CTtable[,retrievalCol], CTDateFormat, checkNA = TRUE, checkEmpty = TRUE)
  # station and image date ranges
  station.tmp1 <- aggregate(CTtable[,setupCol],
                            FUN = min)
  station.tmp2 <- aggregate(CTtable[,retrievalCol],
                            FUN = max)
  image.tmp1   <- aggregate(recordTable$Date2,
                            FUN = min)
  image.tmp2   <- aggregate(recordTable$Date2,
                            FUN = max)
  n_cameras.tmp   <- aggregate(CTtable[,stationCol],  # is this correct when sessionCol is present?
                               FUN = length)

  colnames(n_cameras.tmp) <- c(stationCol, "n_cameras")

  df1  <- data.frame(station.tmp1, station.tmp2[,2])
  colnames(df1) <- c(stationCol, "setup", "retrieval")
  df2  <- data.frame(image.tmp1, image.tmp2[,2])
  colnames(df2) <- c(stationCol, "image_first", "image_last")
  station_dates <- merge(merge(df1, 
                               by = stationCol, 
                               all = T), 
  # station_dates <- data.frame(station     = station.tmp1[,1], 
  #                             setup       = station.tmp1[,2],
  #                             image_first = image.tmp1[,2],
  #                             image_last  = image.tmp2[,2],
  #                             retrieval   = station.tmp2[,2],
  #                             n_cameras   = n_cameras.tmp[,2])
  n_calendar_days_total <- rowSums(camOp >= 0, na.rm =TRUE)
  # Calendar days on which cameras were active, by row.
  n_calendar_days_active <- rowSums(camOp > 0, na.rm =TRUE)
  # sum of inactive calendar days (by row)
  n_calendar_days_inactive <- rowSums(camOp == 0, na.rm =TRUE)
  # trap-nights (counting independent cameras separately)
  # per station, number of active cameras * number of active days
  n_trap_nights_active <- rowSums(camOp, na.rm =TRUE) 
  # # Legacy calculation of active days - for the sake of continuity - full old code
  CTHasProblems <- TRUE
  # check that problems are arranged in order 1,2,3,...
  cols.prob.from <- grep(colnames(CTtable), pattern = "Problem\\d\\Sfrom")
  cols.prob.to   <- grep(colnames(CTtable), pattern = "Problem\\d\\Sto")
  if(length(cols.prob.from) == 0 | length(cols.prob.to) == 0) CTHasProblems <- FALSE 
  if(!all(order(colnames(CTtable)[cols.prob.from]) == seq(1:length(cols.prob.from)))) CTHasProblems <- FALSE 
  if(!all(order(colnames(CTtable)[cols.prob.to])   == seq(1:length(cols.prob.to)))) CTHasProblems <- FALSE 
  if(length(cols.prob.from) != length(cols.prob.to)) CTHasProblems <- FALSE 
  if(all(is.na(CTtable[,cols.prob.from])) | all(is.na(CTtable[,cols.prob.to]))) CTHasProblems <- FALSE 
  if(isTRUE(CTHasProblems)){    # camera problem columns
    # convert problem column entries to character
    for(problem_col_index in c(cols.prob.from, cols.prob.to)){
      CTtable[, problem_col_index] <- as.character(CTtable[, problem_col_index])
    n_days_inactive_legacy <- data.frame(matrix(NA,
                                         ncol = length(cols.prob.from),
                                         nrow = nrow(CTtable)))
    for(xy in 1:length(cols.prob.from)){
      CTtable[, cols.prob.from[xy]] <- parseDateObject(inputColumn = CTtable[, cols.prob.from[xy]], CTDateFormat, checkNA = FALSE, checkEmpty = FALSE)
      CTtable[, cols.prob.to[xy]]   <- parseDateObject(inputColumn = CTtable[, cols.prob.to[xy]],   CTDateFormat, checkNA = FALSE, checkEmpty = FALSE)
      n_days_inactive_legacy[,xy] <- CTtable[cols.prob.to[xy]] - CTtable[cols.prob.from[xy]]       # compute number of inactive trap nights
      # EDIT 2021-01-17: the line above computes time difference between start and end of problem. So yesterday and end today = 1 day, not 2 days as in the new version
      # basically, that's assuming problems began / ended at noon (for the sake of computing the effort)
      # hence, the number of inactive days was 1 less in the old version compared to the new version. 
      # if problem_to = retrieval, difference will only be 0.5 per camera (because in new version, retrieval is assumed to be 12 noon)
      n_days_inactive_legacy[,xy] <- as.integer(n_days_inactive_legacy[,xy])

    n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy <- rowSums(n_days_inactive_legacy, na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy <- rep(0, times = nrow(CTtable))
  stopifnot(length(n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy) == nrow(CTtable))
  n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy <- aggregate(n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy,
                                             by    = list(CTtable[,stationCol]),
                                             FUN   = sum,
                                             na.rm = TRUE)

  n_nights_total_legacy      <- as.integer(CTtable[,retrievalCol] - CTtable[,setupCol])
  n_nights_total_agg_legacy  <- aggregate(n_nights_total_legacy,
                                          by  = list(CTtable[,stationCol]),
                                          FUN = sum)
  # order properly
  n_nights_total_agg_legacy <- n_nights_total_agg_legacy[match(camop.info.df[, stationCol], n_nights_total_agg_legacy$Group.1),]
  n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy <- n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy[match(camop.info.df[, stationCol], n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy$Group.1),]
  n_nights_active_legacy    <- n_nights_total_agg_legacy[,2] - n_days_inactive_rowsum_legacy[,2]

  # make data frame with the number of active / inactive days
  if(!all(station_dates$station == camop.info.df$station)) stop("Mismatch between station column in CTtable and camOp")
  camop.info.df2 <- data.frame(camop.info.df,
                               n_calendar_days_total    = n_calendar_days_total,    # this is 1 for setup/retrieval on consecutive days
                               n_calendar_days_active   = n_calendar_days_active,   # this is 2 for setup/retrieval on consecutive days
                               n_calendar_days_inactive = n_calendar_days_inactive, # number of days stations was inactive
                               n_trap_nights_active     = n_trap_nights_active      # this is precisely how long the cameras were active ( 1 for setup/retrieval on consecutive days - for each camera).
                               # n_nights_active_legacy   = n_nights_active_legacy,
                               # n_nights_total_legacy    = n_nights_total_agg_legacy$x
  station.info.combined <- merge(station_dates, 
                                 by = stationCol)
  # adjust options for printing results
  options.tmp <- options()
  options(width = 1000)
  # sink/print output
    sinkfile <- file.path(sinkpath, paste("survey_report_", Sys.Date(), ".txt", sep = ""))
    sink(file = sinkfile)
    print(paste("Survey Report generated", Sys.Date() ))
  print(paste("Total number of stations: ", length(unique(CTtable[,stationCol]))))
  print(paste("Number of operational stations: ", sum(station.info.combined$n_trap_nights_active > 0)))
    print(paste("Total number of cameras: ", length(unique(paste(CTtable[,stationCol], CTtable[,cameraCol], sep = "_")))))
  print(paste("Trap nights (number of active 24 hour cycles completed by independent cameras): ",
              round(sum(station.info.combined$n_trap_nights_active), 1)
  # cat("\n-------------------------------------------------------\n")
  # print(paste("n nights with cameras set up and active (trap nights - LECAGY CALCULATION - WHOLE DAYS): ",
  #             sum(station.info.combined$n_nights_active_legacy)
  # ))
  # cat("\n-------------------------------------------------------\n")
  # print(paste("n nights with cameras set up (LECAGY CALCULATION - WHOLE DAYS): ",
  #             sum(station.info.combined$n_nights_total_legacy)
  # ))
  print(paste("Calendar days with cameras set up (operational or not): ",
  print(paste("Calendar days with cameras set up and active: ",
  print(paste("Calendar days with cameras set up but inactive: ",
  print(paste("total trapping period: ", paste(min(station.info.combined$setup), max(station.info.combined$retrieval), sep = " - ")))
  # total number of independent records by species
  species_record_table <- data.frame(species    = rep(NA, times = length(unique(recordTable[, speciesCol]))),
                                     n_events   = rep(NA, times = length(unique(recordTable[, speciesCol]))), 
                                     n_stations = rep(NA, times = length(unique(recordTable[, speciesCol]))))
  for(i in 1:length(unique(recordTable[, speciesCol]))){
    tmp                           <- unique(recordTable[, speciesCol])[i]
    subset.tmp                    <- subset(recordTable, recordTable[, speciesCol] == tmp)
    species_record_table[i, ]     <- c(tmp, nrow(subset.tmp), length(unique(subset.tmp[,stationCol])))
    rm(subset.tmp, tmp)
  species_record_table2           <- species_record_table[order(species_record_table$species),]
  rownames(species_record_table2) <- NULL
  # total number of independent records by station
  # only species that were recorded
  station_record_table1           <- aggregate(recordTable[,1], by = list(recordTable[,stationCol],recordTable[,speciesCol]), FUN = length)
  colnames(station_record_table1) <- c(stationCol, speciesCol, "n_events")
  station_record_table1           <- station_record_table1[order(station_record_table1[,stationCol], station_record_table1[,speciesCol]),]
  rownames(station_record_table1) <- NULL
  #including all species and 0s
  station_record_table           <- expand.grid(sort(unique(recordTable[,stationCol])), sort(unique(recordTable[,speciesCol])))
  station_record_table           <- data.frame(station_record_table, n_events = 0)
  colnames(station_record_table) <- c(stationCol, speciesCol, "n_events")
  rownames(station_record_table) <- NULL
  # species lists by station
  n_spec_by_station           <- aggregate(station_record_table1[,speciesCol], by = list(station_record_table1[,stationCol]), FUN = length)
  colnames(n_spec_by_station) <- c(stationCol, "n_species")
  rownames(n_spec_by_station) <- NULL
  for(j in 1:length(unique(recordTable[, stationCol]))){
    tmp                      <- unique(recordTable[, stationCol])[j]
    subset.tmp               <- table(subset(recordTable, recordTable[, stationCol] == tmp)[,speciesCol] )
    station_record_table.tmp <- station_record_table[station_record_table[, stationCol] == tmp,]
    station_record_table.tmp$n_events[match(names(subset.tmp), station_record_table.tmp[,speciesCol])] <- subset.tmp
    station_record_table[station_record_table[, stationCol] == tmp,] <- station_record_table.tmp
  station_record_table2 <-  station_record_table[order(station_record_table[,stationCol], station_record_table[,speciesCol]),]
  rownames(station_record_table2) <- NULL
    print(" survey station and image date ranges")
    print(station.info.combined) #print(date_range_combined)
    print(" number of species by station")
    print(" number of events and station by species")
    print(" number of events and species by station (only species that were recorded at stations)")
    print(" number of events and species by station (all species, all stations, including species that were not recorded)")
    message("saved output to file \n",
            paste(sinkfile, "\n\n"))
  output <- list(station.info.combined, #date_range_combined, 
                 n_spec_by_station, species_record_table2, station_record_table1, station_record_table2)
  names(output) <- c("survey_dates", "species_by_station", "events_by_species",
                     "events_by_station", "events_by_station2")
  # make zip file
    arglist_zip <-  list(output               = output,
                         recordTable          = recordTable,
                         CTtable              = CTtable,
                         #camOp                = camOp,
                         speciesCol           = speciesCol,
                         stationCol           = stationCol,
                         setupCol             = setupCol,
                         retrievalCol         = retrievalCol,
                         CTDateFormat         = CTDateFormat,
                         CTHasProblems        = CTHasProblems,
                         recordDateTimeCol    = recordDateTimeCol,
                         recordDateTimeFormat = recordDateTimeFormat,
                         sinkpath             = sinkpath,
                         usePackageZip        = usePackageZip)
    if(hasArg(cameraCol)) arglist_zip <- c(arglist_zip,  cameraCol = cameraCol)
    if(hasArg(Xcol) & hasArg(Ycol)) arglist_zip <- c(arglist_zip,  Xcol = Xcol, Ycol = Ycol)
    do.call(makeSurveyZip, arglist_zip)
jniedballa/camtrapR documentation built on April 7, 2024, 9:08 p.m.