
Defines functions gatherPrices spreadPrices makeRMFormat makeOHLCV businessTimeAggregation tradesCleanupUsingQuotes tradesCleanup selectExchange tradesCondition salesCondition rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes rmNegativeSpread rmLargeSpread quotesCleanup noZeroQuotes noZeroPrices mergeTradesSameTimestamp mergeQuotesSameTimestamp matchTradesQuotes makeReturns exchangeHoursOnly autoSelectExchangeQuotes autoSelectExchangeTrades aggregateTrades aggregateQuotes aggregatePrice

Documented in aggregatePrice aggregateQuotes aggregateTrades autoSelectExchangeQuotes autoSelectExchangeTrades businessTimeAggregation exchangeHoursOnly gatherPrices makeOHLCV makeReturns makeRMFormat matchTradesQuotes mergeQuotesSameTimestamp mergeTradesSameTimestamp noZeroPrices noZeroQuotes quotesCleanup rmLargeSpread rmNegativeSpread rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes salesCondition selectExchange spreadPrices tradesCleanup tradesCleanupUsingQuotes tradesCondition

#' Aggregate a time series
#' @description Aggregate a time series as \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object. 
#' It can handle irregularly spaced time series and returns a regularly spaced one.
#' Use univariate time series as input for this function and check out \code{\link{aggregateTrades}}
#' and \code{\link{aggregateQuotes}} to aggregate Trade or Quote data objects.
#' @param ts \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object to aggregate.
#' @param FUN function to apply over each interval. By default, previous tick aggregation is done. 
#' Alternatively one can set e.g. FUN = "mean".
#' In case weights are supplied, this argument is ignored and a weighted average is taken.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. Possible values are: "secs", "seconds", "mins", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "ticks".
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param weights By default, no weighting scheme is used. 
#' When you assign an \code{xts} object with weights to this argument, a weighted mean is taken over each interval. 
#' Of course, the weights should have the same time stamps as the supplied time series.
#' @param dropna boolean, which determines whether empty intervals should be dropped.
#' By default, an NA is returned in case an interval is empty, except when the user opts
#' for previous tick aggregation, by setting \code{FUN = "previoustick"} (default).
#' @param tz character denoting which timezone the output should be in. Defaults to \code{NULL}
#' @param ... extra parameters passed on to \code{FUN}
#' @details The time stamps of the new time series are the closing times and/or days of the intervals. 
#' For example, for a weekly aggregation the new time stamp is the last day in that particular week (namely Sunday).
#' In case of previous tick aggregation, 
#' for \code{alignBy} is either \code{"seconds"} \code{"minutes"}, or \code{"hours"},
#' the element of the returned series with e.g. timestamp 09:35:00 contains 
#' the last observation up to that point, including the value at 09:35:00 itself.
#' Please note: In case an interval is empty, by default an NA is returned.. In case e.g. previous 
#' tick aggregation it makes sense to fill these NAs by the function \code{na.locf}
#' (last observation carried forward) from the \pkg{zoo} package.
#' In case \code{alignBy = "ticks"}, the sampling is done such the sampling starts on the first tick and the last tick is always included.
#' For example, if 14 observations are made on one day, and these are 1, 2, 3, ... 14.
#' Then, with \code{alignBy = "ticks"} and \code{alignPeriod = 3}, the output will be 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14.
#' @return An \code{xts} object containing the aggregated time series.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords data manipulation
#' @examples 
#' # Load sample price data
#' \dontrun{
#' library(xts)
#' ts <- as.xts(sampleTData[, list(DT, PRICE, SIZE)])
#' # Previous tick aggregation to the 5-minute sampling frequency:
#' tsagg5min <- aggregateTS(ts, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 5)
#' head(tsagg5min)
#' # Previous tick aggregation to the 30-second sampling frequency:
#' tsagg30sec <- aggregateTS(ts, alignBy = "seconds", alignPeriod = 30)
#' tail(tsagg30sec)
#' tsagg3ticks <- aggregateTS(ts, alignBy = "ticks", alignPeriod = 3)
#' }
#' @importFrom zoo zoo na.locf
#' @importFrom stats start end
#' @importFrom xts period.apply tzone	
#' @export
aggregateTS <- function (ts, FUN = "previoustick", alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 1, weights = NULL, dropna = FALSE, tz = NULL, ...) {
    return(internalAggregateTSXTS(ts, FUN = FUN, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, weights = weights, dropna = dropna, tz = tz, ...))
  } else if(is.data.table(ts)){
    return(internalAggregateTSDT(ts, FUN = FUN, alignBy = alignBy, alignPeriod = alignPeriod, weights = weights, dropna = dropna, tz = tz, ...))

#' Aggregate a time series but keep first and last observation
#' @description Function to aggregate high frequency data by last tick aggregation to an arbitrary periodicity based on wall clocks.
#' Alternatively the aggregation can be done by number of ticks. In case we DON'T do tick-based aggregation, 
#' this function accepts arbitrary number of symbols over a arbitrary number of days. Although the function has the word Price in the name,
#' the function is general and works on arbitrary time series, either \code{xts} or \code{data.table} objects the latter requires a \code{DT}
#' column containing POSIXct time stamps.
#' @param pData \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object to be aggregated containing the intraday price series, possibly across multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. Possible values are: "secs", "seconds", "mins", "minutes","hours", and "ticks".
#' To aggregate based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. E.g. to aggregate
#' based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param marketOpen the market opening time, by default: \code{marketOpen = "09:30:00"}.
#' @param marketClose the market closing time, by default: \code{marketClose = "16:00:00"}.
#' @param fill indicates whether rows without trades should be added with the most recent value, FALSE by default.
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. We attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}
#' @details
#' The time stamps of the new time series are the closing times and/or days of the intervals. 
#' The element of the returned series with e.g. time stamp 09:35:00 contains
#' the last observation up to that point, including the value at 09:35:00 itself.
#' In case \code{alignBy = "ticks"}, the sampling is done such the sampling starts on the first tick, and the last tick is always included.
#' For example, if 14 observations are made on one day, and these are 1, 2, 3, ... 14.
#' Then, with \code{alignBy = "ticks"} and \code{alignPeriod = 3}, the output will be 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14.
#' @return A \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing the aggregated time series.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords data manipulation
#' @examples
#' # Aggregate price data to the 30 second frequency
#' aggregatePrice(sampleTData, alignBy = "secs", alignPeriod = 30)
#' # Aggregate price data to the 30 second frequency including zero return price changes
#' aggregatePrice(sampleTData, alignBy = "secs", alignPeriod = 30)
#' # Aggregate price data to half a second frequency including zero return price changes
#' aggregatePrice(sampleTData, alignBy = "milliseconds", alignPeriod = 500, fill = TRUE)
#' @importFrom xts last tzone
#' @importFrom data.table fifelse
#' @export
aggregatePrice <- function(pData, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 1, marketOpen = "09:30:00", marketClose = "16:00:00" , fill = FALSE, tz = NULL) {
  ## checking
  nm <- toupper(colnames(pData))
  pData <- checkColumnNames(pData)
  i.DATE <- .SD <- .N <- .I <- DATE <- DT <- FIRST_DT <- DT_ROUND <- LAST_DT <- SYMBOL <- PRICE <- NULL

  if (alignBy == "milliseconds") {
    alignBy <- "secs"
    alignPeriod <- alignPeriod / 1000
  if(alignBy == "secs" | alignBy == "seconds"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod
  if(alignBy == "mins" | alignBy == "minutes"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60
  if(alignBy == "hours"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60 * 60

  if(! (alignBy %in% c("milliseconds", "secs", "seconds", "mins", "minutes", "hours", "ticks"))){
    stop("alignBy not valid value. Valid values are: \"milliseconds\", \"secs\", \"seconds\", \"mins\", \"minutes\", \"hours\", and \"ticks\".")

  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(pData)) {
    if (is.xts(pData)) {
      nm <- c("DT", nm)
      pData <- as.data.table(pData)
      pData <- setnames(pData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(pData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column (date-time ).")

  if (!("SYMBOL" %in% nm)) {
    pData[, SYMBOL := "UKNOWN"]
  if(alignBy == "ticks"){ ## Special case for alignBy = "ticks"
    if(alignPeriod == 1) return(pData[])
    if(alignPeriod < 1 | alignPeriod%%1 != 0){
      stop("When alignBy is `ticks`, must be a positive integer valued numeric")
    # if(length(unique(as.Date(pData[,DT]))) > 1){
    #   stop("Multiday support for aggregatePrice with alignBy = \"ticks\" is not implemented yet.")
    # }
    return(pData[seqInclEnds(1, .N, alignPeriod), .SD, by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT)), .SDcols = 1:ncol(pData)][])
  timeZone <- format(pData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(pData$DT))){
      pData[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  setkeyv(pData, c("DT", "SYMBOL")) # The below code MAY fail with data with unordered DT column. Also setkey inceases speed of grouping
  ## Checking ends
  # Convert DT to numeric. This is much faster than dealing with the strings (POSIXct)
  pData[, DT := as.numeric(DT, tz = tz)]
  # Calculate the date in the data
  pData[, DATE := as.Date(floor(DT / 86400), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = tz)]
  # extract a vector of dates
  obsPerDay <- pData[, .N, by = list(DATE, SYMBOL)]
  ## Find the opening times of each of the days as numerics.
  marketOpenNumeric <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste(obsPerDay$DATE, marketOpen), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz), tz = tz)
  marketCloseNumeric <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste(obsPerDay$DATE, marketClose), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz), tz =tz)
  ## Here we make sure that we can correctly handle times that happen before midnight in the corrected timestamps from the flag if statements
  if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) != NROW(obsPerDay)){
    if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) < NROW(obsPerDay)){ ## Here we add entries
      marketOpenNumeric <- rep(marketOpenNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
      marketCloseNumeric <- rep(marketCloseNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
    } else {
      stop("unknown error occured in aggregatePrice")

  # Subset observations that does not fall between their respective market opening and market closing times.
  pData <- pData[between(DT, rep(marketOpenNumeric, obsPerDay$N), rep(marketCloseNumeric, obsPerDay$N))]
  obsPerDay <- pData[, .N, by = list(DATE, SYMBOL)]
  ## Here (AGAIN!) we make sure that we can correctly handle if we deleted a day in the subsetting step above
  if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) != NROW(obsPerDay)){
    if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) > NROW(obsPerDay)){ ## Here we delete entries
      marketOpenNumeric <- rep(marketOpenNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
      marketCloseNumeric <- rep(marketCloseNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
    } else {
      stop("unknown error occured in aggregatePrice")

  # Find the first observation per day.
  pData[, FIRST_DT := min(DT), by = list(SYMBOL, DATE)]
  # Use Dirks answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42498175 to round the timestamps to the latest scaleFactor
  pData[, DT_ROUND := fifelse(DT == FIRST_DT,
                             floor(DT/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor,
                             ceiling(DT/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor)]

  pData[, LAST_DT := max(DT), by = list(SYMBOL, DT_ROUND)]

  # Create the first observation each day.
  pData_open <- pData[pData[DT == FIRST_DT, .I[1], by = list(SYMBOL, DATE)]$V1, ]
  pData_open[, DT := floor(DT/86400) * 86400 + marketOpenNumeric %% 86400]

  # Take the last observation of each group of LAST_DT

  pData <- pData[pData[DT == LAST_DT, .I[.N], by = list(SYMBOL, DT_ROUND)]$V1][, DT := DT_ROUND] ## Make sure we only take the last observation

  # due to rounding there may be an observation that is refered to the opening time
  pData <- pData[!(DT %in% pData_open$DT)]
  # Merge the opening observation onto the rest of the observations.
  pData <- merge(pData, pData_open, all = TRUE)

  if (fill) {
    # Construct timestamps that go from marketOpenNumeric to marketClose numeric each day with step of scaleFactor e.g. 1 min (60)
    symbs <- pData[, list(SYMBOL = unique(SYMBOL)), by = DATE]
    if(NROW(symbs) > NROW(obsPerDay)){ # One or more dates contain multiple symbols
      setkeyv(pData,c("DT", "SYMBOL"))
      pData <- pData[, lapply(.SD, nafill, type = "locf"), by = list(i.DATE, SYMBOL), .SDcols = setdiff(colnames(pData), c("i.DATE", "SYMBOL"))]
    } else {
    dt_full_index <- data.table(DT = as.numeric(mSeq(marketOpenNumeric, marketCloseNumeric, as.double(scaleFactor))),
                                SYMBOL = rep(obsPerDay$SYMBOL, (marketCloseNumeric-marketOpenNumeric)/as.double(scaleFactor) + 1))
    setkey(dt_full_index, "DT")

    setkey(pData, DT)

    pData <- unique(pData[dt_full_index, roll = TRUE, on = list(SYMBOL, DT)])
  pData[, DT := as.POSIXct(DT, origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", tz = "UTC"), tz = tz)]
  pData <- pData[, nm, with = FALSE]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(pData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = pData$DT, tzone = tz))
  } else {

#' Aggregate a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing quote data
#' @description Aggregate tick-by-tick quote data and return a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing the aggregated quote data.
#' See \code{\link{sampleQData}} for an example of the argument qData. This function accepts arbitrary number of symbols over an arbitrary number of days.
#' @param qData \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object to be aggregated, containing the intraday quote data of a stock for one day.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. Possible values are: "secs", "seconds", "mins", "minutes","hours", and "ticks".
#' To aggregate based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. E.g. to aggregate
#' based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param marketOpen the market opening time, by default: \code{marketOpen = "09:30:00"}.
#' @param marketClose the market closing time, by default: \code{marketClose = "16:00:00"}.
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. We attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}
#' @details The output "BID" and "OFR" columns are constructed using previous tick aggregation.
#' The variables "BIDSIZ" and "OFRSIZ" are aggregated by taking the sum of the respective inputs over each interval.
#' The timestamps of the new time series are the closing times of the intervals. 
#' Please note: Returned objects always contain the first observation (i.e. opening quotes,...).
#' @return A \code{data.table} or an \code{xts} object containing the aggregated quote data.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords data manipulation
#' @examples
#' # Aggregate quote data to the 30 second frequency
#' qDataAggregated <- aggregateQuotes(sampleQData, alignBy = "seconds", alignPeriod = 30)
#' qDataAggregated # Show the aggregated data
#' @export
aggregateQuotes <- function(qData, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 5, marketOpen = "09:30:00", marketClose = "16:00:00", tz = NULL) {
  .I <- .N <- N <- DATE <- BID <- OFR <- BIDSIZ <- OFRSIZ <- DT <- FIRST_DT <- DT_ROUND <-LAST_DT <- SYMBOL <- NULL
  nm <- toupper(colnames(qData))
  if (!("SYMBOL" %in% nm)) {
      qData[, SYMBOL := "UKNOWN"]
    } else {
      qData <- cbind(qData, SYMBOL = 'UNKNOWN')
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  if (alignBy == "milliseconds") {
    alignBy <- "secs"
    alignPeriod <- alignPeriod / 1000
  if(alignBy == "secs" | alignBy == "seconds"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod
  if(alignBy == "mins" | alignBy == "minutes"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60
  if(alignBy == "hours"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60 * 60
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(qData)) {
    if (is.xts(qData)) {
      nm <- c("DT", nm)
      qData <- as.data.table(qData)
      qData <- setnames(qData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      for (col in names(qData)[-1]) {
        set(qData, j = col, value = as.character(qData[[col]]))
      qData[, `:=`(BID = as.numeric(BID), BIDSIZ = as.numeric(BIDSIZ), OFR = as.numeric(OFR), OFRSIZ = as.numeric(OFRSIZ))]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(qData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")

  timeZone <- format(qData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(qData$DT))) qData[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  setkey(qData, DT) # The below code MAY fail with data with unordered DT column. Also setkey inceases speed of grouping
  # Convert DT to numeric. This is much faster than dealing with the strings (POSIXct)
  qData[, DT := as.numeric(DT, tz = tz)]
  # Calculate the date in the data
  qData[, DATE := as.Date(floor(as.numeric(DT, tz = tz) / 86400), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = tz)]
  # extract a vector of dates
  obsPerDay <- qData[, .N, by = list(DATE, SYMBOL)]
  ## Find the opening times of each of the days as numerics.
  marketOpenNumeric <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste(obsPerDay$DATE, marketOpen), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz), tz = tz)
  marketCloseNumeric <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste(obsPerDay$DATE, marketClose), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz), tz =tz)
  ## Here we make sure that we can correctly handle times that happen before midnight in the corrected timestamps from the flag if statements
  if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) != NROW(obsPerDay)){
    if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) < NROW(obsPerDay)){ ## Here we add entries
      marketOpenNumeric <- rep(marketOpenNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay$N))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
      marketCloseNumeric <- rep(marketCloseNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay$N))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
    } else {
      stop("unknown error occured in aggregateQuotes")
  # Subset observations that does not fall between their respective market opening and market closing times.
  qData <- qData[between(DT, rep(marketOpenNumeric, obsPerDay$N), rep(marketCloseNumeric, obsPerDay$N))]
  obsPerDay <- qData[, .N, by = list(DATE, SYMBOL)]
  ## Here (AGAIN!) we make sure that we can correctly handle if we deleted a day in the subsetting step above
  if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) != NROW(obsPerDay)){
    if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) > NROW(obsPerDay)){ ## Here we delete entries
      marketOpenNumeric <- rep(marketOpenNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay$N))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
      marketCloseNumeric <- rep(marketCloseNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay$N))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
    } else {
      stop("unknown error occured in aggregateQuotes")
  # Find the first observation per day.  
  qData[, FIRST_DT := min(DT), by = "DATE"]
  # Use Dirks answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42498175 to round the timestamps to the latest scaleFactor
  qData[, DT_ROUND := fifelse(DT == FIRST_DT,
                             floor(DT/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor,
                             ceiling(DT/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor)]
  qData[, LAST_DT := max(DT), by = list(SYMBOL, DT_ROUND)]
  qData[, OFRSIZ := sum(OFRSIZ), by = list(SYMBOL, DT_ROUND)]
  qData[, BIDSIZ := sum(BIDSIZ), by = list(SYMBOL, DT_ROUND)]
  # Create the first observation each day.
  qData_open <- qData[qData[DT == FIRST_DT, .I[1], list(SYMBOL, DATE)]$V1, ]
  qData_open[, DT := floor(DT/86400) * 86400 + marketOpenNumeric %% 86400]
  # Take the last observation of each group of LAST_DT 
  qData <- qData[qData[DT == LAST_DT, .I[.N], by = list(SYMBOL, LAST_DT)]$V1][, DT := DT_ROUND] ## Make sure we only take the last observation
  # due to rounding there may be an observation that is refered to the opening time
  qData <- qData[!(DT %in% qData_open$DT)]
  # Merge the opening observation onto the rest of the observations.
  qData <- merge(qData, qData_open, all = TRUE)
  qData[, DT := as.POSIXct(DT, origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", tz = "UTC"), tz = tz)]
  qData <- qData[, nm, with = FALSE]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(qData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = qData$DT, tzone = tz))
  } else {

#' Aggregate a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing trades data´
#' @description Aggregate tick-by-tick trade data and return a time series as a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object where first observation is always the opening price
#' and subsequent observations are the closing prices over the interval. This function accepts arbitrary number of symbols over an arbitrary number of days.
#' @param tData \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object to be aggregated, containing the intraday price series of a stock for possibly multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. Possible values are: \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}.
#' To aggregate based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod = 5} and \code{alignBy = "minutes"}.
#' @param marketOpen the market opening time, by default: \code{marketOpen = "09:30:00"}.
#' @param marketClose the market closing time, by default: \code{marketClose = "16:00:00"}.
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. We attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}
#' @details The time stamps of the new time series are the closing times and/or days of the intervals. 
#' The output \code{"PRICE"} column is constructed using previous tick aggregation.
#' The variable \code{"SIZE"} is aggregated by taking the sum over each interval.
#' The variable \code{"VWPRICE"} is the aggregated price weighted by volume.
#' The time stamps of the new time series are the closing times of the intervals. 
#' In case of previous tick aggregation or \code{alignBy = "seconds"/"minutes"/"hours"},
#' the element of the returned series with e.g. time stamp 09:35:00 contains 
#' the last observation up to that point, including the value at 09:35:00 itself.
#' @return A \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing the aggregated time series.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords data manipulation
#' @examples 
#' # Aggregate trade data to 5 minute frequency
#' tDataAggregated <- aggregateTrades(sampleTData, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 5)
#' tDataAggregated
#' @export
aggregateTrades <- function(tData, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 5, marketOpen = "09:30:00", marketClose = "16:00:00", tz = NULL) {
  nm <- c(toupper(colnames(tData)), "VWPRICE")
  if (!("SYMBOL" %in% nm)) {
      tData[, SYMBOL := "UKNOWN"]
    } else {
      tData <- cbind(tData, SYMBOL = 'UNKNOWN')

  tData <- checkColumnNames(tData)
  if (alignBy == "milliseconds") {
    on_true <- "milliseconds"
    alignBy <- "secs"
    alignPeriod <- alignPeriod / 1000
  if(alignBy == "secs" | alignBy == "seconds"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod
  if(alignBy == "mins" | alignBy == "minutes"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60
  if(alignBy == "hours"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60 * 60
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(tData)) {
    if (is.xts(tData)) {
      nm <- c("DT", nm)
      tData <- as.data.table(tData)
      tData <- setnames(tData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      for (col in names(tData)[-1]) {
        set(tData, j = col, value = as.character(tData[[col]]))
      tData[, `:=` (SIZE = as.numeric(SIZE), PRICE = as.numeric(PRICE))]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(tData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column (date-time).")
  timeZone <- format(tData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(tData$DT))) tData[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  setkey(tData, DT) # The below code MAY fail with data with unordered DT column. Also setkey inceases speed of grouping
  # Convert DT to numeric. This is much faster than dealing with the strings (POSIXct)
  tData[, DT := as.numeric(DT, tz = tz)]
  # Calculate the date in the data
  tData[, DATE := as.Date(floor(DT / 86400), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = tz)]
  # extract a vector of dates
  obsPerDay <- tData[, .N, by = list(DATE, SYMBOL)]
  ## Find the opening times of each of the days as numerics.
  marketOpenNumeric <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste(obsPerDay$DATE, marketOpen), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz), tz = tz) 
  marketCloseNumeric <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste(obsPerDay$DATE, marketClose), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz), tz =tz)
  ## Here we make sure that we can correctly handle times that happen before midnight in the corrected timestamps from the flag if statements
  if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) != NROW(obsPerDay)){
    if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) < NROW(obsPerDay)){ ## Here we add entries
      marketOpenNumeric <- rep(marketOpenNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
      marketCloseNumeric <- rep(marketCloseNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
    } else {
      stop("unknown error occured in aggregateTrades")
  # Subset observations that does not fall between their respective market opening and market closing times.
  tData <- tData[between(DT, rep(marketOpenNumeric, obsPerDay$N), rep(marketCloseNumeric, obsPerDay$N))]
  # Find observations per day again
  obsPerDay <- tData[, .N, by = list(DATE, SYMBOL)]
  ## Here (AGAIN!) we make sure that we can correctly handle if we deleted a day in the subsetting step above
  if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) != NROW(obsPerDay)){
    if(NROW(marketOpenNumeric) > NROW(obsPerDay)){ ## Here we delete entries
      marketOpenNumeric <- rep(marketOpenNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
      marketCloseNumeric <- rep(marketCloseNumeric, NROW(obsPerDay))[1:NROW(obsPerDay)]
    } else {
      stop("unknown error occured in aggregateTrades")
  # Find the first observation per day.  
  tData[, FIRST_DT := min(DT), by = "DATE"]
  # Use Dirks answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42498175 to round the timestamps to the latest scaleFactor
  tData[, DT_ROUND := fifelse(DT == FIRST_DT,
                             floor(DT/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor,
                             ceiling(DT/scaleFactor) * scaleFactor)]
  tData[, LAST_DT := max(DT), by = list(SYMBOL, DT_ROUND)]
  tData[, SIZESUM := sum(SIZE), by = list(SYMBOL, DT_ROUND)]
  tData[, SIZE := SIZESUM, by = list(SYMBOL)]
  # Create the first observation each day.
  tData_open <- tData[tData[DT == FIRST_DT, .I[1], by = list(SYMBOL, DATE)]$V1, ]
  tData_open[, DT := floor(DT/86400) * 86400 + marketOpenNumeric %% 86400]
  # Take the last observation of each group of LAST_DT 
  tData <- tData[tData[DT == LAST_DT, .I[.N], by = list(SYMBOL, LAST_DT)]$V1][, DT := DT_ROUND] ## Make sure we only take the last observation
  # due to rounding there may be an observation that is refered to the opening time
  tData <- tData[!(DT %in% tData_open$DT)]
  # Merge the opening observation onto the rest of the observations.
  tData <- merge(tData, tData_open, all = TRUE)
  tData[, DT := as.POSIXct(DT, origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", tz = "UTC"), tz = tz)]
  tData <- tData[, nm, with = FALSE]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(tData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = tData$DT, tzone = tz))
  } else {

#' Retain only data from the stock exchange with the highest trading volume
#' @description Filters raw trade data and return only data that stems from the exchange with the highest
#'  value for the variable \code{"SIZE"}, i.e. the highest trade volume.
#' @param tData an \code{xts} object with at least a column \code{"EX"} 
#' indicating the exchange symbol and \code{"SIZE"}
#' indicating the trade volume. 
#' @param printExchange indicates whether the chosen exchange is printed on the console, default is \code{TRUE}.
#' The possible exchanges are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A: AMEX
#' \item N: NYSE
#' \item B: Boston
#' \item P: Arca
#' \item C: NSX
#' \item T/Q: NASDAQ
#' \item D: NASD ADF and TRF
#' \item X: Philadelphia
#' \item I: ISE
#' \item M: Chicago
#' \item W: CBOE
#' \item Z: BATS
#' }
#' @return \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object depending on input.
#' @examples autoSelectExchangeTrades(sampleTDataRaw)
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
autoSelectExchangeTrades <- function(tData, printExchange = TRUE) {
  exchanges <- c("T", "Q", "A", "P", "B", "C", "N", "D", "X", "I", "M", "W", "Z")
  exchangenames <- c("NASDAQ", "NASDAQ", "AMEX", "ARCA", "Boston", "NSX", "NYSE", "NASD ADF and TRF", "Philadelphia", "ISE", "Chicago", "CBOE", "BATS")
  tData <- checkColumnNames(tData)
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(tData)) {
    if (is.xts(tData)) {
      tData <- as.data.table(tData)
      tData <- setnames(tData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      for (col in names(tData)[-1]) {
        set(tData, j = col, value = as.character(tData[[col]]))
      tData[, SIZE := as.numeric(SIZE)]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(tData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column (date-time ).")
  tData[, SIZESUM := sum(SIZE), by = list(EX,SYMBOL)]
  tData[, MAXSIZESUM := max(SIZESUM), by = "SYMBOL"]
  if (printExchange) {
    exch <- unique(tData$EX)
    namechosen <- exchangenames[exch == exchanges]  
    print(paste("The ", namechosen, "is the exchange with the highest volume."))
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(tData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = tData$DT, tzone = tzone(tData$DT)))
  } else {

#' Retain only data from the stock exchange with the highest volume
#' @description Filters raw quote data and return only data that stems from the exchange with the highest
#' value for the sum of \code{"BIDSIZ"} and \code{"OFRSIZ"}, i.e. the highest quote volume.
#' @param qData a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object with at least a column \code{"EX"}, indicating the exchange symbol 
#' and columns \code{"BIDSIZ"} and \code{"OFRSIZ"}, indicating 
#' the volume available at the bid and ask respectively.
#' @param printExchange indicates whether the chosen exchange is printed on the console, default is \code{TRUE}.
#' The possible exchanges are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A: AMEX
#' \item N: NYSE
#' \item B: Boston
#' \item P: Arca
#' \item C: NSX
#' \item T/Q: NASDAQ
#' \item D: NASD ADF and TRF
#' \item X: Philadelphia
#' \item I: ISE
#' \item M: Chicago
#' \item W: CBOE
#' \item Z: BATS
#' }
#' @return \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object depending on input.
#' @examples 
#' autoSelectExchangeQuotes(sampleQDataRaw)
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
autoSelectExchangeQuotes <- function(qData, printExchange = TRUE) {
  exchanges = c("T","Q","A","P","B","C","N","D","X","I","M","W","Z")
  exchangenames = c("NASDAQ","NASDAQ","AMEX","ARCA","Boston","NSX","NYSE","NASD ADF and TRF","Philadelphia","ISE","Chicago","CBOE","BATS")
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(qData)) {
    if (is.xts(qData)) {
      qData <- as.data.table(qData)
      qData <- setnames(qData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      for (col in names(qData)[-1]) {
        set(qData, j = col, value = as.character(qData[[col]]))
      qData[, `:=` (BIDSIZ = as.numeric(BIDSIZ), OFRSIZ = as.numeric(OFRSIZ))]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(qData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
  if (length(unique(qData$SYMBOL)) > 1) {
    stop("Please provide only one symbol at a time.")
  qData <- qData[EX == qData[, list(SUMVOL = sum(BIDSIZ + OFRSIZ)), by = "EX"][SUMVOL == max(SUMVOL), EX]]
  if (printExchange) {
    exch <- unique(qData$EX)
    namechosen <- exchangenames[exch == exchanges]
    print(paste("The ", namechosen, "is the exchange with the highest volume."))
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(qData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = qData$DT, tzone = tzone(qData$DT)))
  } else {

#' Extract data from an \code{xts} object for the exchange hours only
#' @description Filter raw trade data such and return only data between market close and market open. 
#' By default, \code{marketOpen = "09:30:00"} and \code{marketClose = "16:00:00"} (see Brownlees and Gallo (2006) for more information on good choices for these arguments).
#' @param data a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing the time series data. 
#' Multiple days of input are allowed.
#' @param marketOpen character in the format of \code{"HH:MM:SS"},
#' specifying the opening time of the exchange(s).
#' @param marketClose character in the format of \code{"HH:MM:SS"},
#' specifying the closing time of the exchange(s).
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. We attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}
#' @return \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object depending on input.
#' @references Brownlees, C. T. and Gallo, G. M. (2006). Financial econometric analysis at ultra-high frequency: Data handling concerns. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, pages 2232-2245.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples 
#' exchangeHoursOnly(sampleTDataRaw)
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @importFrom xts tzone
#' @export
exchangeHoursOnly <- function(data, marketOpen = "09:30:00", marketClose = "16:00:00", tz = NULL) {
  .N <- N <- DATE <- DT <- NULL # needed for data table (otherwise notes pop up in check())
  data <- checkColumnNames(data)
  nm <- toupper(colnames(data))
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(data)) {
    if (is.xts(data)) {
      data <- setnames(as.data.table(data), old = "index", new = "DT")
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(data))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
  timeZone <- format(data$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(data$DT))) data[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  setkey(data, DT) # The below code MAY fail with data with unordered DT column. Also setkey inceases speed of grouping
  obsPerDay <- data[, .N, by = list(DATE = as.Date(floor(as.numeric(DT, tz = tz) / 86400), origin = "1970-01-01", tz = tz))] # Dates and observations per day
  marketOpenNumeric <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste(obsPerDay[[1]], marketOpen), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz), tz = tz)
  marketCloseNumeric <- as.numeric(as.POSIXct(paste(obsPerDay[[1]], marketClose), format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", tz = tz), tz =tz)
  # marketCloseNumeric <- marketCloseNumeric + days * 86400 # 60 * 60 * 24
  ## Here we make sure that we can correctly handle times that happen before midnight in the corrected timestamps from the flag if statements
  if(length(marketOpenNumeric) != nrow(obsPerDay)){
    if(length(marketOpenNumeric) < nrow(obsPerDay)){ ## Here we add entries
      marketOpenNumeric <- rep(marketOpenNumeric, nrow(obsPerDay))[1:nrow(obsPerDay)]
      marketCloseNumeric <- rep(marketCloseNumeric, nrow(obsPerDay))[1:nrow(obsPerDay)]
    } else { ## This shouldn't be possible but we check so we can make an error
      stop("unknown error occured in exchangeHoursOnly")
  # Subset observations that does not fall between their respective market opening and market closing times.
  data <- data[between(DT, rep(marketOpenNumeric, obsPerDay[[2]]), rep(marketCloseNumeric, obsPerDay[[2]])), nm, with = FALSE]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(data[, -c("DT")]), order.by = data$DT, tzone = tzone(data$DT)))
  } else {

# #' Get price column(s) from a timeseries
# #' @description Will attempt to locate price column(s) from a time series with rational defaults.
# #' 
# #' @param x A data object with columns containing data to be extracted
# #' @param symbol text string containing the symbol to extract
# #' @param prefer preference for any particular type of price, see Details
# #' 
# #' @details  May be subset by symbol and preference.
# #'  \code{prefer} Preference will be for any commonly used financial time series price description,
# #'  e.g. 'trade', 'close', 'bid', 'ask' with specific tests and matching for types and column names
# #'  currently supported in R, but a default grep match will be performed if one of the supported types doesn't match.
# #'
# #' The functionality was taken from the quantmod-package
# getPrice <- function (x, symbol = NULL, prefer = NULL) {
#   # first subset on symbol, if present
#   if (!is.null(symbol)) {
#     loc <- grep(symbol, colnames(x))
#     if (!identical(loc, integer(0))) {
#       x <- x[, loc]
#     } else {
#       stop(paste("Subscript out of bounds: no column name containing ",symbol,"."))
#     }
#   }
#   if (is.null(prefer)) {
#     # default to trying Price, then Trade, then Close
#     if(has.Price(x)) prefer = 'price'
#     else if(has.Trade(x)) prefer = 'trade'
#     else if(has.Cl(x))    prefer = 'close'
#     else stop("Subscript out of bounds, no price was discernible from the data.")
#   }else {
#     loc <- NULL
#     switch(prefer,
#            Op =, open =, Open = { loc <- has.Op(x,which=TRUE) },
#            Hi =, high =, High = { loc <- has.Hi(x,which=TRUE) },
#            Lo =, low =, Low = { loc <- has.Lo(x,which=TRUE) },
#            Cl =, close =, Close = { loc <- has.Cl(x,which=TRUE) },
#            Bid =, bid = { loc <- has.Bid(x,which=TRUE) },
#            Ask =, ask =, Offer =, offer = { loc <- has.Ask(x,which=TRUE) },
#            Mid =, mid =, Midpoint =, midpoint = { loc <- has.Mid(x,which=TRUE) },
#            Trade =, trade = { loc <- has.Trade(x,which=TRUE) },
#            Price =, price = { loc <- has.Price(x,which=TRUE) },
#            {loc <- grep(prefer,colnames(x))}
#     )
#     if (!identical(loc, integer(0))) {
#       return(x[, loc])
#     } else {
#       stop("Subscript out of bounds, no price was discernible from the data.")
#     }
#   }
# }

#' Compute log returns
#' @description Convenience function to calculate log-returns, also used extensively internally.
#' Accepts \code{xts} and \code{matrix}-like objects. If you use this with a \code{data.table} object, remember to not pass the \code{DT} column.
#' \deqn{
#' \mbox{log return}_t =  (\log(\mbox{PRICE}_{t})-\log(\mbox{PRICE}_{t-1})).
#' }
#' @param ts a possibly multivariate matrix-like object containing prices in levels. If \code{ts} is an \code{xts} object, we return an \code{xts} object. Other types will result in a \code{matrix}
#' @return Depending on input, either a \code{matrix} or an \code{xts} object containing the log returns.
#' @details Note: the first (row of) observation(s) is set to zero.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, and Emil Sjoerup
#' @importFrom xts xts 
#' @importFrom zoo index
#' @export
makeReturns <- function(ts) {
  inputWasXts <- is.xts(ts)
  l <- NROW(ts) # allows for numeric()s
  D <- NCOL(ts) # allows for numeric()s
  col_names <- colnames(ts)
  x <- log(matrix(as.numeric(ts), nrow = l))
  x[(2:l), ] <- x[(2:l), ] - x[(1:(l - 1)), ]
  x[1, ] <- rep(0, D)
    x <- xts(x, order.by = index(ts))
  colnames(x) <- col_names

#' Match trade and quote data
#' @description Match the trades and quotes of the input data. All trades are retained and the latest bids and offers are retained,
#'  while 'old' quotes are discarded.
#' @param tData \code{data.table} or xts-object containing the trade data possibly with multiple symbols and over multiple days possible
#' @param qData \code{data.table} or xts-object containing the quote data possibly with multiple symbols and over multiple days possible
#' @param lagQuotes numeric, number of seconds the quotes are registered faster than
#' the trades (should be round and positive). Default is 0. For older datasets, i.e. before 2010, it may be a good idea to set this to e.g. 2. See Vergote (2005)
#' @param BFM a logical determining whether to conduct 'Backwards - Forwards matching' of trades and quotes.
#' The algorithm tries to match trades that fall outside the bid - ask and first tries to match a small window forwards and if this fails, it tries to match backwards in a bigger window.
#' The small window is a tolerance for inaccuracies in the timestamps of bids and asks. The backwards window allow for matching of late reported trades. I.e. block trades.
#' @param backwardsWindow a numeric denoting the length of the backwards window used when \code{BFM = TRUE}. Default is 3600, corresponding to one hour.
#' @param forwardsWindow a numeric denoting the length of the forwards window used when \code{BFM = TRUE}. Default is 0.5, corresponding to one half second.
#' @param plot a logical denoting whether to visualize the forwards, backwards, and unmatched trades in a plot.
#' @param ... used internally. Don't set this parameter
#' @return Depending on the input data type, we return either a \code{data.table} or an \code{xts} object containing the matched trade and quote data.
#' When using the BFM algorithm, a report of the matched and unmatched trades are also returned (This is omitted when we call this function from the \code{\link{tradesCleanupUsingQuotes}} function).
#' @references
#' Vergote, O. (2005). How to match trades and quotes for NYSE stocks? K.U.Leuven working paper.
#' Christensen, K., Oomen, R. C. A., Podolskij, M. (2014): Fact or Friction: Jumps at ultra high frequency. \emph{Journal of Financial Economics}, 144, 576-599
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords data manipulation
#' @examples 
#' # Multi-day input allowed
#' tqData <- matchTradesQuotes(sampleTData, sampleQData)
#' # Show output
#' tqData
#' @importFrom xts tzone<- tzone
#' @export
matchTradesQuotes <- function(tData, qData, lagQuotes = 0, BFM = FALSE, backwardsWindow = 3600, forwardsWindow = 0.5, plot = FALSE, ...) {
  tData <- checkColumnNames(tData)
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  if (any(class(tData) != class(qData))) {
    stop("tData and qData should be of the same data type, either xts or data.table.")
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(tData)) {
    if (is.xts(tData)) {
      tData <- as.data.table(tData)
      tData <- setnames(tData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      for (col in names(tData)[-1]) {
        set(tData, j = col, value = as.character(tData[[col]]))
      tData[, PRICE := as.numeric(PRICE)]
      qData <- as.data.table(qData)
      qData <- setnames(qData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      for (col in names(qData)[-1]) {
        set(qData, j = col, value = as.character(qData[[col]]))
      qData[, `:=`(OFR = as.numeric(OFR), BID = as.numeric(BID))]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(tData)) ) {
      stop("tData neeeds DT column.")
  if(format(qData$DT[1], format = "%Z") != format(tData$DT[1], format = "%Z")){
    stop("timezone of the trade data is not the same as the timezone of the quote data")
  tz <- format(tData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  setnames(qData, old = "EX", new = "QUOTEEX", skip_absent = TRUE)
  if(!BFM){ ## We DONT conduct a backwards- forwards matching search
    # qData <- copy(qData[c(TRUE, diff(BID)|diff(OFR))])[, DT := as.numeric(DT, tz = tz)]
    qData[, DT := as.numeric(DT, tz = tz)]
    qData[, DATE := floor(DT / 86400)]
    qData[, FIRST_DT := min(DT), by = "DATE"]
    # Make the adjustments to the quote timestamps.
    qData <- qData[, DT := fifelse(DT == FIRST_DT, DT, DT + lagQuotes)][,-c("FIRST_DT", "DATE")]
    qData[, DT := as.POSIXct(DT, tz = tz, origin = "1970-01-01")]
    setkey(tData, SYMBOL, DT)
    setkey(qData, SYMBOL, DT)
    tqData <- qData[tData, roll = TRUE, on = c("SYMBOL", "DT"), ]
    tqData[, DT := as.POSIXct(DT, tz = tz, origin = "1970-01-01")]
    if (inputWasXts) {
      return(xts(as.matrix(tqData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = tqData$DT, tzone = tz))
    } else {
  } else {
    opt <- list(onlyTQ = FALSE)
    options <- list(...)
    opt[names(options)] <- options
    onlyTQ <- opt$onlyTQ
    qData[, DT := as.numeric(DT, tz = tz)][, DATE := floor(DT / 86400)]
    qData[, DT := fifelse(DT == min(DT), DT, DT + lagQuotes)]
    tData[, DT := as.numeric(DT, tz = tz)][, DATE := floor(DT / 86400)]
    out <- list()
    i <- 1
    for (date in unique(qData$DATE)) {
      for (symbol in unique(qData$SYMBOL)) {
          out[[i]] <- BFMalgorithm(tData[DATE == date & SYMBOL == symbol, ], qData[DATE == date & SYMBOL == symbol, ], backwardsWindow = backwardsWindow, forwardsWindow = forwardsWindow, plot = plot, tz = tz)$tqData
        } else {
          out[[i]] <- BFMalgorithm(tData[DATE == date & SYMBOL == symbol, ], qData[DATE == date & SYMBOL == symbol, ], backwardsWindow = backwardsWindow, forwardsWindow = forwardsWindow, plot = plot, tz = tz)
        i <- i + 1
    out <- rbindlist(out)
    setkey(out, "DT")
    if (inputWasXts) {
      return(xts(as.matrix(out[, -c("DT")]), order.by = out$DT, tzone = tz))
    } else {


#' Merge multiple quote entries with the same time stamp
#' @description Merge quote entries that have the same time stamp to a single one and returns an \code{xts} or a \code{data.table} object
#'  with unique time stamps only.
#' @param qData an \code{xts} object or \code{data.table} containing the time series data, with 
#' at least two columns named \code{BID} and \code{OFR} indicating the bid and ask price 
#' as well as two columns \code{BIDSIZ}, \code{OFRSIZ} indicating the number of round lots available at these 
#' prices. For \code{data.table} an additional column \code{DT} is necessary that stores the date/time information.
#' @param selection indicates how the bid and ask price for a certain time stamp
#' should be calculated in case of multiple observation for a certain time
#' stamp. By default, \code{selection = "median"}, and the median price is taken. Alternatively:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{selection = "max.volume"}: use the (bid/ask) price of the entry with
#' largest (bid/ask) volume.
#' \item \code{selection = "weighted.average"}: take the weighted average of all bid (ask) prices,
#' weighted by "BIDSIZ" ("OFRSIZ").
#' }
#' @return Depending on the input data type, we return either a \code{data.table} or an \code{xts} object containing the quote data which has been cleaned.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords cleaning 
#' @export
mergeQuotesSameTimestamp <- function(qData, selection = "median") {
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  condition <- selection == "median" | selection == "max.volume" | selection == "weighted.average"
  if (!condition) {
    stop(paste("Selection has to be \"median\", \"max.volume\" or \"weighted.average\" "))
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(qData)) {
    if (is.xts(qData)) {
      qData <- as.data.table(qData)
      qData <- setnames(qData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      for (col in names(qData)[-1]) {
        set(qData, j = col, value = as.character(qData[[col]]))
      qData[, `:=` (BID = as.numeric(BID), OFR = as.numeric(OFR), BIDSIZ = as.numeric(BIDSIZ), OFRSIZ = as.numeric(OFRSIZ))]      
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(qData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column (date-time).")
  # qData <- sampleQDataRaw
  # qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  # keep summed size columns
  keepCols <- colnames(qData)[!(colnames(qData) %in% c("DT", "SYMBOL","BID", "OFR","BIDSIZ", "OFRSIZ"))]
  keptData <- qData[, lapply(.SD, last), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][, keepCols, with = FALSE]
  if (selection == "median") {
    qData <- qData[, list(BID = median(BID), OFR = median(OFR), OFRSIZ = sum(OFRSIZ), BIDSIZ = sum(BIDSIZ)), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)]
  if (selection == "max.volume") {
    qData_size <- qData[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = list(DT, SYMBOL), .SDcols = c("BIDSIZ", "OFRSIZ")]
    qData <- qData[, MAXBID := max(BIDSIZ), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][, MAXOFR := max(OFRSIZ), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][
      , BIDSIZ := fifelse(BIDSIZ == MAXBID, 1, 0)][
      , OFRSIZ := fifelse(OFRSIZ == MAXOFR, 1, 0)][
      , BID := BID * BIDSIZ][
      , OFR := OFR * OFRSIZ][
      , BID := max(BID), by = list(DT,SYMBOL)][, OFR := max(OFR), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][, -c("MAXBID", "MAXOFR", "BIDSIZ", "OFRSIZ")][
      , lapply(.SD, unique), by = list(DT, SYMBOL), .SDcols = c("BID", "OFR")]
    qData <- merge(qData, qData_size, by = c("DT", "SYMBOL"))
  if (selection == "weighted.average") {
    qData_size <- qData[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = list(DT, SYMBOL), .SDcols = c("BIDSIZ", "OFRSIZ")]
    qData[, `:=`(BIDSIZ = as.numeric(BIDSIZ), OFRSIZ = as.numeric(OFRSIZ))]
    qData <- qData[, `:=` (BIDSIZ = BIDSIZ / sum(BIDSIZ), OFRSIZ = OFRSIZ / sum(OFRSIZ)), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][
      , `:=` (BID = sum(BID * BIDSIZ), OFR = sum(OFR * OFRSIZ)), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][
        , -c("BIDSIZ", "OFRSIZ")][
        , lapply(.SD, unique), by = list(DT, SYMBOL), .SDcols = c("BID", "OFR")]
    qData <- merge(qData, qData_size, by = c("DT", "SYMBOL"))
  qData <- cbind(qData, keptData)
  setkey(qData, DT, SYMBOL)
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(qData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = qData$DT))
  } else {

#' Merge multiple transactions with the same time stamp
#' @description Merge trade entries that have the same time stamp to a single one and returns an \code{xts} or a \code{data.table} object
#'  with unique time stamps only.
#' @param tData an \code{xts} object containing the time series data, with 
#' one column named \code{PRICE} indicating the transaction price 
#' and one column \code{SIZE} indicating the number of shares traded.
#' @param selection indicates how the price for a certain time stamp
#' should be calculated in case of multiple observation for a certain time
#' stamp. By default, \code{selection = "median"}, and the median price is taken. Alternatively:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{selection = "max.volume"}: use the price of the transaction with
#' largest volume.
#' \item \code{selection = "weighted.average"}: take the weighted average of all prices.
#' }
#' @note previously this function returned the mean of the size of the merged trades (pre version 0.7 and when not using max.volume as the criterion), now it returns the sum.
#' @return \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object depending on input.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
mergeTradesSameTimestamp <- function(tData, selection = "median") {
  tData <- checkColumnNames(tData)
  if (!any(colnames(tData) == "SIZE")) {
    stop("The argument tData should have a column SIZE indicating the number of shares traded. Could not find that column.")
  condition <- selection == "median" | selection == "max.volume" | selection == "weighted.average"
  if (!condition) {
    stop(paste("Selection has to be \"median\", \"max.volume\" or \"weighted.average\" "))
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(tData)) {
    if (is.xts(tData)) {
      tData <- setnames(as.data.table(tData)[, SIZE := as.numeric(as.character(SIZE))][, PRICE := as.numeric(as.character(PRICE))], 
                        old = "index", new = "DT")
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(tData))) {
      tData <- tData[, SIZE := as.numeric(as.character(SIZE))][, PRICE := as.numeric(as.character(PRICE))]
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column (date-time ).")
  keepCols <- colnames(tData)[!(colnames(tData) %in% c("DT", "SYMBOL", "PRICE", "SIZE"))]
  if (selection == "median") {
    keptData <- tData[, lapply(.SD, last), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][, keepCols, with = FALSE]
    tData <- tData[, list(PRICE = median(PRICE), NUMTRADES = .N, SIZE = sum(SIZE)), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)]
    tData <- cbind(tData, keptData)
  if (selection == "max.volume") {
    keptData <- tData[, lapply(.SD, last), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][, keepCols, with = FALSE]
    tData[, SIZE := as.numeric(as.character(SIZE))]
    tData <- tData[, `:=` (MAXSIZE = max(SIZE), NUMTRADES = .N), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)]
    tData[, SIZE := fifelse(SIZE == MAXSIZE, 1, 0)]
    tData[, PRICE := PRICE * SIZE]
    tData[, PRICE := max(PRICE), by = "DT"]
    tData[, SIZE := MAXSIZE]
    tData <- tData[, -c("MAXSIZE")][, lapply(.SD, last), by = list(DT, SYMBOL), .SDcols = c("PRICE", "SIZE", "NUMTRADES")]
    tData <- cbind(tData, keptData)
  if (selection == "weighted.average") {
    keptData <- tData[, lapply(.SD, last), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][, keepCols, with = FALSE]
    tData[, SIZE := as.numeric(as.character(SIZE))]
    tData <- tData[, `:=` (SIZE_WEIGHT = SIZE / sum(SIZE), NUMTRADES = .N), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)]
    tData[, `:=` (PRICE = sum(PRICE * SIZE_WEIGHT)), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)]
    tData <- tData[, SIZE := sum(SIZE), by = list(DT, SYMBOL)][, lapply(.SD, last), by = list(DT, SYMBOL), .SDcols = c("PRICE", "SIZE", "NUMTRADES")]
    tData <- cbind(tData, keptData)
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(tData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = tData$DT))
  } else {

#' Delete the observations where the price is zero
#' @description Function deletes the observations where the price is zero.
#' @param tData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object at least containing a column \code{PRICE}. 
#' @return an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object depending on input.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen and Kris Boudt.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
noZeroPrices <- function(tData) {
  tData <- checkColumnNames(tData)
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(tData)) {
    if (is.xts(tData)) {
      tData <- setnames(as.data.table(tData)[, PRICE := as.numeric(as.character(PRICE))], old = "index", new = "DT")
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(tData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
  tData <- tData[PRICE != 0]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(tData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = tData$DT))
  } else {

#' Delete the observations where the bid or ask is zero
#' @description Function deletes the observations where the bid or ask is zero.
#' @param qData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object at least containing the columns \code{BID} and \code{OFR}.
#' @return \code{xts} object or \code{data.table} depending on type of input.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen and Kris Boudt.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
noZeroQuotes <- function(qData) {
  BID <- OFR <- DT <- NULL
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(qData)) {
    if (is.xts(qData)) {
      qData <- setnames(as.data.table(qData)[, BID := as.numeric(as.character(BID))][, OFR := as.numeric(as.character(OFR))], old = "index", new = "DT")
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(qData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
  qData <- qData[BID != 0 & OFR != 0]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(qData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = qData$DT))
  } else {

#' Cleans quote data
#' @description This is a wrapper function for cleaning the quote data in the entire folder \code{dataSource}. 
#' The result is saved in the folder \code{dataDestination}. 
#' In case you supply the argument \code{qDataRaw}, the on-disk functionality is ignored
#' and the function returns the cleaned quotes as \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object (see examples).
#' The following cleaning functions are performed sequentially:
#' \code{\link{noZeroQuotes}}, \code{\link{exchangeHoursOnly}}, \code{\link{autoSelectExchangeQuotes}} or \code{\link{selectExchange}}, \code{\link{rmNegativeSpread}}, \code{\link{rmLargeSpread}}
#' \code{\link{mergeQuotesSameTimestamp}}, \code{\link{rmOutliersQuotes}}.
#' @param dataSource character indicating the folder in which the original data is stored.
#' @param dataDestination character indicating the folder in which the cleaned data is stored.
#' @param exchanges vector of stock exchange symbols for all data in dataSource, 
#' e.g. \code{exchanges = c("T","N")} retrieves all stock market data from both NYSE and NASDAQ.
#' The possible exchange symbols are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A: AMEX
#' \item N: NYSE
#' \item B: Boston
#' \item P: Arca
#' \item C: NSX
#' \item T/Q: NASDAQ
#' \item D: NASD ADF and TRF
#' \item X: Philadelphia
#' \item I: ISE
#' \item M: Chicago
#' \item W: CBOE
#' \item Z: BATS
#' }. The default value is \code{"auto"} which automatically selects the exchange for the stocks and days independently using the \code{\link{autoSelectExchangeQuotes}}
#' @param qDataRaw \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing raw quote data, possibly for multiple symbols over multiple days. This argument is \code{NULL} by default. 
#' Enabling it means the arguments \code{dataSource} and \code{dataDestination} will be ignored. (only advisable for small chunks of data)
#' @param report boolean and \code{TRUE} by default. In case it is true and we don't use the on-disk functionality, the function returns (also) a vector indicating how many quotes were deleted by each cleaning step.
#' @param selection argument to be passed on to the cleaning routine \code{\link{mergeQuotesSameTimestamp}}. The default is \code{"median"}.
#' @param maxi spreads which are greater than median spreads of the day times \code{maxi} are excluded.
#' @param window argument to be passed on to the cleaning routine \code{\link{rmOutliersQuotes}}. 
#' @param type argument to be passed on to the cleaning routine \code{\link{rmOutliersQuotes}}.
#' @param rmoutliersmaxi argument to be passed on to the cleaning routine \code{\link{rmOutliersQuotes}}.
#' @param marketOpen passed to \code{\link{exchangeHoursOnly}}. A character in the format of \code{"HH:MM:SS"},
#' specifying the starting hour, minute and second of an exchange.
#' @param marketClose passed to \code{\link{exchangeHoursOnly}}. A character in the format of \code{"HH:MM:SS"},
#' specifying the closing hour, minute and second of an exchange.
#' @param printExchange Argument passed to \code{\link{autoSelectExchangeQuotes}} indicates whether the chosen exchange is printed on the console, 
#' default is \code{TRUE}. This is only used when \code{exchanges} is \code{"auto"}
#' @param saveAsXTS indicates whether data should be saved in \code{xts} format instead of \code{data.table} when using on-disk functionality. \code{FALSE} by default, which means we save as \code{data.table}.
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. With the non-disk functionality, we attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}. 
#' In the on-disk functionality, if \code{tz} is not specified, the timezone used will be the system default.
#' @return The function converts every (compressed) csv (or rds) file in \code{dataSource} into multiple \code{xts} or \code{data.table} files.
#' In \code{dataDestination}, there will be one folder for each symbol containing .rds files with cleaned data stored either in \code{data.table} or \code{xts} format.
#' In case you supply the argument \code{qDataRaw}, the on-disk functionality is ignored
#' and the function returns a list with the cleaned quotes as an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object depending on input (see examples).
#' @references
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E., Hansen, P. R., Lunde, A., and Shephard, N. (2009). Realized kernels in practice: Trades and quotes. Econometrics Journal 12, C1-C32.
#' Brownlees, C.T. and Gallo, G.M. (2006). Financial econometric analysis at ultra-high frequency: Data handling concerns. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 51, pages 2232-2245.
#' Falkenberry, T.N. (2002). High frequency data filtering. Unpublished technical report.
#' @details 
#' Using the on-disk functionality with .csv.zip files which is the standard from the WRDS database
#' will write temporary files on your machine - we try to clean up after it, but cannot guarantee that 
#' there won't be files that slip through the crack if the permission settings on your machine does not match 
#' ours.
#' If the input \code{data.table} does not contain a \code{DT} column but it does contain \code{DATE} and \code{TIME_M} columns, we create the \code{DT} column by REFERENCE, altering the \code{data.table} that may be in the user's environment!
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples
#' # Consider you have raw quote data for 1 stock for 2 days
#' head(sampleQDataRaw)
#' dim(sampleQDataRaw)
#' qDataAfterCleaning <- quotesCleanup(qDataRaw = sampleQDataRaw, exchanges = "N")
#' qDataAfterCleaning$report
#' dim(qDataAfterCleaning$qData)
#' # In case you have more data it is advised to use the on-disk functionality
#' # via "dataSource" and "dataDestination" arguments
#' @importFrom data.table fread setnames `%chin%`
#' @importFrom utils unzip
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
quotesCleanup <- function(dataSource = NULL, dataDestination = NULL, exchanges = "auto", qDataRaw = NULL, report = TRUE, 
                          selection = "median", maxi = 50, window = 50, type = "standard", marketOpen = "09:30:00", 
                          marketClose = "16:00:00", rmoutliersmaxi = 10, printExchange = TRUE, saveAsXTS = FALSE, tz = NULL) {

  if (is.null(qDataRaw)) {
    quotesfiles <- list.files(dataSource, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)[grepl("quotes", list.files(dataSource, recursive = TRUE))]
    for (ii in quotesfiles) {
      extension <- strsplit(ii, "\\.")[[1]]
      extension <- extension[length(extension)]
      if(extension == "zip") {
        tmp <- tempdir()
        unzip(ii, exdir = tmp)
        files <- list.files(tmp, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv")
        if(length(files) >= 1){
          readdata <- try(rbindlist(lapply(files, fread)), silent = TRUE)
        # Try to Cleanup - we don't force it though!
        unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE)
      } else if(extension %in% c("csv", "gz", "gzip", "bz2")){
        readdata <- try(fread(ii), silent = TRUE)
      } else if(extension %in% c("rds")){
        readdata <- try(readRDS(ii))
      } else {
        readdata <- try(fread(ii), silent = TRUE)
      if(inherits(readdata, "try-error")){
        stop(paste("Error encountered while opening data, error message is:",readdata))
      if(is.null(tz)) tz <- "UTC"
      if(colnames(readdata)[1] == "index"){ # The data was saved from an xts object
        readdata <- try(readdata[, DT := as.POSIXct(index, tz = tz, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS")])
      } else if ("DT" %in% colnames(readdata)){
        readdata <- try(readdata[, DT := as.POSIXct(DT, tz = tz, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS")])
      } else {
        readdata <- try(copy(readdata)[,`:=`(DT = as.POSIXct(paste(DATE, TIME_M), tz = tz, format = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%OS"),
                                      DATE = NULL, TIME_M = NULL)], silent = TRUE)
      if(inherits(readdata, "try-error")){
        stop(paste("Error encountered while creating a DT column, error message is:",readdata))
      qData <- try(quotesCleanup(qDataRaw = readdata,
                                 selection = selection,
                                 exchanges = exchanges,
                                 maxi = maxi,
                                 window = window,
                                 type = type,
                                 rmoutliersmaxi = rmoutliersmaxi, tz = tz))$qData
      qData <- qData[, DATE := as.Date(DT, tz = tz)]
      qData <- split(qData, by = "DATE")
      try(dir.create(paste0(dataDestination, "/", strsplit(ii, "/")[[1]][1]), recursive = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
      for (jj in qData) {
        if (saveAsXTS) {
          df_result <- xts(as.matrix(jj[, -c("DT", "DATE")]), order.by = jj$DT)
        } else {
          df_result <- jj[, -c( "DATE")]
        saveRDS(df_result, paste0(dataDestination, "/", strsplit(ii, "/")[[1]][1], "/", unique(as.Date(jj$DT, tz = tz)), ".rds"))
        # saveRDS(df_result, paste0(dataDestination, "/", strsplit(ii, "/")[[1]][1], "/", strsplit(strsplit(ii, "/")[[1]][2], ".zip")[1], ".rds"))
  if (!is.null(qDataRaw)) {
    qDataRaw <- checkColumnNames(qDataRaw)
    nm <- toupper(colnames(qDataRaw))
    if(!"DT" %in% nm && c("DATE", "TIME_M") %in% nm){
      if(is.null(tz)) tz <- "UTC"
      qDataRaw[, `:=`(DT = as.POSIXct(paste(DATE, TIME_M), tz = tz, format = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%OS"),
                      DATE = NULL, TIME_M = NULL)]
    if("SYM_SUFFIX" %in% nm){
      qDataRaw[, `:=`(SYMBOL = fifelse(SYM_SUFFIX == "" | is.na(SYM_SUFFIX), yes = SYMBOL, no = paste0(SYMBOL, "_", SYM_SUFFIX)), SYM_SUFFIX = NULL)]
    inputWasXts <- FALSE
    if (!is.data.table(qDataRaw)) {
      if (is.xts(qDataRaw)) {
        qDataRaw <- as.data.table(qDataRaw)
        qDataRaw[, `:=`(BID = as.numeric(as.character(BID)), OFR = as.numeric(as.character(OFR)), 
                     BIDSIZ = as.numeric(as.character(BIDSIZ)), OFRSIZ = as.numeric(as.character(OFRSIZ)),
                     SYMBOL = as.character(SYMBOL), EX = as.character(EX))]
        setnames(qDataRaw, old = "index", new = "DT")
        inputWasXts <- TRUE
      } else {
        stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
    } else {
      if (!("DT" %in% colnames(qDataRaw))) {
        stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
    timeZone <- format(qDataRaw$DT[1], format = "%Z")
    if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
        tz <- "UTC"
      if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(qDataRaw$DT))){
        qDataRaw[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
    } else {
      tz <- timeZone
    REPORT <- c(initialObservations = 0,
                removedFromZeroQuotes = 0, 
                removedOutsideExchangeHours = 0,
                removedFromSelectingExchange = 0,
                removedFromNegativeSpread = 0,
                removedFromLargeSpread = 0,
                removedFromMergeTimestamp = 0,
                removedOutliers = 0,
                finalObservations = 0)
    nm <- toupper(colnames(qDataRaw))
    setkey(qDataRaw, DT, SYMBOL)
    REPORT[1] <- dim(qDataRaw)[1] 
    qDataRaw <- qDataRaw[BID != 0 & OFR != 0]
    REPORT[2] <- dim(qDataRaw)[1] 
    qDataRaw <- exchangeHoursOnly(qDataRaw, marketOpen = marketOpen, marketClose = marketClose, tz = tz)
    REPORT[3] <- dim(qDataRaw)[1] 
    if("EX" %in% nm){
      if(all(exchanges != "auto")){
        qDataRaw <- qDataRaw[EX %chin% exchanges]
      } else if (exchanges == "auto"){
        qDataRaw <- qDataRaw[, autoSelectExchangeQuotes(.SD, printExchange = printExchange), .SDcols = nm,by = list(SYMBOL, DATE = as.Date(DT, tz = tz))][, nm, with = FALSE]
    REPORT[4] <- dim(qDataRaw)[1]
    qDataRaw <- qDataRaw[OFR>BID, list(DT, SPREAD = OFR - BID,  SPREAD_MEDIAN = median(OFR-BID), OFR, BID, BIDSIZ, OFRSIZ,EX),by = list(DATE = as.Date(DT, tz = tz), SYMBOL)]
    REPORT[5] <- dim(qDataRaw)[1] 
    qDataRaw <- qDataRaw[SPREAD < (SPREAD_MEDIAN * maxi)][, -c("SPREAD","SPREAD_MEDIAN")]
    REPORT[6] <- dim(qDataRaw)[1]
    qDataRaw <- mergeQuotesSameTimestamp(qData = qDataRaw, selection = selection)
    REPORT[7] <- dim(qDataRaw)[1]
    qDataRaw <- rmOutliersQuotes(qDataRaw, window = window, type = type, maxi = rmoutliersmaxi, tz = tz)
    REPORT[8] <- dim(qDataRaw)[1]
    if (inputWasXts) {
      df_result <- xts(as.matrix(qDataRaw[, -c("DT",  "DATE")]), order.by = qDataRaw$DT)
    } else {
      df_result <- qDataRaw[, -c( "DATE")]
    if (report) {
      return(list(qData = df_result, report = c(REPORT[1], -diff(REPORT))))
    } else {

#' Delete entries for which the spread is more than \code{maxi} times the median spread
#' @description Function deletes entries for which the spread is more than \code{"maxi"} times the median
#' spread on that day.
#' @param qData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object at least containing the columns \code{"BID"} and \code{"OFR"}.
#' @param maxi an integer. By default \code{maxi = "50"}, which means that entries are deleted 
#' if the spread is more than 50 times the median spread on that day.
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. With the non-disk functionality, we attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}. 
#' In the on-disk functionality, if tz is not specified, the timezone used will be the system default.
#' @return \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object depending on input.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
rmLargeSpread <- function(qData, maxi = 50, tz = NULL) {
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(qData)) {
    if (is.xts(qData)) {
      qData <- setnames(as.data.table(qData)[, BID := as.numeric(as.character(BID))][, OFR := as.numeric(as.character(OFR))], old = "index", new = "DT")
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  timeZone <- format(qData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(qData$DT))){
      qData[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  qData <- qData[, DATE := as.Date(DT, tz = tz)][
    , SPREAD := OFR - BID][
    , SPREAD_MEDIAN := median(SPREAD), by = "DATE"][SPREAD < (SPREAD_MEDIAN * maxi)]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(qData[, -c("DT", "DATE", "SPREAD", "SPREAD_MEDIAN")]), order.by = qData$DT))
  } else {
    return(qData[, -c("DATE", "SPREAD", "SPREAD_MEDIAN")][])

#' Delete entries for which the spread is negative
#' @description Function deletes entries for which the spread is negative.
#' @param qData an \code{xts} object at least containing the columns "BID" and "OFR".
#' @return \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt and Onno Kleen
#' @examples 
#' rmNegativeSpread(sampleQDataRaw)
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
rmNegativeSpread <- function(qData) {
  BID <- OFR <- DATE <- DT <- NULL
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(qData)) {
    if (is.xts(qData)) {
      qData <- setnames(as.data.table(qData), old = "index", new = "DT")
      qData[, BID := as.numeric(as.character(BID))]
      qData[, OFR := as.numeric(as.character(OFR))]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  qData <- qData[OFR > BID]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(qData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = qData$DT))
  } else {

#' Delete transactions with unlikely transaction prices
#' @description Function deletes entries with prices that are above the ask plus the bid-ask spread.
#' Similar for entries with prices below the bid minus the bid-ask spread.
#' @param tData a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing the time series data, with at least the column \code{"PRICE"}, containing the transaction price.
#' @param qData a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing the time series data with at least the columns \code{"BID"} and \code{"OFR"}, containing the bid and ask prices.
#' @param lagQuotes numeric, number of seconds the quotes are registered faster than
#' the trades (should be round and positive). Default is 0. For older datasets, i.e. before 2010, it may be a good idea to set this to e.g. 2. See Vergote (2005)
#' @param nSpreads numeric of length 1 denotes how far above the offer and below bid we allow outliers to be. Trades are filtered out if they are MORE THAN nSpread * spread above (below) the offer (bid)
#' @param BFM a logical determining whether to conduct 'Backwards - Forwards matching' of trades and quotes.
#' The algorithm tries to match trades that fall outside the bid - ask and first tries to match a small window forwards and if this fails, it tries to match backwards in a bigger window.
#' The small window is a tolerance for inaccuracies in the timestamps of bids and asks. The backwards window allow for matching of late reported trades, i.e. block trades.
#' @param backwardsWindow a numeric denoting the length of the backwards window. Default is 3600, corresponding to one hour.
#' @param forwardsWindow a numeric denoting the length of the forwards window. Default is 0.5, corresponding to one half second.
#' @param plot a logical denoting whether to visualize the forwards, backwards, and unmatched trades in a plot.
#' @param ... used internally
#' @details Note: in order to work correctly, the input data of this function should be
#' cleaned trade (tData) and quote (qData) data respectively.
#' In older high frequency datasets the trades frequently lag the quotes. In newer datasets this tends to happen 
#' only during extreme market activity when exchange networks are at maximum capacity.
#' @return \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object depending on input.
#' @references  
#' Vergote, O. (2005). How to match trades and quotes for NYSE stocks? K.U.Leuven working paper.
#' Christensen, K., Oomen, R. C. A., Podolskij, M. (2014): Fact or Friction: Jumps at ultra high frequency. \emph{Journal of Financial Economics}, 144, 576-599
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @importFrom data.table setkey set
#' @export
rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes <- function(tData, qData, lagQuotes = 0, nSpreads = 1,  BFM = FALSE, backwardsWindow = 3600, forwardsWindow = 0.5, plot = FALSE, ...) {
  if(length(lagQuotes) != 1){
    lagQuotes <- lagQuotes[1]
  if(length(nSpreads) != 1){
    nSpreads <- nSpreads[1]
    stop("nSpreads must be a numeric value of length 1")
  tData <- checkColumnNames(tData)
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  if (any(class(tData) != class(qData))) {
    stop("tData and qData should be of the same data type, either xts or data.table.")
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(tData)) {
    if (is.xts(tData)) {
      tData <- as.data.table(tData)
      setnames(tData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      # Change the columns to character instead of factor, this means we can roll them in the merge.
      for (col in names(tData)[-1]) {
        set(tData, j = col, value = as.character(tData[[col]]))
      tData[, `:=`(PRICE = as.numeric(PRICE), SIZE = as.numeric(SIZE))]
      qData <- as.data.table(qData)
      setnames(qData, old = "index", new = "DT")
      # Change the columns to character instead of factor, this means we can roll them in the merge.
      for (col in names(qData)[-1]) {
        set(qData, j = col, value = as.character(qData[[col]]))
      qData[, `:=`(BID = as.numeric(BID), OFR = as.numeric(OFR))]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(tData))) {
      stop("tData neeeds DT column.")
  tqData <- matchTradesQuotes(tData, qData, lagQuotes = lagQuotes, BFM = BFM, backwardsWindow = backwardsWindow, forwardsWindow = forwardsWindow, plot = plot, ... = ...)
    tData <- tqData[, SPREAD := OFR - BID][PRICE <= OFR + nSpreads * SPREAD & PRICE >= BID - nSpreads * SPREAD]
    if (inputWasXts) {
      return(xts(as.matrix(tData[, -c("DT", "SPREAD")]), order.by = tData$DT))
    } else {
      return(tData[, -c("SPREAD")][])
  } else {

#' Remove outliers in quotes
#' @description 
#' Delete entries for which the mid-quote is outlying with respect to surrounding entries.
#' @param qData a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object at least containing the columns \code{"BID"} and \code{"OFR"}.
#' @param maxi an integer, indicating the maximum number of median absolute deviations allowed.
#' @param window an integer, indicating the time window for which the "outlyingness" is considered.
#' @param type should be \code{"standard"} or \code{"advanced"} (see details).
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. 
#' With the non-disk functionality, we attempt to extract the timezone from the \code{DT} column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}. 
#' @return \code{xts} object or \code{data.table} depending on type of input.
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item If \code{type = "standard"}: Function deletes entries for which the mid-quote deviated by more than "maxi"
#' median absolute deviations from a rolling centered median (excluding
#' the observation under consideration) of window observations.
#' \item If \code{type = "advanced"}:  Function deletes entries for which the mid-quote deviates by more than "maxi"
#' median absolute deviations from the value closest to the mid-quote of
#' these three options:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item Rolling centered median (excluding the observation under consideration)
#'  \item Rolling median of the following window of observations
#'  \item Rolling median of the previous window of observations
#' }
#' The advantage of this procedure compared to the "standard" proposed
#' by Barndorff-Nielsen et al. (2010) is that it will not incorrectly remove
#' large price jumps. Therefore this procedure has been set as the default
#' for removing outliers. 
#' Note that the median absolute deviation is taken over the entire
#' day. In case it is zero (which can happen if mid-quotes don't change much), 
#' the median absolute deviation is taken over a subsample without constant mid-quotes.
#' }
#' @references Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E., P. R. Hansen, A. Lunde, and N. Shephard (2009). Realized kernels in practice: Trades and quotes. \emph{Econometrics Journal}, 12, C1-C32.
#' Brownlees, C.T., and Gallo, G.M. (2006). Financial econometric analysis at ultra-high frequency: Data handling concerns. \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, 51, 2232-2245.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen and Kris Boudt.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @importFrom stats mad median
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table is.data.table setnames
#' @importFrom xts is.xts as.xts
#' @export
rmOutliersQuotes <- function (qData, maxi = 10, window = 50, type = "standard", tz = NULL) {
  # NOTE: Median Absolute deviation chosen contrary to Barndorff-Nielsen et al.
  # Setting those variables equal NULL is for suppressing NOTES in devtools::check
  # References inside data.table-operations throw "no visible binding for global variable ..." error
  if ((window %% 2) != 0) {
    stop("Window size can't be odd.")
  qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(qData)) {
    if (is.xts(qData)) {
      qData <- as.data.table(qData)
      setnames(qData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      # Change the columns to character instead of factor, this means we can roll them in the merge.
      for (col in names(qData)[-1]) {
        set(qData, j = col, value = as.character(qData[[col]]))
      qData[, `:=`(BID = as.numeric(BID), OFR = as.numeric(OFR))]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(qData))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
  timeZone <- format(qData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(qData$DT))){
      qData[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  if (!(type %in% c("standard", "advanced"))) {
    stop("type has to be \"standard\" or \"advanced\".")
  # weights_med_center_incl <- rep(1, times = window + 1)
  weights_med_center_excl <- c(rep(1, times = window / 2), 0, rep(1, times = window / 2))
  weights_med_follow  <- c(0 , rep(1, times = window))
  weights_med_trail    <- c(rep(1, times = window), 0)
  qData <- qData[, `:=`(MIDQUOTE = (BID + OFR) / 2,  DATE = as.Date(DT, tz = tz))][, MADALL := mad(MIDQUOTE), by = list(DATE,SYMBOL)]
  if (type == "standard") {
    qData <- qData[ , CRITERION := abs(MIDQUOTE - rollingMedianInclEnds(MIDQUOTE, window = window, weights = weights_med_center_excl)), by = list(DATE,SYMBOL)][
      CRITERION < maxi * MADALL]
  if (type == "advanced") {
    qData <- qData[, CRITERION := pmin(abs(MIDQUOTE - rollingMedianInclEnds(MIDQUOTE, window = window, weights = weights_med_center_excl, direction = "center")),
                                       abs(MIDQUOTE - rollingMedianInclEnds(MIDQUOTE, window = window, weights = weights_med_trail, direction = "left")),
                                       abs(MIDQUOTE - rollingMedianInclEnds(MIDQUOTE, window = window, weights = weights_med_follow, direction = "right")),
                                       na.rm = TRUE), by = list(DATE,SYMBOL)][
                                         CRITERION < maxi * MADALL]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(qData[, -c("DT", "DATE", "MADALL", "CRITERION", "MIDQUOTE")]), order.by = qData$DT))
  } else {
    return(qData[, -c("MADALL", "CRITERION")][])

#' \link{salesCondition} is deprecated. Use \link{tradesCondition} instead.
#' @description \link{salesCondition} is deprecated. Use \link{tradesCondition} instead.
#' @param tData \link{salesCondition} is deprecated. Use \link{tradesCondition} instead.
#' @param validConds \link{salesCondition} is deprecated. Use \link{tradesCondition} instead.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
salesCondition <- function(tData, validConds = c('', '@', 'E', '@E', 'F', 'FI', '@F', '@FI', 'I', '@I')) {
  tradesCondition(tData = tData, validConds = validConds)

#' Delete entries with abnormal trades condition.
#' @description Delete entries with abnormal trades condition
#' @param tData an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing the time series data, with 
#' one column named \code{"COND"} indicating the Sale Condition.
#' @param validConds a character vector containing valid sales conditions defaults to \cr
#' \code{c('', '@', 'E', '@E', 'F', 'FI', '@F', '@FI', 'I', '@I')}. See details.
#' @details To get more information on the sales conditions, see the NYSE documentation. Section about Daily TAQ Trades File.
#' The current version (as of May 2020) can be found online at \href{https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/data/Daily_TAQ_Client_Spec_v3.3.pdf}{NYSE's webpage}
#' @note Some CSV readers and the WRDS API parses empty strings as NAs. We transform \code{NA} values in COND to \code{""}.
#' @return \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object depending on input.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
tradesCondition <- function(tData, validConds = c('', '@', 'E', '@E', 'F', 'FI', '@F', '@FI', 'I', '@I')) {
  tData <- checkColumnNames(tData)
  if (!any(colnames(tData) == "COND")) {
    stop("The argument tData should have a column containing sales conditions named COND. Could not find that column.")
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(tData)) {
    if (is.xts(tData)) {
      tData <- setnames(as.data.table(tData), old = "index", new = "DT")
      tData[, COND := as.character(COND)]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  tData[is.na(COND), COND := ""]
  # setnafill(tData, type = "const", fill = "", cols = "COND") ## For when characters become supported :)
  tData <- tData[gsub("\\s", "", COND) %in% validConds]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(tData), order.by = tData$DT))
  } else {

#' Retain only data from a single stock exchange
#' @description Filter raw trade data to only contain specified exchanges
#' @param data an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing the time series data. 
#' The object should have a column "EX", indicating the exchange by its symbol.
#' @param exch The (vector of) symbol(s) of the stock exchange(s) that should be selected.
#' By default the NYSE is chosen (\code{exch = "N"}). Other exchange symbols are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A: AMEX
#' \item N: NYSE
#' \item B: Boston
#' \item P: Arca
#' \item C: NSX
#' \item T/Q: NASDAQ
#' \item D: NASD ADF and TRF
#' \item X: Philadelphia
#' \item I: ISE
#' \item M: Chicago
#' \item W: CBOE
#' \item Z: BATS
#' }
#' @return \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object depending on input.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @importFrom data.table %chin%
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
selectExchange <- function(data, exch = "N") { 
  EX  <- NULL
  data <- checkColumnNames(data)
  # checkqData(data)
  if (!is.data.table(data)) {
    if (is.xts(data)) {
      filteredts <- data[is.element(data$EX , exch)]
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(data))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
    return(data[EX %chin% exch])

#' Cleans trade data
#' @description This is a wrapper function for cleaning the trade data of all stock data inside the folder dataSource. 
#' The result is saved in the folder dataDestination. 
#' In case you supply the argument \code{rawtData}, the on-disk functionality is ignored. The function returns a vector
#' indicating how many trades were removed at each cleaning step in this case.
#' and the function returns an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object.
#' The following cleaning functions are performed sequentially:
#' \code{\link{noZeroPrices}}, \code{\link{autoSelectExchangeTrades}} or \code{\link{selectExchange}}, \code{\link{tradesCondition}}, and
#' \code{\link{mergeTradesSameTimestamp}}.
#' Since the function \code{\link{rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes}}
#' also requires cleaned quote data as input, it is not incorporated here and
#' there is a separate wrapper called \code{\link{tradesCleanupUsingQuotes}}.
#' @param dataSource character indicating the folder in which the original data is stored.
#' @param dataDestination character indicating the folder in which the cleaned data is stored.
#' @param exchanges vector of stock exchange symbols for all data in \code{dataSource}, 
#' e.g. \code{exchanges = c("T","N")} retrieves all stock market data from both NYSE and NASDAQ.
#' The possible exchange symbols are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item A: AMEX
#' \item N: NYSE
#' \item B: Boston
#' \item P: Arca
#' \item C: NSX
#' \item T/Q: NASDAQ
#' \item D: NASD ADF and TRF
#' \item X: Philadelphia
#' \item I: ISE
#' \item M: Chicago
#' \item W: CBOE
#' \item Z: BATS
#' } The default value is \code{"auto"} which automatically selects the exchange for the stocks and days independently using the \code{\link{autoSelectExchangeTrades}}
#' @param tDataRaw \code{xts} object containing raw trade data. This argument is \code{NULL} by default. Enabling it means the arguments
#' \code{from}, \code{to}, \code{dataSource} and \code{dataDestination} will be ignored (only advisable for small chunks of data).
#' @param report boolean and \code{TRUE} by default. In case it is true the function returns (also) a vector indicating how many trades remained after each cleaning step.
#' @param selection argument to be passed on to the cleaning routine \code{\link{mergeTradesSameTimestamp}}. The default is "median".
#' @param validConds character vector containing valid sales conditions. Passed through to \code{\link{tradesCondition}}.
#' @param marketOpen character in the format of \code{"HH:MM:SS"},
#' specifying the opening time of the exchange(s).
#' @param marketClose character in the format of \code{"HH:MM:SS"},
#' specifying the closing time of the exchange(s).
#' @param printExchange Argument passed to \code{\link{autoSelectExchangeTrades}} indicates whether the chosen exchange is printed on the console, 
#' default is TRUE. This is only used when \code{exchanges} is \code{"auto"}
#' @param saveAsXTS indicates whether data should be saved in \code{xts} format instead of \code{data.table} when using on-disk functionality. FALSE by default.
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. 
#' With the non-disk functionality, we attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}. 
#' In the on-disk functionality, if \code{tz} is not specified, the timezone used will be the system default.
#' @return For each day an \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object is saved into the folder of that date, containing the cleaned data.
#' This procedure is performed for each stock in \code{"ticker"}.
#' The function returns a vector indicating how many trades remained after each cleaning step.
#' In case you supply the argument \code{rawtData}, the on-disk functionality is ignored
#' and the function returns a list with the cleaned trades as \code{xts} object (see examples).
#' @details 
#' Using the on-disk functionality with .csv.zip files from the WRDS database
#' will write temporary files on your machine in order to unzip the files - we try to clean up after it,
#' but cannot guarantee that there won't be files that slip through the crack if the permission settings on your machine does not match 
#' ours.
#' If the input \code{data.table} does not contain a DT column but it does contain DATE and TIME_M columns, we create the DT column by REFERENCE, altering the \code{data.table} that may be in the user's environment.
#' @examples 
#' # Consider you have raw trade data for 1 stock for 2 days 
#' head(sampleTDataRaw)
#' dim(sampleTDataRaw)
#' tDataAfterFirstCleaning <- tradesCleanup(tDataRaw = sampleTDataRaw, 
#'                                          exchanges = list("N"))
#' tDataAfterFirstCleaning$report
#' dim(tDataAfterFirstCleaning$tData)
#' # In case you have more data it is advised to use the on-disk functionality
#' # via "dataSource" and "dataDestination" arguments
#' @references
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E., Hansen, P. R., Lunde, A., and Shephard, N. (2009). Realized kernels in practice: Trades and quotes. \emph{Econometrics Journal}, 12, C1-C32.
#' Brownlees, C.T. and Gallo, G.M. (2006). Financial econometric analysis at ultra-high frequency: Data handling concerns. \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, 51, 2232-2245.
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup
#' @importFrom data.table fread %chin%
#' @importFrom utils unzip
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
tradesCleanup <- function(dataSource = NULL, dataDestination = NULL, exchanges = "auto", tDataRaw = NULL, report = TRUE, selection = "median",
                          validConds = c('', '@', 'E', '@E', 'F', 'FI', '@F', '@FI', 'I', '@I'), marketOpen = "09:30:00", 
                          marketClose = "16:00:00", printExchange = TRUE, saveAsXTS = FALSE, tz = NULL) {
  if (is.null(tDataRaw)) {

    tradesfiles <- list.files(dataSource, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)[grepl("trades", list.files(dataSource, recursive = TRUE))]
    for (ii in tradesfiles) {
      extension <- strsplit(ii, "\\.")[[1]]
      extension <- extension[length(extension)]
      if(extension == "zip") {
        tmp <- tempdir()
        unzip(ii, exdir = tmp)
        files <- list.files(tmp, full.names = TRUE, pattern = "csv")
        if(length(files) >= 1){
          readdata <- try(rbindlist(lapply(files, fread, tz = tz)), silent = TRUE)
        # Try to Cleanup - we don't force it though!
        unlink(tmp, recursive = TRUE)
      } else if(extension %in% c("csv", "gz", "gzip", "bz2")){
        readdata <- try(fread(ii, tz = tz), silent = TRUE)
      } else if(extension %in% c("rds")){
        readdata <- try(readRDS(ii))
      } else {
        readdata <- try(fread(ii, tz = tz), silent = TRUE)
      if(inherits(readdata, "try-error")){
        stop(paste("Error encountered while opening data, error message is:",readdata))
      if(is.null(tz)) tz <- "UTC"
      if(colnames(readdata)[1] == "index"){ # The data was saved from an xts object
        readdata <- try(readdata[, DT := as.POSIXct(index, tz = tz, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS")])
      } else if ("DT" %in% colnames(readdata)){
        readdata <- try(readdata[, DT := as.POSIXct(DT, tz = tz, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS")])
      } else {
        readdata <- try(readdata[, `:=`(DT = as.POSIXct(paste(DATE, TIME_M), tz = tz, format = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%OS"),
                                      DATE = NULL, TIME_M = NULL)], silent = TRUE)
      if(inherits(readdata, "try-error")){
        stop(paste("Error encountered while creating a DT column, error message is:",readdata))
      tData <- try(tradesCleanup(tDataRaw = readdata,
                                 selection = selection,
                                 exchanges = exchanges,
                                 validConds = validConds, tz = tz))$tData
      tData <- tData[, DATE := as.Date(DT, tz = tz)]
      tData <- split(tData, by = "DATE")
      try(dir.create(paste0(dataDestination, "/", strsplit(ii, "/")[[1]][1]), recursive = TRUE), silent = TRUE)
      for (jj in tData) {
        if (saveAsXTS) {
          df_result <- xts(as.matrix(jj[, -c("DT", "DATE")]), order.by = jj$DT)
        } else {
          df_result <- jj[, -c( "DATE")]
        saveRDS(df_result, paste0(dataDestination, "/", strsplit(ii, "/")[[1]][1], "/", unique(as.Date(jj$DT, tz = tz)), ".rds"))
        # saveRDS(df_result, paste0(dataDestination, "/", strsplit(ii, "/")[[1]][1], "/", strsplit(strsplit(ii, "/")[[1]][2], ".zip")[1], ".rds"))
  if (!is.null(tDataRaw)) {
    tDataRaw <- checkColumnNames(tDataRaw)
    nm <- toupper(colnames(tDataRaw))
    if(!"DT" %in% nm && c("DATE", "TIME_M") %in% nm){
      if(is.null(tz)) tz <- "UTC"
      tDataRaw[, `:=`(DT = as.POSIXct(paste(DATE, TIME_M), tz = tz, format = "%Y%m%d %H:%M:%OS"),
                      DATE = NULL, TIME_M = NULL)]
    if("SYM_SUFFIX" %in% nm){
      tDataRaw[, `:=`(SYMBOL = fifelse(SYM_SUFFIX == "" | is.na(SYM_SUFFIX), yes = SYMBOL, no = paste0(SYMBOL, "_", SYM_SUFFIX)), SYM_SUFFIX = NULL)]
    inputWasXts <- FALSE
    if (!is.data.table(tDataRaw)) {
      if (is.xts(tDataRaw)) {
        tDataRaw <- as.data.table(tDataRaw)
        for (col in names(tDataRaw)[-1]) {
          set(tDataRaw, j = col, value = as.character(tDataRaw[[col]]))
        tDataRaw[, `:=`(PRICE = as.numeric(PRICE), SIZE = as.numeric(SIZE))]
        setnames(tDataRaw , old = "index", new = "DT")
        inputWasXts <- TRUE
      } else {
        stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
    } else {
      if (!("DT" %in% colnames(tDataRaw))) {
        stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
    timeZone <- format(tDataRaw$DT[1], format = "%Z")
    if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
        tz <- "UTC"
      if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(tDataRaw$DT))){
        tDataRaw[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
    } else {
      tz <- timeZone
    REPORT <- c(initialObservations = 0,
                removedFromZeroTrades = 0,
                removedOutsideExchangeHours = 0,
                removedFromSelectingExchange = 0,
                removedFromCorrections = 0,
                removedFromSalesCondition = 0,
                removedFromMergeTimestamp = 0,
                finalObservations = 0)
    nm <- toupper(colnames(tDataRaw))
    REPORT[1] <- dim(tDataRaw)[1]
    tDataRaw <- tDataRaw[PRICE != 0]
    REPORT[2] <- dim(tDataRaw)[1] 
    tDataRaw <- exchangeHoursOnly(tDataRaw, marketOpen = marketOpen, marketClose = marketClose, tz = tz)
    REPORT[3] <- dim(tDataRaw)[1]
    if("EX" %in% nm){
      if(all(exchanges != "auto")){
        tDataRaw <- tDataRaw[EX %chin% exchanges]
      } else if (exchanges == "auto"){
        tDataRaw <- tDataRaw[, autoSelectExchangeTrades(.SD, printExchange = printExchange), .SDcols = nm,by = list(SYMBOL, DATE = as.Date(DT, tz = tz))][, nm, with = FALSE]
    REPORT[4] <- dim(tDataRaw)[1]
    if("CORR" %in% nm){
      tDataRaw <- tDataRaw[CORR == 0]
    REPORT[5] <- dim(tDataRaw)[1]
    if("COND" %in% nm){
      tDataRaw <- tradesCondition(tDataRaw, validConds)
    REPORT[6] <- dim(tDataRaw)[1]
    tDataRaw <- mergeTradesSameTimestamp(tDataRaw, selection = selection)
    REPORT[7] <- dim(tDataRaw)[1]
    if (inputWasXts) {
      df_result <- xts(as.matrix(tDataRaw[, -c("DT")]), order.by = tDataRaw$DT)
    } else {
      df_result <- tDataRaw
    if (report) {
      return(list(tData = df_result, report = c(REPORT[1], -diff(REPORT))))
    } else {

# #' #' @export
# #' tradesCleanupUsingQuotes <- function(from, to, dataSource, dataDestination, ticker, tData = NULL, qData = NULL) {
# #'   
# #'   ## Deprecated
# #'   warning("Please use tradesCleanupUsingQuotes instead of tradesCleanupFinal.") 
# #'   tradesCleanupFinal(from, to, dataSource, dataDestination, ticker, tData = NULL, qData = NULL)
# #' }

#' Perform a final cleaning procedure on trade data
#' @description Function performs cleaning procedure \code{\link{rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes}} 
#' for the trades of all stocks data in "dataDestination". 
#' Note that preferably the input data for this function 
#' is trade and quote data cleaned by respectively e.g. \code{\link{tradesCleanup}}
#' and \code{\link{quotesCleanup}}.
#' @param tradeDataSource character indicating the folder in which the original trade data is stored.
#' @param quoteDataSource character indicating the folder in which the original quote data is stored.
#' @param dataDestination character indicating the folder in which the cleaned data is stored, folder of \code{dataSource} by default.
#' @param tData \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing trade data cleaned by \code{\link{tradesCleanup}}. This argument is \code{NULL} by default. Enabling it, means the arguments
#' \code{from}, \code{to}, \code{dataSource} and \code{dataDestination} will be ignored (only advisable for small chunks of data).
#' @param qData \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object containing cleaned quote data. This argument is NULL by default. Enabling it means the arguments
#' \code{from}, \code{to}, \code{dataSource}, \code{dataDestination} will be ignored (only advisable for small chunks of data).
#' @param lagQuotes numeric, number of seconds the quotes are registered faster than
#' the trades (should be round and positive). Default is 0. For older datasets, i.e. before 2010, it may be a good idea to set this to, e.g., 2 (see, Vergote, 2005).
#' @param nSpreads numeric of length 1 denotes how far above the offer and below bid we allow outliers to be. Trades are filtered out if they are MORE THAN nSpread * spread above (below) the offer (bid)
#' @param BFM a logical determining whether to conduct "Backwards - Forwards matching" of trades and quotes.
#' The algorithm tries to match trades that fall outside the bid - ask and first tries to match a small window forwards and if this fails, it tries to match backwards in a bigger window.
#' The small window is a tolerance for inaccuracies in the timestamps of bids and asks. The backwards window allow for matching of late reported trades, i.e. block trades.
#' @param backwardsWindow a numeric denoting the length of the backwards window used when \code{BFM = TRUE}. Default is 3600, corresponding to one hour.
#' @param forwardsWindow a numeric denoting the length of the forwards window used when \code{BFM = TRUE}. Default is 0.5, corresponding to one half second.
#' @param plot a logical denoting whether to visualize the forwards, backwards, and unmatched trades in a plot. Passed on to \code{\link{rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes}}
#' @return For each day an \code{xts} object is saved into the folder of that date, containing the cleaned data.
#' @details 
#' In case you supply the arguments \code{tData} and \code{qData}, the on-disk functionality is ignored
#' and the function returns cleaned trades as a \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object (see examples).
#' When using the on-disk functionality and tradeDataSource and quoteDataSource are the same, the quote files are all files in the folder that contains 'quote', and the rest are treated as containing trade data.
#' @references
#' Barndorff-Nielsen, O. E., Hansen, P. R., Lunde, A., and Shephard, N. (2009). Realized kernels in practice: Trades and quotes. \emph{Econometrics Journal}, 12, C1-C32.
#' Brownlees, C.T., and Gallo, G.M. (2006). Financial econometric analysis at ultra-high frequency: Data handling concerns. \emph{Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, 51, 2232-2245.
#' Christensen, K., Oomen, R. C. A., Podolskij, M. (2014): Fact or Friction: Jumps at ultra high frequency. \emph{Journal of Financial Economics}, 144, 576-599
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @examples 
#' # Consider you have raw trade data for 1 stock for 2 days 
#' tDataAfterFirstCleaning <- tradesCleanup(tDataRaw = sampleTDataRaw, 
#'                                           exchanges = "N", report = FALSE)
#' qData <- quotesCleanup(qDataRaw = sampleQDataRaw, 
#'                        exchanges = "N", report = FALSE)
#' dim(tDataAfterFirstCleaning)
#' tDataAfterFinalCleaning <- 
#'   tradesCleanupUsingQuotes(qData = qData[as.Date(DT) == "2018-01-02"],
#'                            tData = tDataAfterFirstCleaning[as.Date(DT) == "2018-01-02"])
#' dim(tDataAfterFinalCleaning)
#' # In case you have more data it is advised to use the on-disk functionality
#' # via the "tradeDataSource", "quoteDataSource", and "dataDestination" arguments
#' @keywords cleaning
#' @export
tradesCleanupUsingQuotes <- function(tradeDataSource = NULL, quoteDataSource = NULL, dataDestination = NULL, tData = NULL, qData = NULL, lagQuotes = 0, nSpreads = 1, 
                                     BFM = FALSE, backwardsWindow = 3600, forwardsWindow = 0.5, plot = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(dataDestination) && !is.null(tradeDataSource)) {
    dataDestination <- tradeDataSource
    dataDestination <- path.expand(dataDestination)
  if ((!is.null(tData)) & (!is.null(qData))) {
    #1 cleaning procedure that needs cleaned trades and quotes
    tData <- rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes(tData, qData, lagQuotes = lagQuotes, nSpreads = nSpreads, BFM = BFM, backwardsWindow = backwardsWindow, forwardsWindow = forwardsWindow, plot = plot, onlyTQ = TRUE)
  } else {
    if(tradeDataSource == quoteDataSource){
      tradeFiles <- list.files(tradeDataSource, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
      quoteFiles <- tradeFiles[grepl("quote", tradeFiles)] # quoteFiles is defined as the files with quote in them
      tradeFiles <- tradeFiles[!grepl("quote", tradeFiles)]
    } else {
      tradeFiles <- list.files(tradeDataSource, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
      quoteFiles <- list.files(quoteDataSource, recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
    if(length(quoteFiles) != length(tradeFiles)){
      stop("The number of files in tradeDataSource must be the same as quoteDataSource")
      dir.create(dataDestination, recursive  = TRUE)
    ## Make regular expression to find the tradeDatasource in tradeFiles, so we can create a destination that follows same 
    ## naming conventions for the end files.

    # finalDestinations <- tradeFiles
    # finalDestinations <- sapply(finalDestinations , strsplit, split = .Platform$file.sep)
    # browser()
    # for (i in 1:length(finalDestinations)) {
    #   ## substitute in tradescleanedbyquotes right before the extension.
    #   finalDestinations[[i]][length(finalDestinations[[i]])] <- 
    #     sub("\\.", "tradescleanedbyquotes.", finalDestinations[[i]][length(finalDestinations[[i]])])
    # }
    # finalDestinations <- unlist(lapply(finalDestinations, paste0, collapse = .Platform$file.sep))
    # ## Check if the directories exist
    # if(any(!file.exists(dirname(finalDestinations)))){
    #   sapply(dirname(finalDestinations), dir.create, showWarnings = FALSE)
    # }
    for (i in 1:length(tradeFiles)) {
      tradeFile <- tradeFiles[i]
      quoteFile <- quoteFiles[i]
      tData <- try(readRDS(tradeFile))
      qData <- try(readRDS(quoteFile))
      saveRDS(rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes(tData, qData, lagQuotes = lagQuotes, nSpreads = nSpreads, BFM = BFM,
                                         backwardsWindow = backwardsWindow, forwardsWindow = forwardsWindow, plot = FALSE, onlyTQ = TRUE), 
              file = paste0(dataDestination, "/", gsub(".rds", "tradescleanedbyquotes.rds", basename(tradeFile))))
    # for (tFile in tradeFiles) {
    #   filesforticker <- list.files(paste0(tradeDataSource, "/", tFile, "/"))
    #   for (jj in filesforticker[!grepl("quotes", filesforticker)]) {
    #     tData <- try(readRDS(paste0(dataSource, "/", ii, "/", jj)))
    #     qData <- try(readRDS(paste0(dataSource, "/", ii, "/", substring(jj, 1, 10), "quotes.rds")))
    #     tData <- checkColumnNames(tData)
    #     qData <- checkColumnNames(qData)
    #     saveRDS(rmTradeOutliersUsingQuotes(tData, qData), paste0(dataDestination, "/", ii, "/", substring(jj, 1, 10), "tradescleanedbyquotes.rds"))
    #   }
    # }

#' Synchronize (multiple) irregular timeseries by refresh time
#' @description This function implements the refresh time synchronization scheme proposed by Harris et al. (1995). 
#' It picks the so-called refresh times at which all assets have traded at least once since the last refresh time point. 
#' For example, the first refresh time corresponds to the first time at which all stocks have traded.
#' The subsequent refresh time is defined as the first time when all stocks have traded again.
#' This process is repeated until the end of one time series is reached.
#' @param pData a list. Each list-item contains an \code{xts} or a \code{data.table} object (with first column DT (datetime)) containing the original time series (one day only and typically a price series).
#' @param sort logical determining whether to sort the index based on a criterion (will only sort descending; i.e., most liquid first). Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param criterion character determining which criterion used. Currently supports \code{"squared duration"} and \code{"duration"}. Default is \code{"squared duration"}.
#' @return An \code{xts} or \code{data.table} object containing the synchronized time series - depending on the input.
#' @references Harris, F., T. McInish, Shoesmith, G., and Wood, R. (1995). Cointegration, error correction, and price discovery on informationally linked security markets. \emph{Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis}, 30, 563-581.
#' @examples 
#' # Suppose irregular timepoints:
#' start <- as.POSIXct("2010-01-01 09:30:00")
#' ta <- start + c(1,2,4,5,9)
#' tb <- start + c(1,3,6,7,8,9,10,11)
#' # Yielding the following timeseries:
#' a <- xts::as.xts(1:length(ta), order.by = ta)
#' b <- xts::as.xts(1:length(tb), order.by = tb)
#' # Calculate the synchronized timeseries:
#' refreshTime(list(a,b))
#' @author Jonathan Cornelissen, Kris Boudt, Onno Kleen, and Emil Sjoerup.
#' @keywords data manipulation
#' @importFrom xts xts tzone
#' @importFrom data.table merge.data.table
#' @export
refreshTime <- function (pData, sort = FALSE, criterion = "squared duration") {
    stop("pData must be a list of atleast length one")
  if((!all(as.logical(lapply(pData, is.xts))) & !all(as.logical(lapply(pData, is.data.table))))){
    stop("All the series in pData must be either xts or data.table objects")
  inputWasXts <- is.xts(pData[[1]])
  if(inputWasXts){ ## xts case
    if(any(as.logical(lapply(pData, function(x) ndays(x) > 1)))){
      stop("All the series in pData must contain data for a single day")
  } else { 
    if(any(as.logical(lapply(pData, function(x) length(unique(floor(as.numeric(x$DT)/ 86400))) > 1)))){
      stop("All the series in pData must contain data for a single day")
    if(!all(sapply(pData, function(x) any(colnames(x) == "DT") && ncol(x) == 2))){
      stop("DT must be present in all the data.tables in the input, and they should have two columns")
  if((sort && is.null(names(pData)))){
    stop("When using sort, please provide pData as a named list")
  if (length(pData) < 1) {
    stop("pData should contain at least two time series")
  if( length(pData) == 1){
    tz_ <- tzone(pData[[1]])
      if(criterion == "squared duration"){
        criterion <- function(x) sum(as.numeric(diff(index(x)))^2)
      } else if( criterion == "duration"){
        criterion <- function(x) sum(as.numeric(diff(index(x))))
      } else {
        stop("Criterion must be either 'squared duration' or 'duration'")
      vec <- sort(sapply(pData, criterion), index.return = TRUE)$ix
      nameVec <- names(pData)[vec]
      temp <- pData[[vec[1]]]
      for (i in vec[-1]) {
        temp <- merge(temp, pData[[i]])
    } else {
      nameVec <- names(pData)
      temp <- pData[[1]]
      for (i in 2:length(pData)) {
        temp <- merge(temp, pData[[i]])
    temp <- refreshTimeMatching(coredata(temp), index(temp))
    temp <- xts(temp[[1]], order.by = as.POSIXct(temp[[2]], tz = tz_, origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", tz = tz_)))
    names(temp) <- nameVec # Set names 
  } else {
    DT <- NULL
    timeZone <- format(pData[[1]]$DT[1], format = "%Z")
    if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    } else {
      tz <- timeZone
    if(!all(sapply(pData, function(x) "DT" %in% colnames(x)))){
      stop("DT must be present in all elements of pData")
      if(criterion == "squared duration"){
        criterion <- function(x) sum(diff(as.numeric(x$DT))^2)
      } else if( criterion == "duration"){
        criterion <- function(x) sum(diff(as.numeric(x$DT)))
      } else {
        stop("Criterion must be either 'squared duration' or 'duration'")
      vec <- sort(sapply(pData, criterion), index.return = TRUE)$ix + 1
    } else {
      vec <- 2:(length(pData) + 1)
    names <- names(pData)
    ## Check if all the column names are the same, e.g. all data.tables in the list
    ## has colnames c("DT", "PRICE") then when we merge, we will get a single column
    ## data.table - which we can't have! We just append a character.
    if(length(unique(unlist(lapply(pData, names)))) == 2){ 
      pData <- lapply(pData, copy) #unfortunately we need to copy all the data.tables here
      for (i in 1:length(pData)) {
        setnames(pData[[i]], new = c("DT", paste(names(pData[[i]])[2], i))) 
    # # May not be needed
    # # 
    # for (i in 1:length(pData)) {
    #   pData[[i]][,DT := as.numeric(DT, tz = tz)]
    #   # set(pData[[i]], j = "DT",  value= as.numeric(pData[[i]]$DT, tz = tz))
    #   setkey(pData[[i]], "DT")
    #   # if(flag)  setnames(pData[[i]],  c("DT", paste0(colnames(pData[[i]])[-1] , i)))
    # }
    # # # mergeOverload <- function(x,y) merge.data.table(x, y, all = TRUE, on = "DT")
    # # 
    # # # pData <- Reduce(mergeOverload, pData)
    # # 
    pData <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge.data.table(x, y, all = TRUE, on = "DT"), pData)
    # For if the copying is needed
    # pData <- refreshTimeMatching(as.matrix(pData[,-"DT"]), pData$DT)
    pData <- refreshTimeMatching(as.matrix(pData[,-"DT"]), as.numeric(pData$DT, tz = tz))
    pData <- data.table(pData[[2]], pData[[1]])
      setnames(pData, new = c("DT", paste0("V", 1:(ncol(pData)-1))))
    } else {
      setnames(pData, new =  c("DT", names))
    pData[, DT := as.POSIXct(DT, origin = as.POSIXct("1970-01-01", tz = tz), tz = tz)]
    if(sort) setcolorder(pData, c(1, vec))

#' Business time aggregation
#' Time series aggregation based on `business time` statistics. Instead of equidistant sampling based on time during a trading day, business time sampling creates measures and samples equidistantly using these instead.
#' For example when sampling based on volume, business time aggregation will result in a time series that has an equal amount of volume between each observation (if possible).
#' @param pData \code{xts} or \code{data.table} containing data to aggregate.
#' @param measure character denoting which measure to use. Valid options are \code{"intensity"}, \code{"vol"}, and \code{"volume"}, 
#' denoting the trade intensity process of Oomen (2005), volatility, and volume, respectively. Default is \code{"volume"}.
#' @param obs integer valued numeric of length 1 denoting how many observations is wanted after the aggregation procedure.
#' @param bandwidth numeric of length one, denoting which bandwidth parameter to use in the trade intensity process estimation of Oomen (2005).
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. We attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}.
#' @param ... extra arguments passed on to \code{\link{spotVol}} when measure is \code{"vol"}.
#' @return A list containing \code{"pData"} which is the aggregated data and a list containing the intensity process, split up day by day.
#' @examples
#' pData <- sampleTData[,list(DT, PRICE, SIZE)]
#' # Aggregate based on the trade intensity measure. Getting 390 observations.
#' agged <- businessTimeAggregation(pData, measure = "intensity", obs = 390, bandwidth = 0.075)
#' # Plot the trade intensity measure
#' plot.ts(agged$intensityProcess$`2018-01-02`)
#' rCov(agged$pData[, list(DT, PRICE)], makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rCov(pData[,list(DT, PRICE)], makeReturns = TRUE, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 1)
#' # Aggregate based on the volume measure. Getting 78 observations.
#' agged <- businessTimeAggregation(pData, measure = "volume", obs = 78)
#' rCov(agged$pData[,list(DT, PRICE)], makeReturns = TRUE)
#' rCov(pData[,list(DT, PRICE)], makeReturns = TRUE, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 5)
#' @references 
#' Dong, Y., and Tse, Y. K. (2017). Business time sampling scheme with applications to testing semi-martingale hypothesis and estimating integrated volatility. \emph{Econometrics}, 5, 51.
#' Oomen, R. C. A. (2006). Properties of realized variance under alternative sampling schemes. \emph{Journal of Business & Economic Statistics}, 24, 219-237
#' @importFrom zoo index
#' @importFrom xts is.xts
#' @importFrom data.table copy as.xts.data.table
#' @author Emil Sjoerup.
#' @export
businessTimeAggregation <- function(pData, measure = "volume", obs = 390, bandwidth = 0.075, tz = NULL, ...){
  aggregated <- SIZE <- PRICE <- DT <- intensityProcess <- NULL
  if(length(measure) > 1){
    measures <- measure[1]
  if(! (measure %in% c("intensity", "vol", "volume"))){
    stop("measure not a valid choice, valid choices are: \"intensity\", \"vol\", and \"volume\"")
  inputWasXTS <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(pData)) {
    if (is.xts(pData)) {
      pData <- setnames(as.data.table(pData), old = "index", new = "DT")
      pData[, `:=` (PRICE = as.numeric(PRICE), SIZE = as.numeric(SIZE))]
      inputWasXTS <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(pData))) {
      stop("Data.table needs DT column containing the time-stamps of the trades.")
  timeZone <- format(pData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(pData$DT))){
      pData[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  dates <- as.character(unique(as.Date(pData[,DT], tz = tz)))
  pDataBackcup <- copy(pData)
  ITP <- list() # Container for trade intensity process.
  for (date in dates) {
    pData <- pDataBackcup[as.Date(DT, tz = tz) == date,]
    if(measure == "intensity"){
      time <- as.numeric(pData[, DT], tz = tz)
      bandwidth = bandwidth[1]
      intensityProcess <- as.numeric(tradeIntensityProcessCpp(time, bandwidth))
      intensityProcess <- intensityProcess / sum(intensityProcess) * obs
      idx <- which(diff(floor(cumsum(intensityProcess))) >= 1)
      pData <- pData[idx,]
      if(length(idx) < obs){
        warning(paste("The measure mandated sampling the same point twice, at least once, returning series that is smaller than obs on", date, "\n"))
    if(measure == "vol"){
      dat <- as.xts.data.table(pData[, list(DT, PRICE)])
      intensityProcess <- spotVol(data = dat, ...)$spot
      intensityProcess <- intensityProcess/sum(intensityProcess) * obs
      idx <- which(diff(floor(cumsum(intensityProcess))) >= 1)
      pData <- pData[DT %in% index(intensityProcess)[idx],]
      if(length(idx) < obs){
        warning(paste("The measure mandated sampling the same point twice, at least once, returning series that is smaller than obs on", date, "\n"))
    if(measure == "volume"){
      if(!"SIZE" %in% colnames(pData)){
        stop("SIZE must be present in pData in order to aggregate based on volume.")
      intensityProcess <- as.numeric(pData$SIZE)
      intensityProcess <- intensityProcess/sum(intensityProcess) * obs
      GRP <- cumsum(diff(floor(cumsum(intensityProcess))))
      pData[, GRP := c(ifelse(intensityProcess[1] > 1, -1, GRP[1]), GRP)]
      pData <- pData[, list(DT = last(DT), PRICE = last(PRICE), SIZE = sum(SIZE)), by = GRP][,!"GRP"]

      if(NROW(pData) < obs){
        warning(paste("The measure mandated sampling the same point twice, at least once, returning series that is smaller than obs on", date, "\n"))
    ITP[[date]] <- intensityProcess
    aggregated <- rbind(aggregated, pData)
    aggregated <- xts(aggregated[, -"DT"], order.by = aggregated[, DT])
  res <- list()
  res[["pData"]] <- aggregated
  res[["intensityProcess"]] <- ITP

#' Make Open-High-Low-Close-Volume bars
#' This function makes OHLC-V bars at arbitrary intervals. If the SIZE column is not present in the input, no volume column is created.
#' @param pData \code{data.table} or \code{xts} object to make the bars out of, 
#' containing the intraday price series of possibly multiple stocks for possibly multiple days.
#' @param alignBy character, indicating the time scale in which \code{alignPeriod} is expressed. 
#' Possible values are: \code{"secs"}, \code{"seconds"}, \code{"mins"}, \code{"minutes"}, \code{"hours"}, and \code{"ticks"}.
#' To aggregate based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param alignPeriod positive numeric, indicating the number of periods to aggregate over. For example, to aggregate
#' based on a 5 minute frequency, set \code{alignPeriod} to 5 and \code{alignBy} to \code{"minutes"}.
#' @param tz fallback time zone used in case we we are unable to identify the timezone of the data, by default: \code{tz = NULL}. 
#' With the non-disk functionality, we attempt to extract the timezone from the DT column (or index) of the data, which may fail. 
#' In case of failure we use \code{tz} if specified, and if it is not specified, we use \code{"UTC"}. 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' minuteBars <- makeOHLCV(sampleTDataEurope, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 1)
#' # We can use the quantmod package's chartSeries function to plot the ohlcv data
#' quantmod::chartSeries(minuteBars)
#' minuteBars <- makeOHLCV(sampleTDataEurope[,], alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 1)
#' # Again we plot the series with chartSeries
#' quantmod::chartSeries(minuteBars)
#' # We can also handle data across multiple days.
#' fiveMinuteBars <- makeOHLCV(sampleTData)
#' # Again we plot the series with chartSeries
#' quantmod::chartSeries(fiveMinuteBars)
#' # We can use arbitrary alignPeriod, here we choose pi
#' bars <- makeOHLCV(sampleTDataEurope, alignBy = "seconds", alignPeriod = pi)
#' # Again we plot the series with chartSeries
#' quantmod::chartSeries(bars)
#' }
#' @author Emil Sjoerup
#' @export
makeOHLCV <- function(pData, alignBy = "minutes", alignPeriod = 5, tz = NULL){
  SYMBOL <- .SD <-  DATE <- SIZE <- DT <-  PRICE <- NULL
  pData <- checkColumnNames(pData)
  if (!is.xts(pData) & !is.data.table(pData)) {
    stop("The argument pData should be a data.table or xts object.")
  alignPeriod <- alignPeriod[1]
  if (alignBy == "milliseconds") {
    alignBy <- "secs"
    alignPeriod <- alignPeriod / 1000
  if(alignBy == "secs" | alignBy == "seconds"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod
  if(alignBy == "mins" | alignBy == "minutes"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60
  if(alignBy == "hours"){
    scaleFactor <- alignPeriod * 60 * 60
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(pData)) {
    if (is.xts(pData)) {
      pData <- as.data.table(pData)
      pData <- setnames(pData , old = "index", new = "DT")
      for (col in names(pData)[-1]) {
        set(pData, j = col, value = as.character(pData[[col]]))
      pData[, `:=` (SIZE = as.numeric(SIZE), PRICE = as.numeric(PRICE))]
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (any(!(c("DT","SYMBOL") %in% colnames(pData)))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT (date-time) and SYMBOL columns.")
    pData <- pData[, list(DT, PRICE, SIZE, SYMBOL)]
  timeZone <- format(pData$DT[1], format = "%Z")
  if(is.null(timeZone) || timeZone == ""){
      tz <- "UTC"
    if(!("POSIXct" %in% class(pData$DT))) pData[, DT := as.POSIXct(format(DT, digits = 20, nsmall = 20), tz = tz)]
  } else {
    tz <- timeZone
  setkey(pData, SYMBOL, DT)
  nm <- toupper(colnames(pData))
  nm <- nm[nm != "SYMBOL"]
  pData <- pData[, lapply(.SD, nafill, type = "locf"), .SDcols = nm, by = list(SYMBOL = SYMBOL, DATE = as.Date(DT, tz = tz))]
  pData <- pData[, lapply(.SD, nafill, type = "nocb"), .SDcols = nm, by = list(SYMBOL = SYMBOL, DATE = DATE)]
  pData[, DT := DT + (scaleFactor - as.numeric(DT, tz = tz) %% scaleFactor)]
  if(!("SIZE" %in% colnames(pData))){
    pData <- pData[, list(OPEN = first(PRICE), HIGH = max(PRICE), LOW = min(PRICE), CLOSE = last(PRICE)), by = list(SYMBOL, DT)]
  } else{
    pData <- pData[, list(OPEN = first(PRICE), HIGH = max(PRICE), LOW = min(PRICE), CLOSE = last(PRICE), VOLUME = sum(SIZE)), by = list(DT,SYMBOL)]
  if (inputWasXts) {
    return(xts(as.matrix(pData[, -c("DT")]), order.by = pData$DT, tzone = tz))
  } else {

#' use \code{\link{spreadPrices}}
#' @param data DEPRECATED
#' @export
makeRMFormat <- function(data){
  .Deprecated(new = "makeRMFormat has been renamed to spreadPrices")

#' Convert to format for realized measures
#' Convenience function to split data from one \code{xts} or \code{data.table} 
#' with at least \code{"DT"}, \code{"SYMBOL"}, and \code{"PRICE"} columns to a format 
#' that can be used in the functions for calculation of realized measures. 
#' This is the opposite of \code{\link{gatherPrices}}.
#' @param data An \code{xts} or a \code{data.table} object with at least \code{"DT"}, 
#' \code{"SYMBOL"}, and \code{"PRICE"} columns. This data should already be cleaned.
#' @return An \code{xts} or a \code{data.table} object with columns \code{"DT"} and 
#' a column named after each unique entrance in the \code{"SYMBOL"} column of the input. 
#' These columns contain the price of the associated symbol. We drop all other columns, e.g. \code{SIZE}. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(data.table)
#' data1 <- copy(sampleTData)[,  `:=`(PRICE = PRICE * runif(.N, min = 0.99, max = 1.01),
#'                                                DT = DT + runif(.N, 0.01, 0.02))]
#' data2 <- copy(sampleTData)[, SYMBOL := 'XYZ']
#' dat <- rbind(data1, data2)
#' setkey(dat, "DT")
#' dat <- spreadPrices(dat)
#' rCov(dat, alignBy = 'minutes', alignPeriod = 5, makeReturns = TRUE, cor = TRUE) 
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{gatherPrices}}
#' @author Emil Sjoerup.
#' @importFrom data.table merge.data.table setkey
#' @importFrom xts is.xts
#' @export
spreadPrices <- function(data){
  if(any(!(c("SYMBOL", "PRICE") %in% colnames(data)))){
    stop(paste("Could not find column(s)", 
               paste(c("SYMBOL", "PRICE")[!(c("SYMBOL", "PRICE") %in% colnames(data))], collapse = ", ")), 
         "in data, these columns must be present")
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(data)) {
    if (is.xts(data)) {
      data <- as.data.table(data)
      data <- setnames(data , old = "index", new = "DT")
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(data))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
  splitted <- split(data[,list(DT, PRICE, SYMBOL)], by = 'SYMBOL')
  collected <- Reduce(function(x,y) merge.data.table(x,y, by = "DT", all = TRUE), lapply(splitted, function(x){
    name <- as.character(x[1, SYMBOL])
    x <- x[, list(DT,PRICE)]
    setnames(x, old = "PRICE", new = name)
  if (inputWasXts) {
    collected <- as.xts(collected)
    storage.mode(collected) <- 'numeric'
  } else {
    setkey(collected, "DT")

#' Make TAQ format
#' Convenience function to gather data from one \code{xts} or \code{data.table} 
#' with at least \code{"DT"}, and d columns containing price data to a \code{"DT"}, \code{"SYMBOL"}, and \code{"PRICE"}
#' column. This function the opposite of \code{\link{spreadPrices}}.
#' @param data An \code{xts} or a \code{data.table} object with at least \code{"DT"} and d columns with price data with their names corresponding to the respective symbols.
#' @return a \code{data.table} with columns \code{DT}, \code{SYMBOL}, and \code{PRICE}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(data.table)
#' data1 <- copy(sampleTData)[,  `:=`(PRICE = PRICE * runif(.N, min = 0.99, max = 1.01),
#'                                                DT = DT + runif(.N, 0.01, 0.02))]
#' data2 <- copy(sampleTData)[, SYMBOL := 'XYZ']
#' dat1 <- rbind(data1[, list(DT, SYMBOL, PRICE)], data2[, list(DT, SYMBOL, PRICE)])
#' setkeyv(dat1, c("DT", "SYMBOL"))
#' dat1
#' dat <- spreadPrices(dat1) # Easy to use for realized measures
#' dat
#' dat <- gatherPrices(dat)
#' dat
#' all.equal(dat1, dat) # We have changed to RM format and back.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{spreadPrices}}
#' @author Emil Sjoerup
#' @importFrom data.table melt
#' @export
gatherPrices <- function(data){
  inputWasXts <- FALSE
  if (!is.data.table(data)) {
    if (is.xts(data)) {
      data <- as.data.table(data)
      data <- setnames(data , old = "index", new = "DT")
      inputWasXts <- TRUE
    } else {
      stop("Input has to be data.table or xts.")
  } else {
    if (!("DT" %in% colnames(data))) {
      stop("Data.table neeeds DT column.")
  data <- melt(data, 1, na.rm = TRUE, variable.factor = FALSE)
  setnames(data, old = c("variable", "value"), new = c("SYMBOL", "PRICE"))
  if (inputWasXts) {
    data <- as.xts(data)
    storage.mode(data) <- 'numeric'
  } else {
    setkeyv(data, c("DT", "SYMBOL"))
jonathancornelissen/highfrequency documentation built on Jan. 10, 2023, 7:29 p.m.