
Defines functions grabclean

Documented in grabclean

#'@name grabclean
#'@title Cleaning grab data
#'@description if column names do not match up make sure there is only one "date" column
#'@param yearmon numeric survey date in yyyymm format
#'@param tofile logical save output to file
#'@param fdir character file path to local data directory
#'@details If streaming data does not exist for a particular data/time pull averages for the previous minute (if data exists).
#'@examples \dontrun{
#'res <- grabclean(yearmon = 201402, tofile = FALSE)
#'res <- grabclean(yearmon = 200808, tofile = FALSE)
#'res <- grabclean(yearmon = 201212, tofile = FALSE)
#'res <- grabclean(yearmon = 201007, tofile = FALSE)
#'res <- grabclean(yearmon = 201004, tofile = FALSE)
grabclean <- function(yearmon, tofile = FALSE, fdir = getOption("fdir")){
  formatcolnames <- function(sumpath){
    datacol <- NA
    nmsfull <- NA
    startread <- 1
    endread <- 23
  nms1 <- read.csv(sumpath, sep = ",", skip = 2, header = F, stringsAsFactors = T, na.strings = "", strip.white = T)[1, startread:endread]
  nms1 <- apply(nms1, 2, as.character)
  while(nms1[length(nms1)] != "PP"){
    endread <- endread - 1
    nms1 <- read.csv(sumpath, sep = ",", skip = 2, header = F, stringsAsFactors = T, na.strings = "", strip.white = T)[1, startread:endread]
    nms1 <- apply(nms1, 2, as.character)
  datacol <- startread:endread
  startread <- endread + 1
  endread <- startread + 8
  nms2 <- read.csv(sumpath, sep = ",", skip = 3, header = F, stringsAsFactors = T, na.strings = "",strip.white = T)
  nms2 <- nms2[1,startread:endread]
  nms2 <- apply(nms2,2,as.character)
  while(nms2[length(nms2)] != "SRP(uM)"){
    endread <- endread - 1
    nms2 <- read.csv(sumpath, sep = ",", skip = 3, header = F, stringsAsFactors = T, na.strings = "", strip.white = T)
    nms2 <- nms2[1, startread:endread]
    nms2 <- apply(nms2, 2, as.character)
  while(gsub(" ", "", nms2[1]) != "N+N(uM)"){
    nms2 <- nms2[-1]
    startread <- startread + 1
  datacol <- append(datacol, (startread:endread))
  startread <- endread + 1
  endread   <- startread + 9
  nms3 <- read.csv(sumpath, sep = ",", skip = 2, header = F, stringsAsFactors = T, na.strings = "", strip.white = T)
  nms3 <- nms3[1, startread:endread]
  nms3 <- apply(nms3, 2, as.character)
  while(nms3[length(nms3)] != "TDKN"){
    endread <- endread - 1
    nms3 <- read.csv(sumpath, sep = ",", skip = 2, header = F, stringsAsFactors = T, na.strings = "", strip.white = T)
    nms3 <- nms3[1, startread:endread]
    nms3 <- apply(nms3, 2, as.character)
    nms3 <- nms3[-1]
    startread <- startread + 1
  while(is.na(nms3[1]) | nms3[1] != "TP"){
    nms3 <- nms3[-1]
    startread <- startread + 1
  datacol <- append(datacol, (startread:endread))
  startread <- endread + 1
  nms4 <- read.csv(sumpath, sep = ",", skip = 1, header = F, stringsAsFactors = T, na.strings = "", strip.white = T)
  if(ncol(nms4) > endread){#is there C6 data?
    nms4 <- nms4[1, startread:ncol(nms4)]
    nms4 <- apply(nms4, 2, as.character)
    nms.full <- c(nms1, nms2, nms3, nms4)
    datacol <- append(datacol, (startread:(startread + length(nms4) - 1)))
    nms.full <- c(nms1, nms2, nms3)
    nms.full <- c(nms.full, rep(NA, (77 - length(nms.full))))#need to fix this
  nms.full <- tolower(nms.full)
  nms.full <- gsub(" ",   "", nms.full)
  nms.full <- gsub("\\(", "", nms.full)
  nms.full <- gsub(")",   "", nms.full)
  if(length(which(is.na(nms.full))) > 0){
    datacol <- datacol[-which(is.na(nms.full))]
    nms.full <- nms.full[!is.na(nms.full)]
  list(nms.full, datacol)
  cleangrabdata <- function(sumpath, nsmfull, datacol){
    grabdata <- read.csv(sumpath, sep = ",", skip = 5, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = "", strip.white = TRUE)
    grabdata <- grabdata[!is.na(grabdata[,5]) | !is.na(grabdata[,4]),]#remove trailing blank rows

    grabdata <- grabdata[,datacol]
    names(grabdata) <- nmsfull

    grabdata <- grabdata[,colSums(is.na(grabdata)) < nrow(grabdata)]#remove columns of all NA  
    narows <- as.numeric(which(apply(grabdata, 1, function(x)sum(is.na(x))) > 50))
  if(length(narows) > 0){
    grabdata <- grabdata[-unique(narows),]#remove NA rows
  grabdata <- grabdata[!is.na(grabdata[,"chla"]),]  #eliminate EBs
  grabdata[,4] <- gsub("/", "", grabdata[,4])
  grabdata[,4] <- gsub("-", "", grabdata[,4])
  grabdata <- grabdata[,!is.na(names(grabdata))]
  if(nchar(as.character(grabdata[1,5])) < 5){
    names(grabdata)[4:5] <- c("date", "time")#make sure to match parameter names for stations and dt
    grabdata[,4:5] <- apply(grabdata[,4:5], 2, as.numeric)
    stations <- grabdata[,4:5]
    names(grabdata)[5:6] <- c("date", "time")#make sure to match parameter names for stations and dt
    grabdata[,5:6] <- apply(grabdata[,5:6], 2, as.numeric)
    stations <- grabdata[,5:6]
  stations <- data.frame(apply(stations, 2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))))
  sixchardate <- function(x){
    yr <- sapply(x, function(x) substring(x, nchar(x) - 1, nchar(x)))
    mon <- substring(x, 1, 2)
    if(mean(as.numeric(mon)) > 12){
      mon <- paste("0", substring(x, 1, 1), sep = "")
      day <- sapply(x,function(x) 
        if(substring(x, 2, 3) > 31){
          paste("0", substring(x, 2, 2), sep = "")
          substring(x, 2, 3)
      day <- paste("0", substring(x, 3, 3), sep = "")
    paste(mon, day, yr, sep = "")
  dlen <- mean(nchar(stations$date))
  if(dlen != 6){
    stations$date <- sixchardate(stations$date)
#   dlen<-mean(nchar(as.character(streamingdata$date)))
#   if(dlen!=6){
#     print("1")
#     if(!identical(as.character(streamingdata$date),gsub("/","",streamingdata$date))){
#       print("2")
#       streamingdata$date<-gsub("/","",streamingdata$date)
#       if(dlen>8){
#         print("3")
#         streamingdata$date<-paste(substring(as.character(streamingdata$date),1,4),substring(as.character(streamingdata$date),7,8),sep="")
#       }
#     }else{
#       print("4")
#       streamingdata$date<-sixchardate(streamingdata$date)
#   }
#   }
  #clear any streaming data already entered
    if(any(names(grabdata) == "chlaiv")){
      grabdata <- grabdata[,1:(which(names(grabdata) == "chlaiv") - 1)]
    list(grabdata = grabdata, stations = stations)
  mergegrabstreaming <- function(streamingdata, grabdata, stations){
    names(streamingdata)[names(streamingdata) == "chla"] <- "chlaiv"
    stream <- merge(stations, streamingdata)#cuts dt down to match "stations"
    if(nrow(stream) == 0){#streamingdata has 5 character dates
      stations$date <- substring(stations$date, 2,
      stream <- merge(stations,streamingdata)
    if(nrow(stream) == 0){#streamingdata has dates with "/" character 
      streamingdata$date <- as.numeric(paste0(
        strftime(streamingdata$datetime, format = "%m"),
        strftime(streamingdata$datetime, format = "%d"),
        substring(strftime(streamingdata$datetime, format = "%Y"), 3, 4)
      stream <- merge(stations,streamingdata)
    if(nrow(stream) == 0){ #streaming data has 8 character times
      streamingdata[,"time"] <- as.numeric(gsub(":", "", substr(streamingdata[,"time"], 1, 5)))
      stream <- merge(stations,streamingdata)
    #check to make sure streaming data exists for each grab
    nostream <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(grabdata)))
    names(nostream) <- names(grabdata)
    cnt <- 0
    #change to create a vector of lines to remove rather than updating within loop
    rmlist <- list()
    for(j in 1:nrow(stations)){
      if(all(is.na(match(paste(stream$date, stream$time), paste(stations[j,1], stations[j,2]))))){

        if(cnt == 0){
          nostream[1,] <- grabdata[j,]
          cnt <- 1
          nostream <- rbind(nostream, grabdata[j,])
        rmlist[[j]] <- j
    #check if streaming data exists for the minute previous to nostream
    for(k in 1:nrow(nostream)){
      nostreamprevious <- streamingdata[
        paste(nostream[k, "date"], (nostream[k,"time"] - 1))
      nostreamprevious[,"time"] <- nostreamprevious[,"time"] + 1
        if(nrow(nostreamprevious) > 0){
          stream <- rbind(stream, nostreamprevious)
          grabdata[paste(grabdata[,"date"], grabdata[,"time"]) == paste(nostream[k, "date"], nostream[k, "time"]),]$time <- grabdata[paste(grabdata[,"date"], grabdata[,"time"]) == paste(nostream[k, "date"], nostream[k, "time"]),]$time + 1
          nostream <- nostream[-k,]
          rmlist <- unlist(rmlist)[-k]
  if(length(unlist(rmlist)) > 0){
    stations <- stations[-unlist(rmlist),]
    grabdata <- grabdata[-unlist(rmlist),]

  #identical(stationsave,stations)#should be false
  #make sure nrow stations and nrow stream2 match
  stream$date <- as.numeric(stream$date)
  stream <- merge(stations, stream)

  stream2 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(stations), ncol = ncol(stream)))
  for(m in 1:ncol(stream)){
    if(class(stream[,m]) == "numeric"){
      stream2[,m] <- round(aggregate(stream[,m], by = list(stream$date, stream$time), mean)[,3], 5)
      stream2[,m] <- aggregate(stream[,m], by = list(stream$date, stream$time), Mode)[,3]
  names(stream2) <- names(stream)
  stream3 <- stream2[order(stream2$date, stream2$time),]
  # sname <- which(names(stream3) == "chlaiv")
  # ename <- which(names(stream3) == "lat_dd")
  stream4 <- cbind(stations, stream3)
  grabsfull <- cbind(grabdata, stream4)
  #add back in grabs with missing streaming data
    nostream <- nostream[!is.na(nostream[,4]),]
    if((ncol(grabsfull) - ncol(nostream)) != 0){
      padna <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(nostream), ncol = (ncol(grabsfull) - ncol(nostream))))
      # stop("problem with column names")
      nostream <- cbind(nostream, padna)
    names(nostream) <- names(grabsfull)
    test <- rbind(grabsfull[1,], nostream)
    grabsfull <- rbind(grabsfull, nostream)
  namestemp <- c("date", "time", "location", "salt", "chla", "chla.1", "tss", "tss.1", "n.num", "no3um", "no2um", "nh4um", "tinum", "srpum", "pp", "pp.1", "tp", "tdp", "po4", "toc", "doc", "tkn", "tdkn", "temp.deg.c", "turb.ntu", "ph.units", "spcond.ms.cm", "chl.ug.l", "salinity.pss", "hdo.mg.l", "hdo..sat", "brighteners", "phycoe", "phycoc", "c6chl", "c6cdom", "c6turbidity", "c6temp", "lon_dd", "lat_dd")
  nseq <- seq(1, length(namestemp), 1)
  namesalias <- read.table(text = "chlorophyll.a,c6chl
n+num,n.num", sep = ",")
  namesalias <- apply(namesalias, 2, function(x) as.character(x))
  #match dt names to a template that includes all possible columns####
  for(n in 1:ncol(grabsfull)){
    if(any(names(grabsfull)[n] == namesalias[,1])){
      names(grabsfull)[n] <- namesalias[which(names(grabsfull)[n] == namesalias[,1]), 2]
  #trim extra columns and match order to template
  nmiss <- nseq[!(nseq %in% match(names(grabsfull), namestemp))]
  if(length(nmiss) > 0){
    for(j in 1:length(nmiss)){
      grabsfull[,ncol(grabsfull) + 1] <- NA
      names(grabsfull)[ncol(grabsfull)] <- namestemp[nmiss[j]]
  grabsfull <- grabsfull[,match(namestemp, names(grabsfull))]#sort to match order of namestemp
  grabsfull[,5:ncol(grabsfull)] <- suppressWarnings(apply(grabsfull[,5:ncol(grabsfull)], 2, function(x) as.numeric(x)))
  grabsfull$flags <- NA
   consistentlocations <- function(dt){

     fathombasins <- rgdal::readOGR(file.path(fdir, "DF_Basefile/fbzonesmerge.shp"), layer = "fbzonesmerge", verbose = FALSE)
     #slot(fathombasins, "data")
    nonna_dt_names <- which(!is.na(dt[,"lon_dd"]) & !is.na(dt[,"lat_dd"])) 
    dt_over <- coordinatize(dt, latname = "lat_dd", lonname = "lon_dd")
    dt_over <- sp::over(dt_over, fathombasins)
    res <- as.character(dt_over$ZoneName)
    res[which(is.na(res))] <- dt[nonna_dt_names,]$location[which(is.na(res))]
    dt[!is.na(dt[,"lon_dd"]) & !is.na(dt[,"lat_dd"]),]$location <- res
    #load files####
    fdir_fd <- file.path(fdir,"DF_FullDataSets")
    flist <- list.files(fdir_fd, include.dirs = T, full.names = T)
    streamingdata <- streamget(yearmon)
    fdir_fd <- file.path(fdir, "DF_GrabSamples", "Raw")
    flist <- list.files(fdir_fd, include.dirs = T, full.names = T, pattern = ".csv")
    sumpath <- suppressWarnings(flist[which(as.numeric(substring(basename(flist), 1, 6)) == yearmon)])
    #todo: add check that sumpath only returns one file path
    grabnames <- formatcolnames(sumpath)
    nmsfull <- unlist(grabnames[1])
    datacol <- unlist(grabnames[2])
    grabdata <- cleangrabdata(sumpath, nmsfull, datacol)$grabdata
    stations <- cleangrabdata(sumpath, nmsfull, datacol)$stations
    grabsfull <- mergegrabstreaming(streamingdata, grabdata, stations)
    grabsfull$location <- consistentlocations(grabsfull) 
    if(tofile == TRUE){
      write.csv(grabsfull, file.path(fdir, "DF_GrabSamples", paste(yearmon, "j.csv", sep = "")))
jsta/DataflowR documentation built on Sept. 27, 2022, 11:13 p.m.