
Defines functions make_SummarizedExperiments

Documented in make_SummarizedExperiments

#' make_SummarizedExperiments(pheno = NULL, onlysamples = NULL,  onlyanalyses = c("LKT", "Product", "ECNumber", "Pfam", "Interpro", "resfinder", "PRINTS", "GO"), minnumsampanalysis = NULL, minpropsampanalysis = 0.1, restricttoLKTs = NULL, stratify_functions_by_taxon = TRUE, add_TNF_data = FALSE, list.data = NULL, phenolabels = NULL, cdict = cdict, threads = 8)
#' Makes a SummarizedExperiment object for every analysis that is possible to make given loaded jams files in list.data.
#' @export

make_SummarizedExperiments <- function(pheno = NULL, onlysamples = NULL,  onlyanalyses = c("LKT", "Product", "ECNumber", "Pfam", "Interpro", "resfinder", "PRINTS", "GO"), minnumsampanalysis = NULL, minpropsampanalysis = 0.1, restricttoLKTs = NULL, stratify_functions_by_taxon = TRUE, add_TNF_data = FALSE, list.data = NULL, phenolabels = NULL, cdict = cdict, threads = 8){


    #Get data for features
    if (!is.null(onlysamples)){
        pheno2 <- pheno[rownames(pheno) %in% onlysamples, ]
    } else {
        pheno2 <- pheno

    blastanalyses <- c("abricate", "vfdb", "resfinder", "plasmidfinder")

    Samples <- rownames(pheno2)
    possibleanalyses <- NULL
    if (any(c(is.null(onlyanalyses), !(all(c((length(onlyanalyses) == 1), ("LKT" %in% onlyanalyses))))))) {

        featuredoses <- list.data[paste(Samples, "featuredose", sep="_")]
        names(featuredoses) <- Samples

        #Find out which functional analyses can be made
        anallist <- lapply(1:length(featuredoses), function (x) { as.character(unique(featuredoses[[x]][]$Analysis)) } )
        names(anallist) <- Samples

        allanalyses <- Reduce(union, anallist)
        numsampwithanalysis <- NULL
        for (pa in 1:length(allanalyses)){
            possibleanalysis <- allanalyses[pa]
            numsampwithanalysis[pa] <- length(which(sapply(1:length(anallist), function(x) { (possibleanalysis %in% anallist[[x]]) } ) == TRUE))

        names(numsampwithanalysis) <- allanalyses
        propsampleswithanalysis <- numsampwithanalysis / length(anallist)

        if (!(is.null(minpropsampanalysis))) {
            possibleanalyses <- names(propsampleswithanalysis[propsampleswithanalysis >= minpropsampanalysis])

        if (!(is.null(minnumsampanalysis))) {
            possibleanalyses <- names(numsampwithanalysis[numsampwithanalysis >= minnumsampanalysis])

        if (!is.null(onlyanalyses)){
            possibleanalyses <- allanalyses[allanalyses %in% onlyanalyses]
        } else {
            possibleanalyses <- allanalyses

        #Stop if unreasonable
        if (length(possibleanalyses) < 1){
            stop("There are no analyses fitting the criteria to make.")

    if (all(c(!is.null(onlyanalyses), !(all(c((length(onlyanalyses) == 1), ("LKT" %in% onlyanalyses))))))){
        possibleanalyses <- possibleanalyses[possibleanalyses %in% onlyanalyses]
    } else {
        if (!is.null(possibleanalyses)) {
            if (!is.null(onlyanalyses)){
                possibleanalyses <- possibleanalyses[possibleanalyses %in% onlyanalyses]
        } else {
            possibleanalyses <- onlyanalyses


    #Add colour table to expvec, if passed
    if (!is.null(cdict)){
        ctable <- plyr::rbind.fill(cdict)
        ctable <- ctable[!duplicated(ctable), ]
        rownames(ctable) <- ctable$Name
    } else {
        ctable <- NULL

    #Make a vector for holding experiment list
    expvec <- list()
    e <- 1

    if (TRUE){
        #Start by making LKT experiment
        flog.info("Making LKT SummarizedExperiment")
        LKTobjects <- paste(Samples, "LKTdose", sep="_")
        LKTdoses <- list.data[LKTobjects]
        names(LKTdoses) <- Samples

        #Data should be non-redundant. But if for some reason it is, make LKTs unique in a safe manner.
        for (s in 1:length(Samples)){
            #get rid of bogus LKT dupes due to faulty NCBI taxonomy.
            LKTdoses[[s]] <- LKTdoses[[s]][!(duplicated(LKTdoses[[s]][]$LKT)), ]
            LKTdoses[[s]][]$LKT <- as.character(LKTdoses[[s]][]$LKT)
        LKTdosesall <- bind_rows(LKTdoses, .id = "id")
        colnames(LKTdosesall)[which(colnames(LKTdosesall) == "id")] <- "Sample"

        #Make tax table
        taxlvlspresent <- colnames(LKTdosesall)[colnames(LKTdosesall) %in% c("Domain", "Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus", "Species", "LKT")]

        tt <- LKTdosesall[ , taxlvlspresent]
        tt <- tt[!(duplicated(tt)), ]
        #get rid of LKT dupes due to NCBI taxonomy names at species level including subspecies nomenclature. Sigh. These are usually unclassified species.
        tt <- tt[!(duplicated(tt$LKT)), ]
        #Add Gram information
        LKT2gram <- JAMStaxtable[ , c("LKT", "Gram")]
        LKT2gram <- subset(LKT2gram, LKT %in% tt$LKT)
        LKT2gram <- LKT2gram[!(duplicated(LKT2gram$LKT)), ]
        tt <- left_join(as.data.frame(tt), LKT2gram, by = "LKT")
        tt[which(is.na(tt[ , "Gram"])), "Gram"] <- "na"
        tt <- tt[ , c("Gram", taxlvlspresent)]
        rownames(tt) <- tt$LKT
        tt <- as.matrix(tt)

        #Make counts table
        LKTallcounts <- LKTdosesall[, c("Sample", "LKT", "NumBases")]
        #Be sure that data is not empty or redundant
        LKTallcounts[is.na(LKTallcounts)] <- 0

        cts <- spread(LKTallcounts, Sample, NumBases, fill = 0, drop = FALSE)
        rownames(cts) <- cts$LKT
        cts$LKT <- NULL
        cts <- cts[order(rowSums(cts), decreasing = TRUE), ]
        featureorder <- rownames(cts)

        sampleorder <- rownames(pheno2)
        tt <- tt[featureorder, ]
        cts <- cts[, sampleorder]

        #This might be used if stratifying functions by taxa
        All_LKTs <- rownames(tt)

        #Register the total number of NAHS bases sequenced for each sample
        TotBasesSamples <- colSums(cts)
        TotalBasesSequenced <- t(as.matrix(TotBasesSamples))
        rownames(TotalBasesSequenced) <- "NumBases"

        #Get percentage from contig matrix
        LKTallPctFromCtg <- LKTdosesall[, c("Sample", "LKT", "PctFromCtg")]
        #Be sure that data is not empty or redundant
        LKTallPctFromCtg[is.na(LKTallPctFromCtg)] <- 0
        LKTPctFromCtgcts <- spread(LKTallPctFromCtg, Sample, PctFromCtg, fill = 0, drop = FALSE)
        rownames(LKTPctFromCtgcts) <- LKTPctFromCtgcts$LKT
        LKTPctFromCtgcts$LKT <- NULL
        LKTPctFromCtgcts <- LKTPctFromCtgcts[featureorder, sampleorder]

        #Get genome completeness matrix
        LKTallGenComp <- LKTdosesall[, c("Sample", "LKT", "ProbNumGenomes")]
        #Be sure that data is not empty or redundant
        LKTallGenComp[is.na(LKTallGenComp)] <- 0
        LKTallGenCompcts <- spread(LKTallGenComp, Sample, ProbNumGenomes, fill = 0, drop = FALSE)
        rownames(LKTallGenCompcts) <- LKTallGenCompcts$LKT
        LKTallGenCompcts$LKT <- NULL
        LKTallGenCompcts <- LKTallGenCompcts[featureorder, sampleorder]

        assays <- list(as.matrix(cts), as.matrix(LKTPctFromCtgcts), as.matrix(LKTallGenCompcts))
        names(assays) <- c("BaseCounts", "PctFromCtgs", "GenomeCompleteness")

        SEobj <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = assays, rowData = as.matrix(tt), colData = as.matrix(pheno2))
        metadata(SEobj)$TotalBasesSequenced <- TotalBasesSequenced
        metadata(SEobj)$TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis <- TotalBasesSequenced #LKT is the special case in which all bases sequenced are for the analysis
        metadata(SEobj)$analysis <- "LKT"
        if (!is.null(phenolabels)){
            metadata(SEobj)$phenolabels <- phenolabels

        #Make Tetranucleotide Frequency matrices if data is present
        LKT_TNF_objects <- paste(Samples, "TNF_contigs", sep="_")
        if (all(c(all(LKT_TNF_objects %in% names(list.data)), add_TNF_data))){
            LKT_TNF_contigs <- list.data[LKT_TNF_objects]
            names(LKT_TNF_contigs) <- Samples
            #Add LKT information
            for (smp in Samples){
                LKT_TNF_contigs[[smp]]$Contig <- rownames(LKT_TNF_contigs[[smp]])
                LKT_TNF_contigs[[smp]] <- left_join(LKT_TNF_contigs[[smp]], list.data[[paste(smp, "contigsdata", sep = "_")]], by = "Contig")

            LKT_TNF_contigsall <- bind_rows(LKT_TNF_contigs, .id = "id")
            colnames(LKT_TNF_contigsall)[which(colnames(LKT_TNF_contigsall) == "id")] <- "Sample"

            LKT_TNF_contigsall$Contig <- rownames(LKT_TNF_contigsall)

            metadata(SEobj)$LKT_TNF_contigs <- LKT_TNF_contigsall


        if (!is.null(ctable)){
            metadata(SEobj)$ctable <- ctable

        if (is.null(restricttoLKTs)){
            expvec[[e]] <- SEobj
            names(expvec)[e] <- "LKT"
            e <- e + 1
            #Clean memory up

    if (!is.null(onlyanalyses)){
        if (all(c((length(onlyanalyses) == 1), ("LKT" %in% onlyanalyses)))) {
            #stop here and return LKT SummarizedExperiment

    #Now, for the functional analyses
    featuredoses <- list.data[paste(Samples, "featuredose", sep="_")]
    names(featuredoses) <- Samples
    featuredata <- list.data[paste(Samples, "featuredata", sep="_")]
    names(featuredata) <- Samples

    for (a in 1:length(possibleanalyses)) {
        analysis <- possibleanalyses[a]
        flog.info(paste("Making", analysis, "SummarizedExperiment"))

        #subset doses to contain only the analysis wanted
        analysisdoses <- NULL
        analysisdoses <- list()
        analysisdata <- NULL
        analysisdata <- list()

        #Get names of Samples which have data for the analysis
        SamplesofInterest <- names(anallist)[which(sapply(1:length(anallist), function(x) { (analysis %in% anallist[[x]]) } ) == TRUE)]

        cts <- NULL

            if (is.null(restricttoLKTs)){
                #Dose of each analysis is total number of bases attributed to it
                for (ad in SamplesofInterest){
                    tempanaldose <- subset(featuredoses[[ad]], Analysis == analysis)[, c("Accession", "NumBases", "Description")]
                    tempanaldose$Accession <- as.character(tempanaldose$Accession)
                    #For ECNumber, GO and MetaCyc, add descriptions safely, based on latest info, later in ftt
                    if (analysis %in% c("ECNumber", "GO", "MetaCyc")){
                        tempanaldose$Description <- "none"
                    } else {
                        tempanaldose$Description <- as.character(tempanaldose$Description)
                    tempanaldose$NumBases <- as.numeric(tempanaldose$NumBases)
                    analysisdoses[[ad]] <- tempanaldose
                    tempanaldata <- featuredata[[ad]]
                    featdatacolsavail <- colnames(tempanaldata)[colnames(tempanaldata) %in% c("Feature", "LengthDNA", "LKT", "GeneName", "GeneNameNR", analysis)]
                    tempanaldata <- tempanaldata[ , featdatacolsavail]

                    #If analysis contains several accessions per gene, repeat rows for each kind
                    #Also, make it backwards compatible with older jamsfiles
                    if (analysis %in% colnames(tempanaldata)) {
                        #flog.info("Analysis contains several accessions per gene, splitting to get number of genes per accession.")
                        tempanaldata <- tidyr::separate_rows(tempanaldata, all_of(analysis), sep = fixed("\\|"))
                    #If possible, get feature count
                    if (analysis %in% colnames(tempanaldata)){
                        featcount <- as.data.frame(table(tempanaldata[ , analysis]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                        colnames(featcount) <- c("Accession", "Count")
                        rownames(featcount) <- featcount$Accession
                        analysisdata[[ad]] <- featcount
                    } else {
                        analysisdata[[ad]] <- NULL
                    #Add GeneName to description if Product
                    if (all(c((analysis %in% c("Product", "vfdb")), ("GeneName" %in% featdatacolsavail)) )){
                        tempanaldose$Description <- tempanaldata$GeneName[match(tempanaldose$Accession, tempanaldata$Product)]
                        analysisdoses[[ad]] <- tempanaldose
            } else {
                flog.info(paste("Making counts table restricted to the", length(restricttoLKTs),"LKTs specified."))
                #Dose of each analysis is sum of bases present in LKTs to restrict to
                for (ad in SamplesofInterest){
                    #First, find out if taxa exist. If so, get numbers, else, write down 0.
                    tempanaldose <- subset(featuredoses[[ad]], Analysis == analysis)
                    taxapresent <- restricttoLKTs[restricttoLKTs %in% colnames(tempanaldose)]
                    if (length(taxapresent) > 1){
                        numbavec <- as.numeric(rowSums(tempanaldose[ , taxapresent]))
                    } else if (length(taxapresent) == 1) {
                        numbavec <- as.numeric(tempanaldose[ , taxapresent])
                    } else {
                        numbavec <- rep(0,  nrow(tempanaldose))
                    tempanaldose <- tempanaldose[ , c("Accession", "Description")]
                    tempanaldose$Accession <- as.character(tempanaldose$Accession)
                    if (analysis %in% c("ECNumber", "GO", "MetaCyc")){
                        tempanaldose$Description <- "none"
                    } else {
                        tempanaldose$Description <- as.character(tempanaldose$Description)
                    tempanaldose$NumBases <- numbavec
                    analysisdoses[[ad]] <- tempanaldose[, c("Accession", "NumBases", "Description")]
            } #End conditional of restricting to LKTs

        phenoanal <- pheno2

        featureall <- bind_rows(analysisdoses, .id = "id")
        featureall[is.na(featureall)] <- 0
        colnames(featureall)[1] <- "Sample"

        #Fix for not getting duplicate accessions. Delete the Description column to get clean pivot from long to wide.
        #featureall$Description <- NULL
        cts <- featureall[ , c("Sample", "Accession", "NumBases")] %>% pivot_wider(names_from = Sample, values_from = NumBases, values_fill = 0)
        cts <- as.data.frame(cts)
        cts[is.na(cts)] <- 0

        #Just double check that there are no dupes
        if (length(which(duplicated(cts$Accession) == TRUE)) > 0){
            flog.info(paste("Found", length(which(duplicated(cts$Accession) == TRUE)), "duplicated accessions. Keeping the first one in each case."))
            cts <- cts[!(duplicated(cts$Accession)), ]
        rownames(cts) <- cts$Accession
        cts$Accession <- NULL

        #Deal with samples with NO results for this analysis
        emptySamples <- rownames(phenoanal)[!(rownames(phenoanal) %in% colnames(cts))]
        if (length(emptySamples) > 0){
            complementarycts <- matrix(ncol = length(emptySamples), nrow = nrow(cts), data = 0)
            complementarycts <- as.data.frame(complementarycts, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            colnames(complementarycts) <- emptySamples
            rownames(complementarycts) <- rownames(cts)
            cts <- cbind(cts, complementarycts)
        cts <- as.matrix(cts)

        find_best_description <- function(featdf = NULL){
            descstats <- as.data.frame(featdf) %>% group_by(Description) %>% summarize(Sum = sum(NumBases))
            best_description <- descstats$Description[which(descstats$Sum == max(descstats$Sum))]


        ftt <- data.frame(Accession = unique(featureall$Accession))
        if (!(analysis %in% c("ECNumber", "MetaCyc", "GO"))){
            ftt$Description <- sapply(ftt$Accession, function (x) { find_best_description(featdf = subset(featureall, Accession == x)) } )

        #Fix descriptions if ECNumber, GO or MetaCyc
        if (analysis == "ECNumber"){
            ftt$Description <- NULL
            ftt <- left_join(ftt, ECdescmap, by = "Accession")
        } else if (analysis == "MetaCyc"){
            ftt$Description <- NULL
            ftt <- left_join(ftt, MetaCycAccession2Description, by = "Accession")
        } else if (analysis == "GO"){
            ftt$Description <- NULL
            ftt <- left_join(ftt, GOtermdict, by = "Accession")
        rownames(ftt) <- ftt$Accession

        #Make sure there is no missing information
        for (colm in 1:ncol(ftt)){
            ftt[which(is.na(ftt[ , colm])), colm] <- "none"

        if (analysis == "resfinder"){
            ftt <- suppressMessages(left_join(ftt, blast_lookup$resfinder_lookup))
            ftt[] <- lapply(ftt, as.character)
            rownames(ftt) <- ftt$Accession
            ftt$Description <- ftt$Class

        cts <- cts[order(rowSums(cts), decreasing = TRUE), ]
        featureorder <- rownames(cts)
        sampleorder <- rownames(phenoanal)
        ftt <- ftt[featureorder, ]
        cts <- cts[, sampleorder]
        cts <- as.matrix(cts)

        #Register the total number of bases sequenced for each sample within that analysis
        TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis <- colSums(cts)
        TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis <- t(as.matrix(TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis))
        rownames(TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis) <- "NumBases"

        #If there is how to count numbers of genes for each accession, then do that.
        if (length(analysisdata) == length(analysisdoses)){
            featuredataall <- bind_rows(analysisdata, .id = "id")
            featuredataall[is.na(featuredataall)] <- 0
            colnames(featuredataall)[1] <- "Sample"

            featuredataall <- featuredataall[ , c("Sample", "Accession", "Count")]
            featcts <- featuredataall %>% pivot_wider(names_from = Sample, values_from = Count, values_fill = 0)
            featcts <- as.data.frame(featcts)
            featcts[is.na(featcts)] <- 0
            rownames(featcts) <- featcts$Accession

            #Just double check that there are no dupes
            if (length(which(duplicated(featcts$Accession) == TRUE)) > 0){
                flog.info(paste("Found", length(which(duplicated(featcts$Accession) == TRUE)), "duplicated accessions. Keeping the first one in each case."))
                featcts <- featcts[!(duplicated(featcts$Accession)), ]

            featcts$Accession[which(featcts$Accession == "none")] <- paste(analysis, "none", sep = "_")
            rownames(featcts) <- featcts$Accession
            featcts$Accession <- NULL

            if (length(emptySamples) > 0){
                complementarycts <- matrix(ncol = length(emptySamples), nrow = nrow(featcts), data = 0)
                complementarycts <- as.data.frame(complementarycts, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                colnames(complementarycts) <- emptySamples
                rownames(complementarycts) <- rownames(featcts)
                featcts <- cbind(featcts, complementarycts)
            featcts <- featcts[featureorder, sampleorder]
            featcts <- as.matrix(featcts)
        } else {
            featcts <- NULL

        assays <- list()
        assays$BaseCounts <- cts
        if (!is.null(featcts)){
            assays$GeneCounts <- featcts

        ##Create SummarizedExperiment
        SEobj <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = assays, rowData = as.matrix(ftt), colData = as.matrix(phenoanal))
        metadata(SEobj)$TotalBasesSequenced <- TotalBasesSequenced
        metadata(SEobj)$TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis <- TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis
        metadata(SEobj)$analysis <- analysis
        if (!is.null(phenolabels)){
            metadata(SEobj)$phenolabels <- phenolabels
        if (!is.null(ctable)){
            metadata(SEobj)$ctable <- ctable

        #Split functions by taxon, if applicable
        if (stratify_functions_by_taxon){
            flog.info(paste("Splitting", analysis, "features by taxa. This may take a while."))
            flog.info(paste("Splitting", analysis, "feature BaseCounts into their contributing taxa."))

            featurebytaxonlist <- list()
            SamplesWanted <- colnames(cts)[!(colnames(cts) %in% emptySamples)]
            wantedfeatures <- rownames(cts)
            NumBases1PPMthreshold <- TotalBasesSequencedinAnalysis / 1000000
            allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix <- NULL
            allfeaturesbytaxa_index <- NULL
            lrn <- 0
            for (samp in SamplesWanted){
                currFeatdose <- NULL
                #Get appropriate object with counts
                wantedobj <- paste(samp, "featuredose", sep = "_")
                currFeatdose <- list.data[[wantedobj]]
                currFeatdose <- subset(currFeatdose, Analysis == analysis)
                currFeatdose$Analysis <- NULL
                rownames(currFeatdose) <- currFeatdose$Accession
                currwantedfeatures <- wantedfeatures[wantedfeatures %in% rownames(currFeatdose)]
                currFeatdose <- currFeatdose[currwantedfeatures, ]
                currFeatdose$Accession <- NULL
                currFeatdose$Description <- NULL
                currFeatdose$NumBases <- NULL
                signalthreshold <- NumBases1PPMthreshold["NumBases" , samp]
                NonEmptyTaxa <- names(which(colSums(currFeatdose) > 0))
                currFeatdose <- as.matrix(currFeatdose[ , NonEmptyTaxa])
                currFeatdose <- Matrix::Matrix(data = currFeatdose, sparse = TRUE)
                #add to sparse matrix empty LKTs, in sparse format
                curr_Missing_LKTs <- All_LKTs[!(All_LKTs %in% colnames(currFeatdose))]

                compl_matrix <- Matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(currFeatdose), ncol = length(curr_Missing_LKTs), sparse = TRUE, forceCheck = TRUE)
                colnames(compl_matrix) <- curr_Missing_LKTs

                #Bind columns
                currFeatdose <- cbind(currFeatdose, compl_matrix)
                #Coerce to default column order
                currFeatdose <- currFeatdose[ , All_LKTs]
                #Annotate which sample it is
                curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_index <- data.frame(Sample = samp, Accession = rownames(currFeatdose))
                curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_index$RowNumber <- ((1:nrow(currFeatdose)) + lrn)
                rownames(curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_index) <- curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_index$RowNumber
                allfeaturesbytaxa_index <- rbind(allfeaturesbytaxa_index, curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_index)

                rownames(currFeatdose) <- ((1:nrow(currFeatdose)) + lrn)
                #Append to allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix
                allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix <- rbind(allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix, currFeatdose)

                #increment lrn
                lrn <- as.numeric(rownames(allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix)[nrow(allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix)])

            #Prune empty LKTs
            NonEmptyLKTs <- names(which(Matrix::colSums(allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix) != 0))
            allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix <- allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix[ , NonEmptyLKTs]

            #Add features-by-taxon matrix and index into SummarizedExperiment object
            metadata(SEobj)$allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix <- allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix
            metadata(SEobj)$allfeaturesbytaxa_index <- allfeaturesbytaxa_index

            #Now do the same for gene counts
            flog.info(paste("Splitting", analysis, "feature GeneCounts into their contributing taxa."))

            allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix <- NULL
            allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index <- NULL

            SamplesWanted <- colnames(cts)[!(colnames(cts) %in% emptySamples)]
            wantedfeatures <- rownames(cts)
            lrn <- 0
            for (samp in SamplesWanted){
                currGeneCount <- NULL
                #Get appropriate object with counts
                wantedobj <- paste(samp, "featuredata", sep = "_")
                currfd <- list.data[[wantedobj]][ , c(analysis, "LKT")]
                colnames(currfd)[1] <- "Accession"
                currGeneCount <- suppressMessages(currfd %>% group_by(Accession, LKT) %>% summarise(Count = n()) %>% pivot_wider(names_from = LKT, values_from = Count, values_fill = 0))
                currGeneCount$Accession[which(currGeneCount$Accession == "none")] <- paste(analysis, "none", sep = "_")
                currAccessions <- currGeneCount$Accession
                currGeneCount$Accession <- NULL
                currGeneCount <- as.matrix(currGeneCount)
                currGeneCount <- Matrix::Matrix(data = currGeneCount, sparse = TRUE)
                curr_Missing_LKTs <- All_LKTs[!(All_LKTs %in% colnames(currGeneCount))]

                compl_matrix <- Matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(currGeneCount), ncol = length(curr_Missing_LKTs), sparse = TRUE, forceCheck = TRUE)
                colnames(compl_matrix) <- curr_Missing_LKTs

                #Bind columns
                currGeneCount <- cbind(currGeneCount, compl_matrix)
                #Coerce to default column order
                currGeneCount <- currGeneCount[ , All_LKTs]

                #Annotate which sample it is
                curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index <- data.frame(Sample = samp, Accession = currAccessions)
                curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index$RowNumber <- ((1:nrow(currGeneCount)) + lrn)
                rownames(curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index) <- curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index$RowNumber
                allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index <- rbind(allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index, curr_allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index)

                rownames(currGeneCount) <- ((1:nrow(currGeneCount)) + lrn)
                #Append to allfeaturesbytaxa_matrix
                allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix <- rbind(allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix, currGeneCount)

                #increment lrn
                lrn <- as.numeric(rownames(allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix)[nrow(allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix)])

            #Prune empty LKTs
            NonEmptyLKTs <- names(which(Matrix::colSums(allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix) != 0))
            allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix <- allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix[ , NonEmptyLKTs]

            #Add feature-GeneCount-by-taxon matrix and index into SummarizedExperiment object
            metadata(SEobj)$allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix <- allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_matrix
            metadata(SEobj)$allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index <- allfeaturesbytaxa_GeneCounts_index

        } #End of splitting features by taxonomy

        expvec[[e]] <- SEobj
        names(expvec)[e] <- analysis
        e <- e + 1
        #clean memory up

        #Add an extra one if converting resfinder to antibiogram
        #if (analysis == "resfinder"){
        #    flog.info("Converting resfinder to antibiogram")
        #    expvec[[e]] <- make_antibiogram_experiment(SEobjresfinder = expvec[["resfinder"]])
        #    names(expvec)[e] <- "antibiogram"
        #    e <- e + 1

johnmcculloch/JAMS_BW documentation built on March 29, 2024, 7:56 p.m.